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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs


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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Firebird Tue Apr 23, 2013 1:07 pm

    Viktor wrote:First step towards integration is over Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

    Ukraine has agreed with the Customs Union on the status of observer

    "In my opinion, the decision is already made, and it is about the technical wording," - said Azarov. He added that he met with representatives of Kazakhstan and Belarus, and now is working out technical issues.

    KIEV, April 23 - RIA Novosti. Ukraine has agreed with the Customs Union on the observer status in the organization, said Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov at a meeting with foreign journalists.

    "In my opinion, the decision is already made, and it is about the technical wording," - said Azarov. He added that he met with representatives of Kazakhstan and Belarus, and now is working out technical issues.

    "Now we are working out, we have created a government working group to prepare the documents to be signed by the presidents. We agreed, and now completed the technical negotiations on the wording. We are observers in the Customs Union, we will have representation in the Eurasian Economic Commission, respectively, Head of Mission will have the opportunity to participate in a meeting of the board of the Eurasian Union, to take part in the preparation of the documents, but he does not have the right to vote.

    Answering a question about whether it was planned in late May at a meeting of the presidents of the signing of documents on the status of Ukraine as an observer, Azarov said, "Yes."


    The tide is turning. Margaret Thatcher is dead. America now sees Chechen maniacs as terrorists not freedom fighters. The Ukraine joins the Customs Union. All we need now is that Russia decides on "regime change" in England, and overthrows the monarchy... tongue

    Seriously tho, it was a pretty bizarre situation with West Ukrainians trying to drag the initial centre of Russia over to some America-Euro frankenstein type identity..
    I think reintegration will be great for Ru and the Ukrainian area.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  GarryB Wed Apr 24, 2013 2:55 am

    Lets be clear, this is not going to be a new Soviet Union, it is just a common economic market.

    The Ukraine needs to sort itself out and really decide who it wants to be buddies with, and who it just wants to trade with.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  gaurav Mon Apr 29, 2013 5:40 pm

    Ukraine has agreed with the Customs Union on the status of

    HA HA GREAT NEWS .. BUT CAUTION is advised..Kremlin must now repatriate..

    20 Million young Russians from Ukraines and settle them in Ural elctric

    train building, Siberian OIL and Gas fields and far east near vostonchny..

    For those millions of Educated Ukraines they also must be '"TAKEN OUT " and

    settled in Moscow subarbs.. in upcoming military factories or IT economic

    Zones .. With this Russia will have a chance to grow its ECONOMY back to

    3-4 % which it iwas growing previously..

    Russia must also vow to stop and destroy most of Ukraine Aviation

    projects which have hurted Russian civil aircraft projects in

    International market..

    An-158 , those engines (f$%Senko engines eh), Airframes to china

    and other parts of the world.. Twisted Evil

    God Bless.. Americana.. Ukraine.. thumbsup


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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Viktor Thu May 23, 2013 2:29 am

    Formalities are over.

    Ukraine OKs Bid for Customs Union Observer Status

    KIEV, May 22 (RIA Novosti) – The Ukrainian government on Wednesday approved a memorandum applying for observer status in the Customs Union, a Moscow-based trade bloc comprising Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, Prime Minister Mykola Azarov said.

    “Observer status will enable us to effectively uphold our interests in the Customs Union,” Azarov told Belarusian First Deputy Prime Minister Vladimir Semashko.

    Ukraine is seeking observer status at the Customs Union to maintain its existing volume of trade with Russia, Belarus and Kazakhstan, as well as to assess the possible advantages and disadvantages of full membership.

    Kiev expects the memorandum to be signed by representatives of the Customs Union countries on May 29 at a session of the Supreme Eurasian Economic Council at the head of state level that will take place in Astana, Kazakhstan.

    In mid-March, Russian Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev dismissed the possibility of Ukraine joining the bloc on special terms.
    “Our Ukrainian friends like to talk about the issue of joining [the Customs Union] under a ‘three plus one format’ and so on. But it can’t be this way. It's either everything or nothing, but in the latter case this looks like observer status or something else,” the prime minister said.
    “Full-fledged participation requires ratification, and the signing of all documents,” Medvedev said.

