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    Russian Economy General News: #10


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  kvs Sun May 12, 2019 8:44 pm

    Russia has unloaded massively US dollars and treasury bills. And has increased the purchase of gold. The 5th column NATO sycophant
    media in Russia is trying to paint this as evidence of looming collapse. Orwellian propagandists trying to sell 2+2=5. By unloading
    US financial instruments, Russia is making itself additionally immune from US sanctions blackmail. These 5th column turds should worry
    more about their masters (the USA) losing from naked aggression. America does not have the power to push both Russia and China
    around. Whether Uncle Scumbag likes it or not a new world order is emerging and he's not in charge.


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  miketheterrible Sun May 12, 2019 8:51 pm

    They seriously need to introduce a English subtitles to this channel. Would increase its strength significantly.

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    Post  GarryB Mon May 13, 2019 5:42 am

    Click on the CC button to turn on the subtitles and then click on the cog or gear logo to go in to settings and click on Subtitles - Russian and then click on autotranslate down the bottom to change it to English auto translate subtitles by scrolling down to find english and clicking on english or what ever language you would prefer...

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  miketheterrible Mon May 13, 2019 6:25 am

    Not the same tbh. Still confusing for most

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  kvs Tue May 14, 2019 3:28 am

    miketheterrible wrote:Not the same tbh. Still confusing for most

    They have an English narrated series showing the same content. But I don't know where to link it.

    par far

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  par far Wed May 15, 2019 9:05 pm

    With all of the recent events, I think that oil prices are going to go up, does anyone think the same thing will happen?

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    Post  kvs Wed May 15, 2019 10:11 pm

    par far wrote:
    With all of the recent events, I think that oil prices are going to go up, does anyone think the same thing will happen?

    The large price drop we have seen since 2014 is a scam. US and EU futures traders use BS metrics such as gasoline stocks to speculate
    on crude oil demand and supply. This is simply inane. So it must be a racket. Right now US gasoline stocks are increasing but world
    oil production is dropping: and we see the oil price dropping. This scam cannot last since the real availability of oil is from
    production and not US consumption.

    Global conventional oil production peaked in 2005. It is non-conventional, flash in the pan production from previously ignored plays
    such as the Bakken that has produced a mostly US-based surge in production. These tight oil (and gas) plays are not ever going to
    replace the conventional reservoir volume. So they will not keep oil prices low for decades. In fact, the Bakken and other tight oil
    plays in the USA are already peaking. Once they start to decline we will see massive upward pressure on oil prices. Don't let the
    counting of ethanol and biodiesel in "oil production" by the EPA and IEA fool you. The same goes for the misnamed "shale oil". There is
    no such thing as true shale oil. Shale is very young rock that only contains kerogens which are oil precursors that need to be cooked
    to produce oil (this happens naturally over millions of years in conventional deposit formation). Tight oil from the Bakken is routinely
    convoluted with shale even though it is "shale-like", i.e. low prorosity, old sedimentary rock that is capping/trapping a Dolomite
    layer with the conventional oil deposit from above and below. Fracking is used to break through this shale-like rock to reach the
    porous Dolomite domains.

    No kerogen to synthetic crude oil production is happening anywhere on the planet. So if you see a reference to Green River deposits
    you know that you are being sold snake oil. The problem with high oil prices is that they trigger recession. So the oil price will
    undergo wild oscillations in the future as supply constraints try to drive it up and demand (recession) collapses will drive it down. We
    are entering a brave new world of economic instability and impoverishment.

    par far

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  par far Sat May 18, 2019 6:59 am


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    Post  kvs Sat May 18, 2019 3:56 pm


    The only corruption that matters is the one you never hear about. That there is all this chatter about these incidents means

    1) they were exposed
    2) they were handled by law enforcement
    3) they no longer matter

    So instead of fixating on "Putin's failure", these amateur journalists and their NATO fanboi equivalents in Russia should report
    on the real story: the increasing exposure of fraud and the increasing number of crooks either busted or running away to
    NATO for safety.

    In NATO, corruption has been legalized via

    1) lobbying which overrides politicians' accountability to their constituents.
    2) absurd bidding procedures for state contracts which enable oligopoly bidders to collude and game the system; instead
    of lowest bid the state pays whatever price the oligopoly decides. There is no competition between the bidders and
    they merely shuffle around who gets to win this year. Naturally, predictable contracts enable this sort of racket.
    3) even with the non-functional bidding process above, there are still cases where politicians over-ride bidders they
    don't like because lobbyists from Lockheed, Boeing, etc., enable these monopolies to win all the time.
    4) we do hear of cases of bank managers defrauding their employers of millions and similar cases in the west too. According
    to all the NATO fanbois that is not an issue, but when it happens in Russia it is the end of the world.

    It is clear that Putin is cleaning house. This is likely due to his coming departure from the active politician role. His
    successor should face a much less daunting task than Putin did in 1999.


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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  miketheterrible Sun May 19, 2019 2:02 am

    I knew this was gonna come up as soon as I read about that Roscosmos chief who fled.

    As KVS said, Russia isn't afraid of actually reporting this news anymore. It's because of Medvedevs program to fight corruption that the corrupt officials are fleeing. Former economic minister is behind bars as example.

    There will be even more news as US and EU are funding people to go against Russia. It's same in China. No matter what, there will be corrupt people especially those with authority. Eventually they will smoke out most of them and this is what is happening. They are at least being proactive. $1B for Rostec is not a lot. Compared to US and Chinese losses in corruption, it's a drop in a bucket. But it's still bad and should be $0. But it never will be

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Vann7 Sun May 19, 2019 3:16 am

    miketheterrible wrote:I knew this was gonna come up as soon as I read about that Roscosmos chief who fled.

