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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia


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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  sepheronx Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:18 pm

    Mike E wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    Mike E wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:
    Mike E wrote:Holy crap, that is getting pretty serious... 

    Thankfully I haven't seen much of that in my area. - Though US citizens are very critical (and idiotic) when it comes to the Russian government and the country itself, most of us have no feeling against the people themselves. At least not that I've seen. Either way, this is the direct result of a broad propaganda campaign and a populations that is willing to gobble it up....

    Your country was worst than most in dealing with Russian's and or Soviet citizens.  I still hear the same sentiments from your ilk.  You may not have heard it, but you may not hear a lot when you have your head in sand.
    "Was" - That's the key word in there. Back in the Cold War our country was extremely hostile to the CCCP and Russian's themselves, but that is a thing of the past now... I know a few Russian immigrants and not a single one has trouble living over here. If anything, having a "pro-Russian" stance on events is much more controversial. Sepheronx, honestly, I would see it IF it was prevalent here.

    I would admit that the average person in US has far more to worry about, but it is prevalent in our media regarding Russia.  Not everyone though gets objective news, thus there are a lot of people with the mindset that Russia = evil.  There was an old viewpoint that during USSR, average person in US viewed Russians as a whole as evil commies, while in USSR the view was that only the US government is evil.  After reading how US citizens are (face it, is a good example of them) feel about many in the middle east where they want to turn the area into glass, kinda gives me the impression they can change their viewpoints rather quickly towards similar with Russia.
    I'm talking about the people here, not our media or government... The MSM here demonizes Russia and (in certain cases) Russians as well as much as they can. Yes, the majority of MURICANS' here dislike Russia because of the Cold War and our MSM etc, but that's not what I'm trying to say. - The people here don't mind Russian people and their culture, which is my point... is a terrible example... That forum is full of a bunch of hot-headed pre-teens that get all butt-hurt when someones disagrees with them. The Joe Shmoe American doesn't know crap about our forces anyway... 

    Many of us are opposed to intervention, more so intervention in the Middle East. Those that aren't are typically your average idiotic Republican on Democrat. Thankfully, almost every Independent here is opposed to intervention, so there always that to think about...............

    Then the average needs to be more proactive in telling their respective governments to be careful in their foreign policies. But I do not see this happening.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Mike E Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:24 pm

    The average person doesn't, but many still do. Foreign intervention is quickly becoming a thing of the past, and I think that the US population is starting to realize that. Thankfully, unnecessary intervention like the Iraq War etc have helped to wake the average American up. More so when our soldiers are losing their lives......
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:26 pm

    The only reason why intervention is a thing of the past is because USA losing grip. Economically and militarily that is.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Mike E Sat Oct 25, 2014 9:57 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:The only reason why intervention is a thing of the past is because USA losing grip. Economically and militarily that is.
    It *should* be a thing of the past, US intervention is already digging its grave. The US has showed that intervention simply doesn't help, so what's the point of it?

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  sepheronx Sat Oct 25, 2014 10:03 pm

    good read from French Ambassador to USA. Even though he states Russia is supporting separatists (even if it isn't quite proven), he states they are loosing grasp of this.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:33 am

    The US has showed that intervention simply doesn't help, so what's the point of it?

    You know this already but let me spell it out to you.

    The US government makes decisions on interventions and cares nothing about anything except itself and reelection.

    The Generals and other professional soldiers who climb through the ranks to positions of power train the people below them or at least control them for a period, but have no say in interventions.

    When they retire big companies hire ex generals and other high ranking military officers because they know they have influence in the military and also the pentagon.

    Those same big companies have enormous pockets and can wine and dine the particular members of government that decide who to invade and which companies will get the contracts to clean up afterwards.

    Bombing countries cost a half a trillion dollars or more, but most of that money was recovered in contracts to US companies to rebuild what was destroyed... either from the newly installed governments under US control and including local funds and US provided loans that dictate who gets the contract.