    Russia sees the grouping as a stepping stone to a wide-ranging Eurasian Economic Union, and has touted membership to Moldova and Ukraine, though Kiev has long harbored ambitions of moving closer to the EU.

    Ukraine, which has few energy resources of its own, relies heavily on gas imports from Russia. The 2009 gas deal signed between Moscow and Kiev tied the price for Russian gas to international oil prices, which have risen significantly since 2009, increasing Ukraine's bill.

    Russia has said on numerous occasions it could cut gas prices for its neighbor if Ukraine joins the Customs Union.
    Ukraine, which has proclaimed a strategic course of Euro-integration, is reluctant to become a full member of the Customs Union, because such a deal would rule out signing a free trade agreement with the European Union.


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    Post  a89 Thu Jun 27, 2013 5:36 pm

    First T-84M Oplot for Thailand:

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    Post  Pyrrus Sun Jun 30, 2013 10:28 am

    I agree with Victor. It's a friendly gesture and the alternative for the sinking UE ship. Good job!

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    Post  Viktor Fri Jul 05, 2013 12:21 pm

    Very Very interesting article about Ukraine.

    Are there any prospects for the Ukrainian air defense system?

    In one of the rooms of spring Ukrainian specialized publication «Defense Express» an article entitled "Repair of the shield." Its author - Vladimir Tkach - gives examples of sample anti-aircraft missile systems, which are in service with the Ukrainian army, and also provides certain characteristics of their condition and prospects. In particular, the article refers to the fact that the army has Ukraine is about 60 battalions of air defense missile systems, but this year the age of the youngest will be two sets of ten years, while the oldest - almost forty years.

    At the same time it should be noted that each of these complexes has warranty period. Thus, for the C-300 he set at 25 years (most of the complexes were produced in the late-80's - early 90's). Spare parts have long been out of production, and to withdraw the missing details with samples in storage, as there is no possibility.

    Repair of S-300, which began in 2004, the company carries out "UKROBORONSERVICE." It was specifically established the Center of military equipment and weapons. And according to the results of the joint work of Russian and Ukrainian committees, it was decided that the technological, technical and documentary base of the plant are quite suitable for the repair of components of C-300 and enhance their operational life. In addition, in the enterprise and has all the necessary documentary base for repair anti-aircraft missile systems "Buk-M1." In addition, the company in autumn 2012 passed acceptance tests of C-300PT. According to those present at the trials of military officials, repairs were carried out at a fairly high professional level and, more importantly, in terms of time. According to them, after the repair of these complexes meet all the requirements of the present time. Thus, as of 2013 has been renovated complex of eight battalions of S-300PS, whose service life has been extended by five thousand hours or five years.

    And necessity of repair work is obvious, as almost all the complexes, which are in service with the Ukrainian army, exhausted their operational resources specified by the manufacturer.

    Currently in service with the air forces of the Ukrainian army are such complexes and systems, as "" Buk-M1 ", the S-200V, S-300PS, AAMS-300V1. Earlier in service consisted also S-125, but they were removed a few years ago. The most modern of them considered to be the S-200 and S-300. All versions of C-300, which are in the military, according to the technical documentation can hit aerial targets that carry out the flight at an altitude of about 75 kilometers. S-200 have a range of fire of the order of 150-240 kilometers. C-300 are intended for the defense industrial and administrative facilities, headquarters, stationary command posts and military bases from the tactical and strategic air strikes, as well as ballistic and cruise missiles. S-200 is designed to maintain the defense of the most important industrial, administrative and military facilities from all possible types of air attack. Currently these systems are well suited for the defeat of perspective and modern aircraft and unmanned and manned aircraft. But the problem is that the repair work of these complexes should be carried out every ten years, and the Ukrainian armed forces due to the constant lack of funding that luxury can not afford. Hence, such a sad outcome, of all the complexes, which are currently on active duty, only about 40 percent of the fully operational.

