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    Vladimir Putin Thread


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 25 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Sat Jul 17, 2021 10:10 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:My my Vann you are a fool.

    The people in power aren't attached to the past, Hell Putin sided Yeltsin to bring down the USSR.

    Russia like any major country has ambitions, the problem is they are boxed in and left with few options. Hence the pivot to China is really the only major country willing to play ball with them to any significant degree. They cannot act on those ambitions.

    This is how I know you're dumb as a rock, you think Putin believes for a SECOND the west will ever greet his Russia in friendship? No, he knows it will never happen. On the surface, he smiles and waves but it's all for show nothing more. It's just political BS, behind the scenes he does what he must, if Russia was so interested in friendship with the west, why build NS2? Why get involved in Syria etc there are plenty of examples.

    Putin is in a hard hard spot, he cannot freely do what he wants because Russia cannot oppose us. So he has to act carefully because he knows a single misstep will be capitalized on by the west.

    Once more you are a blind fool ignorant of the realities a leader like Putin faces, I am not saying the guy is perfect he has made mistakes but he is far from the incompetent fool you make it out to be. Because you think you are smarter than you really are.

    Comes from the fool ,that was claiming , Russia military failed in syria. lol1

    Come again and apologize for saying such a foolish thing.. i told you that the western operations in syria is a policy that cannot be sustained , and that americans will have to leave and they are already doing that in iraq and afghanistan.. and those mysterious rockets attacks on american positions will only increase and force them to leave from there too. US military abandoned even one base in syria , because got scared by artillery shells falling near their base.. and russia military got it for them. lol1

    so who is the fool one ,the one ? that one claiming that US is "winning in syria" or the one telling you , no they are losing there ? No

    you think Putin believes for a SECOND the west will ever greet his Russia in friendship? No, he knows it will never happen.

    ive never spoke about bullshit friendship , is soft power , what i talk about.
    The only way , Russia can push back its enemies , that are unleashing a war on them , without provoking a nuclear war , is with softpower.. exactly what china is doing.

    is business success ,business leadership , in the most important business , that the anglo west feel more proud about them, the business that the west more use ,to lure nations into its orbit ,is what will push back the anglo western system into cooperation and put an end to their hostilities.

    is not "friendship" from western politicians , what i was talking about, is submission , a different thing. Russia can push into submission the west with business leadership , with business power.
    and what will make the west cooperate? the fact that the world will not blindly follow losers , that their business not anymore need. the world will follow those that lead , in business, and if the anglo west refuse to cooperate with Those leading, then it will be them ,the ones that will self isolate from the business world ,and be left behind . and they will be forced into a submission to the new leaders in the world.. this already happened , with nasa , that was forced into a submission in space with russia.

    did you really think the west ,was not embarrassed to have to pay russia , to travel to space? No

    US was forced into cooperation with russia in space , because they have no choice , they had no rockets to travel to ISS with humans , because if they don't cooperate , don't submit to russia , then they will have their space program , stopped, and unable to send anything to the ISS ,which russia was doing.

    So get your facts rights , is not bullshit friendship ,what russia needs, i have never said that. it just proof , how small is your understanding of international politics. is SUBMISSION , to force through leadership the anglo west into cooperation with russia . this is exactly what china is doing , whenever they show business power and business leadership , they influence the west into cooperation.
    look how latin america and most of europe embraced china business ,even after US sanctioned them ?

    It is china business leadership and business power ,in important advanced things, what is waning , weakening US leadership and influence over the world. no longer US business in electronics can be used as a weapon ,of sanctions as they used to be , no longer US can use NASA as a weapon of influence ,to force nations into cooperation , if they want also development in space, if a superior business alternative exist or better priced ,with same quality exist.

