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Odin of Ossetia
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    Poland - US military relations:

    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Tue Jan 15, 2019 4:43 am

    nomadski wrote:
    These eastern Europeans  . Why a rush to join NATO ?  Why allow CIA rendition and torture  on their soil?  Why allow ABM to be stationed ? Why a provocation to start a war against Russia ? Why fabricate evidence against Chinese firm for spying ? Why allow anti - Iran meeting ?  

    The group  that is in power , is poverty stricken . In the service of western liberal agenda . The military industrial complex . Their paymaster the CIA  .  Iranians in general are friendly with eastern Europeans  . They are wrong  . I am Iranian . I know them better  . Something wrong with their culture .  Polish !  Ukrainians  !  For a fistful of Dollars !  Retaliation against these servile slaves is justified !

    Poland is not ruled by the ethnic Poles.

    Poland is ruled by the German-Ukrainian mafia.

    You can blame the Soviets for that; the "reliable ethnic Ukrainian Communists" they appointed to control Poland turned out to be very reliable Ukrainian nationalists.

    You favored them until recently; remember the Taras Bulba movie remake?

    Russians screwed their own Slavic Polish brothers in favor of the Varangian savages.


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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  GarryB Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:25 am


    Poland has had democracy for almost 20 years and you are still blaming Mother Russia for your politicians?

    Poland is so anti Russia it must have removed all the politicians the Soviets put in power by now, yet it is all Russias fault... I don't even know all the facts but that on its own sounds like the root of the problem... Grow up for fucks sake and stop blaming Russia for all your fucking problems.

    Grow a pair and deal with your problems and then you can move forward... and don't try to pass the bill to Russia... that is not how the real world works.

    But I always think about my cat .

    You have a wise cat... tell me... has he ever blamed Russia for his problems?

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  nomadski Tue Jan 15, 2019 11:40 am

    If I  pick him up too toughly  or shout at him for destroying my boots . Then he wil not speak to me for about a week . In human terms , this is about five weeks . But he eventually forgives me . Looks like he has a sense of proportion !  Iran was also occupied by both soviet and American troops during ww2 . But in Iran , people have a sense of history and proportion . They do not hold grudges against the allies . But poles , have made this episode in ww2 , and grandiose  representations  of some historical events  ,  to turn against Russia . On a happier note  , some Iranians cook and eat Borch ! They are not too far away from poles !

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  George1 Fri Feb 15, 2019 12:42 am

    Poland signed an agreement to acquire the first division of the American missile system HIMARS

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  George1 Wed May 29, 2019 12:06 am

    Poland sent a formal request for the purchase of 32 F-35A fighter jets

    On May 28, 2019, the Polish Minister of National Defense, Mariusz Blašczak, in a speech at the opening of the Defense Conference Defense Warsaw in Warsaw, announced that the Polish government had sent a letter of request to the US government for the purchase of 32 fifth-generation Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II fighters for the Polish Air Force , including training and technical support packages.


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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  George1 Sun Sep 08, 2019 1:34 pm

    Poland requested US acquisition of Javelin ATGMs and C-130H Hercules military transport aircraft

    Polish Minister of National Defense Marish Blaszczak speaking on September 3, 2019 at the Polish defense industry exhibition MSPO-2019 in Kielce, said he had signed two official letters (Letters of request - LoR) to the US Department of Defense Agency for Defense Cooperation Agency - DSCA) with requests for the supply of Poland through the American program of intergovernmental foreign military sales Foreign Military Sales (FMS) of Javelin man-portable anti-tank missile systems and five Lockheed C-130H Hercules military transport aircraft.

    It is reported that Poland is requesting 60 handheld launchers (CLUs) and 185 Javelin anti-tank missiles, which, according to Blaszczak, are planned to equip the deployed Polish territorial defense forces (Wojska Obrony Terytorialnej). It should be noted that so far the Polish Army since 2004 has acquired anti-tank systems of a similar class Spike-LR of Israeli design (including with partial assembly at the Polish company MESKO).

    As for the five military transport aircraft S-130N, they must be obtained from the storage of the US Air Force. Currently, the Polish Air Force has four old S-130E Hercules aircraft built in the early 1970s, out of seven received from the U.S. Air Force storage in 2009-2011 (another received S-130E aircraft was decommissioned after an emergency landing in Afghanistan in 2010, one used as a non-flying teaching aid, and another was returned to the United States).

