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    Talking bollocks thread


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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  TR1 Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:10 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    Love these foreigners screaming what a Russian is.

    You are a foreigner, you kasparov like shill.


    You are great. Massive wannabe Russian complex.


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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Werewolf Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:11 am

    TR1 wrote:
    mack8 wrote:
    No, unlike you both I am very much Russian. Sorry Smile .

    Is it? As russian as the likes of Belenko or Tolkachev were citizens of the former USSR?

    Love these foreigners screaming what a Russian is

    There nothing to love, actually it is pathetic that  foreigners have to be taking the side (i'm talking about those that at least are arguing logically their case) of your country and government (with good and bad, but facing an existential external threat) against yourself, a "russian"!

    What are you, retarded?

    You are comparing criticizing the Russian gov to defectors who sold state secrets?

    Wait don't answer that. I know the answer.

    Yeah, it is pathetic to hear people who have never stepped inside the Russian borders open their mouths about who is Russian and who is not. Like I said, you lot would make great NKVD candidates.

    You are very much the retard here, not only i was born in russia i also grew up for most part there, unlike you i am not a foreigner that pretends to be living in russia with your bullshit stories while crying like kasparov from the US how bad Putin and russia is. You did not critize russia at all, because till this very date the only shit that came out of your mouth regarding Putin is "he is a crook", not a single argument, not a single proof and barking like a chihuahua about politics which you clearly never even tried to understand like your nonsense story that Jeltzin had not invited the CIA inside Kreml and gave them access to secrets.

    Funny is exactly people like you, Kasparow shills that bark on payment and pretend to want only good for russia and russians. You are a shill.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  TR1 Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:15 am

    Wow, more spouting from the Russian Wannabe!

    When was the last time you were in Russia? As a child?

    Either move back to your beloved Russia, or be quiet.

    Easy to talk how wonderful it is from the safety of Germany Smile .

    Let me guess. Your parents fled from the craphole Russia was in the 90s, and now you are a Russia strong expat. Typical.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  TR1 Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:20 am

    George1 wrote:I think discussion has been drawn away from the topic's subject

    That is because some people start flipping the shit about "who is Russian" and not (all foreigners btw) because someone points out the Russian government is a slimy self serving body.

    Russia= toilet hole compared to what it could be. Degenerate, greedy thieves abound, and you got these foreign dolts defending them. Hilarious, if it was not so sad.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:38 am

    Russia= toilet hole compared to what it could be. Degenerate, greedy thieves abound, and you got these foreign dolts defending them. Hilarious, if it was not so sad.

    Sadly if your new buddies in the US of A had their way it would be worse, but you don't see that.

    The conflict in Chechnia was defensive in the sense that the Chechen rebels created the situation and moved it to a war... and they did that twice.

    In 8 8 8 and both Chechen conflicts the Russians reacted to aggression... I call that defensive.

    If Russia is such a toilet hole why do you bother here?

    The problem with pessimists like you is that they are always right because everything is always wrong.

    Fortunately for Russia, the guy in charge knows what he is doing, and while he is not perfect by any measure, he seems to be doing right by Russia... even if he clearly seems to have offended TR-1 in some way.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Werewolf Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:40 am

    TR1 wrote:
    George1 wrote:I think discussion has been drawn away from the topic's subject

    That is because some people start flipping the shit about "who is Russian" and not (all foreigners btw) because someone points out the Russian government is a slimy self serving body.

    Russia= toilet hole compared to what it could be. Degenerate, greedy thieves abound, and you got these foreign dolts defending them. Hilarious, if it was not so sad.

    That is exactly this shit that annoys me. An idiot that pretends to be russian, to live there to have citizenship, but over 2 years he can not bring a single argument, only nonsense "Russia corrupt, because i know that from my western Media". Russia is not slimy and it does serve its citizens, raising pensions, raising payments, developing and constantly growing budget for social sector, country gets more souvereign after the sell out under Yeltzin, all that has been achieved under Putin despite the Oligarchs the West has installed and used to get russian natural resources under western companies. Putin was the one who nullified the illegal sell out of russian oil, he was the one who nullified PSA law (Partner Sharing Aggreement) where Russia even had to pay to companies like Shell and BP, so those companies could get russian oil while Russia had to pay for every worker on oil drilling island which were russian, for housing food and logistics. The GDP raised under Putin almost 6 times, the state budget raised 80 times of what it was under Yeltzin, while they were making debt under Yeltzin today they actually are balanced and get money, while the economy is flowering despite your shit US empire impossed sanctions.