    Business power in the things , everyone wants and more enjoy ,is real power , this is the only thing that will give influence a nation over societies in the world , in a voluntary way and not into a forced one , as it will be , using force with a military invasion. China modern and innovative business ,business power is what is opening the doors wide and big , over the world , without firing a bullet.

    again nothing to do with bullshit friendship with western politicians, but business power .
    if american modern business industry refuse to cooperate with china ,then they are the ones that will be left behind . because the world will follow those business that leads.. and not the losers..

    will you buy a car , that is over priced , if a superior ,higher quality alternative exist at a lower cost?
    how about a computer? or how about space? will your business accept to pay 10x times more , for sending a satellite to space , if they can save a ton of money ,doing the same business with china?

    business power and business leadership , this is what runs the world. the west created a system ,for a very long time without any competition and this is what is riding them as the dominant voice ,but china is disbanding it. not with bullets ,or bombs ,but with superior business. The anglo west can't invade the entire world if they want ,but they will not earn "Friendship" doing that. US military or NATO is only hated in every place they invade,against the will of those nations, but if your nation build the leading business, world societies more like ,the products they more like , they will become your fans ,and your followers and it will be impossible for the politicians in the west ,to block progress , block technology from china forever . the wave will end removing them .
    look the example of tik tok , that trump wanted to bad but could not do. it was too popular in america. lol1

    So i stand by everything i said 100% . those that think that russia can be "Developed" with pipelines
    and gas stations ,while allowing its enemies , to lead in space , to lead in advance electronics and entertainment ,are as fools as putin is. that don't understand leadership , don't understand true power. that is the one ,that you don't need to invade, to keep people aligned , and very interested in your business . what you have to offer them.. putin offer gas discounts and polite discourses . .and this is the problem with russia. is an outdated country with very insignificant influence over the world, with their business. this is why obama , correctly ,was making fun of russia, saying..
    what does russia make? he knew the answer to that question , but his point was how very little ,next to nothing things russia have to offer the developed world. There is indeed very few things russians can feel proud , about their nation. Because their president have turned their nation development into a basically gas station pump , with missiles and tanks . and nobody , no nation who wants development will risk , losing their business with the leading west , for following a gas station outdated russia.


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    Post  GarryB Sat Jul 17, 2021 11:19 pm

    It's just political BS, behind the scenes he does what he must, if Russia was so interested in friendship with the west, why build NS2? Why get involved in Syria etc there are plenty of examples.

    And that is the main problem with the western mindset... Russia is building NSII because it hates the west and wants to divide the EU from the Ukraine and the US.

    Couldn't possibly be because Russia and the Soviet Union has been supplying gas to Europe since the 70s or before and has never ever used it as a weapon, but Ukrainian bullshit theft has threatened the reliability of those supplies because the west blames Russia when the Ukraine stole gas, instead of blaming the thief.

    Russias obvious solution is to bypass the unreliable partners an in NSII pipe the gas directly to Germany, the main buyer.

    Purely commercial.

    Just like US attempts to block the NSII because they want to sell gas to europe instead is a completely commercial thing... they could care less about Ukraine or Germany or the EU.

    And Syria... Russia has historical ties with Syria... Tartus didn't just fall from the sky in the last two decades.... and watching the US destroy a country like they destroyed Libya so that they can pump gas from the middle east to Turkey and then compete with Russian gas to Europe is hardly something they would stand by and just watch happen... not the least because of the dirty terrorist scum that were involved that the US was supporting and helping to destroy a country.

    If the terrorists had won and assad was brutally murdered so he could not have a say in court and shop all the western duplicity of course, then there would be clan fighting in Syria for the next 100 years... it would be like Libya or Afghanistan... the US destroys countries... it no longer has the will or the interest to build and grow and develop... whether it is a foreign country or their own country for that matter.

    But the west thinks the world revolves around them... if Russia is not their bitch on everything then it is because Russia hates the west and is trying to sabotage them.

    Russia just wants the west to leave them alone for the most part.

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    Post  kvs Sun Jul 18, 2021 12:03 pm

    Merkel lobbied Putin for NS2. The claim that this is a "Russian project" and some attempt to divide the precious NATzO west
    is so much propaganda BS.

    If the claim is made that Russia needed a way to bypass Banderastan, then it has the Power of Siberia with a capacity of 62 bcm/year
    that fully replaces Banderite export route capacity already and is building another such pipeline that will be completed in 2 years.
    NS2 is Russia doing the EU-tards in U-rope a favour.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 25 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jul 18, 2021 1:59 pm

    United States Power =  Business power.

