But I think the times are coming when this bubble of deluded smugness will burst. Severe energy and food crises are head our way around the globe in the next couple of decades. All of the old normality will be rocked to its core. No bubble of delusion will survive.
Morpheus Eberhardt
As Sa'iqa
Hannibal Barca
Mike E
45 posters
The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
kvs- Posts : 15631
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- Post n°126
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
This what happens when you have decades of self-affirming propaganda. People forget that the "price of freedom is eternal vigilance" (T. Jefferson) and assume that freedom comes out of their collective a**es like rainbows from unicorns. People in the west think they are free because they have been told they are free and expect to be free. But most of them would not know what freedom is. They just assume whatever they experience is freedom. In other words, freedom is relative.
But I think the times are coming when this bubble of deluded smugness will burst. Severe energy and food crises are head our way around the globe in the next couple of decades. All of the old normality will be rocked to its core. No bubble of delusion will survive.
But I think the times are coming when this bubble of deluded smugness will burst. Severe energy and food crises are head our way around the globe in the next couple of decades. All of the old normality will be rocked to its core. No bubble of delusion will survive.
GarryB- Posts : 40065
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- Post n°127
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Most westerners think a largely symbolic vote every 3-7 years is democracy.
If Georgia wants to train terrorists I am sure the Russians will waste no time in plotting the coordinates and their new cruise missiles wont be hitting baby milk factories...
What a comedian... they can't defeat largely unsupported rebels and think they can run a successful guerilla campaign against Russia?
What a great excuse for Russia to roll into kiev and do a bit of regime change... they will be keeping lists of the bad guys and who supported them and they should be able to round them up fairly quickly... have a show trial and execute them, declare victory and withdraw with friendly people in charge.
If Georgia wants to train terrorists I am sure the Russians will waste no time in plotting the coordinates and their new cruise missiles wont be hitting baby milk factories...
Igor Bigdan crossed all lines in a fit of Ukraine-conscious patriotism:
Самый сок! - Куда идёт война
"The conclusion is scary: the situation will change only if the war will take a new turn, when the war will move into the territory of Russia. And if the war won't end, then it will definitely relocated, because the Ukrainians have no other choice. In a full-fledged war against Russia we lose, so the war will transition to the underground-sabotage form. And it is quite logical that Ukrainians won't carry out terror acts on roads and power stations, blowing up of homes and hospitals in Ukraine. It is impossible to recognize the Ukrainian saboteur in a crowd: unlike Chechens, we look alike, the soft "g" and "sho" can be cured by a week of training, the documents can be forged. There are so many people who are inflamed by hatred and who want to take revenge for Crimea, for Donbass, for the dead. For one, you can read our forums and facebooks, where Poroshenko is cursed for "truce". The Russians will get the motivation they are lacking from terror acts. Putin's rule started with terror acts and it will end with terror acts."
What a comedian... they can't defeat largely unsupported rebels and think they can run a successful guerilla campaign against Russia?
What a great excuse for Russia to roll into kiev and do a bit of regime change... they will be keeping lists of the bad guys and who supported them and they should be able to round them up fairly quickly... have a show trial and execute them, declare victory and withdraw with friendly people in charge.
higurashihougi- Posts : 3277
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- Post n°128
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Igor Bigdan crossed all lines in a fit of Ukraine-conscious patriotism:
Самый сок! - Куда идёт война
"The conclusion is scary: the situation will change only if the war will take a new turn, when the war will move into the territory of Russia. And if the war won't end, then it will definitely relocated, because the Ukrainians have no other choice. In a full-fledged war against Russia we lose, so the war will transition to the underground-sabotage form. And it is quite logical that Ukrainians won't carry out terror acts on roads and power stations, blowing up of homes and hospitals in Ukraine. It is impossible to recognize the Ukrainian saboteur in a crowd: unlike Chechens, we look alike, the soft "g" and "sho" can be cured by a week of training, the documents can be forged. There are so many people who are inflamed by hatred and who want to take revenge for Crimea, for Donbass, for the dead. For one, you can read our forums and facebooks, where Poroshenko is cursed for "truce". The Russians will get the motivation they are lacking from terror acts. Putin's rule started with terror acts and it will end with terror acts."
What the f*ck is this shit ?
Putin's rule started with terror acts ? Where ? When ? Are these very different from the West's deeds ?
