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    Iranian Space program


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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  ShahryarHedayatiSHBA Sat Feb 28, 2015 7:09 am

    Iran launches new satellite with success

    Iranian Space program 5cgm7o

    Fajr was a 50kg imagery Sat. with on-board Gas propellants which gives it the capability to change orbits without the carrier and thus more endurance.
    The Fajr sat was put in 400km orbit of the earth and has a life span of 1.5 years

    Iranian Space program 2i75z6v

    Real time satellite tracking :

    Propulsion Static test

    Iranian Space program Volcnc

    more pics:گالری-عکس/گزارش-تصویری-پرتاب-ماهواره-ملی-فجر-به-فض

    Last edited by ShahryarHedayatiSHBA on Sat Feb 28, 2015 2:06 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Iranian Space program Empty Iranian space program

    Post  Solncepek Sun Feb 21, 2016 11:31 am

    Coming Simorgh Launch?

    It seems Iran is going to launch a satellite into orbit soon, but the question is when.

    As I noted recently, Defense Minister Hossein Dehghan told the Majlis that Iran would conduct a space launch during the festivities to mark Iran’s revolution, which should run from 1-11 February.

    Other Iranian officials, however, have suggested that Iran would merely show off new toys during the festivities, holding off the launch until after Nowruz aka the Iranian new year (March 20).

    On 3 February, National Space Day, Iran’s President marked a number of achievements and showed off a new 50 kilogram satellite.  That mass is interesting.

    Next up is, according , the display of a Simorgh tomorrow on 11 February. We’ve seen the Simorgh before —  most recently in August — but perhaps we might be surprised.  The Simorgh is designed to put a small payload, usually listed as 60 kg, in a 500 km orbit.  In other words, perfect to launch Friendship.

    So when will the thing actually launch?

    While the most recent statement indicates a launch sometime after Nowruz, Iran has now issued a pair of Notices to Airmen (NOTAMs) for the Imam Khomeini Space Center near Semnan for 16-18 February.  (Iran is also maintaining a NOTAM over the pads near Shahroud, but these don’t look like a launch.)

    Will Iran actually launch during this window?  Who knows!
    But, on balance, it looks like Iran is moving toward using the Simorgh to launch a friendship satellite, possibly between 16-18 February.

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  Solncepek Thu Feb 25, 2016 5:35 pm

    Iran Launch Forthcoming

    Iran is preparing to launch a rocket from the Imam Khomeini Space Center. We anticipate that Iran will attempt the launch between 1-2 March 2016.
    Iranian Space program Old

    Launch Preparations? All I see are buildings. But those buildings tell a story. First, the new image reveals that Iran has completed construction at the site, which we call Launch Complex 2. That’s news. Second, the launch gantry, which moves along rails, is now positioned over the launch bucket. That suggests Iran is stacking up and fueling the rocket inside. (If you want to see a similar launch operation, this video from India is a good model.) Third, there are a lot of vehicles on site. That means personnel are there working. This is pretty much what preparing to launch looks like.

    Why 1-2 March? Iran has issued a Notice to Airmen (NOTAM) closing the airspace over the launch pad for 1-2 March. Iran typically issues a NOTAM before a launch, although a previous NOTAM for 16-18 February expired with no launch and Iranian officials floated different launch dates. And, of course, space launches can be delayed. Still, here is the NOTAM:

    Feb 22 #Iran #NOTAM list: OID90 activated March 1-2, Z4 and R794 airways closed

    What kind of rocket will Iran use? Iranian officials have indicated that Iran will launch a Simorgh, which has a first stage similar to the one in the rocket North Korea recently launched, the Taepodong-2. Iran has launched its smaller rocket at a different launch pad at the Imam Khomeini Space Center. Last year, President Rouhani gave a press conference in front of a Simorgh. Iran displayed a mockup of the Simorgh launcher on 11 February during celebrations to mark the Iranian revolution. We’re going to release a model of the rocket soon.
    What kind of satellite? President Rouhani celebrated National Space Day on 3 February by unveiling a satellite called Friendship Testing Satellite. The Simorgh is designed to put a 100 kg payload into a 500 km orbit.