    If you replace their business with superior alternatives , then that power will end . and the only
    other way they will have to pressure nations into obedience is with their military , but they can't invade their entire world. they will not be able to defeat the entire world into submission. they could not even invade venezuela , after trump want it do it , because all other south american nations ,including their allies said no . they knew very well , that a war in venezuela will destabilize their own nations too , because the entire amazon forest will become a battle field of mercenaries armed by russia and china to fight US military invasions.

    They also were very smart enough to capture all other high tech developed nations too in asia, to integrate heavily their business with other advanced modern high tech economies too , like UK ,Europe , japan , south korea ,taiwan ,to make it very hard for russia and china , to ever lure them away from Anglo western created system. So this is why is extremely important , that Russia and china counter , fight back western business. specially the most important , more advanced , more popular ,more prestigious ones, from NASA to Semiconductors industry to Entertainment industry.
    because those are the business more popular ,of the west. general public Automobile industry , no longer a big deal , every major power , even iran can build them. unless is a super sport car ,that compete with the western ones , it will not draw any attention .

    so the strategy is very simple and very effective..

    Nations will orbit ,follow the things ,that more draw their attention ,that more they like . that more
    awe and impress them.  This is why russia is an outdated nation , it doesn't do anything ,that anyone
    will want . and the only thing putin had ,that draw the attention of the world ,was its space program,
    one that the moron , cut in half its budget.. so the only thing , Russia had ,to influence the world ,
    was precisely the one that putin cut in half its budget.  Laughing   if he is not the moron of the century ,
    then no idea what else will be.  is unbelievable stupid , the decisions that putin makes . and to make it even more retarded , he then went to finance grandmas in baltics and israel ,soviet veterans of the world war 2.  lol1   So this is an example of why putin is terrible for russia.. he is trying to lure the world into russian orbit ,and create "Friends" with polite bullshit, with polite friendship , with bullshit charity , with bullshit sports.  he have no fucking clue of what he is doing. don't understand at all his enemies , don't understand what leadership is , and have zero understanding on how young generations think. he not even use the internet.. so how he expect to learn anything new if all he knows comes from his own mediocre government , full of yes man. ?

    So this is why is a BIG DEAL , to dominate in space explorations ,because everyone love space ,
    and dream to travel it. Space is a big deal , because not only attract the interest of other nations into your nation , but also lift the morale of all your citizens ,whenever you have success and do amazing things never done before. space not only promote business , but also encourage your younger generation to study science and engineering.. this is totally the opposite ,of what putin was doing
    with all that bullshit olympics.. that people get lifetime injuries for getting a stupid medal.
    what putin should be promoting is science and engineering, Architecture , arts , music , things
    that can inspire millions and their benefits can last forever , and not bullshit epenis contest ,that last 2 weeks. in totally meaningless contest , kicking a ball , or running faster ? this are all distractions,
    that while can be fun and interesting at times to watch ,just like any movie can be, but unfortunately , any physical abilities ,to jump higher or run faster , the real contribution to the nation development is zero . Russia is not a super economy ,and cannot afford to waste any money on distractions ,like the west can do.

    this is why all top billionaires in america are investing in building space ship , to become first with space tourism.

    this is why is a big deal with dominating in semiconductors, everyone love smart phones , love computers , love video games , and they are extremely important for every area of science too ,
    and for automobile industry and pharma industry and military industry.

    this is why is a terrible idea , to waste 100 billions $ of dollars hosting sports events , as putin did from 2010 to 2018, in complete distractions that in no way challenge the western system. this was money throw in to the garbage can.  specially in post covid19 world.  japan is now going to host the next olympics online ,without tourist ,because of covid19 pandemic.  lol1

    yes putin is an idiot.. that's exactly what he was trying to achieve.. create an amazing olympics,
    to promote "Friendship with the west"  lol1  to soften their hearts.. with politeness and great olympics. Rolling Eyes

    anyone who do a- n y thing to "make friends", with the very different west is a complete moron. ,and this is exactly what putin was doing with his olympics. To "impress" the west , and show the world that russia "is not oudated", by expending a fortune in olympics . apparently putin thinks ,that "being modern nation" means shiny new buildings and infrastructure.. but is not infrastructure , what putin needs to modernize..  
    what needs modernization is the russian economy , the russian education system , the russian politics and russian culture needs modernization. to stop the stupid gas station , that is taking most of the engineers and scientist that russia produce. and instead transform Russia economy , into a advance tech and space , based economy country.. that directly counters, and fight US and its asian tech colonies and challenge their high tech domination.   once those nations are defeated in their business ,the anglo western empire will collapse . because nations will not blindly follow losers , if superior business exist for them.