    As KVS said, Russia isn't afraid of actually reporting this news anymore. It's because of Medvedevs program to fight corruption that the corrupt officials are fleeing. Former economic minister is behind bars as example.

    There will be even more news as US and EU are funding people to go against Russia. It's same in China. No matter what, there will be corrupt people especially those with authority. Eventually they will smoke out most of them and this is what is happening.  They are at least being proactive. $1B for Rostec is not a lot. Compared to US and Chinese losses in corruption, it's a drop in a bucket. But it's still bad and should be $0. But it never will be

    Corruption is partly consequence of Mediocre leadership..
    When the people recruiting Managers for a company are mediocre.. de-motivated
    ,boring and weak , they will hire mediocre ,demotivated people ,that will more likely
    become very corrupt and steal at the earliest opportunity.. In other words.. Putin IS TO BLAME..
    for making alliance with Medvedev ,and for getting incompetence corrupt people in control
    of Government ..

    A competent leader , is someone that is self confident person ,Strong ,confident on himself
    and that that INSPIRE many to follow by his example.. So when you have people that steal ,
    from your job.. is because that person was recruited by a mediocre manager and not motivated ,not inspired by the Company to do a good job. People who love their jobs and feel proud about it ,and enjoy what they do ,and that have a high competent and strong BOSS..are far more probable ,to be loyal to their country ,nation and company he works//  

    So corruption => IS many times consequences of Mediocre leadership..  Good leaders will have no problem finding other good leaderss that will be 100% loyal to the state.   So Putin is to blame in part for the mediocre leadership ,he  helped to get in power in Russia.

    5th column.. =when people feel the nation is behind and doing bad.. people will start looking greener
    the grass in the other side. Putin lack of vision for developing Russia ,as a real alternative to United
    States ,is the reason why 5th Column exist..  While Putin gave gas discounts to Ukrainians.. to get their friendship and keep Ukraine in the Russian orbit.. The Americans were giving Ukrainians things they really liked and enjoyed and cheered... as it is the American culture.. their Internet , their music and their entertainment industry , that combined with US strong image in the world , more ambitious space exploration program.. and their image of being world stronger economy , that sold out Ukrainians to the Western side..    We feel Europeans.. we are not Russians.. This is what Both Poroshenko and Georgian government have said many times.. Russia lost Ukraine simply because
    of weakness and lack of Vision of Putin.. in how to counter the west. and transform Russia into a better alternative to the west.

    This is what Russia should have been doing. Following the example of China and huawei , Now even UK ,which is top US ally.. is not following US demands.. and opens the door to CHina technology ,something that will cause massive damage to American companies in communications ,massive damage to US economy too..,that will not lead anymore anywhere in the world.. or in  smartphones..Leading in High Tech for civilian industry ,,but with Putin the "Great" in power, he was more interested in breaking Wheat farming records and winning Olympic medals ,because it promote "patriotism" and because "promote friendship " too...  So Putin bet $65 billions dollars ,that leading in Sports and farming was going to make Russia stronger and more respected by the west... Haven't anyone notices how US and Russia relations have improved dramatically after they won the Gold Medals in Sochi? lol1

    Sarcasm aside.. This is an example of how CHINA by LEADING the World , by being a leader in high tech.. a perfect example how defeating American High tech business ,can OPEN you the doors ,with even top US allies... and break the Siege of American sanctions..Russia can be 100% sanctions proof , if he breaks US Business high tech domination , in the things they are more popular and influence more the world..  Russia economy needs to be focused on High Tech and not in Tourism or Oil  banana records ... Russia needs an economy that challenges directly American most popular high tech companies.  same way China is doing in Huawei vs Apple.. take this to a new level ,with many other US companies like Microsoft ,Intel ,Xbox ,new Internet , Entertainment industry and for sure you can never get enough of leading in Space .. the more the better.. there is not such a thing like too much lead in space..

    Trump own Economic Advisor , told that the day China leads in High Tech ,AI and Robotics.. it will be game over
    for American Economy.. and they will never recover again..  So This is where Russia need to fight.. where Russia needs to lead..  So that US is forced to Ban not only CHinese high tech from their market ,but also Russian ones..
    and to see how the rest of the world.. Don't Follow US sanctions.. so US will be isolating itself from progress and technology for losing their lead. and this can't be done forever ,eventually US allies will question US lead in the world ,and will realize ,they don't need to follow US leadership ,when there are better things in Russia or China.. If US lose the lead in high tech and Space.. it will be game over for the American empire. nobody follow  second best.. people like to follow leaders.. And this is how you break NATO and the American system.. by surpassing US most popular high tech business.. and how you break US leadership in the world . And their system.

    China can damage US economy big ,Because they have Business leadership..  China is the only country in the world fighting for real the American system ,the American empire.. and this is what PUTIN should be doing..
    Putin "Strategy" to damage US economy..  Is turning the other cheek .when Russia slapped in the face , be polite and look weal ,to try to earn world sympathy.. through weakness. Because what Putin is doing doesn't work. Russia represent barely 2% of US economy ,this is how mediocre is Putin's Russia influence over United States..and
    Russia ending the use of dollars will not harm in any remote way American economy... So it is shameful and embarrassing to see Putin bragging about Olympics gold medals , agriculture a "proof" of how strong
    is Russia.. Where the idiot needs to compete is in BUSINESS.. to target American top high tech industry.. this is where it hurts them. Because the day US lose completely the high tech Business leadership ,and its Entertainment industry leadership ,,it will be the day ,they will lose their leadership image in the world.. and so nations will have no reason to follow US ,if Russia and CHina business are way better..more advanced across the entire spectrum.
    Russia don't need to win a single medal in any sports at all in any sport.. the medals Russia needs are Space exploration medals , and a  post industrial business revolution that is aimed to provide an alternative or completely defeat American business.. This is how you fight the US empire.. with Business Leadership.. Huawei in just 2 years.. have done damage to US economy and US leadership  ,than Putin 20 years in power.. No

    Putin is terrible leader ,completely clueless ,in understanding from Where its adversaries gets their world influence
    and leadership.. is not competitive olympics sports what Putin needs to promote..this is good for people who don't want a strong education and wants easy money doing meaningless things.. but what Putin needs to promote is Education and Science instead.. that people use their brains and not symbolic games as sports is ,to transform Russia economy from a third world banana/oil country commodities like. .as it is now.... to a Advance High Tech and Space business exporting economy .. Russia Almost everything it needs to replace United States . The only missing is a Strong Leader ,that don't have , to lead the country into a complete reinvention of itself.. into a completely modern hi tech , consumer exporting technology economy.

