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    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1


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    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1 - Page 4 Empty Re: S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1

    Post  Viktor Fri Feb 18, 2011 12:30 pm

    IronsightSniper wrote:
    Viktor wrote:
    IronsightSniper wrote:IIRC, S-400 only does 40 km altitude as of now.

    I think that matters only for S-400 meant for export.

    They're already exporting them?


    Well you have S-400 competing for Turkish tender with Patriot and Arrow system so I think all available data about S-400 system

    publicly are about export variant only. About Russian version has being speculated much higher properties.

    I dont know how does it fit with S-500 system but versions of S-400 should have up to 185km attitude range according to one of

    chief engineer (Interwiev with him was published in few years ago).

    Lately news indicate that 185+km attitude range missile will be integrated with S-500 system but S-400 got 70-80 km attitude

    range missiles. Thats the way I understand all those confusing news about S-400 in recent years. ( Russian version only)

    Export one will of course come in downgraded and its attitude range will be 40-50km witch is still by 10-20 km higher than

    best S-300 system.

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    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1 - Page 4 Empty Re: S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:11 am

    The problem I see is that each system is compatible with the other so an S-400 system equipped with S-300 level missiles will be limited by the performance of those missiles.

    Equally if they brought out the new S-400 missile with a range of 400km this would mean that flies a lofted trajectory which could be of say 50-60km. It doesn't mean all the S-400 missiles can reach 400km targets, AFAIK the standard missiles can reach 240km targets.

    It is the same with the S-500... the first missiles might have a range of 400km but as they are intended for ABM use it is not horizontal range that is important here, it is target speed and to a much lesser extent altitude of interception.

    The ability to shoot down ICBM like targets is one thing. Being an endoatmospheric (inside the atmosphere) exoatmospheric (outside the atmosphere) interceptor is something else.

    Considering the altitude limitations I would suspect the S-400 and S-500 models they are talking about are endoatmospheric, which would be a logical result of the S-500 being based on the S-400 design.

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    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1 - Page 4 Empty Re: S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1

    Post  IronsightSniper Sat Feb 19, 2011 4:39 am

    Wasn't there a thread somewhere here discussing Russia's future 5 tier Air Defense system?

    If I recall, one of those tiers included Space.

    I assumed then they were referring to a S-500 Surface-to-Space interceptor?

    But these recent developments may mean that a S-500 with mod 2 or 3 missiles would be the case.

    Unless of course this Space defense system is entirely something else.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 19, 2011 6:46 am

    Good point, I think I remember reading about the forming of a new branch of the Russian military that combined the former PVO which had its own planes designed for it like the Su-9, Su-11, Su-15, and Tu-128 Fiddler and of course the Mig-25 and Mig-31, as well as SAMs like the SA-1, SA-2, SA-3, etc etc through to S-300 and S-400, with the Strategic Rocket forces branch that deals with early warning and monitoring space debris and looking for incoming enemy threats.

    It was all very confusing as they didn't have an air force as such, they had Frontal Aviation (FA) whose focus was strike and CAS type missions plus air control over the Russian Army, Long Range Aviation(DA) which was strategic bombers plus tanker aircraft, Military Transport Aviaion (MTA) which was all the transport aircraft, Air defence Forces (PVO) which were interceptors and SAM networks and Radar installations that basically managed Soviet/Russian Airspace, and the fifth component of the Soviet Air Force was Naval Aviation which included Su-24 and Su-17 strike aircraft and Tu-22M3 heavy strike aircraft.

    I remember in the 1990s they combined the PVO with "the air force", and Army Aviation which I believe included Hinds and Su-25s came under AF control too.

    I guess this means that the PVO and its assets are now going to be combined with the strategic early warning component of the Strategic missile forces as an air and space control.

    I was under the impression that the S-500 would have similar performance to the Moscow ABM system and numbers given were something like 200km altitude and 600km range... which would make it endoatmospheric and exoatmospheric.
    ... a very potent system if it is mobile.

    Perhaps because they decided to base the S-500 on the S-400 we may have to wait for the S-600 before we get a missile that can intercept targets outside the atmosphere.