Underground and sabotage ? War will move into the territory of Russia ? By which means ? How ? With a corrupted goverment, unorganized Nazi mecenaries, and a divided population ?
So many people who are inflamed by hatred, want to take revenge for Crimea and Dobass ? Of course, any people who have heart and brain will be inflamed by Kyiv Nazi crimes for example the Odessa massacre.
Somehow the Kyiv facists is going to lose their sanity and refusing to accept the harsh truth.
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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- Post n°129
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
(google translate needed..)
(google translate needed..)
В бригаде "Призрак" судя по всему завелись хорошие полит.работники и пропагандисты, кол-во материалов резко выросло, что не может не радовать.
От народа к народу!
Украинец, да, именно ты. Хочешь в Евросоюз? Там, говорят бархатная жизнь: все четко, благоустроено и красиво, короче рай. Но у всего есть своя цена, и этот товар, поверь, тебе не по карману. И ты уже начал платить горами трупов и реками крови…
Ты в курсе, что на юго-востоке твоей страны сейчас идет страшная война на уничтожение? Там ежедневно гибнут твои соотечественники. Идет массовое убийство не только военных, чаще страдает мирное население, те люди, которые не успели убежать из зоны конфликта. Те, кто успел спастись, бежали в Россию, а не в глубь Украины. Почему так, не задумывался? А это только одна из цен прейскуранта «Хочу в Евросоюз!»
С кем воюют солдаты твоей страны? Почему они утюжат «Градами» и накрывают минометами поселки и города? Славянск, Луганск, Донецк, Счастье и многие другие населенные пункты, где под ливнями снарядов гибнет множество ни в чем не повинных женщин, детей и стариков. И это антитеррористическая операция? Что показывает твой телевизор? Знаешь ли ты, что творится на самом деле? Тебе никогда не покажут, как солдаты твоей армии целыми отрядами сдаются в плен или становятся в ряды ополчения. Почему люди из Луганска и Донецка бегут не в сторону Киева, а в Россию? Об этом СМИ громко молчат.
Правительство страны уже погрязло в кредитах, даже уши не торчат. Отдавать их нечем, об этом ты, наверное, все же знаешь. Еще немного и все твое правительство разъедется по курортам, покинув страну навсегда, оставив после себя многомиллионные долги западным странам. Чем ты будешь расплачиваться?
Тебе не понравился один президент, и ты вышел на Майдан в 2004-м году, не устроил другой - и Майдан недавно повторился. Но у руля опять бессовестные олигархи, которые не только разворовывают страну, но и посылают ребят на верную смерть, и вынуждающие убивать мирное население. На южных границах Украины, несмотря на перемирие, продолжают каждый день погибать люди – об этом же говорят СМИ, ты в курсе. А в правительстве тем временем подогреваемая западом «махновщина», исход такого руководства, увы, предсказуем.
Наши деды боролись с фашизмом в Великую Отечественную, и низвергли его. Честь им и бессмертная слава! Сегодня фашиствующие боевики «Правого сектора», казнят мирных жителей и насилуют женское население . Откуда взялись эти «недобитки»? К сожалению, воскресить победителей фашизма невозможно, может пора повторить подвиг прародителей и уничтожить эту мразь?
Вот честно, тебя устраивают стоимость валюты, цены проезда и услуг ЖКХ, которые на днях, кстати, снова взлетят? А как ты собираешься зимовать? Ты вообще в курсе что происходит? Может снова пора на главную площадь? Или как вариант, можешь прийти в ополчение, в рядах которого ты сможешь защитить своих соотечественников и установить ту власть, которую хочешь ты.
Вооруженные силы Новороссии Бригада “ПРИЗРАК”
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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- Post n°130
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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Join date : 2014-03-12
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- Post n°131
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
The Threat of War and the Russian Response
I wonder where Surkov fits in ..
Russia will have a leading role in building a coalition against the U.S. since it is most vulnerable and will not succeed in the ongoing confrontation without such an alliance. If Russia fails to show initiative, the anti-Russian bloc currently being created by the U.S. will absorb or neutralize Russia’s potential allies. The war against Russia the U.S. is inciting in Europe may benefit China, because the weakening of the U.S., the European Union, and Russia will make it easier for Beijing to achieve global leadership. Also, Brazil could give in to U.S. pressure and India may focus on solving its own domestic problems.
