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    The Religion Thread

    Abu Bakr al Bosni

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    The Religion Thread Empty [Islam] Disbelievers. Their Characteristics & Status In The Hereafter

    Post  Abu Bakr al Bosni Sun Jul 05, 2015 6:45 pm

    This is for Christians and others to learn the basics of the Islamic creed.


    1)     Types of people-believers and disbelievers.

    2)     Characteristics of disbelievers.

    3)     The situation of disbelievers at the time of death, and in the grave.

    4)     The situation of disbelievers in Hellfire.

    5)     Warning against following the ways of disbelievers, and imitating them.

    6)     External imitation results in internal imitation (i.e. faith).

    All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his household and companions.

    Fellow Muslims! Fear Allah as He should be feared and keep your duty to Him.

    Indeed, Allaah made all of creation through His Power; He guides whomsoever He wills by His Grace, causes whomsoever He wills to go astray by His justice and writes all that is in Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooz (The Preserved Tablet). He says: “He it is who created you, then some of you are disbelievers and some of you are believers.” (At-Taghaabun: 2).

    Allaah shows us the way to prosperity and the way to misery. He extols the pious and condemns the unbelievers and warns against their characteristics. He explains in His Great Book the unbelievers’ deeds, the falsity of their belief and their bad conduct. The Kaafir denies resurrection, does not believe in predestination, is impatient in difficulty and loses hope in the mercy of Allaah. Allaah says: “Certainly, no one despairs of Allah’s mercy except the people who disbelieve.”  (Yousuf: 87).

    The Kaafir lies when he speaks and he is arrogant and self-deluded. Allaah says: “The disbelievers are in nothing but delusion.” (Al-Mulk: 20).      

    He turns away from signs of Allaah, lessons and admonitions. His heart is so full of envy that it shows itself in his eyes. He is envious of the Muslims because of their blessings and wishes that they could be taken away from them. Allaah says: “Neither those who disbelieve among the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) nor the idolaters like that there should be sent down unto you any good from your Lord.” (Al-Baqarah: 105).

    He is so shamelessly envious that he would strive to mislead you so that you will be assembled with him in the Hell-Fire.

    Allaah says: “They wish that you reject faith as they have rejected (faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another).” (An-Nisaa’: 89).

    The Kaafir plots against the Muslims by night and betrays them in the day. Enmity towards you is vividly shown in his face and his utterances. He bites his fingertips in severe anger against the Muslims and his inner-self is full of evil plans against them. He pretends to be trustworthy and good mannered while he is actually pursuing his own interests. Allaah exposes them when he says: “Hatred has already appeared from their mouths but what their breasts conceal is far worse.” (Aal-Imran: 118).

    They hide their lies and treachery in apparent truthfulness and sincerity, please you with words of their mouths while their hearts rejects you. They argue with falsehood and conceal the truth. Their evil plots against the Muslims are great; but Allaah will render their plan fruitless, for, “the plots of disbelievers are nothing but error.”

    Fellow Muslims! Following the Kaafir is disgraceful while disobeying them is might. Allaah says: “O Prophet! Keep you duty to Allaah and obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites (i.e. do not follow their advice).” (Al-Ahzaab: 1).

    Their knowledge is limited to this world and yet Sheikhul Islam said, “All deeds and affairs of a disbeliever inevitably have a defect that prevents it from being completely beneficial to him. All his affairs are either false or defective.” As for the knowledge of the hereafter, the disbelievers are completely ignorant of it.

    Allah says: “They know only the outside appearance of the life of the world (i.e. the matters of their livelihood, or irrigating, or reaping, or sowing, etc.) And they are heedless of the hereafter.” (Ar-Room: 7).

    He also says, “…But most of them behave ignorantly” (Al-An’aam: 111).

    Their children and wealth are but sources of distress for them. They live in confusion and their only concern in this world is eating, drinking and lustful enjoyment and their sustenance is devoid of Barakah (divine blessing). They are never satisfied with little. The Prophet said, “The Kaafir eats too much but the Muslim is satisfied with little food in order to be able to worship. He preserves a third of his stomach for his food, a third for his drink, and a third for his breath. A believer’s food is blessed.” He also said, “The food of two persons suffices three and the food of three suffices four.” (Al-Bukhaaree).

    Brothers in faith! It is as a result of the Kaafir’s distance from the light of guidance that they have different sects and severely differs with one another in their opinions. Allaah says: “They are only in opposition. So Allaah will suffice you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.” (Al-Baqarah: 137).

    Allaah also says: “We have put enmity and hatred amongst them till the Day of Resurrection.” (Al-Maa’idah: 64).

    Kaafirs are cowards in war and a Muslims can defeat them, though the odds are two to one. Allaah says, “So if there are of you a hundred steadfast persons, they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a thousand of you, they shall overcome two thousand with the leave of Allaah.” (Al-Anfaal: 66).

    They enjoin one another in miserliness and do not entertain guest. Allaah says: “Those who are miserly and enjoin miserliness on other men and hide what Allaah has bestowed upon them of His bounties. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a disgraceful torment.” (An-Nisaa’: 37).

