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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14


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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  whir Tue May 26, 2015 7:04 pm

    Flagship Victory wrote:Why does OSCE always put DPR and LPR in quotation marks?
    Because typing "self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic" can be tiresome and to symbolically avoid recognising them.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Werewolf Tue May 26, 2015 7:06 pm

    Regular wrote:
    Flagship Victory wrote:Personally, I'm a sniper guy rather than an artillery guy. Dragunov / PKM can drop a man from 800 meters away.  ASVK / Kord can drop a man from over a kilometer away. Shooting rather than shelling will reduce civilian casualties to a minimum.


    Personally, I'm tank rather sniper guy. T-72 can drop a man from 1800 meters away. T-14 can drop a man from 5 km away. Shooting tank rather sniper shooting will increase die on enemy position.

    A T-72 can drop a sniper team from 7km with programmable HE-Frag shells.
    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Flagship Victory Tue May 26, 2015 7:14 pm

    whir wrote:
    Flagship Victory wrote:Why does OSCE always put DPR and LPR in quotation marks?
    Because typing "self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic" can be tiresome and to symbolically avoid recognising them.

    Does OSCE also put Kosovo in quotation marks? That unrecognized rebel territory of Serbia? confused

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  whir Tue May 26, 2015 7:17 pm

    Flagship Victory wrote:Does OSCE also put Kosovo in quotation marks?

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  PapaDragon Tue May 26, 2015 7:35 pm

    Flagship Victory wrote:...........................................

    The hyper inflation in Ukraine is largely caused by too much money injection by IMF and the EU. When conquistadors brought huge amounts of gold to Spain in the 1500s and 1600s, Spain experienced hyper inflation. Likewise, Germany and Japan both experienced hyper inflation post WW2. Hyper inflation in itself is not a bad thing. Over time, salaries will rise to match prices of goods and services. China has also experienced hyper inflation over the past few decades, with prices and salaries being over 10 times what they used to be about 25 years ago.

    lol1 lol! Laughing

    You obviously never experienced hyperinflation...
    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Flagship Victory Tue May 26, 2015 7:38 pm

    Flagship Victory wrote:lol1 lol!  Laughing

    You obviously never experienced hyperinflation...

    Ask yourself this. How much is Steffi Graf's earning? Very little compared to today's standards. And that was only 20 years ago. Shocked

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  whir Tue May 26, 2015 8:00 pm

    LifeNews via Google Translate wrote:Неонацистка, обвиняемая в убийстве Бузины, перегрызла себе вены
    Neonatsistka accused of murdering elder, he gnawed his veins
    19:14 May 26, 2015

    This was announced on air of Ukrainian television lawyer Vita Zaveruhi.

    Lawyer detained neonatsistki and volunteer battalion "Aydar" Vita Zaveruhi which may be involved in the murder of ex-employees of "Berkut" and journalist Olesya Elderberry , said Ukrainian media that his client in prison gnawed his veins.

    Defender Zaveruhi Victor Smal said that today considered the appeal on the decision of the Dnipro district court of taking her into custody. He said that his client had been tortured in detention, with the result that the incident occurred.

    - It was closed in the office with these law enforcement officers that it actually was tortured, and it gnawed his veins - said the lawyer.

    The network of journalists expressed the opinion that this action is suspected of killing Olesya Elderberry nothing else, as a protest against the detention.

    According to media reports, Vita Zaveruhu detained with a group of nationalists, May 7, 2015 in Kiev. Young people suspected of the murder of two former employees of "Berkut" in the night of May 4. As told by some publications, later Zaveruhu - Volunteer Battalion "Aydar" - accused of attempted murder of the journalist Oles Elderberry and deputy Oleg Kalashnikov.

    But then Interior Minister hastened to disown the suspicions of the press and said that Vita Zaveruha and her team are not related to the murder of Elderberry. Arsen Avakov said that between the shooting of police officers in Kiev and murder Elderberry and Kalashnikov is no connection.

    According to community members, detainees young people used brutal torture and beatings. According to Ukrainian media, the power of young radicals were forced to admit their guilt in their alleged crimes.

    Vita Zaveruha - Ukrainian identity known . She did not just burst into the offices of Russian companies, blaming the people working there, in cooperation with Russia, where "there is a war." According to Ukrainian media, Zaveruha she entered a "Aydar" has no relation to the events in the House of Trade Unions in Odessa, May 2, 2014 and calls for the genocide of the Russian-speaking population. Continue reading.

    Информационные Войска wrote:Delivery of the battle flag of the battalion "Diesel"

    News-Front wrote:Doctors LC Army soldiers carried the wounded from the battlefield

    Another day permiriya consequences shelling Slavyanoserbsk

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Vann7 Tue May 26, 2015 9:52 pm

    Why is Kharkov silent?

