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Hannibal Barca
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    2014 Hong Kong protests


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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Vann7 Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:19 am

    As we know China now is under an attack of a color revolution..

    And a chinese newspaper is saying the leaders of the revolution in hong kong took training seminars
    by US NGOs groups in  Hong Kong-America Center , that were seeking to "promote Democracy" and
    to allow the chinese people to "understand AMericans better".

    As always the Bastard americans neocons pick always the most vulnerable ..(just like in Ukraine)
    The youngest people ,That is the most ignorants in the entire society for their lack of life experience ,the more easily to brainwash because who understand nothing about world politics ,about economy or what democracy or freedom and liberty really is and that do not understand the real goals of the Americans with CHina .

    take a look at the chineese protesting ..barely have age to drive a car..

    2014 Hong Kong protests 3

    This is like watching an ex-convict Pedophile ,who escaped from jail.. flirting with a 9 years old girl ,kissing her head in a children playground park .. in a lonely place and police passing and doing nothing.  Mad

    You can even see Western Elite media like @Reuters located in strategic places fully documenting everything as if they knew before hand it was going to happen and were .

    The protesters do not understand how they are fooled by the most Undemocratic Nation in the world.. to destroy their country.. had they all , had a little more knowledge of the Games that Americans play.. not a single one of them will be there.. and instead of asking for "Freedom" or "democracy" things that could mean any thing and is not a real concept.. they instead will protest peacefully one day only for X or Y laws and work with the actual government they have.

    What is more amazing is not how could the chinesse government allow such NGOs to operate in CHINA or those meetings to ever happen..  what is more amazing is PUTIN with sitting on his hands doing nothing , just like the
    Imbecile did in Ukraine for the sake of "political correctness" when a western sponsored revolution was seeking to overthrow Yakunovych as they did it..

    Near a week have pass and China have been unable to remove the occupy movement in hong kong using peaceful ways.. They all have been trained by the US Congress dirty money how to counter police ,by "coincidence " they all equipend with gas mask ,creating barricades and repeating slogans /mantras to stimulate the spirit of the occupy

    What the hell is wrong with Russia Government?
    Do they want to experience the ukraine conflict all over again ? but this time in China?
    Did they know the danger that could be for Russia if US get away with his dirty tricks and provoke a civil war
    in a nuclear powered China ,which is the last hope for Russia economy? and install a Hostile muslin factions to Russia in Power?

    We were on the verge of a world war 3 ,for the incompetence of Russian Government not helping Yakunovych
    to maintain control of Ukraine at very least until legitimate elections happened.. Putin simply did not interfere in Ukraine directly and now have a HUGE problem that threaten their nation security at their borders.. and thousands of ukrainians killed because of Russia passivenes in preventing the civil war to continue in kiev.

    Now we are again on another US attempt to provoke a civil war and overthrow a Government in Another major important Nation for Russia economy. I really hope someone in Russia Government wake up and help China
    how to effectively neutralize this hostile Prostest ..that is NOT PEACEFUL because is blocking Roads and stopping
    Bussiness operations and refuse any negotiations..  It is only hong konk but if ever is successful it could spread quickly in all other CHINA cities..

    China is doing right is not using lethal force.. but doing a HUGE Mistake in allowing this protest to last more than a couple of days.. all the students needs to be one by one removed from the place ,arrested.. and forced to do communitarian work ,washing cars for many months for no pay . for the Fools that think democracy is the solution.
    is not.. China will have never had the progress they have major economy.and development.if they didn't had the Government system they have now.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  sepheronx Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:39 am

    Because Russia cannot interfere. Instead, China will haveno problem dealing with this. They will let them hurt HK finances more, eventually these people will give up as money/food will go. If not, the police trained heavily for this.

    This is nothing for China and whatever west tries to do against China politicaly, Russia will try to stop.
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Mike E Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:19 am

    China is "no Ukraine"... They won't let this joke of a "revolution" get the best of them, and they've been through similar events in the past... - As such, there is nothing Russia needs to do.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Werewolf Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:30 am

    Sorry but China can handle that pretty well even when it ends up in a massacre they have legitimacy to use force to avoid color regime changes.
    We know today that western countries citizens are retarded, they already start forgeting what happened three months ago and treat it like it is some ancient history. Today people act like the maidan snipers are something isolated happening that has nothing to do with todays happenings and that all is putins fault.
    China can slaughter those bought idiots to hamburgers and in 6 month it is already treated as ancient history. Russia should start to act harder on traitors and fabricate them to hamburgers.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Sep 30, 2014 3:37 am

    The media would make you think that they make up the majority of the population, when in reality (just like in Venezuela) they make up a small minority. Simply put, they're nothing more than astro-turfed 5th-columnist rent-a-mob's.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 30, 2014 5:44 am

    What is wrong with you?