    The Kaafir is a preventer of good things, eater of ill-gotten wealth, ungrateful over bounties of Allaah. Allaah: “They recognise the Grace of Allaah, yet they deny it and most of them are disbelievers.” (An-Nahl: 83).

    He lives in ignorance, lustful desires and errors; he is unguided to means of uprightness; his heart, ears and eyes are all blocked from perceiving the truth, and Satan pushes him to commit sins. His preoccupation and concern is to satisfy his lust and whims, his deeds then become useless in this world and the next. His Lord does not love Him and tells that He is an enemy of the disbeliever.  Whoever does a good or bad deed, Allaah will make the sign his deed manifest on him, as the Prophet said: “Whenever Allaah hates a slave, He calls Jibreel and says, ‘O Jibreel! I, indeed, hate so-and-so therefore you must also hate him. Then Jibreel will hate him and proclaim to the inhabitants of the heaven that Allaah hates so-and-so, therefore they too should hate him, then the inhabitants of the heaven will hate him, and his hatred will then be spread among the inhabitants of the earth.” (Al-Bukhaaree & Muslim).

    Lifeless objects decry Kaafir disbelief and the Blessed Land will eject them in the End of Time. Stones and trees will say, “O Muslim! Here is a Kaafir!”

    When the Antichrist appears, Madinah will shake three times and the disbelievers will be expelled out of the Prophet’s city.

    Fellow Muslims! Remoteness from Allaah causes psychological pain. Sins make one’s heart depressed and deny one of the pleasures of faith. The Kaafir is the worst of Allaah’s creatures. He says: “They are the worst of creatures.” (Al-Bayyinah: 6). As for their numbers, they are the majority of the inhabitants of the earth. Allaah says: “But most of mankind believe not.” (Hood: 17).

    The Prophet said, ‘Allah said, “O Adam! Bring out the contingent of the hell-fire!” Adam said, “Who are the contingents of the hell-fire?” Allaah answered, “Of every thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine.” (Al-Bukhaaree) In another version, he says, “Of every hundred, ninety nine.”

    When a Kaafir dies, the whole of humanity are relieved. The Prophet said, “When a believer dies, he gets rest from the mercy of Allaah from the toils and harms of this world, but when one of the unbelievers dies, mankind, the trees and animals are relieved.” (Al-Bukhaaree).

    The Kaafir would wish to live for a thousand years but when the time of his death comes, he hates to die, and the angels smite his face and back to take his soul and when he is buried, his grave is narrowed so much that his ribs stick into one another. He will be beaten with an iron bar and he will make a cry so loud that all will hear it except man and the jinn. In a version of this Hadeeth, it was reported, “If that iron bar were struck against a rock, it would make it sand.” The Kaafir’s grave will be carpeted with fire and he will have a continuous torment. He will be resurrected for the reckoning with a blackened face. He will be dust-stained; covered with darkness and terrified. He will be raised up in front of all the creatures on his face. Anas bin Malik said, ‘I said, “O Messenger of Allaah! How will the Kaafir be raised up on his face?” He replied, “Is He Who made him, walk on his legs in the world not able to make him walk on his face on the Day of Resurrection?” (Al-Bukhaaree).

    He will be in chains on that day and the sinners will be chained together while they are thirsty, dumb, deaf, and blind. Their friends shall discuss them and shall also disown their friends. Their food shall be of Zaqqoom and their drink shall be of boiling scalding water. Another boiling water shall be poured over their heads and it will peel the skin off their bodies. While he will be burning in fire, his body will be magnified and his molar tooth will be greatly enlarged. The Prophet said, “A Kaafir’s molar (in the fire) will be as big as Mount Uhud and the thickness of his body will be as wide as the journey of three (days).” (Muslim).

    In another version of this hadeeth, he said, “…what is in-between the two shoulders of a kafir will be as far as the journey of three days for a fast rider. That is an exact recompense, and your Lord is not all unjust to His slaves. These are the characteristics of disbelievers and their well-deserved recompense.

    Fellow Muslims! The Prophet said, “Hasten to do good deeds against impending trials that are like parts of seriously darkened night, when a man will be a believer in the morning and become a Kaafir in the evening and will a believer in the evening and become a Kaafir in the morning, bartering his religion for an insignificant worldly material.” (Ahmad).

    Follow the path of the pious people and observe obligatory prayers in the mosques for whoever neglects it has joined a doomed group. The Prophet said, “The difference between us and them is Salaah. Whoever abandons it has disbelieved.” Allah says: “Not equal are the dwellers of the fire and the dwellers of Paradise. It is the dweller of Paradise that will be successful.” (Al-Hashr: 20).

    Dear Muslims! Emulating a people in their outward dispositions necessitates emulating them in their inner characters. Emulating the first generation of this ummah who are the Sahaabah and at-Taabi’een increases one in intellect, religiosity and good conduct while emulating the non-Muslims in their outward characteristics leads to emulating them in their conducts and ugly deeds. It also makes one love them. Therefore differ from idolaters and disbelievers in their behaviour and opinions and beware of taking them as friends. You should hate them, disown them and their religion and be proud of your religion. Strive for their guidance and call them to Islaam.

