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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises


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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises

    Post  Pyrrus Sun Jan 26, 2014 5:05 am

    Exercise Zapad-81 (West-81) was the largest military exercise ever to be carried out by the Soviet Union, according to NATO and US sources.[1] It was conducted from September 4, 1981 and lasted approximately 8 days. It was a joint operation including elements from all Soviet service branches and introduced several new "complexes" such as the RSD-10 medium-range strategic missile (known often to the West as the SS-20 Saber) and the "Kiev" Project 1143 aircraft carrier.[2]

    The exercise was first and foremost a show of force. Propaganda tapes were made of the large scale offensives concluding in a large victory parade. Apart from being a show of force to the NATO countries, the exercise was a large-scale demonstration of military capability in Poland. After the failure of reform communism in Poland during the seventies the People's Republic of Poland was in a state of crisis and civil unrest (Solidarność). Exercise Zapad included amphibious landings in Poland near Gdańsk, reminding Poles that the Soviet Union could resort to military force if that was deemed necessary.


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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty Re: Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises

    Post  Cyberspec Mon May 04, 2015 8:51 am

    I'll post this here to avoid single post threads. Maybe the thread should be renamed Warsaw Pact Exercises?

    NVA (East German) on exercises - good footage (21 min)


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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty Re: Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises

    Post  Khepesh Mon May 04, 2015 4:48 pm

    NVA film about using OPVT equipment on T-55 and T-72


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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty Re: Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Jun 10, 2015 3:33 am

    Old East German Newsreel

    T-55's leaping of railway carriages Very Happy


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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty Re: Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises

    Post  Werewolf Wed Jun 10, 2015 8:12 am

    Cyberspec wrote:Old East German Newsreel

    T-55's leaping of railway carriages Very Happy

    Cool find, will like when i can.

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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty Re: Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises

    Post  Cyberspec Wed Jun 10, 2015 10:54 pm

    Werewolf wrote:Cool find, will like when i can.

    No worries...thx

    that channel has a fairly large collection of clips....I haven;t had the time to check it out properly yet
    Sanctus Ferri
    Sanctus Ferri

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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty NATO and WP troop quality values used in Soviet General Staff wargames.

    Post  Sanctus Ferri Sun Jul 10, 2016 11:41 am

    I was reading an old CIA document in which Soviet wargames for fighting in Europe were discussed, in which it was said that the Soviet General Staff assigned numerical quality ratings to various nations in the game, and gave three, with West Germans 1.00, Americans 0.80 and Italians 0.25.  The document did not list the values given for other NATO troops, or mention if similar graduation was made of different Warsaw Pact members states.  A second document gave a value for the British as 1.3, and indicated that Soviet and US troops were held to be equal.

    Does anyone have knowledge of the values used for the other NATO forces?  Were similar grades used for Warsaw Pact forces?  What were the values? Were different values given for different readiness categories?

    Is there any documentation of these old war games available?  

    What kind of rules did the Soviet armed forces use?  Were they free kriegspiel type, where officers simply used their knowledge to adjudicate results, or were they more formally 'games' with mechanisms for probability and uncertain outcomes, such as dice?

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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty Participants in the combat groups of the working class (the armed paramilitary organization of the GDR) from Dresden during field training; 1978 year

    Post  George1 Tue Aug 15, 2017 6:44 pm

    Participants in the combat groups of the working class (the armed paramilitary organization of the GDR) from Dresden during field training; 1978 year

    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises 2478003_800
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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises 2479483_800
    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises 2480066_800
    Walther von Oldenburg
    Walther von Oldenburg

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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty Warpac armies training

    Post  Walther von Oldenburg Sun Nov 07, 2021 6:18 pm

    How well trained were Warsaw Pact armies compared to say, Arab armies? How well would say, East German army fare against Vietnam sized US force?

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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty Re: Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises

    Post  Mir Thu Nov 11, 2021 12:55 pm

    Walther von Oldenburg wrote:How well trained were Warsaw Pact armies compared to say, Arab armies? How well would say, East German army fare against Vietnam sized US force?

    The East Germany was without doubt the best trained from all the WP armies. Their doctrine and equipment was tailored for defense and deception and their expertise was sought after throughout much of the "socialist world" - including Vietnam. Much of the military and political tactics used by the NVA and the VC was due to the training their NVA brothers in East Germany provided. The GDR had a very strong political and military influence over North Vietnam but they also played a leading role in the anti-Vietnam War campaigns.

    East German advisors were heavily used in almost all liberation conflicts in the 3rd world. In the South African Border War many insurgents were not only trained by East Germans but much of the specialized equipment they used were of East German origin. Quite a bit of this stuff fell into South African hands as well!

    A major conflict against the US would have been a conventional one (for a while at least). In such a war the GDR's would have given a good account of themselves initially, but much of their equipment was obsolete compared to what the US and NATO had at the time. Their T-72's were not much better than the Iraqi one's and they had very few Mig-29's in service.

    All this would be on the assumption that the GDR became isolated from the USSR and the rest of the WP countries and that the USSR has withdrawn it's forces from the GDR and other WP countries.

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    Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises Empty Re: Soviet-Warsaw Pact Military Exercises

    Post  George1 Wed Feb 21, 2024 11:48 pm

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