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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System


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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Austin Tue May 31, 2011 10:34 am

    here is the information I got on Redut system when I asked for

    Redut VLS can fit all versions of 9M96

    - We don't know which missiles Vityaz will carry, but 9M96 has been the most prevalent speculation. 9M100 might be a distant add-on, but there have been no good data on this.

    - 9M100 is not the same as RVV-SD or RVV-MD.

    I think you might be confusing 9M100 with RVV-AE-ZKR, which was an air defense modification of RVV-AE. Vympel's RVV-AE-ZRK was a competitor to Fakel's 9M100 for a new short-range air defense missile, but the situation with both projects seems vague. Both RVV-AE-ZRK and 9M100 seem dead, but RVV-AE-ZRK seems "deader".

    Vympel is part of the Tactical Missiles Corporation (KTRV), while Fakel is part of Almaz-Antey, which is designing Vityaz. I think A-A might have a slight bias toward their "own" missile, rather than their competitor's, but, again, both projects seem to be pretty stale at this point.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Mindstorm Sat May 12, 2012 10:32 am

    The new naval air defence search/tracking and engagement system Poliment-Redut should complete testing phase with launchs directly from ships by year's end.

    On a side note the article name also the other work-in-progress of Almaz-Antey ,among which also the airborne laser system ,which the company say promising.

    Almaz Antei is also working on new radars and missiles for its future land-based S-500 air defense system, he said.

    Russia is continuing to develop its "promising" airborne defense laser program, Menshikov said.

    “The Americans have not managed to achieve the planned results [in their airborne laser projects], although the technology… is still being used in other developments,” he said.

    Similar research work is under way in Russia, and we consider it quite promising,” he said.


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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  GarryB Sun May 13, 2012 5:21 am

    Excellent news... poliment/redut was part of what was slowing the new frigates and the new destroyers they are working on.

    Poliment is the new AESA radar and Redut is a Vityaz based SAM system that is supposed to include a short range (10km or 6 mile or some times 6km range) lock on after launch IIR guided missile based on the land based Morfei and the Air Force 9M100 short range AAM, plus the S-300 and S-400 SAMs including the 40km and 120km range smaller missiles.

    Of course the 40km and 120km range models are export range figures and the Russian models could be 60km and 150km range weapons for all we know. It will also include the 400km range full sized missile too no doubt... if not at first then eventually.

    This is an important step in unifying the air defence component of the Russian navy... the UKSK system unifying the cruise missile/anti ship/land attack component for ships and subs.

    Regarding the Airborne laser it should be pointed out that the success of the Russian system and the cancellation of the US system are not technical or financial but design fundamental issues.

    The US system was to have a Boeing 747 fitted with a laser to fly within 400km of enemy ICBM or ballistic missile launch sites to defeat BMs are they climb from their launchers. Obviously very difficult and expensive as it would require placing a large vulnerable asset near enemy airspace on a 24/7 basis to be effective.

    The Russian design on the other hand has different goals... that of dazzling US EO systems on satellites and other unmanned and manned platforms.

    To be useful in that role it is much easier... you can fly the large vulnerable aircraft over your own BM launch sites and dazzle the EOptics of US and other satellites as they pass overhead... 5-6 minutes max every 90 minutes or so to conceal ground activity or BM launches...

    In more conventional warfare such a system could be used to damage IIR guided weapons and IRST and nagivation/attack pods that use thermal and EO ports. It could even be used to dazzle or blind bomber crews or fighter pilots from enormous distances... a 5 miliwatt laser can dazzle and we are talking about mega watt lasers... for those not familiar with such terms... mili means thousandths of a watt, while mega means millions of watts... a billion times difference in power...

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  TR1 Sun May 13, 2012 7:40 am

    Supposedly Redut on Soobrazitelny is not fully functional yet, so let's not get too happy yet.

    Though the entire Redut-Poliment system might actually work smoother on Gorshkov.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  GarryB Sun May 13, 2012 7:57 am

    And Klinok wasn't functional on the first 4 Udaloy class vessels either... it was planned to have it, but the radar wasn't read in time for the ships, so they went to sea with them non operational.

    It will be the same in this case... the article you have posted states... as you said that they will have proper at sea tests this year.

    Once it has completed its test... assuming no major problems they can start fitting the full system to existing ships and new ships that are being delayed for the system.

    It is a bit like Bulava except for the fact that they are only doing sea trials now because the naval version of the land based system suffered from a shortage of qualified engineers to redesign and test it.