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    Russian Economy General News: #10 - Page 26 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #10

    Post  Vann7 Thu May 30, 2019 10:16 pm

    kvs wrote:

    These 5th column turds should worry
    more about their masters (the USA) losing from naked aggression. America does not have the power to push both Russia and China

    Yet you continue with your delusion that US can be harmed by Russia in anyway
    shape or form with Putin's "the great" and his  "brilliant" strategy of dedolarization..and NOTHING ELSE.

    take a look at sputniks news.. latest report..

    how not even CHINA can break US economy by throwing away US treasury bonds .. just an initial disruption at best.. but later the WORLD BANK or IMF or JAPAN or Europe ,will come to the rescue..

    You simply are the king of delusions ... Thanks to Putin , the "genius" , Russia have NOTHING to harm United States other than its nukes.  Only China can harm US economy.
    But contrary to Putin's Russia.. that can't do NOTHING to American economy.. China
    can seriously Damage US economy.. With something you have no clue what it means..
    that is   LEADERSHIP!  

    China Business LEADERSHIP in some high tech ,is what have caused American Business
    and American economy to take major hits , Because contrary to Putin's Russia , China
    offers an Alternative to American most popular and influential high tech business .. Then
    China is a BIG THREAT to US economy.. if for example their Huawei phones ,completely
    dominates Apple in Europe.. and other zones in the world.. that will be a very SERIOUS
    damage not only to US economy.. but to US own existence if CHina can replicate this progress they have achieved in other important Areas too of US economy.. Now is Apple and US mobile computing and internet communication companies that China have not far from a check mate.. (as it will a final move in chess) .   But if China can take this LEADERSHIP to other super important Areas of US economy.. That the US empire use to
    influence other nations towards their Orbit.. as it is American high end semiconductor industry  ,US Software Industry , like Microsoft ,Google ,Amazon..but also US entertainment industry.. which is very influential in the entire world to promote American culture ,(contrary to Putin's Russia ,that its culture ends on its borders).. and offers much better
    alternatives.. the the story will be completely different..  And US economy can be seriously
    damage if China offers much better alternatives. .to US high tech industry and digital business.

    America does not have the power to push both Russia and China

    And as always you are embarrassing wrong.
    US can continue destroying Russia economy by damaging Russia interest all over the world
    by re-doing again and again ,what they did in Syria and Ukraine ,in every other country Russia is allied.. So this weaken Russia economy ,over extend their military and force Russia
    to spend a fortune from its budget  ,rescuing its allies for US sanctions. as it is doing to Venezuela.. that Russia needs to provide free food to them and medicines..  as it is doing to Syria..the same ..and it will be doing to Nicaragua ,Cuba ,Transnitria ,Serbia.. again and again.. All that Americans needs to do.. is continue desestablizing nations allied to Russia and it will force Russia to spend a fortune feeding nations ,that US breaks its economy..
    this is an example of how retarded is Putin Foreign Policy , a totally Passive ,reactionary policy..  No   That don't harm American economy in any way shape or form.. don't reduce US influence in the world.. a policy that allow US to continue beating the face of Putin and he turns the other cheek.. So get this for once.. Russia under a clueless president ,have no chance to harm US empire.. or even get ever peace.. Because is Putin's Russia WEAKNESS ,
    what feeds the American hostilities towards Russia.. because they face no consequences for slapping the face of Putin and Russia all the time,, they can keep going foreeeever doing this.. throwing cruise missiles to Syria , later venezuela..and eventually IRAN too... then a new conflict in Serbia.. in Syria alone Russia military waste $500 -$600 millions per year ,in protecting Syria..  Is not a lot of money ,compared to what US waste in wars..but when US will continue doing this Syria/Ukraine/Venezuelan wars in more nations.. it will choke Russia
    economy. simply Because Putin is completely Clueless how to counter the American Empire..  he don't see how all he needs to do ,is emulate Huawei/China example.. and develop high tech Real working Business (not just laboratory tech demos)  ,that will compete directly with American high tech companies and Silicon Valley..