    Friendship? Are you sure this isn’t an ICBM? The first stage of the Simorgh is very similar to North Korea’s Taepodong-2. There are differences, but the Simorgh demonstrates two essential technologies for an ICBM — clustered engines and staging. That said, the Simorgh itself is not an ICBM. What the US intelligence community says is: “This technology could be used for an ICBM-class vehicle.”
    Wasn’t there some false alarm about a rocket at Semnan before? Yep, Israeli TV did a bad job of analyzing a satellite image in January 2015. We wrote a post called “It’s Not A Rocket.” This is different: The launch site is finished, the gantry is in the proper location, and there are vehicles on site. Also, Iranian officials have said they will conduct a launch and issued a NOTAM closing the airspace for 1-2 March. Something might still cause Iran to delay or scrub the launch, but this is different.

    Iranian Space program New-2


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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  yavar Tue May 30, 2017 5:35 pm

    Iran Vaezi: Nahid-1&2, Amirkabir-1 satellites, launches واعظی پرتاب ماهواره های ناهید-۱و۲ ،امیرکبیر

    محمود واعظی با تاکید بر تاثیر برجام در پیشرفت این بخش، بیان کرد: امور تحقیقاتی چند ماهواره سنجشی در گذشته انجام شده بود اما باید توجه داشت که در دنیا هم روند کار بدین شکل است که تا زمانی که ماهواره‌ها لانچ نشده و از آنها بهره‌برداری نشود، تحقیقات تکمیل شده به شمار نمی‌رود. بر همین اساس ما مرحله دیگری را پشت سر گذاشته و تلاش داریم تحقیقات را به مرحله عمل یا پرتاب نزدیک کنیم.
    وی ادامه داد: بر این اساس اکنون دو ماهواره آماده وجود دارد که یکی از آنها یک ماهواره سنجشی "امیرکبیر" و دیگری ماهواره مخابراتی "ناهید" است که بیش از ۹۷ درصد امور مربوط به آن انجام شده و امیدواریم در ماه رمضان یا پس از آن این ماهواره‌ها پرتاب شوند.
    واعظی همچنین از تکمیل ۹۵ درصد امور مربوط به ماهواره امیرکبیر خبر داد و در عین حال یادآور شد: ماهواره "دوستی" دیگر ماهواره سنجشی است که در دولت یازدهم و پژوهشگاه فضایی امور مربوط به آن دنبال شده است.
    وی در عین حال با اشاره به جدایی سازمان فضایی از بدنه وزارت ارتباطات گفت: طی سال‌های گذشته برای مدتی سازمان فضایی از بدنه وزارت ارتباطات جدا شده بود که با کمی تاخیر مجددا در ابتدای دولت تدبیر و امید این بخش به وزارت ارتباطات پیوست. بر همین اساس ما ماموریت داشتیم که دو ماهواره ملی که ۱۰۰ درصد آنها بومی باشد را رونمایی کنیم.
    وزیر ارتباطات همچنین از پیگیری‌های سازمان صدا و سیما برای طراحی یک ماهواره خاص این سازمان خبر داد و افزود: امور مربوط به این ماهواره نیز در حال پیگیری و انجام است.

    Mahmoud Vaezi, the Iranian Minister for Communications and Information Technology, announced on May 8, 2017, that two Iranian-made satellites are almost ready for launch.

    “Now, we have two satellites ready to be launched, one being Amir Kabir sensing satellite and the other being Nahid telecommunication satellite,” said Minister Vaezi to Iranian news agency ISNA.

    Minister Vaezi said that work on the two satellites was “over 97%” done and that their launch should be expected in the coming few months.

    Nahid-2 (Nahid is Farsi for Venus) is the successor to the Nahid-1 satellite that was expected to have been launched by March 2017, but as yet is still awaiting a launch date.

    Nahid-1 was originally scheduled to be launched in 2012, and has folding solar panels. Nahid-1 is designed and jointly manufactured by the Elm-O-Sanat University Metro Station in Tehran and the Iranian Space Agency’s Aerospace Research Institute. Nahid-1 will weigh about 55 kilograms and operate in the Ku-band.

    Nahid-2 will weigh approximately 100 kilograms and will be 64 by 64 centimetres in size, and is supposed to be placed in geosynchronous orbit (approximately 36,000 kilometres altitude) in 2018. SpaceWatch Middle East reported in March 2017 that the Iran Space Agency has applied for five orbital slots in that orbit with the International Telecommunications Union (ITU) in Geneva, Switzerland.

    The Amir Kabir-1, also known as AUTSAT-1, is a remote sensing satellite that weighs 70-80kg with a resolution of about 80 metres, and is designed to provide post-disaster surveillance (such as earthquakes) and agricultural applications. Amir Kabir-1 is designed by the Amir-Kabir University of Technology, and is being manufactured by the university and by a company called Iran Aerospace Industries Organisation.