    If Russia is self serving and doesn't give a shit about its citizens then please tell me just one fucking thing the US has done for its citizens in the last 25 years? Please just one single thing.  Unlike your shit country US, russia does give shit about its citizens, that is why it forbbids GMO crap, it forbbids, chlor-chicken, it forbbids the enslavery to the IMF, it protects its citizens from getting enslaved to the West and getting occupied and exterminated by your shit anglo-suckson's politics.

    But it is of course funny, to see you dimwitted american for two years, only calling russia corrupt and Putin a crook without a single argument and always Against reality, the reality i listed to you and that is just a short very short list. There is a good fucking reason Putin is approved in russia and your crooks from the West are not. So stay in your shit empire US and stop enforcing your shit uneducted anti-russian views on russia. You are not a russian, not by blood and not by mindset you just pretend to be, so you can give yourself infront of others some credibility, which you don't have because so far you could  not make a single argument, not a single detailed argument just the same bitching that we used to from uneducated westerners parrotting from MSM propaganda.


    BTW, a shithole country is a country where over 60.000.000 people can not feed themselfs and have to stand in breadlines (food stamps), with over 18 mln homeless with constantly growing numbers, with 1/3rd of your population being already convicted felons, with over 50% of your country in debt, because they live in the mindset to buy everything on credit card instead life by what they actually can afford. That is a shit-hole. The most uneducated country among those so called "developed countries".

    Last edited by Werewolf on Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:45 am; edited 1 time in total

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  TR1 Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:44 am

    No no Garry. You misread me.

    I meant offensive/defensive in the way the war was carried out. I clearly said Georgia might have started the war, but the Russian Army's operations were almost completely of an offensive nature- barring say the defense of the MC barracks. In fact my comment had nothing to do with blame of who started wars- it was about the nature of how they were fought/operated. Russian Army has been very active in the post-Soviet peripheries. Hence why I disagreed when someone characterized it as a "defensive" army. Ofc the retards here started this absurd "non-Russian mindset" argument.

    I also clearly said "no war since Dagestan 1999" - Chechnya 2 is related to that.

    Chechnya 1 was a war because the Kremlin made it one.

    Its not pessimism. It is calling a spade a spade. Russia is run by thieves. No amount of mental gymnastics will get around that.
    As for Putin doing right, enjoy the economic growth indicators over the next 5 years.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  TR1 Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:50 am

    Werewolf wrote:
    TR1 wrote:
    George1 wrote:I think discussion has been drawn away from the topic's subject

    That is because some people start flipping the shit about "who is Russian" and not (all foreigners btw) because someone points out the Russian government is a slimy self serving body.

    Russia= toilet hole compared to what it could be. Degenerate, greedy thieves abound, and you got these foreign dolts defending them. Hilarious, if it was not so sad.

    That is exactly this shit that annoys me. An idiot that pretends to be russian, to live there to have citizenship, but over 2 years he can not bring a single argument, only nonsense "Russia corrupt, because i know that from my western Media". Russia is not slimy and it does serve its citizens, raising pensions, raising payments, developing and constantly growing budget for social sector, country gets more souvereign after the sell out under Yeltzin, all that has been achieved under Putin despite the Oligarchs the West has installed and used to get russian natural resources under western companies. Putin was the one who nullified the illegal sell out of russian oil, he was the one who nullified PSA law (Partner Sharing Aggreement) where Russia even had to pay to companies like Shell and BP, so those companies could get russian oil while Russia had to pay for every worker on oil drilling island which were russian, for housing food and logistics. The GDP raised under Putin almost 6 times, the state budget raised 80 times of what it was under Yeltzin, while they were making debt under Yeltzin today they actually are balanced and get money, while the economy is flowering despite your shit US empire impossed sanctions.

    Literally not a single thing that was not 1.) achieved naturally through country recovering as a result of wild 90s winding and 2.) with a law abiding government that did not have Putin.

