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    Zionist conspiracies


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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 24, 2017 10:15 am

    Israel missed the right moment to overthrow Assad

    Amusing you think they had any right to do that.

    Ironic that Syria and Iran are evil because they support "freedom fighters" in Israel, yet the west and Israel and Saudi Arabia can support "freedom fighters" in Syria and Libya and Iran to over throw governments and generally fuck up stable working countries.

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Godric Fri Mar 24, 2017 11:41 am

    Big_Gazza wrote:
    KomissarBojanchev wrote:It was not a stupid idea to have a jewish state, it was a stupid idea to have a jewish state founded by western capitalists.

    There already was a Jewish state - its called Birobidzhan.  We need to relocate them all there and then build a fuckoff big wall around it.  Problem solved....

    Israel is a artificial state created in the 1920s by America putting influence on the British empire in BE controlled Palestine which only had less than 15,000 jews living in Palestine and and in the 1930s and 40s that number increased with transporting jews to Israel ... Israel today is doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to Jews in Poland they put them in ghettos .. i do not follow any religion ... but i cannot abide by Nazis and today Israel are acting like Nazis

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  jhelb Fri Mar 24, 2017 1:35 pm

    Godric wrote:

    Israel is a artificial state created in the 1920s by America putting influence on the British empire in BE controlled Palestine which only had less than 15,000 jews living in Palestine and and in the 1930s and 40s that number increased with transporting jews to Israel ... Israel today is doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to Jews in Poland they put them in ghettos .. i do not follow any religion ... but i cannot abide by Nazis and today Israel are acting like Nazis  

    Yes. But that's the story of the entire Middle East. Even Saudi Arabia the no 1 sponsor of global Islamic terrorism was artificially created.
    par far

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  par far Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:04 pm

    The best way to deal to deal with Israel is to support Hezbollah and others fighting against Israel(don't say this is not right, Israel supports groups against other countries).

    Support Israels enemies inside Israel and out side Israel.


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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  flamming_python Fri Mar 24, 2017 6:49 pm

    Azi wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:
    Azi wrote:To all jew haters...

    Imagine if you must live in the near/middle east region, what country would you prefere? Liberal Saudia Arabia, lovely Turkey, stable Syria or wealthy Egypt??? If you could live with same standard in all countries 99% of the jew haters would prefer to live in Israel! Why??? Because it's a tolerant, modern and western society!

    Jews are normal people, the only difference they have a big lobby in USA for Israel interest. I personal know a lot of Jews who are complete uninterested in Israel.

    And please...
    The people really think Palestinian and other Arabs are morale higher beings??? They did nothing wrong in history? If Arabs are really interested in Palestine and something like a Muslim brotherhood would exists, they could gift every Palestinian a house of pure gold! Gulf states has so much money and political influence, but instead they prefer to teach religious intolerance and build mosque all around the world.

    I know that Israel politic is very aggressive against Syria and is not ok! But remember that Syria and Israel never signed a peace treaty!!!!!! Theoretical Israel could bomb whole Damascus with being unpunished international, because both countries are since decades in war. Syria has not the rule of the bright shining honorable knight, because they initiate and lost the war.

    is not Ok?
    Israel is supporting ISIS and ALqaeda in Syria since 2011 ,to slaugther not just 6 million of jews as you all claim happened in world war too. but 20 millions of Syrians ,to kill them all of them by ISIS And ALqaeda. So if you find "not ok"
    what Israel is doing in Syria, the most inhuman act of terror against an entire civilization of 20 millions , then there is something really wrong with you buddy.
    Netanyahu deserves the electric chair and nothing less. is worse than Hitler. He helps Saudi Arabia to spread terrorism around the world ,that attack Europe too. So this is not just "not ok". but the highest crime ever done against any nation. Israel is literary pushing for the extermination of 20 millions of people. is you can sleep well at nights with that. then there is something really bad about you dude. And then Israel not happy with the Syrian war ,he is pushing for another one in IRAN. Not a big fan of muslins , Islam should be banned from the world. in my opinion. But what israel does is even worse. They are using terrorism as a weapon to target any nation ,that do not lick the shoes of Israel.
    Russia and Europe are victims of terrorism . and Israel support terrorism.
    Yes! Israel is supporting IS and AQ, the same with USA, France, Germany etc..