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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  GarryB Wed May 31, 2017 10:49 am


    I suspect part of the bitching from the US and Israel about Irans rocket programme is their fear that Iran might get remote sensing satellites up and find out some of the crap both countries are up to in the region...

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  yavar Fri Jul 28, 2017 1:17 pm

    Iran Imam Khomeini National Space Center & Simorgh SLV launch پایگاه فضایی امام‌ پرتاب ماهواره‌ بر سیمرغ

    Iran Dr. Madani, Khomeini Space Center & Simorgh SLV دکتر مدنی:پایگاه فضایی و ماهواره‌ بر سیمرغ

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  yavar Wed Jan 16, 2019 12:14 pm


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    Post  yavar Wed Jan 16, 2019 2:20 pm

    Iran IRIB3 Hala Khorshid TV program Telecommunication Minister Mohammad Javad Azari-Jahromi:payam AmirKabir 5 satellite with Simorgh SLV launch has failed on third stage, Dosti saterlite will be next to launch


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    Iranian Space program Empty Iran space program

    Post  nomadski Mon Feb 03, 2020 12:23 pm

    I thought I post this today, before Iran sattelite launch by this Friday. Because Iran sattelite boys can now read this and absorb info, instead of after emotional launch or otherwise by Friday. The main point is about liquid engines and number and size of them. The bigger a liquid engine, the more the thrust. And fewer components. And weight. Leading to greater reliability. However bigger engines also seem to develop problems of instability in chamber. Smaller engines, have less thrust and more components, leading to greater weight. But less component reliability. Because of greater number of components. But they do not develop chamber pressure instability. So there seems to be a sweet spot. An ideal size and number of liquid engines. Another limiting factor for big number of smaller liquid engines, seems to be the synchronising of operation of large number of engines. The Yanks went for large engines for space programme. After solving chamber pressure problems by changing convergence angle of nozzles. And increasing fuel injection pressures by pumps, to stop blow backs. The Russians went for larger number of smaller Engines. I think the Russian route is cheaper. And providing reliability of components, and unified synchronous operation of Engines. Then it is better route to take. But that is what I have seen on TV. And reason myself.

    Good luck for Rocket launch. And if you fail. Try and try and try again................


    NB :  Make sure that any exposed pipes in Engine area, are not frozen in winter temperatures. Defrost first. Remove water condensate from internal electrical . Hot air.

    News just in. Iran now to manufacture solid Rocket propulsion for missiles and sattelite launches. With thrust vectoring composite nozzles.

    So zafar did not inject into orbit. Two possibility. First component fail. Engines cut out early. In this case more testing of Engine component, prolonged running tests on the ground. Second possibility, design fault. Not enough acceleration during first or more likely second stage. In this case allow for different acceleration profile. Compare acceleration profiles with similar sattelite launchers. May have to redesign.


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    Iranian Space program Empty Iranian Space program

    Post  yavar Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:15 am

    Iran four Camera images mounted on Simorgh satellite carrier launch of Zafar 1 satellite

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  nomadski Tue Feb 11, 2020 9:54 am

    They said that acceleration slowed down. They were 10 seconds short of injecting into orbit. Then signal was lost. I think, if problem was shortage of fuel in second stage, that engines could cut off early. Acceleration slows down and engines shut down. But it does not explain why telemetry signal was lost, soon after. It looks more like, the Engines developed a fault. A crack in Engine nozzles or pipes. Engines loose power. A fire then destroying telemetry soon after.

    Looking at Engine nozzles of second stage, to me it looks like, they are very hot and not cooled. By fuel circulating around nozzles to cool down. Like space - x photos. So to my mind some changes can be made now :

    ( 1)  The body of Rocket can be made of composites. This will reduce weight and allow for more fuel for second stage.

    ( 2) The Engine nozzles of second stage can be cooled. Other pipes protected from cold of space. To stop thermal fractures.

    A fantastic effort. Well done to all staff. To do this on 2 million Euro budget.!

    This nozzle looks very different in heat to zafar thrusters in vacuum.

    Last edited by nomadski on Tue Feb 11, 2020 8:42 pm; edited 4 times in total

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  crod Tue Feb 11, 2020 10:16 am

    yeah, shame for sure but hopefully they've gleaned enough info to understand what went wrong. back on the bike and try again study

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 12, 2020 3:20 am

    If it was easy then everyone would be doing it... just got to keep on keeping on.

