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    Russian Army Robots


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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  PapaDragon Sun Feb 14, 2021 7:24 pm

    PhSt wrote:
    What I do not understand is why the BMP-3 based teletanks do not have anywhere near as much firepower per ton as the Uran-9, some variants do not even surpass the Uran.

    Perhaps they are still in the testing/ experimental phase, when the tech improves and reliability of the systems are confirmed then maybe they will start introducing more features. Also, I think the BMP-3 is just a temporary platform, the main vehicles where these automated technologies will be introduced are most likely Armata.

    Robots are supposed to be cheap and disposable

    Armata is opposite of cheap

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Hole Sun Feb 14, 2021 8:21 pm

    Robots are meant to protect humans from being directly in the line of fire. They´re already working on an unmanned T-14 tank.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  GarryB Mon Feb 15, 2021 4:00 am

    What I do not understand is why the BMP-3 based teletanks do not have anywhere near as much firepower per ton as the Uran-9, some variants do not even surpass the Uran.

    I remember I once had the idea of putting 2 heavy autocannon RWS modules in the commander and gunner positions of of a converted T-72. That way you could have two 30mm autocannon engaging separate targets in addition to the main gun and since the crew would be well away form the front lines the increased crew count would not be as great a risk.

    Engaging multiple targets at once sounds nice, but makes the operation of the vehicle rather complex.

    The job of the driver is to move from cover to cover pointing the thickest armour at the biggest threat... the job of the gunner is to take out the target the commander has assigned them as quickly and as efficiently as possible and the commanders job is to find threats and targets and evaluate what needs to get taken out first and what can wait.

    In a vehicle with two independent turrets and guns the commander needs to work much harder and direct each turret to targets to engage... it will likely use ammo rather faster and sometimes one will get in the way of the other.

    Shooting at two targets sounds more effective but getting your vehicle into a position where you can take shots at two different targets might leave your vehicle too exposed to enemy fire...

    It is much simpler if the gunner has a big gun and the commander has a smaller weapon... if troops appear near your tank the commander can take them out when he sees them while the gunner concentrates on the main threat and the driver moves you to a safer location after the shot.

    With autocannon you can rapidly switch from target to target after firing bursts... extra big guns would get in the way of each other.

    Having complimentary guns like the BMP-3s 100mm rifled gun and 30mm auto cannon is ideal because some targets are best engaged with one or the other... rarely both.

    Perhaps they are still in the testing/ experimental phase, when the tech improves and reliability of the systems are confirmed then maybe they will start introducing more features. Also, I think the BMP-3 is just a temporary platform, the main vehicles where these automated technologies will be introduced are most likely Armata.

    I agree... using the Su-35 to test stuff for the Su-57 also made sense because while there are not a lot of Su-57s in service it means you could introduce the technology to in service BMP-3s fairly quickly if wanted.

    Robots are supposed to be cheap and disposable

    Armata is opposite of cheap

    Do you use cheap plastic forks and knives for your normal meals at home?

    Cheap and disposable is sometimes necessary, but if it is too disposable then it becomes useless.

    For instance a slow cheap simple drone being flown by the US over Crimea would be rapidly shot down and of little use.

    If you expect to get any useful information you need a much better and therefore more expensive drone.

    And in the case of the crimea... sneakiness... a 747 that is pretending to be off course, or with an airline that has flight permission to fly over the crimea...

    If you want your drone to get deep into enemy territory then it has to be good... it can't just be a tin can.

    You would not send it unsupported either... you could have helicopter gunships flying over attacking any humans that approached the vehicle.

    Extra sensors on the vehicle could detect the direction of shots fired or weapons fired at the vehicle, which could be passed on to artillery units and the helicopters... a lone drone vehicle (they don't know whether it is empty or manned) will attract a lot of fire because there is be less fear of return fire you would get from a column of vehicles... it would have the fire power to kill enemy forces but its best feature would be survivability and drawing out enemy and getting them to reveal their positions.

    With no crew on board the only way to stop it would be tracks, engine, fuel supply... would not be easy... especially with the functioning APS systems... might be something they try to draw out Javelin teams... high altitude drones with laser guided bombs scanning the areas around the drone as it moves forward... light bombs hitting any vehicles or buildings the Javelin teams are operating from... the APS system on the drone allowing it to probably survive multiple attacks, but a chance in a COIN situation to draw out Javelin or TOW teams... without telling a tank crew they are bait.

    Would they waste a Javelin on a Uran-9?

    I suppose if it did them a lot of damage they would...

    This system could be built in to the design so a tank with injured or incapacitated crew could be driven back to friendly lines perhaps...

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Mar 26, 2021 3:01 am

    P.A. Dulnev, Doctor of Military Sciences, Professor
    S.A. Sychev, candidate of military sciences, docent                                

    Improving the weapons system of assault units equipped with military robotic systems

    The paper considers the directions of improving the weapons system of assault units when equipping them with
    military-purpose robotic systems using a functional approach.