    But Jews in ww2 were industrial slaughtered by Nazis. IS and AQ are not Jews or Christians, they are radical Muslims from all around the world. So Muslims kills Muslims! If I sell you a weapon makes me not a murder, if you kill someone!

    Israel showed after Palmyra Bombing that they are supporting IS very open. It's dirty politic, because Israel tries to overthrow Assad to occupy Golan forever. They know that IS is not a threat for Israel now and in the next 30 years. It's very very dirty politic. But dirty politic of a administration makes not the whole population evil!!! This is something people like you will never understand! And Bibi (Netanyahu) is not so safe in saddle like you think, Israel is a democracy and has a lot of inner problems (economy), he needs a enemy to distract from real problems, but Israelis are not stupid. On other side it's good that Bibi and Putin have something like "friendship", so maybe some aggressive actions from Israel side are done by some hardcore IAF generals, who knows!?

    So @all let's calm down! Israel missed the right moment to overthrow Assad, all actions are symbolic and only to distract from inner problems. Syria and with it Russia has won the civil war. It will take months or years before guns will be quiet, but the decision is with Aleppo over!

    By the way...
    20 millions dead Iraqis and 20 millions dead Syrians, or pushing for that number??? What shit you are smoking? Check out the factbooks or wiki for exact data of population, background of wars and history!!

    Syria by the way was born by western countries and not by Arabs themselves!!!

    You're wasting your time with people convinced that Israel is the anti-Christ and that everyone else is always so morally upright and just.

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Godric Fri Mar 24, 2017 7:14 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    Godric wrote:

    Israel is a artificial state created in the 1920s by America putting influence on the British empire in BE controlled Palestine which only had less than 15,000 jews living in Palestine and and in the 1930s and 40s that number increased with transporting jews to Israel ... Israel today is doing to the Palestinians what the Nazis did to Jews in Poland they put them in ghettos .. i do not follow any religion ... but i cannot abide by Nazis and today Israel are acting like Nazis  

    Yes. But that's the story of the entire Middle East. Even Saudi Arabia the no 1 sponsor of global Islamic terrorism was artificially created.

    yes many mistakes was made by the British Empire during that period it wanted borders to consist of straight lines instead of based on ethnicity

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  nomadski Fri Mar 24, 2017 9:40 pm

    What determines the shape and size and longevity of any nation state ? Given the geography of a place and prevalent human practice of tribalism , it becomes possible to predict outcomes . Exodus out of holy land , is nothing new . It has been going on for thousands of years . The holy land is at the cross Roads of nations . As a result it is subject to continuous invasions .

    Nations arise along coastlines . As they have different geography . Trading and fishing . Inland nations arise with different geography and economics . Inland nations then try to gain access to trading routes and ports . But these exist in coastal nations . Then there is conflict . Many examples of this . We are all prisoners of geography . We become free by our understanding this .


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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 25, 2017 2:35 am

    Normally... yes.

    In the middle east however the current countries were created by Britain and France dividing up known oil resources in the region after Germany was defeated in WWI.

    Look up the histories of the great royal families of the region... they go back thousands of years... oops... no they don't... they go back to the 1920s when the French and British picked sycophants to control the countries they just created...

    Pick an oppressed minority and put them in power and you can trust them to be loyal because of their memories of their treatment by their fellow countrymen when they were the minority... they owed Britain and France for their power so they did as they were told... generally.

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Regular Sat Mar 25, 2017 3:29 pm

    Best thing to is to drown israel in political turmoil. Their country is very corrupt.

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  coolieno99 Wed Apr 26, 2017 6:19 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    You're wasting your time with people convinced that Israel is the anti-Christ and that everyone else is always so morally upright and just.

    Many believe Jared Kushner, Trump's son-in-law and chief of staff, is the anti-Christ.

    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Apr 26, 2017 9:05 am

    If many other nations can have their own states, then why shouldn't Jews have it too? Jews are, and consider themselves, sufficiently different from other nations to call themselves a nation, even in non-religious context.

