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    Ukraine Timeline and resources request


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    Ukraine Timeline and resources request Empty Ukraine Timeline and resources request

    Post  Rodinazombie Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:42 am

    Hi gents, a friend of mine is doing a 10,000 word dissertation and he has chosen the ukraine crisis as his topic and has requested my help. He has chosen this topic as a vehicle to challenge the western narrative.

    Im currently building up a timeline of events that led up to the crisis and of the war itself to the present date.

    I would really appreciate your guys input because theres so much happened that its impossible to remember everything.

    So, i need any event of note to do with this crisis, and the date of when it occurred.

    Any good articles or sources that back up the russian perspective, particularly of note are articles regarding the makeup of the rebels themselves, as his teacher has told him he is not allowed to call it the ukrainian civil war as she doesnt believe that it was actually locals that rebelled.

    Thanks gents and ladies.

    I also plan to write the history of the crisis using this timeline when complete, so naturally it will be shared here.

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    Post  Neutrality Tue Feb 09, 2016 12:55 am

    Just link him to the recently released documentary by Paul Moreira which caused so much controversy. The basis of the conflict is very well explained and it should be self-explanatory as to why the people in the East decided to rebel against Kiev.

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    Post  Rodinazombie Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:06 am

    Neutrality wrote:Just link him to the recently released documentary by Paul Moreira which caused so much controversy. The basis of the conflict is very well explained and it should be self-explanatory as to why the people in the East decided to rebel against Kiev.

    Already done, he will be watching it soon.

    Right now i need info on the eu association agreement, can someone post info, or links to info on the benefits of, and the damage the agreement would do to ukie economy?


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    Post  Neutrality Tue Feb 09, 2016 1:43 am

    Rodinazombie wrote:

    Already done, he will be watching it soon.

    Right now i need info on the eu association agreement, can someone post info, or links to info on the benefits of, and the damage the agreement would do to ukie economy?

    Look. If your friend wants to have a complete and unbiased view of what the agreement is about he'll have to read through 2.135 pages of legislation ( ) and make up his mind whether or not this benefits Ukraine. There are many websites out there who give their own view. Many of them are either pro-EU/anti-Russian or vice versa so either way there will be some bias.

    I'll give you my opinion on this matter though. The Ukrainians believed they could have the best part of the deal by being both a member of the DCFTA and the Customs Union. It was never Russia who forced them NOT to sign the deal but the Europeans who told them that it would be impossible to be part of both trade zones. It was either the association or the Customs Union. The Russians told the Ukrainians that they would raise tariffs on Ukrainian goods if they signed the deal (from the very beginning Moscow made it loud and clear that they would protect their domestic market against the flood of Ukrainian goods). People with common sense will tell you that the EU, Germany being the biggest benefactor ofcourse, was waiting for a giant market to open up so they could massively push their products there. Just like Poland, Lithuania, Estonia and all the rest of Eastern Europe.

    I believe there were estimates saying it would take dozens of billions to modernize the Ukrainian industry in order to make them fit European standards. Money that no one would provide them with back then and never will in the future. Magic words like "visa free regime" were used to brainwash the masses on Maidan square. After that this whole AA bullcr*p became "are you pro-EU or pro-Russian?" and sparked a civil war. Yes a civil war and I hope your friend emphasizes this in his dissertation.

    PS: If his lecturer doesn't believe it was the locals who rebelled then who was it? The Russian army dressed up as civilians or what? Seriously, if this is the level of education there then I weep for England.

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    Post  Khepesh Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:02 pm

    On the question of this being a civil war, then some proof of this is in this photo of Semenchenko. This was taken inside Donetsk regional administration building, no precise date but probably early March 2014. At this time Semenchenko was not decided who to support, the junta in Kiev or the rebels in Donbass, fortunately he chose Kiev, but this shows the dilema faced in civil war, who to fight for.
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    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:11 pm

    Khepesh wrote:On the question of this being a civil war, then some proof of this is in this photo of Semenchenko. This was taken inside Donetsk regional administration building, no precise date but probably early March 2014. At this time Semenchenko was not decided who to support, the junta in Kiev or the rebels in Donbass, fortunately he chose Kiev, but this shows the dilema faced in civil war, who to fight for.
    Ukraine Timeline and resources request 4a3a33498b08

    You shouldn't speculate oh that. There were a lot of "people" that stood within the Donbass perimetre working for "New U Crying". Semenchenko's first claims of a battalion were made ironically to the Guradian in May 2014. That's what he said he called up on "his people in March"...

