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    Military facilities accidents and disasters


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    Military facilities accidents and disasters - Page 8 Empty Re: Military facilities accidents and disasters

    Post  Aristide Sat Aug 17, 2019 9:14 am

    Nothing about a nuclear aircraft engine is revolutioniary. Thats old stuff from the late 50th.

    Its dangerous and has gargantuan risks attached to it. The americans stopped project Pluto for exactly that reason.

    I find it quite irresponsible how easy Russia takes those risks for their own population. They obviously learned nothing from Chernobyl. And there are far worse areas in Russia
    regarding fallout and nuclear waste. Sunken nuclear reactors that leak radiation into barrent sea. Areas like in Ural mountains that often release radioactive fallout. Now this exploding engine.

    I have a question here, France stands for nuclear power. I see it as important energy scoruce. We have countless nuclear power plants, nuclear powered submarines ect. But never an accident on that scale.

    What do we right that Russia does wrong?

    Regarding that nuclear engine...the Concorde was banned to fly over land with supersonic speeds because the sound emissions created by it.

    No nation will allow a aircraft fly over it with radioactive engines. So consider this a dead end development.

    It also adresses another factor. Such aircraft have the ability to poison large areas of land. They obviously should not be shot down over allied territories so in case of war they must be destroyed while still over enemies land.

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    Military facilities accidents and disasters - Page 8 Empty Re: Military facilities accidents and disasters

    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 17, 2019 9:17 am

    Nothing about a nuclear aircraft engine is revolutioniary. Thats old stuff from the late 50th.

    The engine they are talking about is operating in a vacuum... so really we are talking about 3 month trips to Mars instead of a year and a half to get there... and of course a vehicle with efficient enough propulsion to fly around in earth orbit and collect up some of the major objects that are no longer needed to have a bit of a cleanup... both very valuable things...

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    Military facilities accidents and disasters - Page 8 Empty Re: Military facilities accidents and disasters

    Post  Aristide Sat Aug 17, 2019 10:06 am

    GarryB wrote:
    Nothing about a nuclear aircraft engine is revolutioniary. Thats old stuff from the late 50th.

    The engine they are talking about is operating in a vacuum... so really we are talking about 3 month trips to Mars instead of a year and a half to get there... and of course a vehicle with efficient enough propulsion to fly around in earth orbit and collect up some of the major objects that are no longer needed to have a bit of a cleanup... both very valuable things...

    The risks outweigh the profits.

    Good luck with such an engine while uncontrolled deorbiting.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Aug 17, 2019 10:53 am

    With such an engine you are more likely to have have flight control...

    There are a lot of nuclear reactors in space... many are shut down and launched in to a much higher orbit to delay the time they become a problem... being able to deal with them sooner rather than later is a good thing... not to mention a chance to clean up some of the other crap floating up there...

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    Military facilities accidents and disasters - Page 8 Empty Re: Military facilities accidents and disasters

    Post  Arrow Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:30 am

    nuclear aircraft engine would be revolutionary for both civilian airliners and military transport/fighter/bomber aircraft. wrote:

    I don't think planes fly with nuclear engines. So where is this quiet revolution?

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    Post  Aristide Sat Aug 17, 2019 11:32 am

    GarryB wrote:With such an engine you are more likely to have have flight control...

    There are a lot of nuclear reactors in space... many are shut down and launched in to a much higher orbit to delay the time they become a problem... being able to deal with them sooner rather than later is a good thing... not to mention a chance to clean up some of the other crap floating up there...

    Flight control like the one that exploded recently? Or the countless russian rockets that went boom? Or our first Ariane V that went out of control?

    You can build a nuclear battery relative fail safe i such an event. You cant build a nuclear engine in a way to be secure in such an event.

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    Military facilities accidents and disasters - Page 8 Empty Re: Military facilities accidents and disasters

    Post  Mindstorm Sat Aug 17, 2019 6:11 pm

    Arrow wrote:What will this revolution consist in that can change the balance of power in the world? New hypersonic weapons, nuclear hypersonic engine?

    Military component (a small part of results of which has been rendered open in 2018 and 2019 President's speechs) is only a minor part of this basis Science and applicative program on innovative technologies; some of the most interesting are aimed, particularly, at render suddenly obsolete the entire line of production, with the related technological basis, upon which is founded a competitive advantage of western products, while furtherly strengthening advange in the areas of our lead.

