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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers


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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Podlodka77 Sat Jan 08, 2022 3:33 pm

    2021 number on surface fleet are rookie numbers, horrible.
    But 2022 will be very good by RuN standards.

    From what I understand Russia is playing catch-up on reserch and development gap between 1990-2010, when they ran on absolute zeroes.
    Maybe after early 2030s RuN will put its bigboy pants (with many destroyers and frigates come in). RnD fruit usually takes over 1 or 2 decades to kick in.[/quote]

    1. Larger frigates (destroyers) and nuclear powered destroyers ; Those "bigboys" will be built in Severnaya Werf (only 22350 and 22350M) shipyard and probably in Amur shipyard. But if thay really want a larger nuclear powered destroyer than everything changes and construction of those destroyers will be handed over to the Balitc shipyard and in my opinion to Zvezda shipyard.
    2. Aircraft carriers; Sevmash and Zvezda, or Sevmash together with Baltic shipyard, because one part of the ship could be built in Sevmash and the second part of the ship could be built in the Baltic shipyard. But i think that aircraft carrier construction in the Northern part of Russia will be trusted to Sevmash, especially when construction of 955A class submarines ends. Zvezda shipyard in the russian far east is becoming larger and larger and only large military ships will be built there.

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Big_Gazza Sun Jan 09, 2022 2:30 am

    Podlodka77 wrote:From what I understand Russia is playing catch-up on reserch and development gap between 1990-2010, when they ran on absolute zeroes.

    IMHO I don't believe that is true. From where I sit (as a non-Russian speaker living in a Western country) it seemed that Russia reduced its military procurement and maintenance down to virtually zero, and abandoned those bases, ships, subs etc which were not considered to be part of a group of elite assets, but they allocated what funds they did have into preserving the military R&D capabilities as much as they could. Strategic weapons, missile tech, hypersonics, anti-aircraft and anti-missile defense, submarines, EW/ECM, directed energy, new generation fighter aircraft and tanks. Russia military tech in these areas is 1st class cutting edge, often with "no analogs in the world" to borrow a well-used phrase Laughing

    Russia has successfully modernised their nuclear weapons capability to where it is probably the most modern in the world, more so than the US that still relies on CW-vintage missile tech. Now that the economy has recovered and the new generation weapons & systems have been proven they are cranking up on procurement and rebuilding their conventional forces. All things considered, I think Russia has done a very good job on preserving its hard-power capabilities, and judging by the whining coming from Washington and Brussels, it looks like the Seppostani Imperium and its Euro-faggot servants know it too!! Laughing russia

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  lancelot Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:35 am

    If we are talking about the surface fleet yes there was a huge lag where little development took place. Other than the Neustrashimyy-class little happened and that was a late Soviet design. I think much like what happened with the air transport fleet, they tried to rely on Ukraine for way longer than they should have. But given limited resources I think they focused on the right things. The strategic deterrent. There were just too many outstanding tasks to do all at the same time when several military industrial capabilities suddenly were outside of Russian territory.

    The fact is if we look at the US Navy the ship designs it has in service aren't particularly new either. The main issue with the Soviet designs was they were obsolete in that they weren't as multi-role capable because of lack of UVLS cells and more obsolete electronics. Plus the ships with boilers in the power plant didn't turn out to be such a great idea in hindsight and most of them have been dropped. The technology is different enough from the rest of the engines used by the military to cause substantial headaches.

    The Admiral Gorshkov class frigate is a giant leap ahead in comparison of anything they had before and is even more capable than their previous largest 10000 ton ships. It only has less anti-air cells than the missile cruisers but it can quad pack shorter range missiles in one cell and it can do simultaneous launches because it doesn't have the revolver style launchers.

    In terms of displacement the 22350 will supersede their frigates and the 22350M will supersede the destroyers. In terms of mission they are a lot more capable and the 22350M should be more capable in all aspects than the older cruisers. The Leader battlecruiser, or whatever they make in that class, I hope they do make it nuclear powered. Given available Russian nuclear power industry and existing capabilities it will be much easier to make such a ship than it would be for, say, the US. A 10000ton nuclear powered vessel would be enough to replace all previous battlecruisers and cruisers in terms of tonnage and have at least twice the capability with new systems. It should outmatch anything the US can put to sea.

