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    Syrian Civil War: News #9


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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:35 am

    JohninMK wrote:This could be interesting, first Obama on Thursday now Turkey saying the same. Erdogan talking to TASS ahead of his trip on Tuesday to Russia. Bit more at link

    The Turkish President sees the failed coup attempt as an opportunity to start a fresh relationship with Russia despite the tragic past. "This will be a historic visit, a new beginning,” said Erdogan. “At the talks with my friend Vladimir (Putin), I believe, a new page in bilateral relations will be opened. Our countries have a lot to do together."


    Well doesn't he sound friendly although friends do not murder each other's subordinate pilots.

    I am honestly getting curious about that meeting. Making nice with this POS is definitely distasteful but he might prove to be useful yet.

    I just hope that Davutoglu, those two pilot clowns and that pig on the ground have their tickets stamped.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Vann7 Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:48 am

    kvs wrote:

    This map is much more realistic and the "corridor" is not secure.

    and that was also said by the terrorist. And it logical.
    because to really lift the siege ,should mean that supplies can enter
    and leave without problems. Instead what rebels have is a small corridor with terrorist
    being shoot from both sides at visual distance. and zones the Syrian army artillery can hammer.
    In real practice the siege is not lifted. It will be suicide to send a slow truck over that corridor.
    it could actually become the corridor a grinding zone of terrorist. a shooting gallery.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Resistance Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:38 am

    That fag commander of Aleppo is finally fired, by Assad no less. Ziad Saleh replaced him. He is the guy who commanded the successes at Sheik Maskin and Layramoun and is said to be an excellent strategist. About time. Better late than never. cheers

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:38 am

    One thing I don't get is how the fuck the area hasn't been mined to death by now.

    Just get some Urals mount the VMO's and rain mines and APERS.


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    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:41 am

    KiloGolf wrote:
    calm wrote:Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 QcoNUaG

    Something on this map tells me the terrorists gladly exchanged the naked, exposed route in the north to hugely built-up and urbanised territory on the south. They ended up with more turf in Aleppo, of much more strategic importance.

    Ramousseh is even more exposed from Al Shurfah. And the build up cover gets right on Aleppo ring, It's open wide.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  higurashihougi Mon Aug 08, 2016 5:06 am

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Zivo wrote:That looks like cheap propaganda. Besides there are 300,000 people supposedly stuck in east Aleppo, and one "liberated" road. You need semis to sustain that population, not pickups.

    Not really, it's the reality as of nearly 24 h ago. There is a solid land route established, and snapchat brigades were simply brushed aside by the terrorists. Pickups are only a start, tunnels will follow.

    Conspiracy theory: SAA and jihadists make a deal. SAA allow some foods to be delivered for the surrounded jihadists, so that they are less likely to escape toghether with civillians.

    Which means SAA and Russia only want civillians to escape via the corridor, and the rebels still stay inside. After evacuation of some civilllians, fighting may resume.

    After all the corridor is very narrow. Jihadists may have a road to run, but Russian bombs is dropping on that road.

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Aug 08, 2016 5:15 am

    PapaDragon wrote:Next month? They will be replaced long before the end of next work week.

    2/3 of the Syrian population are under goverment control.

    The jihadists, including IS, only control 1/3. Although they are all U.S. puppet, it is not like they are closely cooperated with each other.

    Jihadists can be supplied by "international" d*ckhead from Saudi, Turk, Jordan... but SAA is also helped by Hizbollah and Iran. Not to mention that as Russia-Turkey relationship is warming up, Erdie will be less likely to support terrorists like before.

    In this war of attrition, SAA wins. In short, if jihadists make some other "victories" like that, they will be out of manpower.

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    Post  higurashihougi Mon Aug 08, 2016 10:13 am

    Good news again to ease the tense atmosphere. SAA managed to retake Kinishba

    Not long after the Syrian Army captured Shillif and Toubal castles in the vicinity of Kinsabba, the army was able to secure the key town in the northeastern countryside of the coastal province.

    Local jihadist forces retreated from the town after their reinforcement convoy was ambushed, and to avoid being hunted under the fire control of the Syrian Army from the nearby hills.