    Is interesting that in that interview to Kharkov residents.. they say basically that yeah they dont like much the government but they tolerate it.. and the only thing they are worried is to be sent to fight to the frontline.. and NOTHING ELSE.. they not worried at civilians being killed everyday in their own nation.  So they will basically do nothing for their nation to kick facism from their country.. and when the economy collapse completely in Ukraine.. what they will do?
    he told that then after that.. they will Wait for Donetsk and Lugansk to liberate them..  No

    So they want others to do everything for them.. Yakunovych received more than half of the votes of the entire nation ,and if all those people rebelled against kiev.. the war will end..

    So this is the kind of Imbeciles that allows their country to be destroyed and do nothing...

    You can understand that Odessa to dot rebel and take arms.. since Russia will have no way to support them.. but nations at the border of Russia have no fucking excuse to continue living
    Like business as usual..while their  Ukrainians in Donetsk and Lugansk are being systematically
    killed ,including women and children every day.

    The resident of kharkov,in the interview by phone told that most his friends are quite good with the way things are.. .  Probably because in Pro Russian Zones ,people are kept busy with a job ,building tanks to kill their own brothers in Donetsk and Lugansk..

    THis is why Russia strategy needs to accelerate the total  collapse of Ukraine economy.
    Because as long as Ukrainian parasites receive a salary ,they will continue tolerating their
    Government..  Crash their country economy to ZERO.. and only Ukrainians start to feel hungry
    and starving and have no food their families is when the bastards will rebel against the government.. and will do Something about..  If all cities go a protest against Kiev and paralize all the country.. it will be very difficult for the Military operation to continue with so many insurgency attacking them from behind.. having a major Rebelion in every city is the way to
    end the conflict.. but this rebelions needs to be lead by anti Maidan nationalist..

    Russia cannot do anything more Agressive if Ukrainians remain passive ,enjoying life and helping kiev by building more tanks that later will be used against them ,when they rebel for not having a job and ukraine economy totally crash..beyond repair.

    The Rebelion needs to happens in all major Ukraine cities ,demanding Poroshenko to step down
    and federalization of all Ukraine.. That every city is a rebublic on its own with Full autonomy..
    The federalization of Ukraine is something that is pretty achievable if Ukrainians werent the
    losers they are.. because Germany ,France and Russia have spoken in favor of it as the only
    way out of the conflict. The European Union will back it up.. and it will be only the Kiev and US and Baltics and poland opposing it.

    This is when Russia can increase the pressure on kiev.. and start supplying weapons to more cities to insurgent groups.. Kiev will NOT be able to continue its Illegal Criminal war in eastern Ukraine if the government lose the control of all major cities.

    i really don't understand the Ukrainian society.. neither the American one.. in latin america ,
    the culture is so different.. you will see MILLIONS on the streets ,just for new taxes.. and any politician that kills a child , the people will wipe the streets with him..

    But in ukraine you see most of the nation pretty tolerant with the criminal war of their government against its own people..

    Take a look at brazil for example.. an anti corruption protest of 1 million brazilian citizens..

    This eclipse by far the protest in Ukraine financed by the west.. so it shows how people mobilize
    to the streets when they feel something is really wrong and need to stop.. Ukrainians in the other hand ,go  and hide their head in the sand ,while their government is bombing civilians women and children..and the bastards the only thing they worry is not being them the ones sent to the front line and also worry about getting a job.. of $100 to $300 dollars a month.

     truly it will be impossible in any Latin American to have the violence you see in Ukraine..
    and any president to have a chance to stay in power. in venezuela for example ,Chavez was literary overthrow from Power in 2002 , when just a dozen of civilians form the opposition were killed by snipers in an anti government protest (yes just like in kiev) .and western backed opposition media fooled the civilians to think Chavez gave the shoot at civilians.. he was kicked from power in less than 48 hours.. Shocked This should tell you how much intolerance there are for bandits that shows no respect for human life. and generals in the army loyal to chavez turned against him quickly.. because they were fooled by the lies of opposition media.. Later however many of the same generals that overthrow him.. help him to get in power again after they learn they were fooled.. ,All said .. In Latin America today ,that is heavily Catholic christian ,the average norm is value for human life , and there is ZERO tolerance to bandits like Poroshenko and anyone in kiev..Who use the army to kill their own people. it will be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone of them to stand a chance in Power after bombing civilians in the country.  And im amazed how in Poland and baltic States ,so called "Christian Cathotlic Nations" can support kiev after their bombing of schools , hospitals and civilians in eastern ukraine.

    Simply today an Euromaidan will be IMPOSSIBLE to happen in latin america..Any president that
    is discovered of causing the life of a single innocent civilian and is proven beyond doubt he did
    it , is a finished government.. Today the tolerance for Bandits is ZERO.. And people like Poroshenko will not last a minute in power after a family is killed by a military operation being lead by the government.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue May 26, 2015 10:50 pm; edited 4 times in total
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue May 26, 2015 10:11 pm

    Did y'all see this? Is this today?
    I think it says February....

