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    National Media of Russia


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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Aug 19, 2020 7:24 am

    From my understanding is that VK has their own video hosting option and most of these channels has moved to them. But I agree, a proper video hosting with ease of use should be created in Russia. Even China kinda relies on YouTube.

    To counter, both nations should be heavy on YouTube and force measures against it by financial means.

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Wed Aug 26, 2020 10:21 am

    I wanted to post under Russian liberal opposition, but that thread is locked...

    Apparently, starting from September 7th, they are going to organize a sort of LGBTQ..(etc) pride week in Ekaterinenburg....

    What is happening to that city? First the Eltsin center, Eltsin centre, then the chaos for the church where a park was, and now this...

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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Wed Aug 26, 2020 11:02 am

    Always a hotbed for liberalism. Plus it was all under Roizman. That guy is a real piece of shit.

    And of course Russian authorities won't stop it even if it breaks laws and constitution. Cause, you know, useless police.

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    Post  Rodion_Romanovic Wed Aug 26, 2020 12:37 pm

    miketheterrible wrote:Always a hotbed for liberalism. Plus it was all under Roizman.  That guy is a real piece of shit.

    And of course Russian authorities won't stop it even if it breaks laws and constitution. Cause, you know, useless police.
    Or maybe they were waiting for him and his stooges to actively break the law, so that they have a reason to act against them without appearing to be using stalinist methods...

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    Post  The-thing-next-door Wed Aug 26, 2020 1:17 pm

    Rodion_Romanovic wrote:
    Or maybe they were waiting for him and his stooges to actively break the law, so that they have a reason to act against them without appearing to be using stalinist methods...

    Why the hell would they want to avoid Stalinist methods, if anything they would make Putin more popular in addition to the results.

    I say just give Rosgvardiya some old Shilkas and OT-55s to deal with such scum, cooperating with the cia is treason and anyone taking part in such protests has a 0% probability of innocence.


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    Post  kvs Wed Aug 26, 2020 2:44 pm

    The proper name for these events is "chauvinism" and not "pride".   There are no heterosexual, non-tranny and non-fantasy creature parades.  

    Nobody cares about your bedroom fetishes and they have no place on public property being shoved almost literally into everyone's face.

    There was a recent attempt to stage a "normal" pride parade in the USA and it was received very aggressively by the SJWs and their
    official enablers.   They even brought up "hate" to describe it.    So clearly these "pride parades" are not some innocent activity.   They
    are militant SJW political activity.

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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Anyone know what happened to ???

    Post  Firebird Mon Sep 07, 2020 12:20 pm

    For a long time it was brilliant - my favourite website and channel.
    But nowadays its got some huge defects.
    1)It gives platforms to lunatics.
    Basically Neoliberals and Russian Atlanticists.
    People who peddle crank politics ie feminism, BLM, homo-ism  ie all that garbage.
    They also portray Russia as a place that should be America's bitch etc eg claiming losing Belarus is "inevitable" because Russia has "(a crap GDP)".

    2)Also the comments section is gigantically censored. As if Hillary Clinton mods every post.
    I support the pro Russia line (non abusively( and get censored out.
    I even try to do things like mentioning "endocrine disruptors" in relation to homosexualism. Again censored out. Even words like "satan" and "crankshaft" mean posts are rejected. Not occasionally but all the time.

    Who owns RT today? Navalny? Hillary Clinton? Seriously the place is unrecognisable. And a very sad development.

    The old RT had lots of followers and fans. So why is it a Neoliberal's bitch today? If we wanted that, we could get a dozen local websites/tv stations etc. RT was popular because it was different to Western Neoliberal crap.
    Does anyone know what the hell is going on?

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    Post  kvs Mon Sep 07, 2020 2:53 pm

    Firebird wrote:For a long time it was brilliant - my favourite website and channel.
    But nowadays its got some huge defects.
    1)It gives platforms to lunatics.
    Basically Neoliberals and Russian Atlanticists.
    People who peddle crank politics ie feminism, BLM, homo-ism  ie all that garbage.
    They also portray Russia as a place that should be America's bitch etc eg claiming losing Belarus is "inevitable" because Russia has "(a crap GDP)".

