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par far
Odin of Ossetia
The Ottoman
Hannibal Barca
57 posters

    Syrian War: News #11


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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Fri Feb 17, 2017 7:05 pm

    calm wrote:They captured Hospital, nothing more.

    Operation to liberate al-Bab from Daesh terrorists has been completed, troops working to clear mines, Gen. Akar says   lol1


    EuphratesShield forces withdrew from their positions in N. districts of Al-Bab, back to Northern farms ~600 m away.
    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 C431Kv5W8AARL9jSyrian War: News #11 - Page 35 C431PeuWYAI9s88

    Turks/FSA lost control of al-Shehabi farms located at fhe northern entrance of al-Bab
    The Turkish Army and their rebel rejects have lost more territory in Al-Bab; they are on the verge of losing everything they gained
    What's worse is that the Turkish regime told civilians from Al-Bab to return home

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  KoTeMoRe Fri Feb 17, 2017 7:48 pm

    calm wrote:
    calm wrote:They captured Hospital, nothing more.

    Operation to liberate al-Bab from Daesh terrorists has been completed, troops working to clear mines, Gen. Akar says   lol1


    EuphratesShield forces withdrew from their positions in N. districts of Al-Bab, back to Northern farms ~600 m away.
    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 C431Kv5W8AARL9jSyrian War: News #11 - Page 35 C431PeuWYAI9s88

    Turks/FSA lost control of al-Shehabi farms located at fhe northern entrance of al-Bab
    The Turkish Army and their rebel rejects have lost more territory in Al-Bab; they are on the verge of losing everything they gained
    What's worse is that the Turkish regime told civilians from Al-Bab to return home[/quote]

    3 vehicles hit by ATGM about 10 KIA would do that.

    IS does the usual.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  eehnie Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:02 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:
    eehnie wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:Can we all agree that Russia shouldn't negotiate with Israel and should fund hezbollah since it's fighting against al qaeda, while the pissrael is aiding it and killing civilians additionally on its own?

    Israel is non belligerent country towards Russia. A reliable partner all things considered and given the average rating.

    Hezbollah is pro Iranian group. They should receive funding from Iran. Same Iran that keeps trying to screw Russia over, from airliner sales to Hamadan base and Tartus lease, even though they were supposed to be allies.

    I say Russia should keep doing same thing they have been doing so far: staying out of stupid, irrelevant crap that they have no use of.

    Oh yes... very reliable WTF... Unfortunate us having to read here too pro Israeli propaganda, when we live in a world where more than 130 countries recognize officially Palestine as a country. Including Russia for the record.

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Palestine_recognition_only

    Israel is not belligerant country towards Russia. And Israel attacks not Syria.

    You contributed properly PapaDragon. One more saying: Present! in the defense of the interests of Israel.

    With some rare exceptions, those who recognize Palestine are piss poor pathetic countries, while those who do not recognize it, are usually wealthy influential countries.

    "Those who bless Israel are blessed, those who curse Israel are cursed."

    I wonder if there is actually lots of truth to it.

    I think taking on God is a bit too much. angel

    There are exceptions on both sides, but that is clearly a general pattern.

    lol, what a nut comment

    the patern would be more like anglos&puppets / rest of the world

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  KoTeMoRe Fri Feb 17, 2017 8:49 pm

    Pretty wild attack from IS Arty half battery of D-30's on a support wing of T4 airbase. 3 hits on ammo and personnel. Video is reminiscent of mortar strike performed by alleged Turkish advisors on SAA in Aleppo. No snackbaring.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Sat Feb 18, 2017 10:43 am

    Defeat of the Turks at outskirts of Al Bab.

    New numbers
    497 rebels dead , 1800+ wounded since beginning of ES op. 70 + Turkish soldiers dead with around 386+ wounded.

    Syria - Turks Fail To Take Al-Bab - "Rebels" Die In Infighting

    This week the Turkish President Erdogan visited the Gulf states. He asked for bigger investment in Turkey and for cash for his project to occupy more parts of Syria. A week ago Erodgan had claimed:

    “Al-Bab is about to be captured. Manbij and Raqqah are next,” Erdogan said, adding their number one priority was to form a safe zone in the country.
    This week he brought his Army Chief of Staff Arak to the Gulf to declare victory. Several Erdogan friendly media outlets in Turkey (any other left?) reported:

    Operation Euphrates Shield has entered a new phase in al-Bab, as the offensive stage is over now that the town has largely been recaptured from Daesh.
    The operation in al-Bab is over," Chief of General Staff Hulusi Akar said at a press conference in Qatar on Wednesday during President Recep Tayyip Erdoğan's trip to Gulf countries.

    Silence now dominates the area that was once scene to heavy clashes. Turkish tanks patrol al-Bab's streets and the Syrian opposition has pressed a major advance.

    That claim was a huge lie. While Turkish forces had earlier taken some outskirts of Al-Bab and claimed to own 40% of the city they were by then in stuck and later in full retreat.

    Yesterday the Turkish forces lost the Al-Hikma hospital and the automatic bakery they had earlier captured and retreated from all inner districts of Al-Bab. At least 90% of Al-Bab is still in Islamic State hands.

    Geolocated video by the Islamic State and Turkish supported forces show that the Turks were back at their starting points at the outer city limits.

    As many as 430 Syrian civilians have been killed by Turkish forces and their auxiliaries. Just last week the MI-6 sponsored Syrian Observatory said that Turkish bombing killed more than 60 in Al-Bab. It confirmed videos posted by the Islamic State which showed killed children and destroyed houses. Unlike with every death cause by fighting between Takfiris and the Syrian Army no "western" main-stream media picked up on that.

    Turkey started to invade Syria between Aleppo and Euphrates exactly six month ago. The aim was to prevent the Syrian Kurds from taking an east-to-west corridor along the Turkish border. Such would have closed off Turkey from further influence in Syria. The Turks had hired some of the Syrian "rebels" they had earlier supported to fight the Syrian government to now fight the Islamic State and the Kurds. The Takfiris of Ahrar al-Sham are their storm troopers.

    The first three month showed some rapid progress. The Islamic State was bribed to move out of the northern Syrian areas and the Turks moved in. But in December they reached Al-Bab, a city east of Aleppo with originally some 60,000 inhabitants. There resistance from the Islamic State picked up and the Turkish progress stopped. Turkish armor, often placed without cover in sight of the front line, was destroyed in mass by Islamic State anti-tank missiles. Casualties climbed and the mercenaries of the FSA refused to continue the fight.

    Casualties number so far are at least 64 Turkish soldiers killed and 386 wounded. Of the FSA auxiliaries at least 469 were killed and 1,712 wounded. A dozen main battle tanks were confirmed as lost. Sources claim that more than 30 Turkish tanks were destroyed as well as 20+ armored infantry carriers.