    So keep repeating yourself ,your imaginary delusions ,that US can't harm Russia
    economy.. Rolling Eyes  But you are WRONG.. Russia is taking a huge hit on its budget ,by US sanctions on Russia and Economic sabotage by proxy on Russia's allied nations.. that Putin will have to feed and help economically later for free.  And if Americans manage to remove
    a government in France or Germany ,and put a puppet there loyal to US interest ,it will be game over for Putin's Russia.. Just last week Austria chancellor was out,, in a western operation ,targeting Russia interest.. So it will be a matter of time they will get full control
    of one nation important for Russia energy business and block Gaspropm from working in Europe.. Moral of the story.. You are wrong.. Putin strategy is completely wrong.. is not olympics or pretty expensive parks ,farming potatoes where big part of Russian budget should go..   Is only an education and scientific revolution in Russia , for creating Business Leadership and space leadership ,to counter American most influential business ,they use to amaze and attract the world..  Emulate China challenge to US business ,what will help Russia to break the American empire and its influence over Europe and so break NATO after that .  LEADERSHIP is the word you have no clue ,what that means ,what will save Russia from a world war 3 with Americans..  the 5th Column over every nation ..grow strong in countries ,that its government lacks of leadership , lacks of influence..and so they see their nation outdated in comparison to another..   The 5th column are composes of civilians.. and civilians ALL OF THEM can be influenced... Money 5th column get is not a long term influence..   So the 5th Column can be influenced towards your system..  Is Putin's Failure ,incompetence.. attachment to soviet and orthodox past.. what holds him back.. his obssesion to develop the nation the old way .. and expect different results ,of what Soviet Union did..   Russia needs a Modern Leader ,that is ready to completely destroy the obsolete things of Russia past.. and re-invent Russia in a superior and more modern economy.. without abandoning morals and values of course.. Is not Olympic medals and Farming Medals ,what Putin's need to praise.. but  civilian High Tech modern business that
    are very influential on society ,things people want to have because they love.. this is what will give Russia the victory it needs to defeat the American Empire.. Consumer High tech business , Entertainment and Space leadership.. this are the most influential things Russia can do.. to stop US system for once...

    And the irony with this is that Russia countering US high tech business can potentially avoid a war.. too.. because Americans can be influenced too.. They love Space ,Entertainment and high tech that they can buy and make their lives more fun.. IF Americans do see ,they can benefit enormously having good relations with Russia.. (because of Russia high tech civilian business and lead in space exploration) . then they eventually realize ,that US can benefit a lot by ending all their plans of destroying Russia . So Russia modernizing its economy will be a very good thing for American citizens too.. since can potentially influence all its elite into a
    closer cooperation with Russia. This is because Americans respect leadership.. and Putin's Russia is disrespected for lacking leadership in the things ,the business that makes life more fun. The boring president Putin . needs to be replaced by a Fun one ,that understand very well ,how important is for Russia own existence.. not only a powerful army.. but also Powerful civilians high tech business too and a leadership in space.. can completely reverse
    the future of Russia ,and end for once the western hostilities.. when they realize they like and need Russia.


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    Post  PapaDragon Thu May 30, 2019 11:03 pm

    Vann7 wrote:.....The boring president Putin . needs to be replaced by a Fun one...  

    Like in the Ukraine?  Cool

    Vann7 wrote:....Americans. ...and a leadership in space.. can completely reverse
    the future of Russia ,and end for once the western hostilities.. when they realize they like and need Russia.  

    Americans and especially Europeans would all rather rape their own children to death and self-immolate afterwards than have anything to do with Russia

    Western hostilities will end once Caucasians in USA are replaced with Latinos/Africans and in Europe with Arabs which should take effect roughly 30 years from now, Russia just needs to hang in there until then and problem solved  

    Russia could speed up the process by sending ships in the Mediterranean to help haul immigrants, it would both be investment in the future and good PR effort


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    Post  GarryB Fri May 31, 2019 12:10 am

    Yet you continue with your delusion that US can be harmed by Russia in anyway
    shape or form with Putin's "the great" and his "brilliant" strategy of dedolarization..and NOTHING ELSE.

    You continue your delusion that the US is all powerful and cannot be beaten and Russia is in terrible trouble like it was the 1990s.

    The fact is that the US is the country with an enormous debt and most importantly no inclination to actually pay for that debt itself... it wants to squeese money out of other countries and still not pay it... they are living on borrowed money and they are busy cutting ties and bending the international organisations they have control of and it is making more and more countries look for alternatives... the more they do that the worse their situation becomes because they earn lots of their wealth from international trade in US dollars and if that ends they are going to have to work for it themselves... that is work for it... something they are not really used to.

    Russia on the other hand has a surplus and has enormous mineral and energy and intellectual wealth and enormous potential... and because of US and western sanctions they are using it more than they would if they were welcomed into the international community and bought up by the richest families which is what normally happens... look at the democratic utopia of Ukraine... asset stripped and then abandoned... the American dream is Ukraines nightmare... but Joe Bidens son made lots of money...

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    Post  Vann7 Fri May 31, 2019 3:03 am

    GarryB wrote: they are living on borrowed money ....

    and so that neither DEBT matters much GarryB.. because they make the rules ,they can
    print money out of thing air.. and people will accept their currency.. US government can tell a nation .. buy me more this or that...(as they did in Japan.. pressure them to buy 100 F-35) that japan expressed doubts that they need.. and they will do it.... because they are Leaders and Russia is not..  So the US debt will be paid by YOU.. by your country and any other country that is a colony /weak or submisive to US..  So this is why it doesn't matter..
    Where is Putin's BRICS ?  Rolling Eyes   The wonder that was going to save the world ?  Rolling Eyes

     So they can continue raising their debt for a long long time
    many decades.. They can invade a nation and steal their oil.. and with Trump
    new era of lets sanction the entire world.. they can pressure every nation to submit
    to US demands and economic interest.. US can even forgive their own Debt.. reset it..
    and at gun point demand everyone to continue accepting their dollars..
    and guess what... they  WILL DO IT!!!!!!!!!!

    Why is that ?

    Because AMericans are LEADERS.. and RUssia is not..
    There is no one else to follow.. only US and no one else..
    So if you want to continue being allowed to use the American Internet..
    the American Computers and access to American entertainment industry ,
    and be allowed to buy technology from colonies of the American empire..
    like Japan ,south korea and taiwan and most Europe is.. then any nation
    options are zero.. is either Follow US system or be like North korea or Venezuela,
    isolated from the entire world.

