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    Syrian Civil War: News #5


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:14 pm

    YahooNews, I know, sorry...

    ''Syrian troops capture strategic mountain in coastal province''


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  wilhelm Wed Dec 16, 2015 5:17 pm

    You can trust Kerry as far as you can throw him.
    Regime change seems to have been thwarted for the time being via military action.
    If things ever settle down to enable an election, expect violent provocations and US funding of whoever stands against Assad.
    If Assad does win, it will be declared "not free and fair" as in every single instance world wide when the US doesn't like someone who is voted in.

    That's how it always is.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  PapaDragon Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:36 pm

    Syrian Air Force Hit Over 560 Terrorist Targets in Past Week

    The Syrian air force carried out some 200 combat missions in the past week, hitting 563 terrorist targets in seven provinces, a Syrian army spokesman said Wednesday.

    LATAKIA (Syria) (Sputnik) – The Syrian air force has destroyed several terrorists command centers in various regions of the country and two columns of military hardware in Aleppo province, army spokesman said.

    "In the period from December 10 to December 16, the Syrian air force carried out 193 sorties against 563 terrorist targets in the Damascus, Homs, Hama, Idlib, Aleppo, Latakia and Deir ez-Zor," Brigadier General Ali Mayhoub told reporters.

    According to Mayhoub, the airstrikes destroyed scores of terrorist command posts and objects of infrastructure.

    "Two terrorists' strongholds of the Al-Nusra Front in the Hama province were destroyed. Two ammunition depot and supply center were also destroyed in the Aleppo and Hama provinces," the general said.

    He also noted that "the Syrian forces have destroyed two Daesh command centers in the northern al-Mahsa (Homs province) and in Deir ez-Zor".

    "Terrorist subunits were destroyed near Saraquib in the province of Idlib, in Hama and in Homs," Mayhoub added.

    Scores of terrorists were killed and injured as the Syrian and Russian fighter jets resumed their airstrikes on terrorists' positions in Hama province on Wednesday.

    Syria has been in a state of civil war since 2011, when mass anti-government protest against President Bashar Assad and the ruling party escalated into an open armed confrontation between government troops and allied militia on the one hand, and the Syrian opposition on the other.

    Apart from fighting the rebels in the ongoing conflict, government forces have had to counter extremist groups as well, including the Islamic State (ISIL/ISIS/Daesh in Arabic) militant group, which is outlawed in Russia.

    Russia has been assisting both the government and civilians in the war-torn Syria. Since September 30, Moscow has been conducting precision airstrikes on terrorist positions in Syria, following a request from Assad.

    Between November 27 and December 10, the Syrian air force carried out 364 sorties, striking 1,300 terrorist targets across four provinces.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Vann7 Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:30 pm

    wilhelm wrote:You can trust Kerry as far as you can throw him.
    Regime change seems to have been thwarted for the time being via military action.
    If things ever settle down to enable an election, expect violent provocations and US funding of whoever stands against Assad.
    If Assad does win, it will be declared "not free and fair" as in every single instance world wide when the US doesn't like someone who is voted in.

    That's how it always is.

    The new major focus of US ,since Russia airforce moved to syria to help and began to wipe
    Terrorist.. Is the capture of Northern Syria away of the Syrian government. This is where kurds comes into play.. they ask ISIS to move from one location to another and Kurds takes their position and tada.. another city "liberated" from ISIS.. but in reality it was an agreed change of hands without Kurds fully aware of how they were played and also this new "liberated" zones will not return to syria government ,so essentially a major annexation of Syria lands could happen and Russia will not have no interest to start a fight against kurds too. US also have plans to do the same of IRAQ in Kurdish zones.. to split it from IRAQ and create a new independent state there...albeit unofficially one.. and also there are plans to move ISIS to Anbar region of IRAQ ,western side with Syria border..and create there a Sunnistan. So it seems IRAQ will be the major loser in terms of territory .

    In short it will be difficult for terrorist to start major offensives in Syria in important territories
    and hold it with Russian airforce there. So so far US focus is not now to remove or totally destroy Syria..instead to let it bleed for a decade or create Kurdistan and Sunnistan and weaken Syria and IRAQ by them losing 30% to 40% of its territory .  ISIS will be "Defeated"
    by relabeling them as "Democratic forces" or "sunnis".