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  yavar Wed Apr 22, 2020 12:25 pm

    Iran IRGC launched first military satellite has successfully by Qased 3 stage SLV in orbited Earth

    The IRGC successfully put Noor (light), the first Iranian military satellite, into orbit on Wednesday morning.
    The homegrown satellite was launched with a three-stage satellite carrier, dubbed Qassed.
    The operation was carried from a launch pad in Dasht-e Kavir, a large desert in central Iran.
    The satellite was successfully placed into an orbit 425 kilometers above the Earth.


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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  yavar Wed Apr 22, 2020 2:20 pm


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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  JohninMK Wed Apr 22, 2020 4:05 pm

    Iranian Space program EWNU1XTXYAE8eDX?format=jpg&name=small

    Iranian Space program EWM4ndwXsAIIw9s?format=png&name=small

    Love the PR framing with the flags.

    Iranian Space program EWNShlkXsAAhzt2?format=jpg&name=small

    Tal Inbar
    Indeed, TEL was used for today's launch of QASED SLV. Why the censorship? PERHAPS an imported TEL from NK - like the one used for HS-10?

    Iranian Space program EWMxqmhXYAA84lE?format=jpg&name=small

    Iranian Space program Uszoxc1_?format=jpg&name=small

    Last edited by JohninMK on Wed Apr 22, 2020 5:05 pm; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : Second photo added)

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  crod Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:19 am

    well done Iran, they achieved something most nations could not.

    any info re the capabilities of the satellite?

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  yavar Thu Apr 23, 2020 8:16 am


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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  JohninMK Thu Apr 23, 2020 10:34 am

    The US is claiming that they have not detected a new object in orbit. So we wait for independent confirmation.

    Wonder what the range would be as an ICBM or IRBM, TEL launched as well so mobile.

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  nomadski Thu Apr 23, 2020 11:16 am

    Congratulations for all Iranian engineer and scientists. They achieved under sanctions. Without benefit of help from others. As most space programme, done these days. Importance of proving, they can put into orbit, using own control and gyro and telemetry. Proof of concept. Next steps much easier. Just question of improving by more powerful engines. Or all solid thrusters. It is said to be multi - functional. Now said to carry camera. But can carry other payload. The weight of payload, should be in the 30 to 50 kg range. Going by previous design. Plenty room to put the big boy into orbit. Do not need heavier payload now, if more advanced and lightweight loads can  and are to be designed. Should now prove to be an excellent detterent. Help bring peace. Range, as is now unlimited. Already can be ICBM. Weight of hypothetical warhead can be a couple of kilogram or less. Why complicate the stew. It makes no difference, if the world goes out with a bang or a whimper...........

    Last edited by nomadski on Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:36 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  GarryB Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:06 pm

    The US is claiming that they have not detected a new object in orbit. So we wait for independent confirmation.

    Well double congratulations to Iran and her scientists and engineers... not only have they made a satellite launcher on a mobile launch system, but it is also a stealthy satellite they have made that evades American detection capabilities... bravo...

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  JohninMK Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:13 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    The US is claiming that they have not detected a new object in orbit. So we wait for independent confirmation.

    Well double congratulations to Iran and her scientists and engineers... not only have they made a satellite launcher on a mobile launch system, but it is also a stealthy satellite they have made that evades American detection capabilities... bravo...

    Looks like the US are eating craw. Bit of a game changer.

    U.S. Geospatial Forces:
    Iran succeeded.

    Acknowledging Iran’s success by placing a satellite in its orbit with its intended missile,
    The move is a quantum leap in the Iranian information field.

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  nomadski Thu Apr 23, 2020 1:41 pm

    Can anyone find orbital path from Internet ? I tried ESRI, but could not find. Interesting to see, if flying over white House, while Trump fixing toupee in Bath..... LOL.

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  JohninMK Thu Apr 23, 2020 5:00 pm

    nomadski wrote:
    Can anyone find orbital path from Internet ? I tried ESRI, but could not find. Interesting to see, if flying over white House, while Trump fixing toupee in Bath..... LOL.

    This is all I have seen. No idea if accurate

    İran 'Noor satellite appears in Earth orbit:

    Iranian Space program EWOJJM2X0AAQZqW?format=jpg&name=large

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    Iranian Space program Empty Re: Iranian Space program

    Post  magnumcromagnon Thu Apr 23, 2020 6:37 pm

    That definitely looks like a TEL, so effectively Iran has the ability to create a mobile ICBM launcher....there's not single air defense system in Saudi Arabia or Israel that could prevent a missile strike from something traveling at Mach 20.

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