    But the US system can be defeated. and is only with LEADERSHIP ,that can be done.
    So anything Putin does.. if he wants to break NATO and break US unfair
    system.. they NEED to offer a strong alternative to the American system..
    if it was to become a leader too.. and challenge US business -Leadership.
    That will send a message to the entire world ,that they don't need to follow
    the American unfailr System ,that Russian system is better.. BUT...
    if all Putin do is Sochi like Olympics, Hockey and victory parades.. combined with
    Banana records ... then he will never position Russia into a position that can truly
    Challenge the American Empire ,their influence ,their Leadership..

    And so Russia will continue to be slapped in the face.. with US foreign policy..
    more cruise missile attacks ,more Russian soldiers killed , more Russian allies like Venezuela and Syria destroyed  their economies.. and so and so on..

    Putin's complains every single day of his life about the unfair American System..
    but the idiot never challenge it.. by financing olympics or agriculture records.. or victory
    parades. Is HIGH TECH civilian consumer business and Space leadership how can Russia
    break US system , and invite Europe to abandon the US system..   The American high development future looking system will only be abandoned.. when a better system shows up    until that happen .. US will continue abusing of its power and Russia will
    continue being punched in the face..and Putin do nothing about it..   No

    In more news.. more slap in the face to Russia.. more complains from Russia
    Government..   Laughing

    ‘Unfair competition’: Roscosmos blasts Pentagon’s ban on using Russian space launches & satellites

    As long Putin Don't challenge US more influential and popular business.. Russia
    will continue being punched in the face.. they can do this forever..and with near
    no negative consequence for them.. because Putin does NOTHING..

    and Now one in the west  will go to Russia to live if it is perceived as an Outdated Nation with an outdated culture.. specially if it is under sanctons.. I personally don't think is possible for stop being Putin.. it will take a miracle.. like a Big Rock fall on his head and change his mentality . A new generation leader will be need.. Rogozin at least is ambitious in Space.. so he will do a million time better , creating leadership for Russia..

    Any President in Russia who wants to break US empire ,will have to invest a fortune
    in education and science.. as much as Putin invested in Sports.. or even a half of it will be
    still good..  and completely Challenge and surpass Any Major high tech business that US use to influence other nations. its young and adult generation..  not like Putin that began to finance with pensons old granies in baltics ,veterans from world war 2..  Rolling Eyes

    -A new Internet created..
    -new banking System with Europe
    -alternative to Visa /mastercard
    -Alternative to US semiconductor and high tech industry
    -Alternative to US entertainment industry..
    -complete lead in space explorations..

    This are the things Putin need to look.. and not to any other thing..
    Is a race for influence.. to win the hearts of young and adult generations in the west
    what Russia needs to break the US empire..  Not ignore US business leadership and CHALLENGE THEM...  Use the example of China huawei. that damaged the sales of Apple
    with their innovative smartphones and the Black Hole is not over yet.. If Huawei grows
    Big in Europe.. it will really be a big hole in US Economy.. because not only will take Smartphone sales but also Notebook sales ,and could challenge Microsoft too..    Very Happy

    Thats the most unpleasant things you can do to the American Empire.. to challenge
    and defeat their high tech civilian Business.. and NOT to Ignore it.. as Putin have been doing. Putin can create many BRICS like economic trade systems.. they can build more "partnership with Asian nations ,former soviet republics" he can do a million of
    trade teams.. but unless Putin Builds LEADERSHIP FIRST... for Russia... then any alliance
    he makes will be cosmetic and not really a solution for weakening in any way the American
    Empire.. If Putin Don't Fight US leading civilians Business ,then Russia will be toast.. he will do nothing to weaken or damage the American empire and so Russia will be history..
    when the west continues targeting Russian allies.. creating proxy wars.. that will Damage Russia economy and bleed the Russian military.. since Russia will be forced to help them..
    IS an Awful mediocre foreign Policy ,what Putin have.. if he wants to continue being mediocre leader. at least don't build pointless alliances with nations that offer nothing to
    Russia.. as Syria ,nicaragua ,cuba are.. and Venezuela could be pointless alliance too ,if Russia don't build military bases there.. Building alliances that later US will target its economy ,that later Russia will be forced to economically help for free.. is total idiocy..
    this is why US can completely break Russia ,without being harmed in any way.. they can continue targeting Russian allies and this indirectly will sooner or alter affect Russia economy. because Russia will need to feed them.. for free. No


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    Post  Tingsay Fri May 31, 2019 8:28 am


    Your logic is:

    Putin = dumbass

    Russian people= 140m of them "chosen ones" to challenge 1 billion US/EU/Japan/Australia/S.Korea Juggernaut!!!

    Yet, these chosen ones have elected the Dumbass 3x for about 20 years!

    Your logic doesn't compute!

    Maybe it's high time for you to acknowledge there is only so much 140m people can do? Maybe Putin is simply doing whatever he can with what Russia has? Maybe Russia is doing whatever it can with what it has?
    Maybe "Challenging the Western Hegemony" is not really a job for Russia? And that it is in fact a job for the rest of the world? Or at least a job for the combination of Nations that are supposed to challenge it? China? India? Brazil? Eastern Europe?

    Is it Russia's fault if the world wants to watch Holywood? How about India's bolywood? No fault there? How is China challenging Western entertainment in any meaningful way? Kung Fu movies?
    Is it Russia's fault if the rest of the world ignore Russia's separate Internet? Or separate Banking?
    Will the average Indians, Chinese, South Africans, Brazilians, Eastern Europeans etc actually want there own systems or are they happy wasting time on facebook and twitter??

    It's all Russia's fault isn't it?
    So much for the "chosen ones" to challenge the Western Masters!
    Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing

    Atleast you are now finally ( I think) realizing just how limited Russia is in challenging the West and their henchmen.
    Russia can't challenge the "West" Vann, that is not it's job! It is not why we support Russia in this forum. We just want to see Russia do what it can with what it has. Challenging the World Order is the job of the combination  of Russia, China, India, Eastern Europe, South America, practically the rest of the world.