    Poroshenko appointed seven heads of military and civilian administrations in the Donbass 26 May at 19:01
    Military and civil administration in the liberated territories of Donetsk and Lugansk regions were police and military.
    Poroshenko President signed a decree President of Ukraine
    President of Ukraine Petro Poroshenko decree enacted NSDC decision of 26 May on the appointment of the seven heads of military and civilian administrations in the Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
    Thus, in the Donetsk region head VTSA are:
    Police Major Oleg Livanchuk - in Krasnogorovka Maryinsky district,
    Colonel Paul Malykhin - in Avdiyivka;
    Andrew Silych - in Vugledar. In Lugansk region for Vladimir Derevianko head of the military-civilian administration Crimean village Novoaydarsky district,
    Gregory Pryhebu - villages Trohizbenka, Kryakivka, Lobacheva, Lopaskyne and Orehovo-Novoaydarsky Donetsk region,
    Sergei Shakun - Novotoshkivske towns and villages groove Popasnaja area and Vitaly Shvedova - Trinity villages and Novozvanivka Popasnaja area.

    Read more: According to the Verkhovna Rada passed the law on February 3, military and civil administration established, if necessary by decision of the President of Ukraine in Donetsk and Lugansk regions.
    Military and civilian administration will be created in those areas where local authorities samousunulysya or not perform their functions.
    Read More here:
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue May 26, 2015 10:18 pm

    Cold War 2.0 ‏@coldwar20_en 1h1 hour ago

    Breaking!  As a result of Ukroarmy shelling in#Gorlovka 5 civilians killed including 1 child.

    Cold War 2.0 @coldwar20_en  ·  2h 2 hours ago

    Sowing campaign in Donetsk People Republic completed. Planted 39 thousands hectares  

    Gleb Bazov ‏@gbazov 2h2 hours ago

    Gleb Bazov retweeted Сводки Новороссии

    #DONETSK—Children's playground after a direct hit by a #Ukraine|ian shell in the course of artillery strikes by UA.

    It says Donetsk. I don't see the date...

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 CF9ICA3VAAAyHEK
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Tue May 26, 2015 10:27 pm

    3 civilians, including 11yo killed by Ukrainian army shell in Donbass - reports

    Published time: May 26, 2015 18:37
    Edited time: May 26, 2015 19:28

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Rodinazombie Tue May 26, 2015 10:32 pm


    RIP to the victims. Its terrible that civilians, and especially children are being killed by the regime despite the ceasefire.

    Be prepared for more tales out of the state department about NAF not abiding by the minsk agreements.

    Slowly but surely the violence is being ramped up, it wont be long now before NAF gets the green light to kick some more ass if the ukies keep increasing their attacks.
    Karl Haushofer

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Karl Haushofer Tue May 26, 2015 11:10 pm

    Rodinazombie wrote:^^^^^

    RIP to the victims. Its terrible that civilians, and especially children are being killed by the regime despite the ceasefire.

    Be prepared for more tales out of the state department about NAF not abiding by the minsk agreements.

    Slowly but surely the violence is being ramped up, it wont be long now before NAF gets the green light to kick some more ass if the ukies keep increasing their attacks.
    Followed with Minsk3 where the NAF will be forced capitulate and to give up their gains and the Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk and Gorlovka civilians continue as before.
    Flagship Victory
    Flagship Victory

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Flagship Victory Tue May 26, 2015 11:30 pm

    Karl Haushofer wrote:Followed with Minsk3 where the NAF will be forced capitulate and to give up their gains and the Ukrainian shelling of Donetsk and Gorlovka civilians continue as before.

    There won't be a Minsk 3.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  PapaDragon Tue May 26, 2015 11:42 pm

    Rodinazombie wrote:^^^^^

    RIP to the victims. Its terrible that civilians, and especially children are being killed by the regime despite the ceasefire.

    Be prepared for more tales out of the state department about NAF not abiding by the minsk agreements.

    Slowly but surely the violence is being ramped up, it wont be long now before NAF gets the green light to kick some more ass if the ukies keep increasing their attacks.

    x10 This

    Same thing was happening in the run up to airport/Debaltsevo showdown. With everyone estimating that we have 2 more weeks until the kickoff, everything seems to be getting into place.

    Kiev is definitely desperate but they operate on incorrect assumptions. Sanctions renewal date is just month away and they want to start the slaughter again and think that, because of sanctions, Russia will hold back rebels if (or better, when) they start kicking UAF asses.

    But here is the twist: Russia simply no longer gives a crap about sanctions. Year ago it seemed that sanctions are working and that Russia is isolated - and they still got their butts handed to them with Russia's blessing.
    Situation is completely different today. It turned out "isolaton" was just wishful thinking by DC and Brussels paper pushers and MSM. And in the end, Russian economy is actually moving along quite nicely, all things considered.