    Regarding target speed... the S-400 is already credited with a target intercept speed of 4.8km/s so I would expect better for S-500. According to Wiki an ICBM speed is between 6-7km/s so to be an effective ABM system it would need to be able to intercept targets travelling at 7km/s.

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    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1 - Page 4 Empty Re: S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1

    Post  Austin Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:27 am

    GarryB wrote:"This system will be able to defend territories at heights of up to 50 kilometers," he added.

    Actually Ivan did not put a number to the altitude , he or some senior defence official just mentioned near space , the reporter thought that near space is 50 Km and in russian version of news they added near space with a bracket 50 km and the english version just removed the bracked and added 50 Km ,its rian and some journalistic figure, expect that figure hence forth to be faithfully printed by all magazine Laughing

    Let get the fact right

    S-500 range and all figures have not been officially put up , I tried to ask S-500 at AeroIndia in Antey-Almaz stall they simply denied it exist Smile

    S-500 is a mobile ABM system which can defeat target travelling at 7 km per sec , its a new missile and new system from scratch has nothing to do with S-400. Actual performance figures are unknown.

    S-400/Triumf is an anti-IRBM system which can defeat target travelling at 4.5 m/sec or missile corresponding to range of 3,500 km , range is 250 Km and height is 40 Km

    There is a Trumftor-M project with the new long range 40N6 missile with a range of 400 Km and a height of 165Km , but the actual figure of 40N6 performance is not officially reveled , they were under state testing till late last year is what is known.

    Here is what i collected from Almaz-Antey stall at aeroindia

    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1 - Page 4 Img_0510

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    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1 - Page 4 Empty Re: S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1

    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 19, 2011 8:59 am

    Thanks for the clarification Austin... unfortunately we hear lots of different things from different places, and what you have said in the above post conforms to what I was thinking/hoping.

    Various snippets are reported that skew this information like it was said that S-500 is a brand new from scratch weapon (note a smart impact warhead that is a fraction of the 150kgs of the S-400 makes a much smaller missile possible... especially if you design it from scratch and make it a two stage weapon which makes things much easier)... and then there was a report that to speed things up it was now going to be based on the S-400 and based with S-400 units... which I thought made a bit of sense in that it would mean better radars for the S-400/S-500 units and it would offer integrate protection for the S-400 from ballistic missiles of very long range while at the same time offering cruise missile and aircraft protection for the S-500 too. (note not all S-400 batteries need S-500 but all S-500 would need some sort of additional protection like S-400 and Pantsir...).

    All in all I prefer S-500 developed from scratch but able to operate with S-400 rather than based on S-400 and being like just another new missile for it that can reach higher and further.

    Note at the bottom of the poster there are the four missiles of the Club series... the first two from left to right is the round nosed subsonic all the way 300km range cruise missile and then the pointed nose 280km subsonic most of the way and mach 3 for the last 20-30km anti ship missile, and the remaining two weapons are ship and sub launched supersonic ballistic rockets with ranges of 40-50km that deliver torpedoes very quickly to a threat area a bit like SUBROC and ASROC.
    The surface ship launched torpedo equipped missile and the two cruise missiles can be fitted to the USUK vertical launch systems for new Russian ships... in addition to Kh-102 and Kh-101 cruise missiles and the Brahmos, Yakhont, Oniks missiles.

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    Post  Austin Sat Feb 19, 2011 10:47 am

    Check the S-400 trial video held few days back

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    Post  Austin Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:31 am

    You will find some info on S-500 systems capability in this interview of V Popovkin , check out the S-500 part

    RG: In space, too, would be nice to have such a barrier. He will provide the S-500?

    Popovkin: This is the most important weapons - missiles. Because ninety percent of the pledged in the C-400 there will be - on technology, command centers, all other things. It is still, in my opinion, 25-30 years will be modern. But a new, more "vigorous" rocket do need to be able to contend not only with the tactical, operational and tactical, strategic missiles, but also hit warheads flying at a speed of 7 kilometers per second.

    The 7 km/s speed corresponding to reentry speed of ICBM missile.

