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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Tsavo Lion Wed Nov 20, 2019 9:44 pm

    Russia have been attacked many times by proxy, that US give weapons to rebels and they later attack Russia. Including its military base...
    It also happened to the nuclear armed USSR bases in Afghanistan & the nuclear armed US/France troops/bases in Lebanon, Iraq & Saudi Arabia.
    Israel attacked the USS Liberty in 1967 & NK the USS Pueblo in 1968, which is still held there. Israel itself gets shelled from time to time by Iran supported Hezbollah.
    In addition, nuclear armed Pakistan & India exchange artillery fire every few months, if not more often.
    meanwhile, not only alleged Iranian targets were hit; Russian AD units weren't targeted:

    Last edited by Tsavo Lion on Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:25 am; edited 2 times in total (Reason for editing : add link)

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Regular Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:43 am

    About two years ago I posted censored video of Russian PMCs hammering some poor chap and then proceeding to cut his head off. There was another head lying about next to where execution took place.

    Now there's more information got out. More videos. Names. Location. 2ch and Vk groups had already doxed one of the dude on 2017, now almost all of them are known. Probably they will end up in big trouble as Russian MVD is informed, all materials presented.

    Image I will link below has one of the victims with writings _Za VDV, Razvetka (For VDV, Recon)" on his chest.
    Don't make it fool you. They are clearly not SF, nor active duty.
    They even say they are naemniki (mercenaries) in video. They could be something else than Wagner as well, plenty of contractors are working in Shaif, Syria.
    Just so you know before slow western media picks it up.

    NSFW image

    It's just bad optics and this is very bad for morale. And it's unheard of for Russian or Soviet military. Even in Afghanistan war Mujahedeen were shot only if they couldn't be extracted. No torture or mutilation, you could end up with court martial and then penal batalion at best. Lack of discipline and structure is what makes low key PMCs act like thugs no matter what country.

    Last edited by Regular on Thu Nov 21, 2019 2:00 am; edited 1 time in total
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Nov 21, 2019 1:55 am

    Russian troops will stay neutral while Israel bombs Iranians &/ their proxies in Syria:

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Vann7 Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:06 am

    Tsavo Lion wrote:Russian troops will stay neutral while Israel bombs Iranians &/ their proxies in Syria:

    That report is based on the opinions of one Russian Senator.. and is highly misleading.
    He claims that Russia and israel relations are "Very good" and for this reason they will not
    interfere in Israel "vs Iranian" fights in Syria.

    Reality check.. is that Israel is enemy of Russia. and period.. it was never a friend..
    Israel lobbies are one of the major influence behind US policies in middle east.. and
    they want as much as Americans to destroy Russia... because Russia oppose Jews Global Governance
    project and oppose also to zionist  Greater middle east  project too.. which require total destruction
    of Syria as a nation. .and will have happened had  Russia did not came to help..

    The Syrian conflict ,the main factions master minds behind that conflict are the Jews..
    zionist jews.. and Former Foreign minister of france. .Roland dumas is on record on France Television..
    interview.. that he was invited 2-3 years by top government in UK , before the Syrian conflict began.. to help NATO recruit mercenaries for a major invasion they were planning to do in Syria.. that was on schedule.. and when he asked why they wanted to removed Assad.. he was explained because Israel wanted Syria
    completely destroyed..  So Israel don't give a shit about Russia interest or Russia security.. they
    were celebrating when soviet union collapsed.. and their fight against IRAN is not only Iran their target
    but Russia too..Israeli zionist jews see Russia as their main obstacle for global domination..and so their major goals in Syria is to weaken /sabotage Russia operations.. and even if IRAN was not there.. they still will be
    claiming that it is to bomb hezbolah.. But Israel have been bombing in Latakia and Tartus.. were IRAN have no positions.. and seeking to target the same weapons ,that Russia give to Syria..

