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4 posters

    Poland and Russia

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Poland and Russia Empty Poland and Russia

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Oct 28, 2019 7:24 pm

    Any chances for improvement of Polish-Russian relationships in near future?

    Are there any openly pro-Russian political parties in Poland?

    Posts : 15808
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    Location : Turdope's Kanada

    Poland and Russia Empty Re: Poland and Russia

    Post  kvs Mon Oct 28, 2019 8:13 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Any chances for improvement of Polish-Russian relationships in near future?

    Are there any openly pro-Russian political parties in Poland?

    I can't comment on the political scene too much, but it is clear that there are Poles who do not hate Russia like their
    leadership. You can find them on web fora and it is clear that they are not hoodwinked by the current hysterical
    anti-Russian agitprop. But much like the case with Ukraine, they are too few to make a difference.

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Poland and Russia Empty Re: Poland and Russia

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:17 pm

    How would you solve the issue of Katyn massacre, Soviet invasion of Poland and the NKVD Polish Operation of 1937? These are major contention points in Poland and result in -100 Polish opinion of Russia in PDX terms.

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    Location : Turdope's Kanada

    Poland and Russia Empty Re: Poland and Russia

    Post  kvs Tue Oct 29, 2019 11:51 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:How would you solve the issue of Katyn massacre, Soviet invasion of Poland and the NKVD Polish Operation of 1937? These are major contention points in Poland and result in -100 Polish opinion of Russia in PDX terms.

    The Katyn massacre was perpetrated by the Nazis. Gorby's attempt to claim credit on behalf of the USSR was a fraud.

    There was a dig of various sites conducted by a joint Polish-Ukrainian team that unearthed ID tags of Polish officers
    that perished in the "Katyn massacre" from Nazi controlled locations. Even if the USSR was rounding up these Poles for
    deportation to Siberia, it was the Nazis who took these POWs and murdered them. The standard procedure during the 1930s
    and during the 1940s was to ship people off to Siberia and not to slaughter them into unmarked mass graves like the Nazis.

    What Soviet invasion of Poland are you going on about? You mean the legal restoration of the borders of Belorus and Ukraine
    after Poland land grabbed eastern parts of those countries during the Polish invasion of the USSR after the 1917 revolution.
    BTW, over 100,000 Soviet POWs died in Polish concentration camps. Yet these f*cks bitch about the fraudulent Katyn.
    There was no uncertainty where and when these Soviet POWs died.

    If you want to be taken seriously, don't repeat NATzO propaganda talking points. The clock of history doesn't start when
    it serves your interests. It starts the same for everyone.

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

    Posts : 1725
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    Join date : 2015-01-24
    Age : 33
    Location : Oldenburg

    Poland and Russia Empty Re: Poland and Russia

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Oct 30, 2019 12:01 am

    No Pole would believe in German responsibility in Katyn. More so since Russia itself claimed responsibilityКатынский_расстрел

    The objective is to improve Polish-Russian relation both on state- and population level. It doesn't matter if lying a it is required for that sake. Maybe a joint Polish-Russian historical commitee qould qrite an agreed upon version of hsitory?

    Although I doubt it could be done now. Current Polish government (which recently won elections with 45% of vote although it lost in the Senate) is rabidly anti-Russian and sees any concessions to Russia as treason, most of its electorate aslso sees it that way.

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    Poland and Russia Empty Re: Poland and Russia

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 30, 2019 7:42 am

    If Poland and Russia are never friends again... not really a huge loss for Russia.

    Any massacre perpetrated by the Soviets would be on the orders of Stalin... a Georgian.

    The people reportedly executed were officers of the Polish armed forces, which represented a threat to controlling the region the Soviets intended to keep.

    Call it ethnic cleansing... call it anything you like... they were Polish military personnel on Soviet territory that had been seized during the Russian civil war in 1922... the Soviets didn't just ignore German officers and soldiers captured on Soviet territory as they pushed German and their allied forces out of the Soviet territory either.

    It was a brutal time... get over it.

    Poland supported the German invasion of the Soviet Union in which 20 million people lost their lives and you want them to apologise for killing a few thousand Polish soldiers?

    Next you will be complaining that Stalin intentionally got polish forces (anti Russian groups) to rise up in Warsaw so the Germans could wipe them out.

    It is a bit like telling off the British and Americans for waiting until 1944 to mount the D Day operation... letting the Germans and the Soviets fight it out... that was just as ruthless.

    BTW all these complaints about the Soviet occupation of eastern europe after WWII... totally ignore the fact that the US and UK and French agreed on those lines on maps... if the west wanted the Soviets out of eastern europe they simply could have withdrawn US/UK/French forces from Germany, and US forces from europe.

    Posts : 15808
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    Join date : 2014-09-11
    Location : Turdope's Kanada

    Poland and Russia Empty Re: Poland and Russia

    Post  kvs Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:07 pm

    Hilarious. Pooland is bitching, smelling about Russia's military presence in the Arctic. Yo, poop-landers, nobody
    asked you, and Russia is "militarizing" its own Arctic soil. Russia has a substantial population in the Arctic and its
    own shipping routes. You yanqui cock-sucks are the ones engaged in aggressive militarization of the Arctic because
    Washington wants to control the north sea route.


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    Poland and Russia Empty Hilarious. Pooland is bitching, smelling about Russia's military presence in the Arctic.

    Post  Hole Fri Mar 27, 2020 9:51 pm

    This is like saying that Poland is militarizing the Baltic Sea.

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