    Russia is not the world police and does not need to intervene every time the US starts playing their silly anti democratic games.

    Countries wont respect Russia if it starts intervening just like the US does now... to begin with the US probably thought its interventions were for the good of everyone... it is their little secret that they only intervene when it is in their interests to do so... compare the ethnic cleansing (not) in Kosovo, with the extreme ethnic cleansing in Rwanda... which situation did they choose to intervene?

    And why?

    Obviously Serbians are friendly with Russians which makes them the bad guys so any chance to take land from them or to bomb them is taken on any pretext. ...stupid, fked up as it is.... that is how they operate.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Vann7 Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:16 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:The media would make you think that they make up the majority of the population, when in reality (just like in Venezuela) they make up a small minority. Simply put, they're nothing more than astro-turfed 5th-columnist rent-a-mob's.

    CHina is doing a huge mistake by allowing them to organize , stay there for an entire week.. China never had free will for people to paralize a city or a zone.. They cannot use the same tactic of Ukraine of allowing them to continue for months protesting.. that send a wrong message to the young people that they can paralize their city and the police will not arrest them. That was the biggest mistake of Yakunovych ..of backing down and negotiating with people so that they stop protesting.. thats only sends the message that the Hostile Protests.. (like blocking a city)
    is acceptable tactic and that the government will tolerate it. .

    That protest could easily be dispersed if they had Sound control weapons or even water cannons .. but waiting for more people to come ,allowing them to make phone calls and call more.. Russia is clearly not advising China how
    to control the protest.. in Russia such protest will not last more than 2-3 days.Blocking a city traffic. No

    I have seen a few videos and noticed the same mistakes that Yakunovych did of allowing camps and tents inside the protest place.. all that people need to go to the bathroom or eat.. how can they survive 5 days in the same place without being supplied from outside?  Clearly the chinese government is not properly dealing with the hostile
    protest that even though the show their hands as sign of being " unarmed and peaceful" the reality is , that is a hostile protest because is blocking the zone and traffic and business. In peaceful protest Business and traffic are allowed to continue. and they do not interrupt the city normal the chiness are doing that even invaded a Government office.. clearly imitating what the Euromaidan terrorist did in Kiev.. Putin is sitting on his hands ,while CHina are doing mistakes after mistakes in not disbanding the protest.

    here is a video of VICE shows chinese students allowed to block highways , allowed to stay unmolested , allowed to do phone calls they can organize and coordinate better or call more people ,totally stupid. CHina is badly advised how to handle the protest and Russia Government with its Inept president doing nothing..Seem Putin
    prefer to allow things to turn in to a full scale civil war ,and later have a US puppet government in CHINA
    sabotaging Russia.

    Here is how big the protest have been..
    2014 Hong Kong protests ByryprjCAAAg_vU

    Democracy is a FRAUD , is not even mentioned at all in The Constitution of USA. Is a Trap. The majority rules is a majority dictatorship oppressing the minority. and where the majority is fooled and mislead into thinking they have any power or will be listened this is exactly what you have in Ukraine -> a Majority Dictatorship. That send people with baseball bats or guns against anyone who complains about their basic rights . Notice that the chiness are not protesting for more food.. or money.. or against any law ..What the morons are asking is the government of China to allow them to take decisions that they are not prepared and informed to take. give them ,that they do not What people really need is basic Rights protected.. regardless if you are majority or minority.. Right to live ,Right to choose , education and health.. etc.. and only the people well informed about geopolitics and economics be the only ones allowed to organize the nation. The same way Gazprom will never hire kids to take decisions about the Future of the company.. the same way China cannot allow those morons to take decisions for the entire Nation ,if they not even understand what they are asking.. This is how USA operates.. Is called Social Engineering. they play with young people emotions , brainwashing them with propaganda and lies and leading them to turn against their own Government ,whenever is not compatible with the white house agenda and goals.

    Last edited by Vann7 on Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:59 am; edited 1 time in total
    Mike E
    Mike E

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Mike E Tue Sep 30, 2014 6:50 am

    Big deal... This isn't exactly a rare occurrence in China, and represents a very, very small portion of their population. - The protesters look like your typical college student with nothing better to do... They have very minimal influence over Hong Kong, never mind all of China...