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  George1 Thu Sep 12, 2019 12:02 am

    The US government officially approved the supply of Poland fighter F-35A

    On September 10, 2019, the U.S. Department of Defense Agency for Defense Cooperation (DSCA) sent a notification to the U.S. Congress of the planned upcoming sale of 32 fifth-generation fighter Lockhe Martin Martin F-fighters to Poland through the American program of intergovernmental foreign military sales (FMS) 35A Lightning II. This shipment is approved by the US Department of State. The total cost of the proposed supply will be $ 6.5 billion, including training and technical support packages. Armament is not included in the supply.

    Recall that the Polish government made the purchase of 32 fifth-generation fighters (i.e. F-35) under the Harpia program in the new ten-year long-term plan for the technical modernization of the Polish armed forces (Planie Modernizacji Technicznej Sił Zbrojnych - RMT) for 2017-2026, approved in February 2019 . Polish observers estimated the cost of a possible program to purchase 32 F-35A aircraft at a minimum of PLN 20 billion ($ 5.27 billion).

    In May 2019, the Polish government sent a letter of request to the U.S. government for the acquisition of 32 Lockheed Martin F-35A Lightning II fifth-generation fighter jets for the Polish Air Force through the American FMS program, including training and technical support packages.

    Also in May, the Polish Ministry of National Defense expressed its intention to receive the first squadron of F-35A fighters (16 aircraft) by 2026, and the second squadron (the remaining 16 aircraft) shortly after 2026. At the MSPO-2019 defense exhibition held in early September in Kielce, Poland, Vice President of Lockheed Martin Corporation and F-35 Program Director Greg Ulmer said that Poland could receive the first four F-35A fighters of Block 4 version from the 16th production series (Lot 16) in 2024, and that these first four planes will be used to train Polish flight and technical personnel in the United States, probably at Luke Air Force Base in Arizona. The delivery of the entire full first F-35A squadron (16 aircraft) in this case will be completed in 2026. A second squadron of 16 aircraft will be delivered by 2030.

    F-35A fighters should replace the Polish Air Force currently operating Soviet-made combat aircraft of the 1980s - MiG-29 fighters (now actually 21 aircraft are in operation) and Su-22M4 fighter-bombers (there are 26 aircraft now).
    Odin of Ossetia
    Odin of Ossetia

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  Odin of Ossetia Sun Sep 15, 2019 3:57 am

    Reported very recently by the Polish television.

    Next year, in 2020, the U.S. military will dispatch 20 000 of its troops to Poland, together with 6 000 vehicles, for the Defender 20 military exercises.


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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  Godric Tue Sep 17, 2019 2:22 pm

    Odin of Ossetia wrote:

    Reported very recently by the Polish television.

    Next year, in 2020, the U.S. military will dispatch 20 000 of its troops to Poland, together with 6 000 vehicles, for the Defender 20 military exercises.

    Poland to become the 52nd state of America replacing Germany as there Euro bitches

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  George1 Wed Sep 25, 2019 12:25 am

    New US military bases in Poland

    On September 23, 2019, during a meeting in New York, the presidents of Poland, Andrzej Duda and the United States, Donald Trump, signed a Joint Declaration on deepening US-Polish defense cooperation. The document is based on the Joint Declaration on Cooperation in the Defense Field and the Presence of the United States Armed Forces in the Republic of Poland dated June 12, 2019, and, in particular, determines the agreed locations for additional US military installations in Poland with a view to the planned increase in the number of US forces in Poland from 4,500 to a minimum of 5,500 people.

    According to the Joint Declaration signed on September 23, the following areas of deployment of additional US military contingents are defined in Poland:

    Poznan - the advanced headquarters of the division (Division Headquarters (Forward)) with a support group

    Dravsko-Pomorsk - is a Combat Training Center for joint use by the US and Poland.

    - US Air Force Airdrome for the delivery of goods and troops

    Lask - squadron of unmanned aerial vehicles General Atomics MQ-9 Reaper US Air Force.

    Powids- is an army aviation brigade, support battalion, and special operations forces unit.

    Lubliniec- is an object of special operations forces.

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  George1 Wed Jul 14, 2021 11:59 pm

    The Polish government announced the purchase of American tanks M1A2 SEP v3 Abrams

    July 14, 2021 at the headquarters of the 1st Warsaw Armored Brigade of the 18th Mechanized Division of the Polish Army in Wesola (Warsaw region), Deputy Prime Minister of Poland and Chairman of the Committee of the Council of Ministers of Poland on Defense and National Security Jaroslaw Kaczynski and Minister of National Defense of Poland Mariusz Blaszczak has officially announced the upcoming purchase of 250 American M1A2 SEP v3 Abrams main tanks for the Polish Armed Forces. A few days earlier, publications about negotiations on this purchase appeared in the Polish media.

