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    Russian Liberal Opposition


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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Russian scientists stage rare anti-government demo.

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jun 07, 2015 9:56 am

    AirCargo wrote:
    Alfa T8 wrote:This brain-drain crap agian

    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Number%20of%20people%20who%20have%20left%20russia

    People migrate. also, look how many people migrated to Russia as well during last year and this year and even 2013. But none of that matters to someone like yourself.

    Care to post where they gone and what jobs they were involved in? BTW, Tajik workers going back home isn't really brain drain.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Vann7 Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:03 pm

    From the first report linked.. pay attention to how eastern Europeans talk.

    A pro-western Hungarian will point out that Catholic and Protestant Hungary can by no means be an “eastern” country and that Eastern Europe only begins once you cross into Orthodox Romania to its east.

    A pro-western Romanian , will point to his Latin-based tongue and insist the east doesn’t begin in earnest until you’ve traversed his land and entered Slavic Ukraine.

    A pro-western Ukrainian will then give you a list of ways in which his country differs from Russia to back up his view that true east doesn’t really begin until you’ve crossed the border between the two.

    the pro-western Russian ... does not have the comfort of an even more Eastern European neighbor.

    I also remember Georgian new prime minister interview by RT ,when asked why Georgia
    wanted to join European economic bloc and not Russia economic block.. His answer was because they feel European ,because his culture.. because they feel this or that.. and he
    even went in details of how their race is connected to Europeans.. etc.. etc etc..

    All that repeats again and again.. no matter who you ask.. anyone seeking a better quality of life see Europe as their destiny. and will give you any excuse about that..Ukrainians go as far
    as to rewrite History to justify they are Europeans not RUssians.

    But the truth about all this what it is?

    It has to do more things that no body talks ,and not even like to think . Why no body wants
    to be closer to India? or China? Why Israel that is on middle east a middle east country does not participate in any sport competition in middle east? not even the ones hosted in ally countries like Saudi Arabia or Bahrain ..instead europeans competitions?...

    The reason for 5th column in Russia had to do more with..

    1) Material Things , Physical Luxury ,material comfort.
    but also it had to do with salaries and money. Russia do have luxury.. but the middle and lower
    class in Europe (that is Northern European nations) live overall in better infrastructure ,than the same people in Russia. and this is not mentioning the superior salaries too.  

    2)and to some other much smaller degree , Racism..
    Racism is real , it didn't vanished. White People don't like to mix with blacks or browns or yellows. Is a fact that general white families.. who are white will prefer their family members
    to marry with BLond/blue eyes white people and will prefer they not marry with Asians or blacks or browns. One of the common and valid reasons is they want their family members to look like them.

    The only exception are Billionaires.. they have properties around the world. They feel citizens
    of the world.. and the only reason they oppose Putin Patriotism.. is because they don't want
    sanctions against their properties abroad or make very difficult for them to make money in
    Europe.. So the only thing left to defend their money is either become patriotic and return to Russia.. or to fight putin to lift the sactions..  I think Kudrin that is not billionaire, for example is paid big money for becoming a 5th column rat and try to sabotage Putin.

    Interestingly but ironically is that also Blacks ,Asians and Browns.. prefer whites for mixing.
    and there is a major controversy of a common practice in the world of Blacks and Brown people
    modifying their skin with products to look more white..    (using michaek Jackson was a bad example he had skin problems but the others are valid.)

    not only in Holywood

    Asians girls want to look like European Womens and and spend a fortune to NOT look like they were made.. but like something else. This is why you see a lot in beauty context Nations like India send whiter girls to their context.

    So now you have the most powerful reasons to join Europe..  not because of all the culture
    crap they told you.. or because their "historical connection" or not even because "more freedoms" crap. that any Russian Liberal will tell you..  simply the real reason people look to
    the west is because..

    In order or relevance.
    1)More money,better salaries ,and modern advanced cities is the norm across the entire
    country ,there is poverty yes.. but a minority.. and more cities more entertainment which is a consequence of more money that people have to spend. ie. (Northern Europe)
    2)because they want to mix with European Whites .