    Further, give much praise to your Lord for guiding you to the right path and ask for firmness in faith. Be truthful with Allaah, you will have your affair made easy for you and cast resentment and ill-will out of your heart and people will love you.

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  mack8 Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:02 pm

    Personally, i piss on any religion, whether christian or islam or whatever. Religion is a leftover of our primitive past, nothing but a cancer on the modern day world. And you know, if this allah or jesus or the jewish god or whatever wants my allegiance, they should ask me in person, not through their pathetic retarded minions allegedly representing these gods. I would tell these gods to f*** off anyway, i have no interest in obeying some bloodthirsty masochist pieces of shit who like to watch people suffer, hate each other and kill each other in their name. (don't worry, i know they don't exist, just saying- and just trolling a little lol).
    Abu Bakr al Bosni

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  Abu Bakr al Bosni Sun Jul 05, 2015 7:15 pm

    If Allah SWT wanted you to believe, He would make you believe. But He does not make all people believe. He guides whom he wills and misguides whom he wills.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Jul 05, 2015 8:08 pm

    If he decides who believes in what, why does he throw people to hell, then?

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  Regular Sun Jul 05, 2015 10:38 pm

    I am old believer, but honestly I am atheist. Religion for me is just something like tradition to my elders, but nothing less. I enjoy every sin I do to be honest. Twisted Evil Especially the ones involved with women Very Happy

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Jul 05, 2015 11:52 pm

    Abu Bakr al Bosni wrote:.........................

    Welcome new member.... lol1

    Please introduce yourself here:

    Those are the rules...

    I have a feeling this guy will be loads of fun lol!

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  kvs Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:18 am

    Thanks for the background, Abu Bakr.

    Hate for Islam and meddling the middle east to control the oil is a western thing. It was mostly the British and their offspring the
    Americans who had all the "initiative" in this regard. Islam is a recognized religion in Russia today and there are over 15 million
    Muslims in Russia. This is why Washington tries to use "radical Islam" elements to subvert Russia.

    During the crusades, Byzantium and Russia were targets for the crusaders. This is in addition to their target to take over Jerusalem.
    That says a lot about the core mentality in the west.

    Unfortunately the cold war wrecked a lot of countries, such as Afghanistan. Today the west is forgetting about its ludicrous
    "war on terror" and aiming at Russia again. And once again you have the middle east and as a battleground.

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:21 pm

    So unbelievers are the enemy of Muslims... and those who choose to be Muslims do so because Mohammed commands it and those that do not believe also do because Mohammed commands it.

    Why then to Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims kill each other... surely they believe in Mohammed because Mohammed wishes it.

    Also why the hatred and suspicion of non muslims... if it is Mohammeds wish that they do not believe then it is right for them not to believe.

    You make it sound like a very angry religion... I am an unbeliever and I can tell you I don't spend any time planning or plotting to kill muslims or trick them in any way... of course from your first post I am not to be trusted because I am an unbeliever... any other muslims on this forum with different interpretations of Islam that would like to comment.
    Abu Bakr al Bosni

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  Abu Bakr al Bosni Mon Jul 06, 2015 12:39 pm

    So unbelievers are the enemy of Muslims... and those who choose to be Muslims do so because Mohammed commands it and those that do not believe also do because Mohammed commands it.
    There is a kind of progressive revelation. At the beginning when the Prophet (peace be upon Him) had a few dozen followers, Allah (SWT) revealed only verses that were tolerant of the disbelievers. The goal was to give the Prophet (PBUH) time to gain strength. When the Prophet (PBUH) gained lots of followers, Allah (SWT) revealed his ultimate message outlined in surah 9 of the Qur'an.
    Why then to Sunni Muslims and Shia Muslims kill each other... surely they believe in Mohammed because Mohammed wishes it.
    Shias are apostates. They curse companions of the Prophet (PBUH), insult wives of the Prophet (PBUH)
    Also why the hatred and suspicion of non muslims... if it is Mohammeds wish that they do not believe then it is right for them not to believe.
    It has to do with the doctrine of Al Wala' wal Bara'

    Al Wala' wal Bara' means complete, absolute dissociation from the disbelievers, their culture and their way of life. It means loyalty to ISlam and Muslims alone because Allah (SWT) in chapter 5 verse 51 of the Noble Qur'an says:
    "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people."

    In the chapter 3 verse 28 He says:
    "You will see many of them befriending those who disbelieve; certainly evil is that which their souls have sent before for them, that Allah became displeased with them and in chastisement shall they abide."

    In the chapter 9 verse 23 He says:
    "O you who believe! do not take for intimate friends from among others than your own people, they do not fall short of inflicting loss upon you; they love what distresses you; vehement hatred has already appeared from out of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater still; indeed, We have made the communications clear to you, if you will understand."

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  GarryB Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:11 pm

    Shias are apostates. They curse companions of the Prophet (PBUH), insult wives of the Prophet (PBUH)

    But then as a muslim wouldn't a shia muslim say the same about a sunni muslim?

    It seems there is no room in Islam for interpretation... it seems there is only my way or the highway... meaning death.