    In addition, there is one more thing: after a few years ago, a tragedy occurred during one of the military exercises in the Crimea, during which the Ukrainian air defense forces shot down a Russian Tu-154 over the Black Sea, training with S- 200 and C-300 were banned on Ukrainian territory. In turn, this led to another serious problem: every year the number of soldiers who actually shot of these complexes is reduced at an alarming rate.

    In 2003, a ban on the use of the Ukrainian landfills has been removed, but the fire of the C-200 (and these complexes have the greatest range) is still not resolved. Of course, Ukraine has certain agreements with Russia the possibility of using Russian military grounds for firing, but this way is simply impossible to prepare all the air defense forces. Thus, we can say that the S-200 have only conditional alert, and hope in which case only have the C-300.

    This implies that the repair of the S-300 for Ukrainian military - the question is a very serious and urgent. It should be borne in mind that Russia, which is the manufacturer of the complex, said it obsolete. Therefore, in the near future is going to take the C-300 with the production and release only take the C-400. The last C-300 have been released, we recall, back in 1994 for export, but currently there is no export orders. Engage in self-repair complexes Ukraine also has opportunities because they do not have the appropriate accessories.

    Thus, in a short time can be a situation where all the plans of the Ukrainian army back into operation air defense weaponry end. Trying to solve the problem, the General Staff of Ukraine a few years ago talking about how to bring back into service the S-125 "Pechora", which were adopted by Soviet troops in 1961. But the question arises: where to get them, if almost immediately after removing them from most of the weapons were sold abroad? ..

    However, the Defense Ministry said that the S-125 remains about 20 divisions, and 2015 can be returned to operation of the order of 9-10 modernized facilities. The modernization of the Ukrainian defense enterprises have developed an upgraded cabin management UNC-2A, have established a modern receiver-transmitter and a launcher, replaced the control system established during the Soviet era. Thus, in the modernized complex S-125-2D are control point UNK-2D, launchers 5P73-2D, antenna post CNF-2D software and hardware. Was increased resistance to interference detection range increased by 20 percent. The only thing that modernization is not touched - it Zour 5V27 and 5V25. In addition, as part of the modernization were elevated levels of reliability, survivability, mobility of the complex, the stability of radar interference, and the resource set up 15 years.

    As a result, at the site "Chauda" were tested modernized complex, which, according to developers who have been very successful. In various modes was made six launches. It was found that the range of detection of air targets at a height of about 7 kilometers, is 100 kilometers. I wonder if will get S-125-2D adopted Ukrainian troops - more precisely, whether the state has enough funds for the purchase of these samples.

    It should also be noted that in the late spring of 2012 approved the "Program of restoring the combat art air defense troops of the Air Forces Armed Forces of Ukraine to 2017", according to which is provided for repairs four anti-aircraft missile systems S-300PS and one set of "Buk-M1" . Implementation of the program rests with the company "UKROBORONSERVICE."

    It is assumed that the S-300PT, S-200V and S-300V1 will be taken out of service, and the total number of divisions reduced to 40, of which one-third will form complexes "Buk-M1", and two thirds - S-300PS. However, you must understand the fact that infinity upgrade any piece of military equipment and weapons is impossible, especially when it comes to such weapons, which was created more than half a century ago. Therefore, in the military have to think about the purchase of new weapons and, therefore, to seek the funds. In Ukraine at the moment there are two most feasible option to upgrade their defense systems - either to start production of its own, or buy them abroad. Previously, there was much talk about the fact that Ukrainians are going to create a domestic multifunctional missile complex "Peregrine Falcon", but the project was canceled despite recent statements by the War Department that it will provide up to 2020 more than 6.5 billion hryvnia. Therefore, a more realistic prospect for Ukraine is buying anti-missile systems in Russia. Previously, we recall, the Russians have already articulated the conditions under which they are willing to supply the Ukrainians S-300 PMU-2 "Favorit". However, since the C-300 has been taken out of production, it was much more appropriate to talk about the purchase of S-400 "Triumph", but only if the two governments were able to find an acceptable political format solutions to their problems. However, the today Ukrainian foreign policy uncertainty this level of understanding is difficult to imagine, therefore, unfortunately, Ukrainian military and political leadership can only strive to find that it is the understanding ...