    Now comes the important point here..
    Had US and Europe gone bankrupt its economy tomorrow and all of them in the same state of Greece and major US and European economies collapse like Soviet Union.. US become
    10 failed countries and Europe becomes chaos ,just like Africa or middle east. and Russia become a very prosperous nation.. and every city in Russia to be like Sochi or like MOscow and St Petersburg in infrastructure.. and everyone with very good salaries.. had Russia turn into the world greatest economy.. You will see those Euromaidans and Georgian maidans idiots saying how they are indeed Russians , that they were wrong.. and indeed they will join anything with Russia.. even return to become a Russian autonomous republic.

    This means that the greatest threat to US Empire and its World Hegemony plans..
    is not Russian nukes , but a very Prosperous ,very wealthy Russia
     Because that will
    Influence Significantly Not only Ukrainians to return to their mother land and re-unite.. but worse .. it will lure away Europeans from the American orbit.

    IF anyone comes to the conclusion that prosperity in a country ,is a very Powerful Influence ,
    they will be right.. The interesting thing here is that Contrary to USA.. that that does not have
    the other influence bonuses that Russia have.. ie.. Rich Culture ,Castles and all that Tzars glamour ,that few in Europe have..and that is a mostly white nation.. (i have heard countless times Europeans comments about a positive thing). Then Effectively Russia will have all the things necessary to become an ULTRA SUPER Influential Power ,a true Super Independent Power.. if the become Rich. and totally completely Replace USA.. and turn it into another Regional Power as CAnada is. That is if Russia becomes the world major economy or something close.

    And this is why the Americans Policy Since WORLD WAR 2 , that they become a world super power is to contain Russia economy..

    US achieved its world Economic super status...

    1)by creating alliances with the most developed nations EU ,Japan ,Canada, (so that do not trade with Russia or very little) and by controlling the energy in middle east.. to control Energy Prices which Russia depends.

    2)and with the help of Color revolutions and NATO no fly zones .

    3)By supporting arming Terrorism.. ISIS/Alqaeda and any extremist they can use to fight Russia interest.

    not less important ,it helped a lot americans being the only nation not invaded and destroyed.
    to attract talent world wide to create their industrial revolution. like Einstein and Tesla to name a few.

    IF for example the world long time ago ,phased out Oil and Gas as energy sources.. and everyone only used Solar energy and nuclear for 100% of their needs.. Then you will see
    Americans leave the middle east forever. and probably Israel Gov leave it too.. and move to Europe. And no longer middle east will be important for US ..because it can no longer be used
    to sabotage Russia business with Europe.

    If anyone comes to the conclusion that 100% of US foreign policy is aimed at sabotaging
    Russia economy ,to not allow Russia expand its influence to Ukraine ,baltics and Europe.
    very essential countries to contain Russia. you will absolutely correct.

    AMericans are in an economic competition war against Russia since world war 2 and what is new today is the level of desperation is far bigger, because their economy is more weaker today ,than a decade or two ago,  with CHina surpassing them. and now new financial alliances forming like BRICS..

    All the major conflicts in Middle east and Europe..all are created by American Government to
    break alliances and create new ones ,neccesary to the containment of Russia . Because Americans cannot eliminate Russia through military force, What they do ? they attack any nation that is friendly to Russia and important to its business.

    The Arab Spring.. only attacked nations that US could not control completely.. and/or had business with Russia.  Russia is now moving to Asia its economy.. then what Americans do?  Create the transpacific bullshit free trade to block Russia from there.  but it doesn't end there.. US can also attack Assians economies in many ways..including their own allies to weaken their economies so Russia cannot benefit from moving to Asia.  This can be done by signing free trade deals with Asia , but also
    by attack on their tourism..Terrorism attack on Tourism industry.. this have the CIA name all over it.  or mysterious plagues viruses that suddenly show up in X or Y nation, cannot be discounted either as a US job.

    But all this things needs to be done carefully in a way that do not affect US economy..
    Putin is making every day more difficult for Americans to isolate its economy. because Russia
    trade with NATO and nations that US cannot touch for x or y reasons.. ie.. Israel ,Turkey or Saudi Arabia. The last one for example If Russia overthrows Saudis.. who is going to replace them? It will be destabilized nation and it will blow hard US a major civil war start in
    Saudi Arabia and No more oil sold there. Because their Oil is only sold in dollars.  Wink

    So Putin is truly playing 3rd dimension chess with Americans.. Is making unthinkable business
    deals ,that Americans cannot counter easily or not even touch at all.. like the new
    Irkut MC-21 airliner..