    Russia don't need bullshit "friends" , what Russia needs is leadership ,to dominate in business. to follow the example of china and start challenging the western most popular and advanced business. to steal the show and draw the world attention in a very positive way towards them and away of the west.

    it will be even better if they coordinate with china this major changes in their economic model ,so they don't end in competition with china too most successful business .. is with the west that the business fight needs to be done.   Russia do have major potential in space ,and putin should be investing there ,as much that idiot invested in sports.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:24 pm

    Russia needs order.

    A situation where a country like the US with the support of goons known collectively as the west are not held accountable for actions they themselves have deemed illegal and use to lynch selective countries, then there can not be stability and peace.

    The EU will slam Bulgaria for building walls to stop illegal migrants from entering their country, but will ignore the Baltic states having large sections of their populations being declared non citizens because their standard level in the native language is not good enough to get citizenship in their own country.

    And in actual fact the EU has told Bulgaria off for building walls to stop illegal migration from Serbia and other places... note it does not stop Serbians, but foreign illegal migrants. In the baltic states walls are also being built to stop people from Belarus moving to the EU which is accepted as being fine, because the script that says anyone acting against Russia or her perceived allies is good and follows the fine traditions of the EU and the west, while anyone who questions their gender confusion policy or does not take in migrants from the war zones the west creates is obviously going to be a problem...

    BTW there are probably a few Brits who might fail such tests simply because they have strong accents...

    The west will continue to become less relevant as they continue the charade of blaming everyone else for breaking the rules they made up and continue to selectively break themselves when it suits them.

    You call the US a business power, but if that were true there would be no need to attack their rivals with sanctions and other illegal measures to force third party countries to buy US productions in preference.

    The US is not a business power any more... look through your stuff... is there anything made in the US?

    I could only find a shotgun and a 303.

    Last edited by GarryB on Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:10 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  kvs Sun Jul 18, 2021 11:56 pm

    People somehow think that all those centuries of colonialism and mercantilism just faded into history. No, they form the base of the
    western developed world economic model. It is a type of corruption where the system requires large inputs of wealth generation
    via cheap resources and export markets that then is siphoned by the various economic strata of western societies in a cumulative
    fashion giving the masses trickle down. If the input of wealth generation through colonial control, which exists today for the same
    purpose it did 200 years ago, is diminished, then the trickle down quickly attenuates. This, of course, undermines the stability of
    the developed countries.

    So the rich west cannot play fair since its economic system is not fair. I cannot put Russia in the same economic category. It
    does not exist off colonial rackets. It has to support itself through actual domestic economics. Exporting oil and gas is hardly
    enough to explain Russia's GDP any time from 1990 and even before. America's economy is supposedly mostly domestic, but that
    is a spin. Its transnationals expand its GDP massively through a footprint that extends around the world. Even if you use the
    GNP definition, it is still hiding the fact that the wealth is tribute from abroad. The idea that every man, woman and child makes
    55 thousand US dollars per year is absurd. This includes every newborn and death bed geriatric. That is detached from reality.
    If the domestic economy was really the base of America, then incomes would be essentially balancing domestic expenses by
    corporations. Some extra would be generated but it cannot increase the GDP by a factor of two. So the per capita GDP in
    Russia reflects a number more realistic for an economy which is domestic and without a massive extra-territorial footprint.

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    Post  flamming_python Mon Jul 19, 2021 8:13 am

    GarryB wrote:Russia needs order.

    A situation where a country like the US with the support of goons known collectively as the west are not held accountable for actions they themselves have deemed illegal and use to lynch selective countries, then there can not be stability and peace.

