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Hannibal Barca
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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict


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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  George1 Fri Sep 30, 2016 2:18 pm

    India-Pakistan War Timeline: Recent Deadly Attacks Are Just The Latest Between Nuclear Neighbors

    A rising of tensions between India and Pakistan in recent days has led to fears the two neighboring nuclear powers could be heading down a dangerous path to further conflict. Militants who India claims had links to Pakistan attacked an army base in the Indian-controlled region of contested Kashmir last week, killing at least 17 in the deadliest attack on security forces in the area in almost two decades. India retaliated Thursday, carrying out “surgical strikes” on Pakistani-administered Kashmir, claiming to have caused “significant casualties to terrorists.”

    While Pakistan downplayed the attacks, the war of words and, more perhaps worryingly, actions continue over the Himalayan region that has been at the heart of three wars between the two countries over the past 69 years.

    Below is a timeline of the events that preceded the latest conflict between the two countries:

    1947-1948 – India’s independence from Great Britain after World War II saw the ruler of the princely state of Kashmir, comprised of a majority Muslim population, tasked with deciding which of the newly created independent states to join – India or Pakistan. An attack by Muslim tribesmen in October 1947 prompted Maharaja Hari Singh to seek assistance from India and later to sign an Instrument of Accession, ceding Kashmir to India.

    That led to the start of the first war over the region, which was only halted Jan. 1, 1949, when a United Nations-brokered ceasefire created a line of division that gave India control of 65 percent of the territory and the remainder to Pakistan. Intended to only be a temporary arrangement until a referendum was held, the division remains in place to this day.

    1957 – India declared Kashmir an integral part of the Indian Union.

    1965 – An April clash between border controls in Kashmir precipitated a covert operation by Pakistan into India-controlled territory. India followed by invading Pakistan along the country's Lahore border, leading to the second Indo-Pakistani war. After three weeks of warfare, the two countries agreed to a UN-sponsored ceasefire and signed a declaration the following January to settle their disputes by peaceful means.

    1971 – India and Pakistan went to war for a third time, but it was the first time the conflict did not involve Kashmir. In that instance, a civil war between the West Pakistan army and East Pakistanis demanding independence sparked conflict. After the Pakistan army tried to halt the uprising, India intervened with an assault against East Pakistan. More than 90,000 members of the Pakistani army became prisoners of war after the end of the 13-day conflict which led to East Pakistan becoming the independent country of Bangladesh Dec. 6, 1971. The following year, India and Pakistan signed the Simla Agreement, exchanging the withdrawal of troops for the release of prisoners of war and attempting to set a blueprint for future peaceful relations.

    1989 – Armed resistance to Indian rule in the Kashmir valley commenced as Muslim political parties, claiming state elections in 1987 were rigged, formed militant wings. Pakistan offered the insurgency its “moral and diplomatic” support, while India claimed Pakistan was providing weapons and training. New militant groups would continue to emerge throughout the 1990s.

    1999 – Shortly after both countries conducted nuclear tests, then-Indian Prime Minister Atal Bihari Vajpayee and his Pakistani counterpart Nawaz Sharif signed the Lahore Declaration, reaffirming the Simla Agreement. However, just a few months later the two now nuclear powers would be engaged in conflict once again. The Kargil War started when India launched air strikes against Pakistan-backed forces which had crossed over to the Indian side of the Kashmir border. Tens of thousands of civilians on both sides of the border became refugees before Sharif ordered the withdrawal of the infiltrating forces.

    2001 – An attack on the Indian Kashmiri assembly in Srinagar, which killed 38, was followed by an armed attack on the Indian parliament in New Delhi, killing 14 more. India continued to condemn Pakistan for cross-border terrorism before Pakistan President Perez Musharaf promised to counter extremism on the country's own soil.

    2007 – The day before talks were due between the two governments, a train operating between India and Pakistan was bombed, killing 68 people, mostly Pakistanis. Both countries’ governments condemned the attack but nobody was convicted for it.

    Last edited by George1 on Wed Feb 27, 2019 4:05 am; edited 2 times in total

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  George1 Sat Oct 01, 2016 3:32 pm

    Something that would seem strange before some years. Afghanistan supports India in Kashmir conflict..

    Afghanistan Supports India's Surgical Strikes in Pakistan - Ambassador

    Read more:

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty At Ambala Cantt, an elite force ready to respond

    Post  Pinto Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:31 pm

    CHANDIGARH: Briefings, war games exercises inside operations room and restricted movement around Ambala Cantonment, which houses one the three offensive "strike corps" of the Army - all suggest that the offensive arm of the force is preparing itself for any eventuality. Ambala-based 2 Corps, popularly called as Kharga Corps, possesses 50% of the Army's offensive capabilities and has the mandate to launch offensive strike on Pakistan territory, in case of a war.

    Sources also confirmed to TOI that the 2 Corps is also closely coordinating with the Indian Air Force, as it launches its operation supported by the air strike support. All field formations under the Corps, including armoured and mechanised formations, artillery division and air defence elements along with other supporting arms and services have also asked for readiness.

    Even major roads in Ambala leading toward Kharga Corps headquarters and air force station have been blocked by the defence authorities for any civilian movement. "There are no orders of movement as was done during December 2001 in Operation Prakaram. But all the commanders of division and brigade formations under 2 Corps have been asked to maintain 100% preparedness so that forces remains alert and any order to these formations for movement does not come as a surprise for them," a high ranking officer of the Army's Western Commandsaid.