    The tendency for the intensification of the struggle for the seizure of populated areas was clearly manifested in the wars and
    armed conflicts of our time and outlined the problem of the need to reduce the losses of personnel of the combined-arms
    formations involved in their assault. Practice has shown that neither absolute air superiority nor the use of modern high-precision
    weapons and command and control technologies provide a significant reduction in the losses of advancing troops during the
    assault on populated areas, even with significant superiority in forces and equipment.

    Thus, the assault on Mosul by the Iraqi armed forces with the support of the international coalition dragged on for nine
    months. The massing of air strikes and artillery fire did not lead to an increase in the rate of offensive of the assault groups and a
    decrease in the level of losses, which at certain stages of the operation reached 120-150 people per day, and in total for the
    operation amounted to about 30 thousand servicemen. As a result of the liberation of the city in its various districts, from 30 to 70%
    of buildings and structures were destroyed, and the number of victims among civilians, according to various sources, may amount
    to several tens of thousands of people [1].

    The conduct of hostilities mainly at short distances and simultaneously at several levels, including underground structures and
    facilities, in the absence of a continuous front and an increased, relative to normal conditions, density of forces and assets, allows
    the defending side to effectively resist in populated areas the enemy equipped with modern weapons and military equipment.

    Progress in resolving the problem of reducing personnel losses during assault operations has been outlined in connection
    with the intensification of the process of creating fundamentally new high-tech weapons based on military robotics technologies.

    However, the use [2, 3] of a number of samples of ground-based robotics in combat conditions has shown that the
    effectiveness of the created robotic systems is significantly lower than the effectiveness of crew weapons and military equipment,
    and their relatively high cost does not allow hoping for massive equipping of troops with them. Low security, insignificant range and
    high complexity of control, as well as the vulnerability of communication channels from the effects of electronic warfare, sharply
    limited the range of tasks to which the currently existing robotic systems can be involved.

    The need to revise approaches to defining the nomenclature of ground-based robotic systems and to create specialized
    assault kits based on them that ensure the performance of tasks in populated areas has been repeatedly raised in a number of

    kation [4-7]. Given the particular relevance of this issue in the open press, an active discussion unfolded on the composition and
    structure of promising units of robotic complexes, as well as possible ways of their independent and joint use, with combined-arms
    formations. In this article, to develop this topic, an attempt is made to determine the directions for improving the weapons system of
    assault units when equipping them with robotic systems based on an analysis of the weapons system of assault units created on
    the basis of motorized rifle and tank units.

    In the guiding documents regulating the procedure for the actions of combined-arms formations in settlements, the main
    method of mastering them is considered to be capture on the move. At the same time, the experience of modern armed conflicts
    shows that it is extremely rare to apply this method. In most cases, the troops are forced to prepare and conduct the assault on
    populated areas, which is associated with significant differences in the offensive from normal conditions:

    high security of shooters, grenade launchers, firepower calculations allows the defenders to maintain the density of forces and assets necessary for a successful defense for a long time;

    the range of small arms fire in urban conditions rarely exceeds 300 m, but as a rule is about 100 m, which ensures high firing
    accuracy of the defenders; placement of fire weapons on the upper floors makes it possible to destroy armored vehicles attacking from the upper
    hemisphere, which has weak armor;

    a multi-tiered arrangement of fire weapons in defended buildings provides a high density of fire;

    prepared paths for maneuver on the surface, as well as the use of underground communications ensure a timely build-up of
    efforts in threatened directions;

    the insignificant space for maneuvering forces the attackers to move along the streets, which, with the formation of
    destruction, blockages and the creation of mine-explosive obstacles, become difficult to pass even for tracked vehicles.

    Practice has shown that the most effective assault objectives are achieved when using special elements of the battle order -assault detachments or groups.
    It is recommended to include tank and artillery units, air defense units and anti-tank guided complexes, grenade launcher and flamethrower units, as well as units of engineering troops and radiation, chemical and biological
    protection [8, 9].

    At the same time, the experience of storming settlements in wars and armed conflicts of recent decades has shown that a
    number of functional subsystems of the weapon system do not meet the requirements for a number of indicators, as a result of
    which, even with significant combat experience, the loss of personnel of the assault detachments ranged from 15 to 35 %. Taking
    into account the high losses, the actions of the assault detachments, as a rule, turned into a gradual squeezing out of the enemy
    from their positions after the complete destruction of the occupied strong points. The use of non-standard tactics, which consisted
    in the construction of embankments for rapprochement with the enemy, the use of elongated demining charges and handcrafted
    rockets of increased power to destroy strongholds,

    An analysis of the experience of using assault units in modern conditions made it possible to identify the main problematic
    issues of their existing weapons system, which it is advisable to consider in terms of functional components [11].
    The capabilities of the functional subsystem of destruction are limited by small angles of declination and elevation of tank
    guns, excessive "farsightedness" of fire control systems with poor panoramic visibility, especially in the upper hemisphere. In
    addition, the large barrel length significantly complicates maneuver on city streets, and the limited range of ammunition does not
    allow the use of ammunition with increased power.

