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par far
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    Syrian War: News #13


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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  KiloGolf Sun May 21, 2017 8:30 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:And as PapaDragon said : Fuck Iran, ungrateful backstabbing double talking assholes every last one of them.

    Examples of official state-level retardation while we're at it.

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Screen-Shot-2015-04-18-at-6.00.20-PM-635x357
    reads death to Israel (unless it's a Coke ad), why is that circus considered a military parade is beyond me.

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 The_iranian_military_640_03
    Moar raybans plz

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Iran
    and last by not least, the derka derka derka female police.
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  par far Sun May 21, 2017 8:39 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    ^^^ Instead of using Zionism as an excuse you might want to come up with some facts if you want to continue this discussion

    Godwin Law works on more things than just Hitler

    I don't use Zionism as a excuse, I know they are trying to create a division between the Russia and the SAA, it is divide and conquer.

    Last edited by par far on Sun May 21, 2017 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  Vann7 Sun May 21, 2017 8:39 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:What I do oppose is unplanned, potential blunders like last year when SAA tried to make a move towards Raqqa/Tabqa progressed for two weeks and the proceeded to get their asses handed to them, loose all their gained territories, just within 24h. Then the entire pro-SAA twitter sphere blamed Russia for it, in most ungrateful manner.

    The whole incident was a hoax.. a fake invasion. A diversion tactic to hide the real place
    of the attack. that it was an aleppo road ,that was very strategic and very successful
    operation that closed the road of eastern aleppo to terrorist , a major blow to the terrorist..
    and a road that they could not reopen again and tried to open eastern aleppo from the south
    with mixed initial results but catastrophic long term ones. That move and the failed
    opening in the south , sealed the fate of NATO/Israel backed terrorist in Eastern Aleppo .
    and this was the time france began to accuse Russia of "bombing hospitals" every day.

    There was many NATO agents/special forces inside the eastern aleppo encircled zone. and Russia knowing what was going on , for NATO desperation of Russia liberating the zone.. he made a deal for allowing civilians to leave in change of allowing terrorist to move to IDlib with light weapons. and all the terrorist who agreed to move ,had fully covered their faces. So no one can identify their real identities/nationality.

    This information came from insider sources and revealed by Syrianperspective bloggers and almadar news too., they used twiter and pro government media to spread fake rumors of taking of raqqa. and made it look Russia betrayed them. but it was a distraction .
    All said.. from many operations of the syrian army , the capture of castello road ,was one of the most successful ones. They lost no soldiers and wiped hundreds of terrorist . the terrorist found themselves in range of artillery fire and rocket missiles from both sides. and any truck who tried was destroyed with a kornet.  So the taking of castello road was when operation liberation of aleppo started. with Russia airforce helping and NATO began to panic over alnusra losing eastern aleppo which they lost . Very Happy

    Syria: Govt. forces take Castello Road, militant’s last supply line in Aleppo

    The war will really end  ,if Syria hold the territories it have and then include Idlib. All other
    zones will be not that important , in the far east of Syria  is mostly empty.  By taking Idlib
    the entire conflict will basically end ,since terrorist no longer will have a place to be supplied
    with weapons from Turkey. only the Israel and Jordan front ,their borders with syria will remain but those are not as important as the big cities in Syria closer to the coast.

    months old but good..

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun May 21, 2017 8:56 pm; edited 2 times in total
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  par far Sun May 21, 2017 8:44 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:I'm not against SAA & co. trying to regain the At Tanf crossing and reopen the Damascus-Baghdad route. What I do oppose is unplanned, potential blunders like last year when SAA tried to make a move towards Raqqa/Tabqa progressed for two weeks and the proceeded to get their asses handed to them, loose all their gained territories, just within 24h. Then the entire pro-SAA twitter sphere blamed Russia for it, in most ungrateful manner.

