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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons


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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  George1 Fri Oct 30, 2015 10:15 am

    OPCW chief to attend closing of Russian chemical weapons destruction facility

    The Maradykovo facility has stored more than 40,000 air bombs and missile warheads stuffed with mixtures of toxic agents, which made up 17.4% of all Russian chemical weapons stockpiles

    KIROV, October 30. /TASS/. The Maradykovo chemical weapons storage and destruction facility in Russia’s Kirov Region, 1,000 km east of Moscow, will be officially closed in the town of Mirny on Friday. Since 1953, this facility has stored more than 40,000 air bombs and missile warheads stuffed with mixtures of toxic agents, which made up 17.4% of all Russian chemical weapons stockpiles.

    In September 2006, the full-scale disposal of chemical weapons was launched at the facility. Over the years since then, such substances as sarin, soman, mustards-lewisite mixture, in particular, have been destroyed.

    After the closure the facility will undergo rehabilitation and will be reorganised for the manufacturing of civilian products.

    The decommissioning ceremony will be attended by Director General of the Organisation for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons (OPCW) Ahmet Uzumcu, as well as Russian presidential envoy in the Volga Federal District, Chairman of the State Commission on Chemical Disarmament, Mikhail Babich, representatives of the Russian Foreign Ministry, ambassadors of several countries to the OPCW.

    On Wednesday, Uzumcu told TASS that OPCW had no doubts that Russia would complete the destruction of its chemical weapons stocks by 2020. He said that initially all countries that possessed chemical weapons were supposed to dispose of their stocks of toxic agents by April 29, 2012. But that did not happen due to technical and financial problems. After consultations with the OPCW member states, the OPCW decided to prolong the deadline until 2020. Russia pledged to dispose of all chemical warfare agents by 2020.

    This year, Russia has finished work at four chemical weapons disposal plants: Leonidovka (the Penza region); Pochep (the Bryansk region); Maradykovo (the Kirov region) and Shchuchye (the Kurgan region). Russia has shut down the first two plants.

    Mr. Ahmet Uzumcu, who is paying a visit to Russia, will attend a ceremony of closing the Maradykovo facility on October 30, while a facility in the Kurgan region will shut down on November 20. After that, a facility in Kizner will remain the only chemical weapons disposal plant in Russia that will be operational after 2015. Uzumcu is sure that Russia which has already destroyed more than 91% of its chemical weapons stocks will complete the process successfully by 2020.

    The Chemical Weapons Convention (CWC) is the basic document of the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, which bans production, development, possession and use of chemical weapons. Signatory states undertake a commitment to declare and destroy their arsenals of chemical weapons and their production facilities. The process is carried out under strict international control.

    Russia signed the convention in January 1993 having declared about 40,000 tonnes of chemical warfare agents. Chemical weapons destruction is Russia started in December 2002. "About 36,000 tonnes of toxic chemical agents, or more than 91% of Russia’s aggregate arsenals, have already been destroyed," chairman of Russia’s state commission on chemical disarmament, Mikhail Babich, said in September 2015.
    max steel
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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  max steel Sun Nov 01, 2015 8:50 pm

    US bioweapons labs, billions in research is a ‘real problem’ angry

    The head of Russia’s Security Council has warned of “a real problem” posed by the growing number of US-controlled laboratories that produce biological weapons. Nikolay Patrushev estimated that Washington allocates “tens of billions of dollars” to this research.
    Speaking after Russia’s Security Council meeting, Patrushev mentioned the threat stemming from biological weapons laboratories that operate on the territories of the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS).

    “There are also other problems, such as the production of military oriented biological weapons and the very large funding allocated to this,” Patrushev said. “This is tens of billions of dollars. Additionally, the number of laboratories under US jurisdiction or control has increased 20 times.”

    What is more worrying is that some of such laboratories “operated and operate” on CIS soil, said Patrushev.“This is why the problem is real,” he said.

