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    I'm looking for some historical information


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    I'm looking for some historical information Empty I'm looking for some historical information

    Post  ofczarek Wed May 20, 2015 11:06 am

    Hi everyone,
    First of all, i'm sorry for writing in english, but my russian language is so bad;)
    I'm looking for some information about my ancestor who was serving in imperial russian army in the beginning of 20th century. I don;t know for sure what kind of troop he was, but i present a picture. It is kind of modificated stuff, but i believe that the colours are correct.

    I presume that it could be the Egerski Guards Regiment.
    My next question is how to get some precise information about my grandfather? Maybe someone could help me?
    I know, that he was born in 1888 r. and lived in Poland small village Taciewo (near Suwałki). His name was Józef Szypulski (vel Sipulski, sometimes it was being written this way). I have no more informations. I don't know where he was serving and how long, but i really want to.
    I will be gratefull for any kind of help.

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    I'm looking for some historical information Empty Re: I'm looking for some historical information

    Post  Bolt Wed May 20, 2015 8:38 pm


    I've posted your photo to Russian military history forum (, they suggest your ancestor could serve at Volhynian Guard Regiment.

    Uniform matches, at least:

    I'm looking for some historical information 4809335451_f7730c7c55_o

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    I'm looking for some historical information Empty Re: I'm looking for some historical information

    Post  ofczarek Wed May 20, 2015 11:14 pm

    Thanks for answer! But what about unit badge? It seems to be like the one from egerskij regiment. What is more egerskij regiment was located closer to the place where my ancestor lived. I don't have much knowledge but i think that recruits were being taken rather to the closer locations, weren't they?

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    I'm looking for some historical information Empty Re: I'm looking for some historical information

    Post  Bolt Thu May 21, 2015 10:19 pm

    To be honest, I can't really comment on this topic as I am very fat from expert on uniforms, especially not modern ones.
    I could only help by translating.

    Here's what was said:

    "Guard infantry, if Suwalki, then probably "cloth guard" - 3rd divisions, just before WW1. And if the coloration is correct, then Guard Jager regiment"
    "on second thought, he was probably in Volhynian Guard regiment. "Cloth guard".

    By the way, if I understand this correctly, Jager regiment was located in Saint Petersburg, while Volhynian regiment was located in Warsaw?

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    I'm looking for some historical information Empty Re: I'm looking for some historical information

    Post  ofczarek Thu May 21, 2015 10:48 pm

    Petersburg matches better because i know that Joseph said that he once had an ability to talk with one if the daughters of the last Tzar. In warsaw i believe that would be impossible. Did they say something about possibility of finding some information or documents? I eould like to get knowledge of rank and years of service for example.

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    I'm looking for some historical information Empty Re: I'm looking for some historical information

    Post  Khepesh Fri May 22, 2015 8:31 pm

    Egersky definately at Saint Petersburg in the period before the war, and Volynsky at Warsaw, and I have a book with photos of them there. On the uniforms it is very difficult to tell as apart from regiments like Pavlovsky with distinctive grenadier mitre cap, in black and white photos all the Guards infantry regiments look very similar in that late 19th - early 20th century period and the main way to tell the difference was the color of their caps.

    Last edited by Khepesh on Fri May 22, 2015 8:39 pm; edited 1 time in total

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    I'm looking for some historical information Empty Re: I'm looking for some historical information

    Post  ofczarek Fri May 22, 2015 8:36 pm

    It seems so.. Maybe somebody knows a page or archive where are lists of recruits sorted by names or regions?

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    I'm looking for some historical information Empty Re: I'm looking for some historical information

    Post  Khepesh Fri May 22, 2015 8:53 pm

    ofczarek wrote:It seems so.. Maybe somebody knows a page or archive where are lists of recruits sorted by names or regions?
    That would be difficult to find I think. On your relative saying he was able to talk to a daughter of Tsar, then this is possible as while the regiment was at Warsaw before the war, they later moved to Saint Petersburg before the February/March revolution. Volynsky regiment essentially began the mutiny on 27 February and it spread from them to Preobrazhensky and then the other guard regiments.

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    I'm looking for some historical information Empty Re: I'm looking for some historical information

    Post  ofczarek Sun May 24, 2015 3:50 pm

    So your point of view is that was the volynski regiment?

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    I'm looking for some historical information Empty Re: I'm looking for some historical information

    Post  ofczarek Tue May 26, 2015 2:00 pm

    Maybe there is in Russia kind of archival institute where i can find what i'm looking for? By mail or traditional letter..

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