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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Viktor Mon Jul 08, 2013 2:42 am

    After air defense interesting article about Ukraine ground army

    Land Forces of Ukraine

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    Post  Viktor Sat Jul 27, 2013 5:55 pm


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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  TR1 Wed Sep 11, 2013 2:12 am

    The latest in the Iraqi BTR-4 drama- cargo is arrested in India.


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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  BTRfan Wed Sep 11, 2013 4:54 am

    GarryB wrote:Well if they think they can defend their territory with that number then good on them.

    With a much smaller force there is a good chance they will start buying the more expensive stuff like the new firearms they have developed and of course their new tanks and APCs.

    Makes you wonder what all those new spare bodies will be doing however... when times are really tough the Armed forces is a good option for most young men. Even just learning to look after yourself, and a bit of fitness and discipline.

    I think that's a common misconception, that the military teaches you to look after yourself and "makes a man out of you."

    A man is a rugged individual who stands on his own feet, a cowboy/rancher in Montana, a lumberjack in Siberia, a hunter/trapper who can go into the wilderness on his own for weeks/months.

    The military will give young people a substantial amount of discipline, regimentation, but it is within the context of having others tell you what to do, when to do it, and where to do it. Being told when to wake up, when to eat, what to eat, when to report for physical training, what sort of physical training to do, when to take a break, when you can go visit your family, that doesn't teach you how to look after yourself, that teaches you how to accept having others order you around and run your life for you.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:06 am

    Unfortunately if you want to live on this planet you need to get a job which involves having someone telling you what to do. Equally in society there are things called laws which also restrict what you can or cannot do.

    At the end of the day what makes a man is the ability to suffer and endure and come through with dignity... in some cultures that might be a rite of passage or their first kill in a hunt... I think serving in the armed forces also qualifies... and probably going to a boarding school away from mummy and daddy to hold your hand probably also counts too.

    The result depends on the unit/school, but also on the individual as well.

    There are lots of movies and books and stories about how the military breaks people and then builds them back from scratch... I think if that were true there would be rather more broken people that didn't make the grade.

    Discipline doesn't just fall from the sky or happen by accident... if you already have it when you enter the military I suspect you will have a rather better time of it. Equally I think being the youngest in a large family also teaches some lessons only children don't get to learn... like when to pick your fights.

    But that is just my opinion.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  BTRfan Thu Sep 12, 2013 1:27 am

    GarryB wrote:Unfortunately if you want to live on this planet you need to get a job which involves having someone telling you what to do. Equally in society there are things called laws which also restrict what you can or cannot do.

    At the end of the day what makes a man is the ability to suffer and endure and come through with dignity... in some cultures that might be a rite of passage or their first kill in a hunt... I think serving in the armed forces also qualifies... and probably going to a boarding school away from mummy and daddy to hold your hand probably also counts too.

    The result depends on the unit/school, but also on the individual as well.

    There are lots of movies and books and stories about how the military breaks people and then builds them back from scratch... I think if that were true there would be rather more broken people that didn't make the grade.

    Discipline doesn't just fall from the sky or happen by accident... if you already have it when you enter the military I suspect you will have a rather better time of it. Equally I think being the youngest in a large family also teaches some lessons only children don't get to learn... like when to pick your fights.

    But that is just my opinion.

    I don't believe I was put on this Earth to suffer and endure for the benefit of others.

    We hear a great amount about "manning up" and "what makes a man" and how men are supposed to treat women, and suffer/endure for them, or for society, but we never hear about what women are supposed to have to do to be worthy of such sacrifices or what society is supposed to offer a man in exchange for his suffering.

    This is 2013, the government taxes anything they can get their hands on and the big companies will fire you in a minute if they can find an Indian or Chinese immigrant on an H1B Visa who will do your job for 5% less. The only thing you'll accomplish by working hard is to work yourself into an early grave.

    Do what you need to support yourself and your family, but take things easy and let the big companies rot. Grow your own food, raise your own chickens, simplify.