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    Post  GarryB Sat Feb 19, 2011 12:00 pm

    This video shows the vertically launched Strizh, which is in actual fact a decomissioned SA-1. They made hundreds of thousands of these missiles and have been using them since the early 1970s as target missiles simply because they are available in enormous numbers. I have read that they had used over 13,000 SA-1 missiles as targets up to about the early 1990s so they have probably used a lot more since then.

    Regarding the Popovkin comment it sounds like he is saying that the S-400 "system" is already good enough to intercept anything... it is the missiles that prevent the interception of 7km/s targets.

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    Post  medo Sat Feb 19, 2011 2:21 pm

    In my opinion S-500 will not be much different from outside from S-400 and have some components and missiles from S-400 as S-400 have from S-300. The main difference will be in additional radars and missiles. I don't know how old are Gorgoyle and Gazelle ABM missiles, but for sure S-500 will have to replace them in ABM defense. In configuration like S-400, S-500 will be mobile and at the same time it could engage usual flying targets, ICBM warheads and satellites in lower orbits, because the unit will have all complete of radars and CPs and all type of missiles on its launchers, crews will only select which target they will engage with which missile.

    Another polk of S-400 will be equipped in Russian Far East, S-300 "Favorit" from units around Moscow, which got S-400, will be based around Sankt-Petersburg.

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    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1 - Page 4 Empty Re: S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1

    Post  Austin Sat Feb 19, 2011 5:07 pm

    GarryB wrote:Regarding the Popovkin comment it sounds like he is saying that the S-400 "system" is already good enough to intercept anything... it is the missiles that prevent the interception of 7km/s targets.

    Well he is responding to question on why S-500 is needed , he says 90 % of technology for Command center etc will be common , S-500 will introduce two key new technology one is a brand new AESA Radar called MARS with a range of 1500-3000 km and a new interceptor missile , while it will be tightly integrated with C&C system developed for S-400.

    In a way S-500 will break the iterative development based on incremental update that S-300 and its advanced derivative and S-400 has introduced.

    I would broadly summarise the current/future Russian SAM/ABM as follows based on what I have been reading and following closely.

    S-300PMU2/3 --> mobile anti-Aerodynamic/anti-cruise/ anti-SRBM/MRBM ( for missile corresponding to a range of max 1000 - 1200 km )
    Anteny-2500/Advanced A-2500 ---->mobile battlefield/area anti-Aerodynamic/anti-cruise/ anti-MRBM/IRBM ( for missile corresponding to a range of max 1500 - 2500 km )
    S-400 Triumf/Triumftor-M ----->mobile area anti-Aerodynamic/anti-hypersonic cruise missile / anti-advanced IRBM ( for missile corresponding to a max range 2500 - 3500 km )
    S-500 -----> mobile area anti-ICBM/Anti-Satellite with missile corresponding to the entire envelop ICBM which for any icbm is 7/7.1 km/sec)

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    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1 - Page 4 Empty Re: S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1

    Post  Andy_Wiz Sat Feb 19, 2011 11:58 pm

    Ok i will try to coin in my two cents.

    First of all they sacked the chairman of A-A last month and i think for a reason...

    Second of all IronsightSniper and Austin are right that S-500 has exoatmospheric capability as its High tier system. Somebody totally made up that 50km max altitude figure Twisted Evil But 2014 is not that far away why so much rush, is it going to be another empty promise?

    The history with 9m96 is really strange. Looks like the South Korean derivative (forgot the name) is succesfully being fielded.

    According to my info it may require another 2 to 3 years to become operational.

    Unfortunately it all blends with overall A-A situation(especially its outdated production facilities)makes you wonder how Koreans could put it into service before the Russian ?

    Sadly the 40N6(Long Hand) status may also suffer from these shortcomings...

    There were missile designations 9m98, 9m99 in reports for S-400 but they were never commented upon, and its existence wasn't confirmed.