    In actuality, the town had been empty for hours, but units from the Syrian Army were instructed not to enter it until a certain advance on the Kabani axis happened to ensure no VBIED breach occurs like what happened the last time the Syrian Army captured the Latakian village.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  crod Mon Aug 08, 2016 12:38 pm

    I've read reports on Irish and English news sites that the bearded fuckers have seized weapons and amour vehicles...if true, the Saa couldn't even manage to boobey trap or blow up these dumps instead of gifting them.

    I weep for the future...these guys are fuck ups, changing their commander means fuck all. They are a hopeless case. Everyday European citizens come bearded dickheads over running trained soldiers. Jesus fucking Christ but I'm dismayed and disappointed in equal measure.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Aug 08, 2016 1:55 pm

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    Post  Azi Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:18 pm

    We have to consider the situation with a "weeping eye and a laughing eye" (german saying!).

    Maybe the jihadis can enter the city at night, being very carfully, but this is not a corridor. SAA hast still the fire control over the area, don't forget! In the past SAA did many big mistakes, the ar-Raqqa offensive was a disaster, but now they are doing are really great job! Don't forget the jihadis attacked with more than 10.000 men, and the death toll is around 2000+, these are the biggest losses in a single offensive in last years and I follow the news about Syria for several years. If SAA is able to close "the corridor" again, the jihads has lost the war.

    About defense and mines...
    I think the SAA defense was not soo bad, they hold for a long time the defense line (of course not comparable to a real good army!). But with dozens SVBIED, utilized by al-Nusra, they beat a breach in the defense lines. Even if the SVBIED don't damaged the syrian troops, it's enough to let the mines detonate in a big radius and create some crates for the ground infantry (A SVBIED can be load with 5 - 20 tons of explosive).

    Also don't forget SAA is progressing in other areas, Kinsiba, the pocket near Damascus and so on.
    The jihadis are massed around Aleppo und this will be their doom! The death toll was too high for a city with a long lost strategic adavantage for the jihadis. The corridor is in the grasp of a cutting pincer (SAA), the death toll to travel through the corridor will be enormous high. And last but not least...what the jihadis gained in Aleppo (not much!), they lost in other areas.

    Trust me, the big game changer will be meeting between Putin and Erdogan Wink Erdogan is now confronting the EU, even the pussy bureaucrats in the EU are pissed off, but he needs partners and with Russia he can deal easily. Russia will make no bla bla about human rights in Turkey so Erdogan will prefer a good relation with Russia. The Aleppo offensive was also a political weight for Erdogan in the coming meeting with Putin. At the end Erdogan will turn off slowly his Sryian engagement and the jihadis will loose the war.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Regular Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:28 pm

    Nuke it pls

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    Post  calm Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:35 pm

    5 syrians captured by foreign terrorist oposition freedom fighters supported by the west.

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpUy40zXYAASRny


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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  crod Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:41 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpVMfQ7VIAElgjd

    Well that takes some believing....holy fuck

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Azi Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:43 pm

    calm wrote:5 syrians captured by foreign terrorist oposition freedom fighters supported by the west.

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpUy40zXYAASRny

    This is very sad! They are definitely dead soon and before they will be bestialic tortured. Macabre, tortured in their own country by jihadis from all around the world fighting for the "glory of god".

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Azi Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:49 pm

    Regular wrote:
    Nuke it pls
    I clearly understand you Wink

    Where a the women? I never see women!

    And the sooo neutral white helmets are celebrating, the so called "heros of Aleppos"! Nothing more than jihadi scum!