    There is nothing that makes a man one way or another. I have my opinions on what is not manly or what is manly, but they are just opinions. Anybody who claims to know what makes a man a man, is just trying to tell young men, "you need to live this way or you're not a real man" it is typical shaming language.

    Anybody with the chromosomes and the genitals is a man. You're born a man.

    This is 2013, women don't have to do ANYTHING to earn their womanhood, they are automatically placed on a pedestal and treated like a "lady" even if they're a drug addled tramp.

    Some young men want to go off into the military, that's their choice. Some young men want to study and become doctors, that's their choice... Some young men want to work themselves into an early grave inside a coal mine, that's their choice. Some young men want to do as little as possible, as much as is required to support themselves and obtain the lifestyle they want and not an inch more of work, they want to enjoy life, that's their choice.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Ukraine is Reforming its Army Faster than Russia

    Post  flamming_python Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:26 am

    Here's a hilarious article folks.

    Got to wonder what the author is smoking; not much you can really do to reform an army, much less into a professional one; with rusting old equipment and a shoe-string budget that's barely enough to feed your men

    Unfortunately articles such as this as endemic of Russia's 'liberal' press; which is often simply out of touch in reality and has no idea what's going on; preferring demagogy and exaggeration instead.

    The author clearly has an anti-conscription angle; but no idea of the specifics of Russian defense requirements or any idea about the military at all.

    Ukraine is Reforming its Army Faster than Russia

    As usual, Ukraine has got one up on Russia. No, I am not referring to Kiev's intention to sign an agreement to increase economic ties with the European Union in November and not to Moscow's unsubstantiated claims that Ukraine wants to join NATO. I am referring to an even more painful blow to the Moscow leadership.

    Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych has made good on his campaign promise by signing a decree for the country to switch to an exclusively professional army. "There will no longer be a draft," Yanukovych recently declared. Conscripts will only be used for interior troops.

    Unlike Russia, Ukraine has instituted a basic principle: better to have a smaller, but more capable, army than an ineffective and wasteful million-man force.

    Yanukovych stressed that the weapons systems used by the army are now so advanced that they should be manned by top specialists only. Only those young Ukrainians who are drawn to the military profession as a career or for other reasons should become contract soldiers, Yanukovych said. He promised to carry out the state program for military reforms by 2017, by which time the army should number 122,000 soldiers, down from the current 184,000.

    It is worth noting that Ukrainian Defense Minister Pavel Lebedev said the Defense Ministry has calculated it will need 131 billion hryvnia ($16 billion) to implement reforms. To attract contract soldiers, the government is prepared to offer a system of financial incentives. For example, Lebedev said that salaries for contract personnel will be doubled in 2014, with monthly wages in selected categories reaching 5,000 hryvnia ($612).

    It is also significant that, in speaking about the complexity of modern military equipment and the need for highly trained professionals to operate it, Yanukovych was practically quoting verbatim Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu, who recently said conscripts would have to serve five years to master today's military hardware.

    Despite this, Shoigu prefers to speak of a transition to a professional army as an unlikely prospect. Russia's top brass usually explain the problem as stemming from a lack of funds. But Ukraine is definitely no richer than Russia and is already switching over to a professional army.

    The whole point of a conscript army is to prepare enough reserve soldiers during peacetime to be able to double or triple the ranks of the army in the event of war. But the demographics in both Russia and Ukraine make that infeasible. Last year, for example, there were only about 640,000 males who were eligible for the draft at age 18. To staff a million-man army, 550,000 of that total would have to be drafted, which is an impossible task. The only realistic way to increase both armies' combat effectiveness is to greatly reduce their size and to achieve greater efficiency through improved quality.

    Ukrainian military leaders and politicians chose not to deceive themselves. They are not afraid to cut the number of soldiers and generals by one-third. Only combat units and certain troop formations such as naval forces and airborne troops were unaffected by the cuts because contract soldiers already comprise about 90 percent of their staffs. The number of soldiers at constant battle readiness will remain at 70,000, while positions not directly linked to providing combat effectiveness will be cut, Lebedev said. That applies particularly to military medics, instructors and builders.