Russia has as much experience of leadership in world politics as the U.S. It has the necessary moral and cultural authority and sufficient military-technical capabilities. But Russian public opinion needs to overcome its inferiority complex, regain a sense of historical pride for the centuries of efforts to create a civilization that brought together numerous nations and cultures and which many times saved Europe and humanity from self-extermination. It needs to bring back an understanding of the historical role the Russian world played in creating a universal culture from Kievan Rus’, the spiritual heir to the Byzantine Empire, to the Russian Federation, the successor state of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire. Eurasian integration processes should be presented as a global project to restore and develop the common space of nations from Lisbon to Vladivostok, and from St. Petersburg to Colombo, which for centuries lived and worked together.
I wonder where Surkov fits in ..
arpakola- Posts : 1510
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- Post n°132
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Hannibal Barca- Posts : 1443
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Join date : 2013-12-13
- Post n°133
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
arpakola wrote:The Threat of War and the Russian Response
Russia will have a leading role in building a coalition against the U.S. since it is most vulnerable and will not succeed in the ongoing confrontation without such an alliance. If Russia fails to show initiative, the anti-Russian bloc currently being created by the U.S. will absorb or neutralize Russia’s potential allies. The war against Russia the U.S. is inciting in Europe may benefit China, because the weakening of the U.S., the European Union, and Russia will make it easier for Beijing to achieve global leadership. Also, Brazil could give in to U.S. pressure and India may focus on solving its own domestic problems.
Russia has as much experience of leadership in world politics as the U.S. It has the necessary moral and cultural authority and sufficient military-technical capabilities. But Russian public opinion needs to overcome its inferiority complex, regain a sense of historical pride for the centuries of efforts to create a civilization that brought together numerous nations and cultures and which many times saved Europe and humanity from self-extermination. It needs to bring back an understanding of the historical role the Russian world played in creating a universal culture from Kievan Rus’, the spiritual heir to the Byzantine Empire, to the Russian Federation, the successor state of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire. Eurasian integration processes should be presented as a global project to restore and develop the common space of nations from Lisbon to Vladivostok, and from St. Petersburg to Colombo, which for centuries lived and worked together.
I wonder where Surkov fits in ..
Fuck, this inmate hacked my notebook!
Morpheus Eberhardt- Posts : 1925
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Join date : 2013-05-20
- Post n°134
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
arpakola wrote:The Threat of War and the Russian Response
Russia will have a leading role in building a coalition against the U.S. since it is most vulnerable and will not succeed in the ongoing confrontation without such an alliance. If Russia fails to show initiative, the anti-Russian bloc currently being created by the U.S. will absorb or neutralize Russia’s potential allies. The war against Russia the U.S. is inciting in Europe may benefit China, because the weakening of the U.S., the European Union, and Russia will make it easier for Beijing to achieve global leadership. Also, Brazil could give in to U.S. pressure and India may focus on solving its own domestic problems.
Russia has as much experience of leadership in world politics as the U.S. It has the necessary moral and cultural authority and sufficient military-technical capabilities. But Russian public opinion needs to overcome its inferiority complex, regain a sense of historical pride for the centuries of efforts to create a civilization that brought together numerous nations and cultures and which many times saved Europe and humanity from self-extermination. It needs to bring back an understanding of the historical role the Russian world played in creating a universal culture from Kievan Rus’, the spiritual heir to the Byzantine Empire, to the Russian Federation, the successor state of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire. Eurasian integration processes should be presented as a global project to restore and develop the common space of nations from Lisbon to Vladivostok, and from St. Petersburg to Colombo, which for centuries lived and worked together.
I wonder where Surkov fits in ..
I think Vineyard of Saker is not a bad site, but this type of "analysis" can at best be described as being ambient noise. By reposting it, you are amplifying this ambient noise (at best).
It has almost as bad an effect on this forum as responding to "entities" like !!navyfield!! and !!TheGeorgian!!.
