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    Vladimir Putin Thread


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  GarryB Wed Jan 02, 2019 8:35 am

    I think international relations where you work on interests only is very short sighted and bad, but then a country that pretends to be a friend and then does not act in a friendly way when it does not suit them is probably worse... a case of being let down when needed.

    Of course the friendship game can be disgusting too... look at the so called west... we believe Britain and even when they make unsubstantiated claims with little to no real evidence, we will back them up and punish who they think is the criminal... and there will be no apology when it turns out they were totally wrong...

    Skripal, chem attacks, etc etc...

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jan 06, 2019 1:01 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    one of putin's biggest mistakes is his polite and soft character .. this is bad...

    To make the point clearer, you seem to want Russia to act like the west and bomb and kill people for the smallest reason.

    I like Russia mainly because it does not act like the west does... Russia is not the worlds policeman and should never be that... mainly because there is no such thing as the worlds policeman.... generally it is organised lynch mob that picks a side and goes in and defends the side it picked even if afterwards they turn out worse than the side they went in to deal with.... yes, I am looking at Kosovo and Israel... but then when you have the west supporting you you think you can do no wrong either... just look at the ukraine...

    You either go to the extremes , why not not something in the middle... ?

    -Putin speak softly and mumbling (ehhh.. mmm... ehh .. ) he can't even speak correctly , but mumble his words..
    is amazing how he ever got to power in such backward personality and character.. i guess it was better
    that the previous drunk man.. but he is terrible he don't look at other leading countries in their faces , any body language expert will tell you this is a sign of an insecure very weak man..
    -Putin downplay his own nation.. lol1 and told American is the only super power? Neutral
    -and to make things worse , he Don't fight the western system.
    - .. He don't understand the west..
    One of the first rule in combat is To understand the enemy know your enemy weakness.
    Know how they achieve influence.. how they earn leadership.. how Americans influence the world..

    Its gets me mad.. ,how Easy , US isolate Russia from the west.. how easy
    Russia is humiliated.. is like Putin is 3 steps behind the west.. all the time..
    It even is humiliating to see Americans making fun of Putin and to know they are right..
    The last year was bolton on Fox news ,the advisor of Trump , mocking Putin ,laughing live ,for his weakness..
    how he invited Americans embassy to a christmas party in Russia in response to Obama when kicked Russians from their own Embassy. No Bolton called putin ,how nice he is .. like a teddy bear.. mocking public.

    So Putin Inspire DISRESPECT on Russia.. you understand this issue Garryb?
    the idiot inspire others to make fun of him.. Putin is like the kind of guy ,you will slap in the face
    and he will apologize for irritating you.. No he needs to grow some BALLS and stop being so weak..
    So stupid . People that are insecure and weak invites DISRESPECT.. this is why Syria is attacked and Russia
    does nothing.. because they know the

    Putin is the kind of person ,that can have all the nukes in the world.. all the tanks ,the only nation
    with an Army.. and still be disrespected and humiliated. .and mocked by the west.. This is because
    he is very weak .. and very insecure too.. is awful ..

    and he worse thing is not ,his weak ,soft ,insecure personality..
    the worse thing is that his tactics to counter the west are WRONG too..
    All that putin is doing is surviving , resisting the American empire.. but he is NOT creating any alternative to it..
    He don't understand ,that his lack of leadership ,and insecurity is what Inspire DISRESPECT from other nations.
    So people see how mediocre is Putin as a leader..and realize ,this man have no clue what he wants.. they see Russia offers no alternative system to American system.. and see no reason to abandon the American system..
    if all Putin does .. is build a monopoly in energy , and better nukes .. and politeness ..and lectures of morals..
    then he will continue earning disrespect of the west..

    Brasil a BRIC member is now throwing Jabs at putin.. take a look..

    Bolsonaro in Brasil ,the new Right wing.. is sending shots at Russia.. and told recently.. threatening Russia..
    that if he give weapons to Venezuela.. that they will deploy an American military base to counter them.. This is brasil who was supposed to be Russia ally, is now sending hostile ultimatums at Russia..

