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    Decline of the western society


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    Decline of the western society - Page 35 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Feb 23, 2021 5:34 pm

    I would give them the middle finger while walking by.
    par far

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    Decline of the western society - Page 35 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  par far Thu Feb 25, 2021 6:48 am

    I am no expert in educational studies but by saying that math is racist and telling young students that it ok, if they don't want to learn. By taking the whole education system and turning it upside down on its head is not a good idea.

    What will US do in 10-15 years, when their whole population is illiterate.

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    Post  elconquistador Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:10 am

    par far wrote:

    I am no expert in educational studies but by saying that math is racist and telling young students that it ok, if they don't want to learn. By taking the whole education system and turning it upside down on its head is not a good idea.

    What will US do in 10-15 years, when their whole population is illiterate.

    Better question: will the US still exist in 15 years time?

    Loved the schizo word salads from the loonies in the video though. Did any sane person, hand on your heart, understand what they were talking about?

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    Post  kvs Thu Feb 25, 2021 9:30 pm

    On Thursday, Senator Rand Paul (R-KY) grilled President Biden's nominee for assistant health secretary, Rachel Levine, over whether minor children should be allowed to make irreversible, life-changing decisions over their gender.

    Levine, a transgender biological male and former pediatrician, refused to answer the question - twice, instead suggesting that transgender medicine was a 'complex and nuanced' field, and that she would be open to a private discussion on the matter.

    Paul starts off by noting that genital mutilation is recognized as a human rights violation, and that many who go through it do so willingly out of fear of social rejection. He then notes that America is 'normalizing the idea that minors can be given hormones to prevent their biological development...":

    "According to the WHO, genital mutilation has been recognized internationally as a violation of human rights. Genital mutilation is considered particularly egregious, because as the WHO knows, it is almost always carried out on minors and is a violation of the rights of children.

    Most genital mutilation is not typically performed by force, but as WHO notes that by social convention, social norm. The social pressure to conform, to do what others do and have been doing as well as the need to be accepted socially and the fear of being rejected by the community. American culture is now normalizing the idea that minors can be given hormones to prevent their biological development of their secondary sexual characteristics.

    "Dr. Levine you have supported both allowing minors to be given hormone blockers to prevent them from going through puberty, as well as surgical destruction of a minor's genitalia. Like surgical mutilation, hormonal interruption of puberty can permanently alter and prevent secondary sexual characteristics. The American College of Pediatricians reports that 80-95% of pre-pubital children with gender dysphoria will experience resolution by late adolescence if not exposed to medical intervention and social affirmation."

    When it comes to the ideological agenda of the social engineer zealots, your health and human rights are not even on the list of

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    Post  flamming_python Fri Feb 26, 2021 6:30 am

    elconquistador wrote:With a gentle reminder that 'offensive' is defined as such by the alleged recipient

    Decline of the western society - Page 35 Screen10

    Are we looking at Orwell's thought police here, or the Saudi moral police? Neutral

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    Decline of the western society - Page 35 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  elconquistador Fri Feb 26, 2021 2:05 pm

    The U.S. Will Print $7 TRILLION in the Next 24 Months

    And the horrifying inflationary data points keep coming!

    Over the last few weeks, we’ve outlined the following:

    1.    If you add up all of the money the U.S. has ever printed… over 40% of it was printed in 2020 alone.

    2.    In three months in 2020, the U.S. increased its deficit by more than it had during the past five recessions combined (’73, ’75, ’82, early ‘90s and Great Financial Crisis).

    3.    Under Jerome Powell, the Fed bought more Treasuries in SIX WEEKS than it did in 10 years under Ben Bernanke and Janet Yellen.

    4.    Agricultural commodities prices are up nearly 40% since August.

    5.    The Commodity Research Bureau’s Index is up 75% since April.

    These items alone are horrifying… and unfortunately for the world, there are a slew of new ones to add to the list.

    Copper traded over $8,900 per tonne last week, hitting a 10-year high.
    That same week, Nickel traded a $18,534 per tonne, a six-year high.
    Lumber cleared $1,000 per 1,000 board feet, for the first time in history.
    Best of all… the Fed claims that there are no signs of inflation!

    Last week NY Fed President John Williams told CNBC that rising prices are due to “optimism” about the growing economy. He also claimed that inflation expectations are rising but that he sees no evidence that asset prices are “out of control.”

    So the financial system is SCREAMING that inflation is already running hot, and the Fed is asleep at the wheel.

    It’s only going to get worse.

    As I keep stating, once inflation appears in the financial system, the only thing that can stop it is if the Fed begins to tighten monetary conditions much as Paul Volcker did in the late ’70s early ’80s.

    Well, the Fed continues to print $120+ billion every single month… and has announced it won’t raise rates for another TWO YEARS!

    Two years… as in 2022 to 2023.