    The 2 Corps is integrated with multiple formations including 14 (I) Armoured Brigade, an artillery brigade, air defence brigade, engineers brigade, a helicopter squadron, I-Armoured Division, 14 Rapid Division consisting Signal units and 22 Infantry Division (Ram division) at different locations.

    Kharga has proved an effective weapon in various wars. In 1971 war, while positioned in West Bengal, it was Kharga Corps that broke Pakistan into two pieces. The elite corps was also deployed somewhere in the desert sector during Kargil conflict and Op Parakram following the attack on parliament. It was shifted to Ambala in 1985.

    The 2 Corps had conducted a full-fledged military exercise in April last year to validate the operational doctrines of the Strike Corps and to test various battle concepts. The focus of the exercise was on new and efficient ways of fighting a war in a synergized battlefield.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Retiring Pakistan army chief Raheel Sharif may seek bloody hurrah

    Post  Pinto Sat Oct 01, 2016 6:43 pm

    NEW DELHI: India is keeping its guard up because of the assessment that Pakistan army chief General Raheel Sharif+ may unleash "some cross-border action-plan" in the run-up to his November end scheduled retirement.

    The Indian security establishment feels Gen Sharif, who has a strong anti-India agenda, is unlikely to go home quietly+ after Thursday's "surgical strikes". Having projected himself as a crusader against terrorism and corruption, often overruling PM Nawaz Sharif on several issues, Gen Sharif is "capable" of going in for a strong counter-move against India+ to redeem his legacy, say officials.

    Nawaz Sharif+ , of course, would like to see the back of Gen Sharif, with four Lt-Generals in the reckoning to succeed him. If Nawaz actually succeeds in this endeavour, Lt Gen Javed Iqbal Ramday, commanding the 31 Corps at Bahalwalpur, could take over the reins of the Army .

    "Ramday is third in seniority among the four. But his family has political links with Nawaz's Pakistan Muslim League (N)," an official said. The other three Lt Gens are Zubair Mahmood Hayat (chief of general staff), Ishfaq Nadeem Ahmed (chief of the 2 Corps at Multan) and Qamar Javed Bajwa (I-G training and evaluation at the GHQ).

    "Gen Sharif, who's become a bit of a megalomaniac and Nawaz Sharif hate each other.This aura of invincibility and greatness that Gen Sharif built for himself received a setback with this attack (India's surgical strikes)," said former ambassador to Pakistan G Parthasarathy .

    "Given Gen Sharif 's unpredictability and India hatred (his uncle was killed in the 1965 war and brother in 1971), the threat is he might do something silly. India should be prepared," he added.

    Nawaz Sharif has handpicked five Army chiefs during his stints as PM, including Gen Pervez Musharraf (1998) and Gen Sharif (2013). Musharraf went on to oust Nawaz Sharif in 1999, exiling him to Saudi Arabia.

    The Pakistan Army has over the years been the prime driver behind Islamabad's Kashmir policy+ to "bleed'' India. But despite its history of interventions within and adventurism vis-a-vis India, it remains a motivated, force.

    If there is a change in guard this November, India won't have much to cheer about. "Pakistan Army's professional hostility towards India will continue, though it may not be as visceral and personal as under Gen Sharif," said Parthasarathy.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Headed for a war? The long term implications of India's attack on Pakistan

    Post  Pinto Sun Oct 02, 2016 12:14 pm

    What is the long-term implication of India's attack on Pakistan?

    One of them might be that there is another war between us, which would make it officially the third war, if it is long, or the fifth, if it is short. We fought first in 1947-48 when Jinnah sent a tribal army of Pathans to conquer Kashmir and seized what we call today PoK and Pakistanis call Azad Kashmir. Then Ayub Khan was instigated by his foreign minister Bhutto to send intruders into Kashmir again in 1965. Shastri responded by sending tanks across the international border towards Lahore. That war ended with a peace brokered by the Soviet Union at Tashkent (today in Uzbekistan). It also ended partly because both countries ran out of air force spare parts. Fighter planes are high-performance machines which use very expensive parts which are used up quickly. For this reason, poor nations cannot afford to fight modern wars beyond 10 days. Today, India is much more powerful and richer than Pakistan and so this situation has changed. But then we both have weapons of mass destruction now which we did not in Shastri's time.

    Only six years after the Tashkent peace, we divided Pakistan in the 1971 war to create Bangladesh. In 1999, we cleared Pakistan's Northern Light Infantry jawans at Kargil. Though about 1,000 soldiers died, 500 on each side, the Kargil conflict is not classified as a war because neither nation officially declared war.

    This time, after Prime Minister Narendra Modi ordered retaliation, the conflict seems to be contained. India used very cautious language when announcing the surgical strike. We also assured Pakistan and the world we were not planning further action. However, since we have already fought them so many times there is always a possibility that we will go to war again.

    The problem with war is that populations get bored of it soon. I do not mean they get tired of war, in the sense that their sons are dying or that the economy is bleeding. I mean they actually get bored.

    The first world war was fought in trenches. Long and unmoving lines that began in Belgium (a wretched nation that wanted no part of the fighting but became a battlefield because it was located between the combatants) and ended at Switzerland. These long and unmoving lines remained for years. Between 1914 and 1918, the Germans were facing off against the French and British they hated who were in trenches 150 metres apart.

