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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs


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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Admin Thu Aug 06, 2009 2:13 pm

    Ukraine has reduced sales of military equipment

    United Nations (UN) released a progress report of the data sent by Ukraine to the UN Register of Conventional Arms. According to the document, in the past year, our country has sold weapons to more than 20 countries. In comparison with 2007 and 2006, it showed a nearly twofold decrease in sales of heavy weapons and military equipment. Experts explain this gradual depletion of stocks after the collapse of the Soviet Union special, which mostly deals in Ukraine.

    The report, sent by Ukraine to the UN Register of Conventional Arms, provides information on the number of tanks, armored combat vehicles, large caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, missiles and launchers, small arms and light weapons, as well as man-portable air defense systems (MANPADS), sold to Ukraine in 2008 more than 20 states.

    Arms Register was established in 1991 by a decision of the UN General Assembly. It is the official database of all major conventional arms in the world: battle tanks, armored combat vehicles (ACV), large caliber artillery systems, combat aircraft, attack helicopters, warships, missiles and launchers (except for missile ground-to-air ). Each year the state to voluntarily provide information on the export or import of weapons in order to increase the transparency of arms trafficking. The first report gave the results of Ukraine 1993.

    According to the Register, compared with 2007 and 2006, Ukraine has reduced sales of tanks, armored combat vehicles, artillery systems, combat aircraft, missiles and launchers. In 2008, our government sold 451 vehicles, while in 2007 - 672 units, and in 2006 th - 1118 units. As explained to Kommersant the head of the Verkhovna Rada of the subcommittee on military-industrial complex and military-technical cooperation Anatoly Kinakh (Party of Regions), is due to the fact that Ukraine was selling mostly weapons, preserved after the collapse of the USSR, the stocks are gradually being depleted. "Ukraine has one of the ten exporters of weapons, but we will lose their positions, since virtually no machinery to produce new designs that meet current market requirements," - said Mr. Kinakh.

    In 2008, the largest number of heavy weapons Ukraine has sold in the United States, the African republic of Chad and Azerbaijan. In the United States - 172 units of portable missile systems, 1 BMP-3 (infantry fighting vehicles), 1 MiG-29UB aircraft, and 2 Su-27UB (in 2006 the U.S. bought in Ukraine, 295 of MANPADS). As Chad has sold 88 units of BMP-1 and BTR-3E, and 2 helicopters MI-24. Azerbaijan gained in our 32 BTR-70, 18 122-millimeter self-propelled howitzers 2S1 "Carnation", 21 air missile R-27 air-to-air missiles, 10 of MANPADS and 3 missile launchers (a total 84 units). Not less actively Ukraine sold small arms, among other weapons of the First and Second World Wars: machine gun "Maxim", the Soviet pistols, machine guns and American machines PPSH Thompson, who produced in the first half of last century. The greatest number of PPSH bought Austria - 700 pieces. In return, Ukraine has gained in this country of 205 self-loading pistols Glock various modifications.

    Notably, the last three years, namely the United States and Azerbaijan are regular consumers of Ukrainian military equipment. In 2006, Azerbaijan has become our 50 tanks, armored combat vehicles, large caliber artillery systems and combat aircraft, and in 2007 - already 103 units. "Azerbaijan wants to be prepared for possible conflict with Armenia, thus trying to strengthen its army," - explained to Kommersant Expert Research Center Army Conversion and Disarmament, Mikhail Samus and added that interest from the Americans, too, caused by the desire to "qualitatively prepare their army." "They are buying all the samples of weapons, so that you can learn more about their opportunities," - said the expert.

    According to the Register last year sharply reduced military-technical cooperation with Georgia. For example, in 2007 Ukraine had sold in this state of 99 tanks, armored combat vehicles, artillery systems and aircraft. In the same year, Georgia has been delivered more than 10 thousand units of various small arms. Meanwhile, last year Georgia received from Ukraine only 40 units of BMP-1 and BTR-70. Despite this, yesterday, Secretary of State, Deputy Foreign Minister Grigory Karasin called unfriendly stance taken by the Ukrainian leadership "on the issue of supply of military equipment to Georgia." "We know the countries and firms from Tbilisi weapon - underlined Grigory Karasin .- We collect information on their activities and operate with specific, proven facts. Indeed, among the most active in this regard - Ukraine."

