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    Syrian Civil War: News #5


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:01 am

    Militarov wrote:

    At least they found a use for that MpiMK 72 stock .

    KM you mean Smile?

    Absolutely, huge typo, also KMS, not KM.

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Guest Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:02 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:

    At least they found a use for that MpiMK 72 stock .

    KM you mean Smile?

    Absolutely, huge typo, also KMS, not KM.

    Not big fan of these germanised versions. I dont like those weird ass stocks at all. Probably just me.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:10 am

    Militarov wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 CWSH4fTWEAA80vF

    Daily ration of Syrian frontline soldier.

    10th time (at least) that one gets posted, it has been debunked, it is supposed to be from the Minagh airbase before being overrun. Most of the time they eat "better", but lack water.

    I saw photo you refer to before, but its not the same POTATOES WERE DIFFERENT! This one seem to be "fresh" but not sure from where.

    The initial photo was from Minagh, then other photos, from Discharge Group 102 (breakfast hall in Aleppo

    Check a picture dated on FB 29th may 2015.


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  KiloGolf Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:12 am

    Dima wrote:Ibrahim Joudeh ‏@Ibra_Joudeh 47 minutes ago
    Footage of First Helicopters Taking off From Kuweires Airbase in East Aleppo after SAA Secured The Perimeter.

    Yeap, it's alive


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:15 am

    Militarov wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:

    At least they found a use for that MpiMK 72 stock .

    KM you mean Smile?

    Absolutely, huge typo, also KMS, not KM.

    Not big fan of these germanised versions. I dont like those weird ass stocks at all. Probably just me.

    The guns are solid, their night sights a little bit less than both the Yugo version and Finish version. The big problem with that folder is that the tension system on the lock is like the RK95, it has a solid pressure point which gets loose as time goes by, so it gets stuck folded or unfolded. And provides no relief when aiming. I blame the Czechs for showing the Germans how useless folding stocks are made.

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Guest Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:16 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 CWSH4fTWEAA80vF

    Daily ration of Syrian frontline soldier.

    10th time (at least) that one gets posted, it has been debunked, it is supposed to be from the Minagh airbase before being overrun. Most of the time they eat "better", but lack water.

    I saw photo you refer to before, but its not the same POTATOES WERE DIFFERENT! This one seem to be "fresh" but not sure from where.

    The initial photo was from Minagh, then other photos, from Discharge Group 102 (breakfast hall in Aleppo

    Check a picture dated on FB 29th may 2015.

    I remember this photo was floating around alot:

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 0525militaryfood

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Guest Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:18 am

    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:

    At least they found a use for that MpiMK 72 stock .

    KM you mean Smile?

    Absolutely, huge typo, also KMS, not KM.

    Not big fan of these germanised versions. I dont like those weird ass stocks at all. Probably just me.

    The guns are solid, their night sights a little bit less than both the Yugo version and Finish version. The big problem with that folder is that the tension system on the lock is like the RK95, it has a solid pressure point which gets loose as time goes by, so it gets stuck folded or unfolded. And provides no relief when aiming. I blame the Czechs for showing the Germans how useless folding stocks are made.

    Yugo stocks are generally speaking good. However some guys had bad luck getting to server with M70s that were used during war, and those had stock issues. Soldiers would use them as walking sticks, abuse them, probably fired couple thousand bullets too so they would get abit woobly. I served with brand new rifle (tho it was M92 not M70) so i did not have such issues.

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Guest Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:20 am

    KiloGolf wrote:
    Dima wrote:Ibrahim Joudeh ‏@Ibra_Joudeh 47 minutes ago
    Footage of First Helicopters Taking off From Kuweires Airbase in East Aleppo after SAA Secured The Perimeter.

    Yeap, it's alive

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 CWTmhbHXAAErYrz

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 CWTmhbXWUAAVoeG

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 CWTmhazWEAAskea

    Apparently "real" airforce landed too in Kuweires. Notice Tiger forces guy head Very Happy


    Video which from shots are taken.