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:29 am

    I wrote here already that most weakest link in russian military complex is Severnaya Werf. Everyone from you here has heard about russian navy blog NAVY KORABEL and some of you have shared some links from that blog. And owner of that NAVY KORABEL (Флот открытого океана) blog has published how bad is the situation in that shipyard.

    Достаточно сказать, что корвет "Стойкий" (четвёртый заказ пр. 20380 и третий пр. 20380 мод. II) полным водоизмещением 2 350 тонн строился 7,7 года (из них на стапеле − 5,5 лет). Для сравнения: несоизмеримо более сложные РПКСН "Князь Владимир" и "Князь Олег" (первый и второй корабли пр. 955А, Dнадв около 14 700 тонн) были переданы ВМФ через 7,9 и 7,4 года после закладки.
    Вспоминается фраза, в которой объединены мнения двух людей, хорошо знакомых с Северной верфью: "Мой друг, работавший на СВ несколько десятилетий и достигший высоких должностей, сказал: "СВ можно исправить, если только ВСЁ выжечь огнемётом". Не мои слова. Я эту верфь и людей знаю 45 лет и с его словами согласен. Разве что несколько человек из огня вытащил бы. Но насчёт завода − согласен"
    Разумеется, огнемёт здесь − гипербола, но необходимость тотальной чистки предприятия несомненна. Простая замена генерального директора не даст результата − заводская "мафия" легко подомнёт его под себя. Менять ("выжигать") надо всё руководство − гендиректора, всех его замов, главного инженера, главного технолога (его-то уж точно), главного экономиста, главбуха, начальников цехов и отделов. Их места должны занять совершенно новые люди, набранные по конкурсу типа "Лидеры России" с обязательным представлением бизнес-плана по радикальному увеличению производительности верфи (сокращению срока постройки кораблей класса "фрегат" до 4-5 лет). Иначе от нового эллинга пользы будет мало.

    It is suffice to say that "Stoykiy" (fourth in a row, project 20380 and third serial corvette of project 20380 modification 2) with full hull displacement of 2350 tons was in construction for 7,7 years (5,5 years from that period in a slipyard). For a pure comparison disporportionately more complexed SSBN submarines Knyaz Vladimir and Knyaz Oleg (first and second 955A submarines, surface displacement is at 14700 tons) were handed over to the navy in 7,9 years and 7,4 years after thay were laid down.
    He wrote; I will tell you a frase in which opinions of twoo people, well known to Severnaya Werf; "My friend who is a worker on Severnaya Werf in the past few decades and which is now reached high office, he told me; Severnaya Werf is possible to correct only if someone burns it to the ground. Those are not my words. I know that shipyard and people who work there for 45 years and i agree with his words.
    Of course, fire on the ship (Prvovorniy) means that complete cleaning of shipyard is necessary. To fire only managing director will not give result, because shipyard "mafia" will easily rise again and everything will be the same. It is necessary to fire out complete leadrship of Severnaya Werf shipyard; managing director and all of his deputies, main engineer, chief technologist (especially him), head accountant, head of the slipyard. On their places should come completely new people, chosen by type competition "Liders of Russia" with obligation to present a plan for radicaly enlargement of construction in that shipyard and (shortening the deadline for frigate constuction in 4 - 5 years). As regards for new workshop that is in construction it will be of little use if leadership is not replaced.

    My opinion, unrelated to NAVY KORABEL; And yes, i dont think that Admiral Golovko will be handed over to the Russian navy in this year and Admiral Isakov will be commissioned no earlier than in 2024. In that time SEVMASH will deliver to RN no less than 6 to 7 submarines.

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Arrow Sun Jan 09, 2022 8:57 am

    Podlodka77 wrote:. Zvezda shipyard in the russian far east is becoming larger and larger and only large military ships will be built there.

    Zvezda builds civilian ships. Mainly gas carriers etc. and powerful Lider icebreakers. They have a lot of orders. It is not known whether they will be building something there for the navy scratch

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:03 am

    Arrow wrote:
    Podlodka77 wrote:. Zvezda shipyard in the russian far east is becoming larger and larger and only large military ships will be built there.