    2)Also the comments section is gigantically censored. As if Hillary Clinton mods every post.
    I support the pro Russia line (non abusively( and get censored out.
    I even try to do things like mentioning "endocrine disruptors" in relation to homosexualism. Again censored out. Even words like "satan" and "crankshaft" mean posts are rejected. Not occasionally but all the time.

    Who owns RT today? Navalny? Hillary Clinton? Seriously the place is unrecognisable. And a very sad development.

    The old RT had lots of followers and fans. So why is it a Neoliberal's bitch today? If we wanted that, we could get a dozen local websites/tv stations etc. RT was popular because it was different to Western Neoliberal crap.
    Does anyone know what the hell is going on?

    I think the US basically seized ownership of it after it was declared a Putin propaganda asset. Of course, they will never tell you they seized it and the retarded Russian government
    plays along since the yanquis likely have threatened something else too. But bending over backwards to a bully will only get you a kick in the nuts. If Russia still pays money for
    this enterprise, that is a crime against Russian taxpayers.


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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  nomadski Mon Sep 07, 2020 9:16 pm

    @ Firebird

    I agree that RT, has gone a little flat. I think they tried to diversify programmes, by pooling shows together. And this helped. By bringing in American news hosts. I think solution  is  for  further diversification and pooling of programmes into RT international. By including other shows and programmes from around the world. To reach truly international audience. I would like to see music shows and TV films, now and again. From Russia, but also China and India. On a weekly Rota. For example Tuesday could be China film night. Etc. All programmes can have subtitles. This will break up the monotony. I am becoming bored with format...... Pure politics, 24/7. Rots the brain. Other TV network can hire time on RT. Use it to reach global audience.

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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  Firebird Mon Sep 07, 2020 9:52 pm

    nomadski wrote:@ Firebird

    I agree that RT, has gone a little flat. I think they tried to diversify programmes, by pooling shows together. And this helped. By bringing in American news hosts. I think solution  is  for  further diversification and pooling of programmes into RT international. By including other shows and programmes from around the world. To reach truly international audience. I would like to see music shows and TV films, now and again. From Russia, but also China and India. On a weekly Rota. For example Tuesday could be China film night. Etc. All programmes can have subtitles. This will break up the monotony. I am becoming bored with format...... Pure politics, 24/7. Rots the brain. Other TV network can hire time on RT. Use it to reach global audience.

    Not long ago the future was looking terrific. They'd attracted big names like Larry King, Jim Rogers, George Galloway (ok George isn't big) but u get the idea.
    I haven't watched the TV channel much recently due to how I spend my time. But I noticed it was less about Russia.

    And also how the website has gone weird.
    I think giving platform to all sides is would be too subtle a tactic. Because people will take it that RT supports the muppets they give a platform to.
    RT needs clarity on that and seems naive.

    What really concerns me is the comments company Spot. Im on the website. Its as Neoliberal shit as Twitter.
    People won't tolerate it. I repeat the Russian state line of homosexual militancy being condemned... nd my posts are removed. Not abusive posts, just normal posts.
    Do RT realise how daft that is?

    I'm not sure why the Ru state would sell RT to the USA or to the British Establishment. It was starting to nicely buld a name for itself in the West in the mainstream.
    It just sounds like a bizarre way to conduct media and public relations. I mean RT spoke sense. This is like Putin going full circle and appearing on tranney rights parade!

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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  Firebird Mon Sep 07, 2020 9:56 pm

    kvs wrote:
    Firebird wrote:For a long time it was brilliant - my favourite website and channel.
    But nowadays its got some huge defects.
    1)It gives platforms to lunatics.
    Basically Neoliberals and Russian Atlanticists.
    People who peddle crank politics ie feminism, BLM, homo-ism  ie all that garbage.
    They also portray Russia as a place that should be America's bitch etc eg claiming losing Belarus is "inevitable" because Russia has "(a crap GDP)".

    2)Also the comments section is gigantically censored. As if Hillary Clinton mods every post.
    I support the pro Russia line (non abusively( and get censored out.
    I even try to do things like mentioning "endocrine disruptors" in relation to homosexualism. Again censored out. Even words like "satan" and "crankshaft" mean posts are rejected. Not occasionally but all the time.

