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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons


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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  milky_candy_sugar Sat Feb 13, 2010 8:45 am

    I've always wondered, does Israel have their own nukes? read somewhere that they did developed nuclear weapons but acording to the world nuclear stockpile report, they don't have any ...

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  solo.13mmfmj Mon May 03, 2010 11:45 am

    It is rumored that Israel has somewhere between 200-500 nuclear warheads.The Arab nations have been trying to force Israel to submit to an inspection from the International Atomic Energy Agency(IAEA)but without success.
    If you are interested in this read about Mordechai Vanunu

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Israel has 300 nuclear bombs

    Post  Pervius Sat Aug 13, 2011 7:26 pm

    Looks like the Middle East is about to get a surprise...

    At the 6 minute mark, "Israel has 300 Nuclear Bombs"

    That Congressman is on the "House Committee on Foreign Affairs".....looks like he just divulged an Israeli secret.

    No wonder Iran wants 1 nuclear bomb.

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  ahmedfire Sat Aug 13, 2011 9:26 pm

    It was known that israel has more than 200 bomb,

    300 not asurprise for me .

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  NationalRus Sun Aug 14, 2011 12:10 am

    they have nuclear weapons and technology for nucleary weapons since dacades... and they only build 300? the soviet union could build that much in a month if it needed to

    if they realy only have 300 then they limitted themselfs on that nummber and nothing else

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  GarryB Sun Aug 14, 2011 10:23 am

    300 would be more than Britain and France combined and is probably comparable to what China has.

    Makes you suspicious when they wont even entertain the idea of Iran having any...

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Pervius Tue Aug 16, 2011 10:44 pm

    Let's discuss tiny tiny Israel and their 300 nuclear bombs.

    The muslims are going about Israel all wrong. You can't shoot missiles at them. Suicide bombers are wasteful.

    Let's get scientific. What is beta decay of radioactive material? How does the sun's emissions speed up....or slow down beta decay of material? Which emission is it?

    What if you had a satellite in space capable of collecting that emission...and focusing it to a small spot. Could you speed up Beta Decay of material to hyper speeds?

    What effect would it have on Israel if such satellite hit their munitions bunkers causing the beta decay rate of their nuclear warheads to increase 10,000%?

    Would the energy more than if the warhead was even set off? It would certainly render those regions uninhabitable by humans for awhile.

    That's how you defeat nuclear weapons. You use them against the people that created them. The hand of God.

    Do you think the muslims will crack open some science books and accomplish this?......or just keep killing themselves in vain suicide attempts?

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  ahmedfire Fri Nov 18, 2011 1:09 pm

    Pervius wrote:Let's discuss tiny tiny Israel and their 300 nuclear bombs.

    The muslims are going about Israel all wrong. You can't shoot missiles at them. Suicide bombers are wasteful.

    Let's get scientific. What is beta decay of radioactive material? How does the sun's emissions speed up....or slow down beta decay of material? Which emission is it?

    What if you had a satellite in space capable of collecting that emission...and focusing it to a small spot. Could you speed up Beta Decay of material to hyper speeds?

    What effect would it have on Israel if such satellite hit their munitions bunkers causing the beta decay rate of their nuclear warheads to increase 10,000%?

    Would the energy more than if the warhead was even set off? It would certainly render those regions uninhabitable by humans for awhile.

    That's how you defeat nuclear weapons. You use them against the people that created them. The hand of God.

    Do you think the muslims will crack open some science books and accomplish this?......or just keep killing themselves in vain suicide attempts?

    What is the situation if those warheads are under the surface of earth,say 100 m in caches ?

    I think focused energy will not affect them,

    Note: muslims have all scientists but most these countries don't use them,so they leave to another countries( i can't count egyptian scientists who work in U.S and West in all fields and very succesful )


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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Kysusha Thu Dec 22, 2011 7:37 am


    Point taken and I accept your position as moderator on this.

    I am not anti-Semitic, per sae; I have friends who are Jewish – the Best Man at my wedding was my closest friend and he was Jewish. However I am vehemently anti Zionist and make no excuses for that. Zionists are not necessarily Joos, they are predominately Ashkenazi Jo but include other religions and a large group of misdirected Christians who somehow feel they are going to help fulfil Biblical prophecy by helping to establish a Jooish state.

    It is important that people understand the very vast differences in Judaism. It has been part and parcel of the whole Holohoax sympathy gravy train to apportion misplaced guilt to “the Jooish movement”; much to the delight of the Zionists. This guilt trip extends to censoring any debate about Joos, the Holohoax and Joo acts of terrorism. All of which have been perpetrated by the Zionists under the cover of Jewish identity. It is expressly prohibited under domestic law to criticise Joos or to question the Holohoax in certain countries [Germany for example]. Such control is important to the Joo in order to maintain the lie and prevent the truth ever being known. Imagine the ruckus if the Yanks actually discovered that they have been paying millions of dollars every year to a pack of fraudsters and international terrorists – one who actually committed the 9/11 atrocity, who have conducted more Black Flag operations than I’ve had hot meals?

    There are three distinct tribes of Joos; there is the true Israelite, the tribes of Judah and the Ashkenazi Joo. The Ashkenazi Joo had no affiliation or connection to the Biblical Jews in any way shape or form, yet they have dominated the Zionist movement and all forms of Joo terrorism. The Ashkenazi were a war-like tribe in central Asia who were boarded by Christians and Muslims. Their leader decided to “take a religion” and so as not to offend either the Christians on one side, or the Muslims on the other, he invited the Talmudic Joos to establish Joodism in his country. Their adopted religion has nothing to do with the Israelites of Scripture and all to do with Babylonian influenced Talmudic teachings.

    Let’s just have a quick look at how the Zionist movement has brought about the two major wars in the world –[ more to come of the continuing wars, if you want it].