    "O you who believe! do not take the Jews and the Christians for friends; they are friends of each other; and whoever amongst you takes them for a friend, then surely he is one of them; surely Allah does not guide the unjust people."

    So it mentions Judiasm and Christianity but no mention of Buddists, or Maoists, or many of the other religions... or indeed those without religion...

    "O you who believe! do not take for intimate friends from among others than your own people, they do not fall short of inflicting loss upon you; they love what distresses you; vehement hatred has already appeared from out of their mouths, and what their breasts conceal is greater still; indeed, We have made the communications clear to you, if you will understand."

    Sounds to me like this person doesn't want his followers to talk to anyone else... is he afraid the religion he is pushing might not stack up well with the others available?
    Abu Bakr al Bosni

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  Abu Bakr al Bosni Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:27 pm

    Shias say Sunnis are Muslims but this is taqiyyah - deception (Shia books themselves say that 90% of Shiism is taqiyyah). Shias kill Muslims in Iraq. Muslims in Iraq are now changing names from Omar, Khalid to Ali, Hasan, Hussein, Jafar, Abbas etc. out of fear.

    So it mentions Judiasm and Christianity but no mention of Buddists, or Maoists, or many of the other religions... or indeed those without religion...
    As per Sharia there are two categories of disbelievers:
    1. People of the book (Ahl al Kitab)
    2. Idolaters (mushrikeen)

    And there are 4 schools of Sharia (there was 5th too but it dos not exist today) - Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki, Shafi'i (Wahhabism is a sub-branch of the Hanbali school).

    As per Hanafi school all disbelievers are ahl al kitab - so they can all live in Islamic lands if they pay jizyah which is actually lower than taxes paid by Muslims . As per other 3 schools only Jews and Christians are ahl al kitab... rest can't pay jizyah. If Muslim army enters their country, they must be given an option to convert to Islam or face the sword.

    By using the rule of analogy (qiyas) we can conclude that if it's not possible to take Jews and Christians as friends then it's also not possible to take idolaters as friends.
    Abu Bakr al Bosni

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  Abu Bakr al Bosni Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:32 pm

    Muslims today are under the boot of foreign powers. I want Muslims to be once again strong like during the time of the Prophet (PBUH) or Umayyads, Abbasids or like in Ottoman times under Khalifah Suleiman (may Allah be pleased with him and elevate him to paradise)

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  George1 Mon Jul 06, 2015 2:53 pm

    Abu Bakr al Bosni wrote:Muslims today are under the boot of foreign powers. I want Muslims to be once again strong like during the time of the Prophet (PBUH) or Umayyads, Abbasids or like in Ottoman times under Khalifah Suleiman (may Allah be pleased with him and elevate him to paradise)

    did u introduce yourself ?

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  PapaDragon Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:08 pm

    Abu Bakr al Bosni wrote:Muslims today are under the boot of foreign powers. I want Muslims to be once again strong like during the time of the Prophet (PBUH) or Umayyads, Abbasids or like in Ottoman times under Khalifah Suleiman (may Allah be pleased with him and elevate him to paradise)

    PBUH means ''peace be upon him''? If you are trying to respect prophet then using acronyms to advertise him comes of as lazy and disrespectful. I man copy/paste should be simple enough operation... confused
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Mon Jul 06, 2015 3:50 pm

    This thread is so BS>... Suspect I always hated all these gods that are all knowing all seing and all capable but still order us little humans to do the dirty job for them. PAthetic.

    Buddhism rulez.

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  flamming_python Mon Jul 06, 2015 4:34 pm

    Abu Bakr al Bosni wrote:Shias say Sunnis are Muslims but this is taqiyyah - deception (Shia books themselves say that 90% of Shiism is taqiyyah). Shias kill Muslims in Iraq. Muslims in Iraq are now changing names from Omar, Khalid to Ali, Hasan, Hussein, Jafar, Abbas etc. out of fear.

    So it mentions Judiasm and Christianity but no mention of Buddists, or Maoists, or many of the other religions... or indeed those without religion...
    As per Sharia there are two categories of disbelievers:
    1. People of the book (Ahl al Kitab)
    2. Idolaters (mushrikeen)

    And there are 4 schools of Sharia (there was 5th too but it dos not exist today) - Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki, Shafi'i (Wahhabism is a sub-branch of the Hanbali school).

    As per Hanafi school all disbelievers are ahl al kitab - so they can all live in Islamic lands if they pay jizyah which is actually lower than taxes paid by Muslims . As per other 3 schools only Jews and Christians are ahl al kitab... rest can't pay jizyah. If Muslim army enters their country, they must be given an option to convert to Islam or face the sword.

    By using the rule of analogy (qiyas) we can conclude that if it's not possible to take Jews and Christians as friends then it's also not possible to take idolaters as friends.

    But didn't the Ethiopian King give refuge to Mohammed and his followers when he needed it most?

    And now you advocate repaying them by fingering them as dishonest and evil, and forcing them to pay a tax?

    How does that square up?