    This is what im telling you.. Putin promotes Disrespect on him and his nation with his Weakness..
    and with his lack of vision for the future.. his lack of ambitions.. they see he is soft teddy bear and so they don't see Russia capable of fighting them back.. Russia have the weapons to win ,but lacks of the courage ,the vision and the leadership to win. IF putin is patriotic the best thing he can do is Resign , stay as diplomatic assistant to lavrov.. but stay away of Russia foreign policy and of Russia economic development.. because his tactics will never work.. he don't counter US influence and so Russia will continue being the punching bag of the west.

    Putin allowed Ukraine to fall ,dont prevented this.. he allowed Syria to lose IDLIB , and will not be surprising
    if Americans repeat what they did in Ukraine in belarus.. Putin the not so great is the one to blame ,for failing
    to transform Russia into a very influential nation.. that counters US..

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Regular Sun Jan 06, 2019 2:25 pm

    I wonder what will happen to Vann when Putin will step back from power. I hope he doesn't think it's just Putin pulling the strings in Russia- he's not all powerful and he is shown to be maneuvering between internal factions. He's a diplomat, not a warrior.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Hannibal Barca Sun Jan 06, 2019 2:34 pm

    OK @Vann7, following your logic, just imagine how brilliant is the future once Putin is out. Great margins of improvement ahead, no succession fear Cool

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jan 06, 2019 7:27 pm

    Regular wrote:I wonder what will happen to Vann when Putin will step back from power. I hope he doesn't think it's just Putin pulling the strings in Russia- he's not all powerful and he is shown to be maneuvering between internal factions. He's a diplomat, not a warrior.

    Is not going to work with Putin.. is as simple as that. He is an Obsolete ,outdated leader..
    And if he needs 20 years in power ,to fix Russia ,then is because he is doing something wrong.
    What is Putin Legacy ?

    1)taking back control of the oil industry and gas.
    2)and kicking from the country all those billionaires that were stealing,plundering the nation.
    3)Restoring the military power (something that anyone could have done by securing a stable budget)

    So Putin is not Peter the great.. or many will like to believe.. he is very average
    President ..

    the only real unique thing Putin have , the only special ability that i will not take
    away from him i, and that he is quite good.. is his ability to unite the country in the same train.
    So this at very least keep the nation focused more on productivity..  

    So from 1-10...  Putin is more like a 6 .. better than the average ,but is far ,far from what
    Russia needs...

    I will not mind a weak President as long he was smart.. but he is a Fool ..Putin is Patriotic indeed but
    ,Weak and Fool too.  he is indeed not a warrior. but a Dumb monk..  and this is the problem.
    that the moron don't counter the west.. Don't have ambitions

    So Putin can be far better President if at least he was  so dumb .
    and what evidence there is that Putin is a fool ?

    1)he spend in just 2 olympic events $65 billions dollars
    in moments Russia is facing an undeclared war from US and UK. seeking to destroy Russia.
    2)Putin told that sports promote "Friendship" nations to come along together ... Where is the friendship with the west?  Laughing   If Putin was right . the world will be at peace already. with west and Russia in a honey moon..
    perhaps Putin need more olympics? maybe hosting 2-3 olympics and $100bilions dollars will make it.. ?  Laughing
    3)and if he needs more money to host sports ,he can cut the budget even more of Space and the military..  lol1
    4)Sports are healthy according to Putin. did you knew that?  lol1  Those lifetime injuries people get , pressure
    to get a medal or people killed is only our imagination.

    The way i see it.. Putin is very dangerous for Russia existence , he is the biggest threat to Russia national security.
    Because he promotes disrespect from the west..with his teddy cuddy bear polite behavior , buts thats not the
    real issue.. the real issue is that the west  IS at war already with Russia is a very slow ,undeclared stealth war .. the west simply is aiming at Russia total destruction and he do NOTHING to fight back.. understand?
    Putin told.. "well you did not listened us.. now you will listen".. at the conference of Russia new weapons..
    why the west is not lose their sleep at nights and not worried about  Russia hypersonic missiles? Because they know Putin is a very weak ,teddy bear ,polite idiot that will not use the weapons ,as long Americans
    don't attack directly and openly Russia.

    So all Americans needs to do ,is to keep the war in an undeclared way. To fight Russia in an indirect way.
    They attaked Russian military base in Syria  ~47 times with drones controlled by Americans and what Putin
    did ? NOTHING.. complain ,complain and complain..  say how this is going to damage relations. Rolling Eyes
    And this is the most important issue..[b] The West will continue attacking Russia ,shooting down their planes ,bombing Russia military bases.,killing their soldiers ,aiding terrorist attack on Russia, kidnaping civilians, starting wars against nations friendly to Russia(Venezuela,Serbia next) ,(because Putin is weak and do nothing to them) and will continue the hostilities until they stopped or Russia destroyed.