    It has become common to refer to issues affecting state and the economy in terms of “the Jews who are running it”. We use the term derogatorily and as a label – like one size fits all. And to be truthful, that is how we have been programmed to think. Such a derogatory approach to Judaism IS the foundation stone of Zionism. Nothing can be further from the truth – the two are very different – having only the fact that both originate in the Judean belief system. I’m sure you are all familiar with the Boney M song – “By The Rivers of Babylon”. “….where we sat down and remembered Zion”. Judaism and Zionism share a common root but diverge in who and what they worship.

    Jeff Gates, author of “Guilt By Association” , has the following to say about Zionism:

    “Zionism is more accurately described as a strategy for targeting thought and emotion as a means to influence behaviour. Naïve Jews were its first victims when induced to identify with an enclave in the Middle East that President Harry Truman, a Christian Zionist, was induced to recognize as a “state”.

    Zionism is first and foremost a mental state that manifests as a dispersed form of internalized nationalism—a diaspora—that binds to an extremist enclave those who may never set foot there. After 1967, this “state” became the “Land of Israel” based on a more expansive area seized by the Israel Defence Forces along with other occupied lands that Zionists claim a god gave them.

    Zionism recruits by sustaining a shared sense of insecurity within the broader Jewish community. It progresses by marketing its perceived vulnerability and victim hood among those on whom it relies for financial, military and diplomatic support.”

    Now this may make some of you wince, but Zionism relies for it’s success on deception and self-deceit. It also “recruits” Christian Zionist [yes, there are such animals] and plays very heavily in apocalyptical and dispensationalist views taught by some fundamental Christian groups – usually found around the American Bible Belt and can count on such notable converts as the Bush goons.

    Zionism is a psychopathic cult. Jeff Gates goes on to make the following observation:

    “In the clinical psychiatric literature, this “state” features interpersonal traits such as superficial charm, pathological lying, egocentricity, lack of remorse, and callousness that are regarded as characteristic of psychopaths. In order to betray, psychopaths first befriend. In order to defraud, they first establish a relationship of trust. Sound familiar?

    Those who share such a mental state will happily incite hatred to catalyze a reaction and then claim they are the victims of hate. For those inhabiting this mental state, it appears rational and even desirable to provoke a response and then claim to be a target of anti-Semites. Inside this internal state, self-absorption is all-encompassing with arrogance its most visible trait.

    Law is irrelevant to those who consider themselves above the law. Morality and conscience are of no concern to those who consider themselves The Chosen—by a god of their own choosing. Such a nationalist ideology has no place in a system of nation states dedicated to the rule of law.”

    We need to understand the basic difference between Zionism and Judaism. Zionism is a cult and Judaism is a religion.

    Prelude to War.

    It would be easy to start with Sarajevo, 28th June, 1914 and the assassination; but that is to miss the intrigue that proceeded the war, the events surrounding the conduct of the war and events which followed from the war – events we still have to grapple with today.

    We need to go back to the middle ages when a “number” of messiahs came forward to claim to lead the Jews back to Palestine – their “home”. The most important of these Messiahs was David Reubeni and his disciple Solomon Molcho who were in the 16th century but later followed by Sabbatai Sebi in the 17th century. The important thing to note here is that they were “mid European Jews” and Sabbatai Sebi declared himself a messiah in Turkey in 1648. Note also, that “many European Jews continued to believe in Sabbatai Sebi even after he became a Muslim!”. Zionism no longer needed to be Jewish.

    With the age of “enlightenment” in the later part of the 1800’s, with its growth of religious tolerance and general liberalisation of ideas/religions etc, laid the foundation s in Western Europe and North America for the emancipation of the Jews and their participation in the life in the midst of the nations in which they settled. The result was less emphasis among the Jews on the religious aspect of their culture and more emphasis on the assimilation into the Western culture – of which they had become part.

    This phenomena was not restricted to the “western Hemisphere”, but also Europe in general and in Germany where a Moses Mendelssohn (1766- 86) had emphasised the spiritual and universal aspects of Judaism. From Berlin and Konigsberg in Prussia, they consolidated their beliefs and position, which grew into the Haskala (Hebrew name meaning “Enlightenment”). Some wealthy Jews, among them Sir Moses Montefiore and the Rothschild family assisted the movement by contributing from their wealth and influence.

    The movement to establish a Jewish state was also supported, indeed, championed by the leading American Mortdecai Manual Noah (1785 – 1851). In concert with this, Lord Shaftesbury, Sir Laurence Oliphant and other notable British individuals to create a Jewish state. Many of those supporting the movement were miss-directed peoples who were inspired by mystic or religious ideas, “anxious to fulfil prophecies and bring about the end of the world” – [note later, this same attempt by George Bush Jr]. The eccentric Oliphant was accompanied on one of his many trips to the middle east by Naftali Herz Imber (1856 – 1909), a Zionist of Polish origin who was the author of Hatikwa (The Hope) which later became the Zionist National Anthem.

    These early Zionist sympathises in England were joined by Moses Hess (1812 – 75), who wrote the book “Rome to Jerusalem” which later became widely accepted by Zionists and it contained a combination of ethical socialism, fervent nationalism and religious conservatism. (Sound familiar?).

    “The Love of Zion Movement”, received a significant boost when after the failed 1905 revolution in Russia there was a series of pogroms in which hopes for Jewish emancipation in central Europe were dashed. Most prominent among the Love of Zion Movement was Asher Ginzberg (1856 – 1927). He wrote under the pen name of Ahad Ha-am (One of the people). His aim was to “awaken the true love of Zion”. In fact, there were a number of writers of similar ilk, all round the same time, who spread the Zionist movement far and wide; helped by Jews who were scatted all over the world and not least of which, in America.

