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    Russian Stealth Technology


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    Russian Stealth Technology - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Stealth Technology

    Post  Singular_Transform Wed May 31, 2017 8:16 pm

    havok wrote:

    I understand that people in this forum either seeks to diminish US accomplishment or ride the coattails of the same, but the reality is that absolutely %100 of the credit for the development of low radar observability platforms belongs to the US.

    It is not correct definition.

    The US always targeted "air invulnerability".

    First it was the height, after that the speed, finally the low observability.

    The CCCP strategical direction was different from the beginning, they wanted to protect own country / area.

    Due to that the type of aircraft that the US riding at the moment never was a priority for the CCCP.

    Ufimtsev developed his methods to design better radards for air defence systems : )

    US military doctrine is to be capable to attack any country any time, and to be able to bomb back to the stone age the civilian infrastructure and to kill enough civilian to force the country to accept the US conditions.


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    Russian Stealth Technology - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Stealth Technology

    Post  GarryB Thu Jun 01, 2017 12:01 pm

    but the reality is that absolutely %100 of the credit for the development of low radar observability platforms belongs to the US.

    Hahahahaha... no such thing as absolute... especially with reality, which is 30% not real anyway.

    Stealing Russian technology to make a really expensive technology is certainly 100% US.... there is nothing that is actually US invented... from your rocket technology from Germany to your British Tank armour and german main battle tank guns, through to your Belgian designed machine guns and then claiming it to be American.

    Stealth is as American as Mexico or Peru. Razz

    America didn't even invent the language they use...
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    Russian Stealth Technology - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Stealth Technology

    Post  [ F l a n k e d ] Fri Jun 02, 2017 3:20 pm

    havok wrote:
    %100 of the credit for the development of low radar observability platforms belongs to the US.

    Sure, if self-congratulatory statements make you sleep better at night, be my guest. welcome

    It is certainly characteristic of the US MIC to consistently come up with new ways to defraud those it pretends to protect.
    First the craptor, the zumwalt and then this...
    Russian Stealth Technology - Page 3 F3510

    With "protectors" like these, taxpayers won't be needing any enemies.

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    Russian Stealth Technology - Page 3 Empty Lost Russian technology

    Post  Swgman_BK Tue Mar 01, 2022 2:07 am

    I read about stealth jets and the Soviet Union's involvement in that. I read that the Soviets developed Plasma stealth by using Microwaves to create ionized gas infront of the radar on a jet so its emmissions are down to 0. How good was the idea? Was it viable? What about IRST? Won't IRST easily pickup the heat from the plasma?

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    Russian Stealth Technology - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Stealth Technology

    Post  Atmosphere Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:35 am

    Soviets played around with stealth jets and decided it was not worth it some time ago. Then once technology got better they wanted to exploit stealth but with the economy at that time being how it was they couldn't.
    Plasma stealth was used on prototype missiles but those never came to be due to economy.
    Hypersonic vehicles like avangard have a natural plasma hood.
    IRST picks up heat but its still way better than being visible to ABM radars.

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    Russian Stealth Technology - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Stealth Technology

    Post  GarryB Tue Mar 01, 2022 6:00 am

    Generating a field of plasma artificially in front of an aircraft is almost impossible without generating it naturally with very high flight speed.

    Having antenna in front of a fighter or transport or bomber aircraft would not create a depth of plasma deep enough to have a useful effect against all frequencies.

    AFAIK most of the work ended up filling the nosecone of a fighter with a bag of exotic gasses.

    The front nosecone on a fighter or bomber is largely empty so if you place a large bag with exotic gasses inside it and pass a powerful electric current through it it can easily create a persistent plasma cloud absorbing radio energy in every wavelength... which is handy because the radar antenna in the nose of a fighter or bomber aircraft is a big reflector of radio wavelengths at the best of times.

    When the plasma is turned on the radar would be off and could not receive radar signals so it is not something you would leave on all the time because it renders your radar useless.

    The Radar consumes a lot of electrical power so powering the plasma bag should not be a problem when the radar is off, but when the radar is on and either transmitting or just listening then the plasma bag would be off to avoid effecting the signal.

    Being inside the radome there is no chance of it blowing away in the slipstream, and being exotic gasses it just needs an electrical current to create plasma it doesn't need to be warmer than room temperature.

    Have you ever seen a plasma globe toy thing?

    It uses an electric current.... high voltage but low current to make pretty lightning effects in a glass ball filled with exotic gasses.

    AFAIK is can also be used in the nosecone of missiles to reduce RCS in every radar frequency too.

    The Soviets knew the west didn't have an IADS system.... the west is about attack and invasion and not defence so stealth could be as simple as just flying very low while fast aircraft fly high and shoot down AWACS and JSTARS battle management aircraft at long range.

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    Russian Stealth Technology - Page 3 Empty Re: Russian Stealth Technology

    Post  George1 Tue Mar 01, 2022 3:20 pm

    Swgman_BK wrote:I read about stealth jets and the Soviet Union's involvement in that. I read that the Soviets developed Plasma stealth by using Microwaves to create ionized gas infront of the radar on a jet so its emmissions are down to 0. How good was the idea? Was it viable? What about IRST? Won't IRST easily pickup the heat from the plasma?

    introduce ypurself pls here:

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