    The EU will slam Bulgaria for building walls to stop illegal migrants from entering their country, but will ignore the Baltic states having large sections of their populations being declared non citizens because their standard level in the native language is not good enough to get citizenship in their own country.

    BTW there are probably a few Brits who might fail such tests simply because they have strong accents...

    The west will continue to become less relevant as they continue the charade of blaming everyone else for breaking the rules they made up and continue to selectively break themselves when it suits them.

    You call the US a business power, but if that were true there would be no need to attack their rivals with sanctions and other illegal measures to force third party countries to buy US productions in preference.

    The US is not a business power any more... look through your stuff... is there anything made in the US?

    I could only find a shotgun and a 303.

    I remember an interview with Jack Ma

    There he basically said, that the US business model, of essentially offloading domestic production to 3rd world countries where the labour is cheaper - was hardly a bad one

    That indeed, it brought a massive amount of revenue not only to American multinationals, but through them to the US treasury via taxes

    The problem he claimed, is that the Americans took that money and instead of using it to invest in infrastructure, healthcare, education and other parts of their own country, they invested it instead into funding military interventions, exorbitant military-industrial programs, military bases around the world and costly occupations. It all sucked up a great amount of the profits the US was otherwise making, and as a result they're falling behind relative to other countries

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    Post  kvs Mon Jul 19, 2021 9:18 am

    US corporations like GE also act like Russian neo-capitalists and park their profits offshore. They avoid paying taxes. The
    rotting US infrastructure is a good indicator of the reality of the US economy. Too many parasites quickly diverting the cash
    flow for it to reach proper targets. The California high speed rail failure is evidence of what is going on. The billions
    of dollars injected are lost because of alleged unexpected expenses and whatever other excuse even though modern civil
    engineering can generate accurate and detailed project plans.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 19, 2021 10:20 pm

    The problem he claimed, is that the Americans took that money and instead of using it to invest in infrastructure, healthcare, education and other parts of their own country, they invested it instead into funding military interventions, exorbitant military-industrial programs, military bases around the world and costly occupations. It all sucked up a great amount of the profits the US was otherwise making, and as a result they're falling behind relative to other countries

    The real problem is wealth distribution... previously the people who generated the wealth by working got paid a living wage so their partner could choose to work if they wanted to.

    These days the US business model is a pyramid scheme where all the wealth is funneled up to the top and the people on the front line dealing with the customers get minimum wage if they are lucky and the people above them on salaries often work for less just to get the job done because when they started there were 20 people doing that job but over time they whittle the staff down to as few as possible while still paying them the minimum amount.

    At the top 1% of employees... the CEOs don't pay for anything... company car and company phone, car park, assistants to do most of their paper work and organise their day for them, but they get huge salaries and bonuses too... but the real kicker is that most of the richer people have accountants who can manipulate the system to hide money.

    Find your company is making too much money and you owe the tax man millions... buy a failing company... asset strip it, sell it on for a huge profit, but take advantage of the financial losses of the company to write off your tax bill for the next 5 years.

    Companies complain about how they pay extra tax but that is small operations that can't afford offshore shit and the criminal buying of failing businesses for the purpose of tax evasion.

    The richest people in any country and the biggest most powerful companies normally don't pay any tax, or very little, and that is a critical part of the problem...

    US business is a pyramid scheme to funnel wealth from everyone up to the 1% and they still complain about all the tax they are not paying...

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 25 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  owais.usmani Wed Sep 29, 2021 1:10 pm


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    Post  ALAMO Wed Sep 29, 2021 2:51 pm

    Breaking news!
    Putin is probably a male!

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    Post  PapaDragon Wed Sep 29, 2021 4:56 pm

    Personally I would have brought her for myself but if Trump needed a solid it's a bro move Cool

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    Post  kvs Wed Sep 29, 2021 6:43 pm

    Nobody with Trump's career would be such a drooling idiot that some p**y would totally short circuit their intellect. He is not a
    15 year old low IQ testosterone monkey. Maybe if this translator was one of those James Bond movie Russian spies who used
    her charms to steal some information. But as a "distraction"? Get real.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 30, 2021 6:00 am

    Any excuse for failure... when Hilary had top secret stuff on an unsecure home network and the stuff got hacked it was Russian hackers to hide the fact that anyone could have hacked her home network... I am guessing Hilarys password was not Monica.... or cigar.

