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    Questions and Ideas


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    Post  JohninMK Mon Sep 07, 2015 3:58 pm

    victor1985 wrote:well as i said simbols can be used. this would save for need of new fiber optic lines cause all would become faster thus no need of fiber optic need. imagine also that for a number can be associate couple of word thus lot of speed. imagine what would mean in data transmission this because this would be something that cant be decrypted. imagine a 3 gb of something transmit as a 100 mb or so and that would mean also a easy job for a processor wich is very needed in army.
    An army should be minimising any data sent (much of which could well be numeric) so that it can go in 'burst' mode. I think we can be fairly sure that they have pretty optimised compression and encryption already in use. I somehow doubt that 30:1 compression could be readily achieved, in general use 2:1 is pretty darn good.

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    Post  victor1985 Mon Sep 07, 2015 4:08 pm

    let's assume that a language has 30,000 words. in army language you will have as much as 1000 technic words wich could be transmitted. take a 8 bit per simbol. multiply those 8 bit with 1000 words and you will find how much data must be manipulated is i tink a task that could be make even with a pentium 3 processor and you get decent time to work so the system would be cheap and will improve ability to send all data and yes i know usually in army they use short messages in FM or AM but here is about the computers that could have a high rate of functionality imaging that groups of cpu instructions can be use.

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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 08, 2015 4:02 pm

    The existing algorithms based on moding out repeating patterns are the best approach. This is especially true for binary data where
    you cannot map the stream of bits onto any dictionary. But at the same time the amount of compression achieved on binary data
    that is not some image composed of many monotone coloured blocks, is not all that significant and frankly not worth the bother.

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    Post  victor1985 Thu Sep 10, 2015 1:18 pm

    a program can be make even over the actual tehnology what to do is that the program can have what's left from the 8 bits combinations and assign them for long phrases in the source code of something. or even better. reasign the combinations for symbols that are not use in the program to transmit to phrases from source code thus reduce a lot the size of the file. think to this. if the assign is make on the most use phrases in a source code thus will worth the effort

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    Post  victor1985 Wed Sep 16, 2015 7:38 am

    suppose i wanna see a aircraft at 500 km distance and do that with a telescope what kind of telescope can i use mentioning that i no need of see as if it would be at 1 meter but just a clear shape of aircraft using visible light telescopes?

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    Post  GarryB Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:07 am

    Most telescopes are designed for celestial observation, so the first thing you need to check is the focal distances... some wont even focus on targets within x number of kms so you will want to check that.

    I actually wanted to buy a spotting scope so I could check the targets at moderate ranges without having to walk out to the targets and examine them manually.

    Most of the decent 40x plus magnification scopes were over $500 and many were well over $2,000.

    Then I found a little panasonic digital video camera with a x78 optical zoom lens. It records to SD memory card and is a palm sized camera with a flip out LCD display.

    Now I can not only use it to check my shots but I can also record my shooting in a very compact portable package. The Camera was $300 and the 16GB memory card was $50.

    I can keep hold of my rifle and look down the scope while looking down at the LCD screen of the camera to see my results in real time too.

    Because the optical zoom is so high you can use the digital zoom to about 250x without it getting pixellated... at that magnification I can take video footage of the moon with a half of the moon taking up the entire field of view. It is not HD however... so the picture is average quality.

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    Questions and Ideas - Page 20 Empty can this be real?

    Post  victor1985 Fri Sep 18, 2015 7:32 am

    starting from this

    Do you believe the energy commissions report about the biggest power outage
    in U.S history? The one that on August 14, 2003 left 1/5
    of the U.S. population
    without power (about 50 million people) for over 12 hours? Do you believe that
    it has to do with untrimmed trees and faulty control processes? If you believe
    in Occam’s Razor, then yes, the simplest explanation is usually the correct one
    but remember this: the power outage hit just three days after the Microsoft
    Blaster worm, one of the most vicious computer worms ever unleashed on
    the Internet, first hit. Coincidence? Perhaps.

    this is a copy paste from a book about hackers that i read this day. now i open this topic to write everyone wants about what believe about so called cyber wars that some says that are taken every day and are very important today. so shout about it. and tell if you believe if there is truly a war lets say between russia and us groups or whatever others a world with well known elite hackers people who can enter everywhere or is just a fancy trend of movies that just make money for some film producer and ofcourse if a such world would exist you would want to take part in it.