    Because the western export of it.. will use American Engines..  Wink
    So if US CIA sabotage it..with toothpaste bomb media bullshit or real terror attack, it will damage their own companies..   Wink

    And it doesn't make things easier either to sabotage it ..if Israel participates in the project as they will do making the electronics.  But interestingly enough. the domestic version of the plane
    will use only Russian Technology.. so also Russia domestic use cannot be sanctioned by the west..  Wink

    IN summary i explained ,what i believe the cause of 5th column to exist.. they are materialistic people..   that looks to the west for what they believe a better life.. and the best way to counter it.. is by Russia becoming a very prosperous ,modern nation with very wealthy economy and modern infrastructure across most Russia .  

    Is an Irony that the 5th column in Russia fight their own nation policies that will allow Russia to be the very same Thing they want from the west. that is a better quality of life.. The reasons for their treason ,had to be their lack of faith on their own nation.. and their own capabilities to become the same modern ,prosperous ,advanced nation they want to they instead wants to surrender to the west ,to become trading their nation independence and sovereignty.
    The day US economy collapse.. and experience their own soviet union like split..and become poor nation.. You will see Europe moving towards Russia and all the 5th column parties will cease to exist. and they all will be "patriotic again". The Average 5th column  is people that wants instant results ,and lack of any faith on themselves and their own country to become a Prosperous modern Nation without depending in the west.

    It will be similar to the Europeans when they discover America.. when the natives saw them
    taught they were so superior.. and gave their gold many times in change for silly things that
    European technology could produce and they not. and even gave their nation sovereignty in
    change for European technology. And the Latin Americans took centuries later them to see that
    they were equals and not inferior to Europeans.and that they could get their own technology too..they could be "Europeans " too.. in terms of technology and create infrastructure too and comfort and roads,just like Europeans, without giving away their nation independence and sovereignty and power.

    So people always remember.. that when anyone of the 5th column tells you, they want
    a better quality of life of the west ,an "European life style".  In reality what they telling is
    they want prosperity that the average europeans have and the modern infrastructure that the average European enjoy . and probably a minority of the 5th column also have racism issues too.. Russia do have high quality modern infrastructure in most of Moscow and St Peterburg and other few cities ,but most of Russia is highly undeveloped using infrastructure of early soviet times.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Jun 30, 2015 4:16 pm; edited 5 times in total

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  sepheronx Tue Jun 30, 2015 3:43 pm

    I would like to point out Vann that reason why they have much higher salaries than Russians, is due to massive inflation over the years and over valuation of goods. But the question that should always be raised is how much do you actually get for your money in country x vs country y, and average lifestyle.

    One thing I learned is that due to soviet times, majority of people already own property. As well, cheap property is quite available. Many people will purchase another home or even a dacha and then rent out their soviet apartment to make extra money. Mind you, soviet era apartments are usually dillapidated or just outright crap these days due to poor maintenance, but they still have one, with the option of buying brand new ones. In north America and Europe, many people either live in old traditional houses, or new but that costs a fortune.

    What I am getting at, till recently, Russians were getting more bang for their buck, especially in basic needs, and living nearly rent free (due to soviet home) so many had more disposable incomes.

    There is just this real grotesque idea that European lifestyle is where it is at, but they are only looking at what some people show or what tv shows, but not what it is upfront. You too can have similar lifestyle in Russia, as long as you pay for it, and looking at things like housing costs, labour costs and what not, you can live very comfortably in Russia, once again, if you are willing to pay for it.

    One thing they definately dont show or talk about, is debt of average people. As soon as a Russian or other from socialist history comes here, and then are forced into getting hundreds of thousands of dollars mortgage, they start to complain and see what is really happening - we in the west, live on debt.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Tue Jun 30, 2015 5:18 pm


    What countries are liberals destroying and how are they doing that? Because I see something exactly opposite - it's impossible (I repeat- IMPOSSIBLE) to become prosperous without adopting western liberal economic system together with western legal institutions - and ALL non-western countries that succeeded economically (Turkey, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia) have done exactly that. There simply is no other way. Nowhere. It never was and will never be.

    I feel German and western at the same time and I don't feel that one of these identifies contradicts the other in some way. We belong to the western world (like it or nt( and we have contributed immensely to it's development over all these centuries (our scientists in Imperial era - excellence by all standards).