    Last edited by Militarov on Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:28 am; edited 1 time in total

    Posts : 4212
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    Location : Krankhaus Central.

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:20 am

    Militarov wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:
    KoTeMoRe wrote:
    Militarov wrote:Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 CWSH4fTWEAA80vF

    Daily ration of Syrian frontline soldier.

    10th time (at least) that one gets posted, it has been debunked, it is supposed to be from the Minagh airbase before being overrun. Most of the time they eat "better", but lack water.

    I saw photo you refer to before, but its not the same POTATOES WERE DIFFERENT! This one seem to be "fresh" but not sure from where.

    The initial photo was from Minagh, then other photos, from Discharge Group 102 (breakfast hall in Aleppo

    Check a picture dated on FB 29th may 2015.

    I remember this photo was floating around alot:

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 0525militaryfood

    Yeah that one too, there are two others with half a durum wrap and an apple and one with only wrap egg and salad.

    I think they all depict the breakfast, and are not taken from the "front".
    As I said, they do eat better, but barely and there's generalized lack of water. Also, the big issue is that the big canned/preserve food exporter to Syria was ... Turkey.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty reply

    Post  d_taddei2 Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:22 am

    hey not sure if this has been posted before and sorry if it has but very good clip of mine-destroying UR-77 Meteorit, being used in an offensive role, pretty good idea, pretty simple really, Fire the rope down a city street and blow it up, and the expanding pressure wave should destroy most mines planted in the way. It’ll destroy most of the road and buildings as well. Also T-72 making a smoke screen.

    while on the subject of UR-77, (the MT-LB being used for both vehicles) whats peoples view on the 2S1 and its use in Syria? be quite a few clips showing it being used in a direct fire role, i suppose with the lack of tanks, and the rebels having mostly light armoured vehicles or toyota pickups coupled with the fact that majority if not all of the rebels don't wear body armour or helmets then i suppose the the 122mm rounds would be pretty lethal getting fired directly into buildings/enemy positions and lightly armoured/soft skinned vehicles, even with FRAG HE rounds, add the HEAT rounds into the mix and its hell.

    The first 2 minutes is the UR-77 in action.

    At 2.16 in the clip it is a nice example of a T-72 creating a smoke screen for ground troops then using it to make a safe get away.  Very Happy

    Last edited by d_taddei2 on Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:37 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:26 am

    d_taddei2 wrote:hey not sure if this has been posted before and sorry if it has but very clip of mine-destroying UR-77 Meteorit, being used in an offensive role, pretty good idea, pretty simple really, Fire the rope down a city street and blow it up, and the expanding pressure wave should destroy most mines planted in the way. It’ll destroy most of the road and buildings as well.

    The first 2 minutes is the UR-77 in action.

    At 2.16 in the clip it is a nice example of a T-72 creating a smoke screen for ground troops then using it to make a safe get away.  Very Happy

    Two UR'S were lost beginning of 2015 while used in to breach a hot zone. One got Towed, the other rolled on an IED. Unlike the M1ABV the BMP chassis is dicey to use.

    Still better than nothing.

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Guest Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:27 am

    Yeah that one too, there are two others with half a durum wrap and an apple and one with only wrap egg and salad.

    I think they all depict the breakfast, and are not taken from the "front".
    As I said, they do eat better, but barely and there's generalized lack of water. Also, the big issue is that the big canned/preserve food exporter to Syria was ... Turkey.

    Water is an issue almost everywhere. Serbia is extremly water rich, still you can end up in some God forsaken place that looks like Gobi desert and die from thirst. You know here we even had some kind of rubber made water canisters that 1 soldier per squad would carry when on march or in field. One was also always laying in vehicle i served in plus one of those "German" gasoline canisters was filled with water stripped on the back.

    This is the rubber canister i mentioned, SV20.