    According to Mr. Karasin, Russia reserves the right to "limit the bilateral military-technical and economic cooperation with the States supplying military goods to Georgia. Yesterday, Anatoly Kinakh confirmed that Russia began to curtail military cooperation with Ukraine on a program of modernization of anti-aircraft missile systems S-300 and Buk-M1, as well as the front fighter MiG-29.

    Denis Popovic

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Ukraine Army Bankrupt by End of Year

    Post  Admin Tue Aug 18, 2009 7:11 pm

    By the new year, the Ukrainian army will be without money

    The Ukrainian army has virtually exhausted the means available to it: that, as reported by UNIAN, said Chief of General Staff of the Armed Forces of the Sergey Kirichenko.

    "If we talk about a resource, it is not. Today I can not say that we save and live up to the end of the year - no!" - Said Kyrychenko.

    Commenting on the periodic power outages in the military (for debt), the Chief of General Staff said that "this is just the flowers." He hinted that the discontent of people who "every day have to deal with weapons, can be dangerous.

    Talking about what led to the reduction of funding for the army, Kyrychenko noted in particular that the Air Force in 2009 because of lack of funds, training is only fighter aircraft, which brought to alert status.

    As previously reported, in 2009 funding for the Ukrainian army has declined by about two billion hryvnia, compared with last year. Because of this, the armed forces of the republic had been forced, in particular, to desist from conducting multinational exercises.

    In the military units of Ukraine are often cut off the light because of the debts of the Ministry of Defense in the energy sector. Thus, on August 16, UNIAN reported that, in Zhytomyr region several military has denied the month of electricity. Without the light remained, in particular, the storage of small arms and tens of tons of ammunition, the protection of the facility under these conditions significantly deteriorated.

    Права на данный материал принадлежат


    Sound like a good time to invade. Razz Razz

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Ukraine cannot defend its borders

    Post  Admin Sat Sep 05, 2009 7:02 pm

    Military expert: decrepit Ukrainian arms long ago does not meet the military threats

    "Ukraine today are not really ready to go to war against Russia." This writes Ukrainian military expert Valentin BADRAK in an article for the magazine Tyzhden.

    "The Armed Forces of Ukraine do not have adequate weapons of deterrence, its run-down Scud missiles and" point-U long time do not meet the level of threat. Air defense system virtually destroyed due to technical exhaustion. Antiaircraft missile system S-300 and Buk long in need of modernization, and of the 112 combat aircraft in the air can rise only 31 ", - says the analyst. "In all my years of Ukrainian independence at the Ukrainian armed forces will not add any samples of new military equipment, which really would strengthen national defense. Armament and military equipment of the Ukrainian Army is a generation behind the arsenals of armies of many countries," - also notes BADRAK.

    "So far, however, at this stage, Russia needs is not" subjugation Ukraine "and" politically loyal, pro-Russia Ukraine. "In Russia, still a lot of non-military means of influence on Ukraine, which makes effective use of military force unnecessary," - says expert . Rossiyskaya power, which de facto does not recognize Ukraine as an independent state, but the Ukrainian people believe is part Russian, more advantageous to solve the problem of obtaining Ukraine peacefully. Especially if we take into account the growth in Ukraine of prorossiyski minded people, particularly politicians and intellectual elite "- wrote the expert. "Ukraine has entered a new phase of his life. First, the protective umbrella of NATO countries have progressed to at least a decade. Secondly, it is clear that none of the Ukrainian partners will not provide military aid to Ukraine in case of emergency."

    Права на данный материал принадлежат ИА Regnum

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Ukraine Military situation and problems:

    Post  Admin Wed Oct 28, 2009 1:55 am

    Yushchenko: Ukrainian army is taken hostage

    In these moments in Kiev, a meeting of the National Security and Defense, chaired by President Viktor Yushchenko.