    I believe their effort does make sense, it will allow the flow of supplies and fighters between the two capitals (believe it or not Iraqi fighter do need time off too). But if this is not planned properly it could cripple SAA & co. elsewhere. Already SAA's progress south of Jirah airbase seems painfully slow compared to the SDF just next door. Also I don't see why places like Dumayr and East Qalamon are still allowed to have strong FSA presence.

    The time that the SAA went for  Raqqa/Tabqa, was not a good plan. Who was it planned by, we will never know. Or as Vann pointed out it may have been fake.

    "Then the entire pro-SAA twitter sphere blamed Russia for it, in most ungrateful manner" this could have been anyone.

    The SDF is a US proxy, so they just hand over the land to the other US proxy and move to fight the SAA.  Dumayr and East Qalamon will be cleaned in due time, south Syria became a big issue because US was pushing from Jordan.

    Last edited by par far on Sun May 21, 2017 9:05 pm; edited 2 times in total
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  par far Sun May 21, 2017 8:50 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    lycantrop wrote:yeah those Iranian bastards, and lovely russians /sarcasm off
    forgot how ruskis f.... over Iran with the S-300 deal?
    or how they pull out of many joint venture projects, dont wanted to deliver engines for the fighter jet project, or the Busher plant project which was delayed and finally completed after 40 years,...because of russian flip flopping....
    ah and by the way, when those lovely ruskis will finally deliver the ordered and already payed YAK-130 jets for the SAA? just asking....
    how you can be serious with such a "partner", who backstabs you, this is not an serious behaviour
    as the iranian leader said, you can never trust russia....

    ah and because you say there were tensions between russin and Iranian/hezbollah soldiers....
    you forgot that SAA lost over 100 soldiers because Jewmerica bombed them?
    how would russian soldiers feel if they would lost 100 of theyr man?
    logically the nerves of syrian soldiers were tensed, they have lost so many camarades because russia thought USA is serious about "casefire agreements..."
    hundreds and hundreds of lifes lost, so comprehensible that Iranians did a solo action to close that one pocket in syria (forgot name of village), and dont let russian soldiers in
    they had enough....

    Russia is the sole reason northern Latakia and its shores didn't get the beardie treatment and also the very reason why Aleppo, Homs and (soon) Damascus cities are beardie-free. When Idlib city fell to AQ forces, Iran didn't even blink and they were busy sucking major geopolitical c0ck so that sanctions could end and they'd finally be able to buy Boeings and Airbuses. lol1

    This is absolutely don't true, Iran was sending in oil tankers, fighters and equipment, Iran did not have the Air Force or the military power needed to overcome what was happening. This is same thing as saying Russia did not even blink when, Russians were being killed in Ukraine because Russia was busy sucking major geopolitical dick because Russia wanted to sell gas to Europe(You and I know that is not true.)

    It is a good thing that Russia saved Latakia, Aleppo, Homs, Damascus and whole of Syria because if Syria had fallen Lebanon would been next, after that Iran and than Russia.

    Last edited by par far on Sun May 21, 2017 9:02 pm; edited 2 times in total
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  par far Sun May 21, 2017 8:54 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    lycantrop wrote:yeah those Iranian bastards, and lovely russians /sarcasm off
    forgot how ruskis f.... over Iran with the S-300 deal?
    or how they pull out of many joint venture projects, dont wanted to deliver engines for the fighter jet project, or the Busher plant project which was delayed and finally completed after 40 years,...because of russian flip flopping....
    ah and by the way, when those lovely ruskis will finally deliver the ordered and already payed YAK-130 jets for the SAA? just asking....
    how you can be serious with such a "partner", who backstabs you, this is not an serious behaviour
    as the iranian leader said, you can never trust russia....

    ah and because you say there were tensions between russin and Iranian/hezbollah soldiers....
    you forgot that SAA lost over 100 soldiers because Jewmerica bombed them?
    how would russian soldiers feel if they would lost 100 of theyr man?
    logically the nerves of syrian soldiers were tensed, they have lost so many camarades because russia thought USA is serious about "casefire agreements..."
    hundreds and hundreds of lifes lost, so comprehensible that Iranians did a solo action to close that one pocket in syria (forgot name of village), and dont let russian soldiers in
    they had enough....