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Rezervoar-Sud-za-vodu-SV-20-1748-_slika_O_10428121

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Rezervoar-Sud-za-vodu-SV-20-1748-_slika_L_10428125

    Produced by Trayal company from Kruševac.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  KoTeMoRe Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:35 am

    Yeah Before even it was the rage with Kamelbak and Source. Interesting piece of kit.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:28 am

    Akula971 wrote:
    Cyberspec wrote:Looks like yesterday's AQ attack in Hama didn't make much progress

    They show a burnt out T72 with a shit ton of ERA (like we see on SAA tanks). Did AQ posses these ? (It looks entrenched).

    Or is it SAA's loss ?

    Definately an AQ tank...1 of 2 they lost in the battle....obviously they were originally SAA tanks captured on some previous occassion

    Militarov wrote:
    KiloGolf wrote:
    Dima wrote:Ibrahim Joudeh ‏@Ibra_Joudeh 47 minutes ago
    Footage of First Helicopters Taking off From Kuweires Airbase in East Aleppo after SAA Secured The Perimeter.

    Yeap, it's alive

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 CWTmhazWEAAskea

    Apparently "real" airforce landed too in Kuweires. Notice Tiger forces guy head Very Happy

    Great news....sort of a milestone

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:38 am

    It's official - The US is softening it's position regarding Syria. Assad can stay in charge....for now

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 CWTY0pVWEAA-Cia

    Kerry described the Syrian opposition's demand that Assad must leave as soon as peace talks begin as a "nonstarting position, obviously"

    Huge #SAA advances in #Latakia, #Homs, #Aleppo etc are forcing the West to reconsider their regime-change agenda in #Syria

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Solncepek Wed Dec 16, 2015 8:01 am

    ^^^ Putin needs badly cease-fire and disarming & withdrawal of the rebels.
    If it's happen, after that will be more easy to defend and support Assad for many years!

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Erk Wed Dec 16, 2015 9:09 am

    Solncepek wrote:^^^ Putin needs badly cease-fire and disarming & withdrawal of the rebels.
    If it's happen, after that will be more easy to defend and support Assad for many years!

    The only way to get a rebel cease fire is if the foreign countries behind them stop paying and equipping them. What's the chances of that?


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:32 am

    Breaking: Syrian Army captures Jabal Al-Nuba in northern Latakia as Islamists retreat towards Turkey

    Fighting still going on at Al-Zorba (on the M-5 highway). Reportedly heavy resistance encountered although progress is being made...latest is that they're fighting in the orchards just outside of the town

    Syrian Army and Hezbollah launch massive assault in southern Aleppo

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  GarryB Wed Dec 16, 2015 10:45 am

    Ideally if he could get a political deal between the anti assad forces, the pro assad forces and the Kurds and they could all fight ISIS and then lay down arms and sort things out at the balot box in a civilised and less destructive way.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Erk Wed Dec 16, 2015 12:50 pm

    GarryB wrote:Ideally if he could get a political deal between the anti assad forces, the pro assad forces and the Kurds and they could all fight ISIS and then lay down arms and sort things out at the balot box in a civilised and less destructive way.

    Who is this mythical leader of the anti Assad forces that could possibly negotiate such a deal? The Saudi King? Erdoğan? Obama?


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Big_Gazza Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:29 pm

    GarryB wrote:Ideally if he could get a political deal between the anti assad forces, the pro assad forces and the Kurds and they could all fight ISIS and then lay down arms and sort things out at the balot box in a civilised and less destructive way.

    Hmmm... I'd much rather exterminate the salafist filth than allow them to be "legitimised" by taking part in an election. When religious extremists take money and weapons from foreign nations, attack their own government, destroy irreplaceable antiquities, and murder legions of ethnic & religious minorities, they deserve NOTHING except a stony grave...

    Say whatever Herman Munster wants to hear, but sign nothing and keep killing terrorists, including the so-called "moderates"....