    If you're willing to accept a ridiculous creation called Belgium (with two different nationalities that have nothing in common except religion and constantly quarrell with each other), the division of Germans into three countries, the division of Scandinavians (very much the same people) into three countries and accept Belarus (Belarussians are 100% Russians) as an entity distinct from Russia, then why shouldn't you accept Israel?

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 26, 2017 10:35 am

    Why should any religion have its own country?

    More importantly why would any religious country sign agreements with the people living on the land they are claiming and then build walls and settlements on land that belongs to the people they are denying statehood to?

    If the Jews can have Israel why can't the Palestinians have Palestine?

    Can scientologists claim their people came from what is now New York and go in there an kick out the locals and steal their land and create a new country?

    AFAIK there has never been a country called Israel... some jews just claimed to have lived in that area 2000 years ago before being booted out.

    The Native Americans have more claim to the land of the US than Jews to Israel.

    Israel is created in violence... and that is the future they can expect. Non zionist Jews accept that... even if a magic wand murdered all the current occupants of Israel that are not pro zion jews tonight this would not make the world safe for jews world wide. The fact that there are no magic wands and that instead it is rifle barrels and tank guns and bombs from aircraft doing the murdering makes the world even less safe for jews... but you can't tell them that.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Wed Apr 26, 2017 12:47 pm

    GarryB wrote:Why should any religion have its own country?
    What "religion"? Israel claims to be a country of Jews, defined both religiously and non-religiously. You can be an atheist and still be an Israeli Jew.
    GarryB wrote:If the Jews can have Israel why can't the Palestinians have Palestine?
    If Palestinians manage to somehow get possession and de facto rule of Israel, they could and I would have no problems accepting them.
    GarryB wrote:
    Jews and Judea are mentioned in Roman sources. If you deny this, you're questioning validity of entire Roman historiography.
    GarryB wrote:The Native Americans have more claim to the land of the US than Jews to Israel.
    Not anymore.

    Change of borders makes a big fuss now. Just 100 years ago it wasn't a big deal.

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 28, 2017 6:23 am

    What "religion"? Israel claims to be a country of Jews, defined both religiously and non-religiously. You can be an atheist and still be an Israeli Jew.

    Jewish is religion not race. Claiming to be the one chosen people unites them in words and religion but not race.

    Or are you suggesting a Somali jew that is totally black is the same race as a German jew that is white.

    If Palestinians manage to somehow get possession and de facto rule of Israel, they could and I would have no problems accepting them.

    Israel was created with violence and murder, so how can you not accept the Palestinians trying to create their own state in the same place with the same methods?

    Jews and Judea are mentioned in Roman sources. If you deny this, you're questioning validity of entire Roman historiography.

    But palestine appears on maps of the region right up until just after WWI. Roman history does not mention a functioning country called Israel... it just mentions jews living in the region... by the same token mention of jews living at the same time in what is now England does not justify a Jewish enclave in London called Israel 2.

    Not anymore.

    Why. The Jews claimed to have lived in the area of Israel 2,000 years ago... less than a quarter of that time has passed since the native Americans were forced to give up their land.

    But lets not make this about the US... any ethnic group being forced off their land by a more powerful aggressor would suffice...

    Change of borders makes a big fuss now. Just 100 years ago it wasn't a big deal.


    Change of borders is easy... it just has to be in the interests of the west and it is OK.

    ie Kosovo becomes Albanian shithole = OK because Serbs are friends with the enemy. Georgia tries to take South Ossetia by force and that is OK because Georgia is the wests last line of defence against an expanding Russia.

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Werewolf Tue May 09, 2017 11:51 pm

    I see the old sentiments are pushed around here.

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty How Do You Survive In A World Completely Dominated By Israel ?

    Post  jhelb Sun Jul 21, 2019 9:17 am

    The news and communications industry is a Jewish fiefdom. The American financial industry is essentially a Jewish franchise. An Israeli company does the entire billing for most of America's cell and regular phone systems. The company has total knowledge of who you talk to and for how long - at least.  an Israeli company created and installed and maintains the absolutely HIGHEST level of secure communications in the Pentagon and White House.

    Since Jews stick together as a group, they pull and shove each other up the ranks of corporations and pull strings ensuring members of their race
    are given first shot at student openings in the major universities and top jobs throughout the areas of their dominance in every type of business imaginable.

