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Walther von Oldenburg
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    Are some races warriors by birth ?


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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  Admin Mon May 28, 2018 1:10 am

    Isos wrote:

    Chinese army is more used to watch chinese citizens than watch other countries.

    Isn't that the point? Chinese citizens declaring the Far East for China, guess who comes knocking.

    Like I said if they try to take Siberia, EU and US and all the puppets will be against China so its economy will be attacked strongly.

    If the US has to choose between Russia and China who do you think they will choose? You really think they choose Russia who has lost in a fair election made up of Hans voting for independence? To go against self determination goes against everything the Americans believe in, that and sticking it to Russia.

    In terms of nuclear power Russia wins. And if russia is in position of defender, being attacked, it's easier to use nuks than for China which will attack. Russia will have a reason to use them.

    You can't use nukes unless you are prepared to be nuked yourself, we are not.

    Crimea was part of russia and Kroutshchev gave it to ukraine because he was an ukrainian. Chinese learn history pretty well. They know its not precedent for taking a land by colonization.

    The Chinese don't care about that, they claim the entire South China Sea because it has the word China in it. They care about the oil and gas.

    Finaly, China has issues with India concerning much smaller and useless part of the border and they still don't have them and are afraid to use army to take it. Same in the pacific with the islands they say its theirs but still don't have them. Last exemple is Japan's senkakyu islands that china didn't retake since all this time, only send some fighters try to get close.

    Have you ever heard of Doklam? That border is so tense all it takes is one itchy trigger finger to start the next war. The next example is the South China Sea, they build it and then claim it. Then there is their debt to colonize strategy in OBOR where they give you so many loans you can't hope to repay and then you give them a 99 year lease in exchange, that could be most of Siberian oil and gas feeding China. They are overpopulating us, over indebted us and out influencing us on our own territory, it is all classic strategies of Chinese annexation.


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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  Isos Mon May 28, 2018 8:18 am

    Isn't that the point? Chinese citizens declaring the Far East for China, guess who comes knocking.

    I mean chinese army watchs chinese citizens because they are afraid of a revolution. That's their biggest enemy.

    If the US has to choose between Russia and China who do you think they will choose? You really think they choose Russia who has lost in a fair election made up of Hans voting for independence? To go against self determination goes against everything the Americans believe in, that and sticking it to Russia.

    I respect you and your knowledge but that's one of the most biased and stupid thing you have said. US cares about themselves not about votes of some farmers. Crimean voted for going with russia and even western surveillance companies said that they were a majority of most 80% that voted for russia. Guess what ? US didn't supported them.

    Between an orthodox russia feeding europe with gaz and petrol or a powerfull not friendly at all china that could get the petrol and the gaz of russia and became at another step of power they will chose Russia.

    You can't use nukes unless you are prepared to be nuked yourself, we are not.

    Chinese neither. A big part of their population has a nice standard life. If they lose it because of sanctions of US and EU or because a war with russia, they will through those "communists" away. That's what they are afraid of.
    Sanctions would work very well against topheads chinese.

    The Chinese don't care about that, they claim the entire South China Sea because it has the word China in it. They care about the oil and gas.

    And they don't have it. They build fake islands instead. They care more about oil coming from ME than from russia. Just look what they spend for their navy to secure trade routes.

    Have you ever heard of Doklam? That border is so tense all it takes is one itchy trigger finger to start the next war. The next example is the South China Sea, they build it and then claim it. Then there is their debt to colonize strategy in OBOR where they give you so many loans you can't hope to repay and then you give them a 99 year lease in exchange, that could be most of Siberian oil and gas feeding China. They are overpopulating us, over indebted us and out influencing us on our own territory, it is all classic strategies of Chinese annexation.

    How long do they have those border issues with weaker countries than russia ? And still can't have those small parts of land officially, neither exploit them unofficialy.

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  jhelb Mon May 28, 2018 11:44 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:We put an entire army of Slavs in Afghanistan so no, it has nothing to do with genetics and not always best equipment

    The vast majority of the soldiers in Afghanistan were drawn in from Soviet regiments in Uzbekistan & Tajikistan. Uzbeks & Tajiks betrayed us because in several battles they refused to fight their fellow cousins in Afghanistan.

    Once KGB sent in Spetsgruppa A ( Alpha Group) Soviet Union started winning almost all battles. Spetsgruppa A was almost entirely Slavic. Take a look around Moscow, what do you see - Slavs are taller & better built than Central Asians ( Uzbeks, Tajiks). In a hand to hand combat they will never win.