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:21 am

    If memory serves me Poland already operates Leopard tanks from Germany and Uncle Sam was not too pleased with being undercut in such manner

    Looks like situation was finally rectified


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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  Isos Thu Jul 15, 2021 1:43 am

    5 billion for those kornet eating targets.

    Hopefully they have EU fundings lol1 .

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  ALAMO Thu Jul 15, 2021 9:32 am

    PapaDragon wrote:
    If memory serves me Poland already operates Leopard tanks from Germany and Uncle Sam was not too pleased with being undercut in such manner
    Looks like situation was finally rectified

    It is even better.
    Poland ownes about 1000 MBTs.
    That is about a number of Germany, France and UK. Combined Laughing
    The 1k consists of approx. 500 pcs T-72M1 made back in 80s, 233 PT-91 made in 90s-00s, and 250 Leo2 A4 and A5 variants, received in 00s.
    T-72s are being modernized locally since 2019, with TI-equipped FCS installed and some others modifications.
    Leo2A4s are being modernized locally, with improved FCS replacing EMES15, added turret armor, and a hydraulic turret rotation system replaced by an electric one.
    Both T-72 and Leo modernization are being made with the cooperation of several Polish factories and institutes.
    The purchase of M1 is just another bribe given in bright light.

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  miketheterrible Thu Jul 15, 2021 12:44 pm

    Is Poland wanting to compete with Saudi Arabia and India for the title of worst logistical choices ever award?

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  PapaDragon Thu Jul 15, 2021 5:30 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Is Poland wanting to compete with Saudi Arabia and India for the title of worst logistical choices ever award?

    I don't think Saudis do this many different MBTs

    Poland is tied with India in that competition now

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  Isos Thu Jul 15, 2021 8:40 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Is Poland wanting to compete with Saudi Arabia and India for the title of worst logistical choices ever award?

    I don't think Saudis do this many different MBTs

    Poland is tied with India in that competition now

    Saudi can thank houtis who destroyed their shitty tanks and solved their logistic prpblems.

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  ALAMO Thu Jul 15, 2021 11:08 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Is Poland wanting to compete with Saudi Arabia and India for the title of worst logistical choices ever award?

    Well, it was not so bad as it seems - at least it was not until new rulers came.
    72M1s were produced in hundreds and widely exported to India, Iraq etc.
    PT-91 was a 72s modification, with all the flares that were possible in the early 90s.
    It incorporated ElOp thermal imager (ha ha ha, I investigated a custom clearance documentation of those 20 years ago) combined with Polish Drawa FCS, improved&strenghtened engine S12U produced locally, some modifications to the transmission, totally replaced communication package, Obra self-defense system/laser warning suite, and last but not least, Polish-made ERAWA reactive armor set.
    The whole program was running quite effectively, with 233 pieces delivered to the army, and new variants projected and tested along.
    FCS was steadily improved, ending up with French SAVAN15, which was really something 20 years ago, but new FCS was already around the corner, made with Polish components.
    The engine was improved as well, ending up with an S1000 derivative with 1000HP, new Renk transmission etc.
    The main 2A46 Rapira gun was replaced with Slovenian 2A46MS, with a new stabilization set.
    This was called PT-91M, and delivered in numbers to Malesia. Still, never ordered by the Polish Army itself.
    Functionally all 72M1s could be transferred to any PT-91 variant if asked. This used to be a general idea.
    When Leopards appeared in the army back in 00s, our MIC tried to catch up the train, proposing a "leopardization" variant of 72/91. They proposed a maximal unification of all the assets, to get a standard ammo supply, making a new turret layout for Rh120 to be placed at all modernized pieces.
    But there was a modification program running along, maybe not as advanced as Russian T-90 and T-80 ones, but quite amazing concerning the real capabilities of Poland.
    ERAWA-2 ERA package is the first to be considered really impressive, and some rounds made by the Pionki ammo factory were on pair with the latest Russian products.
    Making a Polish "T-72BM3M" would be just a matter of political will and money allocated along.
    It can be combined with Leo2 modernization program running in the background.
    M1 applied here, is simple treason of the Polish interest. A bribe.