    Keep shilling. Putin and his oligarch friends will keep laughing at "true Russian mindset" peasants like you. It's too bad but it looks like lots of Russia is actually mental peasants like you. You would fit right know, if you actually ever had any interest in moving to the supposed country of your birth.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  TR1 Sun Apr 05, 2015 2:54 am

    Also, you know Yeltsin chose Putin right? So he would not be prosecuted, right?

    Your Putin wipes his ass with Russia. How many Yeltsin clan members did he put in jail or confiscate money from?


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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Werewolf Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:08 am

    Its not pessimism. It is calling a spade a spade. Russia is run by thieves. No amount of mental gymnastics will get around that.
    As for Putin doing right, enjoy the economic growth indicators over the next 5 years.

    Can you fucking get an argument just once?

    Thieves, thieves, crooks, oligarchs... but not a single argument. Who made the oligarchs Putin or Yeltzin? Who was the one that let that happen and sold out the coutry Putin or Yeltzin?

    Who was the one who brought russian resources under russian governmental control back which were sold or about to be sold to western private companies? Putin or Yeltzin?

    Who was the one that jailed oligarchs, under whom those oligarchs like Abrahamovic had to flee to the so called Free, fair, democratic west like City of London? From Yeltzin or Putin?

    I know i will never get an eleborated argument from you, because you are non russian that has no interest and no clue about politics, especially russian politics but is either just anti russian to the core, blinded by hatred or actually imbecility overturn from your western propaganda.

    But of course, Putin only steals all that money, and russia is such a shithole, in such a bad state that the fucking mighty US of Assholes had to decide to push for more sanctions, more war and more propaganda, because this shithole russia, managed to break through the western Propaganda Monopoly with one single news network called RT and now they see their shit position as the only hegemony at jeopardy. This shithole of country that is a monopoly in Space exploration right now, the Mighty and most advanced country on this planet earth has to buy from a shithole Russia its engines, they need the shithole russians to get them to Space, to the glorious american ISS which is actually MIR2, assembled from shithole russia, with russian modules, but this shithole russia will continue to shit on your disgusting evil empire, while the US fall is inevitable with its every few years shutting down the government because they debate to raise the state debt or not and in the end they have to raise the state debt not to default the entire empire, russia will flower since it is the richest country on earth it holds over 52% of world resources alone. Resources = flowering economy.

    Have fun in destroying yourself, in a shithole country where being black is still a crime, where your Police will probably shoot you rather than protect you. While there are 111 kills alone in March this year in the US, the shithole Russia can not compete with this despite OMON operations in Chechnya and Dagestan against US paid wahabit terrorists.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  George1 Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:13 am

    Topic goes to general chat section

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Werewolf Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:15 am

    TR1 wrote:Also, you know Yeltsin chose Putin right? So he would not be prosecuted, right?

    Your Putin wipes his ass with Russia. How many Yeltsin clan members did he put in jail or confiscate money from?


    Abramovic choose, Putin, not because not getting prosecuted, but because they thought Putin was a silent nobody, that would be just as an idiot as Yeltzin under whom those crooks could steal further. Putin played them as fools they are and many have fled the country which are now in the West and still oligarchs your shit oligarchs. You have many more oligarchs that have never been called oligarch, never been prosecuted. Half the fucking US oligarchs made a golden nose with WW2, trading with hitler and supplying both sides, US and Hitler, lot among those did the same in Korea,Vietnam and Iraq, they even have big names such as Halliburton, but of course all of that is ok, Lockheed Martin company, not oligarchs they are not stealing money with lobbyism and worthless products like F-35, no, no corruption there. The US is the biggest oligarch housing country on this planet, but you don't know it because your western MSM will never tell you that, the shit sources you rely on.

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    Post  kvs Sun Apr 05, 2015 3:46 am

    So TR1 is at it with the Putin was chosen by Yeltsin. LOL. That is why Yeltsin departed at the end if 1999, right. He
    had other things to do, it would seem. This chosen one proceeded to displace the oligarch mafia that was established under
    Yeltsin. Khodorkovsky and Berezovsky are striking examples of this fact.