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  mack8 Mon Jul 06, 2015 10:31 pm

    Abu Bakr al Bosni wrote:Muslims today are under the boot of foreign powers. I want Muslims to be once again strong like during the time of the Prophet (PBUH) or Umayyads, Abbasids or like in Ottoman times under Khalifah Suleiman (may Allah be pleased with him and elevate him to paradise)

    First, just curious, you say you are not ISIS, but do you support ISIS or you want them destroyed too?

    Secondly as to what you say above. Bad news, that will NEVER happen, not in modern world. Why? Because religious fanaticism does not mix with technology. Your pathetic extremist views (and someone can only be a walking vegetable to believe in that shit today) are still left at the level they were 1000 years or 500 years ago or whatever. The only reason muslims were "strong" back then was because EVERYONE was just as retarded, be it muslim or christian or whatever, everybody was killing and chasing imaginary infidels and witches, everybody was fighting with bows and swords, it just happened that sometimes the muslims were making slightly better swords and slightly better bows, whatever.

    It is very true that religion in whatever form is not the only disease of the world today, thought still the most critical one. The other one is greed, thirst for power (represented by the 1%). It is indeed external powers are manipulating the muslim regions like ME, and not only (btw, you will find that the rise of the "western" powers over the rest of the world coincided with the gradual distancing from religious extremism and embracing technology and science), but only because they find the fertile ground for it, i.e. religious backwardness and totalitarianism, corruption and lack of education. What are the muslim regions of the world today? Laughing stock. What are the real technological capabilities of the muslim world today? Zilch. Why? Because to have and create competitive technology you need bright peoples, but religious extremism and bright peoples do not mix. Btw, it is a scientific fact that in general a vast majority of those who believe in religion have a lower IQ and are less intelligent that those who don't. Bright peoples are, well, bright enough to realize the folly of religion, and they are dangerous for the religious establishment, hence the are eliminated, shunned etc. (see Europe in the Middle Ages, religion regressed possible technological evolution by hundreds of years). This is why they emigrate to other places like US (a place having it's own religion problem, and imo the only reason they stay at the top technology wise is because of the massive import of brain power - see how many indian, asian etc. engineers and inventors are creating their technology).

    As another example, look at Iran, a religious totalitarian regime, how they embarass themselves technologically, and apparently they are the brighter of the muslim lot.

    To put this another way, ISIS is no actual threat whatsoever for the world, they can be eliminated all in 3 months if there is the will, they only exist because they are ALLOWED to exist. They are merely a tool, rabid dogs serving occult interests (the 1%), but even they didn't know that (too fanatic and retarded to realize it). When they would have done their job they will only get a bullet in the head. But they are never an actual threat, they could never create anything, they could never be a power to say threaten european countries. Any "victories" they achieve are because they are wanted to by their puppeteers, not because they can on themselves.

    Paradoxically, the only way for the muslims to be great again is well, not  be muslims anymore, if the groups of peoples living by this religion will drop such beliefs and actually embrace science then yes, they could (in a few hundred years) develop at least respectably compared to the rest of the world (like Asia, Europe etc).

    So yeah, sorry, but embracing and wanting to bring and live by religious retardness from 1000 years ago in the modern age will never make muslims "great". NEVER.

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    The Religion Thread Empty Re: The Religion Thread

    Post  Firebird Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:32 pm

    Abu Bakr al Bosni wrote:This is for Christians and others to learn the basics of the Islamic creed.


    1)     Types of people-believers and disbelievers.

    2)     Characteristics of disbelievers.

    3)     The situation of disbelievers at the time of death, and in the grave.

    4)     The situation of disbelievers in Hellfire.

    5)     Warning against following the ways of disbelievers, and imitating them.

    6)     External imitation results in internal imitation (i.e. faith).

    All praise is due to Allah. May peace and blessings be upon our Prophet Muhammad, his household and companions.

    Fellow Muslims! Fear Allah as He should be feared and keep your duty to Him.

    Indeed, Allaah made all of creation through His Power; He guides whomsoever He wills by His Grace, causes whomsoever He wills to go astray by His justice and writes all that is in Al-Lawh Al-Mahfooz (The Preserved Tablet). He says: “He it is who created you, then some of you are disbelievers and some of you are believers.” (At-Taghaabun: 2).

    Allaah shows us the way to prosperity and the way to misery. He extols the pious and condemns the unbelievers and warns against their characteristics. He explains in His Great Book the unbelievers’ deeds, the falsity of their belief and their bad conduct. The Kaafir denies resurrection, does not believe in predestination, is impatient in difficulty and loses hope in the mercy of Allaah. Allaah says: “Certainly, no one despairs of Allah’s mercy except the people who disbelieve.”  (Yousuf: 87).

    The Kaafir lies when he speaks and he is arrogant and self-deluded. Allaah says: “The disbelievers are in nothing but delusion.” (Al-Mulk: 20).      

    He turns away from signs of Allaah, lessons and admonitions. His heart is so full of envy that it shows itself in his eyes. He is envious of the Muslims because of their blessings and wishes that they could be taken away from them. Allaah says: “Neither those who disbelieve among the people of the scripture (Jews and Christians) nor the idolaters like that there should be sent down unto you any good from your Lord.” (Al-Baqarah: 105).

    He is so shamelessly envious that he would strive to mislead you so that you will be assembled with him in the Hell-Fire.