    Hence, no reason whatsoever for Russia to move a finger about it. My guess is that, pretty soon, UAF will be remembering Ilovaysk and Debaltseve as the good old days. Twisted Evil  

    Kiev is basing their entire strategy on corporate media fairy tales and their own BS just like last two times. Rule no.1: never trust your own propaganda.          

    And there is also little question  of MH-17 investigation. Did anyone even hear anything about it this year? Gosh, I wonder why...Cool

    When it starts I believe that rebels will play cool and keep the pressure in the north but main objective will be encircling Mariupol without entering city itself. Everyone will be screaming about "land bridge" to Crimea (decoy) that they will ignore Mariupol (the prize).
    Plus whatever they can grab up north without too much effort. If they get lucky enough and UAF screws up more than usual, there could be some huge gains up there at very small price.
    In the meantime they could just wait for ukrops in Mariupol to give up or be kicked out. No hurry.

    Of course, this will be accompanied with huge amount of cry-me-a-river BS stories in MSM about "suffering" of people in Mariupol. But that is not something that anyone relevant will give two fcks about... thumbsup

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Guest Tue May 26, 2015 11:47 pm

    Vann7 wrote:Why is Kharkov silent?

    Is interesting that in that interview to Kharkov residents.. they say basically that yeah they dont like much the government but they tolerate it.. and the only thing they are worried is to be sent to fight to the frontline.. and NOTHING ELSE.. they not worried at civilians being killed everyday in their own nation.  So they will basically do nothing for their nation to kick facism from their country.. and when the economy collapse completely in Ukraine.. what they will do?
    he told that then after that.. they will Wait for Donetsk and Lugansk to liberate them..  No

    So they want others to do everything for them.. Yakunovych received more than half of the votes of the entire nation ,and if all those people rebelled against kiev.. the war will end..

    So this is the kind of Imbeciles that allows their country to be destroyed and do nothing...

    You can understand that Odessa to dot rebel and take arms.. since Russia will have no way to support them.. but nations at the border of Russia have no fucking excuse to continue living
    Like business as usual..while their  Ukrainians in Donetsk and Lugansk are being systematically
    killed ,including women and children every day.

    The resident of kharkov,in the interview by phone told that most his friends are quite good with the way things are.. .  Probably because in Pro Russian Zones ,people are kept busy with a job ,building tanks to kill their own brothers in Donetsk and Lugansk..

    THis is why Russia strategy needs to accelerate the total  collapse of Ukraine economy.
    Because as long as Ukrainian parasites receive a salary ,they will continue tolerating their
    Government..  Crash their country economy to ZERO.. and only Ukrainians start to feel hungry
    and starving and have no food their families is when the bastards will rebel against the government.. and will do Something about..  If all cities go a protest against Kiev and paralize all the country.. it will be very difficult for the Military operation to continue with so many insurgency attacking them from behind.. having a major Rebelion in every city is the way to
    end the conflict.. but this rebelions needs to be lead by anti Maidan nationalist..

    Russia cannot do anything more Agressive if Ukrainians remain passive ,enjoying life and helping kiev by building more tanks that later will be used against them ,when they rebel for not having a job and ukraine economy totally crash..beyond repair.

    The Rebelion needs to happens in all major Ukraine cities ,demanding Poroshenko to step down
    and federalization of all Ukraine.. That every city is a rebublic on its own with Full autonomy..
    The federalization of Ukraine is something that is pretty achievable if Ukrainians werent the
    losers they are.. because Germany ,France and Russia have spoken in favor of it as the only
    way out of the conflict. The European Union will back it up.. and it will be only the Kiev and US and Baltics and poland opposing it.

    This is when Russia can increase the pressure on kiev.. and start supplying weapons to more cities to insurgent groups.. Kiev will NOT be able to continue its Illegal Criminal war in eastern Ukraine if the government lose the control of all major cities.

    i really don't understand the Ukrainian society.. neither the American one.. in latin america ,
    the culture is so different.. you will see MILLIONS on the streets ,just for new taxes.. and any politician that kills a child , the people will wipe the streets with him..

    But in ukraine you see most of the nation pretty tolerant with the criminal war of their government against its own people..

    Take a look at brazil for example.. an anti corruption protest of 1 million brazilian citizens..