    Rothschild's have the governments of almost all European, African and Asian under their control.

    Promising politicians, scientists, entrepreneurs in several countries have been assassinated by Israel or the US-UK on behalf of Israel.

    So how does an individual survive in a country ( excluding Russia and China) knowing fully well that their government is controlled entirely by Jews ?

    Last edited by jhelb on Sun Jul 21, 2019 4:00 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  Tingsay Sun Jul 21, 2019 10:44 am

    So you're talking about Ashkenazi Jews? The ones that are 80-90% white caucassian and about10% semitic(the original jews). Hence Anglo Jews.

    The West is lead by  pure Anglo-Saxons and Anglo-Jews. If you slice the anglo-jews for what they really are, the West is lead by Anglo-Saxons.

    Give it a few more generations and they're 99% anglos since these "jews" mostly marry white Caucasians.

    Just call them for what they are.

    No, Israel, don't control the world. The Western world does.

    Israel is just a homeland for them Ashkenazis but most don't really care for Israel. The West however needs them as the most reliable base in the middle east.

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jul 21, 2019 1:24 pm

    Who gives a shit?

    Nobody has issues with possibility of living in a world completely dominated by jihadists but suddenly bunch of Joos are problem?

    Please... just go back to listening to DJ Khaled, watching Disney's Aladdin and daydreaming about freedom fighters of Afghanistan just like the good old days

    Life goes on, enjoy the ride


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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 21, 2019 1:28 pm

    How do you survive in a world completely dominated by Israel?

    Ridicule them and accept the anti semetic badge with pride.

    An old jewish grandmother was at the beach with her grandson and suddenly a big wave took the child out into the deep water... the old jewish grandmother looked to the sky and said... why why why do you do this to me, have I not been faithful all my life, have I not taught my children to be faithful, have I not followed your word every day of my life faithfully and now you do this to me... and then just as suddenly as the first wave, a second wave swept up onto the beach carrying the child and dumping him unceremoniously in front of the grandmother...

    After a few seconds she raised her head up in the air and scanned the clouds with her eyes and said... He had a hat...

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  kvs Sun Jul 21, 2019 2:26 pm

    Whatever the fine details of the people that "control" modern civilization, humanity is floating down the river over a mile high waterfall.
    All these geopolitical deciders and capitalist elites have given us global warming and industrial carcinogens permeating the environment.
    They got their profit and humanity lost. What is more, these decider clowns (whoever and whatever they are) though that they
    had some utopia all lined up circa the year 2000. But things went south for them. Russia did not turn into Ukraine and it turned out
    that there was no cornucopia of fossil fuel as evidenced by the failure of the Caspian Basin to deliver on the giddy anticipation.

    Modern civilization is a dead man walking.


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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  jhelb Sun Jul 21, 2019 3:56 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:Who gives a shit?

    I do. And like me there are a millions of people around the world whose lives are adversely affected every single day because of the Jewish hegemony and their sinister gameplan.

    PapaDragon wrote:Nobody has issues with possibility of living in a world completely dominated by jihadists but suddenly bunch of Joos are problem?

    Nobody has issues ??? Who do you think Russia is fighting in Syria ?  China is fighting in Xinjiang ? Phillippines is fighting in their southern provinces ? India is fighting in Kashmir ? Two words - Islamic Jihadis.

    As a reminder, Islamic jihadi groups have all been created by US with active support of Israel.

    GarryB wrote:Ridicule them and accept the anti semetic badge with pride.

    Along with a prison name badge I suppose. That's where anti Semetics land up, every single year.

    From Moscow to Mozambique, from California to China and everywhere in between, several private citizens who spoke out against the various malpractices carried out by Jewish groups were silenced.

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 21, 2019 4:58 pm

    And plenty of nazis in the Ukraine running the country terrorising the population...

    We keep hearing about the US being the last superpower... in fact some people describe them as being a hyper power... yet they never seem to get their own way... they told Turkey it can't have S-400s, they told India not to buy Russian stuff, they are telling China and North Korea and Iran all sorts of things, they said Venezuela needs to do as it is told, they even said Assad has to go...