    Allaah says: “They wish that you reject faith as they have rejected (faith), and thus that you all become equal (like one another).” (An-Nisaa’: 89).

    The Kaafir plots against the Muslims by night and betrays them in the day. Enmity towards you is vividly shown in his face and his utterances. He bites his fingertips in severe anger against the Muslims and his inner-self is full of evil plans against them. He pretends to be trustworthy and good mannered while he is actually pursuing his own interests. Allaah exposes them when he says: “Hatred has already appeared from their mouths but what their breasts conceal is far worse.” (Aal-Imran: 118).

    They hide their lies and treachery in apparent truthfulness and sincerity, please you with words of their mouths while their hearts rejects you. They argue with falsehood and conceal the truth. Their evil plots against the Muslims are great; but Allaah will render their plan fruitless, for, “the plots of disbelievers are nothing but error.”

    Fellow Muslims! Following the Kaafir is disgraceful while disobeying them is might. Allaah says: “O Prophet! Keep you duty to Allaah and obey not the disbelievers and the hypocrites (i.e. do not follow their advice).” (Al-Ahzaab: 1).

    Their knowledge is limited to this world and yet Sheikhul Islam said, “All deeds and affairs of a disbeliever inevitably have a defect that prevents it from being completely beneficial to him. All his affairs are either false or defective.” As for the knowledge of the hereafter, the disbelievers are completely ignorant of it.

    Allah says: “They know only the outside appearance of the life of the world (i.e. the matters of their livelihood, or irrigating, or reaping, or sowing, etc.) And they are heedless of the hereafter.” (Ar-Room: 7).

    He also says, “…But most of them behave ignorantly” (Al-An’aam: 111).

    Their children and wealth are but sources of distress for them. They live in confusion and their only concern in this world is eating, drinking and lustful enjoyment and their sustenance is devoid of Barakah (divine blessing). They are never satisfied with little. The Prophet said, “The Kaafir eats too much but the Muslim is satisfied with little food in order to be able to worship. He preserves a third of his stomach for his food, a third for his drink, and a third for his breath. A believer’s food is blessed.” He also said, “The food of two persons suffices three and the food of three suffices four.” (Al-Bukhaaree).

    Brothers in faith! It is as a result of the Kaafir’s distance from the light of guidance that they have different sects and severely differs with one another in their opinions. Allaah says: “They are only in opposition. So Allaah will suffice you against them. And He is the All-Hearer, the All-Knower.” (Al-Baqarah: 137).

    Allaah also says: “We have put enmity and hatred amongst them till the Day of Resurrection.” (Al-Maa’idah: 64).

    Kaafirs are cowards in war and a Muslims can defeat them, though the odds are two to one. Allaah says, “So if there are of you a hundred steadfast persons, they shall overcome two hundred, and if there are a thousand of you, they shall overcome two thousand with the leave of Allaah.” (Al-Anfaal: 66).

    They enjoin one another in miserliness and do not entertain guest. Allaah says: “Those who are miserly and enjoin miserliness on other men and hide what Allaah has bestowed upon them of His bounties. And We have prepared for the disbelievers a disgraceful torment.” (An-Nisaa’: 37).

    The Kaafir is a preventer of good things, eater of ill-gotten wealth, ungrateful over bounties of Allaah. Allaah: “They recognise the Grace of Allaah, yet they deny it and most of them are disbelievers.” (An-Nahl: 83).

    He lives in ignorance, lustful desires and errors; he is unguided to means of uprightness; his heart, ears and eyes are all blocked from perceiving the truth, and Satan pushes him to commit sins. His preoccupation and concern is to satisfy his lust and whims, his deeds then become useless in this world and the next. His Lord does not love Him and tells that He is an enemy of the disbeliever.  Whoever does a good or bad deed, Allaah will make the sign his deed manifest on him, as the Prophet said: “Whenever Allaah hates a slave, He calls Jibreel and says, ‘O Jibreel! I, indeed, hate so-and-so therefore you must also hate him. Then Jibreel will hate him and proclaim to the inhabitants of the heaven that Allaah hates so-and-so, therefore they too should hate him, then the inhabitants of the heaven will hate him, and his hatred will then be spread among the inhabitants of the earth.” (Al-Bukhaaree & Muslim).

    Lifeless objects decry Kaafir disbelief and the Blessed Land will eject them in the End of Time. Stones and trees will say, “O Muslim! Here is a Kaafir!”

    When the Antichrist appears, Madinah will shake three times and the disbelievers will be expelled out of the Prophet’s city.

    Fellow Muslims! Remoteness from Allaah causes psychological pain. Sins make one’s heart depressed and deny one of the pleasures of faith. The Kaafir is the worst of Allaah’s creatures. He says: “They are the worst of creatures.” (Al-Bayyinah: 6). As for their numbers, they are the majority of the inhabitants of the earth. Allaah says: “But most of mankind believe not.” (Hood: 17).

    The Prophet said, ‘Allah said, “O Adam! Bring out the contingent of the hell-fire!” Adam said, “Who are the contingents of the hell-fire?” Allaah answered, “Of every thousand, nine hundred and ninety nine.” (Al-Bukhaaree) In another version, he says, “Of every hundred, ninety nine.”