    They say they are now ready for at sea testing... which all sounds pretty good to me.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  TR1 Sun May 13, 2012 9:47 am

    Yeah no doubt, it is a common situation both in Ru Navy and in foreign navies.

    But my worry is about Redut with the sensors on the 20380 in general, not so much the full Redut-Poliment suit on 22350.
    Hopefully 20385 is better this respect.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  GarryB Mon May 14, 2012 10:11 am

    It is a new missile system and on the different vessels it is being integrated with different sensors...

    I rather suspect that the integration of both systems (corvette and frigate) will take a bit of work as previously Soviet and Russian systems have had all dedicated sensors and equipment and now they are using main sensors to supply data to a range of weapons.

    Obviously the Poliment/Redut combination needs some testing, as will the system on the Corvettes with the Redut SAM system, but it is not like they are landing on the moon for the first time... there will be problems and eventually it will work... this ain't their first rodeo...

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Viktor Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:52 pm

    Finally - mystery solved.

    4 SAM Redut modules with 8 cell each = 32 cell on project 22350 x 4 9M96 = 128 9M96 missiles Very Happy + 16 Onix/Club missiles

    Each cell takes 4 x 9M96 missiles. Now thats a firepower!

    With the same analogy that would mean for project 20385  

    2 SAM Redut modules with 8 cell each = 16 cell on project 20385 x 4 9M96 = 64 9M96 missiles Very Happy + 8 Onix/Club missiles


    The frigate \"Admiral Gorshkov" is preparing to test wrote:

    The head of Project 22350 frigate "Admiral Gorshkov", which is being completed in St. Petersburg at the Shipyard "Severnaya Verf", in front of the factory sea trials will equip the latest air defense systems "polyment-Rudut" informed "Interfax" the representative of the Navy.
    "The first output of" Admiral Gorshkov "to the factory sea trials scheduled in early October. In the Gulf of Finland frigate experienced a major power plant, navigation and communication system. Then the ship will go to Baltiysk. In the Barents Sea, "Gorshkov" will work starts from their anti-, anti-submarine and anti-aircraft complexes, "- said the source.

    According to a representative of the Navy, before running tests on the ship should set the cell vertical launch air defense system "polyment-Redoute" with the 128th anti-aircraft missiles 9M96E.

    The representative of the Russian Navy said that the ship crew settled in April, the ship's mooring trials began in May, and the state tests must take place before the end of December. In addition, the "Admiral Gorshkov" July 3 will be presented at the International Maritime Defense Show in St. Petersburg.

    Multipurpose Project 22350 frigate is designed for combat in the far-and near-sea areas, as well as to participate in solving the problems in the ocean zone. Displacement of the ship is about 4,500 tons, length - 130 m, beam - more than 16m. Cruising range - more than 4,000 miles, nautical - with no restrictions. The ships are armed with the project 16 antiship missile complex "Onyx" family "Movement-NCE." On frigates of the project will be installed 4 modules SAM "polyment-Redoute" to 8 cells each (32 cells).

    Frigate developed in Northern Design Bureau. Its cost is $ 400 million

    In accordance with the contract "Severnaya Verf" has until 2020 to build and to be commissioned six frigates of Project 22350



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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  medo Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:39 pm

    So Soobrazatelny and Boiky have 48 9M96 missiles. This is good.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  TR1 Wed Jun 26, 2013 8:34 pm

    Guys, there is one missile per cell. This was known long ago, anything else is just innacuracy.

    4 9M96 per cell? Yeah right, that is physical impossibility.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Viktor Wed Jun 26, 2013 10:40 pm

    TR1 wrote:Guys, there is one missile per cell. This was known long ago, anything else is just innacuracy.

    4 9M96 per cell? Yeah right, that is physical impossibility.

    9M96 missile is just 25 cm in diameter - half the 48N6 or 5V55 class meaning they take 4 times less area. so I see no problem with fitting 4 of them in one cell.

    TR1 if you would place 2 9M96 missiles side by side, you would occupy only 0.5 m of space. Judging by you picture that Redut width is much more than 0.5m.

    Do you see my point?

    Austin wrote:I hope the 128 SAM of 9M96 SAM is true , But from what i understand 22350 will have Brahmos missile and not Oniks.

    From what I understand the Russians have agree to put in Brahmos missile on this frigate.

    Just 6 ships of this class till 2020 is quite low IMO. But still  6 x 22350 and 6x 11356 class make 12 Frigate which is good.