    Meanwhile A-A is doing a modernisation of A-135 Moscow ABM replacing everything with modern digital coms,computers,revamped Don-2N radar etc.. Missiles stay the same. The new build(upgraded) short range 53t6 abm's along with completely new ABm's are planned.. I think they have a contract up to 2015 to develop some of this stuff... The codename of the upgraded system is "Samolet-M"

    There is a good summary about it on website.

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    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1 - Page 4 Empty Re: S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1

    Post  GarryB Sun Feb 20, 2011 2:55 am

    In my opinion S-500 will not be much different from outside from S-400
    and have some components and missiles from S-400 as S-400 have from
    S-300. The main difference will be in additional radars and missiles.

    If they are going to base the S-500 on a missile then I would prefer it to be based on the large missile of the S-300V type that was two stage and with the capability of engaging targets both inside and outside the atmosphere.

    I want something that is big enough to reach low earth orbit satellites... Twisted Evil

    Such a mobile system would be very useful and a naval version would also be useful too.

    I don't know how old are Gorgoyle and Gazelle ABM missiles, but for sure S-500 will have to replace them in ABM defense.

    AFAIK they are constantly maintained and tested most years... and according to Andy below they are getting a new upgrade.

    one is a brand new AESA Radar called MARS with a range of 1500-3000 km and a new interceptor missile

    WOW Shocked ... COOL Cool

    I would broadly summarise the current/future Russian SAM/ABM as follows based on what I have been reading and following closely.... {snip}

    Nice... now all they have to do is get production of S-400 above one system every 2-3 years and start S-500 production.

    I suspect that AESA radar will require a lot of technical skill and TR module production capacity... hope they can get together with makers of AESA radars in aircraft and ships etc to pool their resources.

    First of all they sacked the chairman of A-A last month and i think for a reason...

    Would that reason be the slow production rate? Or the money being thrown at them ending in the wrong pockets?
    Is there money being thrown at them?

    But 2014 is not that far away why so much rush, is it going to be another empty promise?

    Time frames often seem rather optimistic for new weapons. Most weapon systems will remain in service for decades so getting it right at the start doesn't seem to be a big deal anymore... I blame software companies that release software before it is fully tested and just use patches and updates to fix the problems as the customers find them... I am looking at you Microsoft...

    Unfortunately it all blends with overall A-A situation(especially its
    outdated production facilities)makes you wonder how Koreans could put it
    into service before the Russian ?

    The South Korean program was probably fully funded and included new production facilities for the systems.
    Money clearly needs to be spent on production facilities in Russia... not just better but also more.
    The SKs also have a mature and capable electronics industry ready to make components and deliver them.

    Meanwhile A-A is doing a modernisation of A-135 Moscow ABM replacing
    everything with modern digital coms,computers,revamped Don-2N radar
    etc.. Missiles stay the same.

    I suspect the electronics and comms and computers were probably the limiting feature of the system and a full upgrade will likely make the missiles much more capable.

    There has been talk that 2011-2013 will be the period when stuff starts entering service in numbers so I hope that is true.

    Sadly the 40N6(Long Hand) status may also suffer from these shortcomings...

    Or it could be like the Kh-101/102 where once it was tested they stopped mentioning it except with oblique references to 5,000km range cruise missiles for armament on new Subs and Ships... I doubt they will export the S-400 system very soon, and I think even when they do there will be a lot of components not for export then either that likely include the 40N6 missile.

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    S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1 - Page 4 Empty Re: S-300/400/500 News [Russian Strategic Air Defense] #1

    Post  Austin Mon Apr 04, 2011 4:40 pm

    Military Parade, No. 1, 2011


    Author: Alexander Lukashov

    Alexander Lukashov, Military Parade editor

    Readers of the Military Parade magazine have been familiar with the S-400 Triumph surface-to-air missile (SAM) system since last century. Military Parade wrote about factory tests of the S-400 SAM system at the Kapustin Yar range field as far back as February 1999. Much time has passed since then. The Triumph SAM system was fielded under a governmental decree in April 2007, the first mass-produced system was manufactured and put on combat duty outside a town of Elektrostal, Moscow Region, on August 6, 2007.