    All this attention about nuclear propulsion units (the development of which, until now, luckily proceed regularly and without any destructive accident) truly fail to center the picture......

    Aristide wrote:We have countless nuclear power plants, nuclear powered submarines ect. But never an accident on that scale.

    What do we right that Russia does wrong?

    Nothing right and nothing wrong, more simply : in France authorities accept the realization of civil and military products (above all those with potential high class of mishaps in the experimental phase) only after the relative technology basis, and proved production protocols has been established.

    This obviously reduce of orders of magnitude chances of accidents ,the large majority of which hystorically happen in the program's experimental or production start-up, but contemporaneously condemn you to at best to second line role in contribution to technological cycles and, in military field, to the continous catch-up in the creation of the most revolutionary samples.

    Just to provide an example of what just said, limited to the point in question, we can notice that France while being the nation at world with the majority amount of electricity coming from nuclear reactors, operate still today exclusively PWR reactors of the so called "second generation", vast majority of which built in the '80 years.

    Now the main characteristic of those reactors ,on which the entire nuclear energy production is based upon, is that all them was constructed employing the well established technical design and construction protocols developed by the American Westinghouse INC (US), of which the designer Framatome was effectively a mere license-maker.

    Is clear that for the development of the prototypes and start-up construction of those PWR was obviously the US at "pay" with major accidents (1977 at Army Nuclear  and even more 1979 at Three Mile Island Unit 2 meltdown) not France .

    On the other side France pay very heavily for its national nuclear energy production based entirely of a foreign by now truly primitive design (and its infinitely lower risks associated with construction and start-up operations) : the export potential, economic profitability and technological appeal of France's nuclear plant construction abroad is practically zero while Росатом,, that has been always at the leading position of experimentation on new nuclear-related technologies and have already constructed and operated the unique "third +" generation ВВЭР-1200 and Fast Neutron Reactors, boast a value of the foreign order book for nuclear power plant construction abroad -33 - ,excluded maintenance works, superior to 6,8 trillions rubles !!! -more than 100 billions of US $-

    If we return to military sector you can observe a similar situation: let examine selection of USA for new military programs.
    You will notice a progressively higher reliance and emphasis put on the increased performances of the electronic content while contemporaneously a very conservative.....almost backward-oriented......attitude toward experimentation and integration of innovative or even revolutionary solutions in terms of platform layout, material content and propulsion.

    So you see that new anti-ship missiles of US Navy, the LRASM aimed at confront the superiority of OPFOR products ,at the beginning a very ambitious (for US standard) program with an high supersonic ram-jet powerd missile with independent targeting capabilities and data exchange in the salvo similar to Soviet products, ended to be merely an AGM-158 with software and homing adapted to Navy employment, the artillery program - ERCA - tasked to confront the heavy problem of range and fire power superiority of our systems is nothing more than modified outdated M777 and M109A7 with merely a new ammunition and software upgrades and so on with the "new" ABM program, new ground forces vehicles, new naval propuslion etc....
    Those choices reduce enormously technical risks and accident risks for those programs, but bring also an iherent involutive effects on military science.  

    Federation approach is at the opposite side of the spectrum, when it was necessary to change the shift in ground based gun artillery the solution was to develop a complete new system -  2С35 Коалиция-СВ - including an entire line of related ammunitions and logistical vehicles, not to adapt a 30 years old gun to shot a new ammunition, when was necessary to create a new generation of long range anti-ship/anti-ground missiles the solution was to develop hypersonic missiles Кинжал and Циркон not to change the software of an irrelevant missile in a modern conflict, when was decided to create a new approach to aerospace defense was created "Нудоль" ABM, С-500 anti-missile/Aircraft system, "Пересвет "laser (and some others still not disclosed) with all the related revolutionary technolgies involved ,not changed the software and the booster stages of old interceptors, when a new level of ground based highly protected vehicle was considered necessary Federation's holdings have created "Армата" and "Курган" family with new lines of ammunitions and unparalleled passive, dynamic protection and APS "Афганит" not refurbished old M1A2 with new vectronics and mounting on it an Isreali built APS , and so on and on.