    This eclipse by far the protest in Ukraine financed by the west.. so it shows how people mobilize
    to the streets when they feel something is really wrong and need to stop.. Ukrainians in the other hand ,go  and hide their head in the sand ,while their government is bombing civilians women and children..and the bastards the only thing they worry is not being them the ones sent to the front line and also worry about getting a job.. of $100 to $300 dollars a month.

     truly it will be impossible in any Latin American to have the violence you see in Ukraine..
    and any president to have a chance to stay in power. in venezuela for example ,Chavez was literary overthrow from Power in 2002 , when just a dozen of civilians form the opposition were killed by snipers in an anti government protest (yes just like in kiev) .and western backed opposition media fooled the civilians to think Chavez gave the shoot at civilians.. he was kicked from power in less than 48 hours..  Shocked  This should tell you how much intolerance there are for bandits that shows no respect for human life.  and generals in the army loyal to chavez turned against him quickly.. because they were fooled by the lies of opposition media.. Later however many of the same generals that overthrow him.. help him to get in power again after they learn they were fooled.. ,All said .. In Latin America today ,that is heavily Catholic christian ,the average norm is value for human life , and there is ZERO tolerance to bandits like Poroshenko and anyone in kiev..Who use the army to kill their own people. it will be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone of them to stand a chance in Power after bombing civilians in the country.  And im amazed how in Poland and baltic States ,so called "Christian Cathotlic Nations" can support kiev after their bombing of schools , hospitals and civilians in eastern ukraine.

    Simply today an Euromaidan will be IMPOSSIBLE to happen in latin america..Any president that
    is discovered of causing the life of a single innocent civilian and is proven beyond doubt he did
    it , is a finished government.. Today the tolerance for Bandits is ZERO.. And people like Poroshenko will not last a minute in power after a family is killed by a military operation being lead by the government.

    The problem with starting revolts in all the major Eastern Ukrainian cities now is that they are virtually locked down by the Ukrop Government. There are some pretty scary stories about the new way of life after the anti-maidan protests coming from places like Kharkov, Mariupol, and Odessa. I have heard stories that feel like they were ripped right out of dystopian novels. The people there are very much anti-Ukrainian and their government knows this and their government is ready to kill them all if they revolt. The difference between these cities and Donetsk and Lugansk is that the Ukrop government was able to have enough of their assets there to counter a popular uprising (see Odesssa Massacre). Now the citizens live in fear.

    There are some who are resisting the regime who seem to be based around Kharkov and Odessa. I think it is safe to assume that they are doing all in their power to resist the evil from Kiev while keeping themselves and their loved ones safe. I would love it if Russia gave some form of support to these partisans such as weapons or training but that is not likely. Maybe after Kiev gets their a$$e$ handed to them this summer, the partisans will be given some breathing room with a weakened Ukrop government. I wish them all the best and hope for their safety.
    Russian Patriot
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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Russian Patriot Tue May 26, 2015 11:58 pm

    Ivan the Colorado wrote:
    Vann7 wrote:Why is Kharkov silent?

    Is interesting that in that interview to Kharkov residents.. they say basically that yeah they dont like much the government but they tolerate it.. and the only thing they are worried is to be sent to fight to the frontline.. and NOTHING ELSE.. they not worried at civilians being killed everyday in their own nation.  So they will basically do nothing for their nation to kick facism from their country.. and when the economy collapse completely in Ukraine.. what they will do?
    he told that then after that.. they will Wait for Donetsk and Lugansk to liberate them..  No

    So they want others to do everything for them.. Yakunovych received more than half of the votes of the entire nation ,and if all those people rebelled against kiev.. the war will end..

    So this is the kind of Imbeciles that allows their country to be destroyed and do nothing...

    You can understand that Odessa to dot rebel and take arms.. since Russia will have no way to support them.. but nations at the border of Russia have no fucking excuse to continue living
    Like business as usual..while their  Ukrainians in Donetsk and Lugansk are being systematically
    killed ,including women and children every day.

    The resident of kharkov,in the interview by phone told that most his friends are quite good with the way things are.. .  Probably because in Pro Russian Zones ,people are kept busy with a job ,building tanks to kill their own brothers in Donetsk and Lugansk..

    THis is why Russia strategy needs to accelerate the total  collapse of Ukraine economy.
    Because as long as Ukrainian parasites receive a salary ,they will continue tolerating their
    Government..  Crash their country economy to ZERO.. and only Ukrainians start to feel hungry
    and starving and have no food their families is when the bastards will rebel against the government.. and will do Something about..  If all cities go a protest against Kiev and paralize all the country.. it will be very difficult for the Military operation to continue with so many insurgency attacking them from behind.. having a major Rebelion in every city is the way to
    end the conflict.. but this rebelions needs to be lead by anti Maidan nationalist..

    Russia cannot do anything more Agressive if Ukrainians remain passive ,enjoying life and helping kiev by building more tanks that later will be used against them ,when they rebel for not having a job and ukraine economy totally crash..beyond repair.

    The Rebelion needs to happens in all major Ukraine cities ,demanding Poroshenko to step down
    and federalization of all Ukraine.. That every city is a rebublic on its own with Full autonomy..
    The federalization of Ukraine is something that is pretty achievable if Ukrainians werent the
    losers they are.. because Germany ,France and Russia have spoken in favor of it as the only
    way out of the conflict. The European Union will back it up.. and it will be only the Kiev and US and Baltics and poland opposing it.

