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    International Robot progress and development


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    Post  berhoum Fri Feb 03, 2017 8:12 pm

    Boston Dynamics continues its searches(researches) with robots electric bipeds:


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    Post  berhoum Sun Feb 05, 2017 5:42 pm

    And here is maintaining "SpotMini".  Great robot passes everywhere, almost intelligent  affraid


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    Post  berhoum Fri Feb 10, 2017 1:50 pm

    Pyrène, the new robot humanoid...

    International Robot progress and development Pyrene_blanc_0

    Un nouveau robot humanoïde baptisé Pyrène fait son entrée aujourd’hui au CNRS, le dotant d’une nouvelle génération de plateformes de recherche avancée en robotique.

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    Post  George1 Tue Dec 28, 2021 2:53 pm

    Ameca, the world’s most advanced humanoid android fitted with cutting-edge AI, wants you to keep your hands to yourself.

    Developed by UK-based tech company Engineered Arts, the robot has been called the ‘future face of robotics’ and ‘the perfect humanoid robot platform for human-robot interaction.’ One video provided by the engineers shows the robot reacting as things enter its ‘personal space.’ According to the developers, even they were ‘freaked out’ by the machine’s behavior.

    Serious question: If robots now have ‘personal space’, isn’t it technically androidal space? The ethics here seem to be getting blurry.


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    Post  miketheterrible Tue Dec 28, 2021 3:28 pm

    How is that considered smart or advanced? An SJW robot? Anyway, it uses sensors and a camera to determine a distance of an object and the type of object so it uses pre defined code to make the conclusion that its space is being violated.

    This isn't smart nor creative. It's about as smart as a tesla car.

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    Post  kvs Tue Dec 28, 2021 5:09 pm

    Real robotics advances for example are drones that can plot their own route and optimize their task without any operator intervention.
    Americans require two operators to fly the same class of military drone that in Russia requires only one who only gives tactical directives
    and the drone flies itself.

    The "AI" in drones is the same problem as in androids. Software that operates autonomously and adapts to unpredictable situations.
    Maybe it is not self aware like Skynet, but NATzO is hardly putting out anything approaching this level.

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