KoTeMoRe Fri Jan 20, 2017 2:14 pm
eehnie wrote: KoTeMoRe wrote: eehnie wrote: KoTeMoRe wrote: eehnie wrote: KoTeMoRe wrote: eehnie wrote: KoTeMoRe wrote: eehnie wrote:Again looking as idiot as you are. Lol
After a failed initial lie, now the man pretends to say that there is only one S-300 in Syria, the alone of the report. And the idiot is asking to prove the existence of more and to do a tracking of every unit (because since october it was not posible to reach Damascus from Tartus), when he feels free to call everyone else a Chinese spy, with the great evidence of his privileged mind of expert in Chinese intelligence. Lol
PSl The second thing you will learn. It is herritarrok. And of course you know 0 about the meaning of the word. But this would be too much for KoSHeRMoRe in a single day.
Hey dude, you still haven't explained me with which crews are these «multiple» S-300 in Syrian arsenal? Oh wait you can't because youre a trap bot. Lol erritarrok having a little fit.try and convince yourself you have a country, you and your 4 cousins.
I asked first.
What are you? a "pro-Russian" zionist?
Of course I know the answer, KoSHeRMoRe. To read this explains all the necessary:
eehnie wrote: KoTeMoRe wrote: eehnie wrote:It seems that Israel attacked the Syrian SA-10/12/20/23 S-300 in the last attack to their air base near Damascus.
And the rare species of "pro-Russian" people here remains silent.
Something to say about?
To say about what? Which one did the 6 Israeli planes attacked first, the 10/12/20/23....Also 300 why not 3000.
Welcome to my ignore list, you'll be 2 with the other chinese bot.
Do not you know that the SA-10, SA-12, SA-20 and SA-23 are all S-300 variants? Do you have some problem with the notation? Is your problem.
Your ignore list is also your problem.
Chinese? Noski baietz, txinatar guztiek hitzegingo dizute euskaraz, errez gainera, arazorik gabe. I'm what I say, I'm Basque but what are you? a "pro-Russian" zionist?
Jus I was expecting some kind of defense of Israel from you, as I saw you using before a Jewish term like "Kosher", one of the few that I can identify:
KoTeMoRe wrote:Nope first images are not Kosher. The Mil Mi pictures are doctored. Crocodile 1 and 2 is the same helicopter and has been added on runway, probably the two others as well from previous satellite pictures. What happened on the Tarmac and on the HAS behind is still completely TBD. Also I don't see any Russian military truck on the HAS. I see AFV trailers...Also this is a 30/50m def of the area, not high def...the pictures from Digital Globe are clearly "special"...Google has 10m def but it dates from February this year...
Last edited by KoTeMoRe on Wed May 25, 2016 2:01 pm; edited 1 time in total
https://www.russiadefence.net/t5141p575-russian-military-involvement-and-aid-to-syria-9#164886You are just one of these rare "pro-Russian" species. Maybe you deserve to be in someones else ignore list.
Pro-Russian Zionist. AHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA. Hey Herritarrok Majmun, I was banned from many forums for basically stating that Israel has a direct plan to control and occupy the Jordan valley illegally, that colonisation was condemned in 2004 decision by ICJ and that Israelis in one specific site were running amok albeit they were patented war criminals as per UN.
It's still on Holiolla's time machine from 2011 (mp.net.
Lol, very impressive curriculum KoSHeRMoRe. Of course supported by the irrefutable evidence of your own word of experf in Chinese intelligence. How many Chinese spies have been discovered worlwide thanks to your expert advice.
WTF? You are one autistic deranged individual. Ultimatewarrior and his other avatars are the chinese bot. Unless you want to confess something. In my opinion you're a cretin trying to fool his way into oblivion.
Again looking as idiot as you are.
Slave of your own words:
KoTeMoRe wrote: eehnie wrote:It seems that Israel attacked the Syrian SA-10/12/20/23 S-300 in the last attack to their air base near Damascus.
And the rare species of "pro-Russian" people here remains silent.
Something to say about?
To say about what? Which one did the 6 Israeli planes attacked first, the 10/12/20/23....Also 300 why not 3000.
Welcome to my ignore list,
you'll be 2 with the other chinese bot. [meaning that I and "the other" are Chinese "bot"s].
Yes, so far in my list there is one chinese bot with multiple.accounts. and then you. Your command of English is even worse thn your logic.
Lol, my English level is enough to laugh at your face of how idiot you are and about how easy is to see your evident flaws as "pro-Russian". Here we have other side of the same, the side of the perfect English supremacists, very common in the American patriots, that are all but "pro-Russian". With the time, you are meeting perfectly all the requirements to be the perfect Orthodox Jewish American. Rabid zionist, English language supremacist...
Answer the question, what are you? Are you able of speaking correctly something else than English or Hebrew (where you proved your skills)? Prove it, I can follow you in other languages, even easier than in English. Nahi ba duzu saiatu ahal duzu euskeraz, aussi en français, je n'ai pas de problème, o incluso si prefieres puedes intentarlo en castellano. And sure other people in this forum knows Russian and other languages. Waiting to you KoSHeRMoRe. It would be interesting for the people to know it before to read you about Russia, Syria and other countries.
I told you retard, get medication, I don't need to prove I'm Albanian, there's ample evidence of it, from people that know me, but yet again, you fool, I said that in my ignore list is only one chinese bot, now there are two people, with you included, not that you are chinese you moron.
BTW I can choose to see the ignored posts. And I'm doing this here, because out of nowhere you remarkably stated something so fucking stupid, that even by being a newborn I would have become smitten by the gravity of that allegation.
An Israeli Strike package would have engaged a whole envelope of assets (including one Syria doesn't have control or oversight or flatly cannot use alone) and then gone inside Syrian airspace so deep to strike those S-300. That are manned by Russian troops. Just let that sink in for a moment. Trap bot.
What am I?
I'm a guy who has travelled in 3 weeks in 7 different countries. Including Jordan, I can reference you with people there, they're selling carpets and light oil residues. And...they are from Syria.
Oslo, want pictures?
Hannover+ Köln. Want pictures?
Brussels. Want pictures?
Then couple of "other" places.
En français? Hahah Herritarok au rabais. Google traduction ne va pas vraiment t'aider, mais je suis sur qu'un de tes cousins (oui un des 4 gars avec lesquels tu veux faire la révolution) saura taper ton charabia de manière lisible.
Also: Testa di cazzo, ce un elenco di presentazione nel forum, dove puoi leggere un mazzo di cose su di me. Omm e' merd'.
Tschuss, Arschloch.