    Zvezda builds civilian ships.  Mainly gas carriers etc. and powerful Lider icebreakers.  They have a lot of orders.  It is not known whether they will be building something there for the navy scratch

    Zvezda is also involved in modernization of 949A Antey submarines K-132 Irkutsk and K-442 Chelyabinsk and those submarines will be improved and upgraded to 949AM standard; 28 torpedoes in torpedo compartment and 72 missiles (24 silos with 3 missiles in each silo) and in total 28 + 72 = 100 !
    Trust me, its a matter of time and that shipyard will get some contracts but only for ships with large displacement, large destroyers and aircraft carriers if Russia decides to build those floating airports - i am not a fun of those, Zvezda will be get the order for construction. Aircraft carriers are to big and to large for WW3.  In that aircraft construction "game" Sevmash will also be involved, because Sevmash has some experience with upgrading of Vikramaditya and Admiral Nakhimov is also there.
    In my words, SEVMASH is the BEAST ! I realy like those people who work in that shipyard, beacuse thay are the MOST IMPORTANT link in Russian army; multipurpose nuclear submarines, SSBN's and Poseidon carrier motherfuckers ! Wink
    Yes, i know that most people here likes fighter jets, but NO CHANCE - Yasen will make from Gerald Ford class a submarine (it will have a larger full dispacement than 941 Akula) earlier than any Sukhoi. Only twoo russian planes that have better chances to deal with US Navy are MiG-31K an Tu-22M3M, but not even close to mighty Yasen.
    I am so sure to write here that Yasen submarines are more important to Russia than any type of fighter jet - Su-57 included.

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:40 am

    МОСКВА, 9 янв – РИА Новости. Тихоокеанский флот получит в 2022 году корвет проекта 20380 "Резкий" и дизель-электрическую подводную лодку проекта 636.3 ("Варшавянка") "Магадан"

    RIA NOVOSTI, 09.01.2022; Corvette REZKIY of the project 20380 and diesel-electric submarine MAGADAN (project 636.3 Varshavyanka) will be handed over to the Russian Pacific fleet in 2022.

    *I am sure that this was RIA mistake, because B-588 UFA submarine should be handed over to Pacific fleet this year and B-602 Magadan was already commissioned three months ago.

    Last edited by Podlodka77 on Sun Jan 09, 2022 9:55 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  GarryB Sun Jan 09, 2022 12:02 pm

    Fully agree with Big Gazza, remember that Russia was not the centre of all military stuff in the Soviet Union... a lot of things were done in Soviet republics that didn't come back when the SU split, and of course the first thing they found when they split up was that a lot of their best stuff was forward deployed to face HATO and was now located in different countries.

    They had to not only prioritise funds, they had to deal with the forces they had on their territory and that meant they likely had a lot of things they neither wanted or needed, and had to reshape the forces they had at hand to best suit their needs... and then they needed to retire a lot of stuff that was no longer of value... retiring stuff often cost more than just leaving it where it was so a lot of stuff stayed on the books even though it was not actually being used, but all the while they had to look at international developments and move forward with their own technologies and upgrade equipment and systems.

    The 2008 conflict in Georgia gave them the wakeup call they needed... they realised that the west was against them and nothing they could do would change that, and when incidents happened the truth meant nothing so Georgias ridiculous claims of a Russian invasion were taken seriously in the west, so Russia could not expect help or even sympathy even when they are clearly the victim of the attack... so they had to step up.

    After conflicts in Chechnia the reputation of the Russian military in Russia was poor, and despite all their problems and issues they actually performed rather well in Georgia in 2008 against a HATO trained and equipped force that the west had high hopes for.

    The transformation since then has been astounding and the transition from groups of men where no one had pants to match their jacket, where no two soldiers had matching camo gear in a platoon, to what we see now is enormous... they weren't terrible back then... the Chechen foes they faced were formidable because they had the same training and the same equipment they had... the west has never faced such a peer enemy and would likely have collapsed against such determined enemies that were so well equipped.
    The Georgian forces were less formidable, but still an organised enemy not to be sneezed at... but over time Russia has made the right choices and the right moves.... buying French thermal imager technology, buying German digital training facilities... and when facing sanctions finished the designs and productions themselves... the equipment the Russian troops are getting now see to be top standard and still improving, yet their military budget is less than the money the UK spends each year...