    Who owns RT today? Navalny? Hillary Clinton? Seriously the place is unrecognisable. And a very sad development.

    The old RT had lots of followers and fans. So why is it a Neoliberal's bitch today? If we wanted that, we could get a dozen local websites/tv stations etc. RT was popular because it was different to Western Neoliberal crap.
    Does anyone know what the hell is going on?

    I think the US basically seized ownership of it after it was declared a Putin propaganda asset.   Of course, they will never tell you they seized it and the retarded Russian government
    plays along since the yanquis likely have threatened something else too.    But bending over backwards to a bully will only get you a kick in the nuts.    If Russia still pays money for
    this enterprise, that is a crime against Russian taxpayers.

    Wouldn't they be better off saying "scummy rats in washington stole your channel"?
    I've heard similar claims made about the British RT.
    Why would Russia choose to be the bitch of America or Britain?
    It just doesn't make sense. But neither does any of it, when u see what a shower of shit the website comments section has become.

    I may be wrong, but the times I tuned into RT UK recently I saw very little on Russia and yes, lots on politricks.
    RT like the old RT Russia, I don't think is even listed on the UK satellite receivers. Which is a big shame.

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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  PapaDragon Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:09 am

    RT is media outlet whose purpose is to deliver information and to appeal to widest possible segment of population and not just fringe conspiracy theory lunatics that permeate places like this forum

    Part of it is maintaining civil discussion in it's comment sections

    They can't allow users to insult other people on ethnic, religious, racial or any other basis because it reflects poorly on them and makes comment section become news instead of article above that comment section

    And unlike several years ago they are no longer just one TV channel but a whole network of them, many of which are heavily localized

    Much bigger problem with RT is that they still waste nearly half their airtime on idiotic "documentaries" that nobody cares about instead of reporting on news round the clock

    That airtime would be better used on documentaries about current day Russia or daily news from Russia

    This would go a long way to dispelling image that vast majority of population has about Russia

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    Post  kvs Tue Sep 08, 2020 4:23 am

    Another resident pro-NATzO troll chimes in. You should stick to sucking NATzO fake stream media cock.

    Denying western cancel culture is the litmus test for tinfoil hat kook.


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    Post  PapaDragon Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:32 am

    kvs wrote:Another resident pro-NATzO troll chimes in. You should stick to sucking NATzO fake stream media cock.

    Denying western cancel culture is the litmus test for tinfoil hat kook.

    You are a ray of sunshine Kvs love

    I assume you are this outspoken in real life as well back in good old Canada the bulwark against cancel culture? Cool


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    Post  GarryB Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:39 am

    It think the problem is that it was meant to show Russias side of things to a western audience, which I think it still does, but the main problem is that now that most of the reporters are essentially reporters from other western networks that were probably rejected or fired for not being hard line enough against Russia or Venezuela or other subject of the day like supporting the current war they are supposed to be creating justification for.

    This means the reporters are basically Americans and westerners that were probably not pro Russian to begin with... just a bit open minded like reporters should be.

    The problem I have with RT is that it seems to be more about correcting western reporting sources and exposing outright lies and deceptions than bringing news about Russia which is fine if you watch western sources too... the contrast is interesting.

    I would prefer it more if it was less about the US and the UK and other western bullshit and more about Russia and their problems and how they are working to fix them and what sort of future they are trying to create for themselves. (they must have worked out by now that they have no future with the west and that going their own way is and has always been their best option... scary, but best now.).

    I disagree with PD, I think the documentaries showing problem situations and trying to find solutions for those problems is much better than some ex American talk show host rattle on about this or that bullshit Biden has done or Trump has done of Johnson hasn't done...

    There was a programme called Technology Update which was fantastic... if you dig around the site you might find old episodes... they have not done any for about 5-6 years now however...

    The fundamental problem with the channel is that as the reporters say... they don't get told what to say and are not censored by their editors, or told to follow the "party line" like they were working for other companies like CNN and the BBC.

    As that comedian guy says... Americans in America doing American news but labelled as Foreign Agents...