    Herzl called the first Zionist Conference in Besel, in 1897 and this brought together diverse groups of Zionist from around the world – the sole purpose was to further Zionism and establish a New World Order – yeas, many of you thought that was a “new” phenomena – but it has actually, much older roots. There have been numerous other Zionist conferences held – rather like Grand Master meetings of the Freemasons – and any quick search on the internet will bring up a hoist of information regarding them. I did have one link which listed their goals and outlined their strategy for world power; that link surprisingly no longer seems to work! Many of the Zionist sites are Israeli based and as such are merely propaganda outlets for Zionism. The whole concept of Zionism is anonymity and deceit – if you don’t know about them or cannot identify them,; they can better work their dark deeds.

    Perhaps, we pause at this point to reflect on the origins of these Zionists – in his book, “The Thirteenth Tribe” Arthur Koestler makes a convincing and compelling case, showing that the “Jews” of central Europe, did not descend from Abraham. [A link to a web site with details on this is attached], this matches exactly with the encyclopaedia and the messiah movement in which Sabbatai Sebi declared himself a messiah in Turkey in 1648 and later converted to become a Muslim.

    Okay, onto the First World War. This was the Zionist first real opportunity. For some time the land of Palestine had been under Ottoman Turkish rule, but with the advent of the war, and the allying of Turkey to Germany, there was for the first time, the possibility of gaining British sympathiser’s support for a Jewish home state – if Britain could win! But Britain could not win – certainly not on her own, nor with France, nor with America (with any certainly). Now at this point many of you will jump up with indignation – “of course America won the war!” you say. Well, not so – certainly greater minds than mine have concluded that neither Britain, nor France, nor the inclusion of American (Encyclopaedia Britannica) could ensure the Allies victory in the war. Britain certainly helped with the blockade of Germany, can’t remember what contribution France made (perhaps in cannon fodder) and America with industrial might and more man-power (cannon fodder). The mystery for many historians has been, why when Germany was “winning” in 1918, did they suddenly acquiesce to an Armistice and on such grievous terms? It is true, that in 1918 Germany was on the offensive and had the momentum of war going in her favour.

    There was a Corporal in the German Army called Adolph Hitler, who along with the majority of the Germany Army was convinced that they had not been beaten in the field! The Germany army returned “home” to a country devastated by internal turmoil, strikes, strife and social upheaval. The Zionist had mobilised their forces to undermine Germany and destroy the social fabric in the country so that the political will to continue the fight was extinguished. Generally, most historians agree that the German Army was not defeated in battle – but they fail to point to the real reason for the defeat – the Zionist fifth column. This in part, as a result of extensive propaganda and threats made by the Zionists.

    Chaim Weizmann and Nahum Sokolow, operating from the new centre of Zionist power, London [moved there from Germany after the outbreak of hostilities], moved the collective power of Zionism to ferment unrest and anarchy in Germany. The wealthy Jewish Zionist [and Zionist sympathisers] in the banking and finance world set about to destroy Germany so as to ensure total victory and support for their cause – also in part, repayment for British support for a Jewish homeland. This was an abject lesson that a relatively young Adolph Hitler never forgot. He saw the power of the Zionists and the control they had over the world banking [even at that early stage]. Subsequent attempts to paint Hitler as some deranged Jew hater, a crazed mad-man [or as one feeble historian espoused, a revengeful Hitler looking to get back at Jews because he contracted syphilis from a Jewish prostitute!.] were all attempts by the Zionist mafia at covering their involvement in the downfall of Germany and to maintain their anonymity.

    Chaim Weizmann was instrumental in brining about a letter written by Arthur James Balfour, the then British Foreign Secretary, to Lord Rothschild on 2nd November 1917, which read:
    Foreign Office,
    November 2nd, 1917.

    Dear Lord Rothschild,
    I have much pleasure in conveying to you, on behalf of His Majesty's Government, the following declaration of sympathy with Jewish Zionist aspirations which has been submitted to, and approved by, the Cabinet:
    "His Majesty's Government view with favour the establishment in Palestine of a national home for the Jewish people, and will use their best endeavours to facilitate the achievement of this object, it being clearly understood that nothing shall be done which may prejudice the civil and religious rights of existing non-Jewish communities in Palestine, or the rights and political status enjoyed by Jews in any other country".
    I should be grateful if you would bring this declaration to the knowledge of the Zionist Federation.

    Yours sincerely
    Arthur James Balfour

    Note his last paragraph – obviously intended to be accepted worldwide by the Zionist congregation! [what is not widely known is this letter was actually been prepared 20 months earlier, in March 1916 under Weizmann’s influence]. At that time the British were busy making promises. At a war Cabinet meeting, held on 31 October 1917, Balfour suggested that a declaration favourable to Zionist aspirations would allow Great Britain "to carry on extremely useful propaganda both in Russia and America” The British also dropped Balfour Declaration leaflets written in Yiddish over Germany. This was “the carrot” which hooked Zionists to the Allies cause and aroused the Zionist in the USA to move financial institutions etc and mobilise the population [by propaganda – remember the USA was in favour of staying out of the European war]. Balfour [Bloody Balfour of Ireland infamy] was of course, a hopeless Zionist sympathiser.

    There were prominent anti-Zionists like Edwin Samuel Montagu, who tried to effect change in the declaration, but to little avail and they were soon silenced. Prominent British personalities, such as T E Lawrence (Lawrence Of Arabia; Hollywood style) , was outraged at the turn of events – while negotiating in good faith with the Arabs, he was being back-stabbed by Zionist back in London and this collimated in the Arab betrayal. Later in the 1920’s while trying to bring to the public his concerns over events and the Zionist involvement – he was ostracised and that great “independent” newspaper, “The Times” effectively censored his writings by simply refusing to publish them. [another score for the Zionists].

    This declaration, which was unanimously endorsed by the Allies and most “western powers” seemed to be the answer to Herzl’s dream. By staking the cards in the League of Nations and subsequently the United Nations, and with incredible support from Zionist America and British Zionist sympathisers, the state of Israel was finally proclaimed on 14th may 1948 [America was the first nation to recognise the new state].