    The use of anti-tank missile systems is limited to short firing ranges, which does not always ensure that the missiles reach the
    controlled section of the trajectory.

    The capabilities of the functional control subsystem are limited by the shielding properties of high-rise buildings and poor
    communication quality due to a high level of interference. Despite the positive experience of integrating reconnaissance and
    engagement assets in close-range fire combat, the distribution of reconnaissance missions and destruction of an enemy target
    between different assets often leads to a decrease in the efficiency of its engagement and, as a result, to a loss of initiative in

    The capabilities of the information support functional subsystem are limited by the low efficiency of the available
    reconnaissance means. High smoke and dust content significantly reduce the capabilities of optical reconnaissance equipment,
    and dense development of settlements does not allow the use of radar stations for reconnaissance of moving targets. As a result,
    the identification of enemy firing points is carried out only after they open fire. The practical absence of reconnaissance means
    during combat inside buildings and structures, especially in underground communications, leads to high ammunition consumption
    or unjustified losses of assault groups.

    The capabilities of the functional subsystem of protection are limited by weak armor of the side, rear and upper projections of
    tanks, as well as their weak anti-mine protection, which determines a high level of their losses from the effects of anti-tank
    weapons, mines and landmines of the enemy.

    Poor armoring of infantry fighting vehicles and armored personnel carriers generally raises the question of the expediency of
    their use during an assault if the enemy has long-range anti-tank weapons. As a result, in order to reach the targets of attack, the
    personnel of the assault groups are forced to advance on foot.

    The widespread use by the enemy of various mine and explosive obstacles, including anti-side and anti-roof mines, as well as
    guided landmines, makes it necessary to equip assault squads with means of detecting mines or impacting them in order to
    prematurely trigger (blocking the control lines of landmines).

    The capabilities of the functional mobility subsystem are limited by an insufficient number of armored engineering equipment
    capable of making passages under enemy fire, which forces the use of bulldozers armored with improvised means for this purpose.
    In addition, the specifics of combat operations in populated areas showed that the most significant characteristics of mobility are
    not high speed of movement, but the ability of weapons and military equipment to overcome obstacles and destruction, as well as
    make maneuvers in a confined space and rapid acceleration to change positions.

    The capabilities of the functional subsystem of support are limited by the increased consumption of ammunition for assault
    groups, the replenishment of which must be carried out without

    an increase in the pace of the offensive or interruptions in the impact on the enemy, which necessitates their replenishment
    practically in the combat formations of subunits. This, in turn, requires the introduction of specialized vehicles with appropriate
    armor protection. In addition, the need to evacuate the wounded in the zone of enemy fire also necessitates the use of specialized
    means of transporting them.

    As evidenced by combat experience, assault detachments (groups) incur the greatest losses when advancing to an assault
    object (leaving their starting positions, overcoming passages in enemy obstacles, penetrating an attack object), when conducting a
    battle for taking possession of attack targets (inside buildings) and repelling counterattacks enemy. At this time, the personnel and
    armored vehicles of the assault groups are exposed to intensive effects of the enemy's firepower and his engineering ammunition.

    Reducing personnel losses under these conditions is possible by introducing assault squads and groups of specialized robotic
    systems into the weapons system, which reduce the number of personnel performing tasks in the zone of the most intense enemy
    influence, or increase the efficiency of using other means of the assault squad.

    So, the capabilities of the functional subsystem of destruction of the assault detachment (group) can be increased by
    including in the fire support groups of heavy (on a tank base) shock robotic systems equipped with a weapon system that allows
    hitting enemy fire weapons both on the upper floors of buildings and in basement rooms, as well as use high-explosive
    fragmentation, armor-piercing high-explosive and thermobaric ammunition, ensuring the destruction of long-term firing structures,
    making passages in the walls of buildings, and, if necessary, fighting against enemy armored objects.

    To increase the survivability of heavy robotic systems and build up the capabilities of the functional subsystem of destruction
    of the assault detachment (group), medium (based on BMP, MTLB, etc.) robotic complexes can be used, equipped with a complex
    of weapons, including an automatic cannon, machine gun, rocket throwers, which will allow create a high density of fire while
    suppressing enemy anti-tank weapons and their firing points that impede the advance of capture groups, and, if necessary, create
    fires in its strong points.