    As the Ashgabat correspondent, his opening speech the Head of State began with tough criticism of the Cabinet of Ministers, inter alia, that he pays little attention to the army and the defense of Ukraine. " "I am concerned about the situation in the Armed Forces of Ukraine ... I will appeal to the Prime Minister to unless the Government did not turn to the Ukrainian army and soldiers" - has firmly stated Viktor Yushchenko.

    He regretted reminded members that earlier on this  "For example, were invited to go to a professional army for 365 days. On January 1, we had 51.5 thousand contractors, and today in the absolute contract army left only 2 thousand contractors. It is said that the new contract army will be reduced by almost 10 % ", - noticed Victor Yushchenko.  "When the Prime Minister said it is likely she meant to reduce the size of the army, to abolish conscription and to abandon the professional army," - he suggested.

    In addition, continued the Head of State, in its program of Yulia Tymoshenko would eliminate waste. But now it turns out that all of the Cabinet of Ministers in relation to the army - this is not to combat waste, and nothing but the destruction of its militancy. "Even to pay for laundry services, and the Ukrainian army power is not enough money, because under the current budgeted only 1.5 billion UAH" - troubled Viktor Yushchenko.

    Equally deplorable situation and to pay contractors, who, according to the President, now receiving 878 UAH., Which is twice lower than the average wage in Ukraine. Premier promised, gave word that the soldier's salary will be $ 700, and the officer - 1 thousand "- reminded Viktor Yushchenko.

    "For 1,5 years to teach the soldier to control" stronghold "is impossible. Over 4.5 hours per year, it is impossible to teach pilots to fly the aircraft. Moreover, during which time the pilot has yet to hold military exercises. This is how we understand the professional requirements for soldier ! - indignantly asked the President. - This year is not repaired, no ship or aircraft. The government does not fund a program to modernize the Ukrainian tank - on this program has not allocated funds, 25 military towns energized. These are the questions that need to talk .

    "The army has become hostage to political intrigue and speculation. And this issue will be on today's NSDC meeting that the Council had taken appropriate professional decision on this matter," - concluded his address by the President of Ukraine.

    Recall that the main part of the meeting of the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine will take place behind closed doors.
    Julia Makoveeva


    Pilots only fly 4.5 hours a year
    Contractors have gone from 51,000 to 2,000 this year
    Contractors only make $100 a month
    No ship or plane has been repaired
    There has only been one training exercise all year
    Can't afford laundry service
    Hard time affording food
    Total defence budget is $196 million... less than Uganda.  

    lol1  lol1  lol1  lol1  lol1  lol1  lol1  lol1

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Admin Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:02 am

    Considering we pay them base rent and services amounting to $365 million a year... this government is more corrupt than Uganda. lol1

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Admin Wed Oct 28, 2009 2:10 am

    Low financing Army Ukraine has precluded from NATO
    23-10-2009 16:01

    NATO indicate severe underfunding of the Armed Forces of Ukraine and disappointed by the failure of international exercises.

    This was in an interview with a draft "Flot2017" said the special representative of NATO Secretary General on South Caucasus and Central Asia, Robert Simons, a delegation headed by now working in Kiev in the format of meetings to review annual national training program for Ukraine to join NATO, approved in August this year.

    "Ukraine can not develop a clear legal basis for cooperation with NATO. This applies, for example, conducting international exercises under the auspices of the Alliance. The failures of such exercises, which have been lately, a very negative impact on international cooperation and the state of the Armed Forces of Ukraine ", - said the special representative of NATO and expressed his regret that" over the past year, Ukraine has lost an entire "generation" of experts who could work all this time with NATO and to understand the issues of compliance with the requirements of the Alliance.

    R. SIMONS also noted the inadequate funding of the Armed Forces of Ukraine.

    "We are seeing the lack of" internal "exercises of the Armed units, which are superimposed and obstruction of the international exercise in Ukraine, resulting in a decrease in alertness and a decline in compliance with NATO", - stated R. SIMONS.


    Ukraine is so broke they can't even join NATO. lol!

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Ukraine cutting military by 20%

    Post  NationalRus Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:07 pm

    Ukraine proposes cutting military by 20%

    Ukraine is to downsize its Armed Forces by some 20% to 150,000-160,000 personnel in five years, the government press service said on Thursday.