    Dr. Albert D. Pastore PhD, has the following comment on the subject:

    [Here was the situation. By 1916, the Germans, Austrians, and Ottoman Turks had seemingly won the war. Russia was in turmoil and about to be swallowed up by communist revolution. France had suffered horrible losses, and Britain was under a German U-boat blockade. Germany made an offer to Britain to end the war under conditions favourable to Britain. But the British, and the international Zionists, had one more card to play!

    The British government and the Zionist leaders struck a dirty deal. The Zionists were led by Chaim Weizmann, the man who one day become the first President of the State of Israel. The idea was for the Zionists to use their influence to drag the mighty USA into the war on Britain's side, so that Germany and it's Ottoman allies could be crushed. In exchange for helping to bring the USA into the war, the British would reward the Zionists by taking over Palestine from the conquered Ottomans after the war was over. The British had originally wanted to give the Zionists a Jewish homeland in an African territory. But the Zionists were fixated on claiming Palestine as their land. Once under British control, the Jews of Europe would be allowed to immigrate to Palestine in great numbers.
    Zionists powerbrokers such as Bernard Baruch, Louis Brandeis, Paul Warburg (father of the US Federal Reserve), Jacob Schiff, and others immediately went to work to put the screws to President Woodrow Wilson. Overnight the Zionist influenced press transformed the German Kaiser and his people into bloodthirsty "Huns", determined to destroy western civilization. In 1916, the US, with the help of the previous year's Lusitania "incident", entered the war on Britain's side under the ridiculous pretext of "making the world safe for democracy".

    "Beat Back the Hun!" declared Fred Strothman's famous propaganda poster, - a slogan which became a rallying cry of "patriotic" Americans. Woodrow Wilson was caught up in a sinister force beyond his control - a force which he himself described years earlier in his 1913 book "The New Freedom", in which Wilson wrote these intriguing words:

    "Since I entered politics, I have chiefly had men's views confided to me privately. Some of the biggest men in the U. S., in the field of commerce and manufacturing, are afraid of something. They know that there is a power somewhere so organized, so subtle, so watchful, so interlocked, so complete, so pervasive, that they had better not speak above their breath when they speak in condemnation of it."].

    The Zionist won their first war – look at, and read carefully, Wilson’s words, above – written in the 1930’s.

    The Second World War was started in 1916, with the secret undertaking by the Zionist and British to create a state of Israel. It would take me several pages to continue this theme so I’ll cut shot here and jump a couple of decades.

    Hand-in-hand with the movement to achieve a new state of Israel, was the progression of the New World Order. This entailed the complete control of world banking and finances. It is unclear to me if at the time the Zionist realised or understood the future significance of the move, but the removal of the Gold Standard under war conditions: which had stood the British Empire in such good steed for centuries, with the movement of a pen – transferred power to the Zionist bankers to create money. Inflation was a means of paying for the war and subsequent depressions used to redistribute wealth. Gold lost it’s value and “money” became the king. This situation is about to change in modern times as it is now apparent that with the extensive use of “Gold Swaps” and duplicity by Zionist bankers and possibly American Presidents, the American Federal Reserve has “promised away” the entire earth’s resources of gold. There simply is not enough gold in the world to pay for the promissory notes (cash) printed to support it. China has currently caught onto this and has been advising it citizens to “buy gold”. However, not just any gold, but small bullion as China caught out an American scam involving the counterfeit of Gold bars. I quote here from an article:

    [“In October of 2009 the Chinese received a shipment of gold bars. Gold is regularly exchanges between countries to pay debts and to settle the so-called balance of trade. Most gold is exchanged and stored in vaults under the supervision of a special organization based in London, the London Bullion Market Association (or LBMA). When the shipment was received, the Chinese government asked that special tests be performed to guarantee the purity and weight of the gold bars. In this test, four small holed are drilled into the gold bars and the metal is then analyzed.

    Officials were shocked to learn that the bars were fake. They contained cores of tungsten with only an outer coating of real gold. What’s more, these gold bars, containing serial numbers for tracking, originated in the US and had been stored in Fort Knox for years. There were reportedly between 5,600 to 5,700 bars, weighing 400 oz. each, in the shipment!

    At first many gold experts assumed the fake gold originated in China, the world’s best knock-off producers. The Chinese were quick to investigate and issued a statement that implicated the US in the scheme.

    What the Chinese uncovered:

    Roughly 15 years ago — during the Clinton Administration [think Robert Rubin, Sir Alan Greenspan and Lawrence Summers] — between 1.3 and 1.5 million 400 oz tungsten blanks were allegedly manufactured by a very high-end, sophisticated refiner in the USA [more than 16 Thousand metric tonnes]. Subsequently, 640,000 of these tungsten blanks received their gold plating and WERE shipped to Ft. Knox and remain there to this day.

    According to the Chinese investigation, the balance of this 1.3 million to 1.5 million 400 oz tungsten cache was also gold plated and then allegedly “sold” into the international market. Apparently, the global market is literally “stuffed full of 400 oz salted bars”. Perhaps as much as 600-billion dollars worth.” ].

    For decades the Zionist has been plundering the world finances to further their aim of a New World Order.

    I intend to stop at this point, as the post is getting rather large and there are still many issues I had wanted to raise – regarding the Second World War and the Zionist scheming in it.


    Years after the war, an American Zionist millionaire named Benjamin Freedman broke ranks with his fellow Zionists and turned against them. Freedman was the principal owner of the Woodbury Soap Company and was one of the many Zionists present at the Treaty of Versailles. Freedman was very well connected and had enjoyed access to several US presidents. Freedman grew disgusted with the criminal behaviour of the Zionist mafia and dedicated much of his life and fortune to exposing the truth about both World Wars and the Zionist grip on America. According to Freedman, Wilson had been blackmailed by Zionists with the threat of a public disclosure of an old extramarital affair Wilson had when he was president of Princeton University. Freedman's voluminous (and buried) writings and books on this subject are essential reading. One leader of the Jewish Anti Defamation League - Arnold Forster- once described Freedman as a "self-hating Jew."

