Mindstorm Wed Apr 18, 2012 6:45 am
victor7 wrote:US came out with similar system called Boomerang in late 90s and used it in Bosnia peacekeeping ops. The technology is straight forward and especially for those who are in the field everyday. Why has Russia just now come up with the system or is it an upgrade of something else.
Victor7 please try to control your selective thinking !!
What has to do Boomerang (that is not of '90 years in any instance) with THIS anti-sniper system ?
We talk of solutions on technological level (and efficiency)
COMPLETELY DIFFERENT , the system presented at the show represent, at today, by far the most advanced multi-type (laser -FLIR- TV- rifle sight etc..)
optical system detection available worldwide capable to pin point at the centimeter the possible position of a sniper an ATGM squad or ambushers
way BEFORE them have any chance to operate .
What has this to do with an acoustic systems (which has anyhow its role and operational niche ,in particular on APC) which have precision in the order of some hundred of meters and can operate only after that sniper has shoot ?
If you want to know on what principle work the system you can read at pag 26 of this Borderpol journal of 2006 by Nikoai N. Slipshenko.
Naturally the system offered since 2006 is that
allowed for export (capable anyway to save the President Chavez's life), the main improvement presented at the show is its integration with the new ORSIS T-5000 sniper rifle and its new DH 5-20×56 scope to allow the authomatic cueing toward the enemy sniper or ATGM team's position for the pre-emptive neutralization.