    What was going on behind them? Nothing. People were going to pubs and restaurants in the evening, to work in offices and factories and fields in the morning, children were going to school and families were going off on their annual vacations. All this time, and for four years, a couple of kilometres from thousands of French and Belgian towns and cities and villages, millions of men were shooting and bombing one another.
    How many people were killed? More than one and a half crore. What was the result of the war? That is difficult to say. The national borders remained more or less the same, all the economies were gutted. Some regimes changed. The Russian empire died and the Communists took power. The Austro-Hungarian empire ended and so did the German empire. But all of these were changed from within. No country benefited from the all of the killings.

    I wonder if our conflict with Pakistan will be different. Will this surgical strike of ours put an end to Pakistani terror?

    And if not, what will we do when the next terror strike happens? Will there be another surgical strike or will we have to do something bigger? How big does it have to be to get Pakistan to totally stop? We cut their country in half but they still have not learned the lesson we want to teach them. Will they learn it if we cut them in half again? That will need a lot of killing and dying however. I wonder if even we will get bored.

    Will we continue with our lives when after a while, there is nothing 'new' in the news and the latest killings are just the same as the ones of yesterday and the day before? Will we be going about our business, coming back home to watch the TV channels discuss the latest development in the Indrani case?

    I think so because that is the nature of the human being and that is the nature of war.
    par far

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  par far Wed Oct 05, 2016 3:52 am

    This conflict only benefits the US, India and Pakistan are only hurting themselves.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty These are the 10 Killer Weapons India and Pakistan Would Use in a War

    Post  Pinto Sat Oct 08, 2016 9:10 am

    While the world continues to focus on the U.S. presidential election, a massive hurricane off the coast of America, the showdown in Syria and tensions in the South China Sea, another crisis is fast developing between India and Pakistan. And if bullets start flying, considering the stakes on both sides, and the atomic arsenals involved, it could very well eclipse what is going on in the news cycle at a moments notice.

    Both sides are heavily armed with some of the world's most deadly weapons of war, from submarines and aircraft carriers to the ultimate weapon of war that could instantly kill millions and spread radioactive terror around the globe: nuclear weapons.

    But what nation has the advantage? Who has the stronger military? Which nation has the best equipment?

    In 2014, Kyle Mizokami, a regular contributor to this publication, analyzed the 5 most lethal weapons India and Pakistan held in their arsenals and which systems each side should consider closely in any military contest. For your reading pleasure, we have packed both pieces into this one post. Let the debate begin.


    Recently India alleged a series of ceasefire violations—in the form of automatic weapons fire—by Pakistan on the border between the two countries. According to India, it was the sixth attack in just five days. Such events are a reminder that tension remains high on the Indian subcontinent.

    The nuclear arsenals of both sides—and the red lines that would trigger their use—have made conventional war much more risky to conduct. The 1999 Kargil War is considered the closest the world has come to a nuclear war since the Cuban Missile Crisis. If India were to use its superiority in ground forces to seize a sizable amount of Pakistani territory, Pakistan could respond with nuclear weapons.

    It’s distinctly possible that any future war between India and Pakistan would involve limited action on the ground and full-scale fighting at sea and in the air. India has the upper hand in both, particularly at sea where it would have the ability to blockade Pakistani ports. Pakistan imports 83% of its gasoline consumption, and without sizable reserves the economy would feel the effects of war very quickly. An economic victory, not a purely military one might be the best way to decisively end a war without the use of nuclear weapons.

    With that scenario in mind, let’s look at the five Indian weapons Pakistan would fear most in a war.

    INS Vikramaditya Aircraft Carrier:

    Commissioned in November 2013, INS Vikramaditya is the newer and more modern of India’s two aircraft carriers. In the event of war, Vikramaditya would lead an offensive at sea designed to sweep the Pakistani Navy from the field. The nightmare scenario for Pakistan would be Vikramaditya parked off the coast of Karachi, Pakistan’s largest port, enforcing a naval blockade.

    Originally built for the Soviet Navy as the anti-submarine aviation cruiser Baku, Vikramaditya was mothballed in 1996 after it became clear post-Cold War Russia could not afford to operate her. The ship was purchased by India in 2004, to be upgraded by Russian shipbuilders to a true aircraft carrier complete with angled flight deck. The updated design deleted all cruiser armament, including two 100mm deck guns, 192 SA-N-9 surface to air missiles and 12 SS-N-12 Sandbox anti-ship missiles.

    Vikramaditya is 282 meters long and displaces 44,000 tons, making it less than half the displacement of American supercarriers. Nevertheless Vikramaditya’s powerful air wing is capable of executing air superiority, anti-surface, anti-ship and anti-submarine warfare. The carrier air wing is expected to consist of 24 MiG-29K or Tejas multi-role fighters and 10 anti-submarine warfare helicopters. India has ordered 45 MiG-29Ks, with the first squadron, 303 “Black Panthers” Squadron, stood up in May 2013.

    INS Chakra Nuclear Attack Submarine:

    While INS Vikramaditya would be the visible symbol of a naval blockade, perhaps the real enforcers would be India’s force of 14 attack submarines. The most powerful of India’s submarines is INS Chakra, an Akula-II nuclear-powered attack submarine.

    INS Chakra would be able to fulfill a variety of wartime tasks. It would be a real threat to Pakistan’s Navy, particularly her 11 frigates and eight submarines, only three of which are reasonably modern. Chakra is also capable of covertly laying mines in Pakistani waters and conduct surveillance in support of a blockade.