    The head of the Security Council has also mentioned the chemical weapons issue, saying that Russia will dispose of its remaining arsenal by 2020 – eight years earlier than the US.

    “We are putting into practice a program to get rid of chemical weapons. Russia will dispose of these weapons by 2020. It was expected that the US will also destroy these weapons by that time, but according to today’s plans, it will carry out the disposal by 2028,” Patrushev told journalists.

    In June, the Russian Foreign Ministry accused the US of encircling Russia with bioweapons labs, as well as obstructing international efforts to eradicate biological weapons.

    One of Russia’s particular concerns is the Richard G. Lugar Center for Public and Animal Health Research, a research facility for high-level biohazard agents, located near Tbilisi, Georgia, a CIS member and Russia’s neighbor.

    “American and Georgian authorities are trying to cover up the real nature of this US military unit, which studies highly dangerous infectious diseases. The Pentagon is trying to establish similar covert medico-biological facilities in other countries [in Russia's neighborhood],” the Russian ministry said in June. ( they were planning such labs in Ukraine also in 2014.)

    At the time, Moscow also blamed the US for derailing “decades of international effort to strengthen” the Biological and Toxin Weapons Convention (BTWC), a 1972 international treaty aimed at eradicating bioweapons worldwide.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  sepheronx Sun Nov 01, 2015 8:53 pm

    Well, those bioweapon labs will be a problem for those countries that they are in. As well, Russia could always just stop the destruction of their bioweapons and state none further will be destroyed till US shuts down these labs.
    max steel
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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  max steel Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:36 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Well, those bioweapon labs will be a problem for those countries that they are in. As well, Russia could always just stop the destruction of their bioweapons and state none further will be destroyed till US shuts down these labs.

    No such info is there that Russia is destroying its bio weapons only chemical . Apart from 1970 Chimera Leak no big info came out on Russian bioweapons in media till date. But the issue is location , russia has bioweapons but within its territory meanwhile US is playing dangerous games near russian borders , recently they mailed live anthrax samples at their base in South Korea. Even North Korea accused US of using such weapons.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  sepheronx Sun Nov 01, 2015 9:49 pm

    Well, if anything bad were to happen to those facilities and whatever disease leaks to the population of that country, I imagine the backlash would be enough to send the US packing real quick.
    max steel
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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  max steel Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:06 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Well, if anything bad were to happen to those facilities and whatever disease leaks to the population of that country, I imagine the backlash would be enough to send the US packing real quick.

    I fear more for Russians than sheeple living across borders licking amerikan arse. Bio-weapons are very contagious. US used it without hesitation against both Koreans and Chinese in past.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  sepheronx Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:17 pm

    Since Russia is aware of the facilities, they are more than likely keeping an eye and ear on this place and movement. But I agree, it is scary. Some thermbaric warheads on Iskander and be ready for those to fly at such designations.
    max steel
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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  max steel Sun Nov 01, 2015 10:37 pm

    Is it even possible to contain a bioweapon before it's being used ?
    max steel
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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  max steel Fri Nov 13, 2015 1:08 am

    Russian Radiation, Chemical Biological Defense Troops Get New Equipment
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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  max steel Thu Dec 03, 2015 11:38 am

    State Dept: Russia 'Good Treaty Partner' in Destroying Chemical Weapons

    Yup and meanwhile US still lagging behind in destroying chemical weapons let alone bio-weapons.

    US State Department Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller said that Russia has been fully complying with the schedule for chemical weapons destruction agreed on in a joint treaty.

    Russia has been fully complying with the schedule for chemical weapons destruction agreed on in a joint treaty, US State Department Under Secretary of State for Arms Control and International Security Rose Gottemoeller said in a hearing on Tuesday.

    "They [Russia] are good treaty partners in the chemical weapons convention,” Gottemoeller said. “They are continuing to destroy tons and tons of Soviet-era chemical weapons and are doing so according to an agreed schedule.”“They [Russia] are working with us in Syria to bring to final conclusion Syria’s elimination of its chemical weapons arsenal,” Gottemoeller stated.