    Even the top Airforce commander of israel.. threatened to bomb in social media any shipment of missiles
    for Syria by Russia.. if this is not a threat of war .. then no idea what is.. Later Netanyahu lowered the tone,saying they could not stop Russia from giving missiles to Syria but they will not like it if those warehouses
    later destroyed by them.. and just days ago.. Israel military was threatening to bomb S-400s..  using social media to promote the idea.. So clearly for israel is not IRAN their major target but Russia air defenses and weapons given to Syria.. They will love to see Syria completely over run by ISIS.. so that they later
    can use ISIS as an excuse to invade Syria..and continue stealing land.. deep inside syria.. they even publish
    the buffer zones they wanted to create.. when Syria did not control half of damascus and most of their southern borders neither.. By Russia airforce helping Syria to clear eastern ghoutta and clearing all southern syria.. it
    ruined Israel plans for a buffer zone and invading.. since Syria now controls its borders with israel occupied golan heights.. as it was before the war began in 2011.

    The war on Syria is primarily a micro world war 3.. against Russia.. by US ,Israel and UK..
    and this was told by President Assad on his weeks ago interview.. So even Assad understand
    well ,that is not Syria the real objective to destroy.. but Russia IS the final goal. .and destroying
    Syria is only one step closer to the IRON Fence that NATO wanted to create around Russia.
    any Russian senator who claims today .. "they have very good relations with israel" is only full of shit.
    Israel wants to destroy Russia.. and their air raids in reality seek to sabotage any progress of Russia..
    on Syria. and weaken Russia position there for not properly protecting Syria. that is Russia friend.

    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Tsavo Lion Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:40 am

    Israel wants to destroy Russia..
    who will then restrain Turkey & Iran? If Israel is destroyed, many survivors may go to Ukraine, ruining Russia's plans there.
    The "Balance of Power" politics isn't something only the Great Britain & the US can practice.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  nomadski Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:21 am

    We do not mind our Russian friends keeping out of any offensive operations against Zionist or yank. It is up to them how they help Syrian government. They must also understand our position. Iranians have big programme in Syria. For reconstruction also. We are going to be everywhere. And we will mix with Russian personnel. And if we suddenly find the Russians evacuating a position, then that is fine too. We know something is coming! LOL.


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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Isos Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:22 am

    It's just bad optics and this is very bad for morale. And it's unheard of for Russian or Soviet military. Even in Afghanistan war Mujahedeen were shot only if they couldn't be extracted. No torture or mutilation, you could end up with court martial and then penal batalion at best. Lack of discipline and structure is what makes low key PMCs act like thugs no matter what country.

    PMC in general suck. They are plenty of guy who think they are better than the rest, some sort of "call of duty" soldiers that have mny lifes.

    Putin is making a mistake to use them. Specially in Africa where they have no clue what they are doing and it was shown before Ru army don't protect them in any way.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 21, 2019 10:37 am

    Who said Putin is using them?

    They are private companies and anyone can pay them for a job... not Russian military responsibility to protect them... otherwise they could get Russia in to all sorts of shit... what if I win 20 million in lotto and pay that to a Russian merc org to attack american forces in Syria... or elsewhere... when the American forces return fire is it Russias responsibility to help?

    I don't think so.

    Hell... the Americans could pay them to attack their special forces as a trap for all we know...

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Regular Thu Nov 21, 2019 11:31 am

    Yes, PMCs suck. This was proven many times.

    Garry is right. Putin is not using them.

    They could have been employed by Assad, Oil company or Iran. Russian military has harsh punishments for such independent works of "art".

    Also, this reminds me of Ukrainians who decapitated Donetsk POWs and put flags in their mouths. Of course Ukrainians unlike Russians weren't disawowing this.


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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Mindstorm Thu Nov 21, 2019 11:59 am

    All this fuss about the usual and progressively more costly and less effcient  Israel's attacks in Syria and the supposed plan to attack Federation air defense assets there or even more the idea that managing to plan and execute a successfull attack against even few elements of C-400 batteries would be even technically feasible is pure madness.

    If any Syrian intervention has contributed to immensely increase the interest of international buyers toward Russian-Federation- made air defense (also those historically do not acquiring from us) and that for the simple reason that the hard data about detection and tracking range (even in stand-by mode !) of the most advanced western aircraft type ,including the supposedly most "stealth" ones, by part of the Federation's AD contingent network operated in NW of Syria begun to circulate virally in military command rooms around the world.

    Moreover the effective expulsion of Israeli Air Forces from operations in the Syrian air space as consequence of the simple modernization of '60 and '70 years SAM systems and the interception's percentage of the stand-off missiles and gliding bombs by part of those modernized outdated systems (with the aid of very few export version of more modern SAMs) have shown as the western models of air-centric offensive doctrine was utterly wronged under almost any point of view.  