    From various authoritative sources it can safely be concluded that the training regime for Spetsgruppa A/Spetnaz is un paralled anywhere in the world. Western Special Forces do not incorporate such brutal training because it surely is going to lead to a loss of life. My point is you need to have outstanding psychological preparation to complete such training. Something that Slavs have.

    Vladimir79 wrote:Have you ever heard of Doklam?  That border is so tense all it takes is one itchy trigger finger to start the next war.  The next example is the South China Sea, they build it and then claim it.

    China will probably go to war with India & Vietnam within the next 5 years. That's good for Russia. Because those wars will deplete China economically.

    Vladimir79 wrote:They are overpopulating us, over indebted us and out influencing us on our own territory, it is all classic strategies of Chinese annexation.  

    This is a major problem. Central Asia too has been flooded by Chinese. Kremlin seems completely unable to stop this illegal immigration. But then there are some extremely corrupt individuals within Putin's inner circle.

    Last edited by jhelb on Mon May 28, 2018 11:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  jhelb Mon May 28, 2018 11:51 am

    George1 wrote:The state-controlled education [agoge] in Sparta was designed not to instill literacy, but fitness, obedience, and courage.

    Great insights George, especially this above line about education. Seems Spartans didn't put much emphasis on developing intelligence but rather focused on developing physical attributes. Intriguing, because designing strategy for war is all about intelligence.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Mon May 28, 2018 9:50 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:

    Attitude, guns and hostiles is all it takes

    Slavs, Spartans  from birth have solid physiological constitution due to their forefathers living in inhospitable areas characterized by harsh living conditions. The rest of it is taken up by environmental conditioning, like living in areas that serve as pathways to invasions. This then contributes to the growth of & impropvisations through survival instincts that kick in during moments of crisis.

    This explains why these warrior tribes have been so successful throughout history unlike Brits, French, Germans, Ottamans, Hindus, Arabs etc whose success have been short lived.

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:What??? Overwhelming majority of British army has been a British in origin, same for French

    If that is true why did Britain and France hire millions of soldiers from their colonies in Africa & Asia everytime they went to war ?

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:What is the Slavic Empire you are talking about?

    Russia, of course. Check the records. Every single European Empire has collapsed. The Russian Empire has outrun & outlived every other empire in history & will continue to do so for generations.


    Are you even serious?

    The South Asians have been conquered and ruled by small minorities like Scythians, Macedonians, Arabs, Afghans/Pashtuns, Turks, Mongols, and the British.

    Today they have only gigantic population and nuclear weapons, but aside from that nothing really else.


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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  jhelb Tue May 29, 2018 8:11 am

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    Are you even serious?

    The South Asians have been conquered and ruled by small minorities like Scythians, Macedonians, Arabs, Afghans/Pashtuns, Turks, Mongols, and the British.

    You misunderstand. We are talking about warrior races - whether some races are born warriors. The examples of Hindus along with Arabs, Brits are there to prove that these races are not born warriors.

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  George1 Tue May 29, 2018 8:28 am

    jhelb see this movie about 300 Spartans at the Battle of Thermopylae


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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  RTN Tue May 29, 2018 9:49 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:  It comes down to staying power like the French have in West Africa.  They have officially given up colonialism but refuse to actually give it up.  

    We are holed up in Afghanistan for the last 17 years along with our NATO allies & that includes France. That's not because of staying power but a lack of an exit strategy.

    Similarly, France doesn't have any staying power in West Africa. Their presence cannot be challenged militarily by any African country. Ergo, they have a free run. Tomorrow, China might challenge them across Africa. Lets see how long they last.

    All that said, this is an interesting thread because it tries to figure out is some races have the physical & mental capabilities either from birth or through upbringing that allows them to become perfect soldiers. Here in the States during the days of slavery, Slave Breeding was regular with the sole aim of producing physical traits that were superior to the regular joes ( both White & Black). Eventually these African Americans also displayed superior physical capabilities in the battlefield as well as in the field of sports. It is not a coincidence why most of our top athletes are Black.

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  Admin Tue May 29, 2018 2:38 pm

    RTN wrote:

    We are holed up in Afghanistan for the last 17 years along with our NATO allies & that includes France. That's not because of staying power but a lack of an exit strategy.

    Similarly, France doesn't have any staying power in West Africa. Their presence cannot be challenged militarily by any African country. Ergo, they have a free run. Tomorrow, China might challenge them across Africa. Lets see how long they last.

    France withdrew from Afghanistan in 2012, it wasn't lack of staying power but lack of interest.  France has controlled West Africa for nearly two centuries, if that isn't staying power I don't know what is.