    To not just retain the capability but to move forwards and be world leading in many technologies.... despite being a third world gas station that doesn't make anything... as Obama described them within the last decade...

    I don't know which is more astounding... the progress the Russians have made in every field... or the western ignorance of the Russian progress in every field...

    I am so sure to write here that Yasen submarines are more important to Russia than any type of fighter jet - Su-57 included.

    The wonderful thing is the lack of real corruption in the Russian MIC means they can afford both and much more while still managing to balance their budgets and putting money aside for a rainy day...

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Arrow Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:01 pm

    Zvezda is also involved in modernization of 949A Antey submarines K-132 Irkutsk and K-442 Chelyabinsk and those submarines will be improved and upgraded to 949AM  wrote:

    Ok yes but it's a modernization. They don't build new units and surface navy units. Zviezda is very busy, so in this decade they probably won't be building ships for the navy probably.

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    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Jan 09, 2022 7:14 pm

    Arrow wrote:

    Ok yes but it's a modernization.  They don't build new units and surface navy units.  Zviezda is very busy, so in this decade they probably won't be building ships for the navy probably.

    I dont think so at all because this decade has just begun.

    I see future of RN this way;

    1. Multipurpose nuclear submarines (Sevmash); 12 or 24 885/885 submarines if they decide not to built cheaper 545A class. This will be accomplished by the end of next decade. No less than 24 submarines.
    2. Diesel-powered submarines (Admirality shipyard); 12 for Pacific fleet, 6 677 Lada class for Northern fleet, 6 636.3 for Black sea (those will be replaced in the early 2040's with new ones) and no less than 6 submarines for Baltic fleet. This will be accomplished by the 2035.
    3. Aircraft carriers (Zvezda, Sevmash, Baltic) ; NONE, if they ask me but if thez decide to build them then 2 for Northern and 2 for Pacific fleet. No less then 3 of them could be built and commissioned before 2050 and fourth could be launched within that period.  
    4. Large amphibious ships (Zaliv) ; 2 for Northern and 2 for Pacific fleet. This will be accomplished by the 2035 or before 2040.
    5. Nuclear powered destroyers (Zvezda, Baltic and even Sevmash); 4 for Northern and 4 for Pacific fleet. Those beasts should replace all existing cruisers.
    6. 22350 frigates and enlarged frigates/destroyers of 22350M class (Severnaya Werf, Yantar, Amur and some other shipyard maybe) ; no less than 6 for Northern fleet, no less than 6 for Pacific fleet, 6 for Baltic fleet and 3 for Black sea (because 11356 class of frigates could be modernized in the future). This will be accomplished by the end of next decade.
    7. Corvettes (Severnaya Werf, Amur and maybe some other shipyard as well) ; No less than 30; 6 20385 corvettes for Northern fleet, 6 20385 corvettes are planned and 6 20380 for Pacific fleet, 6 for Black sea fleet and 6 corvettes for Baltic fleet.
    8. Landing ships (Yantar and some shipyard in the Black sea) ; 4 for NF, 4 for PF, 4 for BSF, and 4 for Baltic fleet.
    9. POSEIDON submarines (Sevmash) ; 4 or 5 in total split between Northern and Pacific fleet.
    10. Borei class (Sevmash); 12 or 14 split between NF and PF.

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Krepost Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:12 am

    Podlodka77 wrote:МОСКВА, 9 янв – РИА Новости. Тихоокеанский флот получит в 2022 году корвет проекта 20380 "Резкий" и дизель-электрическую подводную лодку проекта 636.3 ("Варшавянка") "Магадан"

    RIA NOVOSTI, 09.01.2022; Corvette REZKIY of the project 20380 and diesel-electric submarine MAGADAN (project 636.3 Varshavyanka) will be handed over to the Russian Pacific fleet in 2022.

    *I am sure that this was RIA mistake, because B-588 UFA submarine should be handed over to Pacific fleet this year and B-602 Magadan was already commissioned three months ago.