    The only question left is Turkey and the European Union. What will Europe do( if anything)
    to Stop not only Ukraine attempt to restart the war in Ukraine but also to stop Erdogan starting a war against Russia. Since Both.. Poroshenko and Erdogan are total puppets of US elites.
    and their future and jail ,family finance and own lives depend on US government loyalty.

    The European Union sane politics ,combined with both.. Ukraine and Turkey high dependence
    on Russia economic relations is what will drive the future on those nations. Europe can pressure US and Turkey and Ukraine.. and Russia can use also its economic relations as political pressure on their hostile neighbors.

    The good news is that there is light at the end of tunnel in Syria and IRAQ ,and terrorist will
    sooner or later stop fighting and change its label from ISIS to any name US coalition give them
    and get some kind of territory as consolation for ending its fight.

    bad news is that Syria and IRAQ very likely will lose 30% of its territory more or less for peace.
    Turkey economic future is dead by annoying all its neighbors , So i suspect the shift will be from Syria and IRAQ to Turkey that have half of its population against Erdogan and Mustafa trolls.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:48 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  DerWolf Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:37 pm

    Vann7 wrote:
    wilhelm wrote:You can trust Kerry as far as you can throw him.
    Regime change seems to have been thwarted for the time being via military action.
    If things ever settle down to enable an election, expect violent provocations and US funding of whoever stands against Assad.
    If Assad does win, it will be declared "not free and fair" as in every single instance world wide when the US doesn't like someone who is voted in.

    That's how it always is.

    The new major focus of US ,since Russia airforce moved to syria to help and began to wipe
    Terrorist.. Is the capture of Northern Syria away of the Syrian government. This is where kurds comes into play.. they ask ISIS to move from one location to another and Kurds takes their position and tada.. another city "liberated" from ISIS.. but in reality it was an agreed change of hands without Kurds fully aware of how they were played.   US also have plans to do the same of IRAQ in Kurdish zones.. to split it from IRAQ and create a new independent state there...albeit unofficially one.. and also there are plans to move ISIS to Anbar region of IRAQ ,western side with Syria border..and create there a Sunnistan. So it seems IRAQ will be the major loser in terms of territory .

    Make sense since the new islamic coalicion was made with the S.Arabia as leader 2 days ago. And this happened a week after that news of sending 100.000 soldiers in Iraq and Syria.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Vann7 Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:53 pm

    DerWolf wrote:

    Make sense since the new islamic coalicion was made with the S.Arabia as leader 2 days ago. And this happened a week after that news of sending 100.000 soldiers in Iraq and Syria.

    All this 100,000 soldiers will not be enough to hold an country like Syria or IRAQ.. so must likely
    it is to create Kurdistan and Sunnistan and take some territory away from Syria and IRAQ..
    For now Russia will benefit from any temporary cease of fire of couple of years that allows Syria to reinforce its army and its positions and Russia also reinforce its own Nation military and preparations for any major conflict with Turkey or Ukraine. Delaying and freezing conflicts and wars that Americans created in Ukraine ,Syria and IRAQ will always benefit more Russia than the west. Since Public opinion against the western policies in Ukraine and middle east will only get worse with time.

     For comparisons in the Korean war when americans saw it cannot be won by military means ,since Russia and China was helping North koreans. it took 2 years for the war to really end and bullets to stop after Americans took the decision to negotiate for peace.  So it should take no more than 2 years since kerry recent visit to Moscow for the Syrian war and IRAQ war to really end. same with Ukraine.

    Turkey depends more on Russia than Ukraine for its economy. So Russia economic relations is a major pressure they can use to force Turkey change its pro ISIS policies. Europe in the other hand can pressure more Ukraine since their future will depend 100% on their EU irelations.
    So there is major possibilities for a major war to be avoided. Unless of course Erdogan and Poroshenko goes to real retard mode ,things should not significantly escalate than already they are.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:22 pm

    Turkmen leader complaining and accussing Russia of systematically destroying civilian infrastructure...