    The Free Syrian Army mercenaries Erdogan hired to take on the Kurds and the Islamic State are now mostly useless. They do not fight efficiently but profusely waste ammunition for spray-and-pray show offs (vid).

    To compensate for that Turkey injected its own special Forces and now has some 3,000 soldiers involved in the operation. But that did not help -  losses continued and no progress was made.

    Another 5,000 Turkish soldiers are now send (Tur) to join the operation. It was also announced that Turkey plans to erect three garrisons in Syria. On top of the eluding Al-Bab Erdogan now also wants to take the Islamic State held Raqqa and the Kurdish held Manbij.

    But who takes such announcements serious? After the alleged coup against him Erdogan kicked out every officer who was not, in his view, sufficiently loyal to him. His air-force was hurt the most. Allegedly only 0.4 qualified pilots per plane are available now instead of the regular 2-3. It takes up to a decade to train up new pilots.

    The army may be in slightly better shape but NATO's second biggest army is no longer the serious force it once was. The whole Turkish operation is in disarray. Moreover - there is no plan for the day after or any exit strategy. Decisions and announcements change from day to day.

    The current Turkish plans contradict the Astana agreements concluded with Russia, Syria and Iran. Only a short, temporary role for Turkish forces was agreed upon. Al-Bab was supposed to be taken by Syrian forces. Syria has officially protested at the UN against the Turkish invasion. But neither Syria nor Russia or Iran have started to fight the Turkish forces. "Just let the Turks bleed," seems to be their current slogan.

    Erdogan set the date for a referendum in Turkey over a new constitution. The vote in April would legalize his quasi dictatorial powers. But the quagmire in Syria and the stalemate at Al-Bab will cost him. Why choose a dictator prone to lose his fights? Unconfirmed rumors are swiveling around claiming that Erdogan is trying to bribe the Islamic State to leave Al-Bab. Such a move would fit Erdogan's motives. He needs the victory and does not shy away from otherwise illegitimate methods.

    South of Al-Bab the Syrian army is moving towards the Euphrates. It will cut off the Turkish forces path to Raqqa and Manbij. In north-east Syria formerly Turkish sponsored Takfiris fight each other. Jund al-Aqsa, allied with Islamic State, is mass killing "moderate rebels" allied with Al-Qaeda. Hundreds of "rebel" fighters and prisoners have lost their lives in such infighting.

    In the south "moderate rebels" and al-Qaeda try to attack the city of Daraa, held by regular Syrian forces. The attacks failed. Jordan closed its borders and no longer takes care of wounded "rebels". The Military Operations Room in Jordan has stopped all supplies and payments to anti-Syrian forces. Only Israel is still secretly helping them.

    Syrian government forces mop up isolated rebel strongholds near Damascus. Some Syrian army forces are moving to retake Palmyra. The east-Syrian garrison in Deir Ezzor, isolated and attacked by the Islamic State, is still holding out. Bigger operations against the Takfiris in the south and north-west are planned but the smart move now is to just sit tight and let the enemies, Takfiris as well as Turks, continue in their self destruction.

    Meanwhile south of Tadef lol1
    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 C44pz06VUAAzUd4

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  KoTeMoRe Sat Feb 18, 2017 2:51 pm

    While the TFSA has retreated Al Bab is condemned. They will lose it. Off course the best option is "let the Turk bleed". But this will also impact IS operational capability on the long term. IS is using most of its ATGM's vs Turkey. This means they will be thin when push comes from Tadmur but also for Raqqah. So better watch what you wish for.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Sun Feb 19, 2017 12:01 am

    East Aleppo, SAA vs IS.

    And this Gazelle.

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 C48EdXOWIAEUw8k

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Wed Feb 22, 2017 5:33 pm

    SDF advance so far.

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 VVT0aLA
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:26 pm

    Militarov wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    eehnie wrote:

    I need not your permission to talk. I accept not your orders. The alone mental health that you need to care about is your own mental health.

    Kind? I'm kind with who deserve it.

    Your lies are evident for everyone except you.

    What did he lie exactly?

    Please don't feed him (or do?).  I love when guys like this chime in and deliver their gems of knowledge.

    I am just genuinely curious if he has any proof of "Israeli weapons being used by ISIS". Because i have never seen any proof of that except few landmines and few cans of rusty ammunition.

    Are you fucking serious? Jewish fuckers have been supporting ISIS from the start.


    For start... southfront...really? As second, any proof for "Jewish fuckers have been supporting ISIS from the start", or its just regular trash posting you ppl like to do around here? Because i would really enjoy for once some real sources and proofs on this place.

    The video says, that Trump(really is not trump, just the neocons) were/are thinking about developing ground troops to Syria(which is nothing new).

    As for the Jews, supporting ISIS, they have been doing it from the start. They treat ISIS terrorists, in their hospitals, they bomb Syrian Army positions(they just recently bombed Syrian Troops near Damascus).

    In the Zionist owned media ISIS terrorists are not called terrorists, here the Jews are saving ISIS terrorists.

    "any proof for "Jewish fuckers have been supporting ISIS from the start." Just get your ass of of your head and you will find proof.

    par far

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:32 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    The moment I hear some ''Jews did it!!!'' style bullshit, I just tune out.

    It's like they intentionally almost exterminated themselves in WW2 in order to deflect suspicion? Now that is some next level of dedication right there.

    And as for Israel, you are telling me that they control the world and yet are unable or unwilling to curb insane birthrates of their mortal enemies right next door?

    And they still haven't nuked hostile countries even though they secretly control whole planet?

    Man they are some incompetent secret planetary overlords I tell y'a !!! lol1

    And why are so many people here with such a massive ebil Jew boner? Did they poison your well or something?

    It's 2017, get some bottled water and fresh filters you peasants.... Razz

    The Jews were exterminated in WW2, they know the pain it causes, than why are they doing the same thing to the Palestinians? I am pretty sure the moment you hear the suffering of Palestinians, you "tune out"?

    The Rothschilds, Rockefeller, and Goldman Sachs and Wall Street are all owned by Ashkenazi Jews. You just have to do research.
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:33 pm

    calm wrote:SDF advance so far.

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 VVT0aLA

    The SDF is not advancing, they just shake hands and take over territory occupied by the terrorists.

    par far

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Wed Feb 22, 2017 6:45 pm

    "Israeli warplanes bombard military positions outside Damascus: Reports."

    I really wish, the SAA would start shooting Jews out of the sky.


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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Feb 22, 2017 7:01 pm

    par far wrote:"Israeli warplanes bombard military positions outside Damascus: Reports."

    I really wish, the SAA would start shooting Jews out of the sky.

    I really wish stupid Iranians would stop trying to smuggle weapons to Hezbollah because they are not fooling anyone, are just causing mild discomfort to VKS and are getting their clowns bombed to pieces by IAF...