Last edited by Morpheus Eberhardt on Sat Sep 27, 2014 3:17 am; edited 1 time in total
Hannibal Barca- Posts : 1443
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Join date : 2013-12-13
- Post n°135
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
I second what the article says to the last comma. Have no idea what the blog says and I don't care.
syxthtysyxthsyx- Posts : 6
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Join date : 2014-07-11
- Post n°136
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Sergey Glazyev wrote:http://vineyardsaker.blogspot.gr/2014/09/the-threat-of-war-and-russian-response.html
RUSSIA AS UNWILLING LEADERRussia will have a leading role in building a coalition against the U.S. since it is most vulnerable and will not succeed in the ongoing confrontation without such an alliance.[snip]
(context- regularized abuse of international financial instruments tandemized with US/G7-war-centric policy warrants Russian interdiction)
Just the violative, ceiling-function debt held by US and GB should indicate the eventual damned circumstance they are ordered to; why Eastern European countries fall for their shit is beyond me... maybe they are hooked on Sony Walkman™, Iron Maiden™, and cassette.
[paste]If Russia fails to show initiative, the anti-Russian bloc currently being created by the U.S. will absorb or neutralize Russia’s potential allies. The war against Russia the U.S. is inciting in Europe may benefit China, because the weakening of the U.S., the European Union, and Russia will make it easier for Beijing to achieve global leadership. Also, Brazil could give in to U.S. pressure and India may focus on solving its own domestic problems.[snip]
Bloodthirsty, the West is trying to nail Russia's coffin shut... because the oil is getting thin. When the rope gets tight the corpse starts to twitch ...but the corpse always falls the same way. France, GB, and the US... and China/India are located away from primary world reserves, and as the US troughs every gulp it can exact using a naval armada parked on the Persian Gulf and a new air war. Every other nuclear state sees it and knows exactly what it sees.
[paste]Russia has as much experience of leadership in world politics as the U.S. It has the necessary moral and cultural authority and sufficient military-technical capabilities. But Russian public opinion needs to overcome its inferiority complex, regain a sense of historical pride for the centuries of efforts to create a civilization that brought together numerous nations and cultures and which many times saved Europe and humanity from self-extermination. It needs to bring back an understanding of the historical role the Russian world played in creating a universal culture from Kievan Rus’, the spiritual heir to the Byzantine Empire, to the Russian Federation, the successor state of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire. Eurasian integration processes should be presented as a global project to restore and develop the common space of nations from Lisbon to Vladivostok, and from St. Petersburg to Colombo, which for centuries lived and worked together.[snip]
Russia's superiorly sharp edge affords it circumstance to sit back and watch the dominos fall.
Last edited by syxthtysyxthsyx on Sat Sep 27, 2014 9:26 am; edited 1 time in total
Vann7- Posts : 5385
Points : 5485
Join date : 2012-05-16
- Post n°137
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
oh wow.. a super report of the status of US vs Russian geopolitics in Ukraine and Syria..
Not by the Kremling or Putin Agent..
based on Obama discourse at United nations a must read..for @Georgian and so called @"Ukrainian" and @TR1
which have views that this forums is pro putin propaganda.. well here is a report from nothing less that former
assistant secretary of treasury from President Reagan.
.. I did't paid attention to Obama discourse at UN ,because i could not stand listening the Kenyan anymore..
because make me angry. but after reading some brief of Paul of what he told.. i thought i was going to vomit. Probably the most arrogant ,pathetic , insolent ,malicious ,blackmail ,propaganda ,discourse ever by any President.. it was highly insulting to Humanity and to the world.. not just Russia..
here is a quote of what Paul told of Obama discourse.
Here is the link.. is a must read..
Not by the Kremling or Putin Agent..
based on Obama discourse at United nations a must read..for @Georgian and so called @"Ukrainian" and @TR1
which have views that this forums is pro putin propaganda.. well here is a report from nothing less that former
assistant secretary of treasury from President Reagan.
.. I did't paid attention to Obama discourse at UN ,because i could not stand listening the Kenyan anymore..
because make me angry. but after reading some brief of Paul of what he told.. i thought i was going to vomit. Probably the most arrogant ,pathetic , insolent ,malicious ,blackmail ,propaganda ,discourse ever by any President.. it was highly insulting to Humanity and to the world.. not just Russia..
here is a quote of what Paul told of Obama discourse.
by :Paul Craig Roberts ...
The entire world knows that if Russia had territorial ambitions, when the Russian military defeated the American trained and supplied Georgian army that attacked South Ossetia, Russia would have kept Georgia and reincorporated it within Russia where it resided for centuries.