    “Within a month, Russia did what the regime could not since the beginning of the war,” he told Anadolu Agency.

    Russia aiming to drive Turkmen from Syria, says leader

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  JohninMK Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:33 pm

    Going home for Christmas of course. The USAF is obviously a kind employer!

    In the latest sign of Turkey’s increasing isolation, the United States has announced plans to remove 12 fighter jets from Incirlik air base.

    According to Reuters, a spokesman with the US military’s European Command has confirmed that the US will withdraw 12 F-15 Eagles and Strike Eagle fighters from Turkey. The spokesman said that the aircraft had completed temporary deployment, despite having only been moved to Incirlik air base one month ago.

    According to a news release, the aircraft will be returning to RAF Lakenheath in the United Kingdom, beginning December 16.

    Read more:

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    Post  Cyberspec Wed Dec 16, 2015 11:43 pm

    JohninMK wrote:Going home for Christmas of course. The USAF is obviously a kind employer!

    Read more:

    Seems so Very Happy


    Interesting report if confirmed....if Ahrar Al-Sham is really on the list it's a BIG development

    Pro FSA Militant Pages are saying these are list of groups #Jordan Just put on the terrorist list

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 CWVleHGWUAAuJQy

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Guest Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:31 am

    "Turkey is a NATO ally, a close friend of the United States, and an important partner in the international Coalition against ISIL. Last month, 12 F-15s arrived at Incirlik Air Base in Turkey, reflecting both our commitment to ensure the safety of our NATO ally and our commitment to degrade and ultimately defeat ISIL in Iraq and Syria. Since their arrival in November, the F-15Cs flew invaluable training missions with Turkish counterparts enhancing the interoperability our air forces.

    Six of these F-15s (F-15Cs) were sent in response to the Government of Turkey’s request for support in securing the sovereignty of Turkish airspace. This deployment served not only as an immediate response to a request from an ally, but as an exercise for the U.S. Air Force ability to deploy aircraft and Airmen on short notice to Turkey, if ever needed.

    During this deployment, a bilateral agreement was finalized that outlined the procedures for combat air patrol missions to be flown by U.S. pilots and aircraft. This enduring agreement and knowledge gained from these training missions allows U.S. Air Force to support the air defense missions in Turkey if needed, either with these F-15 air frames or other U.S. platforms in the

    Six F-15Es deployed in support of counter-ISIL operations. They joined our manned (12 A-10s) and remotely piloted aircraft as well as coalition aircraft to launch strikes missions against ISIL in Syria and Iraq. Operations against ISIL will continue by these units from a variety of different operating locations – the end of this deployment does not indicate a reduction in counter ISIL operations. Coalition aircraft operating from Incirlik are expected to increase and continue to increase in the coming months.

    Beyond these operations, EUCOM continues a dialogue with Turkey to evaluate options on the most effective means to counter ISIL, including along its borders, in a manner that promotes Turkey’s security and regional stability."


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty reply

    Post  d_taddei2 Thu Dec 17, 2015 1:04 am

    i would just like to say a big praise for the Russian forces operating in Syria, and give praise to the Syrian air force,Syrian army, Hezbollah, and the NDF and various other local defence groups, these people have been fighting relentlessly for nearly 5yrs but i think a big thank really has to go to the Soviet engineers who designed the equipment, tanks, aircraft etc, the equipment has gone above and beyond during the war, the aircraft must have surpassed there designated flying hours by now.

    three cheers for them all

    cheers cheers cheers


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Dec 17, 2015 2:04 am

    Cyberspec wrote:Turkmen leader complaining and accussing Russia of systematically destroying civilian infrastructure...

    “Within a month, Russia did what the regime could not since the beginning of the war,” he told Anadolu Agency.

    Russia aiming to drive Turkmen from Syria, says leader

    Oh boo hoo, cry me a f*cking river...

