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    Comments about Finland education reform


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    Comments about Finland education reform Empty Comments about Finland education reform

    Post  higurashihougi Thu Apr 02, 2015 1:42 pm

    I don't really agree with this idea. My belief is that, general basic knowledge is essential before entering the specific topics.

    Therefore I don't really agree with the idea of abandoning traditional basic subjects like "math, physics and chemistry".
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Apr 02, 2015 4:52 pm

    Finland's education system is really not that great when it comes to overall achievement of students. Yeah, kids in high schools know math better than kids in other Euro states but at uni level it flattens out to European average. I like German education the most - segregate kids early, send the best to a Gymnasium and those with lesser abilities to a Real- or Hauptschule. It worked here since the time unknown. Wink It's really better to teach every kid the subject it has the most aptitude at rather than teaching everyone the same mess of everything and nothing at the same time. Idiocy.

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    Comments about Finland education reform Empty Re: Comments about Finland education reform

    Post  Werewolf Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:41 pm

    higurashihougi wrote:

    I don't really agree with this idea. My belief is that, general basic knowledge is essential before entering the specific topics.

    Therefore I don't really agree with the idea of abandoning traditional basic subjects like "math, physics and chemistry".

    We should abondon, Religion subject and history should be teached by something other than indoctrination like that is currently the fact that kids get only told about WW1/2 and the rest is like humanity has never existed before. There should be critical thinking which is most important thing.

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    Comments about Finland education reform Empty Re: Comments about Finland education reform

    Post  Werewolf Thu Apr 02, 2015 5:46 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:Finland's education system is really not that great when it comes to overall achievement of students. Yeah, kids in high schools know math better than kids in other Euro states but at uni level it flattens out to European average. I like German education the most - segregate kids early, send the best to a Gymnasium and those with lesser abilities to a Real- or Hauptschule. It worked here since the time unknown. Wink It's really better to teach every kid the subject it has the most aptitude at rather than teaching everyone the same mess of everything and nothing at the same time. Idiocy.

    You seem not to understand or not to be educated about the flaws of german education system, with methods that were established over a century ago, with 100% immunity to teachers unless they kill or rape kids, they can not lose their job along with the fact that Schools get money by the average grades classes recieve, meaning teachers have to keep a certain degree of average grades unless they don't want to lose budget for their classes. Kids get lower grades despite having done nothing wrong just so the budget does not get cut. Lower grade classes/schools get more funding since there is this retarded perception money changes quality of education instead of hiring teachers that actually want to teach and not the big portion doing it because it is a 100% bomb safe job. There are many things to critizes and this education system is really nothing else but a pre-filter system who gets better education and who does not instead of setting an average education bar higher they tend to lower it every 5 years.
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Thu Apr 02, 2015 6:35 pm

    Werewolf - I know history is a fascinating subject and once you grasp how various factors combine together to form the historical process, it's hard to stop thinking about various plausible possibilities, but... it's irrelevant for everyone except a tiny group of academics. If some day all these historians disappeared, we wouldn't even notice (few people read historical books - and these are the only output historians produce). But if all civil engineers or even technicians disappeared, the entire country would literally stop running.

    I wanted to highlight that the "one size fits all" approach to education (as in Finland) is not the most productive one, no matter how good it is. If you put gifted children in the same class with those of below-average abilities, the only way for all of them to pass is to put the expectation bar at the lowest common denominator, or in other words, to "dumb down" the entire system. And both kids will suffer - the less-gifted kid will suffer because he'll barely be able to pass from class to class and will hardly learn anything useful (instead of getting a vocational education or something), the gifted kid will be bored all the time and will have to learn about functions while his mind is fit enough to learn multivariable calculus and... will also suffer. That's why I like "traditional" education modell ober Finnish BS, especially Soviet/Russian one with specialized high schools that are very good yet accessible to poorer kids.

    In our age "broad education" is not needed. To the contrary - specialization is more needed than at any point in the past. Amount of knowledge is growing so rapidly that even grasping the totality of it in a single area of a given subject (civil law, computer science) is not possible for people with IQ below 200. And the quicker the specialization, the better.

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