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    Where in Russia would you like to live?


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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  sepheronx Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:15 am

    60/40? What? Russians/chinese?  Triads making Russian authorities dissapear?  This sounds absolutely ridiculous. Is there anything I can read regarding it?  For some reason, I find this hard to believe.

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  kvs Fri Jan 29, 2016 3:41 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Sounds much the same.  You got also Chinese Mafia operating here (they are huge involved in human trafficing) and the Sikh gangs as well but more secluded to Surry BC which is just outside of Vancouver proper.

    Housing is roughly average about $800,000 which is not affordable to anyone excluding these wealthy foreigners.

    Vladivostok has smaller population and as well, much smaller chinese population.  And yeah, I imagine that if they are the ones opening up business, they will do well.  The Russian citizens should have done it.  Any other mob groups will still keep in check, but just means more competition to them and good, I hope they off each other.

    They wont take over, that is simple propaganda.  The majority is still Russian and they wont take kindly to over populating. And they are temporary, even if it is 10 years (we got visas for that long).  And if they pass the new laws on immigration, then all the power to them.

    The Chinese there are not counted on the census.  It is about 60/40 today and the security forces do not have the resources to effect it.  If they target the wrong Chinese then the Triad makes them disappear.  Most will turn a blind eye with a bribe.  It isn't propaganda, it is reality on the ground.  The government is either unwilling or unable to support the population of the Far East and have left it to the Chinese to run the economy as long as they pay their rent.  

    Strange to hear this from you only for the first time. Other sources would have been all over this in a heartbeat.

    Triads are a non issue in Canada but they are some super mafia in Russia?

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  Admin Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:27 am

    kvs wrote:

    Strange to hear this from you only for the first time.   Other sources would have been all over this in a heartbeat.  

    Triads are a non issue in Canada but they are some super mafia in Russia?  

    The government still controls the ports but the bribes from Triads means they can do whatever they want. It goes way up on a federal level. CCP even gives money to promote their agenda and governors just let it happen. Chinese bring much money to an otherwise dead economy because the leaders in Moscow don't want to invest in it. Just walk around downtown and you can count 4/10 ratio of Chinese, walk the countryside and it is even higher as they work farms all over. Go their with your eyes, you can see it happening. They say it is just temporary but that is bullshit. They are not leaving, they just grow in number every year,

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  jhelb Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:20 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    The government still controls the ports but the bribes from Triads means they can do whatever they want.  It goes way up on a federal level.  CCP even gives money to promote their agenda and governors just let it happen.  Chinese bring much money to an otherwise dead economy because the leaders in Moscow don't want to invest in it.  Just walk around downtown and you can count 4/10 ratio of Chinese, walk the countryside and it is even higher as they work farms all over.  Go their with your eyes, you can see it happening.  They say it is just temporary but that is bullshit.  They are not leaving, they just grow in number every year,

    You are completely right about Vladivostok. I was last there in 2011 and found more Chinese than Russian. To make matters worse the Chinese are of the opinion that Vladivostok is actually Chinese territory & the Soviet Union took it away from them by force. They are now trying to recapture Vladivostok & parts of Siberia  by illegal migration.

    There are Chinese, Blacks, Hindoos in Moscow and Saint Petersburg as well, but from what I hear the latter two do not create much law & order problem.

    The Chinese problem needs to be dealt with but our friend Putin doesn't have the appetite.

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  sepheronx Fri Jan 29, 2016 10:39 am

    Alright,I guess someone should go and film.  I am really curious because from what you guys are saying vs what everyone else is saying, is two different stories.  This jhelb guy with his hindoos comment sounds oddly familiar,  and sounds like bullshit.  Since you guys are there, care to film for us? I am really interestes.

    But then again, I heard average Russian in far east tends to be kinda racist and paranoid.

    Never heard a single chinese say that vladivostok or any part of Siberia belongs to them.  It was even stated that most chinese leave the northern regions of China to go south.

    Should also mention that after some quick research, Vladivostok always had tons of Chinese and they even caused a lot of problems for Russia in the 1800's, but even then, was still Russian.....

