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    Russian Economy General News: #8


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    Russian Economy General News: #8 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Apr 29, 2018 2:32 pm

    Hole wrote:India is achieving 8% growth because of 10 Million people more are able to buy toilet paper when they are going down to the river to take a shit.

    The general thing is that they just have a massive population. And having such mean s they can have a massive economy due to that. Plenty more to it but yeah.

    If Russia can become a relatively large income based country then in theory they become richer GDP overall due to consumption increases. With that though, prices of goods jack up too.

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    Post  Hole Sun Apr 29, 2018 4:54 pm

    Russia is a well developed economy, that is the problem. No easy growth left. Putins plans will help. Building roads and railways and so on is always good for the economy.

    The 5% growth over the last years is more than twice as much als the growth in Germany. There the growth was achieved with 0% interest rates, the Euro destroying the economys of Greece, Italy, Spain (to name a few) and realy cheap labor from east european countries (nearly slaves). And a lot of "financial engineering" which is a great part of the german economy. In Russia it is nearly absent. No printing money = no bubbles in the stock and housing markets, the banking sector... Just real, sustainable growth.

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:00 pm

    Hole wrote:India is achieving 8% growth because of 10 Million people more are able to buy toilet paper when they are going down to the river to take a shit.

    well very crude expression. But  the same refers to Russia. There is not only Moscow, Peter or Surgut.  There is enormous  "outback" where there are still like 70mlns. And even improving their lives to level of Moscow brings those 5% p.a. for next couple of years.

    Hole wrote:Russia is a well developed economy, that is the problem. No easy growth left. Putins plans will help. Building roads and railways and so on is always good for the economy.

    The 5% growth over the last years is more than twice as much als the growth in Germany. .

    Russia has many things to do to catch up with soviet times and go beyond. So far security was most important. Now economy starts. Germany could afford to pump more to
    industry or infrastructure because as country under US occupation couldnt spend money on defense.

    Roads, infrastructure is always good but making government more efficient is as important. You can pump billions in public works and end up with millions of workers without salaries paid and next billions USD in offshore. I guess Putin current term will focus on building mechanisms to have state work with reasonable money/effect ratio.
    Of course education an d health services dont hurt either.

    BTW Actually German economy seems to be one of healthiest in the whole west. The problem is that "Soros fund takers" are letting millions of people in instead if taking care of own population or "Atlantic partnerships"

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:10 pm

    Austin wrote:More than 430 billion dollars were illegally exported from Russia in 17 years

    and you think who elected Bondaryev to sovfed? who let him talk about it?

    miketheterrible wrote:
    The general thing is that they just have a massive population. And having such mean s they can have a massive economy due to that. Plenty more to it but yeah.

    If Russia can become a relatively large income based country then in theory they become richer GDP overall due to consumption increases. With that though, prices of goods jack up too.

    Not theoretically but practically too Smile Indians are practical and business oriented people. I dot think their activity stops after higher level of consumption is achieved... i can see it also in Poland with their companies Smile

    Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:18 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:12 pm

    ZoA wrote:

    Medvedev needs to go where he'll newer be seen again.

    or perhaps he is the one to focus peoples anger on himself carrying our Putins orders? check retirement age issue. Perhaps after he can go.

    ZoA wrote:
    What i find disturbing is actually smart people that somehow got so indoctrinated in to liberal globalist dogma they started to believe in "foreign investments" as condition of development despite all the empirical evidence showing it to be complete bullshit. No country ever developed thanks to "foreign investments", and hundreds have tried.


    Me thinks too that the main source of money has to be internal. Intl investments is like cherry on a cake but not daily bread. Nobody is going to invest in your hi tech or military products to make strong competitor?! to take high paid jobs form their companies?

    Last edited by GunshipDemocracy on Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:25 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:16 pm

    Vann7 wrote:i

    Who ever advice Putin on how to Run Russia , needs to be shot in the head.

