TMA1 wrote:Strange. What could account for the upwelling of metals like that? Has phenomenon been observed before?
Also kvs what do you think of the scientific communities as they stand right now? As a layman after learning about stuff like the replication crisis it is concerning at least from where I stand.
The video describes a phase separation process below ground with a subsequent differential transport of the metal to the surface while the remainder
stays behind. You see the iron lava in a circular pattern around the center which supports this hypothesis. It looks like there is evidence of such iron
rich deposits in other parts of the world but much older. So this volcano is rare.
The scientific community is afflicted with the same dynamics as the rest of society. So you have institutional group-think and elites who push an agenda.
I think it is funny how people think that bad science is a feature of the past. If civilization survives into the coming centuries, people in the future will
look back on the current era as a link in the same chain of BS and politics-instead-of-science.
I am not going to trot out the tired "climate science is a fraud" line. Climate science is actually one of the more sane and anchored to reality branches.
All the lunatic alarmist crap is pushed by outsiders from politicians to woke activists. My involvement with it is tangential. I know what climate models
are and their limitations. Exxon and other corporations spent hundreds of millions of dollars trying to smear climate science like Big Tobacco spent vast
sums trying to smear any link between cigarettes and poor health. You even had clowns who worked for tobacco moving into the same racket against
climate science.
Any political use of climate science is not the fault of climate scientists. The elites will ass rape you with the truth if it works for them. People make
the silly mistake of thinking that the elites only use contrived lies. The best lies are mixed with truth.
As you may have surmised, I have a negative view of other branches of physics, specifically astrophysics and cosmology. It really is corrupt and this
is related to the fact that it is very hard to pin down with observations (unlike climate science which is based on laboratory tested physics). They
tell you that they are observing black holes like the ones in the broken math of GR, but there is no way that they can make such assertions. The
term broken math is not hyperbole. It really is this bad. We have Orwellian redefinition of "coordinate singularity" and routine use of non-diffeomorphic,
aka non-information-conserving, coordinate transforms. What is the point of deriving solutions when you create and destroy information through
ludicrous manipulation. But the "big names" push this shit and if you question their "wisdom" you are a crank (aka heretic).
We had the big name, big BS issue in geology before the 1960s. Plate tectonics was considered heresy even in the 1950s. I hate the concept of
consensus in science. This is BS group-think, and not objectivity. Even if most scientists support the right theory, that means nothing. The theory
cannot depend on popular support. It has to stand on its own and be testable and falsifiable. Ego investment is anti-science. You can see this
BS today in archaeology where it is simply heresy to question that there have been only 6000 years (a funny Biblical time span) of human civilization.
Egyptology is total garbage where structures are attributed to rulers based on finding some random item in their vicinity and where the alleged builders
did not have the know-how and ability to do the building. The official Egyptian history is a paradox. Pre-dynastic Egyptians could fashion high
precision hard stone vases (requiring lathes with hard metal cutting features) but the subsequent dynastic Egyptians who supposedly built the
pyramids could only make crude alabaster vases by hand and did not have any metals other than copper and bronze (too soft to work granite and
other hard stone). Clearly archaeologists are not qualified to build a historical narrative since they cannot process the data due to lack of
required engineering and scientific competence. Archaeology is not a hard science but it is typical of the rot.
Last edited by kvs on Tue May 21, 2024 12:14 pm; edited 2 times in total