    If they got a problem they can always take it up with Sultan Doggie. Razz

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Dec 17, 2015 2:07 am

    Shockingly passable article from Business Insider, the rarest of finds affraid

    ''The epicenter of the Syrian war is shifting — and it could mean 'a near total defeat' for Turkey's Syria policy''


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  KoTeMoRe Thu Dec 17, 2015 2:08 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:Turkmen leader complaining and accussing Russia of systematically destroying civilian infrastructure...

    “Within a month, Russia did what the regime could not since the beginning of the war,” he told Anadolu Agency.

    Russia aiming to drive Turkmen from Syria, says leader

    Oh boo hoo, cry me a f*cking river...

    If they got a problem they can always take it up with Sultan Doggie. Razz

    What did they thought would happen when they shot that pilot?

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    Post  PapaDragon Thu Dec 17, 2015 2:21 am

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Latakia16122015

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    Post  Cyberspec Thu Dec 17, 2015 7:33 am

    Algerian Major

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    Post  Algerian Major Thu Dec 17, 2015 9:12 am

    Well, currently Isis is holding 70/100 of the Syrian territory, Saudi Arabia have made this "Islamic Union" well Algeria didn't join, while being accused of supporting the Syria regime. The day after, I diplomatic visit from Iran. Is it just me or things are going to get ugly

    Maybe this Islamic Union thing will Strike the SAA?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Dec 17, 2015 10:20 am

    Algerian Major wrote:Well, currently Isis is holding 70/100 of the Syrian territory, Saudi Arabia have made this "Islamic Union" well Algeria didn't join, while being accused of supporting the Syria regime. The day after, I diplomatic visit from Iran. Is it just me or things are going to get ugly

    Maybe this Islamic Union thing will Strike the SAA?

    If they do not fear the S-x00 and Su-30xx, then they will.

    But I don't think they are so stupid like that.

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    Post  Cyberspec Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:10 am

    Algerian Major wrote:

    Maybe this Islamic Union thing will Strike the SAA?

    It's possible but it first need to be made a reality. A lot of the countries mentioned as members have since responded with suspicion and surprise


    SAA unit receiving new gear

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  JohninMK Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:14 am

    Cyberspec wrote:


    SAA unit receiving new gear
    Wow, SAA troops wearing helmets. That's a good start.
    Algerian Major

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Algerian Major Thu Dec 17, 2015 11:42 am

    Nice helmets, well if they had such equipment since the beginning ....

    Well , the oppression on Yemen happened in on night, why can't they do the same to Syria, besides they are stupid enough to not take in consideration the Russian hardware there.
    Oh and what do you think if Syria had the military strength of Algeria (manpower, equipment...) Since the beginning of the crises, what could have happened?

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  sheytanelkebir Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:12 pm

    Algerian Major wrote:Nice helmets, well if they had such equipment since the beginning ....

    Well , the oppression on Yemen happened in on night, why can't they do the same to Syria, besides they are stupid enough to not take in consideration the Russian hardware there.
    Oh and what do you think if Syria had the military strength of Algeria (manpower, equipment...) Since the beginning of the crises, what could have happened?

    nothing would have happened. like hyenas they only attack wounded animals... see Libya / qadafi as another example.
    Algerian Major

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    Post  Algerian Major Thu Dec 17, 2015 12:33 pm

    Exactly, all the regimes had equipment from the 70's. Don't think that the USA or NATO date to attack a country with S-400s and locally built T-90MSs
    Now, Putin is doing his annual speech, a lot of things have been clarified until now

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  zg18 Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:47 pm

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Dima Thu Dec 17, 2015 6:49 pm

    Slow & steady. Good going thumbsup

    Islamic World News ‏@A7_Mirza 54 minutes ago
    Operation in Latakia province continue SAA advancing in 3 Axis
    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 CWcR21RXAAA6InS


    Hamosh ‏@Hamosh84 4 hours ago
    SAA & NDF + allies massing up preparing for big assault on reef Latakia.

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 CWbq2etU4AEhlJU

    And a beautiful reunion thumbsup
    Hassan Ridha ‏@sayed_ridha 4 hours ago
    SAA Maj. Gen. Mundhir Zamam of Kweires AB returns home to Safita Tartous Syria

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 3 CWbj96PUkAA-bA6

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