    TR1 is peddling the Maidan narrative. Russia (Ukraine) is corrupt and run by oligarchs so we need a revolution. We see
    what happened in Ukraine where the oligarchs seized all power (Poroshenko is a bona fide oligarch with actual wealth and
    not the fictional billions claimed to be in the possession of Putin). The recent squabble between Kolomoisky and Poroshenko
    over looted state assets is hilarious. The western media did not even try to report it.

    Some clown living in America, TR1, is the last one to yap about corruption in Russia. Especially one who peddles western
    propaganda tropes totally detached from Russian reality.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty temp russian army

    Post  GarryB Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:15 am

    No no Garry. You misread me.

    I certainly must be misreading you... are you criticising the Russian army for reacting to Georgian forces deliberately murdering VDV peacekeepers too quickly?

    Should they have just blocked their end of the Roki tunnel and told the tie eater to just send the bodies of the peacekeepers back to Russia when they have finished?


    Or are you suggesting the Russian reaction was some sort of over reaction...

    Lets translate the situation to the middle of Europe and lets say swap the tie eater with Milosovich, and South Ossetia with Kosovo... if Serbia had mounted an attack to seize back Kosovo from international peacekeepers and started by shelling the peace keeper bases and then shelled the capital city and then moved in armoured forces to invade Kosovo both you and I know that the US would have gone ballistic and the words regime change would have been on US lips within hours... they might have been too afraid to send troops into Serbia but they would have levelled the place.

    Russian Army has been very active in the post-Soviet peripheries.

    They have provided peace keeper forces in many places but have done nothing to expand their territories against the will of those new territories.

    Hence why I disagreed when someone characterized it as a "defensive" army. Ofc the retards here started this absurd "non-Russian mindset" argument.

    I rather suspect they meant they don't go looking for a fight like all of NATO does... how many combat troops does Russia currently have in the Middle East? Africa? Asia? Central or South America?

    The US still has troops in Germany and Japan from WWII FFS.

    Its not pessimism. It is calling a spade a spade. Russia is run by thieves. No amount of mental gymnastics will get around that.
    As for Putin doing right, enjoy the economic growth indicators over the next 5 years.

    And there you act like a dick again... what Putin needs to do to get an AAA+ rating from US rating agencies and be showered with glory at what a wonderful man he is... and dare I say it the Nobel Peace Prize and NYT man of the year award is to sell Russia out to western big business.... great fucking growth indicators... wonderful press... fucked over Russia.

    You clearly care more about the western image of Russia than the situation Russia is actually in, so I am glad you are unhappy... not because I don't like you... that is not true... it seems I don't really know you at all... I am glad you are unhappy because what would make you happy is for Russia to become another US bitch to be used and abused... I am sure the UK will still be pissed off because Russia comes with gold and jewels and lots of resources and land and the US and international companies will enjoy ripping all those resources away and making enormous amounts of money in the process... when they are finished with her she might get a nice dress or something else to hide her shame...

    I am moving this to the bollocks thread where it belongs...

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    Post  jhelb Sun Apr 05, 2015 9:24 am

    GarryB wrote:The US still has troops in Germany and Japan from WWII FFS.

    Yes and the US wants to increase its military presence in Japan. The Japanese PM is not all that interested, so to make Japan change its mind the US is now forcing Australia to purchase Japanese Soryu class submarines.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Werewolf Sun Apr 05, 2015 7:07 pm

    jhelb wrote:
    GarryB wrote:The US still has troops in Germany and Japan from WWII FFS.

    Yes and the US wants to increase its military presence in Japan. The Japanese PM is not all that interested, so to make Japan change its mind the US is now forcing Australia to purchase Japanese Soryu class submarines.

    Japan like Germany are controlled directly by Washington and are changing now against occupators "constitution" from defensive military to offensive ones. To have more aggressive military and policy of japan towards china and Germany towards russia. Two occupied countries living under dictatorship from Washington without actual constitutions.

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    Post  RTN Mon Apr 06, 2015 12:53 pm

    TR1 wrote:The average posting level on B-R is just embarrassing.

    And how is this forum any different, I dare ask? It is Tea Party strong in mp net, maybe Hindoo strong in BR just like it is Putin strong in RMF.