    Now they want to pin the blame for Trumps mistakes on the fact that the translator was pretty... the guy ran the Miss world and Miss universe beauty pagents for goodness sake and probably had loads of ties with Epstein and spine cracker island... he probably went with Bill Clinton... they used to be friends back when the Clintons were pro republican....

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    Post  lyle6 Thu Sep 30, 2021 6:50 am

    What a fucking joke. The man already has a smoking hot multilingual brunette model for a wife and I double dog guarantee you he taps that on the regular - if nothing else you don't make bangers the guy makes without the supreme clarity of total post-nut clarity to power your creativity. Razz

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    Post  miketheterrible Thu Sep 30, 2021 7:56 am

    If I was Vlad, half of the babies born between my presidency would probably be mine.

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    Post  kvs Thu Sep 30, 2021 2:44 pm

    Note the Orwellian narrative change. Now instead of Trump being Putin's stooge, it is Putin using a sexy female to distract him.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Oct 01, 2021 3:48 am

    Exactly... why would the puppet master waste time trying to please or entertain his own damn puppet...

    The irony is that sex sells is a western propaganda staple.... the fact that the Russian translator is pretty must mean she is a spy and a plant because beautiful women can't be talented or good at their jobs... there must be another angle... maybe she is a whore... is essentially what these western people are saying...

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    Post  owais.usmani Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:24 am

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    Post  owais.usmani Tue Oct 05, 2021 3:25 am

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    Post  lyle6 Tue Oct 05, 2021 12:28 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:If I was Vlad, half of the babies born between my presidency would probably be mine.

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    Post  franco Thu Oct 07, 2021 7:19 am

    Vladimir Putin is 69 today.

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    Post  Hole Thu Oct 07, 2021 1:38 pm

    30 years younger then Biden looks/behaves. Very Happy

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 25 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  kvs Thu Oct 21, 2021 5:16 pm

    People have been whinging that Russia does not have enough or the right sort of national ideology.   Well,
    Putin has basically outline what the emerging national ideology is:

    Moderate conservatism.

    Conservatism is not something that interferes with progression forward and upward, but something
    that interferes with progression down and backwards into chaos.

    Western regressive progressives have no place in Russia.   They can take their gender fluid perversion and
    shove it up their precious genitals over which they obsess so much.   Putin cringes at the nonsense that
    children in the west are being indoctrinated that their sex is something they choose.   That they do not
    need a mother and a father.   He does not mention that they are also given hormone blockers and subjected
    to child genital mutilation (aka sex change operations) based on this voodoo ideology.  

    Russia does not need social engineering revolutions and other criminal inanity.   It needs real progress.  Gradual
    and systematic based on the simple idea that not everything in place is bad and needs to be replaced.   Evolution
    and not revolution.   Russia has had enough misery from revolution and social engineering.   It has been doing the
    best in its whole history in the last 20 years with exactly a moderate conservative approach.

    Of note is that Russia will not aspire to live up to neo-liberal capitalist dogma.   This model is fully discredited
    by Russia's experience after 1990 and by numerous examples of similar IMF sponsored "reform" around the world.
    If "state run" enterprises make sense, then they are fine.   Privatization for privatization's sake is obscene and
    only transfers power to oligarchs who are not accountable to the public in any fashion.   All those waxing poetic
    about "free markets" and big bad grubbermint vs holy private operators are basically full of shit.   The US is
    an actual toilet precisely because all the power is in the hands of the oligarchs and the government is their
    bitch.   Americans can vote until kingdom come and they will not be in charge of anything.   In Russia the
    government does not serve some oligarchy so it must at the end of the day serve the public since that is the
    only support it has.   That there are corrupt politicians and bureaucrats is irrelevant.   Such corruption is
    vastly worse in the "ideal" west.

    GarryB, Big_Gazza, zepia and bitch_killer like this post


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 25 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  owais.usmani Fri Nov 19, 2021 8:50 am

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