    So Russia needs a pro active leader  ,that FIGHTS BACK..instead of just talking and talking and talking
    and complaining.

    How Russia can fight back?
    1)Defeat Americans military in a calculated battle or battles  ,Force them to Peace by the use of Force..
    2)Or Russia can Counter American leadership and influence in the world and lead Europe away from the American Orbit. Garryb did not understand why " Pivot to Asia" will not work ,and why ignoring Europe will not work, why Europe  is so important..even if you don't like them.. because thats from where NATO comes.. without Europe ,there is no NATO and no american order..

    What i am proposing the idiot do? the #2 option.. The idiot needs to counter American leadership and influence
    in the world.. This is not negotiable.. he have to do this ,if he don't want to face a nuclear war with Americans.
    So all Russia needs to do ,is compete for the leadership of Europe place.. Putin can't expect to continue inside
    the american system ,being a passenger of their Bus and expect fair results for Russia.

    So instead of Putin wasting the money of Russia ,is foolish sports ,that help NOTHING ,to fix any problem
    with the west.. instead of Putin seeking to break records in farming potatoes ,or more olympic medals ,or produce the bigger nukes.. Putin needs to promote a education revolution in Russia. a High tech innovative revolution and major ambitious space program.. All this this is what will put Russia in the race for leadership of Europe.. This is what will make Russia great again.. when was LEADING the world in space.. when was in the headlines for leading
    for success.  This is what Russia needs a President with vision with leadership. not an outdated man , that try to
    influence the west with weakness ,with the glorious Russia past..with teddy  bear politeness. combined with shinny new missiles.

    What is NOT a solution is what putin is doing ,sit down on his hands and wait.. and wait and wait that americans "come back to their senses". To have HOPE is not a solution.. the west will never change ,by trying to charm their hearts.. Putin Weakness/Russia lack of influence in the west is the only things that ENCOURAGE the west hostilities and disrespect. . Since they feel superior ,and with the right to rule the world ,just for being the leaders of it..
    The only thing the west respect is the USE of FORCE , or Leadership in things they consider valuable. (high tech +space)  and putin is doing none of them. The way things are for Russia today are so bad.. that it will have been better if Putin instead of celebrating Sochi or Wold cup ,will have used that money to get in the moon and mars 10 to 15 years earlier than planned..  Shinny new roads or parks.. while nice ,is not going to influence the west. this is a local influence only. for civilians.. Space leadership influence EVERYONE.. not only locals but the entire world.
    This is the kind of things ,that Russia needs to work. Business leadership in things that influence the entire world.

    Putin idiocy , putin weakness and lack of leadeship of Russia have created a very dangerous world for Russians to live..  One that Americans or Israel can continue target Russian military bases or Russian soldiers or Russian allies  at will with no consequences. a world where Russian citizens are kidnapped by the FBI every time.. a world that not even the families of Lawmakers in Russian Government are safe ,since taken Hostage by Americans. Putin is creating a very dangerous world ,for Russians ... and for any nation who is friendly to them..  this is Putin legacy.
    after saving Russia from the oligarchs privatization ,now is destroying it.. by not countering US leadership and  influence in the world.

    my only hope is that Putin don't seek re election and someone else take power.. even Medvedev will be better
    option , regardless of corruption at least he shows a major enthusiasm for Technology for Silicon Valley style business. So he will be far more Pro hi tech business oriented economy in Russia. than the farming and meaningless sports of Putin.

    All Russian problems can be solved with INDEPENDENCE..  
    a Leader that transform Russia into a TRUE independence nation ,that leads the world..

    Look how "smart is Putin"
    depending in American business ...

    A President that allows Russia ,to continue being dependent on Americans is not acceptable..
    and accept the humiliation of their nation as a normal thing and do nothing to counter the western system.. is not an option.  Russia follows the American system ,American business ,American Internet ,American COmputers ,American banking system and gets later burned for it.. and later he don't understand why Russia is not treated fairly , and hope the west "come back to its senses" . Rolling Eyes What kind of message Putin sends the world.. when
    Israel can shoot down Russian military planes and bombs its allies with impunity and get away with it? or when Russia can't sell planes to IRAN ,for American sanctions? No Putin short sight vision of Russia ,lack of goals and ambitions ,lack of Independence and Business Leadership is what holds Russia back.