    If Poles want to preserve their "culture", they can. Except that today there is no culture anymore - go to New York, Berlin, Moscow, Shanghai or Tokyo and you'll see the same things everywhere - everywhere people dress in the same way, drive the same cars, everywhere buildings and roads look the same. What is there to preserve then?

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Vann7 Wed Jul 01, 2015 12:26 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Werewolf:it's impossible (I repeat-  IMPOSSIBLE) to become prosperous without adopting  western liberal economic system together with western legal institutions  

    I disagree.. Japan was a very prosperous and organized nation ,a world power in ancient times ..with the most powerful military ,and they did not looked to the west and had their own culture.
    Most of the modern infrastructure in stone or solid concrete in Europe imitate either ITALY or Greece culture. China in ancient times was a super power ,when Europe was just a jungle.. they creating amazing castles ..and when the Europeans arrived first time to China ,they were already
    a super power. IT was China who invented Powder.

    When Europeans arrived to the new world ,today know as Mexico ,what they found? they found pyramids and giant buildings taller than the ones in Europe.. they lacked freedoms or human development.. but their building in some ways was more advanced than Europe. Egypt at one time was the most rich developed nation.. and their Pyramids still today are a mystery how they did that..

    All This means that the capabilities of any country and civilization to be self sufficient does not depend in reality on either the west or the east or anyone from outside. it only depends on the organization level of that society..  Human curiosity is an universal thing and all human beings always had desires to have better comfort in their lives.. is a natural need. and is what create Technology and Science. For nothing it is said Needs is the mother of all Human Invention.

    People found in ancient times , there was a need to make it easier travel , they found horses could be mounted..and later they invented the wheel ,then ships ,trains ,cars and planes and today the new thing is spaceships.. All those things does not were invented because of the west..but because of human needs.. and any nation that have an educated society that is good enough to not fight each other ,can focus their attention on developing their nation.

    THe problem with the lack of development in the east.. is precisely that UK empire and US but also france have done everything to ruin any plans of any non western nation to become prosperous and developed ,so that they don't need them. Take for example Africa.. Who split Africa in so many regions? Europeans did it.. and they continue doing that..
    in modern times.. (like Lybia and Sudan.and seeking to split Syria and Iraq and IRAN too) why Europeans split Africa and other nations through their interference in their politics? So that they can never become a competition to their economies and become a major Power.. a developed African Union ,could challenge Europe in terms of agriculture and tourism ,if AFrica was developed..

    But Russia do have the capabilities to become very prosperous ,and invent their own technology
    without the need of the west. Who teach Soviets to build space rockets? they did it.. No one in the west teach Russians how to travel to space. The knowledge how to do things and develop
    technology and a nation comes from trial and error ,of any society that is developed enough to
    have better things to do ,than to fight each other and instead to work for their nation.

    What Liberals have made.. is promote Globalization , that is nothing more than to allow western
    developed countries to take the monopoly of everything you consume.. So western nations can
    control your economy development by controlling the prices of what you consume.

    Neoliberal Globalization only benefit the most developed nations.. and the ones with less development and less capabilities become dependent of what they import from Abroad.
    This should be not a problem ,if we lived in a Fair World.. and US and Brussels was not a greedy nation seeking to dominate the entire world. But thats is not the case.

    The effect of Globalization in Russia is not as bad.. because Russia do have very talented
    people that can produce everything they need and consume. and because russia have the energy monopoly that Europe needs. But not all nations have such capabilities or benefits ,but very few.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Werewolf Wed Jul 01, 2015 4:38 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Werewolf:

    What countries are liberals destroying and how are they doing that? Because I see something exactly opposite - it's impossible (I repeat-  IMPOSSIBLE) to become prosperous without adopting  western liberal economic system together with western legal institutions  - and ALL non-western countries that succeeded economically (Turkey, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia) have done exactly that. There simply is no other way. Nowhere. It never was and will never be.

    I feel German and western at the same time and I don't feel that one of these identifies contradicts the other in some way. We belong to the western world (like it or nt( and we have contributed immensely to it's development over all these centuries (our scientists in Imperial era - excellence by all standards).