    Maybe you could join a Chinese forum and rant about how China needs Leadership to challenge US unlimited debting Gods!  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing  Laughing

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    Post  Kimppis Fri May 31, 2019 3:18 pm

    You summed it up well, Tingsay. (The Chinese, and to lesser extent Russians, are certainly happy with their own "Facebooks" and "Twitters", though.)

    PapaDragon wrote:Western hostilities will end once Caucasians in USA are replaced with Latinos/Africans and in Europe with Arabs which should take effect roughly 30 years from now, Russia just needs to hang in there until then and problem solved  

    Russia could speed up the process by sending ships in the Mediterranean to help haul immigrants, it would both be investment in the future and good PR effort

    Are you sure about that? Look up the term Bioleninism. Particularly latinos are more leftist, are they not? So they are going to hate the "ultra-conservative/fascist Putlerreich" Russia of the Western imagination even more. That will be the case especially if Russia gets more nationalistic after Putin, which is quite likely.

    That said, the "demographic replacement" will considerably weaken the West and make its socities more dysfunctional (and strengthen - at least partially - pro-Russian nationalists in those countries), so in that sense the current trends are good for Russia, you are certainly correct about that.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri May 31, 2019 3:47 pm

    Kimppis wrote:You summed it up well, Tingsay. (The Chinese, and to lesser extent Russians, are certainly happy with their own "Facebooks" and "Twitters", though.)

    PapaDragon wrote:Western hostilities will end once Caucasians in USA are replaced with Latinos/Africans and in Europe with Arabs which should take effect roughly 30 years from now, Russia just needs to hang in there until then and problem solved  

    Russia could speed up the process by sending ships in the Mediterranean to help haul immigrants, it would both be investment in the future and good PR effort

    Are you sure about that? Look up the term Bioleninism. Particularly latinos are more leftist, are they not? So they are going to hate the "ultra-conservative/fascist Putlerreich" Russia of the Western imagination even more. That will be the case especially if Russia gets more nationalistic after Putin, which is quite likely.

    That said, the "demographic replacement" will considerably weaken the West and make its socities more dysfunctional (and strengthen - at least partially - pro-Russian nationalists in those countries), so in that sense the current trends are good for Russia, you are certainly correct about that.

    Mexico and Mexicans holds good relations with both Russia and China, so what your speaking is purely hyperbole. In fact the vast majority of leftist Latin American leaders hold positive relations with Russia....but of course you knew that, but you preferred cognitive dissonance.

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    Post  kvs Fri May 31, 2019 4:40 pm

    Putin is a left of center centrist and not a right winger. It is phony NATO "leftists" aka cultural Trotskyist zealots who think of
    any moderate as a far right Nazi. Russia is clearly not following the western right wing economic model. "Tyrant" Putin is holding
    the corporate oligarch-wannabes on a tight leash. This is the opposite of NATO, where corporate oligarchs do as they please and
    basically own politicians.


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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Fri May 31, 2019 5:55 pm

    kvs wrote:Putin is a left of center centrist and not a right winger.  It is phony NATO "leftists" aka cultural Trotskyist zealots who think of
    any moderate as a far right Nazi.   Russia is clearly not following the western right wing economic model.  "Tyrant" Putin is holding
    the corporate oligarch-wannabes on a tight leash.   This is the opposite of NATO, where corporate oligarchs do as they please and
    basically own politicians.  

    meh, Nazi = national socialists more like Demcrats in USA. Putin indeed is pretty much "centered centrist" .

    Talking about Putin:

    pro western press:

    Russians’ trust in Putin has fallen to 31.7 percent, according to data from the state-run VTsIOM pollster published Friday.

    Moscow. May 31. INTERFAX.RU - Valery Fedorov, director general of the All-Russian Center for the Study of Public Opinion (VTsIOM), said that recent polls prove baselessness of any talk about reducing support or trust to President Vladimir Putin.

    "For the first time in the history of polls, we decided to directly ask people on May 29 - do you trust Putin or not? At the same time, everyone could trust Putin as president, as a person, as a mentor. (...) Everyone decided for himself. The results were sensational. They showed that Putin is trusted not by 30%, but by 72.3%, ”Fedorov told Interfax, commenting on the data of the last VTsIOM poll released on Friday.


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    Post  Kimppis Fri May 31, 2019 7:49 pm

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Mexico and Mexicans holds good relations with both Russia and China, so what your speaking is purely hyperbole. In fact the vast majority of leftist Latin American leaders hold positive relations with Russia....but of course you knew that, but you preferred cognitive dissonance.

    It's likely that the mix and dynamics of American MSM, "deep state" and acamedia will "create" very different leftists compared to those more traditionally socialist Latin American countries of today. As kvs put it, "NATO "leftists" aka cultural Trotskyist zealots who think of any moderate as a far right Nazi." Let's not also forget that the population share of "whites" will remain high.

    The fact of the matter is, that left-wing Democrats hate Russia the most. So overall it's very possible that this trend will only continue to strengthen. Maybe not. dunno We'll see.

    Of course the US will be relatively much weaker in 2049 than it's today. Maybe the exceptionalism will die down. But the point is that Russia should not bet on any of that.

    GunshipDemocracy wrote:pro western press:

    Russians’ trust in Putin has fallen to 31.7 percent, according to data from the state-run VTsIOM pollster published Friday.

    I'd rather not give Moscow Times any clicks. It's one of those "weird" polls, where they combine politicians' ratings into a total of 100%, right? "Out of these leaders, whom do you trust the most?", basically. They have to mention that in the article!?!?