    Construction of the submarine that would become Chakra began in 1993, but stalled due to lack of funding. In 2004 the Indian Navy agreed to fund the sub to completion—at a cost of $900 million—in exchange for a future 10 year lease with an option to buy. Delivery to the Indian Navy was supposed to take place in 2010, but transfer was delayed after a 2008 accident that killed 20 Russian Navy personnel and wounded another 21.

    At 8,000 tons displacement, Chakra is as large as U.S. Virginia-class nuclear submarines. It has a maximum speed of 30 knots with a maximum operating depth of reportedly 520 meters. The sub not only has a customary large sonar hydrophone array on the bow, but also active and passive arrays scattered over the rest of the hull. Chakra also features a pod-mounted towed hydrophone array.

    TNI Staff
    October 7, 2016
    Printer-friendly version
    INS Chakra is armed with not only four standard diameter 533 torpedo tubes but also another four 650mm torpedo tubes. Armament includes the VA-111 Shkval supercavitating torpedo, a high speed torpedo capable of traveling at 220 knots to ranges of up 15 kilometers. Missile armament is in the form of 3M54 Klub anti-ship missiles. Chakra can carry up to 40 torpedo tube launched weapons, including mines. (Five merchant ships were struck by mines during the 1971 India-Pakistan War.) For defensive purposes, Chakra has six external tubes, each carrying two torpedo decoys.

    According to the terms of the lease with Russia, Chakra cannot be equipped with nuclear weapons.

    AH-64D Apache Longbow Block III Attack Helicopter:

    India’s recent agreement to purchase the AH-64D Apache helicopter represents a quantum leap in land firepower for the Indian Army. The Apache’s versatility means that it will be able to do everything from engage armored formations in a conventional war scenario to hunt guerrillas and infiltrators in a counterinsurgency campaign.

    The Apache is one of the most battle proven attack helicopters fielded. Apache is capable of speeds of up to 171 miles an hour in high altitude environments, an important consideration in India’s mountainous terrain. The rotor blades are resistant to 12.7mm machine gun fire and the cockpit is protected from shrapnel by Kevlar shielding.

    The Apache Longbow is optimized to attack and destroy armor—the mast-mounted millimeter-wave radar is capable of detecting and prioritizing up to 128 vehicle targets in a matter of seconds, then attacking up to sixteen targets in quick succession. For counterinsurgency operations, the thermal imaging sensor allows crew members to pick out individuals in ground cover and concealment.

    The helicopter has four external hard points, each of which can mount four Hellfire missiles. A 30mm cannon capable of engaging light armor, soft targets or personnel is mounted underneath the helicopter chin and slaved to an optical sight worn by the pilot and gunner.

    In a contract worth $1.4 billion dollars, in 2012 India agreed to purchase 22 Apache helicopters. Also included in the 2012 deal was a request for 812 Hellfire Longbow millimeter-wave radar guided missiles for use against tanks and armored vehicles and 542 Hellfires optimized for use against hard, soft and enclosed targets. Also included in the deal were 245 Stinger Block I missiles to provide an air-to-air capability.

    In August, India offered to buy a further 39 Apaches, in an attempt to drive the overall unit cost down.

    Su-30MKI Fighter:

    The Indian Air Force’s Su-30MKI air superiority fighter is meant to secure air superiority over Pakistan. The IAF has 200 Su-30MKIs in service with another 72 on order. A long-ranged, twin engine fighter with a powerful radar and formidable armament, the Su-30MKI will form the mainstay of the Indian Air Force.

    The Su-30MKI is an evolution of the 1980s-era Su-27 Flanker. Thrust vectoring control and canards make the plane highly maneuverable, while the Zhuk active electronically scanned array radar makes it capable of engaging several targets at once. Complementing the Zhuk will be the Novator long-range air to air missile, capable of engaging targets at up to 300 to 400 kilometers.

    The Su-30MKI has an impressive twelve hardpoints for mounting weapons, sensors and fuel tanks. The Su-30MKI is arguably superior to any fighter in the Pakistani Air Force, with the possible exception of the F-16 Block 50/52, of which Pakistan has only 18.

    A portion of the Su-30MKI force has been modified for the strategic reconnaissance role. Israeli-made sensor pods reportedly give the Indian Air Force the ability to look up to 300 kilometers into Pakistan (or China) simply by flying along the border.

    The Su-30MKI will grow even more lethal with the addition of the air-launched version of the BrahMos supersonic missile, currently under development. Each Su-30MKI will be capable of carrying a single BrahMos. BrahMos will give the Su-30MKI stand-off capability against ships and ground targets to ranges of 295 kilometers.

    Indian Nuclear Weapons:

    India first tested a nuclear weapon in 1974, with the detonation of a 12 kiloton explosive device. The Indian government has been consistently tight-lipped on the status of their nuclear arsenal, and as a result a considerable amount of mystery surrounds India’s nuclear weapons.

    The exact size of the arsenal is unknown but estimated to be between 90 and 110 nuclear devices. Statements by officials have lead outsiders to believe the maximum yield of Indian weapons to be around 200 kilotons, or approximately ten times the destructive power of the Hiroshima bomb.

    India’s first nuclear delivery systems were likely attack aircraft—first the Jaguar, then the MiG-27 and Mirage 2000. Although capable, the aircraft were vulnerable to Pakistan’s air defense network and this vulnerability likely lead to the development of the land-based missiles. It is unknown whether nuclear weapons have been fitted to the Su-30MKI, but as a non-stealthly aircraft its ability to penetrate Pakistani defenses would not be dissimilar to a Mirage 2000.