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re; Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  Aristonicus Mon Aug 08, 2016 2:56 pm

    A more optimistic view on Alleppo
    LATEST: Total Overview - Aleppo Battle now favors SAA [+Video]

    August 8th, 2016 - Fort Russ News -
    - by: J. Flores for Fort Russ News


    - The siege has not been 'broken' in strategic terms, but the situation was fluid through most of August 7th - 'rebels' from each side have connected, but are under constant shelling and fire, and cannot make use of this

    - The 'rebel' sally was an act of planned desperation

    - 'Rebel' forces have experienced a 30-50% casualty rate

    - The 'rebel' gains of late August 6th have been largely rolled back

    - The SAA 'liberated bridge' (see map above and below) remains in SAA hands

    - The military academy was retaken by the end of the 6th, Tigers were involved

    - Hezbollah's Special Forces heavy involvement confirmed

    - The 'rebels' have gone through all their heavy tanks [T-72 - ed] and are left with medium tanks [T-55 - ed]

    - Russian bombing sorties were used strategically in places where 'rebel' groupings were drawn/lured using tactical withdraw. - see video below

    - SAA and allies losses have been comparatively low (withdraws were tactical in nature)

    - SAA successfully brought in reinforcements

    - The maps are only misleading insofar as the SAA holding of west Aleppo would otherwise appear as a potential cauldron - but only the SAA has access to air force


    - The group that decapitated the boy have been positively identified in this battle (still alive as of now) - see video below

    - Radar equipment in Aleppo used by 'rebels' is reported to have been found, and is of the type used by Turkey


    Full report:

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  KoTeMoRe Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:23 pm

    Regular wrote:
    Nuke it pls

    It's on the list. Next step I belive is to repatch that gap. In a sense repatching Aleppo would be easier through the South-West than it was from Mallah/bani Zaid.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  calm Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:39 pm

    Azi wrote:
    calm wrote:5 syrians captured by foreign terrorist oposition freedom fighters supported by the west.

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpUy40zXYAASRny

    This is very sad! They are definitely dead soon and before they will be bestialic tortured. Macabre, tortured in their own country by jihadis from all around the world fighting for the "glory of god".
    They are already half dead, they can't even seat straight in video.

    spearheading the offensive
    Tawhid wal-Jihad / Uzbeks

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpRiYBEWIAANxdvSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpRiY_yXEAAv2A0Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpRiZryWAAIdC4eSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpRia1PWIAAtxhQSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Cjc-z85WYAEFxsV

    TIP- mostly Uyghurs, involvement in assault
    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpLHdHQWYAAJ_F3Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpLHeQ4XgAAqLbb

    an extremely rare 180-mm S-23 gun captured in #Aleppo Artillery College, able to fire a 88-kg shell some 30 km
    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpRYNQuWgAAvtc6
    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpQylWyWEAAJ2EiSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpQyJzCXgAEicmRSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpQyNOyXEAA_45vSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpP8mdvW8AAWGVjSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpP8q6iXEAAqMpwSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpP8r5vWcAA1yYS
    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpPrFIOW8AM6oh9Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpPrDwTW8AAxfkDSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpPqy_JXgAAet7bSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpPqx23XgAAFahnSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpNUIZXWAAAx5sXSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpNUJKpXEAApVKGSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpNUJ_4XYAADkGQSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpNBCXzWIAE9cxLSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpMdBP-XgAA06ZXSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpK82IKWYAAXO8qSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpH83H6XYAAiaukSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpG3XraWYAEt07CSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpQxMlLW8AAa0W9Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpQxNw0XYAEOOhTSyrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 CpQxO-UXgAA-EWl

    Compare this to Islamic State captures Ayyash weapons depots in largest arms haul of Syrian Civil War