    If Poles want to preserve their "culture", they can. Except that today there is no culture anymore - go to New York, Berlin, Moscow, Shanghai or Tokyo and you'll see the same things everywhere - everywhere people dress in the same way, drive the same cars, everywhere buildings and roads look the same. What is there to preserve then?

    Right now i have little time and little will to eleborate and put up all the work to explain it to you, how wrong you are and the countless examples of such "Liberals" which are mainly NGO driven idiots that get financial aid like they are some football players or have a contract with USAID directly.

    I will do it at the weekend.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  victor1985 Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:35 am

    read books about capitalism. every book will say that even if capitalism shows some better organization in same time brings inequality in society. that makes some being poor some being rich. those liberals are the ones that want to joint the western club of rich people. and bring same inequality in russia. notice that a country can be economically stable even in the case that makes monetary policy and fical policy of redistribution. is enough to make small changes to economy curve at every x time. reduce that rise that and bring some equality. most of people would be happy only high rich people would not like that. a social based model society can exist easily. and intervent simultain in parts of economic curve you can obligate the rich bussines man to make all corect to people. simply cut his fortune in every way you can. he rise prices then give money to people who buy. and so on. he cant raise prices higher that taxes on his fortune and higher that social help to people.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Werewolf Sun Jul 05, 2015 9:10 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Werewolf:

    What countries are liberals destroying and how are they doing that? Because I see something exactly opposite - it's impossible (I repeat-  IMPOSSIBLE) to become prosperous without adopting  western liberal economic system together with western legal institutions  - and ALL non-western countries that succeeded economically (Turkey, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia) have done exactly that. There simply is no other way. Nowhere. It never was and will never be.

    I feel German and western at the same time and I don't feel that one of these identifies contradicts the other in some way. We belong to the western world (like it or nt( and we have contributed immensely to it's development over all these centuries (our scientists in Imperial era - excellence by all standards).

    If Poles want to preserve their "culture", they can. Except that today there is no culture anymore - go to New York, Berlin, Moscow, Shanghai or Tokyo and you'll see the same things everywhere - everywhere people dress in the same way, drive the same cars, everywhere buildings and roads look the same. What is there to preserve then?

    The question is not what countries liberals with agenda pushed by major countries and troublemakers are pushing, but which countries they have not achieved it. We know this process of americanization of europe is a fact with all decadency that the western uncivilized world brings with it.

    Liberalism and similiar thoughts fly under the banner of having freedom to do whatever you want, to be an individual, to have no restrications and all that kind off things. The problem is if you have an agenda you do not fly a banner with your actual agenda, because most people do not like to dance to the tune of someone else, that is why they hide under one banner while doing a complete different thing.
    We are humans and we need boundaries, we need limitations, no one is truelly free everyone has responsibilities, everyone has expectations and some should never be allowed to have the freedom to do what they want, because some off the humans on this planet tend to not knowing or calculating their own desires and the consequences of their actions or right out sociopaths.

    What kinds of Liberalism is destroying or has the agenda off destroying societies?

    LGBT groups that are financed by non homosexuals or trannies, from private companies and organisations like the WHO that not only push for Pedophilia among their biggest supporters usually Green Party and Liberal Party members. We have today laws in germany were parents can be arrested if they do not want their children of 10 years old to go to sex education classes where they talk more homosexuality. Parents here in germany have been already arrested for taking their kids out of classes of sex ed with homosexuality and WHO is pushing for Pedophilia and teachers of kindergarden should emphasize to kids to explore their bodies... Not some teens or some grown ups but little kids.

    Liberalism also destroys art, in the past decade or two decades this absurdity of Selling Millions and to even billions some white board with some crap of color splash over it and this is called "Art".  Who has so much money to pay millions to billions for a thing that every imbecile can do better? Not some normal people, but organisations formed by governments. This has been also addressed by real historians and artists and they call it Anti-art. The hidden agenda to destroy the sense for Art and aesthetic within coming generations. Art is always and directly connected to the Zeitgeist of societies and direct build on History and Culture. Art is one of the pylons of Culture which is getting destroyed. To this same Pylon, counts architecture, which in todays times is replaced by American architects that build ugly grey buildings without any connection to any kind of history, how could it, americans never had any culture to base such architecture open it. Music another kind of Art that is directly connected to Culture and aesthetics. Music genres that have been known to entire world and that have its roots in our culture are replaced by non cultural connected music like pop and hip hop that only sings about bitches, money, sex and violance. The point here is that you can ask any new generation of youths, you will find always more kids that know Lil Wayne but less kids that know Mozart, Bach, Beethoven or Lübeck? That is also not a question of time or Zeitgeist. We still have great componists everyone has heared music from usually in movies, but are those people given anywhere nearly the respect or emphasizing this kind of music like Hans Zimmer who makes astonishing music? No he of course does not get that kind of fame despite of his great work. Those stupid music from america of pop and hip hop is controlled by media and hollywood. They control the so called Music Charts, Amy's and which song gets played in radios. USA controls the big majority of Radio channels and frequences in not only US but also in Europe. They use this and bombard us with this american crap music while you won't find anything in those Music charts that has even remotely roots to your local culture or musical culture.

