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    Predictions for 2021

    par far

    Posts : 3521
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    Predictions for 2021 Empty Predictions for 2021

    Post  par far Wed Dec 16, 2020 8:21 pm

    As 2020 slowly comes to an end, what are your predictions for 2021?

    Here are mine:

    I think there will be further chaos in US, Biden regime will continue play the race card. This will continue to divide the country, the Police departments will be put under bad spotlight. This will push more police officers to not listen to what the white house will order them to do.

    I think war is coming to Donbass and Eastern Ukraine. Ukraine is falling apart and it needs money and attention, so I think the regime in Ukraine will push for some sort of a war, be it big or small.

    After the Biden regime comes in, they will try and cause more trouble in Syria. This will lead to Syria getting modern air defenses and the permission to use them.

    The Biden regime ordered by Israel will not join any deal with Iran.

    The Biden regime will continue to cause problems for Russia and China.

    China’s digital RMB will have a bigger impact than thought, which will give problems to the US dollar.

    Western countries will  continue to descend into further chaos caused by economic hardship and by migrants.

    India will be totally under the control of Hindu Right Wing Fascists(India is already under the control of Hindu Right Fascists but they will get more control), this destroys the country's economy even further and it send's the country into disarray.

    Europe will become more hostile towards Russia because of the Biden regime.

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    Predictions for 2021 Empty Re: Predictions for 2021

    Post  PhSt Wed Dec 30, 2020 1:20 am

    India will be totally under the control of Hindu Right Wing Fascists(India is already under the control of Hindu Right Fascists but they will get more control), this destroys the country's economy even further and it send's the country into disarray.

    I don't see how this is a bad thing, India under a Hindutva leadership will help the country and its people redeem itself from the creeping Islamization and outright Jihad that the Muslims have been waging for centuries.

    The Biden regime ordered by Israel will not join any deal with Iran.

    If Israel continues to have this level of influence on Biden, then perhaps they can afford to push through with their annexation plans to seize the west bank. With the lingering effects of the pandemic, the wealth of most arab countries have evaporated and so they will be unable to afford a costly conflict against Israel in response to an annexation.
    par far

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    Predictions for 2021 Empty Re: Predictions for 2021

    Post  par far Wed Dec 30, 2020 7:20 pm

    PhSt wrote:
    India will be totally under the control of Hindu Right Wing Fascists(India is already under the control of Hindu Right Fascists but they will get more control), this destroys the country's economy even further and it send's the country into disarray.

    I don't see how this is a bad thing, India under a Hindutva leadership will help the country and its people redeem itself from the creeping Islamization and outright Jihad that the Muslims have been waging for centuries.

    The Biden regime ordered by Israel will not join any deal with Iran.

    If Israel continues to have this level of influence on Biden, then perhaps they can afford to push through with their annexation plans to seize the west bank. With the lingering effects of the pandemic, the wealth of most arab countries have evaporated and so they will be unable to afford a costly conflict against Israel in response to an annexation.

    Hindutva is just as bad Islamization, the Modi government is controlled by Oligarchs, who are hell bent on getting everything state owned for pennies. India is really a Oligarchy, more than anything else.

    I do agree that Hindutva is better than Islamization. We can see the effects Islamization is having on Europe.

    The Arabs countries will never go to war with Israel because the Arabs are already in the pockets of Israel. It is Iran that will wage any conflict with Israel.

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Predictions for 2021 Empty Re: Predictions for 2021

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Sun Jun 06, 2021 4:12 pm

    Who could have predicted high cost of fuel in the USA, inflation in the USA, the cost of groceries, lumber, everything going up, still a shortage of items in grocery stores, that the covid numbers would fall so (go down so much) in Texas, ??

    I think we could have predicted mass migration into USA's Southern border.

    Who could predict that because of the massive amount of money given to persons in the form of stimulus checks and unemployment, food stamps, etc, and because of covid (fear) , many persons just flat don't apply for jobs and go to work!

    There's the workaholics, the middle class and working poor, who work their assets off for everything they have, and are not on the government dole, and then, there is the other.

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    Predictions for 2021 Empty Re: Predictions for 2021

    Post  GarryB Mon Jun 07, 2021 8:09 am

    How about the future where kids how think they can decide their gender and who therefore do not accept criticism because criticism is abuse... they have prizes for participating and always being right.

    It is like a mother or father wanting to be their kids buddy or mate/friend... let them stay up late and eat all sorts of unhealthy shit... don't hit them... never even raise your voice to them... treat them like little adults...

    The irony of them expecting success and the high paying job and nice house, and entering a world where owning their own houses is becoming no longer a realistic expectation.

    Patricide and Matricide is going to be an issue where rents and house prices are going up no one can afford to leave home and they are going to realise the only home they are likely to end up with is their parents home... the sooner they die the sooner you get it... as well as any brothers or sisters of course.... noise of sharpening knives...

    Of course all the problems with getting consent or it is rape which the victim can decide days later that it was, then finding partners is going to be tricky and might involve both parties lawyering up...

    The problems of Japan might become problems of the western world... perhaps their culture and their economy should be studied in more detail...

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