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    Post  Khepesh Tue Feb 09, 2016 8:23 pm

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    You shouldn't speculate oh that. There were a lot of "people" that stood within the Donbass perimetre working for "New U Crying". Semenchenko's first claims of a battalion were made ironically to the Guradian in May 2014. That's what he said he called up on "his people in March"...
    If he were asked why he was in administration building with rebels I am sure he will say he was "spying" because it is not possible for him to admit being undecided at the beginning. Perhaps he couln't find any "special friends" among rebels, but found many flying rainbow flag with Kiev. Anyway, he has done a service to Novorossiya by "fighting" for Kiev, I think...

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    Post  KoTeMoRe Tue Feb 09, 2016 10:37 pm

    Khepesh wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    You shouldn't speculate oh that. There were a lot of "people" that stood within the Donbass perimetre working for "New U Crying". Semenchenko's first claims of a battalion were made ironically to the Guradian in May 2014. That's what he said he called up on "his people in March"...
    If he were asked why he was in administration building with rebels I am sure he will say he was "spying" because it is not possible for him to admit being undecided at the beginning. Perhaps he couln't find any "special friends" among rebels, but found many flying rainbow flag with Kiev. Anyway, he has done a service to Novorossiya by "fighting" for Kiev, I think...

    We're in agreement on that. Russians like him and Vassilieva were the bestest Putinbots evah.

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    Post  Khepesh Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:35 am

    Rodinazombie wrote:

    So, i need any event of note to do with this crisis, and the date of when it occurred.

    Cassad is probably the best resource with all materiels in one place and in easily accessed chronological order, and with many links to source or other important materiel. Boris Rozhin's politics and thoughts on why some events occured, and who he likes and does not like are irrelevant to the basic facts laid out on the blog of what happened, when and where. I'm sure there is sufficient materiel to write several books, and Rozhin has stated in the past that he is not concerned about use of what is on the blog.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Feb 10, 2016 12:41 pm

    Khepesh wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    You shouldn't speculate oh that. There were a lot of "people" that stood within the Donbass perimetre working for "New U Crying". Semenchenko's first claims of a battalion were made ironically to the Guradian in May 2014. That's what he said he called up on "his people in March"...
    If he were asked why he was in administration building with rebels I am sure he will say he was "spying" because it is not possible for him to admit being undecided at the beginning. Perhaps he couln't find any "special friends" among rebels, but found many flying rainbow flag with Kiev. Anyway, he has done a service to Novorossiya by "fighting" for Kiev, I think...

    ...Call me puzzled...can someone please explain.

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    Post  Khepesh Wed Feb 10, 2016 4:23 pm

    Semenchenko makes the big talk, and it must be admitted that some of his criticisms of ukrops high command are right, but would you prefer a man who is incompetant and at critical moments needs to leave the front due to convenient "wounds", on your side or that of the enemy. Let ukrops enjoy the "benefits" of Semenchenko.

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    Post  Rodinazombie Fri Feb 12, 2016 6:42 am

    Thanks for the responses everyone!

    The past few days have been busy, and hard. Today has been spent mainly watching the videos from the odessa fire, mariupol, krasnoarmeysk, lugansk air strike, slavyansk etc etc and it brought out such anger in me that i havent felt for a long time. So much has happened in the two years that we forget just how awful the things were that the ukrainian 'patriots' did and got away with.

    I look at the 'national guard' scumbags who were killing unarmed civilians in mariupol, or those who were burning people alive in odessa and i wonder how many of them are still alive today. I truly hope that as many of them as possible suffered an excruciating death in donbass.

    Sorry for rambling, but to relive those events again isnt easy.

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