    I am going to be honest, I call BS.  I looked at videos of vladivstok a few moments ago like last years may day parade and it was a large crowed and I could only see a handful of asian looking folk.  As well, I hear the same stuff about the Chibese in vancouver about working for CCP and what not, but I need something to work with here.  So if any of you could be so kind as to provide me with anything in terms of evidence regarding CCP involvement in Triade activity in Russia and government involved, how come it hasnt been brought to light here? We would be using that as 24h propaganda.  As well, if it is that obvious, it would be hard to hide and people should be protesting, no?  If Chinese pop was high, they would be classified as a higher pop ethnic group but they are not....

    If you guys cant help, Ill see if the guys over at sdelanounas will help.  I know there are a couple members there from vladivostok.

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  Godric Fri Jan 29, 2016 7:17 pm

    Moscow for sure

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  PapaDragon Fri Jan 29, 2016 8:32 pm

    Vladimir79 wrote:
    kvs wrote:

    Strange to hear this from you only for the first time.   Other sources would have been all over this in a heartbeat.  

    Triads are a non issue in Canada but they are some super mafia in Russia?  

    The government still controls the ports but the bribes from Triads means they can do whatever they want.  It goes way up on a federal level.  CCP even gives money to promote their agenda and governors just let it happen.  Chinese bring much money to an otherwise dead economy because the leaders in Moscow don't want to invest in it.  Just walk around downtown and you can count 4/10 ratio of Chinese, walk the countryside and it is even higher as they work farms all over.  Go their with your eyes, you can see it happening.  They say it is just temporary but that is bullshit.  They are not leaving, they just grow in number every year,

    If you think Triads are bad you obviously haven't seen organized crime flavors they have in Europe these days. And Chinese are growing in number everywhere, just be grateful it is Chinese and not some other variants. Provided this account is accurate. I think you are overreacting, probably due to unrealistically high standards and expectations you might have.

    For me Vladivostok, no contest, 100% my choice. thumbsup


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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  sepheronx Fri Jan 29, 2016 9:59 pm

    Well, to be fair, what Vlad is saying is kinda daunting for me as I hear nearly exact same thing about the Chinese in Vancouver from others.  I used to talk to some folks as I shopped at NCIX in Richmond (its an are of Vancouver and NCIX is a computer parts retailer) about Chinese takeover and organized crime.

    I just went for a beer with my mom and she told me about various stuff happened in vancouver and how government were quite complaciant with the human trafficking of Chinese woman into BC and how authorities turn a blind eye.  As for agriculture land being leased out to Chinese, over here, it is mostly east Indians (Sikhs) who invest so much in agriculture and work it.  Many of the land isnt even used either, they just sit on it.

    The other issue is that I imagine being also true in Russia, is that people here (I am also guilty of this), cannot actually tell the difference from the Korean and japanese. Or I cannot seem to differientiate between the Vietnamese (sorry Hig) and Tailand or singapour people.  I imagine they feel same way too with white people as well.  But I can start noticing when they write but never through face or even language (they speek way too fast for me).  From what I have read, there is a fairly huge amount of Koreans (N and S) in Vladivostok and shakhlin area (very large) and I am aware of land lease to both North, South Korea and China.  So I imagine there are a lot of discrepencies.

    As final too, I need to better understand the work visa programs in Russia.  We have fairly long ones and PR membership.  So they are not full fledge Canadians but can work here for a long time.  My wife is considered temporary worker but she has been here for over 5 years now.

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  GarryB Sat Jan 30, 2016 4:39 am

    There are foreigners everywhere buying up land and resources... that is how rich people get richer... buy stuff before the locals know the value of it...

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  auslander Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:27 pm

    Whatever you do, do NOT come to Krimea or Sevastopol! I live in Sevastopol and the weather is hideous from mid September through early May. We had a veritable blizzard 8 days ago, I'm talking high wind and blowing snow, so cold I could only let the dogs out for ten minutes. It was only today we took the car out of the garage and moved a few blocks to the main road to go to the one and only real grocer on our side of the ditch. Each winter here seems to be worse than the last one and no relief in sight.