    This much higher aptitude to radical innovation of domestic institutions is obviously accompained, in some fields, by a proportional higher exposure to destructive accidents above all in the latest development and validation phases , but on the other hand allowed them to become the "trend setter at world level.

    See Aristide if, instead of highly conservative "old" Rolls-Royce MT30 engines and capacitors the new class Zumwalt destroyer would have integrated a truly innovative propulsion and batteries, the break-up with water intrusion in the Panama canal and the two other ones during the latest tests phases would have been true disasters with immense material losses and potentially several dozen of deaths; this class of ship instead, with the actually integrated technical solution, will remain totally much as irrelevant.....both for US Navy operators than for theirs enemies.

    As you can easily understand nothing inherently right or wrong here; it is only a question of relative return on the short, middle and long term.

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    Military facilities accidents and disasters - Page 8 Empty Re: Military facilities accidents and disasters

    Post  Aristide Sat Aug 17, 2019 8:10 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:
    Arrow wrote:What will this revolution consist in that can change the balance of power in the world? New hypersonic weapons, nuclear hypersonic engine?

    Military component (a small part of results of which has been rendered open in 2018 and 2019 President's speechs) is only a minor part of this basis Science and applicative program on innovative technologies; some of the most interesting are aimed, particularly, at render suddenly obsolete the entire line of production, with the related technological basis, upon which is founded a competitive advantage of western products, while furtherly strengthening advange in the areas of our lead.

    All this attention about nuclear propulsion units (the development of which, until now, luckily proceed regularly and without any destructive accident) truly fail to center the picture......

    Aristide wrote:We have countless nuclear power plants, nuclear powered submarines ect. But never an accident on that scale.

    What do we right that Russia does wrong?

    Nothing right and nothing wrong, more simply : in France authorities accept the realization of civil and military products (above all those with potential high class of mishaps in the experimental phase) only after the relative technology basis, and proved production protocols has been established.

    This obviously reduce of orders of magnitude chances of accidents ,the large majority of which hystorically happen in the program's experimental or production start-up, but contemporaneously condemn you to at best to second line role in contribution to technological cycles and, in military field, to the continous catch-up in the creation of the most revolutionary samples.

    Just to provide an example of what just said, limited to the point in question, we can notice that France while being the nation at world with the majority amount of electricity coming from nuclear reactors, operate still today exclusively PWR reactors of the so called "second generation", vast majority of which built in the '80 years.

    Now the main characteristic of those reactors ,on which the entire nuclear energy production is based upon, is that all them was constructed employing the well established technical design and construction protocols developed by the American Westinghouse INC (US), of which the designer Framatome was effectively a mere license-maker.

    Is clear that for the development of the prototypes and start-up construction of those PWR was obviously the US at "pay" with major accidents (1977 at Army Nuclear  and even more 1979 at Three Mile Island Unit 2 meltdown) not France .

    On the other side France pay very heavily for its national nuclear energy production based entirely of a foreign by now truly primitive design (and its infinitely lower risks associated with construction and start-up operations) : the export potential, economic profitability and technological appeal of France's nuclear plant construction abroad is practically zero while Росатом,, that has been always at the leading position of experimentation on new nuclear-related technologies and have already constructed and operated the unique "third +" generation ВВЭР-1200 and Fast Neutron Reactors, boast a value of the foreign order book for nuclear power plant construction abroad -33 - ,excluded maintenance works, superior to 6,8 trillions rubles !!! -more than 100 billions of US $-

    If we return to military sector you can observe a similar situation: let examine selection of USA for new military programs.
    You will notice a progressively higher reliance and emphasis put on the increased performances of the electronic content while contemporaneously a very conservative.....almost backward-oriented......attitude toward experimentation and integration of innovative or even revolutionary solutions in terms of platform layout, material content and propulsion.

    So you see that new anti-ship missiles of US Navy, the LRASM aimed at confront the superiority of OPFOR products ,at the beginning a very ambitious (for US standard) program with an high supersonic ram-jet powerd missile with independent targeting capabilities and data exchange in the salvo similar to Soviet products, ended to be merely an AGM-158 with software and homing adapted to Navy employment, the artillery program - ERCA - tasked to confront the heavy problem of range and fire power superiority of our systems is nothing more than modified outdated M777 and M109A7 with merely a new ammunition and software upgrades and so on with the "new" ABM program, new ground forces vehicles, new naval propuslion etc....
    Those choices reduce enormously technical risks and accident risks for those programs, but bring also an iherent involutive effects on military science.  