    Perhaps Putin is making decisions himself and has very good reasons for them?

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:18 pm

    Austin wrote:
    In Sovfed told how much money was withdrawn from Russia for 17 years

    MOSCOW, April 28 (Itar-Tass) - RIA Novosti. More than 430 billion US dollars, according to independent estimates, illegally withdrew from Russia for the period from 2000 to 2017, told RIA Novosti chairman of the Federation Council Committee on Defense and Security Viktor Bondarev.

    "According to independent estimates, about 430.7 billion dollars were exported from our country from 2000 to 2017. These are huge financial resources that could be invested in the development of the domestic economy," the senator said.

    According to him, the illegal withdrawal of capital from Russia is one of the key problems, the resolution of which will significantly affect the implementation of breakthrough opportunities in various sectors of the economy.

    Bondarev said that to improve the current legislation and law enforcement practices in the field of countering economic crimes, the Committee on Defense and Security of the Council of Federation proposes a number of measures. They include the formation of "new legal and organizational mechanisms aimed at the timely detection and suppression of alleged, pretentious transactions in the field of foreign economic activity, the identification and suppression of the activities of organizations created for the purpose of evading taxes, illegal removal of material assets from Russia."

    The committee also proposes to improve the system of organizational and information interaction of law enforcement and supervisory bodies, as well as to reform the system of banking supervision "in the field of fixing and storing meaningful information about the activities of credit institutions."

    An example recursive BS spouted by pathologically inadequate morons. Capital flight =/= illegal fund transfers. But this number is clearly counting capital flight as part of
    the "illegal" flow. Note the period: between 2000 and 2017. Khodorkovsky's transfer pricing rackets were shut down in 2003. One of the reasons Putin is demonized so
    much is because he clamped down on illegal capital flows such as those by Yukos. The insinuation behind this number estimate is that everything happened under Putin's
    nose as if he did nothing about it. So this is yet more anti-Putin smear. An honest assessment would be from 1991-2003 and from 2004-2017. The vastly greatest portion of
    illegal transfers happened between 1991 and 2003. There is no freaking way that several hundred billion dollars were siphoned after 2004. Only large companies could have
    had such large capital pools to transfer. Private individuals and small businesses are just not relevant based on the capital the control.

    Victor Bondarev is clearly a POS who is working for Uncle Scumbag pushing the "rampant corruption" myth designed to foist a colour revolution on Russia. He is claiming that
    over $300 billion got siphoned over the 13 year period from 2004 to 2017. That amounts to $23 billion per year which is comparable to the period before 2004. Again, as if there
    was no crackdown on Khodorkovsky style rackets. So, Bondarev, where is your evidence that Gazprom and Rossneft are engaged in transfer pricing rackets? This clown also
    does not account for the financial sanctions against Russia after 2014. There was a massive paydown of foreign debt (over $220 billion in the course of two years).

    Bondarev reminds me of the clown who oversees the AIDS disease in Russia. Every few years he makes absurd apolcalyptic predictions about uncontrolled infection rates.
    Every single time he is dead wrong.


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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:21 pm

    kvs wrote:

    Victor Bondarev is clearly a POS who is working for Uncle Scumbag pushing the "rampant corruption" myth designed to foist a colour revolution on Russia.  


    or perhaps he is  the harbinger of coming  economic block mopping up? Well learn soon anyway 7th of May is close Smile
    And now some fun especially for you, some like weekend's funnies and horoscopes column  Twisted Evil  Twisted Evil  Twisted Evil

    Kudrin warned against passing a law on punishing businesses for compliance with sanctions   
    The adoption of a bill to punish businesses for compliance with US sanctions on the territory of Russia could lead to a massive proliferation of American restrictive measures on the Russian market, Alexei Kudrin, chairman of the Center for Strategic Research, told Interfax.