    Ground attack robotic systems, which are entrusted with the task of ensuring the advancement of capture groups to attack
    targets, blocking the enemy in neighboring strongpoints and repelling counterattacks, should have increased security using active
    and dynamic defense systems, aerosol countermeasures and optoelectronic suppression. For direct support of capture groups
    during combat inside buildings and structures, as well as in underground communications, wearable mini RTKs equipped with a
    complex of weapons based on small arms and grenade launchers are needed, which will allow destroying enemy personnel with
    minimal involvement of personnel. To destroy important enemy targets located in the tactical depth of enemy defense, such as
    nomadic tanks,

    The capabilities of the functional control subsystem of the assault squad can be significantly expanded through the integration
    of technical vision systems of all ground-based robotic

    military complexes and unmanned aerial vehicles into a single information space, which will increase the efficiency of decisions
    and situational awareness of all elements of the battle order to an individual serviceman or fire weapon. In the presence of
    self-organization algorithms in the mode of reconnaissance and fire circuits (complexes), not individual fire weapons coupled with
    reconnaissance and control means can operate, but groups of robotic complexes capable of optimizing the process of hitting
    targets in the process of performing a task based on the capabilities of weapons complexes.

    The use of unmanned aerial vehicles - repeaters will improve the quality of communication in difficult conditions of urban
    space and ensure sustainable control of the forces and means of the assault detachment, without increasing the power, and,
    accordingly, the weight of communications equipment.

    Increasing the capabilities of the functional subsystem of information support is possible due to the inclusion of ground-based
    reconnaissance robotic systems and unmanned aerial vehicles in the weapons system of the assault squad. They will be in
    demand for conducting reconnaissance of the enemy and the terrain in conditions of high threat to the life of personnel or where
    traditional means do not provide the necessary information.

    First of all, they are needed to equip capture groups when capturing attack targets. These can be small-sized castable and
    self-propelled robotic systems for examining premises, underground utilities and difficult-to-pass places.

    In the second, to create a network of mobile observation posts for the formation of an information space, which can be
    assigned the task of opening enemy firing points, participating in counter-sniper combat, conducting NBC reconnaissance, video
    recording of assault actions, as well as targeting weapons. The capabilities of ground-based reconnaissance robotic systems
    should be increased by unmanned aerial reconnaissance vehicles, which may be tasked with identifying enemy mine-explosive
    obstacles, its firepower operating in the depth of defense, conducting radio and radio-technical reconnaissance, targeting for
    high-precision artillery ammunition, ensuring the use of army and operational-tactical aviation, monitoring the effectiveness of the
    use of various weapons.

    The capabilities of the functional subsystem of mobility can be increased by equipping the barrage groups of the assault
    detachment with engineering robotic complexes designed to make passages in barriers and destruction under enemy fire. The
    tasks of making passages in the walls of buildings for the penetration of capture groups into them, as well as the destruction of
    specially protected enemy firing points can be performed by robotic platforms with explosive charges of various powers.
    To increase mobility, it is advisable to equip all heavy robotic systems with bulldozer dumps and means of suppressing radio
    lines of controlled landmines, which will allow them to independently make passages in enemy mine-explosive obstacles and

    Wearable robotic systems should be equipped with propellers that allow you to move along flights of stairs and in a confined
    space, climb obstacles, independently restore the working position after a fall.

    The improvement of the functional subsystem of support can be carried out by introducing universal transport platforms into
    the weapons system of the assault squad.

    forms intended for the delivery of ammunition and other necessary material resources to units operating in the zone of active
    enemy influence, as well as for the evacuation of the wounded.

    Unmanned aerial vehicles of the copter type can be used to supply individual groups of the assault detachment that have no
    connection with the main forces on the ground.

    As the above analysis of the assault squad's weapons system shows, the most characteristic will be the inclusion of robotic
    systems in the assault groups (subgroups) of capture, barrage and destruction groups, and fire support groups. The main tasks
    assigned to the robotic systems, in this case, will be: conducting reconnaissance of the enemy and the terrain; making passages in
    barriers; undermining the walls of buildings and long-term firing points of the enemy; demining of terrain and objects; fire damage
    to the enemy in attack targets and adjacent buildings; destruction of enemy armored vehicles; survey of hard-to-reach places,
    underground structures; ensuring the actions of capture groups in buildings and structures; adjustment of artillery fire; provision of
    high-precision ammunition firing; suppression of enemy radio communication lines.

    At the same time, the inclusion of robotic systems in the control, cover and reinforcement groups, as well as the logistical
    support units of the assault detachment, has a certain expediency. In this case, the most typical tasks of robotic systems will be:
    relaying radio communication signals; participation in search and rescue operations; RCB intelligence; protection of control points;
    fighting enemy snipers; delivery of ammunition and other materiel; evacuation of the wounded and sick.

    In addition, the emergence of promising short-range reconnaissance and strike unmanned aerial vehicles necessitates the
    creation of new elements of the combat formation of assault detachments - groups of reconnaissance and strike UAVs, which can
    be tasked with destroying important enemy targets that impede the assault from the air.

    Thus, the improvement of the weapons system of assault units is most likely due to the integration of the capabilities of the
    crewed models of weapons and military equipment and robotic systems for military purposes.

    The use of a functional approach in the analysis of the weapons system of assault units makes it possible to identify the most
    significant subsystems, the effectiveness of which can be increased by introducing robotic systems into their composition, and also
    to determine the main tactical and technical requirements for promising models of military robotics.