    Food is horrid and terribly expensive plus in short supply. Vegetables by the time they get to market are old and half rotten. Fruits? A long forgotten luxury. Wine is outrageously expensive and basically rotgut and sour brew. Beer? Just this afternoon I paid over a dollar for one miserable liter of some gawd awful 'imported' slime that was so bad I had to cut it with lemon just to drink the swill. Most of the 'meat' available I wouldn't feed to our dogs.

    What passes for our 'streets' and 'roads' are so bad that in the parades in city center on the other side of the ditch they have to drive the tanks down the sidewalks, the holes in the roads are so big a tank will lose a track trying to cross them.

    Armed guards, police and soldiers are everywhere, glowering at us as we hustle down the streets, our heads down and looking at no one. We live in constant fear of the knock on the gate, they ask a lot of questions and want to see our documents and they write down everything you say to them.

    Our beaches are terrible, filthy, littered with trash and full of outsiders. The sea is so full of sharks they come right up to the water line and try to snatch children from their mother’s arms.

    Really, DON’T COME TO SEVASTOPOL. You will regret it for the rest of your lives, ‘life’ here is unbelievable.


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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  franco Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:31 pm

    auslander wrote: Whatever you do, do NOT come to Krimea or Sevastopol! I live in Sevastopol and the weather is hideous from mid September through early May. We had a veritable blizzard 8 days ago, I'm talking high wind and blowing snow, so cold I could only let the dogs out for ten minutes. It was only today we took the car out of the garage and moved a few blocks to the main road to go to the one and only real grocer on our side of the ditch. Each winter here seems to be worse than the last one and no relief in sight.

    Food is horrid and terribly expensive plus in short supply. Vegetables by the time they get to market are old and half rotten. Fruits? A long forgotten luxury. Wine is outrageously expensive and basically rotgut and sour brew. Beer? Just this afternoon I paid over a dollar for one miserable liter of some gawd awful 'imported' slime that was so bad I had to cut it with lemon just to drink the swill. Most of the 'meat' available I wouldn't feed to our dogs.

    What passes for our 'streets' and 'roads' are so bad that in the parades in city center on the other side of the ditch they have to drive the tanks down the sidewalks, the holes in the roads are so big a tank will lose a track trying to cross them.

    Armed guards, police and soldiers are everywhere, glowering at us as we hustle down the streets, our heads down and looking at no one. We live in constant fear of the knock on the gate, they ask a lot of questions and want to see our documents and they write down everything you say to them.

    Our beaches are terrible, filthy, littered with trash and full of outsiders. The sea is so full of sharks they  come right up to the water line and try to snatch children from their mother’s arms.

    Really, DON’T COME TO SEVASTOPOL. You will regret it for the rest of your lives, ‘life’ here is unbelievable.

    Thanks for the advice... is Odessa any better?

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  sepheronx Sat Jan 30, 2016 7:32 pm

    Are you trying to keep foreigners out so you can enjoy your paradise without us? Razz

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  VladimirSahin Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:45 pm

    I agree Crimea is a very unstable place, Especially with the new Pro-Putin government Laughing

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  magnumcromagnon Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:50 pm

    VladimirSahin wrote:I agree Crimea is a very unstable place, Especially with the new Pro-Putin government Laughing

    Putin probably grinds up Ukrainian children, and worship Satan on Crimean beach-fronts... lol1

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  Werewolf Sat Jan 30, 2016 8:50 pm

    VladimirSahin wrote:I agree Crimea is a very unstable place, Especially with the new Pro-Putin government Laughing

    And all the soldiers pointing guns at people to claim it is russian 24/7 of each weeek which was renamed in russia to Putin, everything possitive like the word possitive was renamed to "putin", all husbands have been renamed to Wowa and all nouns that are associated with manlyness have been renamed to Putinicious. True putinism there is.

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  auslander Sat Jan 30, 2016 9:08 pm

    sepheronx wrote:Are you trying to keep foreigners out so you can enjoy your paradise without us? Razz

    Oh no, no, no, no, absolutely not! I mean, my gawd, man, we got almost 5 cm (!) of snow and the danged stuff blew and drifted all over the place! And if you think that's bad, for half a cent I'll post the new Rules For Tourists in Sevastopol. Draconian!