    Federation approach is at the opposite side of the spectrum, when it was necessary to change the shift in ground based gun artillery the solution was to develop a complete new system -  2С35 Коалиция-СВ - including an entire line of related ammunitions and logistical vehicles, not to adapt a 30 years old gun to shot a new ammunition, when was necessary to create a new generation of long range anti-ship/anti-ground missiles the solution was to develop hypersonic missiles Кинжал and Циркон not to change the software of an irrelevant missile in a modern conflict, when was decided to create a new approach to aerospace defense was created "Нудоль" ABM, С-500 anti-missile/Aircraft system, "Пересвет "laser (and some others still not disclosed) with all the related revolutionary technolgies involved ,not changed the software and the booster stages of old interceptors, when a new level of ground based highly protected vehicle was considered necessary Federation's holdings have created "Армата" and "Курган" family with new lines of ammunitions and unparalleled passive, dynamic protection and APS "Афганит" not refurbished old M1A2 with new vectronics and mounting on it an Isreali built APS , and so on and on.

    This much higher aptitude to radical innovation of domestic institutions is obviously accompained, in some fields, by a proportional higher exposure to destructive accidents above all in the latest development and validation phases , but on the other hand allowed them to become the "trend setter at world level.

    See Aristide if, instead of highly conservative "old" Rolls-Royce MT30 engines and capacitors the new class Zumwalt destroyer would have integrated a truly innovative propulsion and batteries, the break-up with water intrusion in the Panama canal and the two other ones during the latest tests phases would have been true disasters with immense material losses and potentially several dozen of deaths; this class of ship instead, with the actually integrated technical solution, will remain totally much as irrelevant.....both for US Navy operators than for theirs enemies.

    As you can easily understand nothing inherently right or wrong here; it is only a question of relative return on the short, middle and long term.

    I see it as risk management. We dont have the land mass in our home nation to evacuate after a nuclear accident of Chernobyl scale. Where should we send all people? New Caledonia or Tahiti?

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    Military facilities accidents and disasters - Page 8 Empty Re: Military facilities accidents and disasters

    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 18, 2019 6:21 am

    I don't think planes fly with nuclear engines. So where is this quiet revolution?

    They don't currently do that because nuclear engines are not practical.... just like in the age of steam there were no steam powered aircraft either...

    A nuclear battery, say 1 metre by 1 metre, and perhaps 2.5 metres long and generating a megawatt of continuous power for 20 or 30 years is plenty of power to run a small aircraft as long as it is not too heavy or too radioactive. You could fly as far as you wanted without needing to refuel... it could run 2 or three electric motors continuously... it could be propeller or electric turbine...

    Flight control like the one that exploded recently?

    When Concorde crashed it killed way more people... should people stop flying in airplanes too?

    Or the countless russian rockets that went boom? Or our first Ariane V that went out of control?

    Cars crash, buses crash, trucks crash, ships sink, planes crash, rockets blow up... if you give up on a technology because there is a chance of failure go back to living in a cave as a hunter gatherer...

    You can build a nuclear battery relative fail safe i such an event. You cant build a nuclear engine in a way to be secure in such an event.

    A nuclear battery only has become safe after years of development and testing and likely some failures. A nuclear engine offers performance in places where normal engines are useless... like in space or even underwater...

    Are you going to turn your back on progress?

    We have countless nuclear power plants, nuclear powered submarines ect. But never an accident on that scale.

    What do we right that Russia does wrong?

    Russia leads the way and has no path to follow to make progress easy and less painful.

    I see it as risk management. We dont have the land mass in our home nation to evacuate after a nuclear accident of Chernobyl scale. Where should we send all people? New Caledonia or Tahiti?

    Well those island states need power generation too... if you had any brains you would get together with the world leaders and invest in some ship based new generation nuclear power plants with Russia that can be sent to tropical islands to sit on extended piers to provide stable electricity without having to ship in enormous amounts of diesel every week, plus the electrical power and heat generation could create potential for efficient desalination plants for plentiful amounts of fresh water for the islands too... after a few years of operation when the reliability is proven you can adapt them to land based systems and replace your oldest reactors first with these new ones.