    How many 20385 class has been planned to be built by 2020 ?

    UKSK is universal launcher. They can put what ever they want and Brahmos is a state of the art missile.  It would be nice to see it on board 20385/22350.

    Russia will build 6-10 project 22350 by 2020 but construction will continue well after 2020. I think they could build 16 project 20380/20385 by 2020 but we will see.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 27, 2013 3:53 am

    I hope the 128 SAM of 9M96 SAM is true , But from what i understand 22350 will have Brahmos missile and not Oniks.

    UKSK is a universal launcher... it can launch Klub or Kalibr or Onyx/Yakhont/Brahmos or any combination of these missiles.

    Guys, there is one missile per cell. This was known long ago, anything else is just innacuracy.

    4 9M96 per cell? Yeah right, that is physical impossibility.

    In the S-400/S-500 thread you mentioned the four tube launcher in the video. The four tube holes were in one large circular structure.

    The big circle is the size of the standard full sized S-300 and S-400 missiles. The four small holes are the size of the 9M96 missiles called Vityaz on land and Redut at sea.

    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System 5p85se10

    This is it... four tubes, but when one tube is loaded with the slimmer 9M96 missiles it can carry 4 missiles.

    These are the smaller 9M96 missiles:

    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System 9m96-s10

    As shown on this drawing the slimmer missiles fit four to a single large tube on the land based version.

    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System 9963c710

    We talked about this ages ago... the whole idea of a unified launcher is that instead of having customised launchers and sensors and weapons for each role you can have one type of SAM launcher from corvette to carrier, and one type of attack missile launcher. Obviously with a little corvette used for coastal patrol you wont fill its 8 UKSK tubes with 2,500km range land attack Kalibr missiles... but then on a specific mission you just might want to send small ships into an area to launch a cruise missile attack and then disperse... these tiny vessels are still part of an electronic network so target data does not need to come from the vessels own sensors... which means that if you want to arm it with 400km range SAMs then that could be an option too.


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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  TR1 Thu Jun 27, 2013 4:30 am

    Victor + Garry,

    The 4 tube launcher was speculated on RUssian forums to be launcher for 885 submarines, so I don't think it has anything to do with SAMs. It looked much much bigger than a single 48N6 round.

    4 9m96 might physically fit into the space of one Redut VLS (I'd have to make some measurements) but there are concerns with the launching mechanism as well.
    Pretty much every Russian source points to it being one missile, one cell. The only quad pack mention is 9m100, wherever that project is.

    EDIT: I guess it could physically fit, the missile is pretty slim...would need to see the cell open to make sure.
    Would love to be wrong here.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  xeno Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:49 am

    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System 0bb8ce10
    This is the best photo to show the size of the cover of the cell for Redout system.
    I have been interested in this system for a long time, so I collected this photo a while ago.
    From the photo, you can see the width of the cover is over the half height of the Russian standing by.
    The average height of adult Russians is 1.75m.
    So, let's say the guy in the photo is 1.70m, then you can safely assume that the width of the cover is bigger than 90cm.
    If memory is not wrong, then the diameter of a 9M96 is 240mm, so it is completely possible that 4 9M96's can be crammed into one cell.
    However, you Russians are surprisly creative while surprisly dumb as per my 30 years experiance following Russian military(actually first 7 years following Soviet military), so I 'd rather believe TR1's assumption: 32 missiles for 22350, although 4 missiles in a cell is possible per this photo analysis.
    2ndly, why Russians install 128 9m96 missiles (range >120km) in a 4500 ton frigate? That is over powered.
    Until now I choose to believe 32 missiles, although a 90cm diameter cell is ridiculous to a 240mm missile, anyway they are unpredictable Russians.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Austin Thu Jun 27, 2013 6:39 am

    May be 2x9M96 per cell , Four would be cramped as you have to take account the cells these missiles are placed, So likely 2-3 Missile per cell , Even 2 missile per cell would be 64 SAM of 9mM96 which is quite good.
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:46 am

    TR1 wrote:Victor + Garry,

    The 4 tube launcher was speculated on RUssian forums to be launcher for 885 submarines, so I don't think it has anything to do with SAMs. It looked much much bigger than a single 48N6 round.

    4 9m96 might physically fit into the space of one Redut VLS (I'd have to make some measurements) but there are concerns with the launching mechanism as well.
    Pretty much every Russian source points to it being one missile, one cell. The only quad pack mention is 9m100, wherever that project is.