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  flamming_python Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:14 am

    ALAMO wrote:
    miketheterrible wrote:Is Poland wanting to compete with Saudi Arabia and India for the title of worst logistical choices ever award?

    Well, it was not so bad as it seems - at least it was not until new rulers came.
    72M1s were produced in hundreds and widely exported to India, Iraq etc.
    PT-91 was a 72s modification, with all the flares that were possible in the early 90s.
    It incorporated ElOp thermal imager (ha ha ha, I investigated a custom clearance documentation of those 20 years ago)  combined with Polish Drawa FCS, improved&strenghtened engine S12U produced locally, some modifications to the transmission, totally replaced communication package, Obra self-defense system/laser warning suite, and last but not least, Polish-made ERAWA reactive armor set.
    The whole program was running quite effectively, with 233 pieces delivered to the army, and new variants projected and tested along.
    FCS was steadily improved, ending up with French SAVAN15, which was really something 20 years ago, but new FCS was already around the corner, made with Polish components.
    The engine was improved as well, ending up with an S1000 derivative with 1000HP, new Renk transmission etc.
    The main 2A46 Rapira gun was replaced with Slovenian 2A46MS, with a new stabilization set.
    This was called PT-91M, and delivered in numbers to Malesia. Still, never ordered by the Polish Army itself.
    Functionally all 72M1s could be transferred to any PT-91 variant if asked. This used to be a general idea.
    When Leopards appeared in the army back in 00s, our MIC tried to catch up the train, proposing a "leopardization" variant of 72/91. They proposed a maximal unification of all the assets, to get a standard ammo supply, making a new turret layout for Rh120 to be placed at all modernized pieces.
    But there was a modification program running along, maybe not as advanced as Russian T-90 and T-80 ones, but quite amazing concerning the real capabilities of Poland.
    ERAWA-2 ERA package is the first to be considered really impressive, and some rounds made by the Pionki ammo factory were on pair with the latest Russian products.
    Making a Polish "T-72BM3M" would be just a matter of political will and money allocated along.
    It can be combined with Leo2 modernization program running in the background.
    M1 applied here, is simple treason of the Polish interest. A bribe.

    What can you tell us out of interest about Poland's helicopter and light aircraft industry? I know Poland had 2 industrial plants related to that

    Do they have any of their own domestic designs, or did they?

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  lyle6 Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:43 am

    Based Poland hard at work lobbying for the Russian MoD to finally acquire the T-14 when UVZ clearly could not make its case strong enough - even put its (EU) money where its mouth is.

    And Based Uncle Sam putting its foot down on its vassals trying to make a quick buck. Freedom isn't free so buy American or else.

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  ALAMO Fri Jul 16, 2021 11:18 am

    flamming_python wrote:
    What can you tell us out of interest about Poland's helicopter and light aircraft industry? I know Poland had 2 industrial plants related to that
    Do they have any of their own domestic designs, or did they?

    Not sure what time period you addressing, because it would be a different animal.
    Poland produced tons of planes and helos.
    Localized MiG-15 production began at Mielec plant as early as 1951, it was called Lim-1. Production was really massive, and steady technical progress was constant. 15bis was put online as early as 1954, called Lim-2. In 1956, there was a MiG-17F already on production, called Lim-5. This piece was modernized, too, leading to Lim-6/6bis variants.
    Rzeszow produced the engines for Lim-5/6 line.
    Functionally for more than a decade, Poland produced its own fighter jet planes in hundreds.
    In 1956/1957, an MoA was undersigned to transfer the MiG-21 documentation and start its production, however as the political changes appeared in Poland, soviet rulers were afraid of security issues, so they closed the deal. Khrushchev himself repeated to the Polish delegation pushing for decision change, that even if they will all sing a choir about keeping the secrets, he would no believe them Laughing
    As Polish Air Forces transferred to jet fighters in the 50s, there was a need to have a light jest trainer. In 1957, a TS-11 "Spark" trainer was constructed, and this part is actually quite interesting, as the proto used to be powered by a cloned R&R Viper 8 engine. Original Viper was bought in Yugoslavia and copied as HO-10. It used to be an interim solution, as Polish designed&made SO-1 was not ready yet. TS-11 started to be serially delivered to the AF in 1963, and a modernization program was running as well. The plane was evaluated as a standard trainer of WarPac airforces but lost that competition to Czechoslovakian L-29. The sole user outside Poland was India. Production stopped in 1987, with +/- 400 produced.
    In 1976, the decision was made to create a next-gen trainer/light attack plane, with a twin-engine layout. It was designated I-22 Iryda, and the program was pushed forward for the whole of the 80s, with different configurations and engines used. The last prototype that was considered as serial standard flew in 1991. PAF ordered trial series of 12 pcs, and that was the beginning of the end. The number of planes was steadily decreased, while the demands increased rapidly. AF demanded changes to the frame, engines, and avionic suite, ending up with three different engines considered, replacing the existing fourth one - Polish K-15, a Viper, and Franch SNECMA Larzac. That led to a crazy situation when finally deliveries started in 1994, AF operated whole 8 pcs of the planes, but .... of 3 different series, with different engines. In 1996, one of the planes crashed, killing the crew, and that was the last nail to the coffin. No one really cared about the fact, that it was one of the first delivered pieces, with the oldest SO-3 engines, and the cause of the crash is disputable. The project was put on hold and finally closed in 1996 ending up with 11 frames only.
    That was the last song of Polish-made jet planes.