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Regular Mon Jan 07, 2019 1:43 am

    Wow, Vann. You should write a book. Or shorten your messages. Yes, Putin is 6/10 president, but in todays world of averages he is bit above. Also, Russia is lucky that after Yeltsin he took over. Honestly, one would say Russia didn't deserve Putin for what it was pirat

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 07, 2019 7:39 am

    Its gets me mad.. ,how Easy , US isolate Russia from the west.

    The US isolates Russia from the west the same way it isolates Cuba and Venezuela and North Korea and Iran from the west... with irrational threats and hissy fits.

    The US is the "leader of the West"... but it is losing its leadership through its childish and irrational actions... the more the US tries to isolate Russia and China and Iran the more the west and the rest of the world start looking at the US and wondering why they listen to them at all...

    Russia has not bonded with the west, they were never really welcomed into the international community, so it is pretty natural for the west not to want to be best friends with Russia... for a long time they were the enemy and there is no bigger enemy to replace them like there was after WWII.

    The west welcomed West Germany and Japan into the fold of western nations despite their terrible crimes and culpability... because there was a new enemy that would need all their strength to fight... the Soviets that helped them defeat Germany and Japan was now a rival to western global power so they became the enemy.

    Russia and the west are different... no matter how you cut it they are different... the west will tell you that is bad, but I think that is actually a good thing because I don't like where the west is going... where minorities seem to have more influence and control than the majority... where the rights of a few are promoted as "normal".

    Expecting any moment for someone to claim that catholic priests who molest boys in their care are just misunderstood and they can't help it...

    The rest of the world is watching... and if Putin tried to fight the west what sort of alternative to the west would Russia be?

    Putin has made Russia appear to be clearly able to stand up to the west and to have their own views... but also more importantly to not want to impose those views on other countries like the west does. That makes Russia vastly more appealing than the west on its own.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 07, 2019 7:40 am

    Honestly, one would say Russia didn't deserve Putin for what it was

    Well the saying is that a country gets the government it deserves.... which makes one wonder what the US or UK did that was so bad....

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Big_Gazza Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:08 am

    GarryB wrote:which makes one wonder what the US or UK did that was so bad....

    Two little things.

    1) Everything they do
    2) Everything they say

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Jan 07, 2019 11:23 am

    Its gets me mad.. ,how Easy , US isolate Russia from the west.


    Nord Stream is still pumping to the back of Germany.

    ISS still needs Soyuz.

    Airbus and Boeing still need Russian titanium.

    The West don't dare to isolate Russia because without Russia... well, winter is coming.

    Actually RT and Sputnik is doing a good job in detoxification of Western propaganda... by simply telling the truth about Western society, the untold truth that Western mainstream media never tell.

    I mean no offense but the West is quite small if you compare them with China or India... well I don't know how can Trump replace billions $ of import from China, most of the imports are MACHINES and ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Vann7 Wed Mar 20, 2019 3:10 am

    higurashihougi wrote:
    Its gets me mad.. ,how Easy , US isolate Russia from the west.


    Nord Stream is still pumping to the back of Germany.

    ISS still needs Soyuz.

    Airbus and Boeing still need Russian titanium.

    The West don't dare to isolate Russia because without Russia... well, winter is coming.

    Actually RT and Sputnik is doing a good job in detoxification of Western propaganda... by simply telling the truth about Western society, the untold truth that Western mainstream media never tell.

    I mean no offense but the West is quite small if you compare them with China or India... well I don't know how can Trump replace billions $ of import from China, most of the imports are MACHINES and ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT.

    You don't understand..
    The problem of Russia is not about money... Is about Leadership... two different things..
    If i had to choose between a Russia with 9.5% GDP growth  but with NO leadership.. only focused in agriculture ,energy and sports.. vs a Russia with a 0.5% GDP growth.. but with Humans in Mars and the moon.. planting the Russian flag.. i will pick the later...   Because there are nations with much
    higher economy per person.. like QATAR and Norway but they have zero leadership in the world.. they don't produce anything or sell anything that the world will consider unique and very valuable for them.