    You did not undestand them correctly.

    Yes, MAGADAN is commissioned into the Navy. But it is still in the Baltic Sea. It will be in the Pacific later on this year.

    UFA will be commissioned in the Navy this year. Again, it will stay in the Baltic Sea for a while. It will be probably make the voyage to the Pacific in 2023.

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Krepost Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:21 am

    Podlodka77 wrote:I wrote here already that most weakest link in russian military complex is Severnaya Werf. Everyone from you here has heard about russian navy blog NAVY KORABEL and some of you have shared some links from that blog. And owner of that NAVY KORABEL (Флот открытого океана) blog has published how bad is the situation in that shipyard.

    Достаточно сказать, что корвет "Стойкий" (четвёртый заказ пр. 20380 и третий пр. 20380 мод. II) полным водоизмещением 2 350 тонн строился 7,7 года (из них на стапеле − 5,5 лет). Для сравнения: несоизмеримо более сложные РПКСН "Князь Владимир" и "Князь Олег" (первый и второй корабли пр. 955А, Dнадв около 14 700 тонн) были переданы ВМФ через 7,9 и 7,4 года после закладки.
    Вспоминается фраза, в которой объединены мнения двух людей, хорошо знакомых с Северной верфью: "Мой друг, работавший на СВ несколько десятилетий и достигший высоких должностей, сказал: "СВ можно исправить, если только ВСЁ выжечь огнемётом". Не мои слова. Я эту верфь и людей знаю 45 лет и с его словами согласен. Разве что несколько человек из огня вытащил бы. Но насчёт завода − согласен"
    Разумеется, огнемёт здесь − гипербола, но необходимость тотальной чистки предприятия несомненна. Простая замена генерального директора не даст результата − заводская "мафия" легко подомнёт его под себя. Менять ("выжигать") надо всё руководство − гендиректора, всех его замов, главного инженера, главного технолога (его-то уж точно), главного экономиста, главбуха, начальников цехов и отделов. Их места должны занять совершенно новые люди, набранные по конкурсу типа "Лидеры России" с обязательным представлением бизнес-плана по радикальному увеличению производительности верфи (сокращению срока постройки кораблей класса "фрегат" до 4-5 лет). Иначе от нового эллинга пользы будет мало.

    It is suffice to say that "Stoykiy" (fourth in a row, project 20380 and third serial corvette of project 20380 modification 2) with full hull displacement of 2350 tons was in construction for 7,7 years (5,5 years from that period in a slipyard). For a pure comparison disporportionately more complexed SSBN submarines Knyaz Vladimir and Knyaz Oleg (first and second 955A submarines, surface displacement is at 14700 tons) were handed over to the navy in 7,9 years and 7,4 years after thay were laid down.
    He wrote; I will tell you a frase in which opinions of two people, well known to Severnaya Werf; "My friend who is a worker on Severnaya Werf in the past few decades and which is now reached high office, he told me; Severnaya Werf is possible to correct only if someone burns it to the ground. Those are not my words. I know that shipyard and people who work there for 45 years and i agree with his words.
    Of course, fire on the ship (Prvovorniy) means that complete cleaning of shipyard is necessary. To fire only managing director will not give result, because shipyard "mafia" will easily rise again and everything will be the same. It is necessary to fire out complete leadrship of Severnaya Werf shipyard; managing director and all of his deputies, main engineer, chief technologist (especially him), head accountant, head of the slipyard. On their places should come completely new people, chosen by type competition "Liders of Russia" with obligation to present a plan for radicaly enlargement of construction in that shipyard and (shortening the deadline for frigate constuction in 4 - 5 years). As regards for new workshop that is in construction it will be of little use if leadership is not replaced.

    My opinion, unrelated to NAVY KORABEL; And yes, i dont think that Admiral Golovko will be handed over to the Russian navy in this year and Admiral Isakov will be commissioned no earlier than in 2024. In that time SEVMASH will deliver to RN no less than 6 to 7 submarines.

    Too much venom in that quote.
    I suspect personal animosity between people etc.
    I am sure there are a lot of problems at Severnaya. But that quote is stretching things too much.
    I would take it with a grain (or a bucket) of salt.