    Indian nuclear weapons are placed under the authority of the Strategic Forces Command. India’s primary delivery systems are land-based missiles. The Prithvi I and II liquid-fueled missiles have ranges from 150 to 350 kilometers and need half a day to prepare for launch. The Agni I, II, III and IV solid-fuel missiles are medium to intermediate range ballistic missiles with a range of 700 to 4,000 kilometers.

    India is also on the verge of fielding its first ballistic missile submarine, the Arihant. Based on the Akula-I attack submarine design, Arihant has been modified to carry 12 K-15 short-range missiles or 4 K-4 intermediate-range nuclear missiles. Arihant is significant in that it will be able to patrol far beyond the range of Pakistani anti-submarine warfare capabilities. This will essentially make India’s retaliatory capability untouchable by Pakistan and thus a more credible deterrent.

    India has a “no first use” policy regarding its nuclear weapons, reserving them solely for retaliation in the event of nuclear attack. Indian also adheres to a “minimum self defense” doctrine, in which the fewest nuclear weapons needed to maintain effective deterrence from attack are maintained.


    Since 1947, Pakistan has played second fiddle to a larger, stronger India. Despite spending 50% more as a percentage of GDP on defense than India, Pakistan is militarily much weaker than India, and would lose in any conventional war. Like North Korea, Pakistan is a weakening state that invested in nuclear weapons as an inexpensive way to assure territorial integrity. An invasion of Pakistan is now likely extremely dangerous and one of the surest ways to a nuclear war. In that respect, Pakistan’s nuclear program can be considered a success.

    Pakistan practices a particularly brutal form of realpolitik that involves constantly playing one party against another, to distract all parties from Pakistan’s own weakness. In support of such a policy it has evolved a wide spectrum of destructive tools, from terrorist groups to nuclear weapons. All of these tools are arrayed against India. From terrorism to nuclear war, India has to consider a wide array of contingencies it could face from Pakistan. Here are five of the most dangerous weapons India could face in any contingency.

    JF-17 Thunder Fighter Bomber:

    A low-cost, single-engine multirole fighter, the JF-17 “Thunder” was jointly designed by the Chengdu Aircraft Industry Group (developers of the J-20 fighter) and the Pakistan Aeronautical Complex. Two hundred JF-17s may be built for the Pakistani Air Force, a significant upgrade over the existing Mirage III, Mirage V, and Chengdu F-7 fighters. The JF-17 is destined to become the backbone of the Pakistani Air Force’s fighter fleet.

    Pakistan, traditionally a strong customer for American weapons, purchased several dozen F-16 Fighting Falcons in the 1980s and 1990s. The first 40 were delivered but a second batch of 28 was not, held up by American disapproval over Pakistan’s nuclear weapons program. This delay sparked an effort by Pakistan to diversify the sources of its weapons. The need for fighters coincided with China’s burgeoning military aviation industry, and the JF-17 Thunder was born.

    The JF-17 outwardly appears similar to existing Pakistani Air Force fighters, in particular the French Mirage V and the American F-16 Fighting Falcon. This is probably not a coincidence, and hints at extensive Chinese study of both fighters. First flight for the JF-17 was in Chengdu, China in August 2003, with initial production in 2007.

    JF-17 Thunder has an extensive suite of features common to modern fighters: a fly-by-wire control system, pulse-Doppler radar for detection and air to air engagement, in-flight refueling capability, a laser designator for ground attack, an advanced defensive countermeasures suite, and an ergonomic cockpit featuring a heads-up display and full-color digital displays. It continues to benefit from the breakneck pace of Chinese aerospace development, with new engines, a new electro-optical, helmet-mounted targeting system and avionics upgrades all planned for the near future.

    The JF-17 has five weapons hardpoints that can carry a total of 8,000 pounds of fuel, equipment or munitions. Air-to-air weapons are supplied by China, with PL-5 and PL-9 short-range infrared missiles occupying the two wingtip hardpoints. For beyond visual-range engagements, the JF-17 would be equipped with the Chinese PL-12 active-radar homing missile. Air-to-ground weapons are less well known but would likely include various forms of unguided “dumb” bombs, laser-guided bombs, rocket pods, precision-guided missiles and anti-ship missiles.

    Khalid-Class Submarine:

    The Pakistani Navy is heavily outmatched by the Indian Navy in nearly all respects. The Indian Navy has more people, more ships and more planes. In terms of technology, it is far outstripping Pakistan. Pakistan’s most useful naval assets against India are its three Khalid-class diesel electric attack submarines. These submarines alone could practice an “anti-access, area-denial” (A2/AD) strategy of their own against an Indian Navy attempting to impose a blockade on Karachi and ports west.

    The three Khalid-class submarines are modernized versions of the French Agosta-class diesel electric submarines. Khalid, Saad and Hamza are relatively small, weighing in at 2,050 tons submerged. The Khalid class can make 12 knots surfaced and just over 20 knots submerged. All three submarines have been fitted with an air independent propulsion system, allowing them to stay submerged—where they are difficult to detect—for greater periods.

    Armament for the Khalid class is in the form of four 533mm standard diameter torpedo tubes. The torpedo tubes can be used to launch French-made ECAN F17 Mod 2 wire-guided torpedoes. Capable of both active and passive homing, the F17 Mod 2 can deliver a 250kg warhead up to 20 kilometers. At longer ranges, the submarines can strike targets with the famous Exocet anti-ship missile. SM39, the submerged version of Exocet, has a range of up to 50 kilometers and a high explosive warhead of 165 kilograms.