    Putin's rating has never been higher than around 40-50% in those, I think. So in itself that number is EXTREMELY misleading, however it's not incorrect per se.

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    Post  PapaDragon Fri May 31, 2019 9:26 pm

    Kimppis wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:Western hostilities will end once Caucasians in USA are replaced with Latinos/Africans and in Europe with Arabs which should take effect roughly 30 years from now, Russia just needs to hang in there until then and problem solved.....

    Are you sure about that? Look up the term Bioleninism. Particularly latinos are more leftist, are they not? So they are going to hate the "ultra-conservative/fascist Putlerreich" Russia of the Western imagination even more. That will be the case especially if Russia gets more nationalistic after Putin, which is quite likely.

    That said, the "demographic replacement" will considerably weaken the West and make its socities more dysfunctional (and strengthen - at least partially - pro-Russian nationalists in those countries), so in that sense the current trends are good for Russia, you are certainly correct about that.

    Fact remains that when voting and especially when elected Arabs care primarily about Israel and Mid East, Latinos care about South America and Blacks care for stuff that is definitely not Russia

    This Russia obsession is uniquely White European trait and it will definitely cool off once someone else starts having input

    Latinos may be leftists but even if they go full Lenin, Russia will not even make top 10 of their priority lists, conservative or otherwise

    Ideally you'd want Whites to finally get their heads out of their asses and start using their brains but looks to me that they are hell bent on self mutilation

    If they want it so bad then there's no helping it I guess

    As for that popularity poll, it's not election poll and headline is misleading, here is explanation from Checkpoint Asia:

    Also, I suggest you guys all bookmark Checkpoint Asia, they have excellent news content while TheDuran has quality commentary

    Russia Insider has officially gone full Nazi so I dropped that trash, even not worth anymore for translations


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    Post  Kimppis Sat Jun 01, 2019 1:22 am

    We'll see. My view is that America's "expansionist" foreign policy will not go away even after whites become a minority. But yes, I agree the trend is probably beneficial to Russia anyway and that at least in certain ways even the current Russophobia is a very European, or even Anglo, phenomenon. It seems very personal. "Those Russkies are fellow 'whites'. Why don't they accept Globohomo like the rest of us?" You also can't be racist against whites in the current discourse.

    OK, so I stand slighty corrected re Putin's trust rating. Or I could have at least worded it better. But yes, very misleading. Checkpoint Asia:

    These are low numbers in the absolute but the format in which the question the pollster asks is open ended. It merely asks “Whom would you trust to solve an important state issue?”, without offering up any choices. (When prompted to say whether they trust Putin or not, 72 percent still say they either trust him or “trust him somewhat”.)

    So I don't know... The Western view on Putin's popularity is a form of Russophrenia. When Putin is very popular, it's bad, because that makes him a dictator. When he is just popular, he's weak and Russia is about to collapse... I guess? Putler bad in both cases.

    The latter doesn't fit the narrative at any rate, because it shows Putin isn't actually a dictator, his popularity has never been "dictatorial" (even the post-2014 boost didn't last that long, and it was due to Western policies and Crimea) and Levadas don't operate in dictatorships.

    I visit Russia Insider occasionally, and it does indeed seem like their Jew obsession has gone a little too far. Although the original "let's talk about Jewish influence" article was actually quite nuanced IIRC. It's also true that American Jews are generally extremely anti-Russian, and they are influential in the media and academia. So criticism from Russian POV is arguably deserved to an extent, however any talk about some "Jewish-Reptilian New World Order" is ofc total nonsense. RI's worst sin is actually its comments section....

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    Post  PapaDragon Sat Jun 01, 2019 2:32 am

    Russia Insider un-ironically​ posted this article by Joseph Goebbels couple of weeks ago:

    Joseph Goebbels' 1945 Editorial on the Influence of Jewish Elites in the US, UK and Russia

    This is way past point of no return in my book, we had Nazis here back in WW2 and everyone knows what they are.

    Russia Insider can peddle their bullshit somewhere else as far as I'm concerned because I ain't buying any of it.

    It's​ obvious now why original staff moved on to found The Duran.


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    Post  Vann7 Sat Jun 01, 2019 4:03 am

    Tingsay wrote:@Vann7

    Russian people= 140m of them "chosen ones" to challenge 1 billion US/EU/Japan/Australia/S.Korea Juggernaut!!!

    Yet, these chosen ones have elected the Dumbass 3x for about 20 years!
    Your logic doesn't compute!
    Maybe it's high time for you to acknowledge there is only so much 140m people can do? Maybe Putin is simply doing whatever he can with what Russia has? Maybe Russia is doing whatever it can with what it has?
    Maybe "Challenging the Western Hegemony" is not really a job for Russia? And that it is in fact a job for the rest of the world? Or at least a job for the combination of Nations that are supposed to challenge it? China? India? Brazil? Eastern Europe?

    Is it Russia's fault if the world wants to watch Holywood? How about India's bolywood? No fault there? How is China challenging Western entertainment in any meaningful way? Kung Fu movies?
    Is it Russia's fault if the rest of the world ignore Russia's separate Internet? Or separate Banking?
    Will the average Indians, Chinese, South Africans, Brazilians, Eastern Europeans etc actually want there own systems or are they happy wasting time on facebook and twitter??

    It's all Russia's fault isn't it?

    The US elite..*IS* At war with Russia.. did you understand this very serious danger.  did you?

    is a real war.. american goals is to completely destroy Russia.. balcanize Russia
    and leave it in a million of pieces. So US is at war against Russia.. Full scale war..
    You don't see the nuclear weapons flying ,from Ohio submarines into Moscow and
    Stpeterburg.. ONLY because Russia have a lot of nukes too.. So is Russia nuclear
    weapons what holds back US from picking a direct war with Russia.. But ....
    they still can fight Russia by proxy.. by attacking complete sabotage on Russia economy,
    invading or removing from power any country ,that helps Russia economy.. as
    they did with Ukraine.. Syria and seeking to do in IRAN and Venezuela.

