Russia Defence Forum

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Military Forum for Russian and Global Defence Issues

    Warsaw-Pact Sub-Forum Suggestion


    Warsaw-Pact Sub-Forum Suggestion Empty Warsaw-Pact Sub-Forum Suggestion

    Post  Guest Sat Mar 26, 2016 3:59 am

    I'd like to throw a quick suggestion out here. As you can probably see from my profile, I'm new here and I'm really enjoying my stay so far. The forum is packed with almost everything you could want. It's great for enthusiasts of all aspects. One thing I did notice is the lack of a Warsaw Pact Sub-Forum. This was a very interesting period of time in history, with things all relating back to the USSR and there is s plethora of topics that could be discussed. Lots of people on this forum are from Eastern Europe and they could have a lot to contribute, and find it nice to share some of their knowledge. How many of you like this idea? Would you like to see this.

    Sorry if this is a little out of place but I didn't see any other place for it.

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