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  TheArmenian Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:13 am

    auslander wrote: Whatever you do, do NOT come to Krimea or Sevastopol! I live in Sevastopol and the weather is hideous from mid September through early May. We had a veritable blizzard 8 days ago, I'm talking high wind and blowing snow, so cold I could only let the dogs out for ten minutes. It was only today we took the car out of the garage and moved a few blocks to the main road to go to the one and only real grocer on our side of the ditch. Each winter here seems to be worse than the last one and no relief in sight.

    Food is horrid and terribly expensive plus in short supply. Vegetables by the time they get to market are old and half rotten. Fruits? A long forgotten luxury. Wine is outrageously expensive and basically rotgut and sour brew. Beer? Just this afternoon I paid over a dollar for one miserable liter of some gawd awful 'imported' slime that was so bad I had to cut it with lemon just to drink the swill. Most of the 'meat' available I wouldn't feed to our dogs.

    What passes for our 'streets' and 'roads' are so bad that in the parades in city center on the other side of the ditch they have to drive the tanks down the sidewalks, the holes in the roads are so big a tank will lose a track trying to cross them.

    Armed guards, police and soldiers are everywhere, glowering at us as we hustle down the streets, our heads down and looking at no one. We live in constant fear of the knock on the gate, they ask a lot of questions and want to see our documents and they write down everything you say to them.

    Our beaches are terrible, filthy, littered with trash and full of outsiders. The sea is so full of sharks they  come right up to the water line and try to snatch children from their mother’s arms.

    Really, DON’T COME TO SEVASTOPOL. You will regret it for the rest of your lives, ‘life’ here is unbelievable.

    You are very funny Auslander. Had a good laugh specially at the bolded part. Laughing

    Unfortunately, some members here do not understand SARCASM

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  sepheronx Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:19 am

    auslander wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Are you trying to keep foreigners out so you can enjoy your paradise without us? Razz

    Oh no, no, no, no, absolutely not! I mean, my gawd, man, we got almost 5 cm (!) of snow and the danged stuff blew and drifted all over the place! And if you think that's bad, for half a cent I'll post the new Rules For Tourists in Sevastopol. Draconian!

    LOL. Man, if you gotta do this, you have to work at it a bit more dramatic. You should have said that there was a flooding for 5cm of water Razz

    Be careful, some people will take what you are saying and use it in our media here. Good way to keep outsiders out. But come on man, you want our company as you probably been bored anyways.

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  Vann7 Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:38 am

    i dont like the cold weather so Sochi for me. Smile

    but will be nice to visit St Petersburg and Moscow too in summer. and will be nice to travel in train from west to far east and explore Russia. there is many museums and things from Imperial
    Russia to see in Russia.

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    Post  Regular Sun Jan 31, 2016 7:51 am

    Vladimir79 wrote:Kaliningrad... nothing trumps safety.
    Umm, safety? Care to elaborate? Oops already seen Your message page ago
    I am quite frequent guest there, not a fan of escorts or drugs/alcohol so I knew none of these things.
    Kaliningrad for me doesn't leave any outstanding impression.

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    Post  Regular Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:05 am

    sepheronx wrote:Alright,I guess someone should go and film.  I am really curious because from what you guys are saying vs what everyone else is saying, is two different stories.  This jhelb guy with his hindoos comment sounds oddly familiar,  and sounds like bullshit.  Since you guys are there, care to film for us? I am really interestes.

    But then again, I heard average Russian in far east tends to be kinda racist and paranoid.

    Never heard a single chinese say that vladivostok or any part of Siberia belongs to them.  It was even stated that most chinese leave the northern regions of China to go south.

    Should also mention that after some quick research, Vladivostok always had tons of Chinese and they even caused a lot of problems for Russia in the 1800's, but even then, was still Russian.....