    The western model of Air Force employment remain relevant only if aircraft retain the capability to penetrate and station in enemy airspace, if this crucial condition do not realize its entire structure collapse.

    Since at least three years by now IAF has been forced to attack targets in Syria exclusively with terribly costly and slow to produce stand-off weapons and also to resort to the lowest expedient (such as operate in the Coalition-aircraft-controled sector using theirs IFF portrait, or communicate a false area of attack to the Federation Command in the deconfliction interlink to execute an attack from the Mediterranean sea) to retain the capability to produce some damage on the ground among the targets identified by theirs extensive HUMINT network.

    The cost of those IAFs stand-off missiles attacks (all subsonic as for the almost totality of western-made products) and their efficiency are any day plummeting because even the outdated Syrian SAM batteries, still representing the wide majority of those at defense of syrian air space, have gained after the modernization the capability to engage single PGMs with each battery for not say that when even a single or two launchers - launcher not battery !- of a more modern SAM for mere chance or for the lack of informations by part of the israeli HUMINT operatives on syrian soil, find itself operating in the area targeted the entire attack fail completely.    

    The result is that ,like yesterday, IAF is forced to deliver several dozen of missiles and decoys in a time lapse measured in seconds from a very high number of aircraft to obtain only very scarce damages on enemy infrastructures ,also in reason of the obviously limited destructive potential of theirs stand-off subsonic missiles on board of theirs fighter aircraft; that is the reason for which those attacks when possible are aimed mostly to secondary arms storage sites.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Isos Thu Nov 21, 2019 6:45 pm

    Even if russians upgraded their AD it is still not enough to stop israel. Israel uses missiles paid by the american taxpayers and everytime they manage to destroy 1 or 2 building in Syria. And everytime they use a couple of jets.

    Israel, like they did in the past, can load 100-150 jets and send them in syria to destroy SAA if they really need to and if Russians were not there.

    The only thing saving SAA from israel is Russians and russian stuff. Syrian AD is still outdated and is overwhekmed by a couple of jets let alone a big compaign with strong jaming support.

    If Iran wants to stop israel from attacking them they need to show them that they can hit them very hard (like a cruise missile destroying a building near a nuclear plant or other strategic assets without being intercepted). Houtis already made a statement today that can attack Israel if iran wants. IMO it is Iran behind that statement and they are preparing a cruise missile attack similar to the one in saudi arabia.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Vann7 Thu Nov 21, 2019 9:08 pm

    Regular wrote:Yes, PMCs suck. This was proven many times.

    Garry is right. Putin is not using them.

    They could have been employed by Assad, Oil company or Iran. Russian military has harsh punishments for such independent works of "art".

    Also, this reminds me of Ukrainians who decapitated Donetsk POWs and put flags in their mouths. Of course Ukrainians unlike Russians weren't disawowing this.

    Or they simply are not be even Russian at all.. and you just falling for a media propaganda stunt.
    of the west to discredit the Russian military operations in Syria. The military guys executing
    An ISIS mercenary    according to the report . there is no evidence where that was filmed
    or even who they are..  i have posted a report . some long time ago... of examples of those
    propaganda stunts...   Including ISIS executions.. some of them done in a real film studio somewhere
    in america or Turkey or any host country of NATO base.  Basically some of the terrorist material of ISIS
    is filmed by the CIA , to scare world population into the need to fight them.. (to justify NATO operations
    world wide) in the fight against "ISIS".  When in reality ISIS are mercenaries under payroll of the CIA ,that
    "coincidentally " the leader according to forums discussions ISIS was an israel citizen , and was in a military prison in guantanamo under control of US.. but suddenly he was allowed to leave free and ends leading a terrorist group in Syria. I have been following Syrian war since march 2011.. when it began ..and saw the
    videos of how the anti Assad propaganda began.. with hiding thugs shooting at protesters and police at same time. so to made it look protesters shoot at police and police fire back. So there is a mountain of disinformation
    in the Syrian war ,aimed at either discrediting Assad or Syrian army or Russia.