    The goals of Liberalism that are pushed by specific groups, organisations and governments and their agenda is to disconnect the western populace from their roots of culture and history. A society without a past is a society without a future, meaning to redirect people in a preplanned future they first have to derail us from our current with history, culture and value connected society to bring us on a different path.

    Liberalism has today extremes which only 50-100 years ago you would have been put into asylum or right out executed for crimes against humanity or cruelty.

    In the US there are fonds and research facilities like "Planned Parenthood" financed by Rockefeller with doctors like Dr. Richard Day and Dr. Smajdor which want to disconnect Sex and Reproduction. Dr. Smajdor tells that Pregnancy is barbaric to women and that we women should not have to bear with such burden and become equal to men. This research facility which works for Rockefeller is researching how to create babies in laboratories without need of womens womb or male intercorse. This same Rockefeller Nick and his foundations along with other Foundations like GlaxoSmithKline and Bill Gates have invested in vaccines in Northern part of Africa, those vaccines were prohibited and still are prohibited to be used in US or Europe because they contain Silver or Mercury which no organism can handle and women are known to get sterilized from Mercury. That knowledge comes from the 1960's where mass sterilization in US occured after the use of vaccines with mercury after that it was banned. Today such Jews, yes they are jews Rockefeller, Bill Gates, Richard Day,Miss Smajdor and Bill Moyers are all zionazis that fund and work for such agendas. Great direction this agenda pushing zionists are pushing us, not themselfs or Israelis but the rest.  Those plans are known since 1969 from Dr. Richard Day speaking about Gendermainstream and Reproduction without need of Humans at the University Pittsburgh. His work is called "Research Priorities and Future of Pregnancy"


    This is exactly what was prohibited under Nazi germany, genetic manipulations, eugenics and ectogenics but this Rockefeller financed foundations are doing exactly that.

    Those extrim liberalism won't affect us now, this is preplanned for the future, but we are already pushed by their agendas of getting Gendermainstreamed, that we get educated that Male or Female this is just in our heads, indoctrinated from society to believe women are that and men are the other part. This bullshit has brought some societies and parts of it do absurdities like Thailands Shemales that do not know wtf they are, this absurdity is commercialized by Facebook,Twitter and all other crap Social networks where you can "choose" your gender among over hundred settings. In Austria the word Mother and Father officially to be called in documents or from officials is prohibited and replaced with Parent 1 and Parent 2, not to offend the homos with traditional healthy female-male marriages and parenting. We live in a fucking absurd world where Liberalism is pushed to extremes, where we in germany really waste MILLIONS to replace stupid road signs and traffic lights because they show MEN but not women and this stupid LGBT and Feminazi lobbyists who are financed by private groups of those exact and connected to those foundations. So do not tell me there is no obvious Agenda of Liberalism that goes to extremes that never should be allowed.

    There are examples i could go one for weeks straight. More examples of this proven and sometimes even openly speaking of such think tanks what their intentions are. like Richard Day did in 1969.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  victor1985 Sun Jul 05, 2015 4:26 pm

    Well written things here. Here in romania for example is a hip hop band called "the parasites". They promote parasitism like a kind of freedom and free express of madness inside boys. Here is promoted also separation between men and girls just like rockefeller. Because it was a conclusion that girls are evil and must stay separate to boys. Here also racism rule. The gypsyes for example are promoted like inferior people and that is done for creating a cult of liberal based arian people. Black people are promoted as the "poor kind of people who nature didnt offer much brain". Cult of black being brutal savages , and other things like this. Turning to USA trumph that just anounced his candidature to US presidency has said that imigrants are bunch of rapests and thiefs. First maibe he should say what are USA interventions in yhird world countryes and if there are economic hits upon other countryes. Then he should say about USA being from long time a country whit huge rate of law broken people. And a lot of them are native americans. Remember columbine high school ......remember 50 cents "the artist" incident..... And many others....