    The Zionist mafia now has a strangle hold on the world finances and the world media. Hollywood has for many years been a propaganda toll of eth Zionist – as soon as Adult movie industry came along, they by muscle and stealth, took over the control of that “entertainment” industry also. The beauty of the entertainment industry is that it is insidious and pervasive “soft” propaganda [even the ancient Greeks knew that]. You watch but don’t see what you are programmed to believe. Main Stream media is controlled by Zionist, publishers, TV, radio and most other media outlets – watch for a take-over of the internet as the next move. By pressuring editors, by outright strong-arm tactics, they determine what you see and ultimately, what you believe.

    Hitler found that when he tried to open a banking system, even he had to deal with Zionist bankers! Otherwise, Germany could not exchange any money or gold on the world market – but the Zionists were keen to assist Hitler. Today, you cannot enter into any money transaction without a Zionist bank(er) involved.

    For millennia the Arabs lived side-by-side with their Jewish kinfolk in Palestine. It was not until the introduction of Zionist that Palestine became an issue and the whole Middle East as well.

    Fundamentalist Christians exposing a dispensationalist view of the world and anxious to fulfil apocalyptic doomsday prophecies, play right into the hands of the Zionist. G W Bush wanted Jacques Chirac [in a phone call] to join together with the USA in attacking Iraqi on the basis that as two Christian states they would fulfil the End Times prophecy – as outlined to Bush by the Rev Billy Graham! Fortunately Chirac though Bush was either drunk or mad – and declined the invitation. But don’t worry, there are plenty more Bush’s around the Bible Belt.

    For a century now we have suffered war at the hands of Zionist as they have others do their dirty work – war by proxy. Unfortunately, America has been completely hijacked by the Zionist and until [unless] this shackle hold can be broken by exposing the criminal acts – like 9/11, Iraqi wars, planned attack on Iran etc., and exposing the real power behind the government – we are doomed to have more wars, and still more wars and a redistribution of wealth so that the entire world’s wealth will be in the hands of the Zionist. They ARE NOT JEWS. They are psychopaths.

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  GarryB Thu Dec 22, 2011 10:21 pm

    Off Topic My apologies to everyone for not PMing my last post to Kyshusha, I was going to deal with it in private, some people get offended and defiant at being told what to do, especially when it comes to personal opinions and beliefs, but I decided to put it in the thread because although I could see Kyshusha was being anti Zionist (which I have no shame in admitting to myself) I thought it would be good to make it clear we are not anti semetic.

    I don't know of any of my friends who are actually jewish, but I have nothing at all against the non Zionist Jews. It is sad that people are treated a certain way because of their beliefs, and while I can understand Zionist Jews, I don't agree with what they are doing... just like I understand the Nazis wanting to rule the world but I am very glad the Soviets and others stepped up to stop them.

    This is a thread about (potential) Naval conflict in Syria, so I will be fairly intolerant of people going off topic on this thread from now on... including myself Rolling Eyes

    Make new threads to discuss different topics.

    Sorry Runaway.
    End of Off Topic sniper

    However, it could be used by opponents, and they can make a "Bush". Ie lie to the whole world and fabricate something. Then go to action and get more oil or whatever.

    Fabrication of evidence is always possible, but I think Russia is much more wary of the Wests intentions this time around.

    Last time they dressed it up as a humanitarian issue to get the no fly zone rubber stamped, which on paper looked to be fully legitimate, but then they started calling in air strikes to support the rebels in what was basically a civil war.

    The deception was revealed for what it was... Russia and China blocked obvious attempts to do the same in Syria, so any action will now need to be unilateral coalition of the brainwashed so to speak, and with Russia actually supporting the opposition I don't think they would even try... I would think Iran and even China might even back up Syria in this case.

    Now i dont think the Israelis will try anything, but dont fool yourselfs, in a hot situation things can happen quickly.

    Against a Turkish civilian transport vessel the Israelis can be reckless... against the Russian Navy... they will likely find manners and suddenly remember the laws of the sea.

    Not to go off topic, but there is enough Zionist jewish power and money high up in the US government that an attack on the USS Liberty can actually be swept under the carpet with little retaliation. They will not get that sort of reaction if they tried that with a Russian vessel... and they know it.

    I think you`re right, and i also think there is alot of respect for Yakhont.

    I agree, while they weren't running away from the Yakhont they would certainly check their distance from the Syrian coast to make sure they are 350km distant to be sure and there will be aircraft in the air looking for low and fast threats.

    A clever enemy could get a huge container ship and stack containers on it but leave an open empty deck area in the centre. Put tarps and nets over the top and in the cavity in the centre they could park 4-6 TELs with Yakhont missiles... sail the container ship past the US fleet and then attack them from behind... in fact for better camouflage, the containerised version of Yakhont... the whole top layer could have 50 missiles ready to fire...

    Regarding subs... hard to say... wouldn't rule it out.

    They are using the voyage to test out Indian Mig-29Ks, perhaps they could send the Nerpa on its fitting out voyage on its way to India too?

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Austin Thu Feb 02, 2012 5:02 pm

    Iran Can Produce Four Atom Bombs – Israeli Intelligence

    Iran has four tons of 20 percent enriched uranium, enough to make four crude nuclear bombs in a year, Israeli Military Intelligence head, Maj.Gen. Aviv Kochavi said on Thursday.

    "Iran is vigorously pursing military nuclear capabilities and today the intelligence community agrees with Israel on that," he said. "Iran has over four tons of enriched materials and nearly 100 kilograms of 20-percent enriched uranium – that's enough for four bombs. It [nuclear bomb] will be done… within one year,” he added.