    Oh wait, I don't. Fire away Jews!!! lol1

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  Guest Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:16 pm

    par far wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    eehnie wrote:

    I need not your permission to talk. I accept not your orders. The alone mental health that you need to care about is your own mental health.

    Kind? I'm kind with who deserve it.

    Your lies are evident for everyone except you.

    What did he lie exactly?

    Please don't feed him (or do?).  I love when guys like this chime in and deliver their gems of knowledge.

    I am just genuinely curious if he has any proof of "Israeli weapons being used by ISIS". Because i have never seen any proof of that except few landmines and few cans of rusty ammunition.

    Are you fucking serious? Jewish fuckers have been supporting ISIS from the start.


    For start... southfront...really? As second, any proof for "Jewish fuckers have been supporting ISIS from the start", or its just regular trash posting you ppl like to do around here? Because i would really enjoy for once some real sources and proofs on this place.

    The video says, that Trump(really is not trump, just the neocons) were/are thinking about developing ground troops to Syria(which is nothing new).

    As for the Jews, supporting ISIS, they have been doing it from the start. They treat ISIS terrorists, in their hospitals, they bomb Syrian Army positions(they just recently bombed Syrian Troops near Damascus).

    In the Zionist owned media ISIS terrorists are not called terrorists, here the Jews are saving ISIS terrorists.

    "any proof for "Jewish fuckers have been supporting ISIS from the start." Just get your ass of of your head and you will find proof.

    Those are units of FSA orientation, not ISIS. While their fight against Syrian state is basically the same, you should be aware they are fighting among themself too. Israelis are not morons, they know what they are doing.

    So basically no proof right. Okay.
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Wed Feb 22, 2017 9:56 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    par far wrote:"Israeli warplanes bombard military positions outside Damascus: Reports."

    I really wish, the SAA would start shooting Jews out of the sky.

    I really wish stupid Iranians would stop trying to smuggle weapons to Hezbollah because they are not fooling anyone, are just causing mild discomfort to VKS and are getting their clowns bombed to pieces by IAF...

    Oh wait, I don't. Fire away Jews!!! lol1

    The thing is, Jews will hit you when you are down but when the Jews are getting pounded(2006), they bitch and wine.
    par far

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Wed Feb 22, 2017 10:00 pm

    Militarov wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    par far wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    eehnie wrote:

    I need not your permission to talk. I accept not your orders. The alone mental health that you need to care about is your own mental health.

    Kind? I'm kind with who deserve it.

    Your lies are evident for everyone except you.

    What did he lie exactly?

    Please don't feed him (or do?).  I love when guys like this chime in and deliver their gems of knowledge.

    I am just genuinely curious if he has any proof of "Israeli weapons being used by ISIS". Because i have never seen any proof of that except few landmines and few cans of rusty ammunition.

    Are you fucking serious? Jewish fuckers have been supporting ISIS from the start.


    For start... southfront...really? As second, any proof for "Jewish fuckers have been supporting ISIS from the start", or its just regular trash posting you ppl like to do around here? Because i would really enjoy for once some real sources and proofs on this place.

    The video says, that Trump(really is not trump, just the neocons) were/are thinking about developing ground troops to Syria(which is nothing new).

    As for the Jews, supporting ISIS, they have been doing it from the start. They treat ISIS terrorists, in their hospitals, they bomb Syrian Army positions(they just recently bombed Syrian Troops near Damascus).

    In the Zionist owned media ISIS terrorists are not called terrorists, here the Jews are saving ISIS terrorists.

    "any proof for "Jewish fuckers have been supporting ISIS from the start." Just get your ass of of your head and you will find proof.

    Those are units of FSA orientation, not ISIS. While their fight against Syrian state is basically the same, you should be aware they are fighting among themself too. Israelis are not morons, they know what they are doing.

    So basically no proof right. Okay.

    LOL, "Those are units of FSA orientation, not ISIS." It does not matter, if is the FSA, ISIS, Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham,  Jabhat Fatah al-Sham, Ahrar al-Sham or any of the others, they are all of the same fabric and are controlled by the Zionists and for the same purpose. They are all terrorists.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  JohninMK Wed Feb 22, 2017 11:51 pm

    Wonder where he went in Syria.

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — US Senator John McCain travelled to Syria this week to visit US forces present there and discuss the campaign against Daesh terror group, McCain’s spokesperson said in a release.

    "Senator McCain’s visit was a valuable opportunity to assess dynamic conditions on the ground in Syria and Iraq," the release stated on Wednesday.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Thu Feb 23, 2017 12:02 am

    PapaDragon wrote:I really wish stupid Iranians would stop trying to smuggle weapons to Hezbollah because they are not fooling anyone, are just causing mild discomfort to VKS and are getting their clowns bombed to pieces by IAF...

    Oh wait, I don't. Fire away Jews!!! lol1

    Places of Israeli strikes in Syria since 2013. Alleged targets: SA-3, 800 Yakhont, SA-8, Scud, SA-17, Fateh-110,Hezbollah bases/convoys...

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 C5Td9LsWcAAObNo

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  eehnie Thu Feb 23, 2017 10:20 am

    calm wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:I really wish stupid Iranians would stop trying to smuggle weapons to Hezbollah because they are not fooling anyone, are just causing mild discomfort to VKS and are getting their clowns bombed to pieces by IAF...

    Oh wait, I don't. Fire away Jews!!! lol1

    Places of Israeli strikes in Syria since 2013. Alleged targets: SA-3, 800 Yakhont, SA-8, Scud, SA-17, Fateh-110,Hezbollah bases/convoys...

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 C5Td9LsWcAAObNo

    They are many, but still this people denies it.

    It is obvious they are fake people.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:50 pm

    As long as Syria continue to support Hezbollah there will be airstrikes on Syria...

    On Turkey...

    Geneva talks doomed: Turkey’s changing position in Syria is pushing Russia into more aggression
    The US- Russia relationship over Syria will be blown apart and pushed into opposition
    Erdogan is hiding behind Saudi Arabia and mimics the US hostility towards Iran
    The Sukhoi return is expected more aggressive than ever

    After the collapse of 9 months of peace negotiations, Geneva hosts today a meeting about Syria amid differences between the main regional influential players and an unclear US stance, which will inevitably be reflected in the results of the talks. The main player, Turkey, with troops on the ground in northern Syria, is constantly changing position and plans, creating not only confusion but renewing hostility in the country: a warning of the pessimistic outcome to come.