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  OminousSpudd Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:09 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Werewolf:

    What countries are liberals destroying and how are they doing that? Because I see something exactly opposite - it's impossible (I repeat-  IMPOSSIBLE) to become prosperous without adopting  western liberal economic system together with western legal institutions  - and ALL non-western countries that succeeded economically (Turkey, Japan, South Korea, Taiwan, Hong Kong, Malaysia) have done exactly that. There simply is no other way. Nowhere. It never was and will never be.

    Yuck. Western Exceptionalism at its finest. Sleep

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  victor1985 Thu Jul 09, 2015 8:57 am

    Absolutelly true. Who said that only and only west could bring something valuable in the world? Why not russia being a world center? Or india or africa or china or whatever....
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jul 09, 2015 9:02 am

    victor1985 wrote:Absolutelly true. Who said that only and only west could bring something valuable in the world? Why not russia being a world center? Or india or africa or china or whatever....
    All of them have a long way to go if they want to be world centers. Western world is not inherently exceptional - but since ~1400 AS it was iprincipally it's contributions that drove the world forward - and they still do

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  flamming_python Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:52 am

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:
    victor1985 wrote:Absolutelly true. Who said that only and only west could bring something valuable in the world? Why not russia being a world center? Or india or africa or china or whatever....
    All of them have a long way to go if they want to be world centers. Western world is not inherently exceptional - but since ~1400 AS it was iprincipally it's contributions that drove the world forward - and they still do

    Mostly because it was exceptional in its sophistication of applying violence, dividing & conquering, and keeping control over the rest of the world.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Jul 09, 2015 11:55 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:
    victor1985 wrote:Absolutelly true. Who said that only and only west could bring something valuable in the world? Why not russia being a world center? Or india or africa or china or whatever....
    All of them have a long way to go if they want to be world centers. Western world is not inherently exceptional - but since ~1400 AS it was iprincipally it's contributions that drove the world forward - and they still do

    Mostly because it was exceptional in its sophistication of applying violence, dividing & conquering, and keeping control over the rest of the world.
    You are both wrong and right. You simply mistake the effect for the cause.

    You cannot be shortsighted, flamming_python.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Werewolf Thu Jul 09, 2015 4:47 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:
    victor1985 wrote:Absolutelly true. Who said that only and only west could bring something valuable in the world? Why not russia being a world center? Or india or africa or china or whatever....
    All of them have a long way to go if they want to be world centers. Western world is not inherently exceptional - but since ~1400 AS it was iprincipally it's contributions that drove the world forward - and they still do

    Mostly because it was exceptional in its sophistication of applying violence, dividing & conquering, and keeping control over the rest of the world.
    You are both wrong and right. You simply mistake the effect for the cause.

    You cannot be shortsighted, flamming_python.

    You are wrong, FP is absolutley correct. This has little to do with anything else but white superiority believes and even among whites some call themselfs as the exception of the exceptionals. You can have totally technological superiority but you would still be destroyed by US with its very astonishing and widespread soft and hard force projection along with media total control meaning you can feed the population that they are shrimps in human form and after enough and after the same methods USrael is using today people would eventually start believing it. History and Social Conditioning is the highest technology humanity has brought to light. You can destroy civilisations by WORDS alone, Feather beats sword. With Swords you can destroy many lives but you will not destroy who they are, their culture, history, their society and their zeitgeist, with the Feather and the methods USrael is using since its existence is doing exactly that, destroying history (revisionism) or just simply telling one side while letting out the bad and good things depending on its purpose. Destroying culture, ethnicities, inventing ethnicities like Ukrainian and forcing people to kill their own people.