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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Russia destroyed stockpiles of chemical warfare agent Zoman

    Post  franco Sat Mar 25, 2017 11:24 pm

    Russia destroyed stockpiles of chemical warfare agent Zoman

    In Udmurtia at the facility for the storage and destruction of chemical weapons "Kizner" destroyed all stored in the territory of Russia stockpiles of a chemical poisonous substance such as zoman. This is reported by the public relations group of the Federal Administration for the Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons.

    "Thus, to date, Russia has completely got rid of the poisonous substances of the skin-blistering action of mustard gas and organophosphorus soman. In all, 1395.1 tons of ash stored in more than 520,000 ammunition were destroyed at the Kizner facility," the official Message.

    In addition, Colonel-General Valery Kapashin , head of the Federal Directorate for the Safe Storage and Destruction of Chemical Weapons, said that at the moment, 97 percent of the total stockpiles of chemical weapons have been destroyed in Russia. Completely neutralized poisoning substances in six of the seven established facilities for the destruction of chemical weapons. The possibility of Russia's early fulfillment of its international obligations under the Convention on the Prohibition of the Development, Production, Stockpiling and Use of Chemical Weapons and on Their Destruction has been worked out, and therefore, the complete destruction of chemical agents is possible in the autumn of 2017. "Today we are guided - even one iota of no doubt - this is October 24," - said Valery Kapashin. At the same time, he noted that reducing the deadlines for the destruction of chemical weapons will not affect the quality of industrial and environmental safety.

    Zoman is a gas of the family of organophosphorus poisonous substances of nerve agent. It was first synthesized in Germany in 1944 for use as a chemical warfare agent. Zoman is designed to destroy the enemy's manpower by infecting the atmosphere with steam and aerosol, and also for infecting the terrain and objects located on it with a drip-liquid substance. Poisoning zomanom occurs with any method of penetration into the body. Zoman has a deadly nerve-paralytic effect. According to the degree of exposure to the organism, zoman refers to extremely dangerous harmful substances and is more toxic than sarin more than 2.5 times.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  franco Tue Jun 13, 2017 1:14 am

    Russia destroyed all the reserves of sarin

    In Russia, the destruction of the stockpiles of the fighting poison sarin has been completed, Colonel-General Valery Kapashin, head of the department for the safe storage and destruction of chemical weapons, told Interfax.

    - The destruction of sarin ended on June 12 at 1.00 Moscow time. Previously, Russia had already destroyed all available supplies of mustard gas and ashman, "Kapashin said.

    Destruction of stocks of chemical warfare agents (DU) is carried out within the framework of Russia's obligations under the international convention on the prohibition of chemical weapons. These works began in 1998. Shells and tanks with sarin, zoman, mustard gas, phosgene, V-gas and other BWA-all about 40 thousand tons-were collected in seven arsenals in the Bryansk, Kirov, Kurgan, Penza, Saratov regions and the Republic of Udmurtia. There, on modern equipment using Russian technology, combat chemistry is turned into conventional chemistry: under the supervision of foreign experts, they decompose into ingredients such as acids and ammonia.

    - To date, Russia has destroyed 98.9 percent of the stockpile of poisonous substances, 39.5 thousand tons. Liquidation of chemical weapons is planned to be fully completed in 2017, - continued Kapashin.

    Now the work continues only at the Kizner facility in Udmurtia.

    Zarin is a nerve agent, liquid without color and odor, it mixes well with water and organic solvents. Created in Germany on the eve of the Second World War, sarin was in service with the USSR and the United States.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Astonishing document from 1993 on the future of elements of Soviet military post Cold WAR

    Post  JohninMK Mon Mar 12, 2018 11:07 pm

    This is an amazing document from 1993. It is part of the 'what can we do to turn Soviet tanks into plowshares' plan back then with interviews with key players..