    The US stand:

    President Donald Trump’s foreign policy is still unclear, and towards Syria in particular. The US administration has expressed its will to fight terrorism, but mentions only the “Islamic State” (ISIS) group in Syria, and disregarding al-Qaida who are represented by “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (ex-Nusra). Moreover, Trump is expressing his wish to form “safe zones” in the north, asking the Gulf countries to pay for these “zones”. He is also sending military equipment and special forces support for training and guidance to the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). His aim is to push the Kurds, working alongside and leading the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), towards the ISIS Syrian capital in north-east Syria: Raqqah. Nevertheless, the US plan is unclear and doomed for several reasons:

    1. Declaring “war on terrorism” can’t be limited to ISIS. Al-Qaida is well-established and announced its presence in all the Syrian fronts with two-thirds of the forces on each front. The group is against democracy or any election run by the UN or any other establishment. It is also against any peace talks and has already attacked and split the Syrian rebels, leaving these no choice but to join its ranks or join Ahrar al-Sham, the second biggest rebel groups in Syria.

    2. The US can’t combine a support for the YPG and the Turkish forces and an interest in Syria at the same time, specially in relation to the forthcoming attack against Raqqah. Turkey considers the YPG to be a Syrian affiliation of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). This organisation (not the YPG) is considered terrorist by Turkey as well. The PKK is waging a ruthless military campaign against Ankara, claiming the right to a Kurdish autonomous state within Turkey.

    3. The US plan to “liberate” Raqqah with 10.000 or 20.000 Kurds and Arabs is not a feasible plan. In Mosul, Iraq is pushing forces between 50.000 to 60.000 strong, supported by Iraqi and coalition helicopters and jets to retake Mosul. The battle for Mosul is far from being a piece of cake, any more than Raqqah, even if that Syrian ISIS city is much smaller than the Iraqi one and holds less than half a million civilians.

    4. The US is promoting “safe zones” for immigrants to stay in Syria and refrain from travelling to Europe or the US. Actually, there is no need for a safe zone or zones because the number of displaced Syrians is no longer increasing and quite static at the moment, following the battle of Aleppo. Any safe zone is considered to be part of an American plot to occupy the north-east of Syria and to establish military bases in the country. Such a step will be faced with a harsh response from Damascus and its allies who would be more than happy to revive the 1983 Beirut barracks and attack the American forces, similar to the 2003-2011 Iraq occupation.


    Several months ago, the key for the success of any political talks in Syria was the Turkish involvement, due to Ankara’s influence over rebels and jihadists. This is what pushed Iran and Russia to restore their relationship with Ankara and bring it into the Asatan (Kazakhstan) negotiation. Nevertheless, Turkey was unable to bring to the table one of the biggest rebel groups in northern Syria, Ahrar al-Sham.

    Following the coup of al-Qaida against groups who participated in the Astana talks, the rebels are more divided than ever, afraid of any move that could increase their partition and make them easy to overwhelm by the Syrian Army and its allies. Nevertheless, Turkey continues its attack on al-Bab (the ISIS stronghold), unable to get a quick victory. But Turkey is changing position and turning its political guns against yesterday’s allies. Ankara understands today that Trump is aggressive toward Iran and gave his blessing to Saudi Arabia. Therefore Erdogan is taking a new position: hiding behind Saudi Arabia, mimicking the US hostility towards Iran and, in consequences, declaring himself once more against the Syrian President Bashar Assad.

    1 Turkey has harshly attacked Iran, considering it to be the source of terrorism in the region. This shows a real u-turn in Turkish policy that will definitely be reflected in the situation on the ground in Syria. In fact, Damascus and Iran, along with their allies, are pushing forces to counter al-Bab and prevent any expansion of territory of the Turkish forces toward Raqqah.

    2. Turkey is applauding the US plan of “safe zone(s)” only to offer its forces inside the US Trojan horse. This upsets Russia and Damascus, confirming that Turkey, no longer a partner, is disrespectful of the previous commitment to keep Syrian away from partition. Establishing safe zone(s) can only lead to dividing Syria and disrupting the Russian plan to establish itself in a stable united country. Such a move will have serious practical repercussions on the advance of the Turkish forces and their allies in Syria.

    3. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that his forces “will liberate the Syrian town of Manbij”, already liberated from ISIS by the US-backed SDF and YPG Kurdish forces last year. Erdogan’s verbal intention is considered “a pipe dream” by the Syrian government and Russia. Russia considers the Syrian Kurds as potential allies and Damascus is certain that, once the war is over, it will be possible to reach a win-win deal with the Syrian Kurds, keeping the country safe from partition. Damascus will, not only oppose Turkey in this manoeuvre, but is ready to fight back any force advancing towards its army in the north of Syria, particularly the Turkish forces and their proxies at this moment since, as we have seen, Turkey is shifting its policy, veering towards the unknown.

    4. Turkey offered to the US to go to Raqqah: such a plan is far from being possible. The distance between al-Bab and Raqqah is over 200km, and the territory is controlled by the Syrian Army, ISIS and the Kurds (who are considered by Ankara to be terrorists). The performance of the Turkish forces and their proxies in al-Bab is far from being encouraging. Therefore, the Turkish offer to go to Raqqah is unrealistic and unrealisable.


    The Syrian Army and its allies considered the Astana talks premature but went along with Russia, believing it was possible to reach a global cease-fire and split al-Qaida from other rebels who will join the peace talks. Turkey was unable to bring Ahrar al-Sham around the negotiation table and al-Qaida turned the table on everybody, forcing a return to the combat.

    The Syrian Army is moving today on several fronts:

    . from al-Bab toward deir-Hafer, to create a demarcation line with Turkey and its proxies and cutting the road toward Raqqah, preventing Turkey and its proxies from occupying further land in northern Syria;

    . Palmyra (Tadmur) to regain control of the ancient city and push toward Deir-ezzour and Raqqah from the east. Again, the aim is to prevent any force from reducing the geographic seize of Syria as its is known today;

    . Gathering forces on the rural Aleppo fronts to enlarge the control of its forces toward tel el-Eiss and Fua/Kefraya and move toward Idlib, the al-Qaida stronghold.

    All this indicates that Russia will find itself engaged in a broad combat before forcing the rebels to sit at the negotiation table and shift Turkey out of its unrealistic “multi-front dream”. Turkey is showing that it is not an adequate partner for Russia and Damascus. It is unstable in its strategy in Syria and its shifting alliance making it untrustworthy. Therefore, a more aggressive Syrian Army will be seen in the coming months on several fronts with the return of the Sukhoi more active than ever. Russia is waiting to see how Trump’s policy materialises in Syria. The Kremlin is refraining from being the initiator of further hostilities so as to avoid a rapid US blow back.

    The US policy in Syria seems frantic and far-fetched without efficient powerful allies on the ground, and is unable to retake cities from ISIS with its Kurdish proxies alone. And the “honeymoon” between Washington and Riyadh will certainly have a substantial negative effect on the war in Syria. This will increase the closeness between Russia and Iran, but the tension between US and Russia is also expected to increase: one side (the US) wants the partition and the other (Russia) wants a unified Syria without al-Qaida and ISIS, and without Turkey occupying the north of Syria and a Saudi Arabia return to the Bilad al-Sham. At this stage one can only speculate on what this clash of incompatible objectives will produce on the ground in Syria.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  calm Thu Feb 23, 2017 1:53 pm

    Latest news, ISIS retreated from Al Bab following a "deal with Turkey". Now Turkey is going to attack Kurds in Manbij.