    In February 2011 the Kapustin Yar range field hosted launches of another regiment of S-400 Triumph SAM systems. The main feature of the exercise consisted in the fact that the Almaz-Antey Design Bureau, manufacturer of the S-400 system, had delivered two whole battalions, rather than separate SAM systems to its customer, the Operational-Strategic Aerospace Defence Command. It is crucial for practicing regiment-size teamwork, since successful engagement of a target is the result of joint efforts of the entire combat crew.

    A SAM regiment, equipped with new S-400 SAM systems, will be put on combat duty in Dmitrov this March, thus, reinforcing Moscow's air defence. It will be the second regiment, armed with S-400s, to be deployed outside Moscow. Commander of the Operational-Strategic Aerospace Defence Command Lieutenant General Valery Ivanov pointed out: "It takes at least three to four regiments, equipped with S-400 SAM systems, to ensure effective air defence of Moscow. Such a capability will be available in 2016-2020."

    It is worth mentioning that the S-400 Triumph SAM system, developed and produced by the Almaz-Antey Air Defence Consortium, is designed for highly efficient defence of crucial political, administrative, economic, and military installations against air attacks, as well as strategic, cruise, theatre ballistic, and medium-range ballistic missile strikes in adverse combat and electronic countermea-sures (ECM) environments.

    The system is based on cutting-edge scientific achievements, advanced components, and state-of-the-art technologies. All combat functions, including target detection, tracking, distribution among SAM systems, lock-on, tracking, identification; missile type selection; launch preparations; missile launch, lock-on, and guidance; and damage assessment, are automated. The system is capable of simultaneously tracking up to 300 targets, guiding up to 72 missiles, and engaging up to 36 targets.

    The S-400 can destroy aerodynamic targets at a range of up to 400 km, and at a height of up to 60 km it is capable of killing cruise missiles, tactical and strategic aircraft (including stealth ones), and ballistic missiles flying at a speed of up to 4.8 km/sec. The minimum/maximum flight altitude of an engaged aerodynamic target equals 0.01/27 km. Such targets can be detected at a range of up to 600 km.

    As compared with previous-generation SAM systems, the Triumph boasts significantly greater combat capabilities and is more than twice as effective. It is the only system, capable of launching more than four types of missiles, featuring different launch weights and ranges, therefore, establishing layered air defence.

    All S-400 assets are based on wheeled cross-country chassis and can be transported by railway, sea, and air.

    According to many experts, the S-400 is the world's best SAM system. The Triumph is superior to the top-notch Western US-made Patriot missile system in many ways. For instance, the Russian system can engage low-level targets at an altitude of 10 m plus, while the US one - at an altitude of 60 m and higher. On the modern battlefield, stakes in breaching air defences are placed on low-level attacks.

    Vertically launched missiles enable the S-400 to engage incoming targets, approaching from any direction, without having to turn its launchers. The Patriot missile system, which, on the other hand, launches its missile at a pre-set angle, is forced to either turn its launchers or deploy them on missile-dangerous approaches in advance, which inevitably affects its firepower potential.

    The deployment time from the travelling position into the combat one is also a crucial factor. While it takes the Russian system less than five minutes to deploy, the US SAM system needs about half an hour.

    The deployment geography of the cutting-edge system expands - the Aerospace Defence Command intends to field Triumph SAM systems with a SAM regiment, based in the Russian Far East (it will be the third regiment equipped with S-400s). The top-notch SAM system will replace obsolete pieces of materiel. S-400 surface-to-air missile systems, deployed in the Russian Far East, will facilitate a more efficient defence of Pacific Fleet installations, including nuclear-powered ballistic missile submarine (SSBN) bases. This decision is not related to the plans to build up forces in the Kuril Islands or the threat, posed by the North Korean nuclear programme. Deployment of S-400s systems in the Russian Far East is just one of the steps, aimed at boosting capabilities of the regional air and missile defence.

    S-400 SAM systems are expected to become the basis for a system, capable of ensuring the required level of securing in the course of the Olympic Games in Sochi in 2014.