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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  nomadski Tue Sep 08, 2020 11:30 am

    You can please most of the people, most of the time. By good time management. And financial management. Humans are prisoners in a calcium shell, called their skull. So we have to enter into their domain. I agree with those who say, more focus on Russia. Culture. History. Art. And yes entertainment. But connect to the intelligent viewer also. International cinema. I love many alternate cinema from Nordic countries. There is also a universal urban culture now. People live similar lives. I think BBC format is better. ( I disagree with their subtle distortions of news). But they do have pure sport or entertainment.


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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  franco Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:13 pm

    There was / is a strong pressure by the Western "powers that be" to limit or ban RT. I suspect there was some dumbing down to meet a compromise. And as kvs knows, western viewers certainly need the truth in a water downed version. No

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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  miketheterrible Tue Sep 08, 2020 3:28 pm

    A lot of writers are American or British.

    They don't actually censor their own staff so you get differing opinions. Actually, I see articles contradict each other sometimes simply because it's two different writers.

    You get those who know the truth (Russia's real GDP PPP numbers that matter (Bryan MacDonald)) or you get those who talk about how poor Russia is.

    I agree with Papa in that they should concentrate more also on other programs like a "daily life in Russia with so and so" as they travel to different cities and towns, to show what they have to offer and what life is like. And talk about Russia development in economics and technology.

    They used to do this too. But noticed not anymore.

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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  Firebird Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:34 pm

    PapaDragon wrote:
    RT is media outlet whose purpose is to deliver information and to appeal to widest possible segment of population and not just fringe conspiracy theory lunatics that permeate places like this forum

    Part of it is maintaining civil discussion in it's comment sections

    They can't allow users to insult other people on ethnic, religious, racial or any other basis because it reflects poorly on them and makes comment section become news instead of article above that comment section

    And unlike several years ago they are no longer just one TV channel but a whole network of them, many of which are heavily localized

    Much bigger problem with RT is that they still waste nearly half their airtime on idiotic "documentaries" that nobody cares about instead of reporting on news round the clock

    That airtime would be better used on documentaries about current day Russia or daily news from Russia

    This would go a long way to dispelling image that vast majority of population has about Russia

    But I'm not talking about conspiracy stuff about reptiles. Or abusive stuff.
    I had posts blocked for saying the Indian hypersonic missiles uses Brahmos which is Russian tech and Indian bolt on stuff all with pr spin for the local Indian (gullible) market.
    I'm also talking about words like "endocrine" in relation to homosexuals.

    Its either a crap set of algos and kill switches. Or Neoliberal American looneys have infested

    RT do say that sometimes posts are randomly reviewed and that the algos go wrong. But the problem has been going on quite a while now.
    I've even told them that stuff Putin says would v likely be banned by Spot.Im the crappy comments bolton.
    Moving on, I've noticed less Russian stuff on the TV channel. And there are still lots of very good articles. But I don't see why Neoliberal muppets are given platforms.
    Its very strange this change of tone and the fact they seem to be ultra slow to fix problems or even attacks on RT by Western Neoliberal influences.

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    National Media of Russia - Page 5 Empty Re: National Media of Russia

    Post  Firebird Tue Sep 08, 2020 5:36 pm

    franco wrote:There was / is a strong pressure by the Western "powers that be" to limit or ban RT. I suspect there was some dumbing down to meet a compromise. And as kvs knows, western viewers certainly need the truth in a water downed version. No

    Compromising like that was pretty gay tho, if thats what happened.
    All Russia had to say was "ok we ban Facebook/Coca Cola/seize Exxon assets in Russia/whoever".

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    Post  ahmedfire Tue Sep 08, 2020 8:52 pm

    The RT arabic platform made some kind of balance against the propaganda from Aljazeera and western media that speaks arabic .

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    Post  GarryB Wed Sep 09, 2020 4:00 am

    It is nice to hear news from a non western non pro israel perspective.

    You don't realise how skewed western news is until you watch something else.

    For a very short period Al jez was actually quite good, but was taken over by a country... I think UAE and used as a propaganda bullhorn just like western media, and it is certainly not independent any more...

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