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    Post  victor1985 Wed Sep 30, 2015 3:32 pm

    so all of you know me well since has been some time since i am here
    so...i ask for some advices...what to do...what to improve...what to not do my sentiments to be...what to believe on various things last what my behaviour should be ?
    Morpheus Eberhardt
    Morpheus Eberhardt

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    Post  Morpheus Eberhardt Fri Oct 09, 2015 8:31 am

    victor1985 wrote:...what to do...what to improve...what to not do my sentiments to be...what to believe on various things last what my behaviour should be ?


    These are very hard questions. I wish I knew the answers to them as they applied to me.

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    Post  victor1985 Tue Oct 13, 2015 4:06 pm

    Look a idea : i was thinkin to the main problem of transistors right now that is so small that electrons jump from emitter to collector. If we put in front of emitter a tiny paper like layer of a material with high density of electron thus not allowing electrons to jump when tension is not applied what would happed?

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    Post  victor1985 Tue Nov 03, 2015 4:56 am

    I think i know how a stellar radar may work. Long waves from sun hit a aircraft. Then a diffraction phenomen happen. The waves are now travel in a spheric form. When hit the radar wich has separate elements its produce a same frecvency signal in each but with a mirror delay in time on left and right sides of the peak because of its spheric form. Then you can calculate the epicenter of the sphere just like in earthquakes. Restrict the radar to most ten (lets say for example) often frecvencies seen in air and you have a stellar radar.

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    Questions and Ideas - Page 20 Empty why Google boss said that the internet will disaaper

    Post  kingodthequeens Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:38 am

    we still need to "google" in the future.

    the thing will replace "the internet" in the future is still a kind of internet.

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    Questions and Ideas - Page 20 Empty what language it is

    Post  kingodthequeens Sun Feb 14, 2016 9:44 am

    what language it is

    --- This website even cant upload an image form computer.
    At least cant do it as well as other websites. what a joke---

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    Questions and Ideas - Page 20 Empty what is the biggest Russian Forum in English?

    Post  kingodthequeens Tue Feb 23, 2016 6:57 am

    what is the biggest Russian Forum in English? russia Razz Razz Razz Razz

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    Questions and Ideas - Page 20 Empty what is the most stupid things ever invenetd by human?

    Post  kingodthequeens Tue Feb 23, 2016 8:05 am

    carpet and slide door
    1) if the carpet gets dirty, it is disgusting.
    and it is easy to get dirty.
    it wastes a lot time to clean it, and you cant really clean it, it is the magnet of dirt.

    In hot days, the carpet makes you feel even more hot.

    The one who invented carpet  was a great fool.

    2) if there are 3 slider doors in your house, usually at least one of them IS a problem.
    You have to push hard to open and close it.

    The one who  invented slide door  was a great fool.

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    Post  GarryB Wed Feb 24, 2016 3:39 am

    You got it all wrong... the inventors of carpet and sliding doors were genius's to make all that money from crap inventions.

    The fool is the person who spends money on such faulty goods... which is probably most of us. Razz

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    Questions and Ideas - Page 20 Empty anyone just visits Russia

    Post  kingodthequeens Wed Feb 24, 2016 11:57 am

    what is the average income/year?
    what is the average net worth per family.

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    Post  George1 Wed Feb 24, 2016 4:28 pm

    kingodthequeens wrote:what is the biggest Russian Forum in English? russia Razz Razz Razz Razz

    This one russia

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    Post  victor1985 Thu Mar 31, 2016 2:52 pm

    garry but i have few questions
    1 a unmanned aircraft doesnt need to have the cockpit made in a special shape thus no need for extra cost on factory?
    2 does it depend how far away do you wish to have the mission? cause a pilot may fall asleep if the mision is 10+ hours or something.....
    3 the electronics never forget the ierarhical decisions that must be made when in danger......
    4 the glass of cockpit must cost also something difference by the a iron shield for heat .....
    5 we must also take in count the fact of survability.....a unmanned aicraft could do tricky movements..... thus saving itself.....inspite of the manned aircraft wich could not make that ....
    what you want aiplanes who are destroyed or expensive but survabile ?