Notice that it is not aggression when Washington bombs and invades seven countries in 13 years without a declaration of war. Aggression occurs when Russia accepts the petition of Crimeans who voted 97 percent in favor of reuniting with Russia where Crimea resided for centuries before Khrushchev attached it to the Soviet Socialist Republic of Ukraine in 1954 when Ukraine and Russia were part of the same country.
Who is the worst terrorist–ISIS, a group that is redrawing the artificial boundaries created by British and French colonialists, or Washington with its Wolfowitz Doctrine, the basis of US foreign policy, which declares Washington’s dominant objective to be US hegemony over the world?
ISIS is the creation of Washington. ISIS consists of the jihadists Washington used to overthrow Gaddafi in Libya and then sent to Syria to overthrow Assad. If ISIS is a “network of death,” a “brand of evil” with which negotiation is impossible as Obama declares, it is a network of death created by the Obama regime itself. If ISIS poses the threat that Obama claims, how can the regime that created the threat be credible in leading the fight against it?
Here is the link.. is a must read..
magnumcromagnon- Posts : 8138
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- Post n°138
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Morpheus Eberhardt wrote:arpakola wrote:The Threat of War and the Russian Response
Russia will have a leading role in building a coalition against the U.S. since it is most vulnerable and will not succeed in the ongoing confrontation without such an alliance. If Russia fails to show initiative, the anti-Russian bloc currently being created by the U.S. will absorb or neutralize Russia’s potential allies. The war against Russia the U.S. is inciting in Europe may benefit China, because the weakening of the U.S., the European Union, and Russia will make it easier for Beijing to achieve global leadership. Also, Brazil could give in to U.S. pressure and India may focus on solving its own domestic problems.
Russia has as much experience of leadership in world politics as the U.S. It has the necessary moral and cultural authority and sufficient military-technical capabilities. But Russian public opinion needs to overcome its inferiority complex, regain a sense of historical pride for the centuries of efforts to create a civilization that brought together numerous nations and cultures and which many times saved Europe and humanity from self-extermination. It needs to bring back an understanding of the historical role the Russian world played in creating a universal culture from Kievan Rus’, the spiritual heir to the Byzantine Empire, to the Russian Federation, the successor state of the Soviet Union and the Russian Empire. Eurasian integration processes should be presented as a global project to restore and develop the common space of nations from Lisbon to Vladivostok, and from St. Petersburg to Colombo, which for centuries lived and worked together.
I wonder where Surkov fits in ..
I think Vineyard of Saker is not a bad site, but this type of "analysis" can at best be described as being ambient noise. By reposting it, you are amplifying this ambient noise (at best).
It has almost as bad an effect on this forum as responding to "entities" like !!navyfield!! and !!TheGeorgian!!.
Sergey Glazyev =/= ambient noise. At this point he's the most sane person in the room, had Putin listened to Glazyev and not Kudrin Russia would of easily been in a far better predicament then they are today.
kvs- Posts : 15631
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Location : Turdope's Kanada
- Post n°139
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
I see there is lots of discussion at the NATO butthurt forum about the dead Russian soldiers who supposedly prove that Russia invaded Ukraine every other day for several months and nobody could get a single photograph or video.
Ukraine claims 5,000 Russians have died at the hands of the glorious Kiev forces who make the German soldiers of WWII look worthless and weak.
But nobody stops to use their brain. There are a good 4,000+ volunteers from Russia. The sort of volunteers that the rebels want: experienced soldiers. How can anyone expect that none of them have died. There must have been at least several hundred deaths.
The problem starts with the BS numbers offered by Kiev about its KIA: 830 men during the whole war (could have bee revised but this was the latest
number I saw). The true KIA are over 8,000 based on the formation of one cauldron after another. I highly doubt the rebels were only having one KIA
for every 10 Kiev regime KIA. So the rebel KIA are likely around 3,000-4,000. I doubt they are the same since the rebels have been achieving quite a bit
of success with half the number of men as the regime. The WIA numbers are much larger than the KIA.
Putin did a good job of robbing NATO of the pretexts it wanted by invading Ukraine. But that does not stop NATO from proceeding with its plan, to
restart the Cold War. The western mainstream media does not have an ounce of integrity and independence. They parrot Kiev regime propaganda (recall the BBC rebel territory maps during the time of the first humanitarian aid convoy to Lugansk, they were copy and paste of the crap Kiev put out which showed Lugansk surrounded) and engage in pure tin foil hat conspiracy theories such as the phantom invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. Somehow the KLA could organize itself in Kosovo from a population of 1.6 million, but there were supposedly no rebels in the Donbas with a pre-conflict population of 8 million, just GRU agents and Russian soldiers. Also, the regime National Guard composed of Right Sector loons is supposed to be some sort of highly capable army that can kill 5,000 Russian soldiers and lose only a few hundred of its own men. This western media propaganda has got to be some of the most inane ever.