    This is when Russia can increase the pressure on kiev.. and start supplying weapons to more cities to insurgent groups.. Kiev will NOT be able to continue its Illegal Criminal war in eastern Ukraine if the government lose the control of all major cities.

    i really don't understand the Ukrainian society.. neither the American one.. in latin america ,
    the culture is so different.. you will see MILLIONS on the streets ,just for new taxes.. and any politician that kills a child , the people will wipe the streets with him..

    But in ukraine you see most of the nation pretty tolerant with the criminal war of their government against its own people..

    Take a look at brazil for example.. an anti corruption protest of 1 million brazilian citizens..

    This eclipse by far the protest in Ukraine financed by the west.. so it shows how people mobilize
    to the streets when they feel something is really wrong and need to stop.. Ukrainians in the other hand ,go  and hide their head in the sand ,while their government is bombing civilians women and children..and the bastards the only thing they worry is not being them the ones sent to the front line and also worry about getting a job.. of $100 to $300 dollars a month.

     truly it will be impossible in any Latin American to have the violence you see in Ukraine..
    and any president to have a chance to stay in power. in venezuela for example ,Chavez was literary overthrow from Power in 2002 , when just a dozen of civilians form the opposition were killed by snipers in an anti government protest (yes just like in kiev) .and western backed opposition media fooled the civilians to think Chavez gave the shoot at civilians.. he was kicked from power in less than 48 hours..  Shocked  This should tell you how much intolerance there are for bandits that shows no respect for human life.  and generals in the army loyal to chavez turned against him quickly.. because they were fooled by the lies of opposition media.. Later however many of the same generals that overthrow him.. help him to get in power again after they learn they were fooled.. ,All said .. In Latin America today ,that is heavily Catholic christian ,the average norm is value for human life , and there is ZERO tolerance to bandits like Poroshenko and anyone in kiev..Who use the army to kill their own people. it will be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone of them to stand a chance in Power after bombing civilians in the country.  And im amazed how in Poland and baltic States ,so called "Christian Cathotlic Nations" can support kiev after their bombing of schools , hospitals and civilians in eastern ukraine.

    Simply today an Euromaidan will be IMPOSSIBLE to happen in latin america..Any president that
    is discovered of causing the life of a single innocent civilian and is proven beyond doubt he did
    it , is a finished government.. Today the tolerance for Bandits is ZERO.. And people like Poroshenko will not last a minute in power after a family is killed by a military operation being lead by the government.

    The problem with starting revolts in all the major Eastern Ukrainian cities now is that they are virtually locked down by the Ukrop Government. There are some pretty scary stories about the new way of life after the anti-maidan protests coming from places like Kharkov, Mariupol, and Odessa. I have heard stories that feel like they were ripped right out of dystopian novels. The people there are very much anti-Ukrainian and their government knows this and their government is ready to kill them all if they revolt. The difference between these cities and Donetsk and Lugansk is that the Ukrop government was able to have enough of their assets there to counter a popular uprising (see Odesssa Massacre). Now the citizens live in fear.

    There are some who are resisting the regime who seem to be based around Kharkov and Odessa. I think it is safe to assume that they are doing all in their power to resist the evil from Kiev while keeping themselves and their loved ones safe. I would love it if Russia gave some form of support to these partisans such as weapons or training but that is not likely. Maybe after Kiev gets their a$$e$ handed to them this summer, the partisans will be given some breathing room with a weakened Ukrop government. I wish them all the best and hope for their safety.
    Russia doesn't have to give support for a long time. The Ukrainian default will do more than anything.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  kvs Wed May 27, 2015 12:09 am

    So Horseface Kerry accuses Russia of lying about having its army in the Donbas. Yet he does not produce a shred of evidence that
    they are actually there. This is what passes for state craft in the west these days.

    Kerry does not need to worry about the real facts, the Orwellian western media will manufacture and implant any facts he wants.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed May 27, 2015 12:18 am

    i don't think this has been posted.

    Kiev forces deploy Tochka-U missile system near east Ukraine's Kramatorsk — intelligence
    May 26, 13:28

    MOSCOW, May 26. /TASS/. The intelligence of the self-proclaimed Donetsk People’s Republic has spotted the deployment of a tactical missile system Tochka-U in the area of the city of Kramatorsk, which is under their control, the republic's defense ministry spokesman, Eduard Basurin, has told the media.

    "The location of a Tochka-U missile complex has been recorded near Kramatorsk," the Donetsk News Agency quotes Basurin as saying. "It is not ruled out that Ukrainian forces are going to use the system for an act of sabotage."

    According to Basurin the reconnaissance forces registered deployment of other Ukrainian heavy armaments near the engagement line, which is prohibited under the Minsk Accords.

    "A battery of Uragan multiple rocket launchers has been moved to the area of Kramatorsk. The presence of platoons of Grad and Uragan rocket launchers has been registered near Olginka," Basurin said. "This demonstrates the Ukrainian authorities’ utter irresponsibility for its commitments to the world community."