    In fact, Ukraine has copied almost all of the measures implemented by the much-criticized former Russian Defense Minister Anatoly Serdyukov, whose reforms paved the way for Russia to make the transition to a professional army. In contrast to Russian leaders, Ukrainian officials apparently are not held hostage by their military lobby. Nor are they obsessed with trying to achieve the unachievable status of a superpower.

    Thus, Ukraine, a country trudging its way toward Europe, will become the first country in the Commonwealth of Independent States to switch to a volunteer, professional army. Not surprisingly, those in Russia who advocate continuing the slave-like conscript army said Kiev should not tell Moscow what to do and that Ukraine can afford the luxury of a smaller army because, unlike Russia, it has no external enemies.

    Meanwhile, Kazakhstan, ostensibly Russia's closest ally, delivered another blow. First Deputy Defense Minister and head of the General Staff, Saken Zhasuzakov announced that the republic planned to make a full transition to a professional army within two years. "By 2016," he said, "99 percent of all army personnel will be professionals serving on contract."

    In contrast to Ukraine, however, Kazakhstan faces a very real external threat because radical Islamists will undoubtedly attempt to establish control over Central Asian republics of the CIS after the U.S. and coalition forces withdraw from Afghanistan in 2014. Notably, Astana understands that a professional army will provide greater security. Unlike Russia, both Ukraine and Kazakhstan understand a basic principle: Quality is always preferable to quantity.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  macedonian Wed Oct 30, 2013 10:39 am

    I've only read an article by the Moscow Times ONCE.
    Was pain to read that propaganda and enough to know never to visit their site again.
    It's a waste of time...

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  TR1 Wed Oct 30, 2013 6:37 pm

    Well its true.

    They are cutting away 75% of their military capability with no replacement. Russia has yet to match such dramatic change.

    Leaner, yes, more capable? lol. Dream on.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Oct 31, 2013 10:08 am

    So take an old 486 computer and rip out 1/3rd of its parts but don't replace them with new parts and see how much faster it runs...

    To have a high tech military you need the high tech hardware... you certainly can reduce the number of 152mm guns you have in your artillery units if they are self propelled and therefore mobile, but also if they have GLONASS guided shells that always hit on or very near their targets in all weather day and night.

    That is when you can reduce your force size and reap the benefit of high tech equipment.

    If you take away the soldiers and don't introduce the vehicles and satellite support etc etc you end up with not enough soldiers to move a towed 152mm gun... which is OK because you wouldn't know where the targets are anyway...

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  TR1 Wed Nov 13, 2013 8:25 am

    GIF shows well what I always suspected, BTR-4 chassis is very overloaded.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  flamming_python Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:17 am

    TR1 wrote:

    GIF shows well what I always suspected, BTR-4 chassis is very overloaded.
    Damn thing wobbles like jelly on a waiter's platter.

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    Post  GarryB Thu Nov 14, 2013 12:59 am

    ... and not in a good way... Twisted Evil 

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    Post  TR1 Thu Nov 14, 2013 9:19 am

    lol @ Garry.

    Did you guys also notice how the nose drove right into the cement on the fall?
    It's overloaded as hell. Mind you it doesn't mean it could not function just fine in 75% of cases, and the jump did not appear to seriously damage it...but still. It is obvious putting an extra 7 tons on a BTR-80 chassis has its limits.

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    Post  Regular Thu Nov 14, 2013 2:32 pm

    Wow, why the hell he went so fast? BTR-90 is roughly same weight, maybe BTR-4 still retains old suspension. Russian BTR-82 is using upgraded suspension that helps with more weight and absorbs more shock.

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    Post  Viktor Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:54 pm

    Didnt know where to put this video but extremely interesting

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  TR1 Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:55 pm

    The problem is that chopper suffered a crash landing right at final approach, and the crew died Sad .

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs - Page 2 Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Viktor Thu Nov 14, 2013 3:58 pm

    TR1 wrote:The problem is that chopper suffered a crash landing right at final approach, and the crew died Sad.
    Did not know that! Are you sure?

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