    The formation of an integral and balanced system of weapons for assault subunits creates real preconditions for reducing
    losses of personnel during the assault on populated areas and a qualitatively new level of performance of tasks for information
    support, control, defeat of the enemy, protection of troops and their comprehensive support.

    List of sources used

    1. Kiselev V.A. , Kostenko A.N. The fight for Mosul in Iraq as a mirror of the Americans' tactics in
    mastery of cities // Military Thought. –2018. – № 2.– P. 33-42.

    2. Sizov V.Yu. Fighting robots in future wars: expert conclusions. [site] URL: (date of treatment 10/12/2018).

    3. Antonov N. Will robots change the paradigm of ground combat? [site] URL: (date of access 09.11.2018).

    4. Dulnev P.A. The use of robotic systems during the storming of the city (fortified
    district) // Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences. – 2017. – № 3 (60) .– P. 26-32.

    5. Selivanov A.A. Urbanization as a driver of the need for equipping
    assault formations by robotics // Bulletin of the Siberian Branch of the Academy of Military Sciences. – 2017. – № 45.– P. 91-105.

    6. Sheremet I.B. , Rudianov N.A. , Ryabov A.V., Khrushchov V.S., Komchenkov V.I. Rationale for this
    patronage of combat and support robots for combat in the city // Izvestia SFedU. Technical sciences.– 2012. – № 3 (128) .–

    7. Chvarkov S.V. , Chagrin A.S. Prospects for the use of robotic systems in
    weapon combat / Proceedings of the First military-scientific conference "Robotization of the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation." -
    M .: GNIITs RT RF Armed Forces, 2016. - P. 26-31.

    8. Runov V.A. Assaults of the Great Patriotic War. Urban battle, it is the most difficult. - M .: Yauza:
    Eksmo, 2011. - 320 p.

    9. Combat regulations of the Ground Forces, part II Battalion, company. - Saratov: Printing House Region, 2014.–
    800 s.

    10. Kiselev V.A. War for cities in the fight against terrorists // Army collection. - 2016. -
    No. 12.– S. 5-13.

    11. Dulnev P.A., Ilyin L.N. Some approaches to the development of the armament system
    niy of the new look of the Ground Forces // Bulletin of the Academy of Military Sciences. - 2012. - No. 1 (38). - S. 126-134.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  magnumcromagnon Tue Apr 06, 2021 8:57 pm

    Udar <<Punch>> UGV with the Batchka-U turret at the 18:18 mark.
    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 EyTk1VDWQAUd4G0?format=jpg&name=small

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  magnumcromagnon Fri Apr 09, 2021 4:47 pm

    The Ministry of Defense creates the first unit equipped with shock robotic systems

    New heavy robotic demining complex will go to the engineering troops

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  franco Fri Apr 09, 2021 5:25 pm

    Wish they stated which Research Center although it would almost have to be the 38th or 15th. Still wondering if this system will be employed by the new Assault Sapper battalions of the Engineer Troops. The first Military Institute officer graduates just were released in Tyumen.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Hole Sat Apr 10, 2021 9:34 pm

    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Eyny4410
    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Eynyxw10
    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Eynyzx10
    Marker robot at an exhibition at the ERA center.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  medo Sat Apr 10, 2021 10:36 pm

    The Uran-9 complex includes four tracked combat vehicles with remote control, a control point and transport for their delivery. The basic armament of combat vehicles consists of an automatic 30-mm cannon 2A72 and a coaxial 7,62-mm machine gun, anti-tank guided missiles "Attack" and a jet flamethrower "Shmel". Depending on the tasks performed, the complex can be additionally armed with MANPADS.

    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Uran-910

    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Uran9-10

    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Uran9-11

    Anyone notice, that they produce Uran-9 robots in two versions? One version have revolver launchers for Shmel flamethrower, the other version have two boxes on that places. Could be, that this version is connected with MANPADs. Boxes seems to be a little short for Verba missiles. Maybe they will take away front nad back covers, when placing missiles inside. I don't think those boxes are for Shmels.

    It would be good to made specialized air defense VSHORAD version armed with 4 Verba and 4 air defense Ataka missiles and air burst gun rounds for 30 mm gun with high elevation.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  medo Tue Apr 13, 2021 5:14 pm

    ЦАМТО, 12 апреля. Новая партия из 20 ударных роботов "Уран-9" в ближайшее время будет передана ОАО "766 управление производственно-технологической комплектации" (УПТК) в Вооруженные Силы РФ.

    Об этом было доложено министру обороны Российской Федерации генералу армии Сергею Шойгу 9 апреля в ходе посещения предприятия, где разрабатываются и выпускаются робототехнические комплексы различного назначения.

    На ОАО "766 УПТК" выпущена и готова к передаче в войска очередная партия из пяти ударных робототехнических комплексов "Уран-9". В каждый комплекс входит один пункт управления, смонтированный на базе автомобиля КамАЗ, и четыре боевые машины. Поставка будет выполнена в ближайшее время.