    Thank you for this little rant that proves every single point I made. thumbsup

    Kilo already tore you a new one but this little part is something that really shines:

    as the iranian leader said, you can never trust russia....

    And as PapaDragon said : Fuck Iran, ungrateful backstabbing double talking assholes every last one of them.

    Russia cannot fuck Iran and Iran cannot fuck Russia because at this point because they need each other, this lycantrop character is just an idiot and probably a Iranian troll(who probably does not even know anything about Iran) and you are a Israeli troll, you both are going to derail this thread.

    Last edited by par far on Sun May 21, 2017 9:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  par far Sun May 21, 2017 8:59 pm

    KiloGolf wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:And as PapaDragon said : Fuck Iran, ungrateful backstabbing double talking assholes every last one of them.

    Examples of official state-level retardation while we're at it.

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Screen-Shot-2015-04-18-at-6.00.20-PM-635x357
    reads death to Israel (unless it's a Coke ad), why is that circus considered a military parade is beyond me.

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 The_iranian_military_640_03
    Moar raybans plz

    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Iran
    and last by not least, the derka derka derka female police.

    The first picture death to Israel was not needed.

    Your second picture did not show up.

    The third picture shows that women are strong as men(if you are not familiar with how Islamic countries work you won't understand.) This is no different than women on Victory Parade in Moscow. They are just dressed to their religion in Iran.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  Vann7 Sun May 21, 2017 9:15 pm

    par far wrote:

    Russia cannot fuck Iran and Iran cannot fuck Russia because at this point because they need each other, this lycantrop character is just an idiot and probably a Iranian and you are a Israeli troll, you both are going to derail this thread.

    What you say is true.. but is also true , there have been major tensions between
    Russia and IRAN over Syria. they don't have exactly the same interest aside of defeating
    ISIS and Alqaeda and all other NATO/Israel backed terrorist.  But IRAN wants a gate to enter
    in Syria by land and wants a pipeline too. and the bridge IRAN wants Russia knows it will cause
    major problems with Israel and the war to continue. Iran wants Russia to break relations with
    Israel , and united with them to fight NATO and ISrael .but with Russia as the meat shield for them. Russia in the other hand wants to end the war .with acceptable outcome for Syria to
    continue to exist as one nation. Iran also wants Russia advanced weapons but also for Hezbolah , to fight Israel and Russia can't do that ,because later israel can arm Ukraine ,threatening the security of Russia.  So there conflicts of interest . is a fact. even Syria and IRAN have conflict of interest. Syria wants to be fully secular nation , where religion is voluntary and not mandatory. while IRAN wants Syria to be a Shia dominated state.
    but neither one of the differences is big enough to end the cooperation in the fight against Alqaeda and ISIS. Specially because IRAN knows if Syria falls they will be next ,with ISIS on its
    territory. So make no mistake ,there is major conflict on interest between IRAN and secular syrians and Iraqui too. Iran is not a real secular nation. a muslin there cannot convert to christianity without facing jail. So there is major religion ideals conflict between Syria and IRAN. , IRAN will prefer to see Syria as a muslin caliphate shia state , that is compatible with theirs. and Syria government wants religion out of politics , like it should be. and that everyone
    is free to choose its religion. a place were womens are equals in rights.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Sun May 21, 2017 9:22 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  PapaDragon Sun May 21, 2017 9:18 pm

    par far wrote:........
    I don't use Zionism as a excuse, I know they are trying to create a division between the Russia and the SAA, it is divide and conquer.

    Russia and SAA work fine. Divisions occur when Iran sticks it's pecker in.

    If you were Syrian who would you put in charge of military strategy given past performance: Russia or Iran?