Ukraine claims 5,000 Russians have died at the hands of the glorious Kiev forces who make the German soldiers of WWII look worthless and weak.
But nobody stops to use their brain. There are a good 4,000+ volunteers from Russia. The sort of volunteers that the rebels want: experienced soldiers. How can anyone expect that none of them have died. There must have been at least several hundred deaths.
The problem starts with the BS numbers offered by Kiev about its KIA: 830 men during the whole war (could have bee revised but this was the latest
number I saw). The true KIA are over 8,000 based on the formation of one cauldron after another. I highly doubt the rebels were only having one KIA
for every 10 Kiev regime KIA. So the rebel KIA are likely around 3,000-4,000. I doubt they are the same since the rebels have been achieving quite a bit
of success with half the number of men as the regime. The WIA numbers are much larger than the KIA.
Putin did a good job of robbing NATO of the pretexts it wanted by invading Ukraine. But that does not stop NATO from proceeding with its plan, to
restart the Cold War. The western mainstream media does not have an ounce of integrity and independence. They parrot Kiev regime propaganda (recall the BBC rebel territory maps during the time of the first humanitarian aid convoy to Lugansk, they were copy and paste of the crap Kiev put out which showed Lugansk surrounded) and engage in pure tin foil hat conspiracy theories such as the phantom invasion of Ukraine by Russian forces. Somehow the KLA could organize itself in Kosovo from a population of 1.6 million, but there were supposedly no rebels in the Donbas with a pre-conflict population of 8 million, just GRU agents and Russian soldiers. Also, the regime National Guard composed of Right Sector loons is supposed to be some sort of highly capable army that can kill 5,000 Russian soldiers and lose only a few hundred of its own men. This western media propaganda has got to be some of the most inane ever.
sepheronx- Posts : 8755
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- Post n°140
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
No point reading sites like mp.net. Those people truly believe Russia is invading simply because Kiev makes a claim, bold one, without any evidence. Kiev is so quick to show evidence like some unknown truck or air defense system somewhere in Ukraine, and make it a claim, but not a single piece of evidence of Russian troops. You would think, after confirming their success, they would have provided passports with names and everything to show the world. Or videos of the conflict or what not. But not a single one. It all comes down to who wants to believe in what, and no matter what kind of reasoning you try, they will ignore it anyway. Much like how TR1 claims about people here. Same thing but regardless, at least all other claims are usually backed up with videos/pictures (T-72B3) but not a single one of Russian soldiers invading or thousands dead (lol)). It would be funny to, since Rebels caused major damage to Ukraine forces, and Ukraine forces showing their incapabilities, yet significantly better equipped Russians with far better training (constant drills), is incapable? Yeah. Someone with half a brain can distinguish a lie.
kvs- Posts : 15631
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Location : Turdope's Kanada
- Post n°141
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
magnumcromagnon wrote:
Sergey Glazyev =/= ambient noise. At this point he's the most sane person in the room, had Putin listened to Glazyev and not Kudrin Russia would of easily been in a far better predicament then they are today.
I partly agree. I saw the video of his predictions for this conflict several months back and none of it came out the way he
thought it would. He thought Ukraine would organize 100,000 effective soldiers and even restart production of armour.
The Kiev regime has failed to do both. We are not getting the full story out Ukraine. There is a good deal of indirect
evidence that Kharkov is in a state of repressed rebellion and the tank factories are not doing their jobs. The regime
has had to scrape for soldiers with calls to reservists three times already. The desertion rate is very high.
By staying out Putin avoided creating a blowback in Ukraine and solidifying the regime's grip on power through popular
resentment. The Kiev propaganda plays exactly on this theme: that Russia is responsible for all of Ukraine's problems
including the rebellion (as they call it "terrorism") in the Donbas. The western media is doing its hardest to help keep
Ukrainians in this propaganda bubble by feeding them stories of Russian forces fighting Ukrainian soldiers on Ukrainian
soil. Ukrainians are not getting the truth that the coup regime is squandering soldiers and is grossly incompetent. It
is all those big, bad Russians and their invasions that are causing regime losses.