    Well these reactors don't produce the enormous amount of irradiated waste material that the old reactors do... in fact they are called breeder reactors because the way they operate you can put spent fuel rods around the atomic pile during normal operations of the reactor and reenrich the spent fuel for use as fuel again or enriched further as weapon grade material.

    No, perhaps it is not a good idea for France to do this because it will make living on islands cheaper and much easier and will help deal with your nuclear waste problems and of course enable you to build up weapons grade material quickly or produce fuel grade material to sell to the US or other countries using old or new reactors...

    Bad idea... forget I mentioned it.

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    Military facilities accidents and disasters - Page 8 Empty Re: Military facilities accidents and disasters

    Post  Aristide Sun Aug 18, 2019 7:39 am

    GarryB wrote:
    I don't think planes fly with nuclear engines. So where is this quiet revolution?

    They don't currently do that because nuclear engines are not practical.... just like in the age of steam there were no steam powered aircraft either...

    A nuclear battery, say 1 metre by 1 metre, and perhaps 2.5 metres long and generating a megawatt of continuous power for 20 or 30 years is plenty of power to run a small aircraft as long as it is not too heavy or too radioactive. You could fly as far as you wanted without needing to refuel... it could run 2 or three electric motors continuously... it could be propeller or electric turbine...

    Flight control like the one that exploded recently?

    When Concorde crashed it killed way more people... should people stop flying in airplanes too?

    Or the countless russian rockets that went boom? Or our first Ariane V that went out of control?

    Cars crash, buses crash, trucks crash, ships sink, planes crash, rockets blow up... if you give up on a technology because there is a chance of failure go back to living in a cave as a hunter gatherer...

    You can build a nuclear battery relative fail safe i such an event. You cant build a nuclear engine in a way to be secure in such an event.

    A nuclear battery only has become safe after years of development and testing and likely some failures. A nuclear engine offers performance in places where normal engines are useless... like in space or even underwater...

    Are you going to turn your back on progress?

    We have countless nuclear power plants, nuclear powered submarines ect. But never an accident on that scale.

    What do we right that Russia does wrong?

    Russia leads the way and has no path to follow to make progress easy and less painful.

    I see it as risk management. We dont have the land mass in our home nation to evacuate after a nuclear accident of Chernobyl scale. Where should we send all people? New Caledonia or Tahiti?

    Well those island states need power generation too... if you had any brains you would get together with the world leaders and invest in some ship based new generation nuclear power plants with Russia that can be sent to tropical islands to sit on extended piers to provide stable electricity without having to ship in enormous amounts of diesel every week, plus the electrical power and heat generation could create potential for efficient desalination plants for plentiful amounts of fresh water for the islands too... after a few years of operation when the reliability is proven you can adapt them to land based systems and replace your oldest reactors first with these new ones.


    Well these reactors don't produce the enormous amount of irradiated waste material that the old reactors do... in fact they are called breeder reactors because the way they operate you can put spent fuel rods around the atomic pile during normal operations of the reactor and reenrich the spent fuel for use as fuel again or enriched further as weapon grade material.

    No, perhaps it is not a good idea for France to do this because it will make living on islands cheaper and much easier and will help deal with your nuclear waste problems and of course enable you to build up weapons grade material quickly or produce fuel grade material to sell to the US or other countries using old or new reactors...

    Bad idea... forget I mentioned it.

    You have not that much knowledge about our areas?

    The last thing those islands need is water. New Caledonia, and all our pacific islands are filled with an ambundance of water. Watersfalls evrywhere, rivers and rainforests.

    As for Concorde, do you actually know what went wrong? Concorde was absolute safe. Our Concordes flew decades without incident.

    The one that crashed did crash because neglect.

    1. Before this flight mechanics worked on her wheels and forgot a part to install in her main gear. One of the wheels was not installed correctly and would start to shake when a certain speed was reached.

    2. The pilot made a criminal decission, he started with overweight. He put over 2 tons luggage more into the aircraft. It was 2 tons heavier that allowed. In other words the take off was illegal.

    3. There was debris on the run way from a DC 10 that started before. The runway was not cleared.
    So the Concorde was overloaded, had a nun functional wheel and debris on the run way.