    Russian arms designers continue making headway. Development of the advanced S-500 SAM system, announced in 2009, is under way. At the present time it is only known that the new-generation system will be smaller and more manoeuvrable than the Triumph, and will be fitted with a state-of-the-art X-band phased array radar. Among other things, the new system is expected to perform space defence missions at an altitude of 40 to 50 km. Its development is planned to be completed in 2013, while in 2014 mass-produced S-500 systems are expected to start entering the inventory. Given the trend to deploy weapon systems in space, it will be of paramount importance to Russia's defence capacity.

    Re-equipment of the Russian Armed Forces with S-400 SAM systems and development of the S-500 system are the response to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev's order that a new combat arm, the Aerospace Defence Forces, be established. In this light air and missile defence systems are to be integrated and put under a single Strategic Command by 1 December, 2011. A combination of the S-400 and the S-500 is a serious factor in building a joint European missile defence system.

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    Post  Austin Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:36 am

    As per its designer the new missile of S-400 can target in near space.

    C-400 can destroy targets in near space, the designers promise

    Sofrino (Moscow Region), April 8 - RIA Novosti. anti-aircraft missile system S-400 will soon engage targets in near space, told reporters Friday in Sofrino deputy director of the Design Bureau "Almaz-Antey" Yuri Soloviev.

    "In the near future will be taken into service a new long-range missile for the S-400, which will operate in near space" - said Solovyov.

    According to him, now carried the state tests new long-range missiles."These tests are now successful," - he said.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 08, 2011 11:57 am

    I think there is a bit of assumption there.
    The designer didn't say the missile can engage targets in near space, he said they will operate in near space.

    This is the long range 400km missile... just getting out a map myself that means an S-400 battery operating outside my house could hit targets covering 3/4ths of the entire South Island of New Zealand. In fact optimally basing the missile near Waimate a single battery could engage targets from the bottom of Stewart Island up to about Westport. Put another system in Fielding and one near Auckland and all of New Zealand would be covered by three batteries... and we have more land area than say the UK.

    I rather suspect that with that sort of range the missile spends most of its time just falling on a ballistic path after being propelled in the general direction.
    The question is can it engage targets at very high altitudes at shorter ranges.

    Certainly the S-500 is supposed to.

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    Post  Austin Fri Apr 08, 2011 12:04 pm

    I think what he means by operate is "engage" , the translation cannot do justice.

    Near Space would be any thing less than 100 km , so we need to see what is the max effective altitude the 40N6 big missile can engage , Interesting times ahead.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 08, 2011 2:02 pm

    Wiki describes near space as being between 20km and 100km, but then that would mean that a Mig-25M can fly well into near space with its altitude record of 37,650m or 123,523ft.

    I have read about flights in Mig-25s where the sky gets dark and you can see the curvature of the Earth.

    It will be interesting to see official figures for max effective ceiling against various targets.

    It is of course likely that different targets can be engaged at different altitudes... the steep trajectories of ballistic targets for example limits the horizontal range of the S-300V system to 40km for ballistic targets.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:21 pm

    Russia to develop S-500 air defense system by 2016 - designer

    Russia's Almaz-Antei design bureau is planning to complete the
    development of the advanced S-500 air defense system by 2015-2016, the
    company's deputy general director Yury Solovyev said Friday.
    The S-500, a long-range missile system, is expected to become the
    backbone of a unified aerospace defense system being formed in Russia.
    "Our design bureau is working to complete the development of the S-500 system by 2015-2016," Solovyev said.
    He said the designers were facing a number of problems, including a lack of reliable and efficient electronic components.
    "But we will be able to resolve them," the official said.
    The S-500 is expected to have an extended range of up to 600 km (over 370 miles) and simultaneously engage up to 10 targets.
    Russia's Defense Ministry has demanded that the system must be
    capable of intercepting ballistic missiles and hypersonic cruise
    SOFRINO (Moscow region), April 8 (RIA Novosti)
    Over 600km range...Hopefully they will start investing in electronics... it is a very important area that effects so many other high tech products.