    Put another way, the Fed is going to be printing another $2.8 trillion ($1.4 trillion per year for two years) going forward. Between this and the Biden administration’s $1.9 trillion stimulus program, $2 trillion infrastructure program, and $1.7 trillion climate change program, we’re talking about ~$7 TRILLION being printed in the next two years’ time.

    $7 trillion… an amount equal to 33% of US GDP.

    The coming inflation is going to ANNIHILATE most investors’ portfolios.

    Those who are properly prepared. however, will make literal fortunes.

    The coming inflation is going to ANNIHILATE most investors’ portfolios.

    On that note, we just published a Special Investment Report concerning FIVE secret investments you can use to make inflation pay you as it rips through the financial system in the months ahead.

    The report is titled Survive the Inflationary Storm. And it explains in very simply terms how to make inflation PAY YOU.

    Today is the last day this report will be available to the public. We extended the deadline based on the weekend run in commodities, but this is it… no more extensions.

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    Post  kvs Fri Feb 26, 2021 9:53 pm

    Of course this is BS economics. But economics is 50% if not more psychology. For now there is still a sponge for
    excess US dollars outside the USA and this will help it launder the inflationary pressure. But the clowns who engage
    in this intellectually bankrupt fiscal policy are seriously pushing their luck at this stage.

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    Post  kvs Sun Feb 28, 2021 1:22 am

    There could be a significant First Amendment case brewing in New York after the School of Education at the State University of New York-Geneseo suspended student Owen Stevens for posting his view that gender is limited to biologically males and females. As a state institution, SUNY is subject to the limitations of the First Amendment and Stevens could challenge the action based on his statements on Instagram.

    "Freedom of though and expression" in the USA. You are free to think and express yourself only in the approved way.
    And no, you retarded SJW fucks, you don't get to determine who is a nazi, racist or whatever smear you pull to
    foist your rabid cult ideology and censorship on everyone.

    In the rear view mirror all of these "anti-Nazi" "progressives" will enter history like the Nazis and other totalitarian swine.


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    Post  elconquistador Sun Feb 28, 2021 12:17 pm

    British TV guy loses it over diversity. Hilarious.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 01, 2021 5:25 am

    I suspect he is a comedian and this is a pisstake... if this is genuine that guy is likely already fired... it is not news it is political satire and as political satire is is very accurate and to the point... well done.

    Ironic that he continues his own stereotype that Trump voters are Nazis... pretending they are adult rational human beings who didn't like the alternative is just a bridge too far I guess.

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    Post  kvs Mon Mar 01, 2021 6:59 am

    GarryB wrote:I suspect he is a comedian and this is a pisstake... if this is genuine that guy is likely already fired... it is not news it is political satire and as political satire is is very accurate and to the point... well done.

    Ironic that he continues his own stereotype that Trump voters are Nazis... pretending they are adult rational human beings who didn't like the alternative is just a bridge too far I guess.

    Yeah, he would have been cancelled long ago if he actually did not conform.

    The whole "Trump is a Nazi and so are his supporters" line is an example of how the population is herded by the MSM and social
    media influencers.

    What makes Trump a Nazi? That he is a Republican? That he wanted tighter immigration controls? Funny how the self-declared
    "progressives" all in favour of cheap under the table labour in the USA. What happened to support for unions and actual leftist
    ideals? All of these SWJ phonies are clearly useful idiots for the oligarchy.

    So the first US president since like forever who did not start any wars and tried to dial down the ones initiated by his predecessors
    is a "Nazi". Clearly we are dealing with Orwellian doublespeak here.


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    Post  kvs Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:23 pm

    The purge of Dr. Seuss books continues after it was revealed that eBay has banned sales of the books, labeling them “offensive material.”

    Adam Townsend posted a screenshot from an eBay listing showing that sales of the books have been suspended because they violate the company’s “Offensive Materials” policy.

    “Listings that promote or glorify hatred, violence, or discrimination aren’t allowed,” the message said, adding, “As a courtesy, we have ended your item and refunded your selling fees, and as long as you do not relist the item, there will be no negative impact to your account.”

    Decline of the western society - Page 35 EvpeZavXAAINM3Y?format=jpg&name=900x900

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    Post  kvs Thu Mar 04, 2021 7:52 pm

    We are brainwashed about how poor little oppressed women suffer under the patriarchy. I don't recall the
    sort of treatment being poured on this man from his female boss being the norm in male dominated work places.
    Women really are punks. From the UN to the affirmative action workplace, they are showing their true colours.
    Harpies with no concept of civilized behaviour.

    There is no such thing as a patriarchy, but females are busy trying to establish a matriarchy. That is consistent
    with their inferiority complex. Instead of just dealing with any legacy legal inequality, they go overboard trying
    to prove that they are better than males in every way. That is simply childish and clearly a sign of insecurity.
    Complexes associated with insecurity are a prime root of evil.