    Few years ago, we were hearing the same kind of negative rhetoric about Sevmash and Amur for the loooong time it took them to complete vessels. Now everybody is praising them for the good job they are doing.

    Don't believe everything you read on blogs and forums.

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Podlodka77 Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:31 am

    Too much venom in that quote.
    I suspect personal animosity between people etc.
    I am sure there are a lot of problems at Severnaya. But that quote is stretching things too much.
    I would take it with a grain (or a bucket) of salt.

    Few years ago, we were hearing the same kind of negative rhetoric about Sevmash and Amur for the loooong time it took them to complete vessels. Now everybody is praising them for the good job they are doing.

    Don't believe everything you read on blogs and forums.[/quote]

    To be honest i agree with you but they have no excuses no more.

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Big_Gazza Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:40 am

    lancelot wrote:Plus the ships with boilers in the power plant didn't turn out to be such a great idea in hindsight and most of them have been dropped. The technology is different enough from the rest of the engines used by the military to cause substantial headaches.

    I think you're referring to the 956 Sovremenny class? IIRC, they went with boilers and steam turbines because of production bottlenecks of MGTs.  The 1155 Udaloys got priority for being ASW vessels and therefore intended to combat USB boomers, so the 956s had to settle for steam propulsion in order to meet the required build rate.

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    Post  GarryB Mon Jan 10, 2022 12:00 pm

    They went with different propulsion systems for the Sovs and Udaloys because each ship had totally different missions and their propulsion systems were optimised for their different roles.

    The size of the main anti ship missile (4.5 ton Moskit) and the size of the main anti sub missile (Metel) meant only cruisers could carry sufficient numbers of both, so destroyers had to have one or the other, though they both had depth charges and torpedo tubes so they had secondary weapons to defend themselves...

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Krepost Mon Jan 10, 2022 8:28 pm

    Meanwhile, the construction of the modified pr. 21180 icebreaker YEVPATY KOLOVRAT continues at full pace at Almaz shipyard.
    Ship will be handed over to Navy this year.

    Here is how it looked like in December 2021.
    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 08-10210

    Here is a recent photo. The mast is now fully installed.
    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 10-10312

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    Post  marcellogo Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:10 am

    Podlodka77 wrote:
    Arrow wrote:

    Ok yes but it's a modernization.  They don't build new units and surface navy units.  Zviezda is very busy, so in this decade they probably won't be building ships for the navy probably.

    I dont think so at all because this decade has just begun.

    I see future of RN this way;

    1. Multipurpose nuclear submarines (Sevmash); 12 or 24 885/885 submarines if they decide not to built cheaper 545A class. This will be accomplished by the end of next decade. No less than 24 submarines.
    2. Diesel-powered submarines (Admirality shipyard); 12 for Pacific fleet, 6 677 Lada class for Northern fleet, 6 636.3 for Black sea (those will be replaced in the early 2040's with new ones) and no less than 6 submarines for Baltic fleet. This will be accomplished by the 2035.
    3. Aircraft carriers (Zvezda, Sevmash, Baltic) ; NONE, if they ask me but if thez decide to build them then 2 for Northern and 2 for Pacific fleet. No less then 3 of them could be built and commissioned before 2050 and fourth could be launched within that period.  
    4. Large amphibious ships (Zaliv) ; 2 for Northern and 2 for Pacific fleet. This will be accomplished by the 2035 or before 2040.
    5. Nuclear powered destroyers (Zvezda, Baltic and even Sevmash); 4 for Northern and 4 for Pacific fleet. Those beasts should replace all existing cruisers.
    6. 22350 frigates and enlarged frigates/destroyers of 22350M class (Severnaya Werf, Yantar, Amur and some other shipyard maybe) ; no less than 6 for Northern fleet, no less than 6 for Pacific fleet, 6 for Baltic fleet and 3 for Black sea (because 11356 class of frigates could be modernized in the future). This will be accomplished by the end of next decade.
    7. Corvettes (Severnaya Werf, Amur and maybe some other shipyard as well) ; No less than 30; 6 20385 corvettes for Northern fleet, 6 20385 corvettes are planned and 6 20380 for Pacific fleet, 6 for Black sea fleet and 6 corvettes for Baltic fleet.
    8. Landing ships (Yantar and some shipyard in the Black sea) ; 4 for NF, 4 for PF, 4 for BSF, and 4 for Baltic fleet.
    9. POSEIDON submarines (Sevmash) ; 4 or 5 in total split between Northern and Pacific fleet.
    10. Borei class (Sevmash); 12 or 14 split between NF and PF.