    EDIT: I guess it could physically fit, the missile is pretty slim...would need to see the cell open to make sure.
    Would love to be wrong here.

    The launchers on Proekt 885 are much larger.

    As far as I know, four 9M96 class missiles or sixteen missiles of around 125 mm diameter can fit into each of the Redut VLS tubes.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Viktor Thu Jun 27, 2013 10:00 am

    Austin wrote:May be 2x9M96 per cell , Four would be cramped as you have to take account the cells these missiles are placed, So likely 2-3 Missile per cell , Even 2 missile per cell would be 64 SAM of 9mM96 which is quite good.

    Doesnt make sense because.
    If you can fit two - either way (side by side) - you can fit 4
    If you can fit two (diagonally) - you can fit 4

    Redut launchers are big enough to accommodate a variety of air defense missiles just like UKSK is able to accommodate a whole variety of attack missiles.
    So in that case for the space of one 48N6 round you will be able to put 4 9M96.

    Building 2000 ton ship to put only 12 SAM missiles in it does not make sense anyway and is certainly not in Russian tradition Very Happy. Building launcher of size where you can put 4 missiles but than put only two of them does not make any sense.

    xeno wrote:If memory is not wrong, then the diameter of a 9M96 is 240mm, so it is completely possible that 4 9M96's can be crammed into one cell.

    Thats my point.

    xeno wrote:However, you Russians are surprisly creative while surprisly dumb as per my 30 years experiance following Russian military(actually first 7 years following Soviet military), so I 'd rather believe TR1's assumption: 32 missiles for 22350, although 4 missiles in a cell is possible per this photo analysis.

    So you believe it is possible to put 4 9M96 per cell but dont believe Russians will do it? ShockedVery Happy

    Thing is that during all Russian history Russians have been building surface and sub units with largest coefficient of weapon weight per unit weight.

    Look at Slava class - it hold worlds record for its ability to carry biggest armament in size and weight per its own weight in the world. (surface unit)

    Look at Oscar class - it hold worlds record for its ability to carry biggest armament in size and weight per its own weight in the world. (submarine unit)

    So thinking that Russians will build 2000 ton vessel just to put 12 tiny missiles in it is just not in their style and does not have any logic.

    xeno wrote:2ndly, why Russians install 128 9m96 missiles (range >120km) in a 4500 ton frigate? That is over powered.
    Until now I choose to believe 32 missiles, although a 90cm diameter cell is ridiculous to a 240mm missile, anyway they are unpredictable Russians.

    Its not overpowered. It is in line with the future threats the vessel is design for.
    Today only way to penetrate formidable air defense systems is saturation. In any future scenario fighters will be able to carry many new weapons that are developed or are in development, that will allow them to saturate defenses outside its reach, having powerful, long range, precision air defense with lots of munitions has a lot of sense in the world - dont you agree.
    With that in mind I would call new EU frigates and destroyers underpowered.

    TR1 wrote:Victor + Garry,

    The 4 tube launcher was speculated on RUssian forums to be launcher for 885 submarines, so I don't think it has anything to do with SAMs. It looked much much bigger than a single 48N6 round.

    Does Almaz-Antej build launchers for cruise missiles? I thought that producers of such missiles produces launchers too but I could be wrong?

    TR1 wrote:

    4 9m96 might physically fit into the space of one Redut VLS (I'd have to make some measurements) but there are concerns with the launching mechanism as well.
    Pretty much every Russian source points to it being one missile, one cell. The only quad pack mention is 9m100, wherever that project is.

    EDIT: I guess it could physically fit, the missile is pretty slim...would need to see the cell open to make sure.
    Would love to be wrong here.

    There will be new naval show in several days -MVMS naval show. Almaz-Antej promised us surprises so I hope they will clear thing for us Very Happy

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 27, 2013 12:27 pm

    The 4 tube launcher was speculated on RUssian forums to be launcher for 885 submarines, so I don't think it has anything to do with SAMs. It looked much much bigger than a single 48N6 round.

    And it might be... that is irrelevant.

    In the photo above I have posted a SAM launcher with four missile positions... three of those missiles positions contain one missile, one of those missile positions contain four missiles.

    The Redut system is naval S-400/Vityaz. The single hatch can accommodate one very large missile of the Rif or Rif-M or S-400 type, or it can accommodate four slimmer missiles of the S-400/Vityaz type in one large tube.