    Russia needs to Break the influence US have over the world.. specially over Europe.. to develop Russia in a way ,so that Russia can replace the most important POPULAR Business that Europeans
    likes of Americans..  NASA needs to be totally defeated in space explorations , A new Internet created to bypass Americans alternative trading banking System alternative to VISA/Mastercard too ..that replace the American one.. Alternative to US semiconductor industry and Entertainment industry.. Russia with China combined can surpass US in all those areas..  But Putin is totally clueless
    in what he is doing , he insist to promote the good old past traditions instead of creating a new better version of Russia..  Drop the stupid church , drop the stupid judo , drop the stupid hockey , drop the olympic bullshit..  is not sports what Putin need to promote but SCIENCE and technology..  Fitness promotion like jogging or bike riding is ok.. but sports is foolish..  People who do careers in sports are the ones who don't like to use their brains or get a real college degree. Instead of sports promote TEchnology ,Science ,Art and music..but not foolish epenis competitions in meaningless activities .

    competitive sports like Sochi or World cup ,is not going to help Russia in any way to defeat US influence in the world.. Only defeating top American popular business , in Silicon Valley will do it or
    FLorida . to end the western leadership..    The real Patriotism and world leadership will be promoted by making Russia write history and making Russia to win in the race to moon and mars with humans landing in a real space program.

    Tsavo Lion
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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Absolute Putin

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Feb 03, 2020 6:47 pm

    Absolute Putin

    He consolidates power while pretending to share it. Just keeping pace with Comrade Xi!
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Russians are Growing Tired of Putin

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri Apr 24, 2020 6:17 pm

    Russians are Growing Tired of Putin.

    "Russia has actually sold the United States masks and medical equipment when doctors and nurses across the country are left without masks and are infecting one another," Alexei Navalny, a prominent opposition politician, tweeted. "It's monstrous. Putin is crazy." The Alliance of Doctors, a trade union for medical workers, said while it had been collecting money to buy protective gear for Russian doctors and nurses, the same equipment had been shipped to the United States. "It's just making a mockery of everything," AOD wrote on Twitter. The shipload of equipment is just the latest frustration Russians are having with a leader they claim is out of touch. wrote:

    Giving away money to a hostile Ukraine, and medical personal protection equipment and attire to a hostile U.S.A.

    And I guess many other things.


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  calripson Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:16 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    Russians are Growing Tired of Putin.

    Giving away money to a hostile Ukraine, and medical personal protection equipment and attire to a hostile U.S.A.

    Everyone knows exactly who backs Navalny - he is right out of Northern Virginia Central Casting. However, the discontent with Putin is real and is growing. Part of it is just fatigue after 20 years. Part of it emanates from the capitalist class whose self-interest is harmed by Putin's nationalism. Unfortunately, the paradox for Putin is he is a neo-liberal and he is depending upon that capitalist entrepreneur class to provide Russia with its economic innovation and growth.

    And I guess many other things.


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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  calripson Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:40 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    higurashihougi wrote:
    Its gets me mad.. ,how Easy , US isolate Russia from the west.


    Nord Stream is still pumping to the back of Germany.

    ISS still needs Soyuz.

    Airbus and Boeing still need Russian titanium.

    The West don't dare to isolate Russia because without Russia... well, winter is coming.

    Actually RT and Sputnik is doing a good job in detoxification of Western propaganda... by simply telling the truth about Western society, the untold truth that Western mainstream media never tell.

    I mean no offense but the West is quite small if you compare them with China or India... well I don't know how can Trump replace billions $ of import from China, most of the imports are MACHINES and ELECTRONIC EQUIPMENT.

    You don't understand..
    The problem of Russia is not about money... Is about Leadership... two different things..
    If i had to choose between a Russia with 9.5% GDP growth  but with NO leadership.. only focused in agriculture ,energy and sports.. vs a Russia with a 0.5% GDP growth.. but with Humans in Mars and the moon.. planting the Russian flag.. i will pick the later...   Because there are nations with much
    higher economy per person.. like QATAR and Norway but they have zero leadership in the world.. they don't produce anything or sell anything that the world will consider unique and very valuable for them.