    Speaking at the Herzliya Conference in Tel Aviv, Kochavi also said that while Iran states its nuclear program is peaceful, Israel has “conclusive evidence that they are after nuclear weapons."

    Kochavi said the Iranian nuclear program, which has begun enriching uranium to 20 percent from which it can be further enriched into fissile warhead material, stems from several motives, including regional hegemony and deterrence.

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:49 am


    Israel has conclusive proof that Iran is violating its NPT agreements... all they have to do is present this evidence to the UNSC and the matter can be dealt with.

    Of course this has to be actual conclusive proof and the Israelis actually have to present it... they can't just claim to have it like the US did with Iraqi WMDs.

    And of course if they don't present it then they might as well not have it and STFU.

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Austin Fri Feb 03, 2012 10:37 am

    Garry they wont go to UNSC , they would simply take law in their own hands and attack Iran Shocked

    Israel May Attack Iran over Next 4 Months – U.S. media

    There is a growing possibility that Israel may attack Iranian nuclear facilities over the next few months, U.S. media reported.

    A Washington Post columnist, David Ignatius, reported on Thursday that the U.S. Defense Secretary Leon Panetta “believes there is a strong likelihood that Israel will strike Iran in April, May or June,” before Iran acquires the capability to produce a fully-fledged nuclear bomb.

    "The Israelis fear that Iran will have stored enough enriched uranium in deep underground facilities to make a weapon very soon and only the United States could then stop them militarily," Ignatius wrote.

    CNN confirmed the Washington Post journalist’s report citing an unknown senior U.S. administration official.

    Ignatius wrote that one of the signals of the upcoming military operation against Iran was a statement by the Israeli Defense Minister Ehud Barak last month who said that the United States and Israel should postpone a military exercise that would have taken place in May.

    Panetta and the Pentagon refused to comment on the Washington Post report, Reuters said.

    Israel views Iran's uranium enrichment activity as a major threat to its security regardless of the fact that the Islamic republic denied that its nuclear program is not for military use, it claims it needs nuclear power to supply a growing demand for electricity.

    Israeli Military Intelligence Head, Maj. Gen. Aviv Kochavi said on Thursday that Iran had over four tons of enriched materials and nearly 100 kilograms of 20-percent enriched uranium, which is enough for producing four nuclear bombs.


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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 03, 2012 11:29 am

    Garry they wont go to UNSC , they would simply take law in their own hands and attack Iran

    Sorry, I was being sarcastic... of course they don't have any evidence let alone conclusive proof... if they had that why would they not reveal it immediately and go through proper channels and impliment international law like any other country would?

    Because they are lying and they have no conclusive evidence, but by pretending they do they are trying to shift the focus to Iran having to prove it is innocent, which is totally impossible if you think about it... whether they are innocent or not.

    That means Iran not being able to disprove Israeli accusations with no substance must be guilty...

    A bit like the test to see if a woman was a witch... burn her at the stake and if she dies then she isn't a witch...

    Great way of getting rid of rivals and enemies though is to accuse them of being a witch...

    Especially in this case where poor innocent victim Israel is armed to the teeth with perhaps more nuclear weapons than the UK or France and perhaps even China if some estimates are to be believed...

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Austin Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:01 pm

    Why is Europe and US so supportive of Israel inspite of their wrong doings ? Is it due to Jewish lobby or Holocaust or something else ?

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    Post  GarryB Fri Feb 03, 2012 12:13 pm

    For Europe it is guilt... which is ironic really as they have no guilt about what they have done to a whole world of former colonies...

    For the US it is their political system and the fact that Jewish people who clearly support the continued existence of Israel have the power to ensure blind continued support.

    Of course that is not surprising... the US is used to blind support... look at Pinochet, and for that matter the terribly corrupt government of South Vietnam.

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Mindstorm Fri Feb 03, 2012 5:05 pm

    Austin wrote:I find it strange that Israel has covert Nuclear weapons program and even has nuclear weapons and no one talks about it or imposes sanctions.

    But Iran cannot operate even reactor for Nuclear energy or Develop its own Nuclear Weapons.

    Wonder why this double standard , Why don’t they make ME including Israel a nuclear free area and why just focus on Iran or Syria.

    And it is only one of the absurd double standards in this crucial international question (a double standard even to the limit of the comical...if the object in question was not obviously linked to the attempt by part of Israel to maintain a completely artificial position of regional prominence through mean military bullying of any not "aligned" neighbour states).

    Israel is not only non signatory of Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ,but also of the ....Biological Weapons Convention !!
    Is interesting, in this regard, to point out what are the other nations not signatories of the Biological Weapons Convention :

    Marshall Islands
    Micronesia (Federated States of)
    South Sudan

    No further words are need on that...

    But that is not all ,Israel is also one of the seven not ratifying nations of the Chemical Weapons Convention with a chemical stockpile 8in the opinion of western military analysis institutions) even growing in the same time window wherein even USA and Russia stockpiles was progressively disbanded for effect of the adherence to Chemical Weapons Convention's terms !!
    The other six nations not signatories are :

    North Korea

    Also here not any further word is necessary...

    Practically, Israel represent ,at today, by far the nation less committed and compliant with International Agreements and or Laws on weapons of mass destruction's control or ban !
    Any other advanced nation at world even only showing infinitely less than a similar absurdly aggressive and mean politic behaviour on Weapons of Mass Destruction's (literally of ANY type) research ,production and hiding efforts, would have been literally DISINTEGRATED by enbargo and military actions backed by ONU's resolution approved in a matter of hours .

    The typical subliminal "mitigating factor" pointed out ,above all in western media, to try to turn-off the public opinion's critical thinking on a similar totally absurd double standard in the international chessboard is attempt to implant the idea that those "other" nations are dangerous aggressive states signed by spread violations of human rights while selling Israel as a typical advanced, evolute ,peaceful country internationally accepted as one where human rights are defended and respected .