    There is a job that needs to be finished and they don't have unlimited amount of time. All these distractions pose a huge risk.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  lycantrop Sun May 21, 2017 9:25 pm

    BTW, what happened with syrienperspective website?
    no updates, no new comments.....
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  par far Sun May 21, 2017 9:37 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    par far wrote:

    Russia cannot fuck Iran and Iran cannot fuck Russia because at this point because they need each other, this lycantrop character is just an idiot and probably a Iranian and you are a Israeli troll, you both are going to derail this thread.

    What you say is true.. but is also true , there have been major tensions between
    Russia and IRAN over Syria. they don't have exactly the same interest aside of defeating
    ISIS and Alqaeda and all other NATO/Israel backed terrorist.  But IRAN wants a gate to enter
    in Syria by land and wants a pipeline too. and the bridge IRAN wants Russia knows it will cause
    major problems with Israel and the war to continue. Iran wants Russia to break relations with
    Israel , and united with them to fight NATO and ISrael .but with Russia as the meat shield for them. Russia in the other hand wants to end the war .with acceptable outcome for Syria to
    continue to exist as one nation. Iran also wants Russia advanced weapons but also for Hezbolah , to fight Israel and Russia can't do that ,because later israel can arm Ukraine ,threatening the security of Russia.  So there conflicts of interest . is a fact. even Syria and IRAN have conflict of interest. Syria wants to be fully secular nation , where religion is voluntary and not mandatory. while IRAN wants Syria to be a Shia dominated state.
    but neither one of the differences is big enough to end the cooperation in the fight against Alqaeda and ISIS. Specially because IRAN knows if Syria falls they will be next ,with ISIS on its

    What you say is true Vann, what you say about Russia, Iran and Israel is true and Russia and Iran need to find common ground on Israel. The thing is that Israel is not a friend of Russia, some of  the higher ups in the Ukrainian government right now are Mossad agents. Israel has already helped the fascists in Ukraine one way or another, even through all of this Russia and Israel have relation, which I don't think Russia wants to break. You are right about not being able to end cooperation because if Syria goes, Iran is next and after that Russia and both Russia and Iran know this. Russians are masters at diplomacy, so they will negativate through this.

    Last edited by par far on Sun May 21, 2017 9:39 pm; edited 2 times in total
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  par far Sun May 21, 2017 9:38 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    par far wrote:........
    I don't use Zionism as a excuse, I know they are trying to create a division between the Russia and the SAA, it is divide and conquer.

    Russia and SAA work fine. Divisions occur when Iran sticks it's pecker in.

    If you were Syrian who would you put in charge of military strategy given past performance: Russia or Iran?

    There is a job that needs to be finished and they don't have unlimited amount of time. All these distractions pose a huge risk.

    How do you know Iran does that.

    The Russians are in charge, the SAA know this, Iran knows and Russia knows this.
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  par far Sun May 21, 2017 9:45 pm


    They are going to be sent to Idlib, I don't think think Russia can bomb Idlib right now because of the peace agreement.




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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Sun May 21, 2017 11:02 pm


    They are going to be sent to Idlib, I don't think think Russia can bomb Idlib right now because of the peace agreement.

    From that South Front link, my highlights. Think you might have got the ISIS destination wrong. There is a view elsewhere that this will take a while to achieve but that the desperate ISIS need for extra people in the East that was mentioned will hurry it along.

    According to local sources, ISIS distributed leaflets to the people in mosques inside the Al-Yarmouk camp and called on those who wished to leave the camp to the ISIS-held areas in eastern Syria. The leaflets stated that ISIS opens the door for registration for civilians who wish to exit to “the lands of the Caliphate” east of the country, and ISIS prepared several points to register in the camp.

    It is expected that ISIS has agreed to withdraw as a result of the severe shortage of manpower in eastern Syria. It is worth mentioning that the fighters of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) have also withdrawn from their positions in Al-Yarmouk camp to Idlib province.
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  par far Sun May 21, 2017 11:10 pm

    JohninMK wrote:

    They are going to be sent to Idlib, I don't think think Russia can bomb Idlib right now because of the peace agreement.