    Whether those companies get money from the bombed country or from the US "aide" to rebuild afterwards they will make a fortune which in turn finances their "contribution" to both political parties to ensure favourable laws get passed and contracts are given to the right company.

    If you think protests is going to stop that you are mistaken... most politicians care about their own pockets and if they will be reelected and that can be bought and paid for too.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Hate campaigns against Russia in Finland and the west

    Post  Mike E Sun Oct 26, 2014 8:57 am

    Exactly that, but I meant to ask what is the actual none-corrupted benefit? There really is none, except for, like you said, lining the pockets of our politicians...

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Alleged foreign underwater vessels in Swedish territory.

    Post  fredleander Thu Oct 30, 2014 11:17 pm

    You most certainly have followed the uproar about "aliens" in Swedish coastal waters recently. This has resulted in a general trend in Sweden, and the West, to see new threats arising from the "East". Nobody's talking about the threat against the East.

    What suprises me a little is that no (that I have seen) comparisons are made between the recent development and what took place before WW2 started. We have seen the US and their supporters edging themselves onto the Russian borders just like what happened then. Hitler sought partners on Balkan and the Baltic. He positioned himself by invading Poland, Yugoslavia and Greece. Romania and Bulgaria cooperated with him. Finland was hostile after the Winter War 1939-40. Norway and Denmark were occupied. Turkey was under the spell of the British. Czechia was taken over by Germany. And Hitler had Eastern Prussia.

    Today the "West" has almost exactly the same position as the German dictator had then. This probably wouldn't have mattered so much it it wasn't for the fact that when Russia is working itself up from the  deep depression after the break-up of the Soviet Union, it is seen as "expansionist" and aggressive. Even if it's just trying clamber itself back to a reasonable position in the world.

    I only hope Sweden and Finland are able to keep their heads cool and not let themselves be used for vicarious motifs by other states.


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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  kvs Tue Nov 04, 2014 6:12 am

    The Swedish media has been in pure hysteria mode. It looks like the politicians put pressure on the navy to look for this non-existent
    mini-submarine in response to the media hystria. It all started when some clowns claimed to have seen and photographed the "object".
    Of course, they had no actual proof and from there the media ran with this story. The most inane part was the ridiculous claim that a
    Russian submarine sent an unencoded distress signal.

    What a pile of BS is this story. A mini-sub requires support from other ships in the area or from land bases. None of these are or
    were present in the area. There is also nothing of interest on the Swedish seabed that Russia would send some mini-sub to spy
    on "something". Any sonar nets, etc, are old news and have been there since the cold war era.

    The similarities to the 1930s are there. But I think that bases are a military dinosaur. NATO can put as many of them around
    Russia as it wants. The only issue is missile systems. The so-called missile shield needs a proper response.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Werewolf Tue Nov 04, 2014 7:16 am

    Entire EU and scandinavian countries are vassals of the US and will do as their master tells them to do. That means the war propaganda against russia will be pitched up over time more and more untill those stupid little countries will burn their hands.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty You most certainly have followed the uproar about "aliens" in Swedish coastal waters recently.

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Tue Nov 04, 2014 11:27 am


    I always compare the current world war with the other world wars. I have here often compared the current stage of the current world war with the Phoney War stage of the previous "world war" (or the world smoke and mirrors).

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Excellent video on orthodox lies about the USSR

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Fri Nov 14, 2014 9:57 pm

    This video exposes little know crimes of the russian church as well as hypocrisies and lies created by the currently trendy bourgois orthodox antisemite "patriots" and refutes some BS antisemitic lies about judaism being communism.

    I recommend it for anyone who thinks the czar or the white army were good people.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  sepheronx Sun Nov 16, 2014 3:56 am

    Canada's PM To Putin: "I Guess I'll Shake Your Hand..." Putin's Response "Was Not Positive"
    Stephen Harper at G20 tells Vladimir Putin to 'get out of Ukraine'

    I, as a Canadian, formally apologize to Russia and Russian's at the stupidity of our retarded Prime Minister.  US has their hand so far up his arse, that he is indeed being used as a puppet.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun Nov 16, 2014 4:18 am

    Great! This means that they have it hard on in full erection!