    "I will say briefly: this is a hasty decision with potentially serious consequences," Kudrin stressed. - The market is a market. If certain US sanctions are extended to our large corporations, the scale of complications in the domestic market of Russia will be very significant. "

    The ex-minister of finance also called the controversial bill prepared by the State Duma on counter-sanctions against the US, which allows the government to limit US imports and sever cooperation in a number of industries with companies with a share of US participation of more than 25%. "I must say, in our market a lot of very large financial and industrial corporations, in which it is more than 30%. But these are Russian companies. The developers of the document, apparently, hurriedly ", - said Kudrin.
    "We are very dependent on imports, including in the sphere of high technologies. Restricting ourselves in such interaction with the most high-tech, most dynamic, most innovative market, we, of course, will significantly complicate or undermine the work of Russian companies, "warned Kudrin.

    The bill on fines for legal entities and on criminal liability for individuals for compliance with anti-Russian sanctions on the territory of Russia was proposed by State Duma Speaker Vyacheslav Volodin.

    The new sanctions against Russian business, announced by the US Treasury on 6 April, prohibit counterparties from any jurisdictions from conducting significant transactions in favor of blacklisted persons under threat of being under sanctions themselves.

    WTF so time to break it . Is there anything China doesn't supply from HW tha US does? is there anything Russia cannot develop for banking sector? c'mon there si no bank off shelf soft. Ever bank customizes a palftorm or builds in house. Why Russian companies canot build it?

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  ZoA Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:48 pm

    Only remotely relevant US products are x86 CPUs produced by AMD and Intel and none else outside of US. Oh and helium, US produces most of it. For the life of me I can't think of a single other thing US makes that can't be acquired form someone else usually for less money. US is largely de industrialised country, living from printing US $ bills, imperial tribute paid by its puppets, financial speculation and some entertainment industry exports. It is mostly intellectual inertia that keeps most of the world beholden to them, economically they are increasingly irrelevant.

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    Post  ZoA Sun Apr 29, 2018 7:50 pm

    Does a week pass without Kudrin showing how much of a pathetic Quisling wannabe he is?

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:42 pm

    ZoA wrote:Only remotely relevant US products are x86 CPUs produced by AMD and Intel and none else outside of US. Oh and helium, US produces most of it. For the life of me I can't think of a single other thing US makes that can't be acquired form someone else usually for less money. US is largely de industrialised country, living from printing US $ bills, imperial tribute paid by its puppets, financial speculation and some entertainment industry exports. It is mostly intellectual inertia that keeps most of the world beholden to them, economically they are increasingly irrelevant.

    There are perhaps some niche very high tech products. The question is what of this really has to be used in Russia ?

    The other thing is that Kudrin and all liberasts have some kind os mental disorder. They dont see beyond past . Like an accountant working for a village shop owners. They can only buy form city and future is simple extrapolation of the past.  On level of strategic planning is unacceptable to have it.  There is nothing close to "invisible hand of market" in real world. This is always geopolitical game. Free market is for masses in weak countries to justify transferring of wealth.

    True Russian banks can loose some money but after all they will not be independent from  US tech and actually will implement US sanctions INSIDE Russia.  The question should be how quickest and cheapest to get rid of this dependency.

    ZoA wrote:Does a week pass without Kudrin showing how much of a pathetic Quisling wannabe he is?

    pathetic is a mild word to describe his statements, perhaps he is kind of Putins jester?

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Apr 29, 2018 8:45 pm

    ZoA wrote:Does a week pass without Kudrin showing how much of a pathetic Quisling wannabe he is?

    That's why he is in a nobody position. But some reason media centers around him as if he has anything constructive to say. He is all about FDI and using foreign tech. What he doesn't seem to get is that if that foreign tech is sanctioned, then locals see an incentive to produce alternative.

    For average office and and even industrial use for computers, x86 chips are not needed. Elbrus cpu can work just fine especially if it still has to run with windows which has been done and tested.