    Allow me to reply on this:

    Submarines have an added advantage for Russia: Us is quite stuck with them as during the last decades only a few of them have been built (3 Seawolf and 19 Virginia) and production of the Virginia has not ramped up until very recently, so actually they have already a productive advantage there.
    In the meantime this is a category of military vessels China has a difficulty with, while in surface combatant it is actually producing like crazy.
    So, keep on producing them in the larger possible number as US wouldn't/cannot come in par with them.
    About Carrier the main thing is to found the right size for them: both Russia than China doesn't need to base their navies on large Strike Carriers but instead to find a way to have ship large enough to serve their respective fleets instead of act as a sort of magnet, bonding the great part of their own fleet to serve them i.e. assure their protection and in meantime absorbing so large part of resources to cripple the development of the fleet as a whole.
    On such a matter, let me talk about my own country's Navy.
    You have already posted about it in another thread, citing the Cavour and Trieste (and let me add the wondrous little Garibaldi).
    Here I would not change them with a Richelieu or a Queen Elizabeth, not even if this could be possible free of any charge.

    Exactly for the reason above: they have drained such an amount of resources from their own navy budget to leave them half baked and will absorb the most assets of their fleet to ensure their own self protection to leave them crippled in all the rest.
    My own Navy is actually living a renaissance, sending out new ships like a crazy and with a much lesser budget than them, just because it has not fallen into such a trap.

    Idea : IMHO Type 075 and Ivan Rogov could be evolved into drone carriers, able to launch AEW drones and sent out coupled with Type 055 and future Leader class superdestroyer and some frigates in small task forces  all around the world every time USA want to "bring democracy" somewhere or just to force them into sending out their own massive Carrier Wing groups to follow them, costing them to became bankrupt even without taking a single shot.

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty Re: Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers

    Post  Krepost Tue Jan 11, 2022 1:42 am

    Ivan Rogov will be everything.
    It will carry:
    - Multiple types of UAVs (including strike drones)
    - Multiple types of helicopters (including Anti-submarine, Anti-surface, Transport, Early warning radar equipped, Elint, Jamming etc)
    - Landing craft of various types

    It will be a truly multi-purpose ships capable of the following:
    - Command and control
    - Anti-submarine
    - Anti-ship
    - Land attack
    - Amphibious warfare (landings)
    - Emergency situations (hospital ship and/or evacuation ship)
    - Prompt weapons delivery ship (helicopters and other weapons to friendly shores)

    It will also have significant self-defense capabilities (Naval Pantsir is almost a certainty + God knows what else)

    Now, while all the above is certain, the following is speculation from my part:
    It may in the future also carry Short take-off airplanes of different types (if they ever get developed).

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    Post  SeigSoloyvov Tue Jan 11, 2022 3:32 am

    It's stated to be able to carry 4 drones and 21 choppers, it will not be carrying large quantities as you think let alone all those types at once, its a landing ship, not a carrier.......

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    Post  Mir Tue Jan 11, 2022 6:12 am

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:It's stated to be able to carry 4 drones and 21 choppers, it will not be carrying large quantities as you think let alone all those types at once, its a landing ship, not a carrier.......

    It's clear that it will be a more multi-role ship and the air units can be adjusted to suit the requirements. The next batch will likely be even larger.

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    Post  tanino Wed Jan 12, 2022 9:32 am

    The transformation since then has been astounding and the transition from groups of men where no one had pants to match their jacket, where no two soldiers had matching camo gear in a platoon, to what we see now is enormous... they weren't terrible back then... the Chechen foes they faced were formidable because they had the same training and the same equipment they had... the west has never faced such a peer enemy and would likely have collapsed against such determined enemies that were so well equipped.
    The Georgian forces were less formidable, but still an organised enemy not to be sneezed at... but over time Russia has made the right choices and the right moves.... buying French thermal imager technology, buying German digital training facilities... and when facing sanctions finished the designs and productions themselves... the equipment the Russian troops are getting now see to be top standard and still improving, yet their military budget is less than the money the UK spends each year...