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:04 pm

    Many east european russophobes love to create lies about how russia and USSR supposedly murdered or deported entire populations. Chechens, balts , circassians, volga tatars and romanians are the most common "victims". For chechens this is utter BULLSHIT. If there weren't any in the caucasus after WW2 then why the fuck during the early 90's the region was 2/3s chechen, most of them in(and still are today) in isolated communities? Also by that logic if all of them were deported we wouldn't have the 1995 war.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  Werewolf Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:17 pm

    The funniest claim made from an US american he made of how cruel and how human hating russians are is that he claimed they murdered in gulags during the 1990s chechenian wars several millions of chechenians.

    Not only that the population of chechens just recently only succeeded 1 mln mark and the fact that gulags do not exist and the whole funny thing was that this bullcrap came from a "proud american", like he called himself.

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    Post  collegeboy16 Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:21 pm

    nah, best example of hypocrisy-bloodless annexation bad, hardcore invasion and regime change good. Laughing Laughing Laughing

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  higurashihougi Sat Dec 27, 2014 3:26 pm

    Please correct me if I am wrong, but I heard that, many people see Stalin as the protector of industry and science. And after Stalin died, many scientists, technicians and industrial leaders were purged by Khruschyov and the faction of battlefield generals.

    For example it is said that Mikoyan was forced to retired while the MiG-25 project was still unfinished, and Gurevich had to lead the MiG-25 project in a very difficult situation.

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    Post  KomissarBojanchev Sat Dec 27, 2014 5:40 pm

    I thought it was the opposite. Stalin removed Tupolev's design bereau, purposefully stopped development of highly promising recoiless weapons, murdered the inventor of the first automatic grenade launcher and also put sergei korolev in prison and destroyed his works, as well as countless more promising scientists during the 30s

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Wed Mar 18, 2015 6:37 pm

    Can anyone debunk the bullshit about soviets supposedly killing off for treason soviet POWs? It hardly seems believable that someone who spent years on the brink of death in a concentration camp would've been condemned.

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  GarryB Thu Mar 19, 2015 9:31 am

    Of the 5-6 million soviet prisoners in WWII that went into captivity in Europe (held by the Germans) the vast majority died in captivity... only about 1.5-2 million made it back to the Soviet Union... conditions were hard and often they weren't fed at all and were largely worked to death.

    When they returned home they were treated with suspicion... had they helped the Germans? Why had they survived when so many others died... all sorts of dark thoughts...

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Tue Mar 24, 2015 5:04 pm

    GarryB wrote:Of the 5-6 million soviet prisoners in WWII that went into captivity in Europe (held by the Germans) the vast majority died in captivity... only about 1.5-2 million made it back to the Soviet Union... conditions were hard and often they weren't fed at all and were largely worked to death.

    When they returned home they were treated with suspicion... had they helped the Germans? Why had they survived when so many others died... all sorts of dark thoughts...
    But the propaganda is that after they were liberated after WW2 evil Stalin personally sent every single one of them to die in gulags in case some of them were exposed to western ideas and because they and because evil mongoloid red army doesn't allow soldiers they are stalin's cannon fodder and they should all win or die on the battlefield.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Mar 25, 2015 10:14 am

    Yeah, probably just some of the 3 billion people stalin killed that year... Rolling Eyes

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    Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia - Page 4 Empty Re: Russophobia, Common Lies-Nonsense on Russia

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Mar 27, 2015 2:12 am

    The Russian population is dying off...not!!! Apparently the child population is growing to the point where at least half the articles on sdelanounas are about new kindergartens being built:

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    Post  collegeboy16 Fri Mar 27, 2015 3:12 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:The Russian population is dying off...not!!! Apparently the child population is growing to the point where at least half the articles on sdelanounas are about new kindergartens being built:
    noooo- those are ebil kindergartens wehre they raise and train future russky occupants Twisted Evil .

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