    As for helo production, Poland was chosen as the main subcontractor for Mi-2 for the whole WarPac, especially SU.
    The situation was kinda similar to the previous localization of An-2 biplane, which was produced in 47 000 (yes, forty-seven thousand) pieces at Mielec.
    Mi-2 was a workhorse produced since 1965, and what is particularly interesting here, Soviets provided not serial production documentation as a part of a license, but a prototype one. That forced our engineering staff to master it in a living body, with help and assistance from the Mil design team. A total of 5500 pieces were produced.
    That gave them a solid background and cooperation experience, so in 1976 it was decided that a new helo replacing Mi-2 and Mi-4 will be produced in Poland as well.
    This is how W-3 Sokol - Hawk - was born. The first serial helo lifted in the air in 1982.
    W-3 used to be quite successful, delivered in numbers to Polish AF, Navy, medical services, SAR teams, and exported.
    It was put in operation in Czech (they switched with us giving 10 MiG-29 for 11 W-3A), Myanma, Philipines, Algeria, Germany, South Korea, Chile, Uganda, Spain, Russia, USA, Israel, UAE, Vietnam, Gabon, Portugal ... As some of them operated a sole piece or a special version, it still answers the question of the potential of this frame, if played correctly. Which was not the case, unfortunately.
    There was an SW-4 light helo as a direct replacement of Mi-2 as well, but as it was not as widely used as the W-3, with 24 pcs in exploitation with PAF, but the interesting part is, that one is supposed to be made in China some 15 years ago.

    We had a quite vibrant agro plane production, too.

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  SeigSoloyvov Fri Jul 16, 2021 2:54 pm

    lyle6 wrote:Based Poland hard at work lobbying for the Russian MoD to finally acquire the T-14 when UVZ clearly could not make its case strong enough - even put its (EU) money where its mouth is.

    And Based Uncle Sam putting its foot down on its vassals trying to make a quick buck. Freedom isn't free so buy American or else.

    Show me where the Polish government is trying to acquire and export version of the T-14, official government sources only not some dude claiming it.

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  flamming_python Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:09 pm

    ALAMO wrote:
    flamming_python wrote:
    What can you tell us out of interest about Poland's helicopter and light aircraft industry? I know Poland had 2 industrial plants related to that
    Do they have any of their own domestic designs, or did they?