    The...mhhh... LITTLE problem with this comical and mean fable is ,for the first allegation, that Israel is by a very wide margin the nation at world conducting the major amount of offensive operations and international borders violations against other sovereign nation since WWII ; for the second allegation, instead, is sufficient to point out that United Nations Human Rights Council (the most important international body , subsidiary of the same United Nations General Assembly ,for control on human right's violations) find Israel by far the nation more responsible for human right's violations at world with a number of official approved condemnation's actions against Israel which talk for itself : 39 actions or the 42,86% of the total ever approved !!

    In reality nuclear weapons are for Israel a very powerful military assurance capable to completely rule out any military actions aimed directly at Israel's main territorial area and more crucial national assets.
    The invisible line characterizing any pasted conflict with Israel was for all its enemies to never attack or put in serious danger Israel territorial integrity and never attack its most crucial military or civil assets ,actions capable to trigger an Israeli nuclear response .
    In the third day of Yom Kippur War (fought exclusively on and for "contested" territories only) merely a distant menace by part of Israel to employ its nuclear potential to repel the Egyptian and Syrian offensive was sufficient to instantaneously arrest the front's advancement and enormously quench the Egyptian resolve ; this element, together with USA aids , was fundamental to allow to Israel Army to reorganize and regain the momentum in the operations.

    This is also the main reason for which Israel in the past has always get the chance to attack with impunity and preventively the most crucial assets of its pasted opponents gaining enormous strategic advantages while its own assets ,particularly those allowing those same pre-emptive attacks like its airfields...., much much more exposed and easy to attack for simple geographic reasons by part of all enemy Military Force's branch included the Army ,was never selectively attacked and destroyed ....Egypt or Syria was completely aware that the risk to conduct a similar crippling," decapitating" strike against Israel military heart, would have been a response envisioning ever theirs total obliteration (the famous "Samson Option" ).

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Austin Fri Feb 03, 2012 6:22 pm

    Well I always wondered what is so special about Israel that US is more then ready to veto any anti-Israel resolution no matter how sane and just it may be and US president swearing to protect Israel.

    Its almost become a ritual for any US president to swear for Israel defence else he gets labeled as anti-Jew.

    Fairness is always missing when dealing with israel on one side and Arabs/Iran on the other ......what works for Peter in this case does not apply to Paul.

    BTW as far as NPT goes neither has India or Pakistan signed it and both are Nuclear powers or Nuclear Weapons State.

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  runaway Fri Feb 03, 2012 8:08 pm

    Austin wrote:BTW as far as NPT goes neither has India or Pakistan signed it and both are Nuclear powers or Nuclear Weapons State.

    Problem is Iran has signed the non nuclear treaty, the other, including Israel havent.
    But with the enemies Iran has, i really dont blame them to want Nucs. And although the proof is missing, i dont think anyone doubts they are in production of them.

    And its the US fault itself, if they werent so eager bombing every nation that doesnt bow to their interests, but let the UN and the international law rule, we wouldnt have this problem.


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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Mindstorm Sat Feb 04, 2012 1:03 am

    Problem is Iran has signed the non nuclear treaty, the other, including Israel havent.

    Shocked Shocked Unbelievable , truly unbelievable !! After those strange cases of double standard disease we have here also some of inverted inference disease Rolling Eyes Rolling Eyes

    To the limit,the IMMENSE ,DANGEROUS, DESTABILISING PROBLEM in the volatile Middle East is just represented by the nations not signatories of NNPT !!
    In a normal world even merely the IDEA by part of any Middle Eastern nation to don't sign NNPT would have caused ONU Security Council to approve instantly devastating sanction and total embargo and military planners to develop an urgent military intervention plan for destroy immediately any assets possibly useful at develop a military nuclear program in a matter of hours

    To realize of what we talk here : try to image only what would happen if Syria tomorrow would simply announce to have the intention to exit from NNPT.... the actual fight clash with internal dissident would appear as a ridiculous question of second order , NATO aircraft's engines would be hot ,very likely, even before a similar declaration would be completed Laughing Laughing .
    The element more grotesque of the question is that,with Israel ,we don't talk of "dangerous" attempt to produce enriched uranium maybe useful in future at produce a fissile weapon,but of a nation that ,just in the conditions up-described , has been aided and allowed to develop and produce : military enrichment plants, military nuclear research centres ,several type of tactical nuclear weapons ,strategic nuclear weapons of several class (including megaton class thermonuclear warheads) and all the vectors necessary for carry them all of that under the accomplice ,guilty selective blindness and silence of western nations and international institutions !!

    To add another tragic element to this already deep black picture ,is possible to add about the two Us's backed and protected Middle Eastern nations not signatories of the NNPT and owning nuclear weapons (Israel and Pakistan) :

    The first - Israel- is the unique nation at world capable to don't ratify Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty ,Chemical Weapons Convention and Biological Weapons Convention contemporaneously and to produce quietly a large stockpile of each of those mass destruction agents (it is the most clamorous example of systematic, total ,full-around, commitment to the development and the production of MWD in modern history) without being literally disintegrated by international sanctions or military intervention ; and is found by United Nations Human Rights Council to be the nation at world responsible of majority instances of human rights violations .

    The second -Pakistan - is the nation more deeply linked and supporting ….those same terrorist organizations against which ,supposedly ,all the last conflicts and international actions has been aimed !!
    Someone suggest that a nuclear Iran would be dangerous for the world because terrorist organizations could put theirs hands on nuclear weapons ; good a similar person should reason that Pakistan, strongly covered by USA and by it allowed ,in a manner totally irresponsible, to “develop” nuclear weapons , is just the nation giving the born, hosting and protecting majority of the most radical and dangerous terrorist organizations at world .
    Now THIS represent a true risk of a terrorist organizations going nuclear .