    When she accelerated her wheel started shaking right and left. As it rolled over the debris, the entire wheel exploded. The debris smashed upwards and hit the wings. The shockwave let the fuel tank burst open. The fuel got ignited by the engines.

    And even in that situation she was able to take off. Which shows how well this aircraft was designed. The final blow was when the pilot shut down both engines on one side, she rolled over on one side and crashed.

    The factors of the overload and the not correctly installed wheel was made public last year after keeping a secret for all those years. Infact the wheel started to turn her right and she almost crashed into the aircraft where then president Chirac was sitting in. Because of this it was kept a secret for many years.

    This was a fuck up of Air France, not the aircraft. Its amazing actually she managed to get off the ground under those circumstances.

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    Post  Regular Sun Aug 18, 2019 11:52 am

    So basically secrecy and face saving doomed whole plane?

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    Post  Aristide Sun Aug 18, 2019 12:26 pm

    Regular wrote:So basically secrecy and face saving doomed whole plane?

    No, secrecy and face saving they did after it crashed. The aircraft that crashed was downed because idiocy from Air France.

    Air France has a very bad renomee. Its our national airline, gets protected from politicians amd faces no real competition. The service is bad, crew is rude. And i say that as a proud frenchmam. I cant defend the stuff that cant be defended.

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    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 18, 2019 12:52 pm

    The last thing those islands need is water. New Caledonia, and all our pacific islands are filled with an ambundance of water. Watersfalls evrywhere, rivers and rainforests.

    A small island has little surface area to catch rain water. The sea around most islands in the pacific is salt water, not fresh water. If they have plenty of fresh water then that is fine, besides... don't bother... France should keep its old nuclear reactors and not develop new technology... it is not safe...

    As for Concorde, do you actually know what went wrong? Concorde was absolute safe. Our Concordes flew decades without incident.

    But that is the point... nothing is absolutely safe and when you think it is accidents happen.

    The US space shuttles were safe until they had accidents.

    This was a fuck up of Air France, not the aircraft. Its amazing actually she managed to get off the ground under those circumstances.

    If bits of metal are left on runways, it would be more than just concords crashing...

    The thing is that a small piece of metal from a United Airlines plane that had just taken off ruined the safety record of the concorde... and that safety record and its speed was why people flew concord... an entire type of aircraft taken out of service because one crashed... that is expensive...

    you could argue it was an over reaction, but it was making money but not excessively, so after the crash they would not be flying full of people which means they would not be paying their way so they got cut.

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    Post  Aristide Sun Aug 18, 2019 1:06 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    The last thing those islands need is water. New Caledonia, and all our pacific islands are filled with an ambundance of water. Watersfalls evrywhere, rivers and rainforests.

    A small island has little surface area to catch rain water. The sea around most islands in the pacific is salt water, not fresh water. If they have plenty of fresh water then that is fine, besides... don't bother... France should keep its old nuclear reactors and not develop new technology... it is not safe...

    As for Concorde, do you actually know what went wrong? Concorde was absolute safe. Our Concordes flew decades without incident.

    But that is the point... nothing is absolutely safe and when you think it is accidents happen.

    The US space shuttles were safe until they had accidents.

    This was a fuck up of Air France, not the aircraft. Its amazing actually she managed to get off the ground under those circumstances.

    If bits of metal are left on runways, it would be more than just concords crashing...

    The thing is that a small piece of metal from a United Airlines plane that had just taken off ruined the safety record of the concorde... and that safety record and its speed was why people flew concord... an entire type of aircraft taken out of service because one crashed... that is expensive...

    you could argue it was an over reaction, but it was making money but not excessively, so after the crash they would not be flying full of people which means they would not be paying their way so they got cut.

    Did you actually read my text?

    The piece of metal was not the main cause. One wheel was not fixed correctly but running lose. They forgot to install some parts in the maintenance. And it had take off with 2tons overweight.

    Also it was not take out service because crash. Airbus denied to make any spareparts any longer. Zhe service got more and more expensive.

    Concorde was totally booked out even after the crash. The thing was, it was not profitable anymore.

    And calling New Caledonia small is funny. The island is 400km long

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    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:33 am

    Did you actually read my text?

    Not really, to be honest.