    Russia needs to Break the influence US have over the world.. specially over Europe.. to develop Russia in a way ,so that Russia can replace the most important POPULAR Business that Europeans
    likes of Americans..  NASA needs to be totally defeated in space explorations , A new Internet created to bypass Americans alternative trading banking System alternative to VISA/Mastercard too ..that replace the American one.. Alternative to US semiconductor industry and Entertainment industry.. Russia with China combined can surpass US in all those areas..  But Putin is totally clueless
    in what he is doing , he insist to promote the good old past traditions instead of creating a new better version of Russia..  Drop the stupid church , drop the stupid judo , drop the stupid hockey , drop the olympic bullshit..  is not sports what Putin need to promote but SCIENCE and technology..  Fitness promotion like jogging or bike riding is ok.. but sports is foolish..  People who do careers in sports are the ones who don't like to use their brains or get a real college degree. Instead of sports promote TEchnology ,Science ,Art and music..but not foolish epenis competitions in meaningless activities .

    competitive sports like Sochi or World cup ,is not going to help Russia in any way to defeat US influence in the world..  Only defeating top American popular business , in Silicon Valley will do it or
    FLorida .  to end the western leadership..    The real Patriotism and world leadership will be promoted by making Russia write history  and making Russia to win in the race to moon and mars with humans landing in a real space program.

    Much like Marx, your descriptive analysis is largely correct, but your prescriptive solution is faulty. It is true that Russian education in science, math, and engineering is tops in the world. Visit any graduate faculty in physics or math and MIT, Stanford, Harvard ect and witness the number of faculty from the former USSR. Turning intellectual wealth into real world business is a different matter. Russia is too small a market unlike China or India to compete with the US and EU markets. The US has very smartly barred Russia both explicitly and implicitly from competing fairly in many lucrative markets. Russia has tried various half-baked programs to promote "Russian innovation". Case in point - Skolkovo. They spent billions building this Russian Silicon Valley. With what results? Any promising technology is bought for pennies on the dollar by Chinese or European firms. It is a real simple calculus for any innovative business person in tech or biotech in Russia. You can try to develop a business in capital starved Russia with a domestic market of 145 million and a GDP 1/10 the size of competitors (hoping that some day Putin isn't replaced by a Yeltsin type figure who gives away the store to foreign competition), or you can sell out for quick millions and a life of leisure abroad. All that intellectual value flows to its new owners in Silicon Valley, Israel, the EU, or wherever. Let's say you are just a smart kid - a real good programmer. Russia routinely wins the IBM University Programming Challenge. Do you think IBM is running this program as a charity? No, they are identifying talent. The same with pre and post scholastic programs sponsored by the US. Those kids will be offered salaries ten times what they can make in Russia. (As an aside there is only one technologically advanced country that does not allow its universities to compete in the IBM Programming Challenge. Want to guess which one?) So perhaps you are too clever by half; Putin knows very well what Russia's limitations are and the paradox of his own neo-liberal beliefs. He is a man born in 1952; the last Soviet style leader Russia will have with all its associated nostalgia. What comes after him remains to be seen.

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  kvs Fri Apr 24, 2020 11:55 pm

    More drivel from the resident Russia hating Polak.

    I have family in Russia outside of the two main cities. They are not tired of Putin. Putin has been delivering tangible
    improvements in their lives for 16 years (counting Medvedev's tenure as Putin's is blatant propaganda) which includes
    massive annual pay raises. And it is clear that Putin has Russia as his priority and not like Yeltsin sucking NATzO ass.
    That is why Navalny and the rest of the NATzO financed 5th column in Russia tries to revise recent Russian history
    and paint the horrible Yeltsin years as the "golden age". That in itself turns most Russians off from these clowns
    and their patrons.

    The whole term limits crap is tailored for clown shows like the USA where the president does not have real power
    and corporations do (i.e. a real oligarchy). Canada and the UK do not have term limits. Putin is one of the best leaders
    Russia has had in 1000 years. Peter the Great secured some things but re-established serfdom. So he is over-rated.
    Ivan Grozny was actually a great leader and is demonized with fake history. Alexander Nevsky was important too.
    But the scale of the threat Russia has been facing since before 1990 is on a totally different scale. Putin has managed
    to resurrect Russia without gulags and other excesses of the past. Russians have never had it so good as they do now.