    According to the Donetsk Republic’s official, Kiev is building up troops in the area of Volnovakha and communities along the road from Kramatorsk to Dzerzhinsk, where, according to reconnaissance, "the greatest amount of prohibited artillery pieces is being concentrated."

    Under the package of measures to implement the Minsk Accords, which the Contact Group signed on February 12, all artillery pieces with a caliber of 100 mm and more are to be pulled back to positions 50 kilometers away from each other, multiple rocket launchers, to positions 70 kilometers away from each other, and Tornado, Uragan and Smerch rocket launchers and Tochka-U missiles are to be placed on either side of a 140-kilometer wide zone. The conflicting parties must pull back their weapons to equal distances: Kiev, from the current line of engagement, and the Donetsk and Luhansk republics, from the line established by the Minsk memorandum of September 19.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  flamming_python Wed May 27, 2015 12:30 am

    Kharkov? Why would the rebels want to go there? They seem to be fine under Porko and co.

    I remember Flagship Victory was going on about how the locals are 'forced' to build tanks for the junta.

    Yeah, sure.
    I guess even a little sabotage was out of the question.

    They are perfectly content to arm the Ukrainian army, including its fascist battallions - to shell and terrorize their neighbours next door.
    Most important thing for them is that their precious jobs don't disappear.

    "We are working people, we just want to be left alone"
    This quote sums up the attitude of these people and has been directly voiced more than once.

    And some people here talk of uprisings in Kharkov. Of a Novorussia that stretches from Donetsk to Moldova, the Dnepr to the Black Sea.
    You're dreaming. And all the other regions are even worse.

    No need to waste life of even a single Novorussian soldier on Kharkov.

    If/when the war resumes, the Novorussians should reach the Lugansk and Donetsk borders, stop and not go a metre further.

    If Kharkov ever decides to rebel against the Kiev coupists, they can bloody well go ahead and do it themselves.
    The Novorussians would be the ones who would get to relax and watch from the sidelines, this time 'round. Surely they deserve a good rest.

    Last edited by flamming_python on Wed May 27, 2015 12:41 am; edited 3 times in total

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Neutrality Wed May 27, 2015 12:30 am

    So as I understand, Kiev simply reinstalled their artillery on the frontline and are now shelling the NAF. Where the fuck is the outcry from OSCE? Every time these assholes start shelling the areas the OSCE reports that "both sides violate the ceasefire". These people are fucking nuts and serve no purpose other than being a mostly Western political tool. Which is why I hope that a future offensive of the NAF will completely encircle and annihilate these assholes. No more ceasefire agreements after that. DPR and LPR should make an ultimatum: complete withdrawal of the VSU or be destroyed. No more nice guys. Hell, ignore Moscow if they tell to stop their push. The Ukrainian regime only understands violence. Then violence should be exactly what they deserve.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Guest Wed May 27, 2015 12:37 am

    Vann7 wrote:Why is Kharkov silent?

    Is interesting that in that interview to Kharkov residents.. they say basically that yeah they dont like much the government but they tolerate it.. and the only thing they are worried is to be sent to fight to the frontline.. and NOTHING ELSE.. they not worried at civilians being killed everyday in their own nation.  So they will basically do nothing for their nation to kick facism from their country.. and when the economy collapse completely in Ukraine.. what they will do?
    he told that then after that.. they will Wait for Donetsk and Lugansk to liberate them..  No

    So they want others to do everything for them.. Yakunovych received more than half of the votes of the entire nation ,and if all those people rebelled against kiev.. the war will end..

    So this is the kind of Imbeciles that allows their country to be destroyed and do nothing...

    You can understand that Odessa to dot rebel and take arms.. since Russia will have no way to support them.. but nations at the border of Russia have no fucking excuse to continue living
    Like business as usual..while their  Ukrainians in Donetsk and Lugansk are being systematically
    killed ,including women and children every day.

    The resident of kharkov,in the interview by phone told that most his friends are quite good with the way things are.. .  Probably because in Pro Russian Zones ,people are kept busy with a job ,building tanks to kill their own brothers in Donetsk and Lugansk..

    THis is why Russia strategy needs to accelerate the total  collapse of Ukraine economy.
    Because as long as Ukrainian parasites receive a salary ,they will continue tolerating their
    Government..  Crash their country economy to ZERO.. and only Ukrainians start to feel hungry
    and starving and have no food their families is when the bastards will rebel against the government.. and will do Something about..  If all cities go a protest against Kiev and paralize all the country.. it will be very difficult for the Military operation to continue with so many insurgency attacking them from behind.. having a major Rebelion in every city is the way to
    end the conflict.. but this rebelions needs to be lead by anti Maidan nationalist..

    Russia cannot do anything more Agressive if Ukrainians remain passive ,enjoying life and helping kiev by building more tanks that later will be used against them ,when they rebel for not having a job and ukraine economy totally crash..beyond repair.