    It came to my notice re the recent poisoning in England being blamed on Novichok and Russia. In it is a translated interview with one of the creators of Novichok agents from 1993. Found in a JPRS report available through DTIC.

    I can't cut and past as its a pdf that also takes a bit of time to load. You need pages 18/19/20. This is one para

    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 DYG8dxXWsAAC0pi

    The rest of it is equally interesting on a whole range of topics.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Biological weapons defence in Russia

    Post  ZoA Thu Mar 29, 2018 2:30 pm

    There is abundant evidence US is maintaining and expanding its facilities and abilities for chemical and biological warfare. More on that in this report:

    Connected to this are recent statements by Putin and his Spokesperson that US is collecting genetic material form Russians apparently under contract by US air force, as well as earlier reports that US is developing biological weapons designed to specifically target Russians.

    Biological attacks can be done covertly, masked as spontaneous disease outbreak allowing US to inflict massive death in Russian federation without formal declaration of war and with plausible deniability. There are extensive allegations that US used such attack in the past, against N Korea, China, and in Africa (Ebola, ADIS) Frankly i think US use of bio weapons against N Korea is pretty much conclusively proven. Spread of Ebola and AIDS as well as characteristics of those diseases indicate they might have origin as bio weapons released either accidental or deliberately, although that is still largely speculation.  

    Under such circumstances question is what measures is Russian government taking to protect  it's citizens form possible US biological weapon attack.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  GarryB Fri Mar 30, 2018 12:43 am

    Would be amusing if they isolated Russian genetics and created a virus that rendered all Russians sterile... and then someone reversed it so it made all non Russians sterile... and in one generation the US has doomed us all...

    Of course the real people in power in the west are the 1% and they would love some sort of depopulation system to reduce the human population without destroying buildings or resources or food crops etc etc.

    Nuclear war is too messy and too destructive... chem or bio weapons are way more suitable to their needs...

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  George1 Sat Nov 10, 2018 2:09 pm

    As of April 2018 Russia destroyed 100% of its chemical weapons.

    "The basis of the Troops of RChBD is realised by multifunctional separate brigades of RChBD having in their composition subunits capable to perform all activities of RChBD.
    The main tasks of the Troops of RChBD include:

    • identification and assessment of radiological, chemical and biological environment, scales and effects of damages of objects hazardous radiatively, chemically and biologically;
    • protection of formations and units against the nuclear effects of mass destruction weapons and radiological, chemical and biological contamination;
    • reducing the visibility of troops and facilities;
    • disaster (damage) recovery in objects hazardous radiatively, chemically and biologically;
    • causing loss to the enemy by using flame-incendiary means."

    FULL: http\://

    BMO-T Russian heavy APC

    Chemical Troops Of Russia 2015 | Войска РХБЗ России 2015

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 45767232_1173836226103398_8750083262359011328_n.jpg?_nc_cat=105&_nc_ht=scontent.fath7-1

    Heavy thermobaric "flamethrowers"

    In 2001, the improved TOS-1A system entered service. The improved system's range has been extended to 6 kilometers and its ballistic computer has been upgraded.
    In 2018, Russian chemical, biological, radiological, and nuclear (CBRN) protection troops (RKhBZ) received 30 TOS-1A Solntsepyok (Sunburn) 220 mm multiple rocket launchers.
    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 45803861_1173836202770067_7873501469700259840_n.jpg?_nc_cat=107&_nc_ht=scontent.fath7-1

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  Nibiru Mon Mar 11, 2019 11:52 pm

    Putin signs state policy framework on chemical and biological security

    MOSCOW, March 11. /TASS/. Russian President Vladimir Putin has signed a decree outlining the foundations of Russia’s state policy aimed at ensuring chemical and biological security for the period before and after 2025. The document has been published on an official website containing legal information.