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Solncepek Wed Dec 16, 2015 1:58 pm

    A few days ago he returned from Syria former commander of the Russian volunteer corps Alexander Muharam nicknamed Ace. This group, who fought in 1994-1995 under the Visegrad (Bosnia), the Serbs called "Royal wolves." Incidentally, under the command of three months there Muhareva provoeval who is now known Igor Strelkov (Girkin).

    Muharam went to Syria October 15, 2015 and stayed there for symbolic forty days. In the fighting, he said, he did not participate this time his mission was different - to observe and record. About the one who gave the task and financed the trip, Al did not speak, just playfully tossed: "There is no good greedy person."

    From Moscow to Latakia Muharam flew "mailer" - transport plane Russian Defense Ministry (flew as a representative of the media from some small TV studio). Latakia - half a million Syrian city on the Mediterranean Sea, which is located near the naval base of the Russian Federation. This city is considered the capital of the Alawites - followers unusual beliefs, which incorporates elements of Christianity, Islam and ancient oriental paganism.

    Muhareva a day or two settled in the heart of the city, in some building that looks like a business center, and then taken to the front line, which was held in three dozen kilometers to the north of Latakia. In the area of ​​the mountain range Nabiyonis government troops for a long time resisted the forces of the "Islamic State" (a banned terrorist organization in Russia). From Syrian fighting fortification located on the top of high mountains covered with shrubs and a half thousand meters, superbly viewed igilovtsev fighting positions. Muharam watched by Russian bombs ruptures in lime chips scattered Islamist dugouts.

    Who and what fights

    Alawites outwardly no different from the Islamist "fighters and fighter - the same green headbands with quotations from the Koran. Only stripe Syrian army allow them to determine. " The government forces of President Bashar al-Assad consist of regular units and territorial militias. Militias fill the voids between the army positions. The Syrian army is not much different from the militias. Some militia groups are provided even better than the army units.

    - It turns out that the war some unprofessional, partisan or something ... in Bosnia?

    - Even in the Bosnia war was more professional.

    - What is the difference?

    - Well, now I'm going to talk negatively. The fact that he had seen on the positions of the eyes. Armed Syrians bad. Basically the old Soviet Kalashnikovs, Poland, GDR, Romania and China. And the weapons are not looked after, shoot bad, even to deal with it can not: keep the wrong, bad move. In short, ordinary peasants ... Most departments do not know what a bullet-proof vest.

    The Syrian army is experiencing a clear shortage of soldiers. There are battalions, consisting of only 70-80 people (despite the fact that according to the rules rely 500). Muharam seen more as a battalion commander could not get people to class. Syrian officers often do not know how and what to do:

    - Hour and a half harvested division, then with difficulty to explain the theory of the battle - said Muharam. - And they know little of the material. And while many Syrian soldiers say about themselves that they are four years of war, they may be a little something, and there is little they can.

    They sit on some positions than a year, do not conduct offensive operations. In my opinion, the problem of the Syrian army is the lack of professionalism and lack of motivation. Motivation - home defending - they do not. I call it the "eye of the outskirts." While my Okolitsa far too balk-fight will not. But, they say, when the suit to my outskirts, then it broke up.

    More unprofessionalism that in Syria there is almost no middle command structure, NCO corps, which keeps an army anywhere in the world. And technically poorly equipped Syrian army. The odds on the side of the government troops is due only to large supply of artillery shells and numerical superiority of the armed forces. The Syrians do not win the ability, and at the expense of firepower and forcing human mass.

    As fighting

    - I saw myself as the assault force of government troops took height - said Muharam. - The attack came about ten men, occupied a strategic height. On mind it had once more to pull to 50-60 people, dig in, and then the height would be taken permanently. But the reinforcements did not come, so igilovtsy went to the counter and killed everyone. Three hundred soldiers of the Syrian army only watched the assault group killed!