    The cuts are envisioned under a draft concept for the organizational development of the national Armed Forces.

    The country presently has about 200,000 servicemen.

    Alongside the cuts in personnel, the draft concept states that military spending should grow at a rate of 15-20% a year through 2015.

    The Armed Forces are also to sell off surplus military property, which should yield $188 million to $250 million.

    The concept also directs the Defense Ministry to make a more effective use of its internal resources, saving an additional $2.4 billion.

    KIEV, July 22 (RIA Novosti)

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Admin Thu Jul 22, 2010 10:58 pm

    What military? They only have one flyable aircraft per squadron. Their ships rust in port and they haven't had a military exercise in 2 years.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  NationalRus Thu Jul 22, 2010 11:03 pm

    indeed the military status of ukrains military is fuckd up, poor army, ther air force is starting to fall apart... but maybe with now starting economy growth and cutting the army the will manage to slowly develop ther armed force

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Ukranian Army to be cut in half within 5 years.

    Post  TR1 Sat Mar 24, 2012 9:50 pm

    In the next 5 years, the Ukranian army is planned to be reduced form 144,000, to 70,000 personnel. Currently, there are also 48,000 civilians in the army, by 2014 that number will be less than 15,000.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  gloriousfatherland Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:14 pm

    time for Ukranian-Russo union Very Happy

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  GarryB Sat Mar 24, 2012 11:40 pm

    Well if they think they can defend their territory with that number then good on them.

    With a much smaller force there is a good chance they will start buying the more expensive stuff like the new firearms they have developed and of course their new tanks and APCs.

    Makes you wonder what all those new spare bodies will be doing however... when times are really tough the Armed forces is a good option for most young men. Even just learning to look after yourself, and a bit of fitness and discipline.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Admin Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:03 am

    When your defence budget is only €1 billion, there isn't much you can do but feed your troops. Ukraine has trouble even doing that.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  GarryB Sun Mar 25, 2012 7:52 am

    Well that is not good at all.

    Last thing Russia needs is a dysfunctional neighbour.

    I rather doubt Russia wants to add the Ukraines problems to its own so even if the Ukraine offered I doubt they would accept them in some sort of union.

    I don't think EU membership will save the Ukraine either...

    NATO membership would be out of the question as well in such a sorry state.

    Hopefully they can get their act together and come up with some ideas to turn things around that does not involve stealing gas in transit, increasing rent for ports or pipelines etc etc.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  gloriousfatherland Sun Mar 25, 2012 2:27 pm

    Analyst say, "Russia and Ukraine superpower, Russia without Ukraine , Regional Power"...Ukriane have no external threats however, and as a state of the fomer USSR, Russia should defend it from external aggression just like britian is obliged to defend its former territories.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  GarryB Mon Mar 26, 2012 12:35 am

    Analyst say, "Russia and Ukraine superpower, Russia without Ukraine , Regional Power"...Ukriane have no external threats however, and as a state of the fomer USSR, Russia should defend it from external aggression just like britian is obliged to defend its former territories.

    I am afraid I disagree with that first bit... I think it is a bit like the reunification of German, where the cost of rehabilitating the East pretty much reduced the power of west germany for quite a period, and east germany is still seen and the poor stupid cousin... the country remains divided, but not by walls you can touch.

    Sadly it seems that the result of the end of the cold war in the early 1990s has been the splitting up of countries rather than the unification... even the EU is dysfunctional and they were the rich ones...


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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Firebird Wed Apr 04, 2012 9:15 pm

    I've never followed the mindset in the West of the Ukraine.
    Why do they have such a problem with Russia( or atleast some of them).
    Have their minds been utterly poisoned by Western propaganda? Its interesting, the most vociferous people in them joinging the EU were actually Americans.

    The way I see it, Ru and the Ukr being together in a Eurasian UNion and CSTO would be great for both sides. Would also reinvigorate technologies and industries that worked in the Ukraine with Russian/ Soviet cooperation.