    More importantly, Russia couldn't do anything to help them anyway! What do you expect them to do, send in the VDV to clean up after China runs over protectors with tanks? -  Twisted Evil

    The worst thing China could do is restrict this protest, forcing them ti shut it down... - Why? Maybe because that would motivate the protesters even further, possibly spreading around the country which could screw China over permanently... Look at the US, as soon as protests are shut down, it makes the govt. look bad (they are...) and typically reaches international news!
    As Sa'iqa

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  As Sa'iqa Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:03 am

    These protests are not exactly about democracy but about autonomy. When Hong Kong was ceded to the British Empire, the British implemented western-style legal and economic system there which allowed Hong Kong to become more prosperous than Chine and later more developed than the UK itself (in 1980s-1990s) and it was only in late 1970s when Mainland China started catching up after Deng Xiaoping's market reforms. In 1980s UK signed a treaty with China stating that Hong Kong will become a part of PRC in 1997 but that it will keep a wide political and economic autonomy. The current protest are a direct consequence of Chinese Communist Party's attempts to curtail that autonomy.

    But yeah, it's better to seek evil western hand everywhere. As if Russia never financed any protests anywhere.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:20 pm

    As Sa'iqa wrote:

    But yeah, it's better to seek evil western hand everywhere. As if Russia never financed any protests anywhere.

    Why don't you bring up the fact that Britain illicitly trafficked insane amounts of opium narcotics on several occassions to destroy and balkanize Chinese society (which is why Hong Kong became part of the British Empire)? Of course you wont, just like you won't bring up the fact that the Chinese had the worlds largest economy for most of human civilization prior to Western industrialization. Don't try to act like Westerners have never committed massive crimes against humanity, like the transatlantic slave trade, two world wars, genocide through colonization, etc.
    As Sa'iqa

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  As Sa'iqa Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:49 pm

    I don't give a damn about that the Westerners or anyone else did. Human history is filled with warfare, every single nation in this world has blood on its hands. Manchus were defeated by the British in two (rather minor) wars and before that they themselves massacred millions of Han Chinese in order to take control of China. Before them Ming dynasty had to do the same and before Ming the Mongols did. Pointing our each other's atrocities comitted throught history makes no sense.

    I don't adhere to any morality in international politics. There the strongest wins. When you have power to enforce your will on others, you do that. That rule applies since the time of the earliest tribal states. The Chinese refused to progress technologically, fell behind us, therefore they were predestined to become our prey. If they had scientific and industrial revolutions first, they would have done the same to Europe. But they didn't and they still have to copy us. British Empire isn't any more guilty than anyone else.

    Last edited by As Sa'iqa on Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:04 pm; edited 2 times in total

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Vann7 Tue Sep 30, 2014 1:49 pm

    Another big mistake.. China police widrew from the protest zone allowing them to create a bigger rally // No
    Moscow will have never done that .. Protest in moscow in modern times never last more than 2-3 days.. even if SATAN himself is fueling them.  Obviously the Shorty man is busy not doing anything when Russia National Security
    is at Risk.. because a revolution in CHina financed by the WHite House is the last thing they need.  Really stupid all
    the decisions being taken by CHinese Government..   They are doing exactly Poroshenko mistakes in Ukraine to being Soft and  showing weakness . that Encourage the bandits to fuel the protest even more..

    Being either too brutal is bad and too soft too.. Protest which are fueled from abroad needs to be stopped short and not allowed to grow from more than 1 or 2 days..  No

    From RT...
    Hong Kong protesters extend blockade of streets, stockpile supplies
    Tens of thousands of protesters extended a blockade of Hong Kong streets on Tuesday, Reuters said. Protesters stockpiled supplies and erected makeshift barricades as rumors mounted that police could push to clear the roads before Wednesday’s Chinese National Day. On Monday, riot police withdrew to ease tension. The city’s leader, Leung Chun-ying, has said Beijing would not back down in the face of protests it has branded illegal. He also said Hong Kong police would be able to maintain security without help from mainland troops.