    If China tried projecting power in Africa it wouldn't just be the French they would go against. The locals truly hate them.

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  Isos Tue May 29, 2018 2:50 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    RTN wrote:

    We are holed up in Afghanistan for the last 17 years along with our NATO allies & that includes France. That's not because of staying power but a lack of an exit strategy.

    Similarly, France doesn't have any staying power in West Africa. Their presence cannot be challenged militarily by any African country. Ergo, they have a free run. Tomorrow, China might challenge them across Africa. Lets see how long they last.

    France withdrew from Afghanistan in 2012, it wasn't lack of staying power but lack of interest.  France has controlled West Africa for nearly two centuries, if that isn't staying power I don't know what is.

    If China tried projecting power in Africa it wouldn't just be the French they would go against.  The locals truly hate them.  

    They have already started to invest massively in Africa. They also have a military base which is something new for china that doesn't have lot of experience in having military bases in foreign countries.

    Russia on the other hand had lot of connexions with african countries during cold war. It is weired that they don't do much today to invest in those countries apart military and energy.

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  RTN Tue May 29, 2018 6:24 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote: France has controlled West Africa for nearly two centuries, if that isn't staying power I don't know what is.

    Primarily because they can easily subjugate a local population that cannot wage a military conflict against France. In all the former French colonies in Asia & Africa where locals fought against French rule, France had to leave.

    Vladimir79 wrote:If China tried projecting power in Africa it wouldn't just be the French they would go against.  The locals truly hate them.  

    The terror attacks in Paris, Nice were directly related to French occupation of West Africa. Islamic terror groups like ISIS, Al Qaeda have no reason to attack France or UK. In fact these governments were complacent in their creation. France blamed the attacks on ISIS as an alibi, to carry out air strikes against those who objected to their occupation in West Africa. So locals are not fond of French either.

    BTW - Your description of Chinese occupation of Eastern Russia is alarming, truly alarming. Strongman Putin seems to be sleeping at the wheel.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri Jun 08, 2018 5:06 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    RTN wrote:

    We are holed up in Afghanistan for the last 17 years along with our NATO allies & that includes France. That's not because of staying power but a lack of an exit strategy.

    Similarly, France doesn't have any staying power in West Africa. Their presence cannot be challenged militarily by any African country. Ergo, they have a free run. Tomorrow, China might challenge them across Africa. Lets see how long they last.

    France withdrew from Afghanistan in 2012, it wasn't lack of staying power but lack of interest.  France has controlled West Africa for nearly two centuries, if that isn't staying power I don't know what is.

    If China tried projecting power in Africa it wouldn't just be the French they would go against.  The locals truly hate them.  

    France is still a very powerful country, a few terrorist attacks cannot change this.

    China does not have the advantage of having a colonial past, like the U.K., Portugal, Spain, or France do.

    There is no Chinese version of the British Commonwealth.

    They might go to the Eastern Europe, but they are totally alien there, and they may "interfere" with already entrenched zones of influence that Germany and Russia have established in this part of the world. They might go to Central Asia, but this may interfere with the Russian sphere of influence already present there. In Africa they might be forced to deal with the former colonial powers. This essentially leaves them with South-East Asia, or where they are already expanding on the South China Sea.

    Having a colonial past does help to some degree.
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Fri Jun 22, 2018 11:56 pm

    Physical Strength of Nations

    Good comment to the article:

    "AP says:
    June 17, 2018 at 12:45 pm GMT
    @Greasy William

    So the dead big guys are Russians and the little guys who killed them as [=are] Caucasians and the latter either have not been punished or been given light sentences. This in the Russian country."

    There are many other very interesting comments to that article.

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  jhelb Sat Jun 23, 2018 9:08 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote: Physical Strength of Nations

    Nice ! russia This research confirms what I've been saying. Some races are PHYSICALLY more powerful than others. This research clearly proves that Europeans are physically stronger than Blacks & Asians.

    No wonder European powers have been able to defeat almost all African & Asian countries & subsequently colonized them.

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    Are some races warriors by birth ? - Page 2 Empty Re: Are some races warriors by birth ?

    Post  jhelb Tue Sep 18, 2018 2:46 pm

    PapaDragon wrote: because Europe will be fully overrun and transmorphed into Islamic Caliphate long before then. They decided to kill themselves off for free.

    Not really. This is being financed by Israel. Israel's plan is - Destroy homeland of Muslims in the Middle East & Africa forcing them to flee to Europe. Thereafter, take over land that belonged to Muslims. Israel is being supported in this effort by the US and elite Jews from around the world like Rothschild.

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