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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  eehnie Thu Feb 23, 2017 3:24 pm

    calm wrote:As long as Syria continue to support Hezbollah there will be airstrikes on Syria...

    On Turkey...

    Geneva talks doomed: Turkey’s changing position in Syria is pushing Russia into more aggression
    The US- Russia relationship over Syria will be blown apart and pushed into opposition
    Erdogan is hiding behind Saudi Arabia and mimics the US hostility towards Iran
    The Sukhoi return is expected more aggressive than ever

    After the collapse of 9 months of peace negotiations, Geneva hosts today a meeting about  Syria amid differences between the main regional influential players and an unclear US stance, which will inevitably be reflected in the results of the talks. The main player, Turkey, with troops on the ground in northern Syria, is constantly changing position and plans, creating not only confusion but renewing hostility in the country: a warning of the pessimistic outcome to come.

    The US stand:

    President Donald Trump’s foreign policy is still unclear, and towards Syria in particular. The US administration has expressed its will to fight terrorism, but mentions only the “Islamic State” (ISIS) group in Syria, and disregarding al-Qaida who are represented by “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (ex-Nusra). Moreover, Trump is expressing his wish to form “safe zones” in the north, asking the Gulf countries to pay for these “zones”. He is also sending military equipment and special forces support for training and guidance to the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). His aim is to push the Kurds, working alongside and leading the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), towards the ISIS Syrian capital in north-east Syria: Raqqah. Nevertheless, the US plan is unclear and doomed for several reasons:

    1. Declaring “war on terrorism” can’t be limited to ISIS. Al-Qaida is well-established and announced its presence in all the Syrian fronts with two-thirds of the forces on each front. The group is against democracy or any election run by the UN or any other establishment. It is also against any peace talks and has already attacked and split the Syrian rebels, leaving these no choice but to join its ranks or join Ahrar al-Sham, the second biggest rebel groups in Syria.

    2. The US can’t combine a support for the YPG and the Turkish forces and an interest in Syria at the same time, specially in relation to the forthcoming attack against Raqqah. Turkey considers the YPG to be a Syrian affiliation of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). This  organisation (not the YPG) is considered terrorist by Turkey as well. The PKK is waging a ruthless military campaign against Ankara, claiming the right to a Kurdish autonomous state within Turkey.

    3. The US plan to “liberate” Raqqah with 10.000 or 20.000 Kurds and Arabs is not a feasible plan. In Mosul, Iraq is pushing forces between 50.000 to 60.000 strong, supported by Iraqi and coalition helicopters and jets to retake Mosul. The battle for Mosul is far from being a piece of cake, any more than Raqqah, even if that Syrian ISIS city is much smaller than the Iraqi one and holds less than half a million civilians.

    4. The US is promoting “safe zones” for immigrants to stay in Syria and refrain from travelling to Europe or the US. Actually, there is no need for a safe zone or zones because the number of displaced Syrians is no longer increasing and quite static at the moment, following the battle of Aleppo. Any safe zone is considered to be part of an American plot to occupy the north-east of Syria and to establish military bases in the country. Such a step will be faced with a harsh response from Damascus and its allies who would be more than happy to revive the 1983 Beirut barracks and attack the American forces, similar to the 2003-2011 Iraq occupation.


    Several months ago, the key for the success of any political talks in Syria was the Turkish involvement, due to Ankara’s influence over rebels and jihadists. This is what pushed Iran and Russia to restore their relationship with Ankara and bring it into the Asatan (Kazakhstan) negotiation. Nevertheless, Turkey was unable to bring to the table one of the biggest rebel groups in northern Syria, Ahrar al-Sham.

    Following the coup of al-Qaida against groups who participated in the Astana talks, the rebels are more divided than ever, afraid of any move that could increase their partition and make them easy to overwhelm by the Syrian Army and its allies. Nevertheless, Turkey continues its attack on al-Bab (the ISIS stronghold), unable to get a quick victory. But Turkey is changing position and turning its political guns against yesterday’s allies. Ankara understands today that Trump is aggressive toward Iran and gave his blessing to Saudi Arabia. Therefore Erdogan is taking a new position: hiding behind Saudi Arabia, mimicking the US hostility towards Iran and, in consequences, declaring himself  once more against the Syrian President Bashar Assad.

    1 Turkey has harshly attacked Iran, considering it to be the source of terrorism in the region. This shows a real u-turn in Turkish policy that will definitely be reflected in the situation on the ground in Syria. In fact, Damascus and Iran, along with their allies, are pushing forces to counter al-Bab and prevent any expansion of territory of the Turkish forces toward Raqqah.

    2. Turkey is applauding the US plan of “safe zone(s)” only to offer its forces inside the US Trojan horse. This upsets Russia and Damascus, confirming that Turkey, no longer a partner, is disrespectful of the previous commitment to keep Syrian away from partition. Establishing safe zone(s) can only lead to dividing Syria and disrupting the Russian plan to establish itself in a stable united country. Such a move will have serious practical repercussions on the advance of the Turkish forces and their allies in Syria.

    3. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that his forces “will liberate the Syrian town of Manbij”, already liberated from ISIS by the US-backed SDF and YPG Kurdish forces last year. Erdogan’s verbal intention is considered “a pipe dream” by the Syrian government and Russia. Russia considers the Syrian Kurds as potential allies and Damascus is certain that, once the war is over, it will be possible to reach a win-win deal with the Syrian Kurds, keeping the country safe from partition. Damascus will, not only oppose Turkey in this manoeuvre, but is ready to fight back any force advancing towards its army in the north of Syria, particularly the Turkish forces and their proxies at this moment since, as we have seen, Turkey is shifting its policy, veering towards the unknown.

    4. Turkey offered to the US to go to Raqqah: such a plan is far from being possible. The distance between al-Bab and Raqqah is over 200km, and the territory is controlled by the Syrian Army, ISIS and the Kurds (who are considered by Ankara to be terrorists). The performance of the Turkish forces and their proxies in al-Bab is far from being encouraging. Therefore, the Turkish offer to go to Raqqah is unrealistic and unrealisable.


    The Syrian Army and its allies considered the Astana talks premature but went along with Russia, believing it was possible to reach a global cease-fire and split al-Qaida from other rebels who will join the peace talks. Turkey was unable to bring Ahrar al-Sham around the negotiation table and al-Qaida turned the table on everybody, forcing a return to the combat.