    From that South Front link, my highlights. Think you might have got the ISIS destination wrong. There is a view elsewhere that this will take a while to achieve but that the desperate ISIS need for extra people in the East that was mentioned will hurry it along.

    According to local sources, ISIS distributed leaflets to the people in mosques inside the Al-Yarmouk camp and called on those who wished to leave the camp to the ISIS-held areas in eastern Syria. The leaflets stated that ISIS opens the door for registration for civilians who wish to exit to “the lands of the Caliphate” east of the country, and ISIS prepared several points to register in the camp.

    It is expected that ISIS has agreed to withdraw as a result of the severe shortage of manpower in eastern Syria. It is worth mentioning that the fighters of Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (HTS) have also withdrawn from their positions in Al-Yarmouk camp to Idlib province.

    Thanks for the correction.


    I don't think they have recaptured 50 KM of the border with Jordan but I think they are close.


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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  JohninMK Sun May 21, 2017 11:25 pm

    par far wrote:


    I don't think they have recaptured 50 KM of the border with Jordan but I think they are close.

    Agree with you, they seem to be striking NE from Suweida, parallel with the border but 20km of so from it. Looks like they are following a minor road. Any road is better than none and there are not many roads around there!
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  par far Mon May 22, 2017 12:24 am

    JohninMK wrote:
    par far wrote:


    I don't think they have recaptured 50 KM of the border with Jordan but I think they are close.

    Agree with you, they seem to be striking NE from Suweida, parallel with the border but 20km of so from it. Looks like they are following a minor road. Any road is better than none and there are not many roads around there!

    The fact that they are going for the border region after the US bombed them and after the fact that there are NATO Special forces there, tells me that they are doing this with the blessings of Russia, no way they do that on their own.

    Yeah they are on a minor road, if they keep going the way they are, they can cover that 20km or so.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon May 22, 2017 3:49 am

    par far wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:
    par far wrote:


    I don't think they have recaptured 50 KM of the border with Jordan but I think they are close.

    Agree with you, they seem to be striking NE from Suweida, parallel with the border but 20km of so from it. Looks like they are following a minor road. Any road is better than none and there are not many roads around there!

    The fact that they are going for the border region after the US bombed them and after the fact that there are NATO Special forces there, tells me that they are doing this with the blessings of Russia, no way they do that on their own.

    Yeah they are on a minor road, if they keep going the way they are, they can cover that 20km or so.

    Do you think MEers are cowards? Russians don't understand MEers. MEers are the bravest people on the planet. Because of Islam, they literally run at machine guns. Russian pee their pants at such tactics.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  KomissarBojanchev Mon May 22, 2017 6:16 am

    ultimatewarrior wrote:
    par far wrote:
    JohninMK wrote:
    par far wrote:


    I don't think they have recaptured 50 KM of the border with Jordan but I think they are close.

    Agree with you, they seem to be striking NE from Suweida, parallel with the border but 20km of so from it. Looks like they are following a minor road. Any road is better than none and there are not many roads around there!

    The fact that they are going for the border region after the US bombed them and after the fact that there are NATO Special forces there, tells me that they are doing this with the blessings of Russia, no way they do that on their own.

    Yeah they are on a minor road, if they keep going the way they are, they can cover that 20km or so.

    Do you think MEers are cowards? Russians don't understand MEers. MEers are the bravest people on the planet. Because of Islam, they literally run at machine guns. Russian pee their pants at such tactics.

    MEers are brave? Like running away from VBIEDs instead of destroying them? BTW Russians also sacrificed their lives in WW2 a lot more bravely than any middle easterner today.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  ATLASCUB Mon May 22, 2017 10:23 am

    If you can't handle an ally like Iran (easy to work with), you're not ready to contend with the U.S on the global stage.