    FP is right, they are indeed exceptional in their knowledge and mastering of this technology of forming history and diving people and then keeping this process in control to their advantage, they formed Germany that way, a coward country where most germans were told they are beasts that are responsible for WW2, while you can't find enough people alive who even could have been even remotley connected to any kind of atrocities of those times.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  victor1985 Sun Jul 12, 2015 4:04 pm

    In this case russia must be a very efficient country on develop relationship with other countryes. First of all russia should get in front his eqilibrate wiev over money of rich people. In times when USA means rich and opulence russia could be a factor of stability for the common man from across the world. Should be a country where rich people arent allowed go powerfull than they are and they have a fixed place in economy. After all rich people are just nothing for common people just a wheel in the economic mechanism and they should be exactly like this.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  sepheronx Fri Jul 17, 2015 11:22 am

    Daughter of prominent Russian reformer appointed vice-governor of Ukraine's Odessa region

    Go figure.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Neutrality Fri Jul 17, 2015 12:06 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Daughter of prominent Russian reformer appointed vice-governor of Ukraine's Odessa region

    Go figure.
    This is an excellent opportunity for Russian liberalists. Nemtsov can follow in her footsteps too. In fact, let Saakashvili recruit the entire 5th column in Russia and hand out government positions to them so they can finally have their own "country" to build the liberal heaven that they wanted in Russia.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Jul 17, 2015 1:58 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Daughter of prominent Russian reformer appointed vice-governor of Ukraine's Odessa region

    Go figure.
    Appointed by Saakashvili, well that's another nail in the coffin of the "liberal pro-Western movements" in Russia. Rolling Eyes

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  AlfaT8 Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:00 pm

    Neutrality wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Daughter of prominent Russian reformer appointed vice-governor of Ukraine's Odessa region

    Go figure.
    This is an excellent opportunity for Russian liberalists. Nemtsov can follow in her footsteps too. In fact, let Saakashvili recruit the entire 5th column in Russia and hand out government positions to them so they can finally have their own "country" to build the liberal heaven that they wanted in Russia.
    Nemtsov is dead, what are you going on about?? Suspect

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Neutrality Fri Jul 17, 2015 2:10 pm

    AlfaT8 wrote:
    Neutrality wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Daughter of prominent Russian reformer appointed vice-governor of Ukraine's Odessa region

    Go figure.
    This is an excellent opportunity for Russian liberalists. Nemtsov can follow in her footsteps too. In fact, let Saakashvili recruit the entire 5th column in Russia and hand out government positions to them so they can finally have their own "country" to build the liberal heaven that they wanted in Russia.
    Nemtsov is dead, what are you going on about?? Suspect

    Errr, I meant to say Navalny. Sorry Laughing

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  kvs Fri Jul 17, 2015 6:36 pm

    Don't sweat it! They are all the same shite keen to sell their countrymen down the river.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty Re: Russian Liberal Opposition

    Post  Neutrality Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:16 am

    sepheronx wrote:Daughter of prominent Russian reformer appointed vice-governor of Ukraine's Odessa region

    Go figure.

    She stated the following:

    -The conflict in Ukraine is a war between Russia and Ukraine
    -The 2008 war was on behalf of Russia's provocation
    -Crimea must return back to Ukraine

    She's destroying the image of Russian NKOs and I love it. Disgracing the memory of the families of those peacekeepers who were shelled by Georgians and disrespecting the choice of millions of Crimeans. She has polictically murdered herself by associating with someone who started a war against Russia and now these comments.

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    Post  sepheronx Mon Jul 20, 2015 9:29 am

    Also the fact that she sided with a wanted criminal back home and what is considered a joke and a piss poor excuse for a human being in the world, kinda gives indication that she was a washed up nobody and she took this job because it was this or nothing, and she got it because of name only, and she is of Russian heritage.

    Like how Navalny gets pelted with eggs now wherever he goes, my bet is this same whore would end up the same, or worst. After Ukraine, she will probably flee west, like that Russian MP whom is on international wanted list for syphoning money from Skolkovo.

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    Russian Liberal Opposition - Page 5 Empty The US is brazen in its support for sedition in Russia. Russia needs to act accordingly.

    Post  kvs Fri Sep 04, 2015 9:01 pm

    Former adviser to the Kirov Region Governor, Alexei Navalny, has reported on his general work and campaign trail to American diplomats, we are told by Cyril Strelnikov. He personally visited the informal meeting of the members of the RPR-Parnassus, which was attended by foreign guests.

    The US is brazen in its support for sedition in Russia. Russia needs to act accordingly.

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