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  SOC Sat Feb 04, 2012 5:40 am

    Mindstorm wrote:Practically, Israel represent ,at today, by far the nation less committed and compliant with International Agreements and or Laws on weapons of mass destruction's control or ban !

    For the sake of argument, how can a nation that didn't sign the treaty be accused of not adhering to the same treaty? I fully agree that Israel is coddled by the West and represents a destabilizing influence in the region, but that argument is a bit of a stretch if you ask me.

    And for what it's worth, US support of Israel started hardcore in the 1950's. In the Israel-Egypt fiasco, the USSR sided with Egypt, so of course Eisenhower had to support Israel thanks to the blossoming Cold War. Israel, to its credit, took this and ran with it, developing a massive network of lobbyists and influence-peddlers to ensure that even today Eisenhower's biggest foreign policy mistake is not rectified.

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 04, 2012 8:52 am

    For the sake of argument, how can a nation that didn't sign the treaty be accused of not adhering to the same treaty? I fully agree that Israel is coddled by the West and represents a destabilizing influence in the region, but that argument is a bit of a stretch if you ask me.

    Very simply Israel did not sign the NPT so it should STFU.

    It, however, has made it its business to whine and moan and complain that Iran might be doing something they already admit to doing themselves yet have no evidence to support these assertions.

    It has resulted in Iran being hounded and sanctioned and cornered because SOME in the west think Iran MIGHT be doing something wrong.

    They make all sorts of claims like convincing evidence and conclusive proof but they never reveal it... it is all conjecture, hearsay, or just plain BS, but they have managed to get Europe to impose sanctions and frozen Iranian assets based on nothing but innuendo.

    I think the best solution is for the Iranians to produce a couple of thousand tons of High Explosive... take it all to a specially prepared underground site and set it all off and say they have nuclear weapons and if Israel or the US attacks it will nuke Israel... that is when the western intelligence will say they have no nukes and don't have the technology to make them for 10 years and then they will invade them and try to take the oilfields... which is what this is all about... Iranian oilfields.

    They will likely put in power a Shah that is ten times worse than the democratically unelected one they forced on the Iranians several decades ago. Of course the Iranian people are not exactly over the moon with the current leader, but will be more than happy to overthrow and murder anyone that the US cares to put in power there...

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Corrosion Wed Feb 15, 2012 11:04 am

    I think nuclearisation(weaponisation) of every major country in middle east (not including Israel as it is assumed that it is already nuclear although no proof of that, maybe its all bluff maybe it is not) is inevitable starting with Iran (treaty or no treaty), unless Israel and West which is more powerful in middle east currently, physically attacks and stops this process. Although they will pay a dear price for this as well if they go ahead and tried to thwart this process.

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Mindstorm Thu Feb 16, 2012 10:38 am

    I think nuclearisation(weaponisation) of every major country in middle east (not including Israel as it is assumed that it is already nuclear although no proof of that, maybe its all bluff maybe it is not) is inevitable starting with Iran (treaty or no treaty), unless Israel and West which is more powerful in middle east currently, physically attacks and stops this process.

    I think that "nuclearization" of the Middle East region had ALREADY happened some dozen of years ago and in favour of : Israel ,the by far most aggressive nation in the Middle East who has not ratified Chemical Weapons Convention and Biological Weapons Convention too and that is stimed by the United Nations Human Rights Council the nation at world that violate human rights more often than any other and Pakistan,the nation more linked, hosting and covering, the most radical and dangerous terrorist organizations at world.

    Corrosion must recall to your memory what nations (in particualr one...) in a way totally irresponsible, have caused this situation representing at today the greater danger to international peace ,stability and security at world and triggering this even comical double standar on the international chessboard ?

    The only way to stop the process is to do the exact contrary : force with full spectrum, insulating ONU approved economic sanctions or even military intervention's menace any nation in the region that HAS NOT EVEN ONLY RATIFIED international conventions on Weapons of Mass Destruction or worse ALREADY OWN THEM , to immediately adhere to them and to urgently DESTROY ANY KNOW STOCK of WMD in theirs posssession.
    Any nation economically or diplomatically backing those nations should be stimed guilty,in the same way, of pursue an completly illegal WMD program .

    Only at this point ,with the elimination at its root of this unacceptable double standard and imbalance generated by the presence of WMS in thr region , we would observe the same rational of a WMD's development programs disappear from the plans of the growing powers in the Middle East.

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    Israel and Nuclear Weapons Empty Re: Israel and Nuclear Weapons

    Post  Corrosion Tue Mar 06, 2012 4:45 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:

    The only way to stop the process is to do the exact contrary : force with full spectrum, insulating ONU approved economic sanctions or even military intervention's menace any nation in the region that HAS NOT EVEN ONLY RATIFIED international conventions on Weapons of Mass Destruction or worse ALREADY OWN THEM , to immediately adhere to them and to urgently DESTROY ANY KNOW STOCK of WMD in theirs posssession.
    The countries you are talking about are crude oil exporting countries (plus Israel) which is the one of most important fuel available at this moment of history for mankind and so immensely political games will be played in the region until the oil runs out. Another important factor to consider is religion and emotional attachment that some countries governments feel towards this region. Many governments have stake in this region and most will prefer an approach that suits them, rather than an idealistic one as you suggest.

    Any nation economically or diplomatically backing those nations should be stimed guilty,in the same way, of pursue an completly illegal WMD program .
    What if that nation is the most powerful one on the planet? Who will enforce that on US? As US is economically, diplomatically and militarily backing some of those countries namely Israel and also Pakistan to some extent. Also there is nothing legal or illegal here. You can only term something legal or illegal if there is a authority that rules, makes the laws and enforces it. There is none that rules planet earth. It is all power game. Who has the power, tries to enforce his/her/its will.

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