    A majority of Forums barring a few(like Keys to a certain extent) are not known for Enlightenment. These are places where a bunch of individuals seek validation of their often misplaced ideas and beliefs from like minded individuals.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Werewolf Mon Apr 06, 2015 1:51 pm

    RTN wrote:
    TR1 wrote:The average posting level on B-R is just embarrassing.

    And how is this forum any different, I dare ask? It is Tea Party strong in mp net, maybe Hindoo strong in BR just like it is Putin strong in RMF.

    A majority of Forums barring a few(like Keys to a certain extent) are not known for Enlightenment. These are places where a bunch of individuals seek validation of their often misplaced ideas and beliefs from like minded individuals.

    Those people here on the forum know their trade of military subjects and, lack of knowledge on some peoples behalfs about politics does not give any basics to even keep a discussion because there are alot close minded people that don't even read and just put people on ignore lists when their little girls feelings get hurt when someone uses a word they don't like, like zionist, jews, anglo-saxon and somehow try to avoid the fact that those words are exactly the case. US/UK policy is anglo-saxon policy, derived from the old colonial mindset they are still living in. The israelis mindset as a theocratic country is exactly the policy of zionism and judaism with their mindset of Superior race, while denouncing palestinians as subhuman. So please tell me exactly, why your little girls feelings get upset when you hear such words, because it is just the case?

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  flamming_python Mon Apr 06, 2015 5:58 pm

    RTN wrote:
    TR1 wrote:The average posting level on B-R is just embarrassing.

    And how is this forum any different, I dare ask? It is Tea Party strong in mp net, maybe Hindoo strong in BR just like it is Putin strong in RMF.

    A majority of Forums barring a few(like Keys to a certain extent) are not known for Enlightenment. These are places where a bunch of individuals seek validation of their often misplaced ideas and beliefs from like minded individuals.

    It's not, the posting level is pretty embarassing here too.

    However the military-technical discussions here are pretty good; level of knowledge is considerably higher than on or some fanboi-infested forums.
    When Mindstorm, GarryB or someone else here inject a douse of realism over the latest piece of fanboi over-hyped Western equipment; you can be quite sure that they're correct.

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    Post  RTN Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:05 pm

    Werewolf wrote:US/UK policy is anglo-saxon policy, derived from the old colonial mindset they are still living in. The israelis mindset as a theocratic country is exactly the policy of zionism and judaism with their mindset of Superior race, while denouncing palestinians as subhuman. So please tell me exactly, why your little girls feelings get upset when you hear such words, because it is just the case?

    Oh yes I forgot!Welcome to the newly formed RMF, we now want to talk about Jews, cunts, gays, why, well this is the appropriate place, isn't it?

    flamming_python wrote:When Mindstorm, GarryB or someone else here inject a douse of realism over the latest piece of fanboi over-hyped Western equipment; you can be quite sure that they're correct.

    Valid point flamming_python. However, did you notice that consciously, unconsciously you could not go beyond GarryB and Mindstorm? That tells the story.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Werewolf Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:16 pm

    Don't like political discussions then don't visit those threads, plain and simple.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Apr 06, 2015 6:47 pm

    RTN wrote:
    Werewolf wrote:US/UK policy is anglo-saxon policy, derived from the old colonial mindset they are still living in. The israelis mindset as a theocratic country is exactly the policy of zionism and judaism with their mindset of Superior race, while denouncing palestinians as subhuman. So please tell me exactly, why your little girls feelings get upset when you hear such words, because it is just the case?

    Oh yes I forgot!Welcome to the newly formed RMF, we now want to talk about Jews, cunts, gays, why, well this is the appropriate place, isn't it?

    flamming_python wrote:When Mindstorm, GarryB or someone else here inject a douse of realism over the latest piece of fanboi over-hyped Western equipment; you can be quite sure that they're correct.

    Valid point flamming_python. However, did you notice that consciously, unconsciously you could not go beyond GarryB and Mindstorm? That tells the story.