Ukraine's economy is crashing and NATO is in no hurry to send the tens of billions of dollars urgently needed to support
it. Putin just needs to wait and let the regime drown in its own sh*t. Sending in the troops would have been a priceless
gift for the regime. As for the number of deaths, there could have been much more if Russia had to fight a popular
resistance to any regime change.
The above explains why Putin "sold out" the Donbas with the Minsk ceasefire deals. He reduced the number of deaths,
especially civilian, and can let the regime sink together with Ukraine's economy. Watch the EU as it runs around making
all sorts of deals about putting off the economic part of the Association Agreement and prepayment for natural gas.
They know the Ukrainian economy can totally collapse and that would be a win for Putin.
KomissarBojanchev- Posts : 1429
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- Post n°142
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Why the freakin' hell is russia "negotiating" on making gas discounts to kiev? Haven't the galician and khazar shitheads done enough to not deserve anything from russia? Thats the problem with russia in the last 20 years.
It keeps trying to befriend appease factions that won't be more happy than seeing russia destroyed.
It keeps trying to befriend appease factions that won't be more happy than seeing russia destroyed.
KomissarBojanchev- Posts : 1429
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Age : 26
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- Post n°143
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Why the freakin' hell is russia "negotiating" on making gas discounts to kiev? Haven't the galician and khazar shitheads done enough to not deserve anything from russia? Thats the problem with russia in the last 20 years.
It keeps trying to befriend appease factions that won't be more happy than seeing russia destroyed.
It keeps trying to befriend appease factions that won't be more happy than seeing russia destroyed.
flamming_python- Posts : 9387
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Join date : 2012-01-30
- Post n°144
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
KomissarBojanchev wrote:Why the freakin' hell is russia "negotiating" on making gas discounts to kiev? Haven't the galician and khazar shitheads done enough to not deserve anything from russia? Thats the problem with russia in the last 20 years.
It keeps trying to befriend appease factions that won't be more happy than seeing russia destroyed.
I agree. Russia should be extending sanctions on the Ukraine, not extending them a bone.
kvs- Posts : 15631
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Location : Turdope's Kanada
- Post n°145
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
flamming_python wrote:KomissarBojanchev wrote:Why the freakin' hell is russia "negotiating" on making gas discounts to kiev? Haven't the galician and khazar shitheads done enough to not deserve anything from russia? Thats the problem with russia in the last 20 years.
It keeps trying to befriend appease factions that won't be more happy than seeing russia destroyed.
I agree. Russia should be extending sanctions on the Ukraine, not extending them a bone.
It already has done this by cancelling tariff free imports. Russia cannot let fly the Kiev regime narrative that
Russia is trying to suffocate Ukrainian democracy by cutting off the gas. The EU has managed to give Russia
a gift by arranging for prepaid $385 per tcm natural gas sales. There is no point being petty and mean.
It's a propaganda triumph for Russia.
Last edited by kvs on Sun Sep 28, 2014 12:40 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo)
kvs- Posts : 15631
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Location : Turdope's Kanada
- Post n°146
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
A suggestion how to flush out the Kiev regime forces from the bunkers under the Donetsk airport. Fill the system with H2S gas. It sinks and will displace the O2.
These are the butchers that shelled civilians in Donetsk for no military purpose, just for pure terror. They deserve no mercy.
These are the butchers that shelled civilians in Donetsk for no military purpose, just for pure terror. They deserve no mercy.
GarryB- Posts : 40065
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Location : New Zealand
- Post n°147
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Without the discount it is probably unlikely they would be able to afford as much gas as they will need over the winter...
Russia gets paid... what is the problem?
Hold out for full price and not have an agreement and not get paid?
Russia gets paid... what is the problem?
Hold out for full price and not have an agreement and not get paid?
Vann7- Posts : 5385
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Join date : 2012-05-16
- Post n°148
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
yep if Russia do not give discount.. then Ukraine will have no incentive to get Gas from Russia and instead will get it
from Baltic States or Europe that is cheaper.. but for $385... it will benefit Ukraine to buy directly from Russia.. In fact the baltic states can give the money to Ukraine and they reverse flow Gas the other way.. from Ukraine to Baltics.. because they pay close to $500 per 1,000 bcm if buy directly from Russia.