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    Decline of the western society - Page 35 Empty Re: Decline of the western society

    Post  Hole Fri Mar 05, 2021 8:46 pm

    Decline of the western society - Page 35 Evsmco10

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    Post  kvs Fri Mar 05, 2021 9:11 pm

    I've got a nice cache of information. Apparently @TMobile
    employees must complete a white privilege checklist.

    Decline of the western society - Page 35 EvvUM5eXEA0CgMA?format=png&name=900x900

    This is pure racist shit. Even in 1850, most whites were dirt poor and not slave owners.
    Affirmative action is a form of privilege.


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    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Mar 06, 2021 2:48 am

    Decline of the western society - Page 35 EvsMco7UUAEIBRi?format=png&name=900x900

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    par far

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    Post  par far Sat Mar 06, 2021 4:07 pm

    "ICE to allow detainees to appeal arrest if they feel their detention does not ‘align’ with Biden’s immigration policy "

    The US is slowly falling apart and it is very nice to see.

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    Post  kvs Sat Mar 06, 2021 5:19 pm

    par far wrote:"ICE to allow detainees to appeal arrest if they feel their detention does not ‘align’ with Biden’s immigration policy "

    The US is slowly falling apart and it is very nice to see.

    It really is a transition to a catabolic regime. US companies want illegal labour that they do not have to pay benefits and even
    serious salaries to. The Democrap party wants more fake ballot sources to stay in power. This is hardly a recipe for long
    term success. This is the sinking of the Titanic.

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    Post  kvs Sun Mar 07, 2021 6:46 am

    Decline of the western society - Page 35 Evy9uuGXYAQJ67S?format=jpg&name=small

    The caliber of the average human in the developed world has really slipped in the last 40 years.

    Too much child centered education coddling every loser's little problems. People no longer grow up
    and stay oversized babies for life.

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    Post  kvs Tue Mar 09, 2021 7:38 am

    Australian reporters working for ABC Tasmania were angered when they were advised by top brass to stop using the word “pedophile” to refer to an accused serial child molester because it could discourage other pedophiles from seeking help.

    “Oh, won’t someone think of the poor pedophiles!”

    I don't recall such "logic" ever being used in the case of alcoholics. And alcoholics are not in the same category as pedophiles in terms of criminal
    behaviour. Except for extreme cases, but a pedophile is a pedophile. The attention of any pedophile leaves the victims child psychologically
    injured for decades. It is not something that passes safely into irrelevance after a few hours. Being beaten by an alcoholic pattern is actually
    not as bad as being molested. Many people have had abusive alcoholic parent(s) and the suicide rate among them is nowhere near like it is
    in people who were sexually abused by pedophiles as children.

    There is a clear move to normalize pedophilia as a legitimate lifestyle like homosexuality and transvestite gender self-identification. We already
    have hormone therapy to inhibit sexual maturation and genital mutilation of minors in the case of gender disphoria. BTW, gender disphoria basically
    disappears after sexual maturation.

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    Post  elconquistador Fri Mar 12, 2021 4:39 am

    The US military is rotting away faster than a chopped up banana on a hot summerday in Bangkok. Even the wargames aren't what they used to be anymore.

    Decline of the western society - Page 35 Screen49

    An inside scoop from the most gender integrated company in the Marines. Ouch.

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    Post  kvs Fri Mar 12, 2021 5:10 am

    But it looks like the transitioning to tranny utopia is not implemented en masse and you have trial cases instead.   Somewhere in the
    star chamber running the show there is a provision for dealing with failure of the social engineering.   This woke make over is not run
    by the losers in the squatter camps.

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    Post  kvs Fri Mar 12, 2021 11:01 pm

    Kew Gardens in London is to change labels on its plants and flowers in order to inform visitors on how racist they are.

    Yes, really.

    he popular attraction, which welcomes over 2 million visitors a year from all over the world, is set to “change display boards for plants such as sugar cane – previously harvested by slaves – to highlight their ‘imperial legacy’”, reports the Daily Mail.

    According to Kew director Richard Deverell, the change is part of an effort to “move quickly to decolonise collections.”

    1) These plants were classified and named by Europeans. That is not the same thing as racists.

    2) Even if those plants are from around the world does not mean that the locals cared enough to scientifically
    evaluate them. First come, first served. Dredging up local names for plants which don't even cover a fraction
    of the species is hardly "fair". It is just posturing SJW BS.


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    Post  kvs Sat Mar 13, 2021 12:30 am

    Idiocracy construction ahead of schedule.


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    Post  elconquistador Sun Mar 14, 2021 7:51 am

    14 year old Canadian girl watches tranny propaganda in school, decides she 'wants to be a boy'.

    Dad objects and gets rejected in court. Life altering tranny therapy to go ahead. To humiliate the dad he is also to address the girl with male pronouns

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