    Maybe they'll realise that the grass isn't always greener in the EU eg check out Greece.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Viktor Thu Apr 05, 2012 12:03 am

    I have no idea what Ukraine stance on foreign policy. It is in strained relations with Russia, EU and US and Belarus. LOL. Like they have no clear defined policy.
    West did not bring them any good after they thought they could do without Russia. Its economy and military is falling apart by each passing day. Sadly such a potent state concerning technology and agriculture.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Viktor Fri Feb 22, 2013 1:25 am

    With Julia Timošenko gone, Viktor Yushchenko long history and Viktor Yanukovych about to become one, perhaps its time for new

    forces to step Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

    Symonenko insists on joining the Customs Union to lift the Ukrainian defense industry

    Communist Party leader Petro Symonenko believes that raising the Ukrainian military-industrial complex must necessarily address the issue of the integration of Ukraine into the Customs Union and EurAsEC.

    "If we talk about our defense industry, without that program to rearm, which is today in Russia, without the possibility to receive significant investment for these programs, the Ukrainian potential, certainly, will continue to decline, and this is very dangerous," - he said at a press conference in Kyiv on Wednesday.

    Symonenko noted that in the case of the EU integration, enterprise Ukrainian military industrial complex "will automatically be destroyed." "System measures, which is typical for Europe, the NATO system - one, and for Ukraine - is quite different. Naturally, the technique will even re-render the Ukrainian army in the west, but not Ukrainian," - he said.

    In turn, the chairman of the association "Suppliers of the Customs Union" Oleg Noginsk noted that the only market potential strategic cooperation for the production MIC Ukraine today - the Russian market with a volume of about 3 trillion per year, which will still increase.

    He recalled that on December 24 in the Eurasian Economic Commission, it was decided that all manufacturers of the Customs Union shall have equal with Russian companies access to the defense order of the Russian Federation "Ukraine today is not able to participate in these tenders," - said the Chairman Board "suppliers Customs Union."

    O.Noginsky cited as an example, that after 2011 download Russian shipyards of 70-110%, that is, they operate in a virtually Soviet Union and Ukrainian enterprises in this process are not required.

    Commenting on his statements, P.Symonenko drew attention to the fact that the budget of the Russian Federation in the amount of 3 trillion rubles grew up - that's $ 100 billion, "that is 800 billion USD, and we have the budget for all costs, conventionally, 400 billion."


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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  flamming_python Fri Feb 22, 2013 7:50 am

    70,000; that's a paltry amount.
    Maybe enough to send a few contingents to the next hotspot invaded by Western powers. I'm sure that's the most important issue on their leader's minds.

    Finland by comparison has 1/9th the population but can mobilise +300,000 soldiers in fairly short order.
    The Ukraine would struggle to mobilise anyone

    And defense budget of 1 billion??
    Please tell me that's a joke

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  gaurav Mon Feb 25, 2013 3:29 pm

    This Yanukovych is really a mad man.. method behind the madness.
    I mean he is trying to extract evry pound of flesh from Kremlin.Regularly back stabbing kremlin at every juncture in oil and gas talks.He is now jumping with pentagon to begin shale gas production of relativily highly populated Ukraine.

    He knows Russia needs Ukraine badly just becuase of (Ukraines) middle aged population which is more than any ex soviet republic . Cool

    Also russia wants to wean off Ukraine from its CHINA backed arms industry..

    presently Ukraine's.. soviet industry is churning (optic and radar guided missile seekers , ATGM (top attack , SACLOS),air to air - air to surface (radar missiles, etc)fro CHINA.

    these same missiles are ben showed in all the Middle east exhibition by CHINA(Home grown industry Razz ) which is soon becoming Russia's cut throat compititor in arms exports..

    The contribution by Ukraine in thwarting Russia's arms exports and reversely building that of CHINA's is significant..

    Viktor wrote: Viktor Yushchenko long history and Viktor Yanukovych about to become one, perhaps its time for new

    Dreaming for this day...will always wait for the day.. I think Tymoshenko was sacrificed because of collaboration with Kremlin..

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  GarryB Tue Feb 26, 2013 9:38 am

    Russia doesn't need the Ukraine.