    The Rebelion needs to happens in all major Ukraine cities ,demanding Poroshenko to step down
    and federalization of all Ukraine.. That every city is a rebublic on its own with Full autonomy..
    The federalization of Ukraine is something that is pretty achievable if Ukrainians werent the
    losers they are.. because Germany ,France and Russia have spoken in favor of it as the only
    way out of the conflict. The European Union will back it up.. and it will be only the Kiev and US and Baltics and poland opposing it.

    This is when Russia can increase the pressure on kiev.. and start supplying weapons to more cities to insurgent groups.. Kiev will NOT be able to continue its Illegal Criminal war in eastern Ukraine if the government lose the control of all major cities.

    i really don't understand the Ukrainian society.. neither the American one.. in latin america ,
    the culture is so different.. you will see MILLIONS on the streets ,just for new taxes.. and any politician that kills a child , the people will wipe the streets with him..

    But in ukraine you see most of the nation pretty tolerant with the criminal war of their government against its own people..

    Take a look at brazil for example.. an anti corruption protest of 1 million brazilian citizens..

    This eclipse by far the protest in Ukraine financed by the west.. so it shows how people mobilize
    to the streets when they feel something is really wrong and need to stop.. Ukrainians in the other hand ,go  and hide their head in the sand ,while their government is bombing civilians women and children..and the bastards the only thing they worry is not being them the ones sent to the front line and also worry about getting a job.. of $100 to $300 dollars a month.

     truly it will be impossible in any Latin American to have the violence you see in Ukraine..
    and any president to have a chance to stay in power. in venezuela for example ,Chavez was literary overthrow from Power in 2002 , when just a dozen of civilians form the opposition were killed by snipers in an anti government protest (yes just like in kiev) .and western backed opposition media fooled the civilians to think Chavez gave the shoot at civilians.. he was kicked from power in less than 48 hours..  Shocked  This should tell you how much intolerance there are for bandits that shows no respect for human life.  and generals in the army loyal to chavez turned against him quickly.. because they were fooled by the lies of opposition media.. Later however many of the same generals that overthrow him.. help him to get in power again after they learn they were fooled.. ,All said .. In Latin America today ,that is heavily Catholic christian ,the average norm is value for human life , and there is ZERO tolerance to bandits like Poroshenko and anyone in kiev..Who use the army to kill their own people. it will be IMPOSSIBLE for anyone of them to stand a chance in Power after bombing civilians in the country.  And im amazed how in Poland and baltic States ,so called "Christian Cathotlic Nations" can support kiev after their bombing of schools , hospitals and civilians in eastern ukraine.

    Simply today an Euromaidan will be IMPOSSIBLE to happen in latin america..Any president that
    is discovered of causing the life of a single innocent civilian and is proven beyond doubt he did
    it , is a finished government.. Today the tolerance for Bandits is ZERO.. And people like Poroshenko will not last a minute in power after a family is killed by a military operation being lead by the government.

    The problem with starting revolts in all the major Eastern Ukrainian cities now is that they are virtually locked down by the Ukrop Government. There are some pretty scary stories about the new way of life after the anti-maidan protests coming from places like Kharkov, Mariupol, and Odessa. I have heard stories that feel like they were ripped right out of dystopian novels. The people there are very much anti-Ukrainian and their government knows this and their government is ready to kill them all if they revolt. The difference between these cities and Donetsk and Lugansk is that the Ukrop government was able to have enough of their assets there to counter a popular uprising (see Odesssa Massacre). Now the citizens live in fear.

    There are some who are resisting the regime who seem to be based around Kharkov and Odessa. I think it is safe to assume that they are doing all in their power to resist the evil from Kiev while keeping themselves and their loved ones safe. I would love it if Russia gave some form of support to these partisans such as weapons or training but that is not likely. Maybe after Kiev gets their a$$e$ handed to them this summer, the partisans will be given some breathing room with a weakened Ukrop government. I wish them all the best and hope for their safety.
    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed May 27, 2015 12:46 am

    Unknown activists placed #savedonbasspeople banner on the Chicago Tribune Tower.{slow mo} 2015/5/19

    Cowboy's daughter
    Cowboy's daughter

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Cowboy's daughter Wed May 27, 2015 1:22 am

    Graham W Phillips @GrahamWP_UK · 2h 2 hours ago

    На дороге в Горловку. / On the road to Gorlovka.

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    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 Empty Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #14

    Post  Erk Wed May 27, 2015 1:50 am

    Cowboy's daughter wrote: Graham W Phillips @GrahamWP_UK  ·  2h 2 hours ago

    На дороге в Горловку. / On the road to Gorlovka.

    The Situation in the Ukraine. #14 - Page 23 CF9m6TkUIAAk-T_

    He is a brave man, if the UAF recognize him he is toast.

    You know how much they hate foreign press.

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