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    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 01, 2016 5:10 am

    1 a unmanned aircraft doesnt need to have the cockpit made in a special shape thus no need for extra cost on factory?

    But it will need satellite links and other bits and pieces a manned aircraft wont need.

    UAVs are cheaper than manned aircraft... to build and to operate... they are made to a lower safety standard because there is no onboard crew to keep safe or support, but they are also more crash prone and don't have the same level of long service life that a manned aircraft does. With no human on board to use manual backups even a minor problem like a computer crash can lead to the loss of an unmanned aircraft so attrition will be much higher in peace time and war time.

    Of course an advantage of these systems is that they are more expendible than a manned aircraft which has implications... you can send it on more dangerous missions, but then if you lose it it is not so bad in terms of a loss but it also means a loss, which if you only had manned aircraft you didn't want to risk that you would not have risked. A case in point is South Ossetia... georgia would not have risked manned aircraft to fly over south ossetia to find targets, and they lost a lot of unmanned aircraft in the process. Now that the Russians understand the value of an UAV they will likely shoot them down faster and further away to prevent them gaining useful info... which reduces the value of unmanned drones as a MiG-29 with R-60 could shoot them down relatively cheaply.

    2 does it depend how far away do you wish to have the mission? cause a pilot may fall asleep if the mision is 10+ hours or something.....

    Certain very long missions suit multi seat aircraft... an MPA like an Il-38 would have space for pilot and co pilot so one or other could sleep for periods when needed.

    Drones are good for flights where you just fly a series of waypoints and capture data and then fly back.

    3 the electronics never forget the ierarhical decisions that must be made when in danger......

    the range of threats and solutions means a human is needed in the loop whether controlling a drone or a manned aircraft.

    4 the glass of cockpit must cost also something difference by the a iron shield for heat .....

    tablet touch screens cost a few tens of dollars to make...

    5 we must also take in count the fact of survability.....a unmanned aicraft could do tricky movements..... thus saving itself.....inspite of the manned aircraft wich could not make that ....

    An unmanned drone could be made to perform amazing manouvers... but most large aircraft... manned or not, for the purposes of carrying radar and other ship and sub detecting equipment rarely are able to pull more than 2.5-3 gs... dodging missiles is simply not an option with all that gear on board... to make it that manouverable would be to over engineer it and make it expensive.

    what you want aiplanes who are destroyed or expensive but survabile ?

    Ideally you want both... unmanned for the very long range search to find the target (note long range does not mean operating in the Atlantic or south pacific... it means flying grids back and forth over water within 800km of Russia looking for threats continuously) and a manned aircraft to kill the target.

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    Post  victor1985 Fri Apr 01, 2016 7:01 am

    1 i must admit that you're right....a unmanned drone must send way back not only few data's but the image of travel data .....wich is sensible to jam.....
    2 a unmmaned aicraft can be made by software to self destruct if loose altitude and crash .......thus not leaving any evidence of the tehnology used .....but that would mean extra weight .......
    3 a software problem (or hardware) may appear to a manned aircraft too.... even to the eject seat ....
    4 a drone like a quadcopter combined with a normal UAV....can easily evade a rocket .....i'm thinking at some retractile rotors.....
    5 multi seat plane mean multi life sustaining sistem so costly compared to unmanned
    6 for actions take when a missile is fired at the drone a computer may take the proper actions...but i suppose you mean "friend or foe" .... a software can't decide if some civilians interfere in the target ...but still even here ...some video recon by computer of the chlothes .....or military uniform..... and of the military equipment ....the shapes of a military truck in move are easy to figure out .....

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    Post  GarryB Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:10 am

    Nothing can easily dodge a rocket... a missile coming in at mach 5 moves at more than a kilometre a second... so one second before impact it is one kilometre away and one second later it hits you... or more accurately its proximity fuse detonates its warhead which actively directs hypersonic fragments in your direction... just how far do you think any sort of quad copter can move in one second?