    The guys in the more recent video not even look ethnic Russian.
    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 5dd6b91885f5404c391d2810

    They could be Isis fighters with some Russian uniform that took prisoner a Syrian soldier..
    and filmed its execution. Notice the guy covered face.. . ethnic Russians most in the military
    have rounded small heads.. like putin..  why they called little green man by the west. and Hair
    is mongolian style.. like the hair of those natives in alaska who live in the wilderness.. So they not even look Russian at all..  looks more like Syrians with some pieces of Russian uniform ,killing another Syrian. and faces covered to hide the fraud of who they really are.  it is also useful to remember that Russian military
    gave uniforms to the Syrian army too.. during the first weeks ,Russia army move to Syria.

    So my best guess.. not Russian army.. Not Russian private military either, more like Syrian mercenaries ,killing
    either Syrian army soldier or an isis fighter.  and the media to be a staged stunt.. to discredit the Russian
    military ,or private contract soldiers.. for Russian companies.

    another even better observation is if they were part of Russian army or private contractors..
    and they doing a private execution..

    Important details..
    1) there is too few people there.. 3-4? for such big event ,that you don't see every day..
    If it was in the army.. there will be many watching the event..So shows they are more isolated lonely group
    and neither they have their military equipment with them..
    2)The mercenaries majority Don't carry weapons at all where are their AK-74 ? their grenades?
    they feel safe there.. because in a war zone Russian army or Private contractors carry their weapons at all
    times..even in the desert.. because they need to be vigilant all the time. So very unusual that mercenaries
    don't wear at all times their guns.. Not saying is impossible for Russian army or private contractors do bad
    things ,but looks more a publicity stunt.. to damage the image of Russia military operations in Syria.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Viktor Fri Nov 22, 2019 7:11 pm

    It could be a set up or it could be on the loose specifically those mercenaries doing what is seen. But for the western media it does not matter.

    When an American does war crime it is specific man who is than to be punished still at the end it never is. When the same thing happens (or is simulated by video propagandist

    and we have seen such stages a lot by western press and NGO) than its the official Russian politics by orders of president Putin himself.

    When while writing about the US victim of the war crime its a mistake still made in good faith (attacker believed civilians to be a terrorist)

    that deserves its punishment but not so harsh but when a victim of the war crime is by Russian hand its always the most innocent story of the some cry baby you can find.

    Same pattern is than repeated.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Isos Fri Nov 22, 2019 8:19 pm

    Homing part of an iron dome missile fell in Gaza. Just a matter of time before it ends in a russian or iranian scientific institut for is in pretty good condition maybe even still working.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Tsavo Lion Sat Nov 23, 2019 8:59 pm


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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  flamming_python Mon Nov 25, 2019 12:11 pm

    Isos wrote:

    Homing part of an iron dome missile fell in Gaza. Just a matter of time before it ends in a russian or iranian scientific institut for is in pretty good condition maybe even still working.

    What's so interesting about it?

    Maybe to figure out a countermeasure or two, thats about it. Iran might be interested more, as it can potentially fit such countermeasures on new rockets it would supply to Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. But even that's not for sure, as the whole point of these unguided rockets is to overwhelm and do damage in numbers.

    If they were smart, the Israelis could save a whole load on this Iron Dome stuff by developing a system like the Rtut-BM which tricks the proximity fuses of primitive incoming rockets and shells into exploding prematurely

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  JohninMK Mon Nov 25, 2019 1:37 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Isos wrote:

    Homing part of an iron dome missile fell in Gaza. Just a matter of time before it ends in a russian or iranian scientific institut for is in pretty good condition maybe even still working.

    What's so interesting about it?

    Maybe to figure out a countermeasure or two, thats about it. Iran might be interested more, as it can potentially fit such countermeasures on new rockets it would supply to Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. But even that's not for sure, as the whole point of these unguided rockets is to overwhelm and do damage in numbers.

    If they were smart, the Israelis could save a whole load on this Iron Dome stuff by developing a system like the Rtut-BM which tricks the proximity fuses of primitive incoming rockets and shells into exploding prematurely
    Falling in Gazo I would have thought it more likely to end up in Iran and not Russia.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  nero Mon Nov 25, 2019 5:23 pm

    Isos wrote:Even if russians upgraded their AD it is still not enough to stop israel.