    Syrians have a different attitude to death, they are a little bit different feel fear than we do. Maybe Russian imagination play more. For example, the mortar shelling starts, but the Syrians continue to walk the camp. I say hide, mines fly out. And they are: still in the hands of Allah. Mine flew into the tent, his head torn off. They dragged the body, loaded on "fast", was taken. Mattresses and blankets thrown killed, new bed lay themselves - and all.

    I saw how kilometers in three Syrian marines took several heights. Beautifully were beautifully taken. Hold tight. Here they advanced fighters, and on our site a couple of slides and took only half a kilometer progressed.

    On the side of a terrorist fighters IG also small, the first impression is that all extinct. They also did not seek to build a super-duper strengthening. Nawal breastworks of stones and sit in the trenches of two or three, a maximum of five people - like duty shift. But next door in all Islamists - jeeps or motorcycles. When you start a fierce artillery preparation or the plane comes to a position to quickly leave. The raid ends - returned. Military training and discipline at igilovtsev slightly better than in the Syrian army. When it is necessary, mobility is brought reinforcements in jeeps and motorcycles, and keeping defenses.

    How to live

    On the position of the Syrian soldiers are living in tents. Late autumn in the mountains of cold and strong wind. With the Syrians Muharam Alexander spoke, as they say, on the fingers, although some of them knew a few words of Russian, but was still a Syrian-Russian phrasebook. In communicating the Syrians - emotional guys always offer food, hookah, mate. Power, according to Asa, was organized by the more "civilized" than the Russian army. The food is brought to the fighting positions laid out on plastic the tray, spoon, fork, still covered with cellophane, all neatly. For breakfast, jams, soft cheeses, such as drinking Pepsi in half-liter bottle. Lunch is usually a good piece of chicken, rice, cereals, like barley. In the evening, bring more tasty and healthy dairy drink. Cakes in huge quantities. Box of apples, tangerines, tomatoes. Separately, in each tent with a large number of bottles of Pepsi-Cola, water and juices.

    The bombing

    Russian aviation helps greatly. Only thanks to her Syrian troops are moving. Of course, this is not carpet-bombing, as in Vietnam. Russian bomber drops two or three bombs on a concrete high-rise. Then a Syrian helicopter arrives and throws a couple more barrels - bombs dust explosion, dust with propaganda leaflets - and all. It's pretty cool, even in terms of psychological influence. The Syrian army can fight off their territory, up to the border with Turkey only when Russian bombers smash igilovskie strengthening.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Dima Wed Dec 16, 2015 2:48 pm

    Another video from Kuweries airbase


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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Dima Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:03 pm

    Cyberspec wrote:It's official - The US is softening it's position regarding Syria. Assad can stay in charge....for now

    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 CWTY0pVWEAA-Cia

    Kerry described the Syrian opposition's demand that Assad must leave as soon as peace talks begin as a "nonstarting position, obviously"

    Huge #SAA advances in #Latakia, #Homs, #Aleppo etc are forcing the West to reconsider their regime-change agenda in #Syria
    Hold on, the baseline thing is never trust the Muricans.
    Let them talk as per their mood, but every action from the Russian/Syrian side must be based on the ground realities/action of the muricans.

    Remember the very recent incident, the muricans were not interested in deconflicting the skies even when Russia proposed it, they only accepted it when it suited them with the sole intend to save their arse knowing well that Russians have the habit of keeping their word and agreed upon guidelines. We know what happened afterwards with the Su-24.

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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 Empty Re: Syrian Civil War: News #5

    Post  Dima Wed Dec 16, 2015 3:12 pm

    par far wrote:Where are you getting your maps from Dima? I would want to know a site/s where you can get accurate maps from. I think liveuamap is run by Zionist anti Russia people because it is always anti Russia.
    You can see the twitter source along with the pics that I post, Eg
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    Ivan Sidorenko ‏@IvanSidorenko1 5 hours ago
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    Syrian Civil War: News #5 - Page 2 CWVkj2CWoAA3fyu

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