    Equally the added weight of explosive for self destruction are not needed... just make all the metal structure out of magnesium and if it breaks down or gets battle damage just ignite it... the structure together with any remaining fuel will leave a pile of ash that nothing could be recovered from.

    Of course the whole vehicle does not need to burn... just the mission critical things, so a nose filled with Magnesium and lots of lithium ion batteries and fuel.

    The life support systems are not that complex or heavy, though they do dominate the design...

    Humans are still needed for most missions... unmanned vehicles are really mainly suited to monotonous boring long jobs or highly dangerous jobs... AWACS/AEW, MPA, and CAS are the main missions UAVs and UCAVs will come to dominate.


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    Post  victor1985 Sat Apr 02, 2016 5:25 am

    well i'm not a expert i don't know how much steering a missile can have at 5 km/s....if it does have only few steering ...well that is bad for the missile .....because when is close enough can't steer that much to get out of range ..... and if try to move from far away ..... well the drones are multiple ....they dont have that much space to cover for each ... at mach 5 even the rocket cant approximate that better the movement .....
    think that from far away means also that the drones can spot the movement ....and arrange properly ....
    i was thinking another thing...lets say the drones have a flying saucer form very aerodynamic ...put rotos for mainatining in height ... and some small rocket boosters to move in case a missile come in .... that would improve the speed of reaction .... and with a camera and smart processor can have a smart arrangement ......
    also lets think that are some explosives that with only few hundred grams can cover a lot of space ....a 1 kg explosive can reach even 100 meters .....

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    Post  victor1985 Fri Apr 15, 2016 3:23 pm

    GarryB wrote:
    Suppose the missile has proximity fuse. How will that change the equation?


    If it is set correctly then it will detonate the warhead within range of doing damage to the target... which is the goal of launching the missile.

    Obviously, if the fuse is set incorrectly the warhead will explode too far from the target is will not cause enough damage to effect the target.

    The west was so fearful of the enemy finding out about the proximity fuses they were using on their anti aircraft artillery that they didn't send any to the Soviet Union during the war. Even with PF ammo their kill rate with such ammo was not amazing.

    A proximity fuse does mean what would otherwise be a miss can be an effective shot.

    A good example would be Igla... designed to shoot down aircraft it has an algorithm that makes the missile aim ahead of the heat source so it hits the body of the target rather than its tail pipe. this makes the warhead more effective in damaging the aircraft target.

    During tests engaging Malyutka ATGMs to test the Iglas against smaller targets like cruise missiles only 5 of the 9 Iglas make kills because they didn't hit a part of the target so they missed... they only had hit and graze fuses so needed to make contact for the warhead to explode.

    The result was an upgrade to the Igla-S which amongst other improvements got a proximity fuse for engaging small targets.

    Unlike what is portrayed in the movies where AAMs chase planes like they are in a dogfight... AAMs and SAMs are coasting and slowing down all the time... in a turning battle with any fighter any missile would lose... the control surfaces on an aircraft are much larger and would allow much tighter and harder turns at the same speed... they also have engines opposing drag and maintaining speed... when a missile turns hard it generates enormous drag and with no engine operating to recover that energy the energy has to come from somewhere... ie speed or altitude or both.

    The very small surfaces on a missile means that it was flying at the same speed as an aircraft it would stall and fall from the sky because it has no wings to generate enough lift to keep it airborne.
    but arent nowadays missiles who looks exacly almost like a plane? or maibe with some retractile wings would allow to make a hybrid like weapon?

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    Post  victor1985 Fri Apr 15, 2016 3:26 pm

    Isos wrote:Is it possible to use EMP warhead in S-400 missiles ? Can it switch off an aircraft ? I've seen on a video, which is on the Iskander topic, a ex-russian scientist saying they have very small EMP devices with a radius of 400m.  
    that kind of weapons are useless against a well protected antenna..... with a simple varistor you resolve the problem ......
    but most effective this kind of weapons are in the jamming area .... usually when a emp blows there is also a lot of radio noise yea they are effective somehow.....

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