    It would be totally stupid and totally pointless to have fixed rigid limits on missiles so that a 32 tube launcher could only carry 32 missiles but could carry large heavy missiles or smaller lighter shorter range missiles... there would be no point in carrying only 32 short range missiles when you could carry 32 400km range missiles with much better performance.

    To standardise you need scalability... the Redut system can carry big missiles... one to a single tube, it can also carry smaller missiles... Vityaz in four to a tube arrangement the same as the land based version shown above.

    I have speculated that the Morfei being a much smaller missile (in between Igla-S and R-74) should be able to carry even more missiles... perhaps in two layers and that is totally speculation on my part I will admit, but it is pretty plain that Redut is a 32 tube system able to carry 32 large missiles or 4 times that in medium sized missiles... we can only guess about small missiles... I am hoping for two layers of 6 missiles but you know what an optimist I am... Smile

    4 9m96 might physically fit into the space of one Redut VLS (I'd have to make some measurements) but there are concerns with the launching mechanism as well.

    You don't think it will fit?

    I showed you a photo of it fitting already...

    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System 5p85se11

    Again these are self contained launch tubes... loaded onto a truck trailer in this case or into a launch bin on a ship at dock the missile will be packaged exactly the same way for naval applications... the only difference likely will be that the naval missiles will likely plug into the system at their base rather than at their side.

    Pretty much every Russian source points to it being one missile, one cell. The only quad pack mention is 9m100, wherever that project is.

    Did you read Viktors post above? (no.151)

    9M100 is going to be much more like R-60 than R-74 in terms of size but not performance.

    32 missiles for 22350, although 4 missiles in a cell is possible per this photo analysis.
    2ndly, why Russians install 128 9m96 missiles (range >120km) in a 4500 ton frigate? That is over powered.

    Can carry does not mean will carry.

    Operationally it will likely carry a mix of short, medium and long range missiles. With 32 tubes that means perhaps 8-12 full sized one missile one tube missiles... lets say 12 because being able to shoot down launch platforms at long range will reduce the number of threats to the vessel during an attack as it can kill aircraft before they launch their weapons. Target detection and tracking can be performed by other platforms or UAVs.

    That leaves 20 tubes, but that doesn't mean 80 x medium range SAMs as you will also want short range point defence missiles so maybe 8-12 tubes will be short range self defence missiles to protect from mass attack, which leaves 8-12 tubes for Vityaz missiles... which means 32-48 missiles in the 60km range and 150km range... perhaps a mix of both of 50/50.

    Not exactly a revolutionary SAM mix for a Russian vessel but a lot for a 32 tube launch system. For larger vessels the mix will be different but then they will also likely carry more than one bin launcher...

    May be 2x9M96 per cell , Four would be cramped as you have to take account the cells these missiles are placed, So likely 2-3 Missile per cell , Even 2 missile per cell would be 64 SAM of 9mM96 which is quite good.

    Fitting circles in circles means if you can fit two in then you should be able to get 3 in.

    The photo above shows they can clearly get four in. And that they have with the land based model which is fully self contained in its launch container including cold launch system...

    The only question I see is how many 9M100s will they fit...

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  TR1 Thu Jun 27, 2013 9:48 pm

    Heres a question that needs answering- do we have any evidence of the Redut-Poliment VLS as it exists today - on the 20380s and 22350s - being able to carry 48N6?
    The system is somewhat of a navalized S-300/400, but I have not seen any actual link between THESE VLS tubes, and the 48N6.

    At this point I am not sure 48N6 is integrated or intended at all for Poliment-Redut.

    I will concede the missiles could very well fit in there if we can see some proof 48N6 actually fits in those VLS cells.

    Be great if we got a pic of the VLS tubes open and from above, that way the size of the opening could be analyzed better.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  GarryB Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:24 am

    Perhaps a revisit on the idea of standardisation is needed.

    It makes no sense to standardise on a single SAM launcher if you are then going to make different non compatible types for different vessels.

    That being the case then can we assume that the system has the same components but different vessels will mount different numbers of the elements or components.

    For instance a corvette might have one 32 tube launcher and due to its small size and lack of mast height would not be effective on its own to use 400km range SAMs and therefore when it came to loading time at the pier it was never fitted with any.

    It is however fitted with the Sigma-M data sharing system that allows it to see a picture of space, air, sea surface, and sub surface based on information from a range of sources including satellite, aircraft, other surface vessels, submarines, and sea bed devices/arrays, and with that might be able to carry missiles at high speed closer to an area of enemy activity... launch some long range missiles and then return to a safe area better than a much larger vessel could?