    In the real world Russia, that's a good sign. Discussing the Russian-Iranian strategic partnership with some posters here will get you nowhere for they are purposefully blind to its importance, no matter how obvious you make it out to be - no matter how dumb the reasoning they portray. Russia today is not the USSR, end of story. Russia today can't provide the same protection to allies as did the USSR, nor burden itself with the responsibilities required to provide such protection. As such, the reality forces its allies to fly their wings way more - independence - mainly, in order to survive in a world where they, and Russia are outgunned in all spheres, whether that be economic, militarily....practically in all numbers that matter....

    It's as simple as that. For posters that love Russia so much, they should also love the fact that the country has an ally in the middle of the middle east with 80 million inhabitants.....arguably, the strongest, most important nation in the region. Saudi Arabia, the smaller monarchies and Israel are a poop in the desert compared to Iran's potential.....the only difference is that those countries are under U.S protection - no sanctions, no pressure, open markets to acquire anything they wish and develop their many goodies when you ally yourself with the reigning world hegemon - he merely asks in return servitude.

    The Russian-Iranian partnership has a bright long as the U.S and its lackies don't butcher the country - like in Syria or Ukraine. Every time I mention Ukraine my blood boils - the stupidity in Russia sometimes has no limits - at the very least their immune system is still working - they react when punched. Ideally, it shouldn't take a hard nosed punch to the face to realize the enemy is lunging a fist at you.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon May 22, 2017 1:43 pm

    Captain Evgeny Konstantinov KIA on May 3. RIP


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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  PapaDragon Mon May 22, 2017 2:05 pm

    All these Russian speakers here and I am the one who has to post this kind of news? Or is it considered inconvenient now to mention that Russian troops are being killed so that Syrian cockroaches may flee?

    Two more Russians soldiers reportedly killed May 3rd after being abandoned by fleeing regime forces

    Evgeny Konstantinov, commander of an assault battalion and adviser, and Aleksandr Skladan, who commanded recon.

    I am looking forward to news of random Israeli/USA jets bombing SAA scum again.

    This bullshit demands at least 100 dead SAA vermin per one dead Russian. Realistic number would be 1.000 but since this is a war they can get a line of credit. Hopefully USMC and IAF will redeem the coupon for 10.000 down the road.

    I will post this on both treads just so that people don't celebrate too hard next time worthless SAA rats advance 20 meters.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  ultimatewarrior Mon May 22, 2017 2:38 pm

    It turns out this fag who butchered the Russian Su-24 pilot is the son of a Turkish mayor and only got 5 years jail. Russians are too soft, being allies with a nation that routinely butchers Russians. Hopefully Putin loses the 2018 election and let a stronger man rule Russia.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  KiloGolf Mon May 22, 2017 4:59 pm

    ultimatewarrior wrote:MEers are the bravest people on the planet. Because of Islam, they literally run at machine guns. Russian pee their pants at such tactics.

    Running at machine guns is no sign of bravery but rather stupidity. Unless we're talking about a Normandy beach landing scenario.

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    Syrian War: News #13 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #13

    Post  calm Mon May 22, 2017 9:10 pm

    IS tanks, there are more of them around Daer EzZor and Aleppo...

    Photo Report
    ISIS tanks : from the "Workshop" to the "Farm"

    More photos on link...

    Today we take a look inside ISIS famous tank "Workshop" ,the photos sources is the mobile phone of an ISIS fighter who was killed in eastern Palmyra week ago ,he was one of the main workers in the "Workshop" and later in the "Farm" !

    We start with the famous T-72av with the ISIS flag
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    Inside the workshop ,T-72 in the back T-55 with the North Korean FCS will be upgraded by ISIS to a T-55 "Ghost"
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    That T-72 got a very "clean"  engine
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    A Jaish Al-Islam T-72Ural !
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    Nothing is wasted in the "Workshop" !
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    A detailed look at ISIS T-72 "Ghost" with serial number "311",from the workshop to the field
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    Many ISIS T-55 in various stages during it's upgrade to "Ghost" inside the "Workshop" ,the material that cover the top is thick natural leather ,an attempt to make the tanks stealth facing thermal cameras .
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    Possible 125mm M88 HEAT round captured from SAA ammo depots northeast Palmyra
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