    So any President of Russia needs to realize that Dialogue is not going to solve
    things ever.. NEVER.. is WAR... Russian bases are already attacked , by US military..
    but they doit through terrorist..   So this is very serious.. US is at war with Russia..
    so which part of US is at war with Russia you don't understand ? and that Russia existence
    depends on the decisions of their government..  So if dialogue is not a solution..
    what else Russia can do ???? It needs TO FIGHT BACK!!!..  understand?

    Putin needs to Defeat the American empire.. needs to break it... it can't do
    what you claim.. "is not Russia job ".. yes it is!!!.. is war on Russia and they need
    to fight back. And the only ways Putin can truly fight back.. is either with a full scale
    declaration of War ,with its military...  or with Business war..   and im proposing the last
    one.. That Russia breaks US economy , by defeating American popular business.. is that simple..  if Russia defeat American top influential business over Europe.. You will attract
    Europeans towards the Russian system.. the Russian orbit. .and this will end NATO.. and
    abuse of power in the world.. it will break the US system ,and its dollar hegemony if Europe make an alliance with Russia to break the US system...

    But before Europe can abandon the American system... an Alternative needs to be created
    first.. Understand?  This is not about a race for who have more nations support.. already all africa is more supportive of Russia.. Iran ,northkorea and all rejected nations support Russia.  But Americans have more influence over the Most important nations ,in world development.. like EUROPE, like Japan ,Like Asian tech giants.. SK ,taiwan.. etc.. Those
    that change the world technology ,are behind America.. and Russia needs to break this
    alliance..  But for that to happen.. an Alternative System ,to United States top popular business needs to be created...  So an alternative to US Internet , for example created.
    Alternative to US high tech industries like semiconductor ,software and entertainment industry.. and more than Russia needs the Leadership in space exploration too..

    So  *IS* Putin's most important job,, it should be to Fight back..and break the US system..
    if he ever wants to avoid a world war 3.. that eventually will happens..because their desperation will make them do stupid things.. so he needs to do it.. Putin needs to follow
    the example of CHina how is damaging US companies with huawei and High tech industry..
    Putin can't continue developing Russia as a Saudi Arabia.. of Asia.. it can't ignore the American empire and can't allow them to continue leading in most important things..
    and in the this US business don't lead.. they control those who do it...  So US controls all the tech giants..inside US and in the world.. and Russia controls no one.. only the potatoes farmers.. in siberia..

    and don't use Elections support as "proof" that Putin is doing a good Job.. He is completely
    ignoring the dangers.. that is to allow US empire to continue its domination in civilian high tech is not really countering the American empire over medium and long term. (Only China is doing that with its business).  
    the Only thing Russia is doing is temporarily limiting US military actions..and they did in Syria.. in countries that Russia needs to feed and needs to do charity and give nothing to Russia. but Putin does not have a real strategy to destroy the US empire.. if He ignores US business domination that is..  

    You have heard the word.. Space Race... today Russia needs not only
    a Space race..  and win it.. but also needs a top Influence/leadership race too in consumer civilian innovative business.... This is the only practical way Russia could counter the US empire ,without firing a shot or going to war.. but Putin needs to stop wasting Russia economy in meaningless things like Olympics ,sports and banana farming records or victory parades or super expensive parks.. the limited economy Russia have ,have to be invested in full ,for countering US business leadership in the world.. and their system.  Remember US is at war with Russia.. and they just trying to break it by proxy ,by economic war ,by civil arming terrorist in Syria and else.. and So Putin can't just ignore anyone seeking to break their country.. and pretend that being polite ,speaking softly and lecturing them about international laws.. morals and values.. that they are going to ever change.. They want the blood of Russians.. and No good behavior of Putin  will dissuade them from attacking Russia and its allies and interest. So he needs to grow some balls.. and fight US..
    and stop calling for "Restoring good relations" , there was NEVER good relations between US and Russia.. the end of the Cold war was a hoax.. it never ended... they only changed their tactics.. and tried to influence Russia into becoming a colony of US.. another Germany.. during the 90s.. they believed they had a big chance to do that.. so this is the so called "peace times".. it was times they though  they could break Russia from the inside ,after collapse of Soviet Union and almost did it.. Putin restored the pride of Russia ,and of its military.. yes.. credit for him for that.. but this is NOT ENOUGH.. He needs to Fight back those that seek to destroy Russia.. and investing hundreds of billions dollars ,in infrastructure ,to make Russia look modern.. but without changing his way outdated way of thinking is not a solution.. Putin develop Russia economy.. in the same way third world nations in AFrican do it.. economies based on Commodities, agriculture ,mining..Oil ..etc.. only difference is Russia sells weapons too and have  space program.. but this is not enough.  Putin needs to break US leadership ,the US system.. and create an alternative one.
    If he don't compete with US popular tech giants.. he will allow US to dominate and influence
    not only Europe but their own citizens too.. in Ukraine stalin statues were replaced by Start wars characters..  and while i don't like Star wars.. i understand clearly how Obsolete Russia looks to the west.. a nation that the only thing they can do is tanks and rockets.. and sell oil.. is more or less the perception of the west. This is Putin to blame for this.. because he don't promote or heavily  invest heavily on Russia high tech industry..  Where Putin invest a fortune is in total FOOLishness like sports ,olympics ,victory parades ,hockey and judo.. and "healthy sports" ,glorification of the past.... while ignoring the Present incompetence. to deal with their enemies.

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