    I have shown photos of the ground based system and if you look carefully at the base of the "tube" with the four missiles you can clearly see the base is as wide as the other tubes but it actually gets narrower as you move up the base of the tube.

    Add to that the article Viktor posted which is a Russian source and I really don't understand where your scepticism is coming from.

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Viktor Fri Jun 28, 2013 12:41 pm

    TR1 wrote:Heres a question that needs answering- do we have any evidence of the Redut-Poliment VLS as it exists today - on the 20380s and 22350s - being able to carry 48N6?
    The system is somewhat of a navalized S-300/400, but I have not seen any actual link between THESE VLS tubes, and the 48N6.

    At this point I am not sure 48N6 is integrated or intended at all for Poliment-Redut.

    I will concede the missiles could very well fit in there if we can see some proof 48N6 actually fits in those VLS cells.

    Be great if we got a pic of the VLS tubes open and from above, that way the size of the opening could be analyzed better.

    P-Redut is based on S-400

    • development of cross-species system based on S-400 "Triumph", ZRAS "polyment-Redoute" and SAM "


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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Austin Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:15 pm

    9M96 Navalised SAM should be good enough for most AD situation the Firgate would face , Really do not need 48N6 or 40N6 they are more situated for New Generation Destroyers or as an upgrade to existing Cruisers.

    9M96 is competitive viz a viz Aster system and under development Barak-8

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Viktor Fri Jun 28, 2013 1:57 pm

    Austin wrote:9M96 Navalised SAM should be good enough for most AD situation the Firgate would face , Really do not need 48N6 or 40N6 they are more situated for New Generation Destroyers or as an upgrade to existing Cruisers.

    9M96 is competitive viz a viz Aster system and under development Barak-8

    Still 400km range 40N6 (or 250km range 48N6) would be ideal to surprise and chase off pesky E-2 or Growler in the area Laughing 


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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  Austin Fri Jun 28, 2013 2:07 pm

    Viktor wrote:
    Austin wrote:9M96 Navalised SAM should be good enough for most AD situation the Firgate would face , Really do not need 48N6 or 40N6 they are more situated for New Generation Destroyers or as an upgrade to existing Cruisers.

    9M96 is competitive viz a viz Aster system and under development Barak-8

    Still 400km range 40N6 (or 250km range 48N6) would be ideal to surprise and chase off pesky E-2 or Growler in the area Laughing 

    Not certainly on 4000 T Frigate , They already mentioned that the new generation destroyers will have S-500 , so i think its fair to assume that the modernised Cruisers and new Destroyers will carry S-400/500.

    The problem is to hit a target at 400 km you need a very powerful radar that can track targets at those range , Where as Frigates are bread and butter ships that provides Area Air Defence and Ship Defence against common threats like anti-ship missile etc , 9M96 is good for that role.

    I think the current ships in Navy that carry S-300 can be modernised to carry the S-400 be it 48N6 or 40N6

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    Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System Empty Re: Poliment-Redut Naval Air Defense System

    Post  TR1 Fri Jun 28, 2013 10:38 pm

    Viktor wrote:
    TR1 wrote:Heres a question that needs answering- do we have any evidence of the Redut-Poliment VLS as it exists today - on the 20380s and 22350s - being able to carry 48N6?
    The system is somewhat of a navalized S-300/400, but I have not seen any actual link between THESE VLS tubes, and the 48N6.

    At this point I am not sure 48N6 is integrated or intended at all for Poliment-Redut.

    I will concede the missiles could very well fit in there if we can see some proof 48N6 actually fits in those VLS cells.

    Be great if we got a pic of the VLS tubes open and from above, that way the size of the opening could be analyzed better.

    P-Redut is based on S-400

    • development of cross-species system based on S-400 "Triumph", ZRAS "polyment-Redoute" and SAM "

    Yes no doubt, but what I am looking for is specific mention of naval 48N6 use with Poliment-Redut.
    The radar, network, everything is vastly different from land based system. Hell its different from 20380 (where it barely works!) to the 22350 (where the sensor suit is comparatively magic) .
    I've always kind of assumed 48N6 was part of Poliment-Redut, but I am not sure now, especially with the VLS setup on the corvettes and frigates. It sure hasn't been tested, navally 9M96 has a long way to go alone.

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