    What will be next stupid mistake? release Chinese leaders from jail ? Allow them to create Tents ? this is unbelievable. Protest when they are illegal as this one is.. (fueled from abroad) needs to be stopped quickly before it grows.. the violence will start. If anyone have doubts about Illegal Protest should not be stopped withing the first days they start.. Look at Ukraine Civil war and the overthrowing of a legitimate government.. USA is not for democracy.. but installing obedient puppets in all countries in the world. Clearly Once Again Russia is becoming passive when a Nation that they share borders is being attacked.. Putin better Resign if he do not see the danger
    happening in CHINA.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Hannibal Barca Tue Sep 30, 2014 2:02 pm

    When comes to social engineering Chinese are top of the scale. Let us watch and take lessons.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  medo Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:02 pm

    Months ago China worn US, not to create a color revolution in Hong Kong. Now it is here and China know for it, so I'm sure they prepared all measures for proper answer to US attack on China ( however we look on Hong Kong autonomy, it is part of China). From thousands of years of experiences Chinese know, that stability of this large land depend on hard hand. Any weakness bring kaos and destruction. They will bring order there, if necessary, with tanks.

    I think China will soon take a lead of anti-US coalition from Russia as China have far stronger anti-US nationalism than Russia.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Vann7 Tue Sep 30, 2014 11:53 pm

    Hannibal Barca wrote:When comes to social engineering Chinese are top of the scale. Let us watch and take lessons.

    Now they have tents , are supplied with tons of water and food.. Is like as if CHINA did not learned anything about
    the Euromaidan Protest.. and the Russian Government doing absolutely Nothing. .. sending advisors how to handle it. Protest like this will have never lasted a single day in Cuba or Russia or Venezuela who have many problems.  

    IN Ukraine kiev is full of CIA advisors ,social engineers and security guards protecting Poroshenko ,to keep the bastard in power.. Why RUssia cannot do the same in China , at least send advisors? In Ukraine protest are not allowed quickly turned down as soon they start.. why it have to be different in China?  USA have CIA agents in all cities and they are arresting preventively anyone that could cause problems to the government.

    Thats the major difference between Russia and USA.. Russia Government/Putin is a politically correct passive Imbecile ,and expect to achieve good results by playing fairly in a game that the west cheat.. and USA is an active
    government that do not wait and see.. they interfere always to provoke things to happen.

    So now China have only 2 options either remove by force the protest.. or agreed with their demands and that will be the end of China.. because other cities will say me too..

    What is the chinese government going to do when the protest start in other cities?  No

    This a protest lead 100% by Emotions and not by logic and reason.. exactly like the protest in Ukraine..
    SImilar to a child that cry and start raging in a store until their parents buy the toy he wants. Bad parents will buy the toy so that they can have peace... good parent will remain firm and use discipline and say NO..   THis protesters
    are kids and will make no difference if they were protesting for climate change .   They have to be stopped arrested when the protest was small.

    Now guess what? the protesters guided by the white house will demand the Government in CHina to step down..
    so brilliant..this is the only thing that follows.. Emotions based of ignorance should never be the cause of any revolution... that should be the lesson of the Euromaidan revolution.

    Make no mistake.. this is really bad for all China.. because now people in China knows they can protest for any thing and block a city paralize and bankrupt business as long they maintain things without violence.. But the real problem here is that not everyone want the same thing... there will be protest for moving to socialism.. others for moving to full capitalism.. others protest because people wants to be all millionaire.. you cannot allow people to use
    the streets as a Polling station.

    if China do not stop this madness they will soon have protest in all cities and for any little thing until it turns in a full scale civil war. AFter the Ukraine Euromaidan revolution [u] It should be 100% clear for everyone that you cannot tolerate ever ANY protest that takes government buildings  or blockade a city ,not even if they claim is peaceful specially if the protesters received training from abroad . Any protest that blockade the normal operations
    of a nation have to be crushed by force. A Government Losing control of a nation as yakunovych is unacceptable for the security and life of its citizens. Ukraine violence today should be a lesson for all.


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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  GarryB Wed Oct 01, 2014 12:23 am

    British Empire isn't any more guilty than anyone else.

    Hahahahahahahahaahaa... the old... we are not guilty... we are just more successful... if anyone else had succeeded instead of us they would have done the same... except China was successful when Europe was full of hunter gatherer clans...

    Almost as funny as the... you are better off with the US in charge... imagine the world if Russia was in control...

    Which of course assumes Russia, or anyone else even wants to control the world. Rolling Eyes

    To repeat... this is Chinas business... if they ask for Russian help, I am sure Russia would help, but at the end of the day it is none of Russias business.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  magnumcromagnon Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:08 am

    Well, well, well...what do you know? One of the main leading craptivists of OccupyCentral just so happens to be a hedge fund manager...they're not even trying to hide it, this has George Soros written all over it!

    2014 Hong Kong protests ByuM9fFIQAA4XFZ

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Werewolf Wed Oct 01, 2014 4:32 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Well, well, well...what do you know? One of the main leading craptivists of OccupyCentral just so happens to be a hedge fund manager...they're not even trying to hide it, this has George Soros written all over it!