    - 1,348,300 to 1,791,960 rounds of 7.62x39 and 7.62x54R ammunition. - 17,140 rounds of 12.7mm ammunition. - 158,996 rounds of 14.5mm ammunition. - 119,768 rounds of 20mm ammunition. - 450 rounds of 23mm ammunition.  - 223 rounds of 73mm ammunition.  - 72 rounds of 82mm ammunition. - 2000 rounds of 85mm ammunition. - 6 rounds of 107mm ammunition. - 4 rounds of 120mm ammunition.  - 165 rounds of 120mm RAP ammunition.  - 576 rounds of 122mm ammunition. - 1120 fuses for 122mm artillery rounds. - 7 PG-2 rocket-propelled grenades. - 10 PG-7 rocket-propelled grenades. - 1 PG-7VL rocket-propelled grenade. - 1 TBG-7V rocket-propelled grenade. - 1 OG-7V rocket-propelled grenade. - 2 PG-29V rocket-propelled grenades. - 2 M-57 rocket-propelled grenades. - 9025 grenades. - 36 rifle grenades. - 98 9M14M Malyutka ATGMs. - 1 9M113M Konkurs ATGMs. - 7 3M9 surface-to-air missiles.  Weaponry:  - 84 7.62mm AK(M)-47s. - 5 7.62mm PKMs. - 1 7.62mm RPD. - 1 7.62mm SGM. - 3 12.7mm DShK(M)s. - 11 14.5mm KPVs. - 2 23mm ZU-23s. - 1 RPG-2. - 13 RPG-7s. - 1 73mm 2A28 Grom. - 1 M40 106mm RCL. - 122 bayonets. - 1 pistol.  - 1 flintlock.  Vehicles (derelict trucks not included):  - 1 T-55(A)MV. - 2 T-55As.  - 5 BMP-1s. - 1 23mm ZSU-23. - 1 BRDM-2. - 1 BTR-152. - 2 BREM-2 ARVs. - 3 2P25 TELs. - 1 SURN 1S19 radar. - 6 ZiL-131s. - 2 GAZ-3308s. - 2 GAZ-66s. - 2 Ural-375Ds. - 1 KamAZ-53212. - 1 MAZ-5336 - 1 Tatra 815. - 1 GAZ Sobol. - 1 UAZ-469.  - 2 excavators. - 1 Land Rover Defender. - 2 technicals. - 3 trucks. - 4 cars.  Figures made available by the Islamic State:  - 400 killed or injured. - 100 [pro-regime militants] captured.  - 4 tanks captured. - 10 BMPs captured. - 3 guns captured. - 350 tank shells captured. - 7,000 shells and rockets captured. - 30 rocket launchers captured. - 100 anti-armor rockets captured. - 410 anti-armor shells captured. - 1,000s of hand grenades captured.  - Tons of various ammo captured. wrote:

    I expected something like this or even more, to be left behind.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  calm Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:42 pm

    This newly supplied, Latakia.


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    Post  calm Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:45 pm


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    Post  calm Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:50 pm

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 VJO0weU

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Aug 08, 2016 3:59 pm

    Wouldn't it be much easier to just give all that hardware to rebels instead of fighting over it?

    It would save a lot of time and result would be the same.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  JohninMK Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:23 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Wouldn't it be much easier to just give all that hardware to rebels instead of fighting over it?

    It would save a lot of time and result would be the same.
    Ah, you mean like in Iraq?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #9

    Post  JohninMK Mon Aug 08, 2016 4:27 pm

    The Syrian air force has destroyed a militant convoy en route from Idlib province to southwestern Aleppo, with at least 10 airstrikes carried out in the past hour, a source in the militia command told RIA Novosti on Monday.

    ALEPPO (Sputnik) – Intense fighting between the Syrian government forces and terrorists has been reported Sunday. A local militia source tallied the number of terrorists killed in Aleppo over the past 10 days at 2,000.

    "Syrian aircraft destroyed a convoy of fighters who were moving along different roads from Idlib to southwestern Aleppo. The aviation is now bombing terrorist pockets near the logistics academy and the Ramouse neighborhood. Several of the terrorists’ firing positions have also been destroyed," the source said.

    Syrian Civil War: News #9 - Page 4 1043973125

    Meanwhile elsewhere in Syria

    The US-led coalition destroyed over 80 Daesh oil tankers in Syria by airstrikes.

    WASHINGTON (Sputnik) — The US-led coalition against Daesh destroyed more than 80 oil tankers during its airstrikes in Syria on Sunday, the Combined Joint Task Force Operation Inherent Resolve said in a press release.

    "Near Abu Kamal, one strike destroyed 83 ISIL [Daesh] oil tankers," the release said on Monday.

    Five other coalition airstrikes in Syria were waged near the towns of Manbij and Mara, destroying eight fighting positions, and a Daesh mortar system, the release added.

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