    Pakistani Nuclear Weapons:

    Pakistan resolved to build a nuclear arsenal after the 1971 war with India; the 1974 test of an Indian atomic device reinforced in Pakistan’s view. Pakistan’s nuclear program proceeded under the notorious Dr. A.Q. Khan, considered the “Father of the Pakistani Bomb.” In 1998, Pakistan shocked the world by simultaneously detonating multiple nuclear devices that ranged in yield from sub-kiloton to up to a possible 36 kilotons.

    The number of nuclear weapons Pakistan is thought to possess is unknown but estimated to be between 90 and 110, a number derived from the amount of fissile material Pakistan is thought to have produced. Pakistani nukes are thought to have two delivery systems: aircraft bombs and ballistic missiles. Early model Pakistani F-16 fighter-bombers were probably designated in the late 1990s to carry nuclear gravity bombs. From Pakistan’s F-16 base at Sargodha, a nuclear armed F-16A could reach as far as central India. That is, if it can get through India’s national air defense network.

    Pakistan has two short-range tactical ballistic missiles, the Ghaznavi and Shaheen missiles. Pakistan is currently developing two more short range missiles, the Abdali and Nasr. For longer range strikes Pakistan has an unknown number of Ghauri-2 missiles, an intermediate range ballistic missile based on the North Korean Nodong missile. Not much is known about the Ghauri-2, which was first deployed in the 1990s. A liquid fueled, road mobile, single stage missile with a range of approximately 2,000 kilometers, it theoretically has the ability to hit eighty percent of India. A newer intermediate range ballistic missile, Shaheen-2, is solid-fueled and reportedly has a range of 2,000 kilometers.

    Despite the proliferation of Pakistani nuclear weapons and delivery vehicles this does not particularly mean Pakistan has a secure or reliable nuclear arsenal. The physical security of Pakistani nuclear weapons—particularly against a military coup or terrorist attack—has been a source of concern for the West and the United States in particular. The proliferation of Pakistani nuclear missile designs suggests early designs have been less than successful.

    Non-State Actor Terrorist Groups:

    Perhaps the most dangerous weapon in Pakistan’s arsenal are terrorist groups.

    The danger to India is that these groups—particularly those plotting and conducting attacks against civilians—could pressure the Indian government to retaliate militarily against Pakistan.

    The larger danger of such groups is that they could prompt the Indian government to take measures that would lead to all-out war between the two countries. The activation of India’s “Cold Start” conventional military doctrine, in which the Indian Army would defeat the Pakistani Army and then rapidly move into Pakistan, could trigger a nuclear response from Pakistan, leading to a nuclear exchange between the two countries.

    Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs):

    Given Pakistan’s history of provocations against its neighbor India, the revelation that the Pakistani military is getting into drones is not exactly good news. Since 2008, Pakistan has fielded two small unmanned aerial vehicles for tactical reconnaissance, the Shahpar and Uqab. Although drones have legitimate battlefield uses, the thought of Pakistan possessing drones spurs thoughts of more nefarious purposes than providing reconnaissance and security for Pakistani troops.

    The smaller of the two drones, Uqab, is described by Pakistani defense contractor Global Industrial Defence Solution (GIDS) as a “tactical UAV system which can be used for battlefield damage assessment, aerial reconnaissance, artillery fire correction, search and rescue, route monitoring, flood relief operations” and so on. Uqab has a range of 150 kilometers and an endurance of six hours. A twin-tailed design with a single push turboprop engine, Uqab is capable of speeds of up to 120 to 150 kilometers an hour. Navigating by GPS, Uqab has both a full color real-time camera and a thermal imager camera.

    The Shahpar drone, also made by GIDS, is slightly larger and faster, about 15% bigger and capable of speeds up to 150 kilometers per hour. Some effort has been put into reducing the Shahpar’s radar signature, although with a large push propeller attached to the rear of the drone that may be a forlorn hope. Endurance is increased to 7 hours, and the data link can transmit real-time video up to 250 kilometers. Shahpar is capable of autonomous takeoff, flying and landing, utilizing GPS.

    India would fear the Shahpar and Uqab drones because they are the ideal complement to small armed groups—whether Pakistani Rangers or Laskhar-e-Taiba—sent to stir up trouble at a border outpost or in a large city. Drone surveillance could be used to reconnoiter objectives, screen flanks and provide security, and provide real-time intelligence. The Shahpar, capable of carrying payloads of up to 50 kilograms, could likely even be used to covertly deliver cargo.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  George1 Mon Nov 21, 2016 4:52 pm

    Indian Border Guard Killed in Cross-Border Shelling in Kashmir Region

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty J&K: Three soldiers killed in Machhal, body of one mutilated; Army says retribution will be heavy

    Post  Pinto Tue Nov 22, 2016 3:40 pm

    Three soldiers were killed in an encounter with terrorists in Jammu & Kashmir’s Machhal area on Tuesday, according to Northern Command of Indian Army. The body of one of the soldiers was mutilated. Reacting to the incident, the Army said “retribution will be heavy” for this cowardly act. Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar was briefed by Vice Chief of Army Lt Gen Bipin Rawat on the killing of three soldier. Defence Ministry sources said Lt Gen Rawat briefed the minister in detail.