    Not sure what time period you addressing, because it would be a different animal.
    Poland produced tons of planes and helos.
    Localized MiG-15 production began at Mielec plant as early as 1951, it was called Lim-1. Production was really massive, and steady technical progress was constant. 15bis was put online as early as 1954, called Lim-2. In 1956, there was a MiG-17F already on production, called Lim-5. This piece was modernized, too, leading to Lim-6/6bis variants.  
    Rzeszow produced the engines for Lim-5/6 line.
    Functionally for more than a decade, Poland produced its own fighter jet planes in hundreds.
    In 1956/1957, an MoA was undersigned to transfer the MiG-21 documentation and start its production, however as the political changes appeared in Poland, soviet rulers were afraid of security issues, so they closed the deal. Khrushchev himself repeated to the Polish delegation pushing for decision change, that even if they will all sing a choir about keeping the secrets, he would no believe them Laughing
    As Polish Air Forces transferred to jet fighters in the 50s, there was a need to have a light jest trainer. In 1957, a TS-11 "Spark" trainer was constructed, and this part is actually quite interesting, as the proto used to be powered by a cloned R&R Viper 8 engine. Original Viper was bought in Yugoslavia and copied as HO-10. It used to be an interim solution, as Polish designed&made SO-1 was not ready yet. TS-11 started to be serially delivered to the AF in 1963, and a modernization program was running as well. The plane was evaluated as a standard trainer of WarPac airforces but lost that competition to Czechoslovakian L-29. The sole user outside Poland was India. Production stopped in 1987, with +/- 400 produced.
    In 1976, the decision was made to create a next-gen trainer/light attack plane, with a twin-engine layout. It was designated I-22 Iryda, and the program was pushed forward for the whole of the 80s, with different configurations and engines used. The last prototype that was considered as serial standard flew in 1991. PAF ordered trial series of 12 pcs, and that was the beginning of the end. The number of planes was steadily decreased, while the demands increased rapidly. AF demanded changes to the frame, engines, and avionic suite, ending up with three different engines considered, replacing the existing fourth one - Polish K-15, a Viper, and Franch SNECMA Larzac. That led to a crazy situation when finally deliveries started in 1994, AF operated whole 8 pcs of the planes, but .... of 3 different series, with different engines. In 1996, one of the planes crashed, killing the crew, and that was the last nail to the coffin. No one really cared about the fact, that it was one of the first delivered pieces, with the oldest SO-3 engines, and the cause of the crash is disputable. The project was put on hold and finally closed in 1996 ending up with 11 frames only.
    That was the last song of Polish-made jet planes.

    As for helo production, Poland was chosen as the main subcontractor for Mi-2 for the whole WarPac, especially SU.
    The situation was kinda similar to the previous localization of An-2 biplane, which was produced in 47 000 (yes, forty-seven thousand) pieces at Mielec.
    Mi-2 was a workhorse produced since 1965, and what is particularly interesting here, Soviets provided not serial production documentation as a part of a license, but a prototype one. That forced our engineering staff to master it in a living body, with help and assistance from the Mil design team. A total of 5500 pieces were produced.
    That gave them a solid background and cooperation experience, so in 1976 it was decided that a new helo replacing Mi-2 and Mi-4 will be produced in Poland as well.
    This is how W-3 Sokol - Hawk - was born. The first serial helo lifted in the air in 1982.
    W-3 used to be quite successful, delivered in numbers to Polish AF, Navy, medical services, SAR teams, and exported.
    It was put in operation in Czech (they switched with us giving 10 MiG-29 for 11 W-3A), Myanma, Philipines, Algeria, Germany, South Korea, Chile, Uganda, Spain, Russia, USA, Israel, UAE, Vietnam, Gabon, Portugal ... As some of them operated a sole piece or a special version, it still answers the question of the potential of this frame, if played correctly. Which was not the case, unfortunately.
    There was an SW-4 light helo as a direct replacement of Mi-2 as well, but as it was not as widely used as the W-3, with 24 pcs in exploitation with PAF, but the interesting part is, that one is supposed to be made in China some 15 years ago.

    We had a quite vibrant agro plane production, too.

    I meant more if there have been any initiatives recently, like in the last 15 years or so. But it's interesting info anyway

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  ALAMO Fri Jul 16, 2021 3:19 pm

    That would be PZL Mielec, a cooperant for UH60 and producer of S70, but those are American.
    They used to produce M28 Bryza plane, which was quite interesting, but the production was frozen by Americans.

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    Poland - US military relations: - Page 3 Empty Re: Poland - US military relations:

    Post  lyle6 Fri Jul 16, 2021 5:45 pm

    SeigSoloyvov wrote:

    Show me where the Polish government is trying to acquire and export version of the T-14, official government sources only not some dude claiming it.
    You've misread what I said - read it again. But then again, why would you even ask this asinine of a question when it doesn't take a professor emeritus in international relations to realize that Poland, which sees Russia as its top geopolitical danger, would not want to source the very same weapons it is planning to use against that same supplier potentially? Does that make any sense?

    Isos wrote:5 billion for those kornet eating targets.

    Hopefully they have EU fundings lol1 .
    They are supposedly drawing from a special budget specifically allocated for the purchase - so it could very well be that EU developmental funds might be resiphoned for this. Still, $5 billion is pretty steep, especially considering you're paying for tanks that might not even provide you the necessary levels of qualitative advantage you are hoping for. Its also not the most efficient way of using limited funding - frankly Poland has no business trying to match the Western Military District in the quantity and quality of its tank force when they should be investing in asymmetric counters to armor, like ATGMs given out like candy even up to the squad level.

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