    When a Kaafir dies, the whole of humanity are relieved. The Prophet said, “When a believer dies, he gets rest from the mercy of Allaah from the toils and harms of this world, but when one of the unbelievers dies, mankind, the trees and animals are relieved.” (Al-Bukhaaree).

    The Kaafir would wish to live for a thousand years but when the time of his death comes, he hates to die, and the angels smite his face and back to take his soul and when he is buried, his grave is narrowed so much that his ribs stick into one another. He will be beaten with an iron bar and he will make a cry so loud that all will hear it except man and the jinn. In a version of this Hadeeth, it was reported, “If that iron bar were struck against a rock, it would make it sand.” The Kaafir’s grave will be carpeted with fire and he will have a continuous torment. He will be resurrected for the reckoning with a blackened face. He will be dust-stained; covered with darkness and terrified. He will be raised up in front of all the creatures on his face. Anas bin Malik said, ‘I said, “O Messenger of Allaah! How will the Kaafir be raised up on his face?” He replied, “Is He Who made him, walk on his legs in the world not able to make him walk on his face on the Day of Resurrection?” (Al-Bukhaaree).

    He will be in chains on that day and the sinners will be chained together while they are thirsty, dumb, deaf, and blind. Their friends shall discuss them and shall also disown their friends. Their food shall be of Zaqqoom and their drink shall be of boiling scalding water. Another boiling water shall be poured over their heads and it will peel the skin off their bodies. While he will be burning in fire, his body will be magnified and his molar tooth will be greatly enlarged. The Prophet said, “A Kaafir’s molar (in the fire) will be as big as Mount Uhud and the thickness of his body will be as wide as the journey of three (days).” (Muslim).

    In another version of this hadeeth, he said, “…what is in-between the two shoulders of a kafir will be as far as the journey of three days for a fast rider. That is an exact recompense, and your Lord is not all unjust to His slaves. These are the characteristics of disbelievers and their well-deserved recompense.

    Fellow Muslims! The Prophet said, “Hasten to do good deeds against impending trials that are like parts of seriously darkened night, when a man will be a believer in the morning and become a Kaafir in the evening and will a believer in the evening and become a Kaafir in the morning, bartering his religion for an insignificant worldly material.” (Ahmad).

    Follow the path of the pious people and observe obligatory prayers in the mosques for whoever neglects it has joined a doomed group. The Prophet said, “The difference between us and them is Salaah. Whoever abandons it has disbelieved.” Allah says: “Not equal are the dwellers of the fire and the dwellers of Paradise. It is the dweller of Paradise that will be successful.” (Al-Hashr: 20).

    Dear Muslims! Emulating a people in their outward dispositions necessitates emulating them in their inner characters. Emulating the first generation of this ummah who are the Sahaabah and at-Taabi’een increases one in intellect, religiosity and good conduct while emulating the non-Muslims in their outward characteristics leads to emulating them in their conducts and ugly deeds. It also makes one love them. Therefore differ from idolaters and disbelievers in their behaviour and opinions and beware of taking them as friends. You should hate them, disown them and their religion and be proud of your religion. Strive for their guidance and call them to Islaam.

    Further, give much praise to your Lord for guiding you to the right path and ask for firmness in faith. Be truthful with Allaah, you will have your affair made easy for you and cast resentment and ill-will out of your heart and people will love you.

    Whoever wrote that crap must've had a serious drug problem.

    "Islam" should be reclassified as a cult, not a religion. And large parts of it are nothing but an organisation of terror and tyranny. Islamics should seriously consider whether they want to be part of a civilised world or a medieval hellhole+shithole. Sharia "law" nonsense and civilised norms and values are NOT compatible. Most of this nonsense should be prohibited outright.

    Last edited by Firebird on Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:06 pm; edited 1 time in total
    Abu Bakr al Bosni

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    Post  Abu Bakr al Bosni Tue Jul 07, 2015 12:53 pm

    This is a sermon coming from, a website dedicated to Islamic sermons.

    This one comes from Sheikh Abdul Muhsin al Qaasim from Medina

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    Post  Firebird Tue Jul 07, 2015 7:16 pm

    Abu Bakr al Bosni wrote:Shias say Sunnis are Muslims but this is taqiyyah - deception (Shia books themselves say that 90% of Shiism is taqiyyah). Shias kill Muslims in Iraq. Muslims in Iraq are now changing names from Omar, Khalid to Ali, Hasan, Hussein, Jafar, Abbas etc. out of fear.

    So it mentions Judiasm and Christianity but no mention of Buddists, or Maoists, or many of the other religions... or indeed those without religion...
    As per Sharia there are two categories of disbelievers:
    1. People of the book (Ahl al Kitab)
    2. Idolaters (mushrikeen)

    And there are 4 schools of Sharia (there was 5th too but it dos not exist today) - Hanafi, Hanbali, Maliki, Shafi'i (Wahhabism is a sub-branch of the Hanbali school).