    Ранее сообщалось, что в январе в Вооруженные Силы РФ были поставлены пять комплексов "Уран-9", включающих, соответственно 20 боевых машин, и еще два робота отдельно.

    Вооружение "Урана-9" состоит из 30-мм автоматической пушки, противотанковых управляемых ракет "Атака", а также огнеметов "Шмель", сообщает Департамент информации и массовых коммуникаций Минобороны РФ.

    TSAMTO, April 12. A new batch of 20 combat robots "Uran-9" will soon be transferred from the JSC "766 Production and Technological Completion Management" (UPTK) to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

    This was reported to the Minister of Defense of the Russian Federation, General of the Army Sergei Shoigu, on April 9, during a visit to an enterprise where robotic systems for various purposes are being developed and produced.

    At OJSC "766 UPTK", another batch of five Uran-9 robotic attack systems has been produced and is ready for transfer to the troops. Each complex includes one control point, mounted on the basis of a KamAZ vehicle, and four combat vehicles. Delivery will be completed shortly.

    Earlier it was reported that in January, the RF Armed Forces were supplied with five Uran-9 complexes, including, respectively, 20 combat vehicles, and two more robots separately.

    Armament of "Uran-9" consists of a 30-mm automatic cannon, anti-tank guided missiles "Attack", and flamethrowers "Shmel", according to the Department of Information and Mass Communications of the Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation.

    With the visit of Shoigu, we sow a new (the second) batch of 5 Uran-9 complexes with 20 robots. In January they already receive one batch with 5 complexes with 22 robots, so they will soon have 10 complexes with 42 Uran-9 robots. And before that, few years ago russian alry also receive 22 pre serial Uran-9 robots. Number is growing.

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    Post  magnumcromagnon Mon Apr 26, 2021 4:44 pm

    Udar: what is known about the BMP-3 combat robot
    In Russia, the Udar combat robot created on the basis of the BMP-3 is being tested.

    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 SAV_8550_900_d_850

    During the tests, issues of its interaction with other promising unmanned ground-based complexes "Uranus", "Nerekhta" and "Soratnik", as well as aerial drones are being worked out.

    "Work is being carried out in two main directions: providing control of the Udar robotic vehicle remotely by an operator or in a completely autonomous mode without human participation, "the Army Standard publication reports.

    Control of the Udar complex without a crew is provided by a set of video cameras with a circular view, remote and automatic control systems. Due to radio silence, the robot is more hidden, but the operator can return to the remote control mode. By the way, the control point is located on the Ural-4320 truck.

    The combat robot has a mass of 18.7 tons. The power plant is a 500-horsepower diesel engine. A fuel capacity of 700 liters provides a mileage of up to 600 kilometers. The maximum speed is up to 70 kilometers per hour.

    As a weapon, Udar uses the Boomerang-BM uninhabited combat module, which includes a 30-mm cannon with a firing range of up to 4000 meters and ammunition for 500 rounds. A 7.62 mm Kalashnikov PKTM machine gun with 2,000 rounds of ammunition is designed to fight infantry. To defeat armored targets, there are four Kornet anti-tank systems.

    To increase its combat capabilities, Udar carries an unmanned aerial vehicle and a ground-based mini-drone for reconnaissance and mine clearance of the area and evacuation of the wounded. The Udar robot will be able to perform reconnaissance and patrol tasks on the battlefield, accompany convoys, and participate together with other robotic and crew-controlled armored vehicles.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  Hole Fri Apr 30, 2021 12:19 pm

    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 E0kggi10
    The robots are coming!

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  franco Sat May 15, 2021 4:09 pm

    Scientists have come up with a robot for transporting ammunition to tanks on the front line

    MOSCOW, May 13 - RIA Novosti. Specialists of the Military Academy of Logistics (VA MTO, St. Petersburg) named after General of the Army Khrulev came up with a project of a unique transport-loading robot based on one of the most massive tractors in the Russian army MT-LB (also known as "Motoyga"), follows from document published on the Rospatent website.

    The robot is an MT-LBu tractor (an extended version of the MT-LB), in the cargo compartment of which an ammunition feed mechanism is located. The complex is remotely controlled by an operator within a radius of up to 5 kilometers and is intended for urgent replenishment of ammunition for tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery and units of other combat arms on the front line of combat operations.

    The specialists of VA MTO substantiate the uniqueness of this technical solution by the fact that none of the charging robots existing today both in Russia and abroad is capable of loading ammunition into tanks or infantry fighting vehicles. Today, this technique can only be used to replenish self-propelled artillery ammunition.

    "The task to be solved by the claimed technical solution is to create a universal robotic transport-loading complex not only for self-propelled artillery, but also for the first time - for tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, which have no analogues in the world," the document says.

    So, in the description of the invention, the South Korean K10 machine for the K9 "Thunder" self-propelled gun mount and the similar XM2002 complex for the American 155-mm XM2001 "Crusader" howitzer are given as an example, the design of which is not universal and cannot provide ammunition supply to tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, except Moreover, they cannot be controlled from a distance.

