Cowboy's daughter wrote: Regular wrote: KomissarBojanchev wrote:As I said, if an oligarch doesn't have have dirt then he wouldn't be an oligarch.
There is certainly a limit where person can earn money honestly by business. We are started with nothing after Soviet Union fell. Some of us got rich by hard work and some of us got mega rich by "luck"..
I grew up with first oligarchs and their kids. I can say that there is not much difference between them and a gopnik.
One Jewish oligarch(or gentlemen of luck) my family knew was an exception. He supported our basketball club where I was playing. From trips to abroad to basketballs(they were hard to get) to matching uniforms. Even food for poorer families of kids who were playing basketball. Probably he and his family what makes me sometimes to stand up for jews. He was shot in Russia in 2009. It only shows You that all your money has a long shadow.
Interesting post.
Personally, my limited information...I don't think Putin is a Neo-Con. I tend to think he's more Socialist.
I'd like to know who he really is, but doubt I ever will. To me, there's something about him, that he feels like a technocrat. Really smart, intelligent, knowledgeable, & it's like you know you have to do x,y,z to achieve desired outcome, so that's what you do, and let nothing interfere.
He may be none of the above, but that's how I perceive him.
Neocons ideology exist was created by Americans ,as a tool to take control of the entire world. The control of countries through controlling its Banking Industry and debt economy. Through
the privatization of any company that could help a nation economy.. If you can control the economy of a nation ,you can control that nation without an army invasion.. is a simple concept but very effective. Russia ,neither Putin is seeking to Rule the world ,or control others nations economy ,they support a multi polar world ,where every nation interest are respected.
So if any ,he is anti-Neocon.. But Putin is pragmatic , and he can do a good business for Russia,
that is not illegal under international laws ,he will do it.. Even if they are Hostile to them.. So maybe this is why is misjudged ,as "Neocon" because trade with the devil , can go and do business with Rockefellers and Rothchilds.. because in the end all he cares is what is best for Russian people. and nothing else. Putin is very Open for Business to anyone who wants to trade
,but he also support social programs and social help.. Simply Put Putin is Patric towards Russia
and will do any thing that could help the economy of Russia and help the quality of life of people , even if that could at times make been seen as not a loyal ally. as if was the case with Syria and IRAN.. Putin policy is 100% focused in the maximum benefit of improving the Russian people lives ,while maintaining their security. Just notice how he have not invaded Ukraine..
when people supportive of Russia there want it. Simply Putin is focused only in what is best
for the security ,and prosperity of 140 millions Russian citizens. So is not even a "sold out" to Russian Elite.. even though he welcomes working with them.. In short Putin is Anti_Neocon..
Very pragmatic ,and very patriotic to Russia,and he is never guided by emotions but by what works or not... The most Brutal example of Putin pragmatism is how he maintains relations with USA ,even after knowing the Hostile proxy war the white house have against Russia in Ukraine and Syria.. and even knowing how US Government helps to organize and recruit the terrorist in chechenia to distabilize their nation. Because is not practical for RUssia to start a world war against USA ,that could end with nuclear weapons.. something that no one knows how can it ends.. then he prefer to continue working with its "western partners" as they call it ,while dealing with the undercover war on ,that even though is very hostile and painful , is something they can control and handle.
But reality is USA is on an Undeclared war against Russia.. and had not been Putin the leader..
but instead someone like Stalin or Krushev ,you bet already a world war 3 will have started..
They will have send nuclear weapons again to Cuba ,and to Syria and bombed the nations attacking their allies. So not a Neocon at all .. but a very pragmatic leader ,that only take decisions based on if it is good for Russian economy or not ,but without ignoring its security..
This is why Putin Ordered the take over of Crimea.. it was Russia naval port security at risk..
They could not allow NATO to take control of it.. So Putin is not a NeoCon but a very pragmatic ,but also patriotic leader. that said the chance Russia will anexx easter ukraine is ZERO..
Because is not pragmatic to have forever an army presence in Ukraine defending Communist
that not only reject kiev ,but the very same capitalistic/Social government Putin leads.
So this is why Putin Give headaches to US..and is non-predictable .. because he does not take decisions based on emotions but on pragmatism..whats Good for Russia or not. if a decision can benefit Russia economy/security/peace or Not.. So he got the west with the pants down with the TUrkish pipeline , after they blocked the southstream. and they trade with Israel ,knowing well how hostile is Israel towards Russia.. and they visited Saudi Arabia knowing the terrorist state they are.. and they maintain the NASA cooperation ,even after knowing Obama is calling to openly overthrow Putin and provoked the war in Ukraine..and wants to give lethal weapons to them.. to fight Russia.
American Government in the other hand is full Egocentric, they not even make things for money since they can print money all they want..neither do things for what is best for regular americans..but what is best for the 1% American elite ,which operates only but for the pure pleasure of power and control of others. NeoCons are sick people , with real no care for humanity other than themselves.