    The Syrian Army is moving today on several fronts:

    . from al-Bab toward deir-Hafer, to create a demarcation line with Turkey and its proxies and cutting the road toward Raqqah, preventing Turkey and its proxies from occupying further land in northern Syria;

    . Palmyra (Tadmur) to regain control of the ancient city and push toward Deir-ezzour and Raqqah from the east. Again, the aim is to prevent any force from reducing the geographic seize of Syria as its is known today;

    . Gathering forces on the rural Aleppo fronts to enlarge the control of its forces toward tel el-Eiss and Fua/Kefraya and move toward Idlib, the al-Qaida stronghold.

    All this indicates that Russia will find itself engaged in a broad combat before forcing the rebels to sit at the negotiation table and shift Turkey out of its unrealistic “multi-front dream”. Turkey is showing that it is not an adequate partner for Russia and Damascus. It is unstable in its strategy in Syria and its shifting alliance making it untrustworthy. Therefore, a more aggressive Syrian Army will be seen in the coming months on several fronts with the return of the Sukhoi more active than ever. Russia is waiting to see how Trump’s policy materialises in Syria. The Kremlin is refraining from being the initiator of further hostilities so as to avoid a rapid US blow back.

    The US policy in Syria seems frantic and far-fetched without efficient powerful allies on the ground, and is unable to retake cities from ISIS with its Kurdish proxies alone. And the “honeymoon” between Washington and Riyadh will certainly have a substantial negative effect on the war in Syria. This will increase the closeness between  Russia and Iran, but the tension between US and Russia is also expected to increase: one side (the US) wants the partition and the other (Russia) wants a unified Syria without al-Qaida and ISIS, and without Turkey occupying the north of Syria and a Saudi Arabia return to the Bilad al-Sham. At this stage one can only speculate on what this clash of incompatible objectives will produce on the ground in Syria.

    Turkey only cheats to who permit to be cheated.
    par far

    Posts : 3490
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    Join date : 2014-06-26

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:27 pm

    calm wrote:As long as Syria continue to support Hezbollah there will be airstrikes on Syria...

    On Turkey...

    Geneva talks doomed: Turkey’s changing position in Syria is pushing Russia into more aggression
    The US- Russia relationship over Syria will be blown apart and pushed into opposition
    Erdogan is hiding behind Saudi Arabia and mimics the US hostility towards Iran
    The Sukhoi return is expected more aggressive than ever

    After the collapse of 9 months of peace negotiations, Geneva hosts today a meeting about  Syria amid differences between the main regional influential players and an unclear US stance, which will inevitably be reflected in the results of the talks. The main player, Turkey, with troops on the ground in northern Syria, is constantly changing position and plans, creating not only confusion but renewing hostility in the country: a warning of the pessimistic outcome to come.

    The US stand:

    President Donald Trump’s foreign policy is still unclear, and towards Syria in particular. The US administration has expressed its will to fight terrorism, but mentions only the “Islamic State” (ISIS) group in Syria, and disregarding al-Qaida who are represented by “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (ex-Nusra). Moreover, Trump is expressing his wish to form “safe zones” in the north, asking the Gulf countries to pay for these “zones”. He is also sending military equipment and special forces support for training and guidance to the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). His aim is to push the Kurds, working alongside and leading the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), towards the ISIS Syrian capital in north-east Syria: Raqqah. Nevertheless, the US plan is unclear and doomed for several reasons:

    1. Declaring “war on terrorism” can’t be limited to ISIS. Al-Qaida is well-established and announced its presence in all the Syrian fronts with two-thirds of the forces on each front. The group is against democracy or any election run by the UN or any other establishment. It is also against any peace talks and has already attacked and split the Syrian rebels, leaving these no choice but to join its ranks or join Ahrar al-Sham, the second biggest rebel groups in Syria.

    2. The US can’t combine a support for the YPG and the Turkish forces and an interest in Syria at the same time, specially in relation to the forthcoming attack against Raqqah. Turkey considers the YPG to be a Syrian affiliation of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). This  organisation (not the YPG) is considered terrorist by Turkey as well. The PKK is waging a ruthless military campaign against Ankara, claiming the right to a Kurdish autonomous state within Turkey.

    3. The US plan to “liberate” Raqqah with 10.000 or 20.000 Kurds and Arabs is not a feasible plan. In Mosul, Iraq is pushing forces between 50.000 to 60.000 strong, supported by Iraqi and coalition helicopters and jets to retake Mosul. The battle for Mosul is far from being a piece of cake, any more than Raqqah, even if that Syrian ISIS city is much smaller than the Iraqi one and holds less than half a million civilians.

    4. The US is promoting “safe zones” for immigrants to stay in Syria and refrain from travelling to Europe or the US. Actually, there is no need for a safe zone or zones because the number of displaced Syrians is no longer increasing and quite static at the moment, following the battle of Aleppo. Any safe zone is considered to be part of an American plot to occupy the north-east of Syria and to establish military bases in the country. Such a step will be faced with a harsh response from Damascus and its allies who would be more than happy to revive the 1983 Beirut barracks and attack the American forces, similar to the 2003-2011 Iraq occupation.


    Several months ago, the key for the success of any political talks in Syria was the Turkish involvement, due to Ankara’s influence over rebels and jihadists. This is what pushed Iran and Russia to restore their relationship with Ankara and bring it into the Asatan (Kazakhstan) negotiation. Nevertheless, Turkey was unable to bring to the table one of the biggest rebel groups in northern Syria, Ahrar al-Sham.

    Following the coup of al-Qaida against groups who participated in the Astana talks, the rebels are more divided than ever, afraid of any move that could increase their partition and make them easy to overwhelm by the Syrian Army and its allies. Nevertheless, Turkey continues its attack on al-Bab (the ISIS stronghold), unable to get a quick victory. But Turkey is changing position and turning its political guns against yesterday’s allies. Ankara understands today that Trump is aggressive toward Iran and gave his blessing to Saudi Arabia. Therefore Erdogan is taking a new position: hiding behind Saudi Arabia, mimicking the US hostility towards Iran and, in consequences, declaring himself  once more against the Syrian President Bashar Assad.

    1 Turkey has harshly attacked Iran, considering it to be the source of terrorism in the region. This shows a real u-turn in Turkish policy that will definitely be reflected in the situation on the ground in Syria. In fact, Damascus and Iran, along with their allies, are pushing forces to counter al-Bab and prevent any expansion of territory of the Turkish forces toward Raqqah.

    2. Turkey is applauding the US plan of “safe zone(s)” only to offer its forces inside the US Trojan horse. This upsets Russia and Damascus, confirming that Turkey, no longer a partner, is disrespectful of the previous commitment to keep Syrian away from partition. Establishing safe zone(s) can only lead to dividing Syria and disrupting the Russian plan to establish itself in a stable united country. Such a move will have serious practical repercussions on the advance of the Turkish forces and their allies in Syria.