    So the yap about getting tired is fantasy projection. Russians are not interested in sucking NATzO ass and have lost any
    delusions about the west they had in 1991. A fringe minority of lunatic malcontents does not speak for the Russian
    people. But these clowns are the go-to reference for the western fake stream media. Just like the recent claims
    that all Russian young people are disillusioned. Sure, and there is a fine bridge in Brooklyn for sale, cheap. If they
    were all so disillusioned then they would not be joining the workforce in advanced sectors such the MIC, nuclear power,
    and electronics. They would be staging real protests all the time. Not microscopic rent-a-crowed jokes we see today.

    And Putin is maneuvering in the right direction. His proposed constitutional reform is massively popular. Meanwhile
    the commies have totally sold out and are just a branch of the liberast 5th column. Their screeching about corporate
    abuse is BS and serves the interests of the USA which wants Russia to actually be ruled by a corrupt oligarchy which
    it can buy and sell like all the other ones that it controls around the world.


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    Post  kvs Sat Apr 25, 2020 12:07 am

    calripson wrote:

    Much like Marx, your descriptive analysis is largely correct, but your prescriptive solution is faulty. It is true that Russian education in science, math, and engineering is tops in the world. Visit any graduate faculty in physics or math and MIT, Stanford, Harvard ect and witness the number of faculty from the former USSR. Turning intellectual wealth into real world business is a different matter. Russia is too small a market unlike China or India to compete with the US and EU markets. The US has very smartly barred Russia both explicitly and implicitly from competing fairly in many lucrative markets. Russia has tried various half-baked programs to promote "Russian innovation". Case in point - Skolkovo. They spent billions building this Russian Silicon Valley. With what results? Any promising technology is bought for pennies on the dollar by Chinese or European firms. It is a real simple calculus for any innovative business person in tech or biotech in Russia. You can try to develop a business in capital starved Russia with a domestic market of 145 million and a GDP 1/10 the size of competitors (hoping that some day Putin isn't replaced by a Yeltsin type figure who gives away the store to foreign competition), or you can sell out for quick millions and a life of leisure abroad. All that intellectual value flows to its new owners in Silicon Valley, Israel, the EU, or wherever. Let's say you are just a smart kid - a real good programmer. Russia routinely wins the IBM University Programming Challenge. Do you think IBM is running this program as a charity? No, they are identifying talent. The same with pre and post scholastic programs sponsored by the US. Those kids will be offered salaries ten times what they can make in Russia. (As an aside there is only one technologically advanced country that does not allow its universities to compete in the IBM Programming Challenge. Want to guess which one?) So perhaps you are too clever by half; Putin knows very well what Russia's limitations are and the paradox of his own neo-liberal beliefs. He is a man born in 1952; the last Soviet style leader Russia will have with all its associated nostalgia. What comes after him remains to be seen.

    Your dismissal of Skolkovo is vapid nonsense not backed by anything. Russia has routinely demonstrated import substitution capability at
    the core technological level. And not through Chinese style ripoffs. You probably think that scientific and applied knowledge is some
    trivial function of financing. LOL.

    As for Russia's economy being 1/10 of its competitors. Yet more vapid BS. The US GDP is an accounting scam. If it was so rich it would
    not be losing jobs at over six million per week. Russia isn't. That 50% of the US GDP which is its financial sector is worth nothing in the
    real world. It does not give it any industry and it the core of the accounting scam. Loans are not real GDP activity. Only actual physical
    production and offer of associated services. All of these 10x larger competitors (they don't exist, you are spreading BS) do not have anywhere
    near the comprehensive technological base Russia does. That includes the USA with its offshored manufacturing and inability to advance
    in nuclear power. And if you try to dismiss this metric, then you are a joke. Alternative energy is for idiots. It has not scaled anywhere
    near the critical mass to be a replacement for conventional power. And Germany is Exhibit A, with its joke pull back to burning coal. What
    about all the solar panels and wind mills? LOL.


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    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 25, 2020 4:51 am

    Giving away money to a hostile Ukraine, and medical personal protection equipment and attire to a hostile U.S.A.

    The medical equipment they delivered to the US was half paid for by the US, so effectively it probably didn't really cost Russia very much at all.

    Certainly basing a view on a story from Fox news is the height of stupidity, a bit like the Harlem globe trotters wanting constructive criticism from the KKK...

    If Putin was so bad for Russia then why do Russians keep voting him back in to office... and why does the west hate him so bitterly?
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Post  Odin of Ossetia Tue May 12, 2020 12:41 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    Russians are Growing Tired of Putin.