    To not just retain the capability but to move forwards and be world leading in many technologies.... despite being a third world gas station that doesn't make anything... as Obama described them within the last decade...

    I don't know which is more astounding... the progress the Russians have made in every field... or the western ignorance of the Russian progress in every field...

    GarryB for president.

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    Post  ALAMO Wed Jan 12, 2022 10:24 am

    The problem with 080808 is, that people mostly combine the whole strength of the 58th Army versus the Georgian one making any judgments.
    And that is not the case.
    Forces Russian used to intervene in Ossetia had no number advantage over Georgians, and what is even more interesting - they can be considered less equipped.
    While Russians run into battle using vanilla T-72BW, Georgians had T-72SIM-1.
    Where Russians were using 2S1 Gvozdika - Georgians had a really impressive Czechoslovakian Dana SPG.
    Georgians had more modern communication tools either.
    Tie Eater was preparing his orcs for this war for years, with a waste supply of US led advisory, equipment deliveries, and intense training.
    Still, they have been broken like a wooden stick as soon as Russian tanks rolled into Tskhinvali.
    What makes it actually even more impressive, that the difference is something you can't calculate - spirit.
    While Georgians proved to be formidable warriors in history, this part was obviously lacking in Saakas operetta forces...

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    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 Empty We will se what will happen and most annoying and confusing thing is that with Ulyanovsk submarine,

    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:23 pm

    Scorpius wrote:Construction of warships of the main classes as of 1.01.2022:
    Russian Naval Construction Plans and Numbers - Page 20 178382_original
    Frigates under the project 22350 are currently being built 6 units and 2 more will be laid this year.

    In total, by 2030, the RuNavy should receive 27 surface and 29 underwater warships. At the same time, the table does not take into account submarines with a displacement of less than 1000 tons and surface ships with a displacement of less than 2000 tons.

    We will se what will happen and most annoying and confusing thing is that with Ulyanovsk submarine, because TASS has published earlier that Ulyanovsk will be a 09851 or 09853 class sub. It could be true because the first submarine of that class (Habarovsk) was laid down long time ago and THAT COULD also mean that some submarines of 885M (or laid down as 885m) project will actually be Poseidon carriers. HABAROVSK will not be the last submarine of that class.
    If that fro Ulyanovsk is true i will be disappointed and there is no statement in which the Russian Ministry of Defense denies that information. It has long been known that the Russians are planning more submarines of the 09851 project, so it will be officially announced that the construction of 885M submarines has begun, although in the end it will be the 09851 project.
    The construction of multi-purpose submarines must become a priority, because over the next decade most of Project 971's submarines will go out of service. Sevmash is not a problem thats for sure.
    As for the 22350 project I think all the ships of that project will be delivered later than shown in the list for one or twoo more years. There is still no progress and it all depends on how difficult the tests will be with new russian built turbines. Severnaya has also problems with twoo 20380 (twoo ships in construction from 2015) class corvettes, Prvovorniy, and 20386.

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    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:44 pm

    Ulyanovsk is Yasen-class not Khabarovsk

    Can we please stop with this bullshit already?

    One journalists was being illiterate retard and now suddenly his word is a gospel?

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    Post  Podlodka77 Sun Jan 16, 2022 3:54 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Ulyanovsk is Yasen-class not Khabarovsk

    Can we please stop with this bullshit already?

    One journalists was being illiterate retard and now suddenly his word is a gospel?

    Are you sure it was a mistake ?
    Yes, TASS makes mistakes like every other news agency but they make far fewer mistakes than others.
    Russian MOD did not deny that announcement.
    Khabarovsk will most likely not be the last submarine of the 09851 project, so the Russians may be building additional submarines of that project under the "mask" of the 885M project. Laid down as 885M for public but constructed and delivered as 09851 project submarine. Could that be true ? Yes.

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