    2014 Hong Kong protests ByuM9fFIQAA4XFZ

    EDWARD Chin....tells you alot already who's political influence he is carrying on as a legacy. Oligarchy the power of the West.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Firebird Wed Oct 01, 2014 10:25 am

    Hmm. Edward CHIN, and hedge fund manager. All sounds a little TOO "perfect" for the American propagandists.
    A made up name? I wonder. Copying the founder of China, saying "this is the real China". And the hedge fund reference? "Back us or we will destroy your main industries".

    Perhaps more likely a Taiwanese emigrant to the USA, working in Washington. Who ISN'T called Chin.

    This could actually be GOOD for Russia. It tells everyone else "you are not safe, the Americans will do everything to get their robbing gimps in charge of your country, they will pit countryman against countryman in a fight to the death, terrorism, they have NO limits".

    Solution, as always must be to give America a taste of its own medicine. It will see that internal attacks of the HK or UKR are the same as attacks made by an F-16.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Regular Thu Oct 02, 2014 2:49 am

    Democracy protesters Very Happy I think most of them give no fucks about democracy. They are more or less want to get independence and autonomy, but western media has to call it that way to sympathise with it. I think that such protest is nothing bad, it's not Maidan. China will sort their things out themselves, no need for Russia. It's not a new thing anyway. I can only hope everyone will be happy.

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:14 am

    Looks like OccupyCentral was exposed as being financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) a NGO financed by U.S. Congress as a subversive 5th column promoting agency:

    Congressionally funded with the explicit goal of promoting democracy abroad, NED has long been viewed with suspicion or hostility by the authorities here. But the net of suspicion has widened to encompass such U.S. groups as the Ford Foundation, the International Republican Institute, the Carter Center and the Asia Foundation.

    I saved you guys the trouble of reading the Washington post garbage article (a media outlet guilty of promoting the unsubstantiated claims of WMD's in Iraq), that was the only piece worth mentioning. You need your bullshit filter to get through that nonsense, and by democracy they mean promoting Pro-Wallstreet/City of London/NATO/IMF/World Bank/EU hedge fund managers, asset strippers, vulture capitalists, leveraged buy out mobs, derivative mongers, speculating specters.
    Mike E
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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Mike E Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:28 am

    magnumcromagnon wrote:Looks like OccupyCentral was exposed as being financed by the National Endowment for Democracy (NED) a NGO financed by U.S. Congress as a subversive 5th column promoting agency:

    Congressionally funded with the explicit goal of promoting democracy abroad, NED has long been viewed with suspicion or hostility by the authorities here. But the net of suspicion has widened to encompass such U.S. groups as the Ford Foundation, the International Republican Institute, the Carter Center and the Asia Foundation.

    I saved you guys the trouble of reading the Washington post garbage article (a media outlet guilty of promoting the unsubstantiated claims of WMD's in Iraq), that was the only piece worth mentioning. You need your bullshit filter to get through that nonsense, and by democracy they mean promoting Pro-Wallstreet/City of London/NATO/IMF/World Bank/EU hedge fund managers, asset strippers, vulture capitalists, leveraged buy out mobs, derivative mongers, speculating specters.
    NED itself isn't a NGO, it funds NGO's. - As far as I know, they fund a whopping 18 different NGO's within China alone! One of the largest NGO's financed by NED is "Human Rights in China", whose current leader was a former scholar at the Rockefeller Foundation. - A foundation not only established by the Rockefeller family, but one that is one of the largest NGO's in the world, it "fights" for globalization... HRIC's leader, Sharom Hom, also has been a part of many different NGO's. - Funny how this all works out, agreed?

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  NationalRus Fri Oct 03, 2014 8:40 am

    well this is sure one thing that china will handle themself, no need to even name russia here

    china needs to more focus on propaganda, it looks like pro-western liberal propaganda has taken over hongkong to a deegre, very sad to see that in a province who was always conservative and competative
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Hannibal Barca Fri Oct 03, 2014 9:10 am

    Sex and jobs for those below 30. This is what you need to avoid such color operations. And control of your universities of course. There is where the foreign agents set foot first because all the rest are too busy working or raising families.
    Hannibal Barca
    Hannibal Barca

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    2014 Hong Kong protests Empty Re: 2014 Hong Kong protests

    Post  Hannibal Barca Fri Oct 03, 2014 7:59 pm

    Chinese are genius. I knew it all along! Anti-protest protest, take notes pals Razz

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