Omg.. this is so funny.. lol!
Whenever im bored i go the the Russia Today spanish site.. to the comments section..
whenever Obama makes a major new revelation to the world.. Is like watching a mentally Ill guy
Throwing rock at a bee nest with millions of bees. you say.. WTF.. he is crazy.. don't do that..
you will get killed..stop... In this case Obama is the retard.. and his latest declarations have everyone
like bees wanting to beat the hell of him. Basically obama told the world wants USA to lead them.. lol1
Obama is becoming more like a comedian lately.. not really.. is like he wants to provoke the entire world
to punch him in the face.
Obama :" The Countries in the world wish us to lead them..."
He is definitively becoming a real phenomenon.. He will be a good comedian if he wasn't serious.
People comments there are really funny from Obama is smoking something heavy. from being a pathetic Clown.
and others saying he now is officially crazy .
i tell you.. maybe in Europe Obama is a hero but in Latin America.. US government popularity is at its lowest ever.. even much worse than Bush.. comments about NATO are neither good. The average people opinion over there
about US politics and NATO is like this..
Nor surprisingly a few minions ISRAELIS jews post there in hispanic post to praising Obama as the
world Liberator. zionazi Jews are so predictable..
from Baltic States or Europe that is cheaper.. but for $385... it will benefit Ukraine to buy directly from Russia.. In fact the baltic states can give the money to Ukraine and they reverse flow Gas the other way.. from Ukraine to Baltics.. because they pay close to $500 per 1,000 bcm if buy directly from Russia.
Omg.. this is so funny.. lol!
Whenever im bored i go the the Russia Today spanish site.. to the comments section..
whenever Obama makes a major new revelation to the world.. Is like watching a mentally Ill guy
Throwing rock at a bee nest with millions of bees. you say.. WTF.. he is crazy.. don't do that..
you will get killed..stop... In this case Obama is the retard.. and his latest declarations have everyone
like bees wanting to beat the hell of him. Basically obama told the world wants USA to lead them.. lol1
Obama is becoming more like a comedian lately.. not really.. is like he wants to provoke the entire world
to punch him in the face.
Obama :" The Countries in the world wish us to lead them..."
He is definitively becoming a real phenomenon.. He will be a good comedian if he wasn't serious.
People comments there are really funny from Obama is smoking something heavy. from being a pathetic Clown.
and others saying he now is officially crazy .
i tell you.. maybe in Europe Obama is a hero but in Latin America.. US government popularity is at its lowest ever.. even much worse than Bush.. comments about NATO are neither good. The average people opinion over there
about US politics and NATO is like this..
Nor surprisingly a few minions ISRAELIS jews post there in hispanic post to praising Obama as the
world Liberator. zionazi Jews are so predictable..
Petro007- Posts : 32
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Join date : 2014-08-23
Location : Ukraina
- Post n°149
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Western powers must impose more sanctions on RU. They should completely block Russian banks from trading in Europe and United States, they must freeze all assets of Russian oligarchs and it must continue until Putin huylo gives us Crimea back and withdraws his rats from Donbass.
higurashihougi- Posts : 3277
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Join date : 2014-08-13
Location : A small and cutie S-shaped land.
- Post n°150
Re: The Situation in the Ukraine. #9
Petro007 wrote:Western powers must impose more sanctions on RU. They should completely block Russian banks from trading in Europe and United States, they must freeze all assets of Russian oligarchs and it must continue until Putin huylo gives us Crimea back and withdraws his rats from Donbass.
They won't
Because the sanction is hitting back at the EU national economy.
Just remind you that Hungary has recently refused to sell oil and gas to Ukraina, because they need to care for their own energy security, and because a bad relationship with Moskva is clearly not beneficial for the national economy.
I know you cannot accept that truth but tell you what, small countries, like mine and yours, are just the pawns under the eyes of western powers. And in a chess match, pawns die first. They won't help you.
Krym is lost. And Donbass people dislike you. Bid farewell to them and try to continue with whatever you are left.
Instead of bitching about the West or the East, why don't you people try to persecute corruption and improve the effeciency of the bureaucrat, and try to make a stable and strong economy with a multinational foreign trade ?
You people are being used by the corrupted oligarchs in the current goverment. They are not patriots. They are selling patriotism like a pimp.