    3. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that his forces “will liberate the Syrian town of Manbij”, already liberated from ISIS by the US-backed SDF and YPG Kurdish forces last year. Erdogan’s verbal intention is considered “a pipe dream” by the Syrian government and Russia. Russia considers the Syrian Kurds as potential allies and Damascus is certain that, once the war is over, it will be possible to reach a win-win deal with the Syrian Kurds, keeping the country safe from partition. Damascus will, not only oppose Turkey in this manoeuvre, but is ready to fight back any force advancing towards its army in the north of Syria, particularly the Turkish forces and their proxies at this moment since, as we have seen, Turkey is shifting its policy, veering towards the unknown.

    4. Turkey offered to the US to go to Raqqah: such a plan is far from being possible. The distance between al-Bab and Raqqah is over 200km, and the territory is controlled by the Syrian Army, ISIS and the Kurds (who are considered by Ankara to be terrorists). The performance of the Turkish forces and their proxies in al-Bab is far from being encouraging. Therefore, the Turkish offer to go to Raqqah is unrealistic and unrealisable.


    The Syrian Army and its allies considered the Astana talks premature but went along with Russia, believing it was possible to reach a global cease-fire and split al-Qaida from other rebels who will join the peace talks. Turkey was unable to bring Ahrar al-Sham around the negotiation table and al-Qaida turned the table on everybody, forcing a return to the combat.

    The Syrian Army is moving today on several fronts:

    . from al-Bab toward deir-Hafer, to create a demarcation line with Turkey and its proxies and cutting the road toward Raqqah, preventing Turkey and its proxies from occupying further land in northern Syria;

    . Palmyra (Tadmur) to regain control of the ancient city and push toward Deir-ezzour and Raqqah from the east. Again, the aim is to prevent any force from reducing the geographic seize of Syria as its is known today;

    . Gathering forces on the rural Aleppo fronts to enlarge the control of its forces toward tel el-Eiss and Fua/Kefraya and move toward Idlib, the al-Qaida stronghold.

    All this indicates that Russia will find itself engaged in a broad combat before forcing the rebels to sit at the negotiation table and shift Turkey out of its unrealistic “multi-front dream”. Turkey is showing that it is not an adequate partner for Russia and Damascus. It is unstable in its strategy in Syria and its shifting alliance making it untrustworthy. Therefore, a more aggressive Syrian Army will be seen in the coming months on several fronts with the return of the Sukhoi more active than ever. Russia is waiting to see how Trump’s policy materialises in Syria. The Kremlin is refraining from being the initiator of further hostilities so as to avoid a rapid US blow back.

    The US policy in Syria seems frantic and far-fetched without efficient powerful allies on the ground, and is unable to retake cities from ISIS with its Kurdish proxies alone. And the “honeymoon” between Washington and Riyadh will certainly have a substantial negative effect on the war in Syria. This will increase the closeness between  Russia and Iran, but the tension between US and Russia is also expected to increase: one side (the US) wants the partition and the other (Russia) wants a unified Syria without al-Qaida and ISIS, and without Turkey occupying the north of Syria and a Saudi Arabia return to the Bilad al-Sham. At this stage one can only speculate on what this clash of incompatible objectives will produce on the ground in Syria.

    If Hezbollah had not supported Syria from the start, Syria would have likely collapsed. Hezbollah and Syria, are more than allies. One of reason reason the  Zionists made ISIS, was to destroy Hezbollah but the Zionists failed. And it is a good the Zionists failed because after, it would have been Iran and than Russia.

    And the Russian Special Forces work with Hezbollah and the Russian Special Forces also train Hezbollah, and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, met with Hassan Nasrallah.

    Here are the sources for those who will ask to provide sources for the visit and meeting between Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and Hassan Nasrallah.

    This is right from the Jews mouth.
    par far

    Posts : 3490
    Points : 3735
    Join date : 2014-06-26

    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  par far Thu Feb 23, 2017 7:28 pm

    par far wrote:
    calm wrote:As long as Syria continue to support Hezbollah there will be airstrikes on Syria...

    On Turkey...

    Geneva talks doomed: Turkey’s changing position in Syria is pushing Russia into more aggression
    The US- Russia relationship over Syria will be blown apart and pushed into opposition
    Erdogan is hiding behind Saudi Arabia and mimics the US hostility towards Iran
    The Sukhoi return is expected more aggressive than ever

    After the collapse of 9 months of peace negotiations, Geneva hosts today a meeting about  Syria amid differences between the main regional influential players and an unclear US stance, which will inevitably be reflected in the results of the talks. The main player, Turkey, with troops on the ground in northern Syria, is constantly changing position and plans, creating not only confusion but renewing hostility in the country: a warning of the pessimistic outcome to come.

    The US stand:

    President Donald Trump’s foreign policy is still unclear, and towards Syria in particular. The US administration has expressed its will to fight terrorism, but mentions only the “Islamic State” (ISIS) group in Syria, and disregarding al-Qaida who are represented by “Hay’at Tahrir al-Sham (ex-Nusra). Moreover, Trump is expressing his wish to form “safe zones” in the north, asking the Gulf countries to pay for these “zones”. He is also sending military equipment and special forces support for training and guidance to the Syrian Kurdish People’s Protection Units (YPG). His aim is to push the Kurds, working alongside and leading the Syrian Democratic Forces (SDF), towards the ISIS Syrian capital in north-east Syria: Raqqah. Nevertheless, the US plan is unclear and doomed for several reasons:

    1. Declaring “war on terrorism” can’t be limited to ISIS. Al-Qaida is well-established and announced its presence in all the Syrian fronts with two-thirds of the forces on each front. The group is against democracy or any election run by the UN or any other establishment. It is also against any peace talks and has already attacked and split the Syrian rebels, leaving these no choice but to join its ranks or join Ahrar al-Sham, the second biggest rebel groups in Syria.

    2. The US can’t combine a support for the YPG and the Turkish forces and an interest in Syria at the same time, specially in relation to the forthcoming attack against Raqqah. Turkey considers the YPG to be a Syrian affiliation of the Kurdistan Workers Party (PKK). This  organisation (not the YPG) is considered terrorist by Turkey as well. The PKK is waging a ruthless military campaign against Ankara, claiming the right to a Kurdish autonomous state within Turkey.

    3. The US plan to “liberate” Raqqah with 10.000 or 20.000 Kurds and Arabs is not a feasible plan. In Mosul, Iraq is pushing forces between 50.000 to 60.000 strong, supported by Iraqi and coalition helicopters and jets to retake Mosul. The battle for Mosul is far from being a piece of cake, any more than Raqqah, even if that Syrian ISIS city is much smaller than the Iraqi one and holds less than half a million civilians.

    4. The US is promoting “safe zones” for immigrants to stay in Syria and refrain from travelling to Europe or the US. Actually, there is no need for a safe zone or zones because the number of displaced Syrians is no longer increasing and quite static at the moment, following the battle of Aleppo. Any safe zone is considered to be part of an American plot to occupy the north-east of Syria and to establish military bases in the country. Such a step will be faced with a harsh response from Damascus and its allies who would be more than happy to revive the 1983 Beirut barracks and attack the American forces, similar to the 2003-2011 Iraq occupation.