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    Post  Austin Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:30 pm

    A bit older but interesting news on their official website

    Moscow. 27 The regiment, consisting of two battalions of antiaircraft missile system (ZRS) C-400 will be adopted for the Air Forces of Russia in 2005, told Interfax-AVN, Acting Chief of the Air Force, Colonel-General Anatoly Nogovitsyn.

    "In accordance with the state defense order, this year's planned adoption of the adopted one regiment-400. It will be located in the Moscow region", - said A. Nogovitsyn.

    "Polk the first pilot, in his battle of the two divisions," - he said.

    "C-400 is able to effectively destroy both existing, and to create ballistic missiles, small and medium-range missiles that will threaten the territory of the Russian Federation", - the general said, noting that the WLU "works great and ballistic targets, and an aerodynamic" .

    According to A. Nogovitsyn, developed by Concern PVO Almaz-Antey S-400 - "a completely new system, when creating which has been applied a new approach - the principle of modularity. He explained that having a basic version of 4 types of missiles, C-400 has great potential for further modernization. In particular, the launcher of the new WLU unified under the standard of existing missiles old park, which are in service with S-300 systems."In the same volume and the overall weight and dimensions data we" fit in "all subsequent modules used rockets", - emphasized A. Nogovitsyn.

    Due to the high degree of unification of the park one missile system S-400 will increase to six. S-400 missiles can destroy targets in near space - at altitudes up to 185 km, at a distance of 400-450 km, the general said, noting that WLU is capable to work on maritime and ground targets. "It is a new complex, noise-free, with high accuracy characteristics, including the possibility of targeting the aviation component," - he stressed.

    "So, AAMS is a unified, no analogues in the world", - A. Nogovitsyn.

    Now there are gosipytaniya system. With a full set of S-400 missiles will be adopted, tentatively, by 2008," - said A. Nogovitsyn.


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    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:46 pm

    185km altitude would be impressive.

    That is even better than THAADs performance.

    The problem I have with that of course is that if it can achieve such performance then there would be little need for S-500.

    Of course I suppose S-500 would be designed to deal with faster targets and might even have some capability against LEO satellites...

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    Post  Austin Fri Apr 08, 2011 3:57 pm

    GarryB wrote:The problem I have with that of course is that if it can achieve such performance then there would be little need for S-500.

    Of course I suppose S-500 would be designed to deal with faster targets and might even have some capability against LEO satellites...

    S-400 has a limitation of being able to intercept a target corresponding to a speed of 4.8 km/sec which roughly corresponds to BM with a range of 3,500 km and ofcourse any other targets like cruise missile or Boost Glide Vehical that travels below that speed.

    S-500 will be capable of intercepting a target corresponding to a speed of 7.2 km/sec or a ICBM target ,the S-500 missile has to be more energetic ,have equal or higher altitude of interception or a different warhead most likely a kill vehical and ofcourse an AESA which can provide long rage tracking and firecontrol function.

    So S-500 and S-400 are designed to do different task.

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    Post  GarryB Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:51 pm

    The US and Israel are going to Sht themselves every time the Russian export agency mentions new contracts for this system.

    It is optimised for very low flying to very high flying aerodynamic targets and sub strategic ballistic targets and with S-500 missiles and sensors/command modules attached targets outside the atmosphere and strategic ballistic targets too.

    Imagine a Kirov vessel with 500 launch bins for these.... Twisted Evil and another 500 launch bins for Kh-101 and Kh-102 and Brahmos and Club....

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    Post  Austin Fri Apr 08, 2011 4:57 pm

    I dont think S-400 will be exported soon and very doubtful the BIG Missile will be exported any sooner not atleast in a decade since they have huge potential internal order from Russian armed forces.

    The US and Israel crib about even the older system like S-300 getting exported , Israel goes one step further , it would even crib if russia were to export bananas to its hostile country and both would call it "highly destabalising" Laughing

    Last edited by Austin on Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:08 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    Post  Austin Fri Apr 08, 2011 5:01 pm

    In my recent visit to Aero India in Feb at Almaz-Antey stall , the S-400 system information was published at missile with 200 km range and any information other then what was published was refuted by Almaz-Antey folks and in their view the 40N6 Missile was just my imagination :-)

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