    The document points out that the state policy on chemical and biological security "is part of the state management system regarding Russia’s national security." It includes measures in the legal, biological, sanitary, administrative, military, financial, communication and information fields, aimed at protecting the country’s people and environment from the negative impact of dangerous chemical and biological factors, creating and developing systems to monitor chemical and biological risks, as well as at boosting bilateral and international cooperation in the area of chemical and biological security.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  kvs Tue Mar 12, 2019 5:16 am

    The "Novichok" in Salisbury BS has been leveraged by NATO to totally disrupt the chemical and biological weapons disarmament process.
    This fact has received basically zero coverage.    The OPCW has been sabotaged into engaging in wild goose chases in the case of
    fake chemical attacks in Syria and is now fully paralyzed over the BS claim by UK-tards that Russia attacked them with chemical
    weapons (by supposedly smearing some Novichok on a door knob to take out a no-name, zero value former agent who was already
    exchanged for a more valuable intelligence asset).  

    So even though Russia fulfilled its obligations to disarm and destroy its chemical weapons stockpiles when the USA utterly failed to
    do so (and you can bet the UK didn't disarm either), we have Russia painted as some chemical weapons aggressor.    Russia needs
    to rebuild its stocks of chemical agents ASAP.   NATO is the successor of the 3rd Reich wannabe run by demented, racist and genocide
    planning freaks.   It only understands the language of ultimate force and destruction.   This crap of not destroying chemical weapons
    and not destroying but storing nuclear warheads should not be tolerated.   The freaks running NATO are all pathological cheats and
    cannot be trusted to disarm.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  hoom Tue Mar 12, 2019 6:05 am

    I disagree with re-arming but they should make sure to frequently put out media mentions of US delays & carefully document US/NATO use of White Phosphorus.

    UK seems to have not declared a stockpile despite having declared production facilities.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  The-thing-next-door Tue Mar 12, 2019 7:37 am

    Russia should probably go and take a peek inside these facilities in ukropistan before coming up with a conclusion.

    Until then Perimiter will ensure that any epidemic man made or not in Moscow will get the atlantic fried.
    par far

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Russian Biological Weapons

    Post  par far Wed May 12, 2021 6:29 am

    Lots of top Russian officials are saying that the US is increasing its biological capabilities for military. They are even saying that the US is making biological weapons for each specific country.

    What are Russian capabilities in this field? Can Russia go toe to toe with the US in the biological weapons field? Can Russia increase it biological weapons capabilities? Where does Russia rank in biological research?


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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  mavaff Wed May 12, 2021 7:34 am

    If I am not mistaken, Russia quit developments of biological weapons and even signed a treaty limiting/not using them. But I let the experts confirm.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Genetic Source Material

    Post  calripson Wed May 12, 2021 4:13 pm

    There was a public US Navy proposal submitted a while back asking for genetic donations from people of Russian origin. Rather bizarre as Russia genetically is about as diverse as it comes.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  miketheterrible Wed May 12, 2021 5:30 pm

    par far wrote:Lots of top Russian officials are saying that the US is increasing its biological capabilities for military. They are even saying that the US is making biological weapons for each specific country.

    What are Russian capabilities in this field? Can Russia go toe to toe with the US in the biological weapons field? Can Russia increase it biological weapons capabilities? Where does Russia rank in biological research?

    Russia banned biological weapons and it was confirmed by various international organizations, regardless what US says. US on the other hand, who also signed the same conventions to ban chemical and biological weapons have yet to actually destroy their arsenal. And now they are opening up facilities in various other countries.

    So Russia should warn that if these facilities are not closed, that Russia will be forced to restart their biological weapons program.

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    Russian Biological and Chemical weapons - Page 2 Empty Re: Russian Biological and Chemical weapons

    Post  Yugo90 Wed May 12, 2021 8:59 pm

    I think biological weapons are even more dangerous than NW. US can kill hundred millions of people with their arsenal of bio weapons. And Russia and other countries should be prepared for worst case scenario....

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