    Several months ago, the key for the success of any political talks in Syria was the Turkish involvement, due to Ankara’s influence over rebels and jihadists. This is what pushed Iran and Russia to restore their relationship with Ankara and bring it into the Asatan (Kazakhstan) negotiation. Nevertheless, Turkey was unable to bring to the table one of the biggest rebel groups in northern Syria, Ahrar al-Sham.

    Following the coup of al-Qaida against groups who participated in the Astana talks, the rebels are more divided than ever, afraid of any move that could increase their partition and make them easy to overwhelm by the Syrian Army and its allies. Nevertheless, Turkey continues its attack on al-Bab (the ISIS stronghold), unable to get a quick victory. But Turkey is changing position and turning its political guns against yesterday’s allies. Ankara understands today that Trump is aggressive toward Iran and gave his blessing to Saudi Arabia. Therefore Erdogan is taking a new position: hiding behind Saudi Arabia, mimicking the US hostility towards Iran and, in consequences, declaring himself  once more against the Syrian President Bashar Assad.

    1 Turkey has harshly attacked Iran, considering it to be the source of terrorism in the region. This shows a real u-turn in Turkish policy that will definitely be reflected in the situation on the ground in Syria. In fact, Damascus and Iran, along with their allies, are pushing forces to counter al-Bab and prevent any expansion of territory of the Turkish forces toward Raqqah.

    2. Turkey is applauding the US plan of “safe zone(s)” only to offer its forces inside the US Trojan horse. This upsets Russia and Damascus, confirming that Turkey, no longer a partner, is disrespectful of the previous commitment to keep Syrian away from partition. Establishing safe zone(s) can only lead to dividing Syria and disrupting the Russian plan to establish itself in a stable united country. Such a move will have serious practical repercussions on the advance of the Turkish forces and their allies in Syria.

    3. The Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan declared that his forces “will liberate the Syrian town of Manbij”, already liberated from ISIS by the US-backed SDF and YPG Kurdish forces last year. Erdogan’s verbal intention is considered “a pipe dream” by the Syrian government and Russia. Russia considers the Syrian Kurds as potential allies and Damascus is certain that, once the war is over, it will be possible to reach a win-win deal with the Syrian Kurds, keeping the country safe from partition. Damascus will, not only oppose Turkey in this manoeuvre, but is ready to fight back any force advancing towards its army in the north of Syria, particularly the Turkish forces and their proxies at this moment since, as we have seen, Turkey is shifting its policy, veering towards the unknown.

    4. Turkey offered to the US to go to Raqqah: such a plan is far from being possible. The distance between al-Bab and Raqqah is over 200km, and the territory is controlled by the Syrian Army, ISIS and the Kurds (who are considered by Ankara to be terrorists). The performance of the Turkish forces and their proxies in al-Bab is far from being encouraging. Therefore, the Turkish offer to go to Raqqah is unrealistic and unrealisable.


    The Syrian Army and its allies considered the Astana talks premature but went along with Russia, believing it was possible to reach a global cease-fire and split al-Qaida from other rebels who will join the peace talks. Turkey was unable to bring Ahrar al-Sham around the negotiation table and al-Qaida turned the table on everybody, forcing a return to the combat.

    The Syrian Army is moving today on several fronts:

    . from al-Bab toward deir-Hafer, to create a demarcation line with Turkey and its proxies and cutting the road toward Raqqah, preventing Turkey and its proxies from occupying further land in northern Syria;

    . Palmyra (Tadmur) to regain control of the ancient city and push toward Deir-ezzour and Raqqah from the east. Again, the aim is to prevent any force from reducing the geographic seize of Syria as its is known today;

    . Gathering forces on the rural Aleppo fronts to enlarge the control of its forces toward tel el-Eiss and Fua/Kefraya and move toward Idlib, the al-Qaida stronghold.

    All this indicates that Russia will find itself engaged in a broad combat before forcing the rebels to sit at the negotiation table and shift Turkey out of its unrealistic “multi-front dream”. Turkey is showing that it is not an adequate partner for Russia and Damascus. It is unstable in its strategy in Syria and its shifting alliance making it untrustworthy. Therefore, a more aggressive Syrian Army will be seen in the coming months on several fronts with the return of the Sukhoi more active than ever. Russia is waiting to see how Trump’s policy materialises in Syria. The Kremlin is refraining from being the initiator of further hostilities so as to avoid a rapid US blow back.

    The US policy in Syria seems frantic and far-fetched without efficient powerful allies on the ground, and is unable to retake cities from ISIS with its Kurdish proxies alone. And the “honeymoon” between Washington and Riyadh will certainly have a substantial negative effect on the war in Syria. This will increase the closeness between  Russia and Iran, but the tension between US and Russia is also expected to increase: one side (the US) wants the partition and the other (Russia) wants a unified Syria without al-Qaida and ISIS, and without Turkey occupying the north of Syria and a Saudi Arabia return to the Bilad al-Sham. At this stage one can only speculate on what this clash of incompatible objectives will produce on the ground in Syria.

    If Hezbollah had not supported Syria from the start, Syria would have likely collapsed. Hezbollah and Syria, are more than allies. One of the reasons the Zionists made ISIS, was to destroy Hezbollah but the Zionists failed. And it is a good the Zionists failed because after, it would have been Iran and than Russia.

    And the Russian Special Forces work with Hezbollah and the Russian Special Forces also train Hezbollah, and Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov, met with Hassan Nasrallah.

    Here are the sources for those who will ask to provide sources for the visit and meeting between Russian Deputy Foreign Minister Mikhail Bogdanov and Hassan Nasrallah.

    This is right from the Jews mouth.

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    Syrian War: News #11 - Page 35 Empty Re: Syrian War: News #11

    Post  JohninMK Thu Feb 23, 2017 8:28 pm

    I thought that the SAA had the routes to the south under fire control. Does this mean that the SAA, RuAF etc are not destroying the ISIS convoys etc on their way past?

    The Daesh has announced the start of its withdrawal from northern Syrian town of Al Bab, which is currently under siege by Turkish and Syrian forces, according to local media.

    DAMASCUS (Sputnik) — The Islamic State (ISIL or Daesh, outlawed in Russia) terrorist group has started to leave the besieged northern Syrian town of Al Bab, media reports said Thursday.

    The Daesh has announced the start of its withdrawal from the town, which is currently under siege by Turkish and Syrian forces, the Al Mayadeen channel reported.

    Turkish-backed Syrian opposition fighters said that Al Bab was fully under their control earlier in the day. Turkish Defense Minister Fikri Isik later stated that most of the town was under Syrian opposition control after the fighters entered the town center.

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