    It is not about the technology, but the people that man these systems.

    In addition to this, simply having ground air-defense systems will never constitute a good air-defense doctrine.

    You can simply compare Russia's aerospace defense forces numbers and Syria's measly 36 000.

    Even if they do indeed manage to fix all of these problems, there is the issue of unfavorable terrain for the Syrians.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Nov 25, 2019 6:48 pm

    flamming_python wrote:
    Isos wrote:

    Homing part of an iron dome missile fell in Gaza. Just a matter of time before it ends in a russian or iranian scientific institut for is in pretty good condition maybe even still working.

    What's so interesting about it?

    Maybe to figure out a countermeasure or two, thats about it. Iran might be interested more, as it can potentially fit such countermeasures on new rockets it would supply to Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. But even that's not for sure, as the whole point of these unguided rockets is to overwhelm and do damage in numbers.

    If they were smart, the Israelis could save a whole load on this Iron Dome stuff by developing a system like the Rtut-BM which tricks the proximity fuses of primitive incoming rockets and shells into exploding prematurely
    Except the vast majority of the munitions will be unguided, and even then you could build guided munitions with inertial guidance which will be a much tough nut to crack compared to optically guided munitions.
    Tsavo Lion
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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Nov 25, 2019 7:17 pm

    now, the ball is in Israel's court!

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  GarryB Tue Nov 26, 2019 12:49 am

    Even if russians upgraded their AD it is still not enough to stop israel. Israel uses missiles paid by the american taxpayers and everytime they manage to destroy 1 or 2 building in Syria. And everytime they use a couple of jets.

    Israel, like they did in the past, can load 100-150 jets and send them in syria to destroy SAA if they really need to and if Russians were not there.

    The thing is that the Israelis have an endless supply of missiles because the US pays for them basically, but if they start attacking Russian soldiers or Russian Air Defence assets then Russia wont just continue to defend... they will attack back and Israeli targets... now they could attack easy targets that Israel does not hugely care about... ie low hanging fruit... or they could send a message and start launching missiles at targets deep inside Israel... perhaps a live test of Iskander to see how well Patriot can or cannot deal with it... hit an airfield where the aircraft delivering the strike took off from... don't kill anyone... but crater the runway perhaps...

    If they were smart, the Israelis could save a whole load on this Iron Dome stuff by developing a system like the Rtut-BM which tricks the proximity fuses of primitive incoming rockets and shells into exploding prematurely

    Problem is that I rather doubt these cheap simple Grad based weapons used proximity fuses so that probably would not work, but it is an example of thinking smarter...

    It is not about the technology, but the people that man these systems.

    Actually you can learn a lot about how to use rockets agaisnt an enemy if you know more about the weapons they use to defend themselves.

    Having a seeker you can determine its field of view and scan rate and effective range against the weapons you intend to use. You can look at the warhead and the fragment types and their effective range and spread pattern... how is it detecting your weapons and from how far and at what distance is its fuse setting off its warhead and how effective is its warhead.

    SA-2s in Vietnam had their proximity fuses set too long and a lot were exploding early too far from the B-52s to do lethal damage... setting them for closer range would have led to a lot more bomber losses for the Americans... but the Americans weren't going to tell them that...

    One example of what having interceptor missiles could do for your attack... they might find that the proximity fuse sensor is a radar unit and by putting simple corner reflectors in the nose of their simple grad rockets their interceptor missiles will think the targets are much bigger than they actually are and therefore they are closer to the missile than they actually are and explode prematurely...

    In addition to this, simply having ground air-defense systems will never constitute a good air-defense doctrine.

    As proved in Saudi Arabia.

    Even if they do indeed manage to fix all of these problems, there is the issue of unfavorable terrain for the Syrians.

    They can, however be more aggressive, and add attack to their plans with forward deployed mobile units that can launch attacks at the aircraft launching the attacks or in the process of leaving... Even just launching very long range missiles into Israeli airspace as a response to an Israeli attack...