    I am going to be honest, I call BS.  I looked at videos of vladivstok a few moments ago like last years may day parade and it was a large crowed and I could only see a handful of asian looking folk.  As well, I hear the same stuff about the Chibese in vancouver about working for CCP and what not, but I need something to work with here.  So if any of you could be so kind as to provide me with anything in terms of evidence regarding CCP involvement in Triade activity in Russia and government involved, how come it hasnt been brought to light here? We would be using that as 24h propaganda.  As well, if it is that obvious, it would be hard to hide and people should be protesting, no?  If Chinese pop was high, they would be classified as a higher pop ethnic group but they are not....

    If you guys cant help, Ill see if the guys over at sdelanounas will help.  I know there are a couple members there from vladivostok.
    x2 I'm with You here. I have a friend(Russian not Chinese) who lives in Vladi at the moment. He said it's bullshieeet.

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    Post  sepheronx Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:15 am

    BS on vlads claim?  I think it is just over exaggeration imo.  Your friend likes living there?

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    Post  Regular Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:29 am

    Yeah the guy who works and lives Vstok. He said Chinese were always there and they are nothing compared to Caucasian mafia. On other hand my mother who is half asian herself would side with Vlad as she is thinking Russia is swallowed by Muslims and Chinese. I find it hard to believe. But hey if Vladimir is living there he might know better and maybe it's much too ask, but he could show us some evidences of Chinese invasion as I am currently grew very sceptical because of anti Russian propaganda.

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    Where in Russia would you like to live? - Page 2 Empty Re: Where in Russia would you like to live?

    Post  Admin Sun Jan 31, 2016 8:30 am

    Regular wrote:
    Vladimir79 wrote:Kaliningrad... nothing trumps safety.
    Umm, safety? Care to elaborate? Oops already seen Your message page ago
    I am quite frequent guest there, not a fan of escorts or drugs/alcohol so I knew none of these things.
    Kaliningrad for me doesn't leave any outstanding impression.

    The question was where would you live in Russia. Simple answer is there is no great place to live in Russia. I have had my flat cleaned out twice, my car stolen twice, my pockets picked and three insurance scams filed against me between 7 years in Perm and Moscow. Kaliningrad might be boring, but it is predictable and when you know the routine you are safe. I had to move my mother out of Beslan, for obvious reasons, over a decade ago and she resides in Kaliningrad for the last four years. It is the only place in the country her little pension is actually enough I don't have to send her money anymore and worry about her getting robbed. Much less getting gunned down by separatists.

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    Post  auslander Sun Jan 31, 2016 9:58 am

    sepheronx wrote:
    auslander wrote:
    sepheronx wrote:Are you trying to keep foreigners out so you can enjoy your paradise without us? Razz

    Oh no, no, no, no, absolutely not! I mean, my gawd, man, we got almost 5 cm (!) of snow and the danged stuff blew and drifted all over the place! And if you think that's bad, for half a cent I'll post the new Rules For Tourists in Sevastopol. Draconian!

    LOL.  Man, if you gotta do this, you have to work at it a bit more dramatic.  You should have said that there was a flooding for 5cm of water Razz

    Be careful, some people will take what you are saying and use it in our media here.  Good way to keep outsiders out.  But come on man, you want our company as you probably been bored anyways.

    Floods generally don't happen in this berg or I would have complained about them, too. We're overrun with 'outsiders' but very few foreigners. Since my idea of fun does not include standing in the corner of a fabric shop picking my nose while my wife spends a few rubles for her embroidery goodies I stand outside at the street, pick my nose and count cars. You can tell where a car is from by the license tag. Sevastopol has a suffix of 777 and 92, Krim is 82. I don't count commercial vehicles. Cars average out to 45% not local or Krim. Our favorite phrase is 'go home!'. Our streets were not designed for this amount of traffic and it's getting almost impossible to move in City Center during the day. Toss in to that the fact that a lot of the outsiders, and in reality a lot of the locals, seem to have no concept of pulling over to not block traffic as the driver contemplates his navel while his wife gives birth in the back seat and you can understand our frustration from time to time and the phrase 'go home!'.

    Beats the heck out of having the orcs running around down here, though.

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