    In fact you could argue Israel and the US just create conflict for themselves and almost never get their way...

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  GarryB Sun Jul 21, 2019 5:04 pm

    In fact Huawei... a rather big and powerful Chinese company has been banned from US technology... and they are looking at Russian technology companies for hardware and software to make up the gaps because they know Russian companies are immune to US sanctions... unlike European companies that might choose profits in the US market over agreements with China...

    The US is using it power like it has always done but countries are rejecting them and using their technology and money and position in power is making countries look for alternatives for Microsoft and Windows and Android and the US dollar... which is massively weakening the US internationally as the rest of the world looks for non US alternatives including non EU alternatives because Washington still has the EU by the balls... and when the EU realised the US is a sinking ship and it is taking them down with it they might decide to cut their ties there and start looking to China and India with their enormous populations and Russia with its enormous mineral and energy resources for its economic future... then where will this current establishment turn... how will it adapt.

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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jul 21, 2019 5:30 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:Who gives a shit?
    I do. And like me there are a millions of people around the world whose lives are adversely affected every single day because of the Jewish hegemony and their sinister gameplan....

    Oh really? Your life is being affected?

    Pray tell, how exactly?

    Do they force you to do anything? Or is it just you being too lazy and cowardly to make a change in your country so you need to blame someone else for your failure?

    jhelb wrote:
    PapaDragon wrote:Nobody has issues with possibility of living in a world completely dominated by jihadists but suddenly bunch of Joos are problem?

    Nobody has issues ??? Who do you think Russia is fighting in Syria ?  China is fighting in Xinjiang ? Phillippines is fighting in their southern provinces ? India is fighting in Kashmir ? Two words - Islamic Jihadis...


    Islamic jihadists funded and staffed by scumbags like Saudis, Iranians, Qataris and other assorted scum

    jhelb wrote:...As a reminder, Islamic jihadi groups have all been created by US with active support of Israel...

    Oh that's quite a leap of logic there because while all of you have been running into cinemas to enjoy Disney's Aladdin we have been fighting jihadists here for real

    Jihadists created and funded by Saudis, Iranians and their inbred cousins

    Same scum who have paid Clinton cartel to do their bidding

    Only country that even shown any inclination of helping us and selling us weapons during embargo was none other than Israel

    It wasn't various White European shitbags and it definitely wasn't rotting corpse trying to pass itself off for a country that Russia was then

    So don't concern yourself with Joos but instead you better make effort to contribute to well being of asylum seekers that are suffering in your currently white countries

    They are your future so you do right by them for you made that choice willingly and don't concern yourselves with Israel because you are all beneath them

    Only then will you be able to enjoy Disney's Aladdin with clear conscience


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    Zionist conspiracies - Page 4 Empty Re: Zionist conspiracies

    Post  jhelb Sun Jul 21, 2019 7:15 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:

    Oh really? Your life is being affected?

    Pray tell, how exactly?

    Do they force you to do anything? Or is it just you being too lazy and cowardly to make a change in your country so you need to blame someone else for your failure?

    Not sure, why you ask....have already provided the reasons. Local politicians, entrepreneurs, scientists who are seen as competition to Jews have routinely been assassinated by Israel. This included many Russians.

    6 Jewish companies control 95% of the world media. They feed fake news to their audience about countries, leaders that Israel considers as enemies.

    Such antics affects us...adversely.

    The entire diamond industry is run by the Jewish mafia.

    Maybe you are getting offended because you are a Jew. But that doesn't change anything.

    Through various Jewish groups like Rothschilds etc Israel controls various governments the world over to fulfill its sinister objectives.

    Torah clearly states that those individuals who are not born Jews are animals.

    PapaDragon wrote:Only country that even shown any inclination of helping us and selling us weapons during embargo was none other than Israel

    Israel also has a history of selling arms to Iran. A country that you just described as a "scum"

    GarryB wrote:And plenty of nazis in the Ukraine running the country terrorising the population...

    Ukraine never had Neo Nazis. They were created by the US and NATO. Just a handful of people. No one is living in fear of Neo Nazis in Ukraine.

    Neo Nazis target people of color. Why do Ukranians have to fear Neo Nazis ?

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