magnumcromagnon Mon Mar 10, 2014 1:57 am
Scientists have found ways to reduce wear and tear by friction
The seminar was held in tribology NPP "Respirator"
Bezysnosnosti effect in friction was devoted to scientific workshop held recently in NPP "Respirator" the Holding "Air Technologies" .
In Orekhovo-on research and production enterprise (SME) "Respirator", was Interregional Scientific and Practical Seminar "The results of the implementation effect bezyznosnosti in metalworking processes and exploitation." According to the newspaper the scientific community "Search" , participated in the forum was not only tribological scientists, teachers of universities and colleges, but also school teachers, representatives of industry, the transport sector and even the leaders of the local utilities.
Such major scientific events should be held more frequently stressed participants. Combining science, industry, educational institutions and individual customers on the ground - a sign of the time. A company like NPP "Respirator", should be the basis of innovative development of the industry. For they are connected scientific complex and high-tech production base for the training of workers, engineers and scientists.
The seminar was attended by eminent scholar, a classic national tribology - Academician of the Russian Academy of Engineering Dmitri Garkunov. In the 50s of the last century, he made a number of fundamental scientific discoveries, including the effect described bezyznosnosti in friction and wear of metals hydrogen phenomenon. Inventions Dmitry Nikolayevich widely acquisition in aviation and chemical industry, light and heavy engineering, agriculture.
For outstanding achievements in the field of tribology Dmitry Garkunov was awarded the Government of the Russian Federation (2002), Prize of the President of the Russian Federation (2003), the Gold Medal of the Institute of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE), as well as the largest award in the world on Tribology - Gold Medal of the British tribological Trust (2006).
In studies initiated Dmitry Garkunovym, has continued. Employees NPP "Respirator" actively developing theme stated professor. At the seminar, young scientists - Head assembly plant NPP "Respirator" M. Zinin, deputy chief technologist and engineer E. Sergeev S. Gavrilov - told, in particular, the effect of technological implementation bezyznosnosti methods of plastic deformation and the combined holes.
Dmitry Garkunova opening "effect bezyznosnosti" and "hydrogen wear" became the scientific basis for a new strategic direction in the science of friction - "Tribology based on self-organization." The presentation of this theme was also held during the seminar in NPP "Respirator".
In addition, Professor D. Garkunov, E. and V. Melnikov Babel told the audience about the benefits of using metalplacking lubricant compositions. Test motor oils with this additive held in Norway (on trucks) and Germany (passenger). They showed that by using these compositions for consumption by reducing friction loss is reduced to 23%.
Machinery work without wear capable beneficial effect on the ecology of the planet. Indeed, thanks to prolong their life (due to friction bezyznosnogo) can significantly reduce the amount of smelting iron and steel to replace worn-out equipment and machinery.
In conclusion, the participants noted that the section on bezyznosnogo friction and hydrogen wear, should be included in the physics course. Unless schools, the secondary vocational schools and universities - is necessary.
TRIBOLOGY - the branch of physics dealing with the research and a description of the contact interaction deformable solids during their relative movement. Area of tribology are the processes of friction, wear and lubrication. Tribology science is divided into several sections: tribometer, Tribotechnics, tribohimiya, tribofizika and tribomehanika.
SPE "RESPIRATOR" is a developer and manufacturer of serial oxygen-respiratory equipment. Company for many years a leader in the development and production of equipment needed for aviation, navy, emergency and health services. In 2009 SPE "Respirator" became part of the holding "Aviation".