    I think the best Syrian response to continued Israel attacks is to simply say the next unprovoked Israeli attack and we will set up an Iranian military base in Syrian territory close enough to Israel for them to both defend themselves but also to attack Israel... Iran can move as many SAMs and air defence systems as they want to test and also some ballistic and cruise missiles for testing too... the Russians might just observe but the Syrian AD can help them too... the Russians are neutral parties to this but the Syrian and Iranians are being targeted by Israel so it is not so much of a stupid move for them, more a chance for them to fight back in a much more fair fight.

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Vann7 Tue Nov 26, 2019 5:20 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    Isos wrote:

    Homing part of an iron dome missile fell in Gaza. Just a matter of time before it ends in a russian or iranian scientific institut for is in pretty good condition maybe even still working.

    What's so interesting about it?

    Maybe to figure out a countermeasure or two, thats about it. Iran might be interested more, as it can potentially fit such countermeasures on new rockets it would supply to Hezbollah and Islamic Jihad. But even that's not for sure, as the whole point of these unguided rockets is to overwhelm and do damage in numbers.

    If they were smart, the Israelis could save a whole load on this Iron Dome stuff by developing a system like the Rtut-BM which tricks the proximity fuses of primitive incoming rockets and shells into exploding prematurely

    Capturing a homing warhead of a major air defense system of Israel, is a big deal..
    In Russian or CHinese hands they will open it and see how the electronics are .. and they will
    learn everything about it..

    -About what kind of sensors it have..
    -Electronic warfare capabilities  .. how to jam them.. and how not..
    -GPS capabilities ,how resistant is to hacking..
    -Also by studying the homing radar sensor.. they can develop decoys
    to fool the missiles..

    So now if media reports are true.. Russia should have not only Glide bombs of Israel.
    that Russian ministry show ,but also David sling missiles and iron dome missiles from Israel..
    that Iran could get them through hamas ..  

    So this is a major blow back.. to Israel military offensive capabilities.. those missiles are supposed to explode the warhead.. if they fail to explode ,and captured by adversaries ,then the entire electronics will be in good conditions for inspecting and reverse engineering. If IRAN Hamas or hezbolah capture it... then it will be on IRAN hands in short time.. if Syria capture it.. in Russia hands.. they could also if major cooperation exist.. create
    groups of technology research on any missile captured in Syria from NATO or israel.
    So this is bad news..for Israel future offensive capabilities if the news reports are true ,they lost
    several important missiles ,intact that don't exploded.

    Iran can now hack American drones.. including predator drones and capture the camera images they filming..
    So this is very serious blow to NATO too.. future Wars.. if their adversaries will now how to hack their most advanced military drones. and air defenses system.


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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Vann7 Sun Dec 01, 2019 9:36 am

    Video shows Kurds attacking Russian military trucks with molotov coctails..

    subtitles on the video.. enable in the video close caption..
    They say US military is inciting some kurds groups to target Russian trucks..
    to create major incident and conflicts between kurds and Russia.


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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  GarryB Mon Dec 02, 2019 5:42 am

    No big deal... if someone throws fire bombs at Russian forces then Russian forces will just shoot them.

    The western media will go on about them shooting "defenceless civilians" and all that bollocks but why should Russia care what they say these days.

    I am sure there are plenty of Kurds who certainly want to lash out at someone or something, but they better be careful who they lash out at... those Russians simply can't afford to look weak and ineffectual and why would they care about a few dead Kurds... the Kurds have never helped them before and have been pretty active in fighting Syrian forces which they don't consider themselves part of.

    They want to be Syrian then the Russians could think protecting them or even just listening to them might be worth while... otherwise they might as well be British or French or American special forces or ISIS interfering in Syria and needing to be dealt with.

    I suspect a reason Micron wants better relations with Russia is so they can pull their forces out of Syria without being called cheese eating surrender monkeys, and also to try to get some contracts to rebuild the country.
    Tsavo Lion
    Tsavo Lion

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    Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13 - Page 37 Empty Re: Russian military intervention and aid to Syria #13

    Post  Tsavo Lion Mon Dec 02, 2019 6:00 am

    IMO, he needs Russia as a counterweight to USA & Turkey. Also, having better relations with Russia won't hurt & may improve France's relations with China.
    A regional diplomatic source told Reuters on Thursday that Paris was preparing to pull out its several hundred special forces. They are operating closely with Kurdish-led forces, who are now the target of Turkey’s offensive in northern Syria. French aid workers are also in the zone.

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