    Deputy Chief Minister of Jammu & Kashmir Nirmal Singh condemned the incident and said Pakistan is desperate more so after the surgical strike.

    Earlier in the day, the Army gunned down two terrorists in Bandipora district. Shockingly, Rs 2,000 notes, which have been in circulation for less than a fortnight, were recovered from the terrorists. Security forces had cordoned off the area early morning after the terrorists who were holed up there opened fire.

    The incident happened a day after a head constable of the BSF was killed and five others were wounded in firing by Pakistani troops along the Line of Control (LoC). Pakistani forces have been repeatedly violating ceasefire after the surgical strike conducted by the Indian Army in September.

    On October 28, Mandeep Singh Rawat was killed and his body also mutilated by terrorists in Machhil sector of Jammu and Kashmir.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Indian Army Vows 'Befitting Response' to Alleged Mutilation of Soldier's Body

    Post  Pinto Tue Nov 22, 2016 7:38 pm

    Tensions on the India-Pakistan border in Kashmir have again escalated after the Indian army vowed a befitting response to the mutilation of the body of its soldier killed in an exchange of fire.

    New Delhi (Sputnik) — In a heavy cross firing at Line of Control (de-facto border) between India and Pakistan, three Indian soldiers were killed.

    "Three soldiers killed in action on LC (Line of Control) in Machhal. The body of one soldier mutilated," the Indian Army said.

    This is the second such incident of mutilation of the body of an Indian soldier on the LoC since October 29.

    Sources suspect it to be the handiwork of Pakistan’s Border Action Force. The Vice Chief of the Indian Army Lt Gen Bipin Rawat briefed Defence Minister Manohar Parrikar about the deaths and was given the go-ahead for a strong retaliation. A day earlier Pakistan felt aggrieved over the deaths of 4 civilians at the LoC. At the same time, it claimed to have killed six Indian soldiers in retaliatory firing.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Chances of a settlement in Kashmir so a Russia to India railway could be built?

    Post  Firebird Thu Dec 08, 2016 6:37 pm

    Does anyone, Pinto or anyone else no the likelihood of India and Pakistan ever coming to an agreement on Kashmir etc?

    Obviously things look shit at the moment. But many things change over time. America and Japan are now allies. Russia and China are fairly friendly. America and Russia have been arch enemies followed by semi-partners at different times. Europe has the same phenomena.

    I mean enough for Russia to build a landbridge ie railway to connect the Eurasian Union with India.

    Pakistan isn't really friends with America any more. I don't think its THAT friendly with China. So why don't Pakistan and India work together? After all, there's lots of Pakistanis in India anyway.

    The reason  I ask is that Russia and India potentially have a perfect synergy. And Pakistan could benefit by being part of the connection between the 2.

    The North South corridor via the Caspian Sea and Iran is ok. But to connect India and Russia by train would be far quicker and easier. It would really allow both (and other countries) to enhance trade links.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Dec 09, 2016 12:48 am

    I think you have answered your own question.

    A trade link by Rail directly from Russia to India would benefit both countries... the question is how much benefit would Pakistan get from this and is this enough to justify going forward with it.

    At the end of the day it also gives Pakistan leverage in that system... much like a rail link through a baltic country into Kaliningrad... it would benefit that Baltic country but in the end would likely be abused for whatever reason... mostly in this case to get at Russia but in the case we are discussing it would be to get at India...

    It is a gas pipe line through the Ukraine you are talking about and probably wont happen for all the same reasons of the examples I have mentioned.

    I agree it is a shame however as everyone could do well in the deal...

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  Firebird Fri Dec 09, 2016 2:29 pm

    The biggest shit in the works currently seems to be China.
    Pakistan shouldn't be scared of Russia trading with India, because Pakistan can benefit massively too.
    INfact North India and Pakistan have many similarties and links. Infact even Southern India does too.

    70 yrs ago European countries were destroying each other, Jap and US were arch enemies etc. But things change. Look at N and S Ireland.

    America wanted Pak-Ru and Pak-India relations poisoned. Now Pakistan sees American interference for what it is.

    Who can Pakistan trade with currently? China and some of the M East. If it builds a rail corridor, its options become huge. Pakistan's even got culturally similar potential partners in the EUrasian CIS region.

    Russia just needs to fix this before China gets a bigger foothold in Pakistan.
    The results for all three could be utterly gigantic. One trade corridor - India-Pakistan-CIS and Europe.
    2.5 bn people? 3 of the biggest trading blocs in the World working together.

    And for Russia, it isn't strengthening a potential future rival in the form of CHina.
    I think this is essential as part of a strategy for Russia to have balance in its foreign policy.

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    Post  Firebird Fri Dec 09, 2016 5:23 pm

    Maybe it could still happen?
    Some interesting links.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty India-Pakistan military clashes

    Post  Isos Tue Feb 26, 2019 4:24 pm

    India responded to the attack on its border guards. Mirage-2000 were used to bomb training camps. F-16 didn't try to intercept them.


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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Feb 26, 2019 5:31 pm

    Yeap. Funny they used Mirages. Guess OP was rather short and quick.

    Now Pakistan is trying to flex it's muscels. Issue now is there is exchange of small arms fire and artillery fire from Pakistan side to India.

    Good news is Iran isn't having any of Pakistans nonsense and have deployed their jets at Pakistan/Iran border and now doing constant flying.