    According to the document, the new complex based on Motolyga will be able to move to the forefront of hostilities, where the crew of a tank / BMP / gun mount will wait for it to replenish the spent ammunition, due to which the loading time with shells is reduced by 3-4 times, the physical load on the crews is reduced armored vehicles.

    MT-LB (multi-purpose light, armored tractor) was widely used in Soviet times as an armored personnel carrier in motorized rifle units, as an ambulance vehicle, as a tractor for the T-12 and MT-12 Rapier anti-tank guns, as well as as a self-propelled mortar and anti-aircraft self-propelled installation. MT-LB actively participated in battles in Afghanistan, as well as in military conflicts in the countries of the former USSR. MT-LB is a floating vehicle, its movement on the water is carried out by rewinding tracks. The transport and cargo compartment is located at the rear of the vehicle and allows transporting up to 2.5 tons of cargo or up to 11 troops. A whole family of combat vehicles has been developed on the basis of the MT-LB.

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    Post  flamming_python Sat May 15, 2021 6:36 pm

    franco wrote:Scientists have come up with a robot for transporting ammunition to tanks on the front line

    MOSCOW, May 13 - RIA Novosti. Specialists of the Military Academy of Logistics (VA MTO, St. Petersburg) named after General of the Army Khrulev came up with a project of a unique transport-loading robot based on one of the most massive tractors in the Russian army MT-LB (also known as "Motoyga"), follows from document published on the Rospatent website.

    The robot is an MT-LBu tractor (an extended version of the MT-LB), in the cargo compartment of which an ammunition feed mechanism is located. The complex is remotely controlled by an operator within a radius of up to 5 kilometers and is intended for urgent replenishment of ammunition for tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, self-propelled artillery and units of other combat arms on the front line of combat operations.

    The specialists of VA MTO substantiate the uniqueness of this technical solution by the fact that none of the charging robots existing today both in Russia and abroad is capable of loading ammunition into tanks or infantry fighting vehicles. Today, this technique can only be used to replenish self-propelled artillery ammunition.

    "The task to be solved by the claimed technical solution is to create a universal robotic transport-loading complex not only for self-propelled artillery, but also for the first time - for tanks and infantry fighting vehicles, which have no analogues in the world," the document says.

    So, in the description of the invention, the South Korean K10 machine for the K9 "Thunder" self-propelled gun mount and the similar XM2002 complex for the American 155-mm XM2001 "Crusader" howitzer are given as an example, the design of which is not universal and cannot provide ammunition supply to tanks, infantry fighting vehicles, except Moreover, they cannot be controlled from a distance.

    According to the document, the new complex based on Motolyga will be able to move to the forefront of hostilities, where the crew of a tank / BMP / gun mount will wait for it to replenish the spent ammunition, due to which the loading time with shells is reduced by 3-4 times, the physical load on the crews is reduced armored vehicles.

    MT-LB (multi-purpose light, armored tractor) was widely used in Soviet times as an armored personnel carrier in motorized rifle units, as an ambulance vehicle, as a tractor for the T-12 and MT-12 Rapier anti-tank guns, as well as as a self-propelled mortar and anti-aircraft self-propelled installation. MT-LB actively participated in battles in Afghanistan, as well as in military conflicts in the countries of the former USSR. MT-LB is a floating vehicle, its movement on the water is carried out by rewinding tracks. The transport and cargo compartment is located at the rear of the vehicle and allows transporting up to 2.5 tons of cargo or up to 11 troops. A whole family of combat vehicles has been developed on the basis of the MT-LB.

    Awesome, the robotization of older vehicle families that are otherwise becoming obsolete.

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    Post  Hole Sat May 15, 2021 10:35 pm

    And cheaper then developing new stuff.

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    Post  GarryB Sun May 16, 2021 10:30 am

    As the new vehicles come online a lot of older vehicles are going to become available and they are excellent vehicles with lots of spares and support equipment.

    Once they are worn out they could make Boomerang and Kurganets models to take over... this is a very clever idea... reloading in the field is slow and dangerous... if this makes it faster and safer then it is a very good idea... especially if it can be used to support all sorts of vehicle platforms.

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    Post  PhSt Fri May 21, 2021 11:24 pm

    Russia launches serial production of combat robots

    MOSCOW, May 21. /TASS/. Russia has launched the serial production of combat robots capable of fighting on their own, Russian Defense Minister Army General Sergei Shoigu said at a lecture of the New Knowledge educational marathon on Friday.

    "The serial production of combat robots has begun. What has emerged are not simply experimental, but robots that can be really shown in science-fiction films as they are capable of fighting on their own," Shoigu said.

    "I cannot but also mention what is called tomorrow’s weapons. Large-scale work is underway in this area," the defense chief said.

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    Post  George1 Wed Jun 02, 2021 4:05 pm

    The first samples of the heavy strike robot "Shturm" are being created in Russia
    28 May 2021

    At the Uralvagonzavod (UVZ) enterprise located in Russia, the first prototypes of the Shturm heavy percussion robot are being created. This robotic complex (RTK) will be used for street fighting in large settlements.

