nomadski Sun Aug 30, 2020 5:36 pm
Yes agree. It looks like most nations have adopted the 12 mile limit. This gives Greece more control over the resources in the sea. But also the UN law seem unclear. For example, if limits of territorial waters overlap, then a median line is selected. Or limits agreed by negotiation. Also any coastal nation has exclusive economic zone, extending 200 miles from coast. In this case by law, Turkey seems to have rights too.
Ancient law recognised 3 miles. According to distance a cannon shot travelled from shore. I guess the thinking was that, there was no need for a military dispute. Since outcome was predictable. And depended on range of weapons. By this argument, the range of territorial waters, should extend the globe. Since range of modern weapons, spans the globe. In essence there are no territorial waters anymore.
But I do not use such arguments. On one extreme, I could say that property and resources are universally owned by all humanity. This is not crazy. Already people argue that Earth climate being affected by Amazon deforestation, is all their concern. And they are right. Similar arguments could be made for some other concentrated but strategic resources. Such as some types of Fish. As foods. Limitations on fisheries by Japan or others about whales.
The other extreme of argument, recognises ownership by the few or the powerful, over vast areas. In an exclusive manner. The building of Islands in the sea. Monumental tasks, that only the powerful can perform. Not the poor or the weak. Hence exclusivity. But this argument fails. In that the poor or the many, are denied development and economic opportunities. Geographical distances are no answer either. Since fortune would deny most from vital resources. The only solution ideally is to allow a proportional share of Earth resources. According to size of population. So in this case, irrespective of what the UN or a court says, the best solution is limited exploitation by Greece and Turkey. By agreement.
Similarly the resources in the Arctic or south China Sea, should be shared. By limiting exploitation, by any single nation.