    Good thing is, Kudrin has no authority or say.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  ZoA Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:24 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:
    For average office and and even industrial use for computers, x86 chips are not needed. Elbrus cpu can work just fine especially if it still has to run with windows which has been done and tested.

    Yes, but can it run Crysis? tongue

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    Post  ZoA Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:30 pm

    Actually I just remembered, VIA still makes some low powered x86 CPUs, and i think VIA is Chinese owned company. However i don't think their x86 can compete with Core or Zen architectures used by Intel and AMD.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  miketheterrible Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:48 pm

    ZoA wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:
    For average office and and even industrial use for computers, x86 chips are not needed. Elbrus cpu can work just fine especially if it still has to run with windows which has been done and tested.

    Yes, but can it run Crysis? tongue

    I guarantee you, if an Elbrus 8C is paird with a decent GPU, then yes, I think it could run at least Crysis 2. The Elbrus CPU's would do way better than the VIA chips excluding the new ones to come out that is a JV with some Chinese company.

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 29, 2018 9:58 pm

    Kudrin is an "economist". The group of clowns who think that if we run out of elements, then we will make them.    Triumf des Willens over nature.   LOL.

    He actually believes that having no indigenous IC industry is good for Russia since it can't compete with Intel and AMD.    So if Russia has lots
    of oil and natural gas, then all it should do is extract and sell them.   And import the rest since all that matters is comparative advantage.   Note how
    the very things that the precious NATO west always use to put Russia down, are the very things that this dirtbag and his "normal economist" pals
    push on Russia.   Obama actually thought that Russia followed this advice so he could yap about it not making anything.    Somebody should point
    this out to Kudrin and then give him a fist sandwich.

    The Duma best grow a pair and quick.   Some nice pressure on anyone who wants to operate in Russia while sucking Uncle Scumbag's schlong
    needs to be applied.   Don't like it, then pack your bags and move.   This would open up more breathing room for Russian business to move in and
    grow.   As happened with the food industry.

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    Post  Hole Sun Apr 29, 2018 10:31 pm

    To Mr. Kudrin: Russia has the lowest Import quota of all countries, just 7 % of GDP. Number 2 has around 15%.

    On so called illegal money transfer: it happens in evere country, that´s why there are Trillions in countries like Cayman Islands, Channel Islands and the like.

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:46 am

    Col. Cassad's reporting, not purely economic but interesting read and anlysis of NYT propaganda story Smile

    Great game of the XXI century

    Russian Economy General News: #8 - Page 39 40389490-negotiation-political-concept-dices-with-flags-of-usa-russia-and-china-on-the-world-map-symbolize-fo

    "For these media, the issue of fighting Russia is not only a matter of fulfilling a political order, but also a matter of political self-survival, since the destruction of the existing world order will also collapse the global brainwashing system, which until recently was so easy to cover up any aggressions and crimes of US imperialism that the author shyly calls "questionable and illegal operations." Hence the attempt to declare everything that Russia says is "misinformation," as there is a struggle to impose its discourse, which will determine the information background of the ongoing conflict. Some wonder why American and pro-American media behave so stupidly and clumsily, ignoring facts and logic, as we say, with the Skripal affair or the fake chemistry in the Duma. Here in reality everything is simple - for years of unchallenged domination, they have become unaccustomed to real competition outside the framework of the system in which they exist and struggle for a discourse with alternative concepts of the state level, as was the case during the Cold War. Therefore, they continue to simply replicate centralized propaganda"

    Hole wrote:To Mr. Kudrin: Russia has the lowest Import quota of all countries, just 7 % of GDP. Number 2 has around 15%.
    On so called illegal money transfer: it happens in evere country, that´s why there are Trillions in countries like Cayman Islands, Channel Islands and the like.

    But the problem is real and acute: why do you think CBR is closing number of Russian banks? Lots of money were stolen in Russia and transferred abroad. most of thieves were referred as "political refugees" thus felt safe heaven in US. Now sanctions have good effect- they likely loose money or return to Russia. But still good framework and changing rules that stealing dos not pay.