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    Military facilities accidents and disasters - Page 8 Empty Re: Military facilities accidents and disasters

    Post  owais.usmani Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:15 am

    Exclusive: Russian doctors say they weren’t warned patients were nuclear accident victims


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    Military facilities accidents and disasters - Page 8 Empty Re: Military facilities accidents and disasters

    Post  Arrow Mon Aug 19, 2019 10:37 am

    So, probably, the miniature nuclear rector was tested, not the RTG.

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    Post  flamming_python Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:24 pm

    owais.usmani wrote:

    Exclusive: Russian doctors say they weren’t warned patients were nuclear accident victims

    Load of BS by the Moscow Times

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    Post  kvs Mon Aug 19, 2019 3:42 pm

    owais.usmani wrote:

    Exclusive: Russian doctors say they weren’t warned patients were nuclear accident victims

    These doctors aren't prepared for such patients? Then what would warning them achieve? Would they order some special medicine from
    Amazon? Call up some "qualified" western doctors or what?

    The assertion in this piece is just retarded. Emergency room doctors do not have any warning about what sort of patients they are
    going to get aside from reports from paramedics on ambulances shortly before arrival of said patients. This rag is asserting that
    the Russian paramedics are not doing their jobs and are brain dead.

    This BS is part of an information warfare campaign against Russia being staged by NATO. We had the ludicrous claims that the
    jet that was crash landed in the corn field was the fault of gulls feeding off a garbage dump with the obvious inference that
    if the wicked authorities handled the garbage dump better then there would be no crash. This is a total lie:

    1) the gulls would still be present since there are many small lakes and open waters in the region combined with plowed land.
    Where I live in Canada there are plenty of gulls and they are not sustained by garbage dumps.

    2) at this time of year there are a lot of maturing young gulls (hatched this year) who have a natural habit of flocking and
    moving great distances in flocks.

    So garbage dump management has nothing to do with the accident.

    A clear pattern in this information warfare is the use of any incident as "proof" of Russian failure. As with the crash landing
    of the Superjet 100 a few weeks ago. For some reason Boeing and the USA are never smeared as failures over the 737 Max which
    was a clear flop due to the retarded software it used, which was created by low bid hacks.

    Anyway, NATO can bark all it wants, but the Russian nuclear powered missile research caravan keeps on moving forward. And the
    vast majority of Russians know what the deal is. Staging some joke protests by 15,000 paid clowns in Moscow transported from
    every but crack in Russia by bus, train and even plane is not going to produce any regime change. It will just consolidate the
    view of NATO as the lunatic enemy of Russia in the minds of Russians.

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    Post  Regular Mon Aug 19, 2019 6:31 pm

    Nuclear victims or not, Hippocratic oath should be upheld by these doctors. Article makes it sound that they should've refused to treat the injured.

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    Post  kvs Mon Aug 19, 2019 7:21 pm

    Regular wrote:Nuclear victims or not, Hippocratic oath should be upheld by these doctors. Article makes it sound that they should've refused to treat the injured.

    This is how anti-nuclear hysteria is maintained in the west. The insinuation is that these radiation victims were full of corium and
    covered with enough corium to kill anyone who touched them. That is, it is all one big Chernobyl coverup, even though there was
    never such a coverup since Pripyat and vicinity were evacuated within 24 hours of the accident/incident.

    If these radiation victims were actually transported somewhere for treatment, it would have been to facilities that can deal with
    radiation exposure and contamination. You know, Russia actually has such facilities. But the 5th column and foreign maggots would
    have you believe that Russia is some 3rd world toilet that doesn't have such facilities. That is why NATO propaganda is self-evident
    racist excrement.


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    Post  Arrow Wed Aug 21, 2019 12:15 pm

    a small part of results of which has been rendered open in 2018 and 2019 President's speechs) is only a minor part of this basis Science and applicative program on innovative technologies; some of the most interesting are aimed, particularly, at render suddenly obsolete the entire line of production, with the related technological basis, upon which is founded a competitive advantage of western products, while furtherly strengthening advange in the areas of our lead. wrote:

    So what else can we expect?
    Russia has made big progress in material technologies, in miniature nuclear reactors, in scramjet engines. They are still working on such a breakthrough in Russia. Should we expect new weapons similar to those presented on March 1, 2018? How is Russia so innovative in new projects with little money?

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