    Pakistan is really painting itself into a corner.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  Isos Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:22 pm

    Mirages proved to be good during Kargil. They use them as bombers since then. And it would be stupid to reveal su-30MKI frequencies which is the backbone of their airforce if they had to face f-16. China has probably put lot of EW tools around as india is preparing for the attack since 2 weeks.

    The attack seems to have failed. Only trees and empty houses seem to have been hit. They had huge amount of time to evacuate.

    Iran is the one that has also to strike back. Pakistan on the other hand has no air defence systems to deploy and haaving fighters airborn 24/7 is impossible. But I doubt they would have done anything as the mirages were protected by sukhois or migs and they also have their own missiles.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Feb 26, 2019 6:46 pm

    They could use guided munitions of longer range. Like Brahmos. Would be effective and send a clear message.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  Isos Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:36 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:They could use guided munitions of longer range. Like Brahmos. Would be effective and send a clear message.

    For bombing something in the middle of a forest, not really.

    F. Jeffery ????
    CONFIRMED: Pakistani forces used some ATGMs in today's clashes with Indian Army along LoC. At least one ATGM hit a target inside India-held Kashmir. Nature of target still unclear but most likely an Indian military post.

    Some more, officially pakistan say will use f-16 against india:

    Pakistan Defence Command
    Ready to Hunt

    GetReadyForSurprise ???????? India

    #picture of a f-16 in the tweet#

    I think its too late  silent  for them now.

    Shahid Raza.
    F-16s are now cleared to engage. Last night their orders were to intercept & escort. Safety off, any miscalculation will prove to be deadly now. #UnitedWeStrike

    And a funny tweet lol1

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Feb 26, 2019 8:50 pm

    Isos wrote:.............
    And a funny tweet :lol1

    Oh yeah, I remember back in '99 how everything was so boring at night since neither side was doing anything because it was dark...

    I feel for them  lol1

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  Isos Tue Feb 26, 2019 9:30 pm

    Wajahat Kazmi
    Sialkot sector on the line of control (LoC) between Pakistan and India has turned into a massive battlefield with heavy casualties being reported from both sides. Tanks are forwarded on the frontline as air patrolling is increased in Pakistan - #UnitedWeStrike #IndianFailedStrike

    We will finally see mig-29SMT vs F-16 and t-90 vs chinese counterpart.

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  George1 Wed Feb 27, 2019 4:05 am

    The attack was carried out by 12 Dassault Mirage 2000H fighters of the Indian Air Force, which used 2000-pound Israeli Rafael 2000-caliber 2000 bombs and Israeli-made Rafael Popeye 2 (Crystal Maze) air-to-air heavy bombs. The targeting of bombs and missiles was provided using Rafael Litening pendant sighting and navigation containers. The strike was provided by a significant aviation grouping of the Indian Air Force, including two DRLO and control aircraft (one A-50EI and one Indian NETRA development based on Embraer E145), two Il-78MKI tanker aircraft, and four (according to other data, eight) Su-30MKI fighters for covering. Two Mirage 2000H aircraft were equipped with containers for active jamming. For reconnaissance and target designation were used Israeli UAI IAI Heron.

    Indian media claim that Mirage 2000H strike aircraft took off from Gwalior airbase in central India in order to ensure suddenness, made air refueling from Il-78MKI airplanes on the way to the target, and landed at Ambala after the attack. The Su-30MKI cover fighters were raised from Bareilly and Halvar airbases, and the DRLO and command and control airplanes were raised from Agra (A-50EI and IL-78MKI) and Bhatimda (NETRA).

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  Isos Wed Feb 27, 2019 8:07 am

    F16 downed by india !!!

    Mig-21 and a jaguar downed by PAF. One pilot captured.

    Last edited by Isos on Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:13 am; edited 1 time in total

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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  Vann7 Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:05 am

    Is very likely Americans are behind the terror attack on India..
    in retaliation for backing Maduro and buying venezuela oil..
    Venezuela is the #1 oil supplier of pakistan..

    Pakistan is the one that have the most to lose...
    Because IRAN ,will take the side of INDIA.. and China with Russia help
    will remain neutral..

    Is great to see those American F-16 modernized planes taken down ,to show
    how they are not as invincible as many claims.. India is using mostly mirages
    that are cheap and leave their best planes for last..

    when it comes to the Pakistan claims... that India failed to bomb
    their camp. . this sound pure RUBISH.. Because a surprise attack from India
    airforce ,will throw their missiles first and run away ,since the region is too close
    to India and Pakistan ,can't have all the time planes in air defending its territory.

    So my take is Pakistan is lying about its achievement to avoid embarassement.
    And is Pakistan behind the terror attacks on India.. because is not the first time
    that Pakistan terrorist attacks India cross border. Even China , demanded pakistan
    to stop terror attacks on India... and is not surprising at all.. what Pakistan is doing..
    since US influence them heavily.. Pakistan will become isolated..


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    India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict Empty Re: India-Pakistan Kashmir conflict

    Post  Tingsay Wed Feb 27, 2019 9:17 am

    Twitter and other social medias are on a frenzy.

    Some claim a Paki F-16 has been shot down by Indian AF while others say it was a friendly fire.
    Indian Mi-17 crashed as well. Claimed to be shut down by Paks but a crash due to technical issues according to the Indians.
    2 Indian planes allegedly shut down by Paks, denied by Indians.

    Interesting theory(not mine): Surgical strikes by India was a ploy to increase Modi's chances of getting reelected

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