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon Apr 30, 2018 2:51 am

    miketheterrible wrote:
    ZoA wrote:
    Yes, but can it run Crysis? tongue

    I guarantee you, if an Elbrus 8C is paird with a decent GPU, then yes, I think it could run at least Crysis 2.  .

    There are some CPU level emulators for x86 compatibility AFAIK. But if Crysis is not working fine then at least I know what is really Kudrin afraid of Razz Razz Razz

    kvs wrote:Kudrin is an "economist". The group of clowns who think that if we run out of elements, then we will make them.    Triumf des Willens over nature.   LOL.

    He actually believes that having no indigenous IC industry is good for Russia since it can't compete with Intel and AMD.  

    That's exactly what I am afraid of. this is mental disability to see that if you dont have something you cannot create! especially with human capital as in Russia. Perhaps in Chad task would be a bit more challenging. With all due respect of course.

    Following this course  Korea didn't have electronics, neither car manufacturing nor aerospace industry up to 90s so they should stay producing ships? Luckily for Koreans they weren't infected by liberal disease Smile

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    Post  Hole Mon Apr 30, 2018 11:02 am

    South Korea was a military dictatorship until the late 80´s. All the companys there received a lot of "help" (money) from the state.

    To Gunship: I never said it is no problem. But it is not a problem of a single state, but one of all countries. If the worlds oligarchs had to pai taxes on this Trillions, we could solve a lot of problems.

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    Post  Austin Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:45 pm

    Russian Economy General News: #8 - Page 39 Focuseconomics_january_biggest_economies-01

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    Russian Economy General News: #8 - Page 39 Empty Re: Russian Economy General News: #8

    Post  Arrow Mon Apr 30, 2018 12:51 pm

    GDP PPP is a better option to compare economies?

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon Apr 30, 2018 5:54 pm

    Austin wrote: here was GDP nominal diagram Smile by Austin

    not sure what data was taken into account by Spaniards from focus economics but nice to see India growing so fast in terms of nominal values!

    Arrow wrote:GDP PPP is a better option to compare economies?

    Better for measuring real power / capacity for hi tech / military development but for West worse in terms of PR . This says also nothing about real assets like natural resurces or population education. Compare of Saudis and Russia. GDP PPP much higher, military spending is skyrocketing but yet they cannot even produce anything like assault gun not staelite on their own.

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    Post  GunshipDemocracy Mon Apr 30, 2018 6:10 pm

    Hole wrote:South Korea was a military dictatorship until the late 80´s. All the companys there received a lot of "help" (money) from the state.

    and this is exactly how Russia should move on! West had many years to develop relying on military power, subjugating countries allover the world and transferring their wealth. Then when this got harder EU (in Europe) started to make "pan-eu programmes" to support own industry in non free market terms. Then again conquest of eastern Europe and again hundreds of billions to pocket...

    SO everybody has its own flavor and nobody asks how you get there. Winners are not judged, they are dealt with by negotiations.

    To Gunship: I never said it is no problem. But it is not a problem of a single state, but one of all countries. If the worlds oligarchs had to pai taxes on this Trillions, we could solve a lot of problems.

    you're right but please note that in Russia this had special flavor. West was supporting money transfers form
    Russia. Especially illegal ones. Helping to organize network of offshore an protecting thieves. Like with Khodorkovsky - murdered and thief yet nobody in west tried to stop him or put on trial and confiscate money.

    How different in Madoff case right? Madoff didn't kill anybody was just a scammer and thief. BTW in Germany somebody with stolen billions Euro would walk free in Austria or France spending money on Rivera?

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    Post  miketheterrible Fri May 04, 2018 7:55 am

    Be prepared for worstening of Russia's economy by magnitudes. Reports coming out Kudrin is to be appointed by Putin for an important position. If that is true, Russia is in big trouble.

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