    About this news agency RIA News told sources related to the military-industrial complex.

    One of the interlocutors said that the complex consists of several combat vehicles created at the base tank T-72BZ, the actions of which will be directed by a mobile command post. The strike robots themselves can be equipped with various types of combat modules. One of them includes a shortened 125 mm smoothbore cannon. Another source explained that a shorter barrel, the length of which is within the vehicle's dimensions, is convenient for close combat in dense urban areas.

    He also talked about other types of modules. According to him, the combat vehicle can also be equipped with a block of rocket-propelled flamethrowers "Bumblebee", paired automatic cannons of 30 mm caliber or 220-mm thermobaric NURSs. At the same time, the combat robots themselves will have excellent anti-tank protection.

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    Post  Hole Wed Jun 02, 2021 9:40 pm

    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 000177
    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 000275
    Could be looking like this.

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    Post  PhSt Thu Jun 03, 2021 4:56 am

    Isn't the Armata platform also slated to be roboticized? With the introduction of Shturm, they will have 2 classes of heavy ground drone units. Or maybe Shturm is the designation for robotized Armata.

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    Post  lyle6 Thu Jun 03, 2021 7:40 am

    Hole wrote:Russian Army Robots - Page 21 000177
    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 000275
    Could be looking like this.
    The short-barrelled tank UGV would actually make for an excellent BMPT compared to the actual BMPT. Shame UVZ keeps pimping the weak sauce twin 30 + ATGMs, when a tank gun with the vertical range of motion of an artillery would have been infinitely simpler yet more effective.

    PhSt wrote:
    Isn't the Armata platform also slated to be roboticized? With the introduction of Shturm, they will have 2 classes of heavy ground drone units. Or maybe Shturm is the designation for robotized Armata.

    Would be a waste. T-72s are 'disposable' while T-14s are all still slowly trickling into service. The superior protection levels of the latter would also be wasted on a vehicle with no crewmembers to safeguard, while the cons associated with having a much larger vehicle are very much manifest. Which is kind of ironic, in a way, because the Armata series have the best provisions for transitioning to fully tele-operation / autonomous operation as each system on the vehicle is linked with the main computer that acts as the interface between the crew and the vehicle they control. The T-14 even have some AI functionalities like automatic target acquisition and tracking as well.

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    Post  flamming_python Fri Jun 11, 2021 2:55 am


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    Post  flamming_python Fri Jun 11, 2021 3:01 am

    Russia’s latest Bumerang combat vehicle can be controlled from mobile phone
    It can move backward, forward, rotate the turret and the barrel, CEO of Military Industrial Company Aleksandr Krasovitsky said

    MOSCOW, June 7. /TASS/. Russia’s latest Bumerang armored personnel carrier can be controlled even from a mobile phone, CEO of Military Industrial Company Aleksandr Krasovitsky said in a live broadcast of RBC TV Channel on Monday.

    "Today we can control the Bumerang even from a mobile phone. It can move backward, forward, rotate the turret and the barrel. We can see the fuel capacity and the oil temperature," the chief executive said.

    The Bumerang is the most powerful armored personnel carrier in Russia today, he stressed.

    "The potential, which our engineers have, allows creating civilian vehicles, including those with automatic control systems," Krasovitsky said.

    The Bumerang is the latest standardized wheeled armored platform for multiservice forces developed by Military Industrial Company. The platform was used as the basis for developing the K-17 wheeled infantry fighting vehicle unveiled to the public at the Victory Day Parade on Moscow’s Red Square in 2015, and also the K-16 armored personnel carrier.

    The K-17 infantry fighting vehicle’s baseline version is outfitted with the Epokha combat module with a 30mm automatic gun and a coaxial 7.62mm machine-gun and the Kornet anti-tank missile system. The K-16 armored personnel carrier is armed with a combat module with a 12.7mm machine-gun.

    Wonder what the use-case is

    A backup remote control option for vehicle commanders/drivers/gunners, when the vehicle is entrenched and on the defensive, or if it needs to be sent forwards to scout or do reconnaissance-in-force.
    Naturally with the squad dismounted in both cases as well

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Re: Russian Army Robots

    Post  medo Sat Jul 24, 2021 5:24 pm

    Russian SSO in Syria use combat robot Soratnik. They also use kamikaze drones Lancet together with recce drones and RuAF as well use armed drones Orion. I'm sure they also used them combinet together, all drones and combat robots to get important real combat experiences. We must not forget, that those terroritst in Idlib have support from Turkey, so real combat experiences with real electronic warfare environment.

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    Russian Army Robots - Page 21 Empty Combat approved robots testing

    Post  GarryB Mon Aug 02, 2021 8:31 am

    How will combat drones go in WWIII dealing with blast and radiation and EMP pulses...

    Note the big one is based on the BMD... so it should be air droppable... interesting feature for a robot.

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