    There's plenty of people who are knowledgeable, it just doesn't mean you have to agree with their political stance. Someone like Karlo Kopp is very knowledgeable on military science, but I strongly disagree with his geo-political conclusions that he finds. The ones that tend to obsess over sexuality, or ethno-religiosity are on average the 'LEAST' knowledgeable on military affairs. There's quite a few guys on here who are knowledgeable but many of them don't post often enough. There's Viktor, Sujoy, AustinJ, SOC, stealthflanker, Cyberspec and quite a few others who ought to post more often, and at least one other person who should post less often (hint: he obsesses over the moon landing).

    This is a Prima Faci case of having your cake and eating it. If we defend free speech then the forum is bound to attract members who like to whitewash Hitler's legacy and obsess over the moon landing, if we don't defend free speech then we devolve in to, where mod's abuse their power, and members are censored and or banned on the slightest infraction, the forum transforms in to a echo chamber of talking points. I guess I'll have to choose the former over the latter.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  RTN Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:00 pm

    Mindstorm wrote:any helicopter's engine at this world experience a sudden decrease in power output over the nominal service ceiling certified by the maker....but i suspect that it was already perfectly aware of that and has merely attempted to use the unique cardinal paramater (the impact of the difference of which is moreover completely useless in 99,99 % of military and civil missions) where the Ch-47F could boast any kind of advantage on its otherwise crushing superior opponent and on it attempt to write this ridiculous piece aimed at put in bad light the Mi-26T2.

    Two things. Your words have merit.Second, I realize any posts or poster seen as mildly offending Russian sentiments will be vilified but even then hear me out.

    The engines,instruments for Mi-26 or Su 30 or any aircraft manufactured in Russia is normally optimized for the climatic conditions of the northern hemisphere. Therefore, these aircraft will not perform at their peak level in countries in Asia and Africa where the climate is warm and humid. This explains why the Chinese air force loses very few aircraft to accidents resulting from technical failures compared to say India.

    Keeping this in mind Boeing, LM will test fly the Chinook, F-15, F-16, C 17 and other aircraft in places like Florida and Arizona to figure out if its engines can withstand the heat and dust of countries like Saudi Arabia etc where it will be exported. These tests are carried out over an extended period of time.

    Does Russia tests the AL 41, D-136, D-30 etc in hot and humid conditions for days at end? It doesn't.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  Werewolf Mon Apr 06, 2015 8:11 pm

    The engines,instruments for Mi-26 or Su 30 or any aircraft manufactured in Russia is normally optimized for the climatic conditions of the northern hemisphere. Therefore, these aircraft will not perform at their peak level in countries in Asia and Africa where the climate is warm and humid.

    That is not correct.

    For the purpose of improving the Mi-26T2 transport helicopter flight performance under higher environmental temperature and highland conditions designed is being a turboshaft gas turbine engine, designated D-136-2, based on the advanced D-436 turbofan gas generator, with a new full authority automatic control system of FADEC type, which now is passing bench tests.

    Engines are constantly upgraded for hot and high requirements and there are no exception to this, especially not for Mi-26 in a country where all climate zones over all year are present. The Mi-26 was designed to quickly deploy heavy equipment across all Soviet Union/Russia through different time zones and climate zones.

    The point on this "Analysis" is exactly the point of tailoring a biased comperision that already presets the winner. This guy did the same with comperisions with every other of his "analysis" glorifying LAH helicopter a niche helicopter that was designed for high altitude only with compromises to every other capability. Tailoring a comperision for exact that narrative of parameters is just nonsense comperision to begin with, avoiding any crucial attributes and parameters for actual evaluation of competitors.

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    Talking bollocks thread - Page 17 Empty Re: Talking bollocks thread

    Post  flamming_python Mon Apr 06, 2015 9:18 pm

    RTN wrote:Valid point flamming_python. However, did you notice that consciously, unconsciously you could not go beyond GarryB and Mindstorm? That tells the story.

    Just two of the examples that spring to mind - but magnumcromagnon pointed out the many others here too - SOC, Austin, Viktor, TR1.. well Werewolf too actually - although he is unfortunately a crackpot too so I have him on ignore.

    On on the other hand, a magnitude larger than - yet you only have half the people there as compared to here, who know what they're talking about; artjomh, Lokos and a couple others. Well you also have the ex-military officers and proffessionals there who certainly know their stuff too but in a quite narrow and specific field. Some others know some things but not all that much - and all the rest are trolls and fanboys, or are just there for the political discussions.

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