    As per Hanafi school all disbelievers are ahl al kitab - so they can all live in Islamic lands if they pay jizyah which is actually lower than taxes paid by Muslims . As per other 3 schools only Jews and Christians are ahl al kitab... rest can't pay jizyah. If Muslim army enters their country, they must be given an option to convert to Islam or face the sword.

    What a load of absolute garbage. I'd put you on the first plane out of Sarajevo. Altho' frankly that WOULD be a waste of an airfare..

    Is-sham is just Nazism in the sand. Deserves the same response too.

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    Post  Regular Wed Jul 08, 2015 3:26 am

    Hell yeah, Islam is a cult. I agree!
    If You think about it Stalin had good plan how to deal with muslims. Relocate them far away to east as possible, enforce atheism on them.
    Generalissimo Alexander Suvorov, greatest general of all times didn't play games with muslims. When he took Izmail every muslim woman and child were cut down. Harsh times needed harsh actions. It was response to even bigger and regular massacres against Russian orthodox brothers, greeks and armenians.
    Imperial Russia were cleaning Balkans of this religious filth. If it wasn't for them countries like Bulgaria would be mostly muslim.
    Abu Bakr al Bosni

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    Post  Abu Bakr al Bosni Wed Jul 08, 2015 5:46 pm

    There is no Islam without Jihaad.

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    Post  Fred333 Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:14 pm

    Cult...religion, potatoes, potatoes (well it sounds different when you pronounce it).

    Actually this purist shit our friend here is uttering is a quite modern phenomenon and can be traced to the 18th century. The analogy to fascism is also spot on. Islam is a religion like any other, unfortunately dire conditions have stimulated certain extremist strains to come to the fore that have been marginalized in for example Judaism and Christianity. The Islam of the 7th century onwards was much more pragmatic and pluriform, the Ottomans for example relied a lot on Sufi dervishes to spread Islam in their conquered territories. The same Sufi that are probably abhorred by our friend who started this thread. Just out of curiosity Mr. Sarajevo, why here? On a Russian defense forum? What are you hoping to accomplish?
    Abu Bakr al Bosni

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    Post  Abu Bakr al Bosni Wed Jul 08, 2015 6:34 pm

    You are wrong. The Prophet (PBUH) waged Jihaad against the disbelievers and the Salaf (first three generations of Muslims) concluded that it's an obligation to wage Jihaad until the rule of Allah (SWT) is over the whole world and His Shari'ah rules every square nanometer of the universe.

    I came here to preach. I thought maybe I would convert. But now I see that your hearts are diseased.

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    Post  mack8 Wed Jul 08, 2015 10:47 pm

    It's not our hearts that are diseased, it's yours. Looks like your religion brainwashed you to live and breathe hate. You are so radicalized that you can't see the grotesqueness of what you believe in and what you try to enforce on others, but in this day and age, the age of technology and science, the 21st centuries, you are the diseased one, your mind is living 1000 years ago in the past. Like i said before, you don't see it, but is peoples like YOU that  one of the main diseases of this world today, it is by and because of peoples like YOU that the biggest tragedies of this century are happening (see what is happening in Middle East and other places too like Africa).

    And let me tell you something, both to you and any other religious nutjobs around here (islamic, christian, whatever). Religion appeared because of the man's fear of unknown and death. He invented it so that he could explain the at the time unexplained, and that he can lie himself that when he dies he will not completely just disappear into nothingness. I can understand that to a point as i'm afraid of death too. But hope and pray as you might, sorry but there is NOTHING after death. There are no heavens, no virgins, no grass fields, no angels, no hell either. When we die, that's it we just disappear. We're eaten by maggots and turned into compost. That's the reality, in a way frightening, i know, but that's how the universe works. Once you come to peace with this at least you will liberate your mind from the grotesque grip of religion that is harming this world, creating hate between and killing so many of it's people. And actually try to live your live peacefully without obsessively wanting to convert or kill other peoples for imaginary reasons and "orders" from this god or other. When you will be at peace with the reality of life and death and would have liberated yourselves from the shackles of primitive beliefs like religion, then the world can indeed be heading to being a better place for all. It will not solve ALL the problems, but it will be a big step forward. Dammit, we should build spaceships to go to Alpha Centaury, not kill each other like primitive animals in the name of imaginary gods.

    PS: you haven't answered yet, are you supporting ISIS or not?

    PPS: btw, there's another one of these islamist vegetables on keypubs (could be two actually, i think the one called Mountain would be another one) he goes by the name PLA-MKII. He openly admitted he supports ISIS (!), he calls them admiratively (!!) as "dreamers". Recently he also stated that he has been in Syria to offer "humanitarian" help. Yeah right, "humanitarian" my ass. Llikely the piece of sh*t might have killed innocent peoples as the ISIS rats do. Sheytan has been shooting the sucker down in flames, but as expected the mods there did absolutely nothing (!!!). Last year i got warned myself for telling him what i believe about the grotesque crap he's living by (!!!!). So keypubs are knowingly and voluntarily allowing an ISIS supporting rat and quite likely a murderer on that forum. Mind-boggling isn't it?

    Last edited by mack8 on Wed Jul 08, 2015 11:01 pm; edited 1 time in total

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