    Most of the Soviet industries in the Ukraine are dead or dying, and much of it was not state of the art to begin with.

    The best optics from the Soviet Union came from Belarus, but new equipment made in Russia is now better with the collaboration with Thales and new thermal technology.

    The Ukraine has largely Soviet systems to sell, which, while useful are no longer state of the art. Most Russian firms have moved beyond the Soviet products with new electronics and production equipment they can make it better and cheaper too.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  a89 Mon Mar 04, 2013 3:57 pm

    Most of the Soviet industries in the Ukraine are dead or dying, and much of it was not state of the art to begin with.

    In the last months there were many news on this topic:

    - Russia does not think that production on An-70 can be resumed due to Ukrainian issues.
    - No evidence that T-84M will be delivered to Thailand on time. Many news pointing out the opposite.
    - Repeated complaints by Iraq government on BTR-4 acquisition. This is the most surprising case because volume was hig enough to guarantee a long production run.
    - Acquisition of T-72/BMP spares in Russia.

    Ukraine has been selling a lot of Soviet equipment, but when the stocks are exhausted it will be a huge problem to find an alternative.

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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Viktor Sat Mar 23, 2013 5:55 pm

    Ukraine has an option of joining Custom Union or not. No light version of the joining will be allowed.

    I think Russia should work its way out to recruit Ukraine on its side.

    Shoigu discussed the strategic partnership with the head of the General Staff of Ukraine

    "The negotiators discussed issues related to strategic partnerships, joint activities of operational and combat training of military-technical cooperation and exchange of experience in reforming the armed forces of both countries," - said the Russian Defense Ministry.

    MOSCOW, March 22 - RIA Novosti. Russian Defense Minister Sergei Shoigu and the head of the General Staff, Army General Valery Gerasimov met Friday with the head of the General Staff - Commander in Chief of the Armed Forces of Ukraine, Colonel-General Vladimir Zamani, said the Russian Defense Ministry.

    "The negotiators discussed issues related to strategic partnerships, joint activities of operational and combat training of military-technical cooperation and exchange of experience in reforming the armed forces of both countries," - said the Russian Defense Ministry.

    The sides paid special attention to topics related to the joint operational and combat training of the armed forces of Russia and Ukraine. In addition, military officials discussed the stay in Ukraine's Black Sea Fleet of the Russian Federation and the use of the elements of its infrastructure ships Naval Forces of Ukraine.

    This year must pass the Russian-Ukrainian-Belarusian exercise "Slavic Commonwealth - 2013" and the Russian-Ukrainian exercises "Fairway of Peace - 2013", in addition, members of the Armed Forces of Ukraine will take part in joint exercises with live fire "Combat Commonwealth - 2013" . In addition, Moscow and Kiev plan to carry out maneuvers "BLACKSEAFOR" in the Black Sea.


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    Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs Empty Re: Ukraine Military: Situation and Needs

    Post  Viktor Tue Apr 23, 2013 12:26 pm

    First step towards integration is over Very Happy Very Happy Very Happy

    Ukraine has agreed with the Customs Union on the status of observer

    "In my opinion, the decision is already made, and it is about the technical wording," - said Azarov. He added that he met with representatives of Kazakhstan and Belarus, and now is working out technical issues.

    KIEV, April 23 - RIA Novosti. Ukraine has agreed with the Customs Union on the observer status in the organization, said Ukrainian Prime Minister Mykola Azarov at a meeting with foreign journalists.

    "In my opinion, the decision is already made, and it is about the technical wording," - said Azarov. He added that he met with representatives of Kazakhstan and Belarus, and now is working out technical issues.

    "Now we are working out, we have created a government working group to prepare the documents to be signed by the presidents. We agreed, and now completed the technical negotiations on the wording. We are observers in the Customs Union, we will have representation in the Eurasian Economic Commission, respectively, Head of Mission will have the opportunity to participate in a meeting of the board of the Eurasian Union, to take part in the preparation of the documents, but he does not have the right to vote.

    Answering a question about whether it was planned in late May at a meeting of the presidents of the signing of documents on the status of Ukraine as an observer, Azarov said, "Yes."


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