    Giving away money to a hostile Ukraine, and medical personal protection equipment and attire to a hostile U.S.A.

    And I guess many other things.

    And now the results:

    Russian medical personnel are literally losing their lives because there is a very serious shortage in Russia of medical protective equipment and attire.


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    Post  Regular Tue May 12, 2020 12:59 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    Russians are Growing Tired of Putin.

    Giving away money to a hostile Ukraine, and medical personal protection equipment and attire to a hostile U.S.A.

    And I guess many other things.

    And now the results:

    Russian medical personnel are literally losing their lives because there is a very serious shortage in Russia of medical protective equipment and attire.

    Terrible. But better tell this to UK and USA doctors who don't even have a quarter of equipment Russia has.. Mad

    Also, popularity will mean very little if Putin will transition to new role. Also, popularity in gov dropped all over the world. No one likes to be locked. Btw, I am not sure how personally Putin is responsible for shortages? You know that there are gubernatorial positions in the regions with shortages?

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    Post  miketheterrible Tue May 12, 2020 1:37 am

    Edit: in hopes to turn a new page by being nice even though many don't deserve it, I'll edit my post.

    But I'll give this advice - don't use a source from a nation who is openly attacking another nation and funding media groups to fight said other nation, as a source on said other nation.

    I wouldn't use Russian news to know what's going on in US like I wouldn't use US news for nearly any country outside of USA.

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    Post  GarryB Tue May 12, 2020 4:38 am

    Russia a coronavirus hotspot.... for goodness sake... Russia has a little over 2,000 deaths to the damn virus... the UK is at what, France is at what, Germany is at what, the US is at what... it is like the opposite of WWII deaths...

    According to the World Health Organisation... the numbers are:

    UK = 31,855

    France = 26,338

    Germany = 7,419

    US = 76,916

    Compared with for 2009 deaths in Russia... coronavirus hotspot my ass.

    In fact it is interesting... the UK had deaths of about three quarters of a million, which is about ten times more than the US loses to coronavirus, while US losses were about a quarter of a million which is 10% of British losses to the coronavirus...

    Now compare Russias 2K deaths with its 27 million losses from WWII... but hell lets ignore the facts and claim Russia has a problem.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue May 12, 2020 6:59 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Edit: in hopes to turn a new page by being nice even though many don't deserve it, I'll edit my post.

    But I'll give this advice - don't use a source from a nation who is openly attacking another nation and funding media groups to fight said other nation, as a source on said other nation.

    I wouldn't use Russian news to know what's going on in US like I wouldn't use US news for nearly any country outside of USA.

    Odin will swallow, gargle and regurgitate the smegma-bullshit from the liars who blood-libeled the world in to believing there was WMD's in Iraq, and that banker bailouts were a necessary evil.....but he takes no issue of his precious Polish elite being part of the Pederast-International lmao!!! Razz Embarassed pwnd lol1

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    Post  miketheterrible Tue May 12, 2020 1:01 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Edit: in hopes to turn a new page by being nice even though many don't deserve it, I'll edit my post.

    But I'll give this advice - don't use a source from a nation who is openly attacking another nation and funding media groups to fight said other nation, as a source on said other nation.

    I wouldn't use Russian news to know what's going on in US like I wouldn't use US news for nearly any country outside of USA.

    Odin will swallow, gargle and regurgitate the smegma-bullshit from the liars who blood-libeled the world in to believing there was WMD's in Iraq, and that banker bailouts were a necessary evil.....but he takes no issue of his precious Polish elite being part of the Pederast-International lmao!!! Razz Embarassed pwnd lol1

    I wanted to ream him out again for his nonsense but he won't get it through his thick Polish skull. Ever argue with a Polish person outside of the internet? It's awefule. They just repeat lie after lie thinking it's correct no matter what evidence you bring forward and they all think Poland is some holy land even if they all leave to clean toilets somewhere else.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Vladimir Putin Thread - Page 14 Empty Re: Vladimir Putin Thread

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sat May 16, 2020 12:17 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    Russians are Growing Tired of Putin.

    Giving away money to a hostile Ukraine, and medical personal protection equipment and attire to a hostile U.S.A.

    And I guess many other things.

    And now the results:

    Russian medical personnel are literally losing their lives because there is a very serious shortage in Russia of medical protective equipment and attire.

    More results:

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